Lediga jobb Sway Sourcing Sweden AB i Göteborg

Se alla lediga jobb från Sway Sourcing Sweden AB i Göteborg. Genom att välja ett specifikt yrke kan du även välja att se alla lediga jobb i Göteborg som finns inom det yrket.

Management Assistant – ett spännande uppdrag väntar i Göteborg!

ErfarenManagement Assistant Är du en organiserad problemlösare med en passion för att skapa struktur i en internationell miljö? Då är detta drömrollen för dig! Om rollen Som Management Assistant blir du en nyckelspelare i en global organisation. Med fokus på administration och koordinering får du chansen att arbeta nära ledningen och bidra till att skapa effektiva arbetsflöden. Dina ansvarsområden: Organisera och sammanställa information för presentat... Visa mer
ErfarenManagement Assistant
Är du en organiserad problemlösare med en passion för att skapa struktur i en internationell miljö? Då är detta drömrollen för dig!
Om rollen
Som Management Assistant blir du en nyckelspelare i en global organisation. Med fokus på administration och koordinering får du chansen att arbeta nära ledningen och bidra till att skapa effektiva arbetsflöden.
Dina ansvarsområden:
Organisera och sammanställa information för presentationer, rapporter och möten.
Redigera, korrekturläsa och formatera dokument – med stil!
Planera och boka möten, resor och kalenderhantering.
Fungera som en kontaktpunkt för interna och externa intressenter.
Driva mindre projekt och förbättra administrativa processer.
Övervaka och rapportera status för delegationsdokumentation på global nivå.
Identifiera och optimera processer och arbetssätt relaterade till delegationer.

Du arbetar nära ansvariga team över hela världen och bidrar till att skapa ordning och effektivitet i en dynamisk arbetsmiljö.
Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som är en serviceinriktad och lösningsorienterad stjärna!
Ditt bagage innehåller:
Flera års erfarenhet som Management Assistant eller i en liknande roll.
Proaktivitet och ett öga för detaljer – du ser vad som behövs innan någon annan gör det.
Förmågan att bygga förtroende och skapa positiva samarbeten.
Stark analytisk förmåga och en kärlek för struktur.
Mycket goda kunskaper i Microsoft Office-paketet.
Flytande engelska både skriftligt och muntligt.

Du är flexibel, älskar utmaningar och trivs med att arbeta i ett högt tempo där ingen dag är den andra lik.
Vad vi erbjuder: En dynamisk arbetsmiljö i en internationell organisation.
Möjlighet att utvecklas professionellt genom spännande arbetsuppgifter.
Ett inkluderande och inspirerande team i hjärtat av Göteborg.

Praktisk information:
Plats: Göteborg Start: 24 februari 2025 Slutdatum: 31 december 2025
Obs! Vi arbetar med löpande urval, så skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt! S sista ansökningsdag är28 januari 2025!
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Financial Controller - Gothenburg

We are seeking a Financial Controller to support the Commercial Functions of Global Sales and Customer Experience for our client. In this role, you will oversee the processes for managing actuals, budgets, and forecasts related to operating expenses, with a strong emphasis on cost management. You will ensure high-quality reporting across all stages of the process, providing clarity and transparency in Selling Expenses to aid operational and financial decis... Visa mer
We are seeking a Financial Controller to support the Commercial Functions of Global Sales and Customer Experience for our client.
In this role, you will oversee the processes for managing actuals, budgets, and forecasts related to operating expenses, with a strong emphasis on cost management. You will ensure high-quality reporting across all stages of the process, providing clarity and transparency in Selling Expenses to aid operational and financial decision-making.
You will also monitor market spending, establish agreed principles, and standardize workflows for analyzing and tracking expenses from both a global and market-level perspective.
Key Deliverables:
• Ensure accurate accruals.
• Analyze actual costs and variances.
• Oversee forecasting and budget tracking for expenses.
• Maintain and manage the cost center structure.
• Coordinate and facilitate the approval process within the functions’ HQ scope.
• Offer financial guidance and support to operational teams.
• Actively identify and suggest enhancements to improve the reporting process.
• Track and review market reporting to ensure accuracy and alignment.
• Continuously refine the global process for analyzing functional spending across HQ and markets.
• Identify and share best practices among different markets to drive consistency and efficiency.
• Ensure that all commercial reporting activities adhere to internal controls, accounting standards, and regulatory guidelines.
• Educational background in finance with expertise in controlling.
• Strong analytical abilities, with the capacity to collaborate closely with business teams and establish productive relationships within the organization.
• Proficient in designing and implementing best-practice processes.
• Capable of seamlessly transitioning between detailed analysis and a broader strategic perspective.
• Experienced in finance roles with a strong business focus.
• Skilled in working with ERP systems and managing financial reporting processes.
Soft skills:
• Collaborative and works effectively as part of a team.
• Open to learning and constantly seeking to develop new skills.
• Strong communicator with the ability to convey ideas clearly and effectively.
• Fluent in English, spoken and written.
The Team:
A friendly, collaborative, and supportive group made up of a manager and 4-5 controllers. The team handles revenue and profitability analysis across all markets, along with cost control for commercial functions. It offers excellent exposure to business operations within an EV-focused commercial organization.
Application and Start Date:
Assignment Period: February 13, 2025 – February 13, 2026
Application Deadline: January 31, 2025
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Sway Sourcing is an innovative recruitment partner specializing in matching the right talent with the right company – quickly and efficiently. Our primary focus lies in Finance, Administration, HR, Marketing, and IT, but we also possess the broad expertise and flexibility needed to deliver tailored recruitment solutions across all industries.
Although we are a relatively new player, we have already earned the trust of many of Sweden’s largest companies and operate both nationally and internationally. With bases in Sweden and Spain, we offer a unique combination of local expertise and global reach. Our strong network and deep industry insights make us the go-to partner for companies looking to stay ahead in their recruitment efforts. Visa mindre

IT-Supporttekniker till Göteborg

Om rollen Du blir en del av ett team på tre personer som ansvarar för att stötta användare med IT-relaterade frågor. Dina arbetsuppgifter inkluderar: Support inom Windows 10/11, Microsoft 365, PC-installationer och telefoni. Hjälp med skrivar- och IT-utrustning samt hantering av IT-leveranser. Förflyttning av IT-utrustning och praktiska uppgifter i raffinaderiområdet. Delta i samordning, avstämningsmöten och förbättringsarbete inom IT-stoppet. Vi... Visa mer
Om rollen
Du blir en del av ett team på tre personer som ansvarar för att stötta användare med IT-relaterade frågor. Dina arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:
Support inom Windows 10/11, Microsoft 365, PC-installationer och telefoni.
Hjälp med skrivar- och IT-utrustning samt hantering av IT-leveranser.
Förflyttning av IT-utrustning och praktiska uppgifter i raffinaderiområdet.
Delta i samordning, avstämningsmöten och förbättringsarbete inom IT-stoppet.
Vi söker dig som har: Erfarenhet av IT-support i en Windows/AD-miljö.
God vana av användarstöd för Windows 10/11 och Microsoft 365.
Kunskap inom nätverk/TCP-IP och grundläggande felsökning.
Flytande engelska i tal och skrift.
Dina egenskaper
Du är:
Serviceminded och flexibel – redo att lösa både stora och små utmaningar.
Noggrann och strukturerad – kvalitet är viktigt för dig.
Orädd för att ta i där det behövs – du ser lösningar där andra ser problem.
Vad vi erbjuder: En spännande arbetsplats mitt i händelsernas centrum på ett raffinaderi.
Möjlighet att vara en nyckelspelare i ett viktigt projekt.
En roll där dina tekniska kunskaper och serviceanda får skina.

Praktiska detaljer:
Plats: Göteborg (100% på plats) Uppdragsperiod: 3 februari 2025 – 31 maj 2025 Ansök senast: 24 januari 2025
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Ekonomi- och Administrationsansvarig - Göteborg (vikariat på deltid med ...

Vi söker för kunds räkning en självgående och kommunikativ Ekonomi- och Administrationsansvarig för ett vikariat med goda möjligheter till förlängning eller fast anställning. I denna flexibla roll får du ta ett stort ansvar för fakturering, ekonomisk uppföljning och kontorsadministration Om rollen Tjänsten är på 60 % och ger möjlighet till flexibla arbetstider. Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden är: Fakturering och uppföljning av ekonomisk rapportering. Ko... Visa mer
Vi söker för kunds räkning en självgående och kommunikativ Ekonomi- och Administrationsansvarig för ett vikariat med goda möjligheter till förlängning eller fast anställning. I denna flexibla roll får du ta ett stort ansvar för fakturering, ekonomisk uppföljning och kontorsadministration
Om rollen
Tjänsten är på 60 % och ger möjlighet till flexibla arbetstider. Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden är:
Fakturering och uppföljning av ekonomisk rapportering. Kontorsansvar, där du bidrar till att skapa en trivsam och effektiv arbetsmiljö på företagets nya lokaler. Administrativa uppgifter och kommunikation för att stötta den dagliga verksamheten.
• Du är tydlig och anpassningsbar i din kommunikation och har lätt för att samarbeta med andra. Du vet hur du ska förmedla viktig information på ett klart och professionellt sätt, oavsett om det är internt i organisationen eller externt. Med en strukturerad och lösningsfokuserad arbetsstil planerar du ditt arbete effektivt, prioriterar rätt uppgifter och säkerställer att deadlines hålls.• Du har relevant erfarenhet inom administration och ekonomi och är van vid att arbeta med fakturering, ekonomiuppföljning och andra administrativa rutiner. Erfarenhet av att ansvara för kontorsdrift eller liknande uppgifter ses som en stor fördel.• Du är självgående och ansvarstagande och har förmågan att hantera både större projekt och dagliga arbetsuppgifter på ett självständigt och effektivt sätt.
Om kunden
Vår kund är en ingenjörsbyrå med kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm, Västerås och Malmö. Företaget är känt för sin tekniska kompetens, sina nära kundsamarbeten och sin starka teamkultur.
Du erbjuds
En flexibel arbetsmiljö med stort ansvar Möjlighet att påverka utformningen av företagets nya lokaler En välkomnande och engagerad arbetsplatsTillträde och ansökan
Vikariat med chans till förlängning eller fast tjänst Period: 1 april 2025 – 31 januari 2026 Sista ansökningsdag: 21 januari 2025 Placering: Göteborg Omfattning: 60 % (deltid) Kontaktperson: 079-006 27 11Skicka in din ansökan redan idag!
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

IT-tekniker till framstående team i Västra Götaland – Mellannivå

Vi söker en erfaren och serviceinriktad IT-tekniker som vill arbeta i en stimulerande miljö där teknik och samarbete står i fokus. Uppdraget innebär att du blir en viktig del av teamet som ansvarar för support och leveranser av IT-lösningar till en av regionens största verksamheter. Som IT-tekniker på mellannivå förväntas du ha en solid grund och erfarenhet inom 2:a linjens support. Du har förmågan att lösa tekniska problem självständigt, samtidigt som du ... Visa mer
Vi söker en erfaren och serviceinriktad IT-tekniker som vill arbeta i en stimulerande miljö där teknik och samarbete står i fokus. Uppdraget innebär att du blir en viktig del av teamet som ansvarar för support och leveranser av IT-lösningar till en av regionens största verksamheter.
Som IT-tekniker på mellannivå förväntas du ha en solid grund och erfarenhet inom 2:a linjens support. Du har förmågan att lösa tekniska problem självständigt, samtidigt som du är van att samarbeta i team. Rollen är perfekt för dig som vill utvecklas vidare inom IT och bredda din kompetens i en organisation med ett stort tekniskt landskap.
Om rollen
Du kommer att:
Utföra 2:a linjens support på plats hos kunder.
Hantera installationer och konfigurering av datorer, skrivare och mobila enheter.
Ansvara för leveranser av IT-utrustning till olika verksamheter i regionen.
Bidra till teamets arbete med både kundnära support och större projekt som PC-utbyte.

Arbetet utgår från Mölndal, med fokus på Göteborgsområdet. Resor inom regionen kan förekomma.
Vi söker dig som: Har minst 2–3 års erfarenhet av 2:a linjens support och är trygg i att hantera tekniska problem.
Har kunskap och erfarenhet av Microsoft SCCM och Windows OS.
Har giltigt B-körkort.
Extra meriterande: Erfarenhet av att arbeta i större organisationer med komplexa IT-miljöer.
Kunskaper i ServiceNow och Mac OS.
Vem du är
Du är socialt kompetent och bekväm i att kommunicera med kunder och kollegor, både i tal och skrift. Du har en positiv attityd och drivs av att ge professionell service som gör skillnad. För dig är problemlösning en inspirerande utmaning, och du trivs i en roll där du får möta kunder dagligen.
Därför ska du söka detta uppdrag
Det här är en fantastisk möjlighet för dig som vill arbeta i en dynamisk och utvecklingsorienterad miljö. Uppdragsgivaren erbjuder en arbetsplats där du kan växa och utveckla dina tekniska färdigheter, samtidigt som du bidrar till ett samhällsviktigt arbete.
Vill du bli en del av detta spännande uppdrag?
Ett uppdaterat CV på svenska.
Referensuppdrag med kontaktperson

Ansök senast den 23 januari 2025. Vänta inte för länge – urval sker löpande!

Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Rekryteringskonsult för omfattande sommarrekrytering

Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren rekryteringskonsult för att stötta en av våra kunder med deras omfattande sommarrekrytering. Fokus ligger på att bemanna ett stort antal sommarpositioner inom industrin, med start i vår. I rollen får du en nyckelposition i att säkerställa att kundens behov möts genom en välstrukturerad och effektiv rekryteringsprocess. Uppdraget kräver att du arbetar nära intressenter och säkerställer att rätt personer matchas med rätt tjä... Visa mer
Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren rekryteringskonsult för att stötta en av våra kunder med deras omfattande sommarrekrytering. Fokus ligger på att bemanna ett stort antal sommarpositioner inom industrin, med start i vår.
I rollen får du en nyckelposition i att säkerställa att kundens behov möts genom en välstrukturerad och effektiv rekryteringsprocess. Uppdraget kräver att du arbetar nära intressenter och säkerställer att rätt personer matchas med rätt tjänster.
Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:
• Ansvara för rekryteringsprocessen från start till mål. • Koordinera och administrera ett stort antal rekryteringar. • Hantera dialoger med interna intressenter och kandidater. • Personaladministration, inklusive kontraktskrivning. • Bidra med struktur och projektledning för att säkerställa kvalitet och leverans.Vi söker dig som: • Har erfarenhet av rekrytering och bemanning, gärna i större volymer. • Har förmåga att hantera intressenter och driva projekt effektivt. • Är strukturerad, kommunikativ och lösningsorienterad. • Har erfarenhet av personaladministration och kontraktshantering.Meriterande: • Erfarenhet av att arbeta i system som Workday eller liknande.
Vi ser gärna att du kan arbeta på plats i kundens närområde, med möjlighet till en initial upplärning på en närliggande ort. Tjänsten är belägen i Västra Götalands län, cirka 6 mil norr om Göteborg.
Startdatum: 1 mars 2025 (med möjlighet till start under februari).
Varför söka detta uppdrag?
Detta är en fantastisk möjlighet att arbeta med en omfattande och viktig rekryteringsinsats inom industrin. Du får chansen att utvecklas i en projektledande roll och bidra till att säkerställa en framgångsrik bemanning av sommarens arbetsstyrka.
Ansök senast: 19 december 2024
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Global Digital Brand Manager – Göteborg

Vi söker en erfaren Global Digital Brand Manager till ett globalt företag som verkar inom hälsa och hygien. Rollen är ett föräldravikariat där du får möjlighet att leda och inspirera ett team som driver den digitala strategin för flera internationella varumärken. Om rollen I rollen som Global Digital Brand Manager kommer du att: Leda och utveckla ett team som arbetar med varumärkessajter, SEO, e-handelsinnehåll, global social media-strategi och riktlinjer... Visa mer
Vi söker en erfaren Global Digital Brand Manager till ett globalt företag som verkar inom hälsa och hygien. Rollen är ett föräldravikariat där du får möjlighet att leda och inspirera ett team som driver den digitala strategin för flera internationella varumärken.
Om rollen
I rollen som Global Digital Brand Manager kommer du att:
Leda och utveckla ett team som arbetar med varumärkessajter, SEO, e-handelsinnehåll, global social media-strategi och riktlinjer.
Driva digitala strategier för olika plattformar och säkerställa att de överensstämmer med företagets mål.
Utveckla sociala medier- och SEO-strategier och säkerställa att innehåll ständigt förbättras.
Hantera digitala kampanjer och riktlinjer för bästa praxis.
Säkerställa effektiv budgethantering och affärsplanering.
Samarbeta med externa byråer och interna team för att driva projekt framåt.
Analysera trender och konkurrenter för att förbättra varumärkets prestation.
Vi söker dig som Är en inspirerande ledare med erfarenhet av att utveckla team.
Har en stark strategisk förmåga och kan samtidigt operativt driva tillväxt.
Har en relevant examen inom marknadsföring eller digital kommunikation.
Har gedigen erfarenhet av digital varumärkesmarknadsföring, gärna inom en reglerad bransch.
Är skicklig på att arbeta med digitala verktyg som Google Analytics, SEMrush och liknande.
Behärskar engelska flytande i både tal och skrift.
Övrig information Plats: Göteborg (resor upp till 40% kan förekomma).
Distansarbete: Ej möjligt (på plats 100%).
Start: 21 januari 2025.
Slut: 21 januari 2026.

Vi arbetar med löpande urval, så skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.
Sista ansökningsdag: 20 januari 2025
Vänligen skicka in ditt CV på engelska!

Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Global Fleet Operations Support in Gothenburg

Are you ready to take your career to the next level and make a global impact? We’re on the lookout for a Global Fleet Operations Support to join a dynamic, supportive, and innovative team driving over 50% of our client’s global sales. This is your opportunity to work with a global leader and contribute to shaping the future of fleet sales strategies! You’ll be a critical player in a high-performing team responsible for optimizing fleet sales processes, mar... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your career to the next level and make a global impact? We’re on the lookout for a Global Fleet Operations Support to join a dynamic, supportive, and innovative team driving over 50% of our client’s global sales. This is your opportunity to work with a global leader and contribute to shaping the future of fleet sales strategies!
You’ll be a critical player in a high-performing team responsible for optimizing fleet sales processes, marketing, and communication activities globally. From supporting daily operations to planning standout events, your role will directly impact the success of the global fleet business.
What You’ll Do:
Fleet Operational Support:
Engage proactively with international markets to identify and address operational needs.
Drive system and process improvements, working closely with project managers.
Handle market queries via the Service Desk and ensure swift resolutions.
Oversee the signing process in DocuSign and ensure compliance through precise reporting.
Support financial tasks, including accruals, bonus payouts, and audits.

Fleet Marketing, Events, and Communication:
Be the go-to person for updates to fleet marketing assets and brochures.
Plan and execute impactful events, coordinating suppliers, agendas, travel, and logistics.
Collaborate with marketing teams to create newsletters, advertorials, and promotional content.
Manage internal and external communications, ensuring timely and engaging delivery.

What You Bring to the Table: Advanced IT proficiency, especially in Office 365.
Strong attention to detail, particularly with numbers and error checking.
Experience with CRM tools like Salesforce is a plus.
Proven experience in event/conference organization and management.
Minimum bachelor’s degree.

Why Join This Team?
You’ll be part of a friendly and diverse team of seven professionals—five based in Gothenburg and two in the Netherlands—who are passionate about what they do and ready to support you every step of the way. Together, you’ll contribute to establishing our client as the brand of choice in the global fleet market.

Location: Gothenburg, SwedenAssignment Period: January 7, 2025 – February 10, 2025 Application Deadline: December 20
Sway Sourcing is an innovative recruitment partner specializing in matching the right talent with the right company—quickly and efficiently. Our primary focus lies in Finance, Administration, HR, Marketing, and IT, but we also have the broad expertise and flexibility required to deliver tailored recruitment solutions across all industries.
Although we are a relatively new player, we have already gained the trust of many of Sweden's largest companies and operate both nationally and internationally. With bases in Sweden and Spain, we offer a unique combination of local expertise and global reach. Our strong network and deep industry insights make us the obvious partner for companies looking to stay ahead in their recruitment efforts. Visa mindre

Kundservicemedarbetare Göteborg, heltid

Är du en serviceinriktad person som trivs med att skapa positiva kundupplevelser? Vi söker nu en kundservicemedarbetare till ett spännande och utvecklande uppdrag som startar i januari 2025. Detta är en möjlighet för dig som vill arbeta i en dynamisk miljö där du är en nyckelperson i att stärka kundrelationer och leverera högkvalitativ service. Om uppdraget: • Plats: Göteborg • Startdatum: 13 januari 2025 • Slutdatum: 29 juni 2025 • Omfattning: Heltid, in... Visa mer
Är du en serviceinriktad person som trivs med att skapa positiva kundupplevelser?
Vi söker nu en kundservicemedarbetare till ett spännande och utvecklande uppdrag som startar i januari 2025. Detta är en möjlighet för dig som vill arbeta i en dynamisk miljö där du är en nyckelperson i att stärka kundrelationer och leverera högkvalitativ service.
Om uppdraget:
• Plats: Göteborg • Startdatum: 13 januari 2025 • Slutdatum: 29 juni 2025 • Omfattning: Heltid, inkluderar kvällar, helger och helgdagar
Vad vi söker:
Vi letar efter dig som har:
• Ett genuint intresse för kundservice och förmåga att skapa enastående kundupplevelser. • Tidigare erfarenhet av kundtjänst, kundsupport eller liknande roller, gärna från en försäljningsinriktad verksamhet. • God vana vid att arbeta med CRM-system och teknik. • Utmärkta språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
Personliga egenskaper som uppskattas:
• Ödmjuk och lösningsorienterad med ett stort engagemang för att möta kunders unika behov. • Stark kommunikationsförmåga och en positiv inställning till att arbeta i team. • Nyfikenhet att lära och förmågan att förmedla information på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt.
Vad vi erbjuder:
• Ett längre, spännande uppdrag där du får möjlighet att växa både professionellt och personligt. • Arbeta i en dynamisk och stöttande miljö där du är en del av att förbättra kundupplevelser och processer.
• Om du söker en roll där din personlighet och engagemang verkligen gör skillnad, är detta uppdraget för dig!
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Redovisningsekonom – Göteborg (deltid)

Vi söker en redovisningsekonom som kan gå in i ett konsultuppdragför att stötta vår kund med särskilda uppgifter kopplade till upprättandet av årsredovisningen för räkenskapsåret 2023. Arbetsuppgifter Ge förslag på uppdateringar av redovisningsprinciper (Not 1). Framställa kassaflödesanalys. Assistera med frågor relaterade till införandet av IFRS 9, vilket används för första gången i årets bokslut. Kunden kommer att vara tillgänglig för frågor och stö... Visa mer
Vi söker en redovisningsekonom som kan gå in i ett konsultuppdragför att stötta vår kund med särskilda uppgifter kopplade till upprättandet av årsredovisningen för räkenskapsåret 2023.
Ge förslag på uppdateringar av redovisningsprinciper (Not 1).
Framställa kassaflödesanalys.
Assistera med frågor relaterade till införandet av IFRS 9, vilket används för första gången i årets bokslut.

Kunden kommer att vara tillgänglig för frågor och stöd under uppdragets gång. Arbetet med årsredovisningen förväntas genomföras under andra halvan av januari 2024, med färdigställda bokslutssiffror tillgängliga omkring den 18 januari 2024. Uppdragsgivaren behöver ha årsredovisningen färdigställd senast i slutet av januari 2024.
Erfarenhet av årsredovisningar för försäkringsbolag
Kunskap om IFRS 9
Kompetens inom kassaflödesanalys
Svenska – Expertkunskaper krävs.

Nödvändiga kompetenser
Erfarenhet från arbete inom försäkringsbolag

Uppdraget beräknas kräva cirka 1 arbetsdag.
Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 1 januari 2025
Slutdatum: 31 januari 2025
Sista ansökningsdagen: 20 december 2024
Omfattning: 8 timmar/vecka
Ort: Göteborg
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre


Vill du vara med och skapa engagerande innehåll som gör skillnad? Som marknadsassistent i detta uppdrag får du en kreativ och betydelsefull roll där du hjälper till att stärka varumärket och nå ut till rätt målgrupper med rätt budskap. Du arbetar nära ett engagerat team och får vara en del av en dynamisk miljö där dina idéer och initiativ värdesätts. Omfattning: 25 %Placeringsort: Göteborg (delvis på distans)Startdatum: 1 januari 2025Slutdatum: 31 december... Visa mer
Vill du vara med och skapa engagerande innehåll som gör skillnad? Som marknadsassistent i detta uppdrag får du en kreativ och betydelsefull roll där du hjälper till att stärka varumärket och nå ut till rätt målgrupper med rätt budskap. Du arbetar nära ett engagerat team och får vara en del av en dynamisk miljö där dina idéer och initiativ värdesätts.
Omfattning: 25 %Placeringsort: Göteborg (delvis på distans)Startdatum: 1 januari 2025Slutdatum: 31 december 2025Sista ansökningsdag: ASAP
Vad rollen kräver:
Högskoleutbildning inom kommunikation eller motsvarande.
Praktisk erfarenhet som kommunikatör, webbredaktör, content manager, copywriter eller journalist.
Erfarenhet av arbete med digitala kanaler.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Förmåga att anpassa tonläge och budskap till olika målgrupper och kanaler.
Kompetens inom Adobe CS och gärna erfarenhet av filmredigering, CRM-verktyg, och webbpubliceringsverktyg (CMS).

Vad rollen innefattar:
Skapa målgruppsanpassat innehåll för sociala medier och andra digitala kanaler.
Marknadsföra och öka synligheten för företagets varumärke och erbjudanden.
Samarbeta med marknads- och kommunikationsansvarig samt andra teammedlemmar.
Producera texter, bildmaterial och i vissa fall videoinnehåll.
Följa upp resultat och anpassa strategier baserat på insikter och trender.

Personliga egenskaper:
Kreativ och initiativtagande.
Konsultmässig och lösningsorienterad.
Kommunikativ med förmåga att bygga förtroende.

Välkommen att ansöka! Visa mindre

Finsktalande Customer Care Specialist - Göteborg!

Om rollen Som Customer Care Specialist är du ansiktet utåt för vår kund. Din roll är att skapa enastående kundupplevelser genom att möta konsumenternas behov på ett personligt och professionellt sätt. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter inkluderar: Kommunicera med kunder via telefon, chatt och e-post för att ge lösningar och stöd med hög servicenivå. Analysera och förstå kundens behov för att erbjuda hållbara lösningar. Samarbeta med kollegor och andra av... Visa mer
Om rollen
Som Customer Care Specialist är du ansiktet utåt för vår kund. Din roll är att skapa enastående kundupplevelser genom att möta konsumenternas behov på ett personligt och professionellt sätt.
Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:
Kommunicera med kunder via telefon, chatt och e-post för att ge lösningar och stöd med hög servicenivå.
Analysera och förstå kundens behov för att erbjuda hållbara lösningar.
Samarbeta med kollegor och andra avdelningar för att säkerställa bästa möjliga kundupplevelse.

Arbetet sker i skift mellan morgon och kväll. Vår kund värdesätter det personliga samarbetet och tror starkt på fördelarna med att arbeta på plats på kontoret i Lindholmen.

Vad vi söker hos dig
Vi letar efter en lösningsorienterad och flexibel person med en "doer"-attityd som trivs i ett högt tempo och snabbt kan anpassa sig till nya situationer.
För att lyckas i uppdraget söker vi dig med:
Erfarenhet av att hantera kundklagomål och frågor på ett professionellt och positivt sätt.
Förmåga att bygga förtroende genom empati och lyhördhet gentemot kundens behov.
Utmärkta kommunikationsfärdigheter, både muntligt och skriftligt.
Flytande kunskaper i finska och engelska.

Vad vi erbjuder
Hos vår kund får du möjlighet att utvecklas både professionellt och personligt:
Gedigen introduktion och utbildning kring produkter och tjänster.
En engagerande och inkluderande arbetsmiljö med fokus på samarbete.
Möjligheten att bli en expert inom ditt område och bidra till att förbättra kundupplevelser.

Praktisk information:
Plats: Lindholmen, Göteborg
Uppdragsperiod: 13 januari 2025 -29 juni 2025
Omfattning:100% Heltid (skiftarbete inklusive kvällar och helger)
Sista ansökningsdag: 13 december

Är detta nästa steg för dig? Ansök idag och bli en del av vår kunds spännande resa! Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig.
Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Sway Process

Vi söker nu en Infrastruktursexpert till vår IT-avdelning inom Group IT/DevOps/Network & Hosting. Du kommer att spela en nyckelroll i att säkerställa drift och underhåll av vår nätverksinfrastruktur samt bidra som teknisk expert i strategiska projekt. Arbetsuppgifter: Ansvara för nätverksinfrastruktur, inklusive hantering av switchar (Cisco) och routrar/brandväggar. Utföra underhåll och uppgradering av hårdvara. Arbeta med nätverkshanteringsverktyg för ... Visa mer
Vi söker nu en Infrastruktursexpert till vår IT-avdelning inom Group IT/DevOps/Network & Hosting. Du kommer att spela en nyckelroll i att säkerställa drift och underhåll av vår nätverksinfrastruktur samt bidra som teknisk expert i strategiska projekt.
Ansvara för nätverksinfrastruktur, inklusive hantering av switchar (Cisco) och routrar/brandväggar.
Utföra underhåll och uppgradering av hårdvara.
Arbeta med nätverkshanteringsverktyg för att övervaka och optimera tjänster.
Hantera serviceförfrågningar kopplade till nätverks- och infrastrukturkomponenter.
Bidra till design, planering och implementering av ny nätverksinfrastruktur.
Säkerställa att nätverkstjänster är tillförlitliga, säkra och anpassade efter verksamhetens behov.
Stödja livscykelhantering och interna projekt rörande nätverksplattformar.

Minst 4+ års erfarenhet av arbete med infrastruktur, säkerhet och nätverksdrift, särskilt inom routing och switching.
Certifiering: CCNP eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Tidigare erfarenhet från produktions- och fabriksmiljöer.
Flytande språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
Minst 2 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med nätverksoperationer och säkerhetslösningar.

Personliga egenskaper:
Stark förmåga att kommunicera och samarbeta med olika intressenter.
Du är en lagspelare som trivs i en dynamisk miljö och kan ta egna initiativ.
Strukturerad och organiserad med förmåga att hantera flera uppgifter samtidigt.
Analytisk och lösningsorienterad med ett helhetsperspektiv på problem och utmaningar.

Praktisk information:
Start: Så snart som möjligt.
Längd: 6 månader med möjlighet till förlängning upp till 12 månader.
Omfattning: Heltid, 39 timmar/vecka.
Plats: Göteborg med resor till Kungälv och andra anläggningar i Europa.

Sway Sourcing är en innovativ rekryteringspartner som specialiserar sig på att matcha rätt talang med rätt företag – snabbt och effektivt. Vårt huvudfokus ligger inom Ekonomi, Administration, HR, Marknad och IT, men vi har även den breda expertis och flexibilitet som krävs för att leverera skräddarsydda rekryteringslösningar inom alla branscher.
Trots att vi är en relativt ny aktör har vi redan byggt förtroende hos många av Sveriges största företag och arbetar både nationellt och internationellt. Med baser i Sverige och Spanien erbjuder vi en unik kombination av lokal expertis och global räckvidd. Vårt starka nätverk och djupa branschinsikter gör oss till en självklar partner för företag som vill ligga steget före i sin rekrytering. Visa mindre

Management Assistant

Ansök    Nov 26    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Administratör
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you a seasoned and proactive Management Assistant passionate about supporting leadership at the highest level? This is your chance to join an exciting assignment at a well-established, internationally renowned company with a strong presence in Gothenburg! In this role, you will be at the heart of a dynamic and innovative environment, ensuring structure and efficiency in the daily operations of key decision-makers. You will work cl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you a seasoned and proactive Management Assistant passionate about supporting leadership at the highest level? This is your chance to join an exciting assignment at a well-established, internationally renowned company with a strong presence in Gothenburg!

In this role, you will be at the heart of a dynamic and innovative environment, ensuring structure and efficiency in the daily operations of key decision-makers. You will work closely with senior executives and play a crucial role in enabling their success.

Key Responsibilities:

Leadership Support: Organize schedules, travel plans, and follow up on meetings to keep executives on top of their game.

Event Planning: Coordinate and execute engaging events, such as town halls and team offsites, to inspire and connect teams.

Meeting Action Follow-Up: Track decisions and ensure follow-ups are completed in a timely manner.

Document Management: Create and maintain organized internal documentation using tools like Teams and SharePoint.

Administrative Assistance: Collaborate across various functions to provide effective operational support.

Your Profile:

We are looking for a self-driven problem solver with a natural talent for structure and attention to detail. With prior experience supporting executives in complex, global organizations, you excel at managing multiple priorities with ease.

What We Believe You Bring:

Excellent organizational skills and the ability to deliver in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment.
Outstanding communication skills and a collaborative mindset.
Proficiency with tools such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Office Suite.
Proven experience providing administrative support to senior leaders, preferably in global settings.

Language Requirements:

English: Fluent (Expert)

Why You Should Apply:

This is a unique opportunity to work in a stimulating and professional environment where your contributions truly matter. Be part of an organization at the forefront of innovation and sustainability.

Important to Know:
We apply continuous selection, meaning the assignment may close before the deadline. Don’t wait—submit your application today!

Required Skills:

Executive Support
Administrative Support
Document Management
Event Planning
Vendor Management
Preferred Skills:
MS Office

Apply today and become a key player in a leading global organization!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

IT Support / Technician för Global kund!

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en engagerad och lösningsorienterad IT Service Desk Technician till vår globala kund. Rollen innebär att du arbetar både på plats i Västra Frölunda och Torslanda, och stöttar användare lokalt samt på distans. Du blir en viktig del av IT Operations Nordic, där du ingår i ett team med erfarna kollegor för att leverera förstklassig IT-support. Arbetsuppgifter som ingår: • Användarsupport: Ge teknisk support på plats i Västra Frö... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en engagerad och lösningsorienterad IT Service Desk Technician till vår globala kund. Rollen innebär att du arbetar både på plats i Västra Frölunda och Torslanda, och stöttar användare lokalt samt på distans. Du blir en viktig del av IT Operations Nordic, där du ingår i ett team med erfarna kollegor för att leverera förstklassig IT-support.

Arbetsuppgifter som ingår:
• Användarsupport: Ge teknisk support på plats i Västra Frölunda/Torslanda samt fjärrsupport till användare på andra orter, inklusive Örebro, Umeå, Stockholm, Skellefteå och Jönköping, via TeamViewer.
• IT-enheter: Konfigurera och underhålla mobila enheter (Android-telefoner och surfplattor).
• Windows-miljö: Installera och felsöka Windows 10 och 11 med hjälp av SCCM.
• Systemhantering: Hantera Active Directory, Office365 (Teams, OneDrive) samt applikationsinstallationer via SCCM.
• Beställningar: Ansvara för att beställa datorer, mobila enheter och annan IT-utrustning.
• Ärendehantering: Hantera och följa upp supportärenden med hjälp av ServiceNow.

För att lyckas i rollen bör du ha 3-5 års arbetslivserfarenhet av att jobba med IT-support/Helpdesk, där du är van att använda de system och verktyg som nämns ovan. Då du kommer ingå i ett nordiskt team behöver du vara flytande i engelska och svenska och känna dig bekväm att tillämpa tekniska termer på både språken.

Du behöver känna dig bekväm med att arbeta med SCCM för applikationsinstallationer och operativsystem. Vi ser även att du har förmågan att konfigurera och sätta upp mobila enheter enligt processer. Som person behöver du vara lösningsorienterad, serviceinritad och noggrann. För att trivas behöver du tycka om att samarbeta över avdelningsgränserna och ge stöd i en varierad miljö.

Praktisk information:
Uppdragslängd: 01-Dec-2024 - 31-May-2025
Omfattning: 100% heltid
Plats: On-site i Västra Frölunda/Torslanda
Sista ansökningsdag: 28 november 2024

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

IT-supporttekniker 2nd line till offentlig sektor!

Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en lösningsorienterad tekniker som brinner för IT-support och användarnära tjänster? Vill du arbeta med framtidens kollektivtrafik och bidra till ett hållbart samhälle? Nu söker vi en erfaren 2nd Line-tekniker som vill bli en del av ett engagerat team i en organisation som gör skillnad i vardagen för hundratusentals resenärer. Om rollen Som tekniker i vårt 2nd Line Support-team blir du en nyckelperson för att säkerställa att ver... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du en lösningsorienterad tekniker som brinner för IT-support och användarnära tjänster? Vill du arbeta med framtidens kollektivtrafik och bidra till ett hållbart samhälle? Nu söker vi en erfaren 2nd Line-tekniker som vill bli en del av ett engagerat team i en organisation som gör skillnad i vardagen för hundratusentals resenärer.

Om rollen
Som tekniker i vårt 2nd Line Support-team blir du en nyckelperson för att säkerställa att verksamheten fungerar smidigt och effektivt. Med arbetstider mellan 08:00–17:00 kommer du att stötta användare med avancerad IT-support, både på plats och vid behov på våra andra kontor i regionen. Rollen innebär både teknisk problemlösning och möjligheten att bidra till utvecklingen av avdelningens arbetssätt och processer.

Dina arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:
• Ge kvalificerad IT-support inom Microsoft-miljöer (Office 365, Windows 10/11, Exchange) samt hantering av AD, VPN och Citrix.
• Stötta användare med smartphones (Android och iOS).
• Dokumentera rutiner, kunskapsartiklar och instruktioner i ärendehanteringssystem.
• Bidra till effektivisering av arbetsprocesser och utveckling av teamet.
• Vid behov besöka andra kontor i regionen för att stödja lokala användare.

Din profil
Vi söker dig som har flerårig erfarenhet av användarsupport och som är trygg i din tekniska kompetens. För att lyckas i rollen är du:
• Kommunikativ och serviceinriktad med ett starkt kundfokus.
• Strukturerad och skicklig på att prioritera ditt arbete.
• Engagerad och samarbetar väl med andra för att nå gemensamma mål.
• Van vid att hantera stora mängder information och har ett analytiskt förhållningssätt.

• Mycket god svenska i tal och skrift.
• Möjlighet att resa till andra kontor i regionen några gånger per månad.
• Meriterande om du har erfarenhet av att arbeta i offentlig verksamhet med IT-säkerhet och IT-hantering.
• Stort plus om du har arbetat med Servicenow eller andra liknande ärendehanteringssystem.

Vi erbjuder
Du blir en del av ett öppet och mångfaldspräglat arbetsklimat där respekt för olikheter värdesätts. Här får du möjlighet att bidra med dina kunskaper i en organisation som befinner sig i en spännande utvecklingsfas.
Vill du vara med och göra skillnad i en organisation som kombinerar teknik, hållbarhet och samhällsnytta? Ansök redan idag!

Tillträde och ansökan
Uppdragslängd: 09-Dec-2024 - 30-Sep-2025
Omfattning: Heltid 100%
Sista ansökningsdag: 22 november

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Erfaren Receptionist Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en serviceinriktad och strukturerad person som älskar att möta människor och bidra till en smidig vardag? Vill du arbeta i en dynamisk miljö där din kommunikationsförmåga och ditt engagemang gör skillnad? Vi söker nu en erfaren receptionist till ett uppdrag där professionalism och service står i fokus! Som receptionist blir du ansiktet utåt och en nyckelperson för att skapa en positiv upplevelse för alla som besöker eller kontak... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du en serviceinriktad och strukturerad person som älskar att möta människor och bidra till en smidig vardag? Vill du arbeta i en dynamisk miljö där din kommunikationsförmåga och ditt engagemang gör skillnad? Vi söker nu en erfaren receptionist till ett uppdrag där professionalism och service står i fokus!

Som receptionist blir du ansiktet utåt och en nyckelperson för att skapa en positiv upplevelse för alla som besöker eller kontaktar kontoret. Rollen innefattar både praktiska och administrativa arbetsuppgifter, vilket gör den varierande och utvecklande.

Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
• Bemanna reception och växel under kontorstid (måndag-fredag, 07:45-16:30).
• Hantera ärenden i administrativa system som Officepaketet, Sharepoint och ServiceNow.
• Ge ett professionellt och serviceinriktat bemötande till besökare och medarbetare.
• Samordna och effektivisera arbetsrutiner samt bidra till utvecklingen av arbetssätt och tjänster.
• Ansvara för struktur och ordning, både i administrativa och praktiska uppgifter.

Vad vi söker
För att trivas och lyckas i rollen ser vi att du:
• Har gymnasieutbildning och flera års arbetslivserfarenhet från liknande roller.
• Har arbetat i reception och växel, med dokumenterad erfarenhet av att hantera administrativa system som Officepaketet, Sharepoint och ServiceNow.
• Är en skicklig administratör som är noggrann, strukturerad och ansvarsfull.
• Är serviceinriktad med en mycket god kommunikationsförmåga i både tal och skrift på svenska.
• Har förmåga att samarbeta väl i team samtidigt som du tar initiativ och arbetar självständigt.

Praktisk information:
• Uppdragslängd: 13-Jan-2025 - 30-Jun-2025
• Omfattning: Heltid 100 %
• Ort: Göteborg
• Sista ansökningsdag: 28 nov

Vill du vara med och skapa en positiv arbetsmiljö och bidra till effektiva lösningar? Skicka in din ansökan redan idag – vi ser fram emot att höra från dig!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Office Assistant sökes för senior roll i Göteborg

Ansök    Nov 12    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Administratör
Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en erfaren Office Assistant som söker nya utmaningar? Sway Sourcing söker just nu en kvalificerad assistent för ett uppdrag med start i december, där du får möjlighet att göra skillnad inom en innovativ och snabbväxande organisation. Om rollen: Som Office Assistant på senior nivå kommer du att stötta våra avdelningschefer med viktiga administrativa och affärsrelaterade uppgifter. I denna dynamiska roll är du en nyckelperson fö... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Är du en erfaren Office Assistant som söker nya utmaningar? Sway Sourcing söker just nu en kvalificerad assistent för ett uppdrag med start i december, där du får möjlighet att göra skillnad inom en innovativ och snabbväxande organisation.

Om rollen:

Som Office Assistant på senior nivå kommer du att stötta våra avdelningschefer med viktiga administrativa och affärsrelaterade uppgifter. I denna dynamiska roll är du en nyckelperson för att säkerställa smidig kommunikation och ett effektivt arbetsflöde. Ditt ansvar omfattar bland annat:

• Stöd till avdelningschefer med kalenderhantering, e-post och möteskoordinering.

• Planering och samordning av möten, resor, evenemang och kompetensutvecklingsaktiviteter.

• Stöd i utveckling och uppföljning av verksamhetsmål, samt hantering av presentationer och underlag för interna och externa kontakter.

• Arbeta proaktivt och lösningsorienterat för att bidra till ett effektivt arbetssätt.

Vi söker dig som:

• Har flerårig erfarenhet av administrativt arbete, gärna som Office Assistant, affärsassistent eller i en liknande stödjande roll.

• Är noggrann, strukturerad och analytisk med starka färdigheter i Microsoft Office.

• Har en hög servicenivå, är självgående och har en positiv inställning till att hantera nya utmaningar i en snabb och föränderlig arbetsmiljö.

• Är flytande i engelska och har körkort B.
Vad vi erbjuder:

• Möjlighet att arbeta inom en innovativ och framtidsinriktad miljö tillsammans med drivna och kompetenta kollegor.

• Ett spännande uppdrag på heltid, med start den 2 december 2024 fram till 30 juni 2026.

Ansök senast den 14 november 2024, kl. 12:00! Missa inte chansen – ansök redan idag!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Business Controller / Financial Analyst for Assignment in Gothenburg

Ansök    Nov 6    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Controller
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you a skilled finance professional with a talent for transforming data into impactful stories that drive business growth? Our client is seeking a Business Controller / Financial Analyst who is passionate about shaping the future of the business through insightful analysis and proactive work. This role offers you the chance to work closely with the management team, be a crucial part of the decision-making process, and support the or... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you a skilled finance professional with a talent for transforming data into impactful stories that drive business growth? Our client is seeking a Business Controller / Financial Analyst who is passionate about shaping the future of the business through insightful analysis and proactive work. This role offers you the chance to work closely with the management team, be a crucial part of the decision-making process, and support the organization in achieving its strategic goals.

About the Role

As a Business Controller, you will be central to the success of operations. Your analytical ability and business acumen make you a key player in enhancing performance and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This role goes beyond numbers – it’s about understanding the full picture and connecting financial outcomes to operational success.

Key Responsibilities:

-Financial Analysis: Conduct in-depth analysis of monthly results, providing valuable insights to drive decision-making.

-Monthly Closings: Ensure accurate and efficient monthly closings, maintaining high standards of quality.

-Forecasting: Support direction and strategic actions through a robust forecasting process.

-Collaborative Leadership: Actively participate in management meetings, transforming financial results into actionable plans.

-BI Implementation: Lead the implementation of BI solutions to enhance financial analysis and reporting.

-Ad Hoc Analysis: Tackle complex issues with curiosity and agility, delivering timely insights to support strategic initiatives.

Who You Are:

Business Savvy: You have a strong ability to interpret key indicators and drive financial decisions that optimize business performance.

Effective Communicator: You deliver clear, compelling messages tailored to various audiences.

Collaborative Spirit: You build valuable relationships and work toward shared goals.

Technical Proficiency: You are proficient with tools such as Microsoft Office, SAP, and Power BI/QlikSense.

Autonomous Leader: You make decisions and drive progress with confidence and conviction.

Structured Approach: You plan and prioritize effectively to meet organizational objectives.

Curiosity and Adaptability: You approach challenges with optimism, curiosity, and flexibility.

Operational Excellence: You continuously strive for improvements and operational excellence in all you do.


Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or similar field.

Minimum of 2–5 years of experience in business or financial control, preferably with experience in production control.

Familiarity with AB Volvo’s financial reporting processes and systems is advantageous.

Fluent in English, both written and spoken.

Why Join This Assignment?

This is an opportunity to be more than just a traditional financial analyst – here, you’ll be a storyteller shaping the path to success. You’ll be in an environment that values digitalization, transparency, and operational excellence. Apply now to be part of a role where your passion for numbers meets your talent for strategic storytelling! Visa mindre

PLM Business Analyst - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for an experienced PLM Business Analyst for an assignment for our client in the automotive industry. The client is preparing for their digital future and it involves multiple areas working in unison. A key factor for success is establishing a platform that empowers teams to quickly deliver integrated digital services that enhance and complement their vehicles, unlock new business models, and accelerate innovation across ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for an experienced PLM Business Analyst for an assignment for our client in the automotive industry. The client is preparing for their digital future and it involves multiple areas working in unison. A key factor for success is establishing a platform that empowers teams to quickly deliver integrated digital services that enhance and complement their vehicles, unlock new business models, and accelerate innovation across the company. This development is driven by a human-centered approach, leveraging Agile and DevOps practices within Manufacturing and Plant Engineering under Manufacturing and Supply Chain Digital.

What’s in it for you?

Our client provides a vibrant, team-oriented workplace where your skills will be key to advancing their PLM processes. As a PLM Business Analyst, you’ll have the chance to:

• Engage with cutting-edge PLM tools.
• Lead innovation in PLM, digital manufacturing, and simulation.
• Work alongside agile teams, promoting a culture of ongoing improvement.
• Play a part in the growth and success of a progressive company within the automotive industry.

Your Role:

As a PLM Business Analyst, you will:

• Work closely with cross-functional teams to gather business requirements and offer insights for PLM solutions within manufacturing processes.
• Serve as the bridge between business stakeholders and technical teams, ensuring requirements are clearly understood.
• Design PLM solutions with a focus on Siemens PLM software, including Teamcenter, Active Workspace, and Easy Plan.
• Work alongside agile teams to implement, tailor, and configure our PLM solutions, ensuring they integrate smoothly with both new and current systems.
• Apply business analysis expertise specifically in PLM and digital manufacturing.
• Leverage your automotive industry experience to enhance efficiency and foster innovation within PLM processes.


• A university degree or equivalent practical experience.
• Demonstrated experience as a PLM Business Analyst within a manufacturing setting.
• Strong understanding of automotive manufacturing development processes, ideally with experience from the client.
• Proficiency in Siemens PLM software, including Teamcenter, Teamcenter Manufacturing, Active Workspace, and Easy Plan.
• Experience collaborating within agile teams, emphasizing iterative and cooperative development.
• Solid business understanding of the automotive industry, with insight into its unique challenges and opportunities.
• Skilled in using BMIDE for data model customization and configuration in Siemens Teamcenter.
• Proficient in English with excellent communication abilities.

Personal Skills

You are a driven and talented professional who brings:

• A strong enthusiasm for advancing innovation in PLM processes.
• Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
• The capacity to excel in a dynamic, fast-paced setting.
• A dedication to ongoing learning and development.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start: 2024-12-01
End: 2025-11-30
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selection and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Logistics Developer till vår kund i Göteborg

Ansök    Nov 1    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Logistiker
Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en erfaren Logistics Developer med passion för att optimera logistikflöden? Vi söker nu en driven person som kan hjälpa oss att utveckla och förbättra vår kunds externa logistikprocesser inom produktutveckling och produktionssupport. I denna roll kommer du att ansvara för logistikhanteringen av prototypdelar och säkerställa ett effektivt logistikflöde in och ut ur kundens verksamhet. Vad vi erbjuder: En dynamisk arbetsmiljö ino... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du en erfaren Logistics Developer med passion för att optimera logistikflöden? Vi söker nu en driven person som kan hjälpa oss att utveckla och förbättra vår kunds externa logistikprocesser inom produktutveckling och produktionssupport. I denna roll kommer du att ansvara för logistikhanteringen av prototypdelar och säkerställa ett effektivt logistikflöde in och ut ur kundens verksamhet.

Vad vi erbjuder:

En dynamisk arbetsmiljö inom ett ledande företag i fordonsindustrin, där innovation och kundfokus är kärnvärden. Du kommer att spela en viktig roll i ett team där kontinuerliga förbättringar och effektiva lösningar står i centrum.

Vem vi tror att du är:

Du är en kreativ, pragmatisk och positiv problemlösare som trivs i en föränderlig miljö. Med ditt entreprenöriella sinne och starka nätverkande bygger du relationer och skapar win-win-lösningar. Du är strukturerad och gillar att gå från idé till handling, oavsett om det handlar om praktiskt arbete eller strategiska diskussioner.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:

- Identifiera, underhålla och förbättra våra externa logistikrutiner och processer tillsammans med dina kollegor
- Driva kontinuerliga förbättringar med fokus på kostnadseffektivitet, kvalitet och människan i centrum

Exempel på fokusområden:

- Förbättra logistikförsörjningskedjan avseende kostnad, kvalitet och effektivitet
- Säkerställa lagringsbehov för våra produkter på lager
- Utveckla kostnadsmodeller för att stödja verksamheten

Vem du är:

- Har gedigen kunskap inom logistikprocesser och värdekedjor. Erfarenhet från elfordonslogistik är meriterande, men inget krav
- Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att framgångsrikt driva logistikoperationer och tvärfunktionellt samarbete
- Har utbildning inom supply-chain/logistik, projektledning, teknik, ekonomi eller motsvarande
- Flytande i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift
- Innehar B-körkort

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan och hoppas att du vill bli en vår kunds team!

Tillträde och ansökan
Anställningsperiod: Start 2 december 2024 – 31 juli 2025
Sista ansökningsdagen: snarast
Placeringsort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: 0790 06 27 11
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

PLM Business Analyst - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for an experienced PLM Business Analyst for an assignment for our client in the automotive industry. The client is preparing for their digital future and it involves multiple areas working in unison. A key factor for success is establishing a platform that empowers teams to quickly deliver integrated digital services that enhance and complement their vehicles, unlock new business models, and accelerate innovation across ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for an experienced PLM Business Analyst for an assignment for our client in the automotive industry. The client is preparing for their digital future and it involves multiple areas working in unison. A key factor for success is establishing a platform that empowers teams to quickly deliver integrated digital services that enhance and complement their vehicles, unlock new business models, and accelerate innovation across the company. This development is driven by a human-centered approach, leveraging Agile and DevOps practices within Manufacturing and Plant Engineering under Manufacturing and Supply Chain Digital.

What’s in it for you?

Our client provides a vibrant, team-oriented workplace where your skills will be key to advancing their PLM processes. As a PLM Business Analyst, you’ll have the chance to:

• Engage with cutting-edge PLM tools.
• Lead innovation in PLM, digital manufacturing, and simulation.
• Work alongside agile teams, promoting a culture of ongoing improvement.
• Play a part in the growth and success of a progressive company within the automotive industry.

Your Role:

As a PLM Business Analyst, you will:

• Work closely with cross-functional teams to gather business requirements and offer insights for PLM solutions within manufacturing processes.
• Serve as the bridge between business stakeholders and technical teams, ensuring requirements are clearly understood.
• Design PLM solutions with a focus on Siemens PLM software, including Teamcenter, Active Workspace, and Easy Plan.
• Work alongside agile teams to implement, tailor, and configure our PLM solutions, ensuring they integrate smoothly with both new and current systems.
• Apply business analysis expertise specifically in PLM and digital manufacturing.
• Leverage your automotive industry experience to enhance efficiency and foster innovation within PLM processes.


• A university degree or equivalent practical experience.
• Demonstrated experience as a PLM Business Analyst within a manufacturing setting.
• Strong understanding of automotive manufacturing development processes, ideally with experience from the client.
• Proficiency in Siemens PLM software, including Teamcenter, Teamcenter Manufacturing, Active Workspace, and Easy Plan.
• Experience collaborating within agile teams, emphasizing iterative and cooperative development.
• Solid business understanding of the automotive industry, with insight into its unique challenges and opportunities.
• Skilled in using BMIDE for data model customization and configuration in Siemens Teamcenter.
• Proficient in English with excellent communication abilities.

Personal Skills

You are a driven and talented professional who brings:

• A strong enthusiasm for advancing innovation in PLM processes.
• Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
• The capacity to excel in a dynamic, fast-paced setting.
• A dedication to ongoing learning and development.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start: 2024-12-01
End: 2025-11-30
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selection and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Projektkoordinator Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Har du en passion för att stötta projekt i framkant och trivs i en dynamisk arbetsmiljö? Vi söker en engagerad Projektkoordinator som vill vara en del av ett viktigt uppdrag där säkerhet, integritet och omsorg står i fokus. Om rollen: Som Projektkoordinator kommer du att vara en central del av implementeringen av ett nytt system. Din roll blir att underlätta projektets framdrift genom att strukturera möten, organisera information och... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Har du en passion för att stötta projekt i framkant och trivs i en dynamisk arbetsmiljö? Vi söker en engagerad Projektkoordinator som vill vara en del av ett viktigt uppdrag där säkerhet, integritet och omsorg står i fokus.

Om rollen:
Som Projektkoordinator kommer du att vara en central del av implementeringen av ett nytt system. Din roll blir att underlätta projektets framdrift genom att strukturera möten, organisera information och koordinera olika aktiviteter. Du kommer att arbeta nära projektteamet och fungera som första kontakt för frågor, vilket innebär att du behöver vara serviceinriktad och lösningsorienterad. Rollen kräver självständighet och ett strukturerat arbetssätt – här finns möjligheten att verkligen göra skillnad!

• Ta anteckningar under möten och säkerställa att uppgifter och ansvar följs upp.
• Agera som första kontakt för frågor och, med stöd av teamet, dirigera dessa vidare.
• Genomföra mindre utredningsuppgifter vid behov.
• Bidra aktivt till projektets framdrift genom att koordinera seminarier och möten.
• Samla och strukturera information, samt utforma agendor och mötesplaner.

Vi söker dig som har:
• Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att arbeta i komplexa, snabbrörliga uppdrag där prioritering är A och O.
• Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
• Gedigna kunskaper i Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint och Excel för effektiv administration.

Praktisk information:
Ort: Göteborg
Startdatum: 2025-01-01- 2027-01-01
Ansök senast:2024-11-10

Om du brinner för projektarbete och vill ha en roll där du är med och skapar framtiden inom en bransch där säkerhet och omsorg står högt på agendan, är detta rollen för dig!

Välkommen med din ansökan och bli en del av vårt team!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Logistics Developer till vår kund i Göteborg

Ansök    Okt 31    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Logistiker
Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en erfaren Logistics Developer med passion för att optimera logistikflöden? Vi söker nu en driven person som kan hjälpa oss att utveckla och förbättra våra externa logistikprocesser inom produktutveckling och produktionssupport. I denna roll kommer du att ansvara för logistikhanteringen av prototypdelar och säkerställa ett effektivt logistikflöde in och ut ur vår verksamhet. Vad vi erbjuder: En dynamisk arbetsmiljö inom ett led... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du en erfaren Logistics Developer med passion för att optimera logistikflöden? Vi söker nu en driven person som kan hjälpa oss att utveckla och förbättra våra externa logistikprocesser inom produktutveckling och produktionssupport. I denna roll kommer du att ansvara för logistikhanteringen av prototypdelar och säkerställa ett effektivt logistikflöde in och ut ur vår verksamhet.

Vad vi erbjuder:

En dynamisk arbetsmiljö inom ett ledande företag i fordonsindustrin, där innovation och kundfokus är kärnvärden. Du kommer att spela en viktig roll i ett team där kontinuerliga förbättringar och effektiva lösningar står i centrum.

Vem vi tror att du är:

Du är en kreativ, pragmatisk och positiv problemlösare som trivs i en föränderlig miljö. Med ditt entreprenöriella sinne och starka nätverkande bygger du relationer och skapar win-win-lösningar. Du är strukturerad och gillar att gå från idé till handling, oavsett om det handlar om praktiskt arbete eller strategiska diskussioner.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:

Identifiera, underhålla och förbättra våra externa logistikrutiner och processer tillsammans med dina kollegor
Driva kontinuerliga förbättringar med fokus på kostnadseffektivitet, kvalitet och människan i centrum
Exempel på fokusområden:

Förbättra vår logistikförsörjningskedja avseende kostnad, kvalitet och effektivitet
Säkerställa lagringsbehov för våra produkter på lager
Utveckla kostnadsmodeller för att stödja verksamheten
Vem du är:

Har gedigen kunskap inom logistikprocesser och värdekedjor. Erfarenhet från elfordonslogistik är meriterande, men inget krav
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att framgångsrikt driva logistikoperationer och tvärfunktionellt samarbete
Har utbildning inom supply-chain/logistik, projektledning, teknik, ekonomi eller motsvarande
Flytande i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift
Innehar B-körkort
Plats och tjänstens omfattning:

Placeringsort: Göteborg
Anställningsperiod: Start 2 december 2024 – 31 juli 2025

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan och hoppas att du vill bli en vår kunds team!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Senior Accountant sökes för spännande uppdrag i Göteborg!

Ansök    Okt 30    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Revisor
Dina arbetsuppgifter Senior Accountant sökes för spännande uppdrag i Göteborg! Vi söker nu en erfaren och kunnig Senior Accountant för ett konsultuppdrag hos en av våra kunder i Göteborg. Detta är en fantastisk möjlighet för dig med en stark bakgrund inom redovisning att bidra till en dynamisk arbetsmiljö där noggrannhet och expertis värderas högt. Arbetsbeskrivning och Huvudansvar Som Senior Accountant kommer du att ansvara för att säkerställa korrekt b... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Senior Accountant sökes för spännande uppdrag i Göteborg!

Vi söker nu en erfaren och kunnig Senior Accountant för ett konsultuppdrag hos en av våra kunder i Göteborg. Detta är en fantastisk möjlighet för dig med en stark bakgrund inom redovisning att bidra till en dynamisk arbetsmiljö där noggrannhet och expertis värderas högt.

Arbetsbeskrivning och Huvudansvar
Som Senior Accountant kommer du att ansvara för att säkerställa korrekt bokföring och rapportering, bland annat genom:

Utföra manuella bokföringsposteringar i huvudboken.
Månadsvis avstämning av huvudbokskonton.
Avstämning av interna transaktioner mellan bolag.
Delta i rapportering till koncernens redovisning och andra rapporteringsprocesser.
Hantera ad-hoc-uppgifter och utredningar inom redovisningsområdet.
För att lyckas i rollen söker vi dig som har:

Formell utbildning inom ekonomi och redovisning.
Erfarenhet av redovisning enligt K3-regelverket.
Erfarenhet av periodiska bokslut.
Flytande kunskaper i engelska.
Meriterande kunskaper
Erfarenhet av SAP är ett plus.
Erfarenhet av redovisning i en SOX-miljö är meriterande.
Nödvändiga färdigheter:

Momsredovisning (VAT)
Huvudbok (GL)
Engelska på expertnivå

Göteborg (på plats 100%, ej distansarbete)

02 december 2024 – 31 maj 2025

Ta chansen att utvecklas vidare i din karriär som Accountant i ett framstående bolag – ansök nu och bli en del av vårt professionella nätverk!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Senior Accountant - Gothenburg

Ansök    Okt 30    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Revisor
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Senior Accountant for a consulting assignment with one of our clients in Gothenburg. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in accounting to contribute to a dynamic work environment where precision and expertise are highly valued. Job Description and Key Responsibilities: As a Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for ensuring accurate bookke... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Senior Accountant for a consulting assignment with one of our clients in Gothenburg. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in accounting to contribute to a dynamic work environment where precision and expertise are highly valued.

Job Description and Key Responsibilities:

As a Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for ensuring accurate bookkeeping and reporting, including:

- Performing manual journal entries in the general ledger.
- Monthly reconciliation of general ledger accounts.
- Reconciliation of intercompany transactions.
- VAT reporting.
- Participating in group reporting and other reporting processes.
Handling ad-hoc tasks and investigations within the accounting field.


To succeed in this role, we are looking for someone with:

- Formal education in finance and accounting.
- Experience in accounting according to the K3 framework.
- Experience with periodic closings.
- Experience in VAT reporting.
- Experience in General Ledger (GL)
- Fluency in English.

Preferred Skills

- Experience with SAP is a plus.
- Experience with accounting in a SOX environment is advantageous.

Take the opportunity to advance your career as an Accountant in a leading company – apply now and become part of our professional network!

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 02 December 2024
End Date: 31 May 2025
Deadline: 3 nov 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Accountant - Gothenburg

Ansök    Okt 30    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Revisor
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Senior Accountant for a consulting assignment with one of our clients in Gothenburg. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in accounting to contribute to a dynamic work environment where precision and expertise are highly valued. Job Description and Key Responsibilities: As a Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for ensuring accurate bookke... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Senior Accountant for a consulting assignment with one of our clients in Gothenburg. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in accounting to contribute to a dynamic work environment where precision and expertise are highly valued.

Job Description and Key Responsibilities:

As a Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for ensuring accurate bookkeeping and reporting, including:

- Performing manual journal entries in the general ledger.
- Monthly reconciliation of general ledger accounts.
- Reconciliation of intercompany transactions.
- VAT reporting.
- Participating in group reporting and other reporting processes.
Handling ad-hoc tasks and investigations within the accounting field.


To succeed in this role, we are looking for someone with:

- Formal education in finance and accounting.
- Experience in accounting according to the K3 framework.
- Experience with periodic closings.
- Experience in VAT reporting.
- Experience in General Ledger (GL)
- Fluency in English.

Preferred Skills

- Experience with SAP is a plus.
- Experience with accounting in a SOX environment is advantageous.

Take the opportunity to advance your career as an Accountant in a leading company – apply now and become part of our professional network!

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 02 December 2024
End Date: 31 May 2025
Deadline: 3 nov 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Human Resource Data Partner - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en Human Resource Data Partner till ett uppdrag för vår kund i Göteborg. Vår kund arbetar inom bilbranschen. Kundens fokus ligger på människor. Kunden har alltid satt individen i centrum för verksamheten, drivna av en nyfikenhet kring deras behov för att leverera säkra, personligt anpassade och hållbara mobilitetslösningar. Om du värdesätter innovation som utgår från människor och tror på kraften i mänskliga relationer, komme... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en Human Resource Data Partner till ett uppdrag för vår kund i Göteborg. Vår kund arbetar inom bilbranschen.

Kundens fokus ligger på människor. Kunden har alltid satt individen i centrum för verksamheten, drivna av en nyfikenhet kring deras behov för att leverera säkra, personligt anpassade och hållbara mobilitetslösningar. Om du värdesätter innovation som utgår från människor och tror på kraften i mänskliga relationer, kommer du att trivas i uppdraget, omgiven av begåvade och nyfikna kollegor som är engagerade i att göra en positiv skillnad. I den här rollen kommer du att bli en del av ett passionerat People Experience (PX/HR)-team, som arbetar nära affärspartners och utökade HR-nätverk för att forma och stödja affärsagendan med starkt fokus på människor.

Din roll omfattar två huvudområden. Det första är att säkerställa kvaliteten och tillgängligheten av personalrelaterade data i alla PX-processer, vilket ger insikter och riktmärken som stöd för mer välgrundade beslut. Du kommer att arbeta nära affärsteam, PX Engineering och Central PX för att underhålla och förbättra dessa processer. Dessutom kommer du att samarbeta med PX-data-teamet för att driva projekt och förbättringar relaterade till personaldata och analys. Detta innebär ett kontinuerligt fokus på att optimera och förfina arbetsmetoder, hjälpa ledare och PX-kollegor att bli mer datainformerade, identifiera trender och agera proaktivt.


- Vi söker någon med en stark vilja att lära sig och ett genuint intresse för hur data kan skapa värde inom HR.
- Du har viss erfarenhet och ett stort engagemang för dataanalys och HR, och du är entusiastisk med en genuin drivkraft att göra skillnad.
- Du är bekväm med att arbeta i olika system som stödjer analys och rapportering och är redo att fördjupa dig i datadrivet beslutsfattande.
- Du har starka kunskaper i Excel och Power BI, vilket gör att du kan presentera data tydligt och professionellt för relevanta intressenter.
- Du är van vid att arbeta med stora datamängder, säkerställer datakvalitet och kan extrahera värdefulla insikter från olika källor i analytiska uppgifter.
- Dina effektiva kommunikationsförmågor, anpassningsbarhet och förmåga att ge operativt stöd gör dig till en värdefull tillgång i den här rollen.
- Du är problemlösningsorienterad och hanterar osäkerhet väl, vilket gör att du kan navigera och göra framsteg även när detaljer är otydliga.
- Du är flytande i svenska och engelska, i tal och skrift.

Personliga egenskaper

Du är en samarbetsvillig professionell som känner dig bekväm med att arbeta över team och har självförtroende i din förmåga att hantera intressenter. Vi värdesätter nyfikenhet kring affärslandskapet, särskilt om du ser strategiska möjligheter i dagens dynamiska miljö. Ett öga för detaljer och starka analytiska förmågor är avgörande kvaliteter för denna roll. Du har en lösningsorienterad inställning och är inte rädd för att ta initiativ för att se till att uppgifter blir genomförda.

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 02 dec 2024
Slutdatum: 30 nov 2025
Sista ansökningsdagen: 01 nov 2024
Ort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: 0790 06 27 11
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Operational Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Okt 22    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking an Operational Buyer for an assignment for our client in Gotheburg. The role involves assisting with day-to-day and strategic activities in the area of indirect procurement. Primary Responsibilities: • Handling operational and tactical procurement tasks • Managing administrative duties for supplier relations in Spectra (procurement system) • Supporting in compiling reports and gathering data for bids • Maint... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking an Operational Buyer for an assignment for our client in Gotheburg. The role involves assisting with day-to-day and strategic activities in the area of indirect procurement.

Primary Responsibilities:

• Handling operational and tactical procurement tasks
• Managing administrative duties for supplier relations in Spectra (procurement system)
• Supporting in compiling reports and gathering data for bids
• Maintaining excellent customer service for both internal and external clients and addressing any follow-up requirements
• Assist in discussions to reach agreements
• Verify compliance with procurement procedures and serve as a gatekeeper

Key Decisions:

Assist in assessing suppliers according to guidelines in collaboration with Business functions and Category managers


• Ability to critically analyze and plan strategically
• Effective negotiation abilities
• Commercially minded
• Comprehensive knowledge of procurement procedures
• Proven track record in developing commercial relationships and conducting negotiations
• Fluent in English, spoken and written
• Global experience
• Business degree with a focus on Supply Chain Management or Purchasing preferred, or equivalent experience
• Focus on reducing costs
• Driven by results, self-motivated, analytical thinker with strategic problem-solving abilities
• Capable of collaborating well in cross-functional teams
• Proficient in IT, particularly in Office and Advanced Excel
• Ideally with a minimum of 3 years of Purchasing experience within a regulated industry
• Demonstrated strong and effective communication abilities
• Experience using Spectra

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-12-01
End of the assignment: 2025-05-31
Deadline: 2024-10-30
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Parts Planner/Logistics Engineer - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry. You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for des... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry.

You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for design, connected car technology, and a commitment to improving the lives of others and the environment while creating exceptional driving experiences, then this is the ideal environment for you to thrive.

Infotainment is one of the fastest growing areas within automotive today. Competition is no longer confined to traditional automotive rivals, as companies such as Apple and Google are also playing a significant role. The client has effectively introduced advanced driver interaction and infotainment systems and is dedicated to maintaining its success through ongoing innovation.

The team is tasked with creating, constructing, and upkeeping test items utilized by all department teams. This includes subsystem rigs, automated HIL rigs, and vehicles. Your main role in the team will involve managing orders and materials for building and maintaining software test items for connected experiences, like new hardware versions of car ECUs and wire harnesses for bench rigs. Additionally, you will collaborate closely with other departments and suppliers to stay informed and updated.

Job Assignments

This position requires driving to deliver and manage materials for testing items throughout a large company, as well as analyzing its effects on the development process.

• Receiving and placing orders (SRM/POB/TOCC)
• Communicating with suppliers
• Assisting with hardware modifications and project scheduling
• Managing inventory and materials
• Enhancing communication and openness
• Organizing and managing
• Creating procedures and workflow
• Handling physical devices for software testing


• Engineer with a Bachelor's or Master's degree
• Transportation and Logistics experience
• Experience from the industrial sector
• Valid European driver's license B
• Proficient in written and spoken English and Swedish


• Experience from the automotive industry
• Experience leading projects
• Experience developing processes

Personal Skills

• Communicative
• Responsible
• Collaborative
• Engaged

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 14 Oct 2024
End Date: 31 Dec 2024
Deadline: 11 Oct 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across various industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in, and therefore can quickly find candidates who become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

2nd Line Support och Incident Manager Göteborg

Ansök    Okt 15    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    IT-strateg
Dina arbetsuppgifter För vår klient söker vi en 2nd Line Support och Incident Manager. Detta är ett kort konsultuppdrag på 100% med placering i Göteborg där kunden har sitt kontor på Lindholmen. Kunden söker någon som kan starta omgående och arbeta fram till 31 decemeber 2024. Denna position spelar en nyckelroll i att stödja avancerade molnteknologier (GCP och AWS) och hantera anslutningsproblem för mobilnätoperatörer (MNO) inom fordonssektorn. Huvudsakl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
För vår klient söker vi en 2nd Line Support och Incident Manager. Detta är ett kort konsultuppdrag på 100% med placering i Göteborg där kunden har sitt kontor på Lindholmen. Kunden söker någon som kan starta omgående och arbeta fram till 31 decemeber 2024.

Denna position spelar en nyckelroll i att stödja avancerade molnteknologier (GCP och AWS) och hantera anslutningsproblem för mobilnätoperatörer (MNO) inom fordonssektorn.

Huvudsakliga Ansvarsområden:
• Tillhandahålla 2nd line teknisk support för molnmiljöer (GCP, AWS) och säkerställa robusta anslutningslösningar i samarbete med MNO.
• Proaktivt hantera incidenter, med målet att snabbt lösa och minimera störningar.
• Samarbeta med interna team för att optimera systemets prestanda och stabilitet.
• Behålla omfattande dokumentation av alla tekniska frågor och lösningar.
• Engagera dig i kontinuerligt lärande för att förbli skicklig inom de senaste teknologierna.

Kvalifikationer för rollen:
Teknisk Kompetens:
• Erfarenhet av molntjänster som Google Cloud Platform (GCP) och Amazon Web Services (AWS).
• Kännedom om mobilnätoperatör (MNO) anslutning och relaterade teknologier.
• Kunskap om telematiksystem och hur de integreras med fordons-teknologier.

• Tidigare erfarenhet av en 2nd line support-roll, hantering av incidenthantering och teknisk supportuppgifter.
• Praktisk erfarenhet av felsökning och lösa komplexa tekniska och anslutningsproblem, inklusive de som är relaterade till telematikenheter och programvara.
• Erfarenhet av att tillhandahålla exceptionellt kundstöd, helst inom en teknisk eller fordonsmässig kontext.

• En examen i datavetenskap, informationsteknik eller ett relaterat område är att föredra.
• Ytterligare kurser eller utbildning inom telematik, fordons-teknologier eller kundservice är mycket fördelaktigt.

• Flytande i svenska och engelska är ett krav.
• Behärska Mandarin är starkt meriterande.

Personliga egenskaper:
• Stark analytisk och problem-lösningsförmåga
• Förmåga att prioritera flera projekt och arbeta strukturerat
• Ha förmågan att ta in ny information och våga testa nya innovativa lösningar
• Skicklig på att inge förtroende och att samarbeta med olika intressenter
• Utmärkta verbala och skriftliga kommunikationsfärdigheter.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Parts Planner/Logistics Engineer - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry. You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for des... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry.

You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for design, connected car technology, and a commitment to improving the lives of others and the environment while creating exceptional driving experiences, then this is the ideal environment for you to thrive.

Infotainment is one of the fastest growing areas within automotive today. Competition is no longer confined to traditional automotive rivals, as companies such as Apple and Google are also playing a significant role. The client has effectively introduced advanced driver interaction and infotainment systems and is dedicated to maintaining its success through ongoing innovation.

The team is tasked with creating, constructing, and upkeeping test items utilized by all department teams. This includes subsystem rigs, automated HIL rigs, and vehicles. Your main role in the team will involve managing orders and materials for building and maintaining software test items for connected experiences, like new hardware versions of car ECUs and wire harnesses for bench rigs. Additionally, you will collaborate closely with other departments and suppliers to stay informed and updated.

Job Assignments

This position requires driving to deliver and manage materials for testing items throughout a large company, as well as analyzing its effects on the development process.

• Receiving and placing orders (SRM/POB/TOCC)
• Communicating with suppliers
• Assisting with hardware modifications and project scheduling
• Managing inventory and materials
• Enhancing communication and openness
• Organizing and managing
• Creating procedures and workflow
• Handling physical devices for software testing


• Engineer with a Bachelor's or Master's degree
• Transportation and Logistics experience
• Experience from the industrial sector
• Valid European driver's license B
• Proficient in written and spoken English and Swedish


• Experience from the automotive industry
• Experience leading projects
• Experience developing processes

Personal Skills

• Communicative
• Responsible
• Collaborative
• Engaged

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 14 Oct 2024
End Date: 31 Dec 2024
Deadline: 11 Oct 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across various industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in, and therefore can quickly find candidates who become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

CRM Marketing Automation Specialist (Senior)

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a highly skilled and driven CRM Marketing Automation Specialist to join our client’s team. In this role, you will operate in a fast-paced environment, contributing to both local and global marketing campaigns. You will be pivotal in the continuous development, maintenance, and improvement of the company’s existing CRM and marketing automation setup, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the primary tool. Key Responsibili... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

We are seeking a highly skilled and driven CRM Marketing Automation Specialist to join our client’s team. In this role, you will operate in a fast-paced environment, contributing to both local and global marketing campaigns. You will be pivotal in the continuous development, maintenance, and improvement of the company’s existing CRM and marketing automation setup, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the primary tool.

Key Responsibilities:

• Develop, implement, and optimize marketing automation strategies, ensuring efficient and targeted communication with contacts and customers.
• Collaborate with the CRM Commercial team to provide expertise on Marketing Cloud’s capabilities and execute global marketing projects, with a focus on the “Order to Delivery” and “Ownership” phases of the customer lifecycle.
• Build, maintain, and optimize content such as emails, cloud pages, and other communication assets within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
• Manage customer segmentation and execute trigger-based marketing journeys.
• Support local markets by providing best practices, tools, and assistance with local activities.
• Conduct regular testing and optimize existing marketing automation journeys, ensuring alignment with business logic.
• Work closely with the CRM Systems team to improve Marketing Cloud’s functionality.
• Document technical setups including data segmentation rules, queries, automations, AMP scripting, and email templates.
• Lead training sessions on Marketing Cloud and maintain relevant guidelines and documentation.

Required Skills:

• Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification is required; additional certifications are a plus.
• Strong skills in Marketing Automation, CRM, and specifically Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud.
• Excellent problem-solving skills, with a proactive and self-driven mindset.
• Ability to think quickly and adapt to changing situations.
• Highly analytical and detail-oriented.

The Team

You will be part of the CRM Communication team, consisting of 11 members. This team is divided into three sub-teams:
• CRM Commercial: 3 project leaders
• CRM Operations: 3 Marketing Automation specialists and 1 team lead
• CRM Systems & Analytics: 1 system owner/SME, 1 developer, and 1 analytics expert

Start Date:


End Date:


Location: Gothenburg, Sweden or Offsite

Apply Now!

We review applications continuously and may close the position before the deadline, so if you’re interested, we encourage you to apply immediately.

Required Languages:
• English: Expert level Visa mindre

Buyer - Indirect Procurement - Gothenburg

Ansök    Okt 7    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a Buyer specializing in Indirect Procurement for our client in Gothenburg. Key duties include: • In charge of procuring services for a specific category in various office locations through indirect procurement. • Manage suppliers within the category and conduct negotiations at different sites using e-sourcing tools. • Develop and implement cost-saving strategies and carry out RFQs within the Ariba purchasing ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a Buyer specializing in Indirect Procurement for our client in Gothenburg.

Key duties include:

• In charge of procuring services for a specific category in various office locations through indirect procurement.
• Manage suppliers within the category and conduct negotiations at different sites using e-sourcing tools.
• Develop and implement cost-saving strategies and carry out RFQs within the Ariba purchasing system.
• Use preferred supplier agreements to achieve optimal outcomes and adhere to the procurement plan.
• Collect and assess expenditure and pricing information to pinpoint negotiation prospects using company, category, and market data.
• Work closely with operational and worldwide procurement teams to guarantee the execution and rollout of programs and projects internationally.
• Identify chances to combine spending and contract quantities, regularly assess buying channel distribution for local categories.
• Gain an understanding of the internal procedures and technologies to aid in enhancing processes and system effectiveness, and raise concerns regarding suppliers, SQM, Category Management, and system/process matters to Procurement Excellence for ongoing enhancement.


- 3-7 years of experience working as a Buyer within Indirect Procurement
- Strong negotiation skills
- Fluent in Swedish and English, both spoken and written

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-10-13
End of the assignment: 2025-03-26
Deadline of the application: 2024-10-09
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across various industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates' skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in, and therefore can quickly find candidates who become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

CRM Marketing Automation Specialist (Senior)

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a highly skilled and driven CRM Marketing Automation Specialist to join our client’s team. In this role, you will operate in a fast-paced environment, contributing to both local and global marketing campaigns. You will be pivotal in the continuous development, maintenance, and improvement of the company’s existing CRM and marketing automation setup, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the primary tool. Key Responsibili... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

We are seeking a highly skilled and driven CRM Marketing Automation Specialist to join our client’s team. In this role, you will operate in a fast-paced environment, contributing to both local and global marketing campaigns. You will be pivotal in the continuous development, maintenance, and improvement of the company’s existing CRM and marketing automation setup, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the primary tool.

Key Responsibilities:

• Develop, implement, and optimize marketing automation strategies, ensuring efficient and targeted communication with contacts and customers.
• Collaborate with the CRM Commercial team to provide expertise on Marketing Cloud’s capabilities and execute global marketing projects, with a focus on the “Order to Delivery” and “Ownership” phases of the customer lifecycle.
• Build, maintain, and optimize content such as emails, cloud pages, and other communication assets within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
• Manage customer segmentation and execute trigger-based marketing journeys.
• Support local markets by providing best practices, tools, and assistance with local activities.
• Conduct regular testing and optimize existing marketing automation journeys, ensuring alignment with business logic.
• Work closely with the CRM Systems team to improve Marketing Cloud’s functionality.
• Document technical setups including data segmentation rules, queries, automations, AMP scripting, and email templates.
• Lead training sessions on Marketing Cloud and maintain relevant guidelines and documentation.

Required Skills:

• Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification is required; additional certifications are a plus.
• Strong skills in Marketing Automation, CRM, and specifically Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud.
• Excellent problem-solving skills, with a proactive and self-driven mindset.
• Ability to think quickly and adapt to changing situations.
• Highly analytical and detail-oriented.

The Team

You will be part of the CRM Communication team, consisting of 11 members. This team is divided into three sub-teams:
• CRM Commercial: 3 project leaders
• CRM Operations: 3 Marketing Automation specialists and 1 team lead
• CRM Systems & Analytics: 1 system owner/SME, 1 developer, and 1 analytics expert

Start Date:


End Date:


Location: Gothenburg, Sweden or Offsite

Apply Now!

We review applications continuously and may close the position before the deadline, so if you’re interested, we encourage you to apply immediately.

Required Languages:
• English: Expert level Visa mindre

Senior Category Buyer – Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 24    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a consultant for a position as a Category Buyer within climate. In Procurement, you are a member of an international team dedicated to building and managing a top-tier group of suppliers. Guaranteeing the delivery of goods and services at the appropriate price, level of quality, and technological advancement is crucial for the client's prosperity. Ultimately, the focus is on collaborating with individuals both within... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a consultant for a position as a Category Buyer within climate. In Procurement, you are a member of an international team dedicated to building and managing a top-tier group of suppliers. Guaranteeing the delivery of goods and services at the appropriate price, level of quality, and technological advancement is crucial for the client's prosperity. Ultimately, the focus is on collaborating with individuals both within and outside the organization to provide an exceptional experience for car buyers and drivers.

What benefits can you gain from this opportunity?

Are you interested in collaborating with top suppliers in a specialized field, where components play a crucial role in the end product? The Climate team is currently seeking a new buyer. This team operates within the vehicle structure team and oversees all procurement activities.

In this position, you will be responsible for overseeing and aiding in various sourcing projects that involve multiple departments. This includes tasks such as planning, executing, evaluating, negotiating, choosing suppliers, ensuring sustainability, and managing contracts. Your role will also involve assisting in the formulation and execution of supplier strategies, as well as establishing and nurturing business relationships with suppliers and other relevant parties.

You take pleasure in collaborating actively with important stakeholders to gain insights into your product/area, its market dynamics, supply chain, and opportunities for advancement. This is aimed at enhancing the overall value of the client’s brand in terms of cost-effectiveness, quality, and environmental impact.

The position involves conducting market research, determining priorities, and selecting the most effective negotiation strategies, along with managing ongoing business operations.

As an individual, it is important to be willing to challenge the existing situation or established methods with stakeholders, suppliers, and colleagues; and to actively seek to enhance understanding and collaborate on finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Do you meet the requirements?

We are looking for someone with a University degree in a related field and at least 8 years of relevant work experience, ideally in purchasing/procurement.

You should have strong negotiation skills, as well as excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, you should be able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Fluency in English (both written and spoken) and strong communication skills are essential.

Personal Skills

In order to succeed in this role, it is important to have a mindset focused on business, along with demonstrating strong integrity and professionalism. You should be motivated to achieve goals, have good communication abilities, and be skilled at working well with others. Whether working on a team or by yourself, it is crucial to tackle tasks with enthusiasm and a constructive attitude.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-10-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Deadline: ASAP/2024-09-30
Location: Torslanda
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Revisor med fokus på processförbättring - Göteborg

Ansök    Sep 23    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Revisor
Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker dig som har en stark bakgrund inom gruppredovisning och som brinner för processförbättringar. Du kommer att vara en del av ett kompetent och engagerat team där du får möjlighet att utveckla och effektivisera viktiga delar av koncernens redovisningsprocesser. Denna roll ger dig chansen att göra en verklig skillnad genom att förbättra arbetet med manuella journalposter i Excel och bokföringen i AARO. Vad kan du förvänta dig av ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker dig som har en stark bakgrund inom gruppredovisning och som brinner för processförbättringar. Du kommer att vara en del av ett kompetent och engagerat team där du får möjlighet att utveckla och effektivisera viktiga delar av koncernens redovisningsprocesser. Denna roll ger dig chansen att göra en verklig skillnad genom att förbättra arbetet med manuella journalposter i Excel och bokföringen i AARO.

Vad kan du förvänta dig av rollen? Som en viktig del av vårt gruppredovisningsteam kommer du att:
• Driva processförbättringar inom gruppredovisning.
• Arbeta med att förbättra Excel-arbetsböcker för manuella journalposter.
• Rapportera i vårt konsolideringssystem AARO.
• Utföra finansiell analys på koncernnivå.
• Bidra till upprättandet av externa IFRS-kvartals- och årsrapporter.
• Ge redovisningsstöd till finansorganisationen.
• Ha kontakt med dotterbolag och shared service centers.
• Delta i olika projekt och utveckla analyser av den finansiella prestandan.
• Samarbeta med andra områden inom koncernfinans samt externa revisorer.
• Utföra andra uppgifter relaterade till gruppredovisning och konsolidering.

Vem söker vi? För att lyckas i denna roll ser vi att du:
• Har en universitetsexamen inom företagsekonomi med inriktning på redovisning eller motsvarande.
• Har minst 4 års relevant erfarenhet från en global koncernredovisningsfunktion eller revisionsmiljö med erfarenhet av konsolidering och gruppredovisning.
• Har goda kunskaper i IFRS och koncernredovisning.
• Är mycket kunnig i Excel och van vid att arbeta med komplexa kalkylblad.
• Har gedigen erfarenhet av konsolideringssystem, med särskilt fokus på AARO.
• Erfarenhet från arbete i en amerikanskt börsnoterad miljö och kunskap om SOX är meriterande.
• Flytande i svenska och engelska.

Varför ska du söka? Du får en fantastisk möjlighet att påverka och förbättra redovisningsprocesserna i en dynamisk och internationell miljö. Du kommer att arbeta nära ett skickligt team och ha ett stort inflytande på hur koncernens redovisning utförs och rapporteras. Om du gillar att driva förändringar och har en passion för redovisning och processoptimering, är detta rätt roll för dig!

Praktisk information:
• Start: Omgående
• Längd: 6 månader, med möjlighet till förlängning
• Omfattning: 100%
• Plats: Göteborg, 4 dagar per vecka på plats
• Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-09-26

Vi arbetar löpande med urval och intervjuer. För att gå vidare i rekryteringsprocessen behöver vi få in dina ansökningshandlingar på engelska.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Parts Planner/Logistics Engineer - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry. You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for des... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Logistics Engineer for our client in the automotive industry.

You have the opportunity to play a significant role in developing cutting-edge luxury vehicles for our client’s next generation. Working alongside a global team of engineers, you will help pioneer advanced car technologies focused on enhancing the human experience, simplifying life, and increasing enjoyment for individuals. If you have a passion for design, connected car technology, and a commitment to improving the lives of others and the environment while creating exceptional driving experiences, then this is the ideal environment for you to thrive.

Infotainment is one of the fastest growing areas within automotive today. Competition is no longer confined to traditional automotive rivals, as companies such as Apple and Google are also playing a significant role. The client has effectively introduced advanced driver interaction and infotainment systems and is dedicated to maintaining its success through ongoing innovation.

The team is tasked with creating, constructing, and upkeeping test items utilized by all department teams. This includes subsystem rigs, automated HIL rigs, and vehicles. Your main role in the team will involve managing orders and materials for building and maintaining software test items for connected experiences, like new hardware versions of car ECUs and wire harnesses for bench rigs. Additionally, you will collaborate closely with other departments and suppliers to stay informed and updated.

Job Assignments

This position requires driving to deliver and manage materials for testing items throughout a large company, as well as analyzing its effects on the development process.

• Receiving and placing orders (SRM/POB/TOCC)
• Communicating with suppliers
• Assisting with hardware modifications and project scheduling
• Managing inventory and materials
• Enhancing communication and openness
• Organizing and managing
• Creating procedures and workflow
• Handling physical devices for software testing


• Engineer with a Bachelor's or Master's degree
• Transportation and Logistics experience
• Experience from the industrial sector
• Valid European driver's license B
• Proficient in written and spoken English


• Experience from the automotive industry
• Experience leading projects
• Experience developing processes

Personal Skills

• Communicative
• Responsible
• Collaborative
• Engaged

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 14 Oct 2024
End Date: 31 Dec 2024
Deadline: 11 Oct 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across various industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in, and therefore can quickly find candidates who become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

Digital & Aftermarket Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 16    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will incl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and long-term sourcing strategies, identifying new suppliers and technologies, and strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Marketing & Sales category to support European Sales Operations with their Aftermarket & Digital requirements in collaboration with business stakeholders.

Main Responsibilities:

• Conduct sourcing for purchased services across various business functions, emphasizing European Sales Operations categories from Digital to HR.
• Execute procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
• Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts and develop service agreements.
• Examine purchase requests and choose vendors based on established strategies and contracts.
• Offer guidance to stakeholders on procurement matters, assisting throughout the procurement process and with any changes to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
• Monitor important metrics to assess how well suppliers and stakeholders are meeting contract requirements; identify and implement corrective measures to enhance contract compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
• Conduct market analysis as needed to inform sourcing decisions.
• Cultivate and manage relationships with suppliers and internal partners to support the organization's commercial goals.
• Begin and carry out assessments of suppliers and supplier audits.
• Summarize and report on project costs.
• Compile a list of possible suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
• Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate with suppliers, and finalize the best supplier option for the client.
• Develop a presentation outlining the selected supplier and present it to management as a business proposal.
• Complete supplier onboarding procedures following supplier selection.


• A degree in business administration, finance, procurement, or related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in Digital and/or Aftermarket purchasing.
• Proficient in negotiation and drafting Service Agreements.
• Proficient in communication and interpersonal abilities. Able to grasp the requirements of internal stakeholders promptly and exhibit a service-oriented approach.
• Adaptable and adept at familiarizing oneself with terminology and clients' operational methods, willing to adjust work practices for optimum outcomes.
• Experienced in managing multiple projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, employing a structured and timely manner.
• Proficient in both written and verbal English. Knowledge of Swedish and other European languages is beneficial.
• Advanced in MS Office, particularly Excel.
• Experience working with purchase-/administrative tools and systems, preferably SRM, Fieldglass, and/or Workday.

Personal Skills

• Flexible and Fast Learner: Capable of quickly understanding new concepts and smoothly fitting into the clients’ processes.
• Excellent Communication Skills: Skilled at grasping the requirements of team members and offering service-focused assistance. Proficient in both team collaborations and working independently from a remote location.
• Agile Work Approach: Demonstrates flexibility in adapting working methods to identify the most effective solutions.
• Determination: Dedicated to solving problems persistently, always seeking resolutions without surrendering.
• Optimistic Attitude: Faces challenges with a positive mindset, believing that every task is achievable.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 30 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 15 May 2025
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Accountant – Gothenburg (hybrid)

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for an experienced Senior Group Accounting team member specializing in tax accounting and enhancing processes for an assignment in Gothenburg. Our client works in the automotive industry. The ideal candidate has 6-10 years of experience handling advanced tasks independently. As a member of the team, your primary focus will be on tax accounting reviews and process enhancements. The team consists of 11 members. Job Assign... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for an experienced Senior Group Accounting team member specializing in tax accounting and enhancing processes for an assignment in Gothenburg. Our client works in the automotive industry. The ideal candidate has 6-10 years of experience handling advanced tasks independently. As a member of the team, your primary focus will be on tax accounting reviews and process enhancements. The team consists of 11 members.

Job Assignments

• Tax accounting on a group level
• Utilizing AARO system for reporting
• Analyzing finances at a group level
• Compiling quarterly and annual financial reports following IFRS standards
• Assisting in offering accounting advice to the finance team
• Communicating with subsidiary companies and shared service centers
• Involvement in various projects
• Conducting evaluations of financial results
• Collaboration with various departments in Group Finance and external auditors
• Other responsibilities related to Group Accounting and consolidation


• A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a focus on finance or accounting or an equivalent qualification
• At least 6 years of applicable experience in finance gained from a multinational company's accounting division or audit setting, including experience in consolidation and group accounting and reporting
• Previous involvement in coaching and leading/coordinating a team
• Proficiency in IFRS accounting standards and Group consolidation
• Advanced Excel skills
• Extensive experience in utilizing consolidation systems, mainly AARO
• Previous experience in a US-listed environment with knowledge of SOX compliance is advantageous

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of assignment: ASAP
End of assignment: 12 months, with the option to extend
Deadline: 2024-09-19
Location: Gothenburg – 4 days a week on site
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Business Controller within Sales and Marketing - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a Sales and Marketing Controller for our client’s Consumer Goods Region North. The role will be based in Gothenburg, as part of the regional team and will report to the Controlling Director for Region North. The Sales and Marketing Controller conducts financial analysis to evaluate the financial performance and assists with regional reporting, analysis, and control tasks. You will oversee financial controls related to p... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are seeking a Sales and Marketing Controller for our client’s Consumer Goods Region North. The role will be based in Gothenburg, as part of the regional team and will report to the Controlling Director for Region North.

The Sales and Marketing Controller conducts financial analysis to evaluate the financial performance and assists with regional reporting, analysis, and control tasks. You will oversee financial controls related to profit center accounting, revenue and cost management, financial systems, and procedures, ensuring compliance with corporate policies and Business Unit guidelines. The Sales and Marketing Controller reviews financial performance and recommends actions to enhance performance and achieve business goals and objectives.

Job Assignments

• Create and distribute management reports for important stakeholders
• Assist local Sales and Marketing teams in tracking overall performance and variances
• Analyze and offer insights on all financial aspects of operations
• Oversee the completion of monthly and annual financial closings at the local level
• Participate in the monthly and annual financial closings and reporting at the regional level
• Assist with financial planning activities such as budgeting, forecasting, and creating financial plans
• Conduct ad hoc analyses to provide insights for decision-making and corrective actions
• Work closely with the Sales and Marketing teams to improve business outcomes and operations
• Adhere to the client's controlling standards and other policies, including internal control and legal requirements
• Assist in educating the organization on financial IT Systems
• Monitor and track advertising and promotion expenses and outcomes

Who You Are

We are seeking a Sales & Marketing controller with excellent collaboration, communication, and presentation abilities. You excel at building relationships with individuals across various organizational levels, possess a proactive attitude, as well as an analytical approach, and are self-motivated. You have a knack for figures and systems, approach problem-solving analytically, and effectively communicate your findings. Additionally, you have a comprehensive viewpoint and a practical mindset.


• Bachelor's degree in Economics or Business Administration
• Previous experience in a comparable role (3-5 years)
• Proficient in both Swedish and English languages
• Experience from SAP
• Proficiency in Excel at an advanced level
• Experience of Power BI is a plus

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 01 Oct 2024
End of the assignment: 31 Mar 2025
Deadline: 19 Sep 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Buyer within Indirect Purchasing - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 16    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and l... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and long-term sourcing strategies, identifying new suppliers and technologies, and strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Marketing & Sales category to support European Sales Operations with their Aftermarket & Digital requirements in collaboration with business stakeholders.

Main Responsibilities:

• Conduct sourcing for purchased services across various business functions, emphasizing European Sales Operations categories from Digital to HR.
• Execute procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
• Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts and develop service agreements.
• Examine purchase requests and choose vendors based on established strategies and contracts.
• Offer guidance to stakeholders on procurement matters, assisting throughout the procurement process and with any changes to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
• Monitor important metrics to assess how well suppliers and stakeholders are meeting contract requirements; identify and implement corrective measures to enhance contract compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
• Conduct market analysis as needed to inform sourcing decisions.
• Cultivate and manage relationships with suppliers and internal partners to support the organization's commercial goals.
• Begin and carry out assessments of suppliers and supplier audits.
• Summarize and report on project costs.
• Compile a list of possible suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
• Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate with suppliers, and finalize the best supplier option for the client.
• Develop a presentation outlining the selected supplier and present it to management as a business proposal.
• Complete supplier onboarding procedures following supplier selection.


• A degree in business administration, finance, procurement, or related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in Digital and/or Aftermarket purchasing.
• Proficient in negotiation and drafting Service Agreements.
• Proficient in communication and interpersonal abilities. Able to grasp the requirements of internal stakeholders promptly and exhibit a service-oriented approach.
• Adaptable and adept at familiarizing oneself with terminology and clients' operational methods, willing to adjust work practices for optimum outcomes.
• Experienced in managing multiple projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, employing a structured and timely manner.
• Proficient in both written and verbal English. Knowledge of Swedish and other European languages is beneficial.
• Advanced in MS Office, particularly Excel.
• Experience working with purchase-/administrative tools and systems, preferably SRM, Fieldglass, and/or Workday.

Personal Skills

• Flexible and Fast Learner: Capable of quickly understanding new concepts and smoothly fitting into the clients’ processes.
• Excellent Communication Skills: Skilled at grasping the requirements of team members and offering service-focused assistance. Proficient in both team collaborations and working independently from a remote location.
• Agile Work Approach: Demonstrates flexibility in adapting working methods to identify the most effective solutions.
• Determination: Dedicated to solving problems persistently, always seeking resolutions without surrendering.
• Optimistic Attitude: Faces challenges with a positive mindset, believing that every task is achievable.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 30 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 15 May 2025
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Experiance Buyer Electric Drive Unit - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 16    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are now looking for a new Buyer to one of our clients that are located in Gothenburg. The assignment starts in the begging of January 2025 and ends in August 2026. As a buyer you will be a part of a global team with six team members that are on senior level. You will have the responsibility to drive the work of securing sourcing strategies, identify new supplier/technologies and the development of existing supplier relationship with... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are now looking for a new Buyer to one of our clients that are located in Gothenburg. The assignment starts in the begging of January 2025 and ends in August 2026. As a buyer you will be a part of a global team with six team members that are on senior level. You will have the responsibility to drive the work of securing sourcing strategies, identify new supplier/technologies and the development of existing supplier relationship within Electric Propulsion in close collaboration with R&D and other stakeholders.

Assignment description and main responsibilities
• Perform procurement according to strategies that is defined together with R&D.
• Negotiate commercial and legal agreements.
• Drive sustainability in the supply chain together with the sustainability team.
• Review purchase requisitions and identify and select contract/suppliers in accordance with defined strategies and agreements.
• Advise stakeholders on procurement issues, providing support and guidance at all stages of the procurement cycle as well as on modifications in requests.
• Collaborate with other Geely Holding functions.
• Track key performance indicators on supplier and stakeholder contract compliance.
• Define and take corrective actions to improve contracts compliance and continuously track supplier performance on quality and cost.
• Perform necessary market analysis to support sourcing activity.
• Create and maintain commercial relations with suppliers and internal stakeholders.
• Initiate and conduct supplier evaluations and supplier audits.
• Take an active role in developing and supporting efficient standardized req-to-pay processes.

• On board suppliers
• Negotiate contracts
• Place purchasing orders, make change orders and follow up with payment
• Secure and track deliveries
• Coordinate ingoing components to EDU assembly
• Present and align with R&D for ongoing procurement work
• Perform market test
• Finalize and sign agreements
• Initiate and control cost reduction work with all suppliers
• Finalize RFI and RFQ
• Evaluate and understand legal terms and conditions
• Follow up on contractual agreements

Competence requirements
• Automotive procurement experience is required.
• If experience from Propulsion and Electric Drive Unit even better.
• Fluent English, written and speech.
• Experience from setting up contracts is essential.

Personal qualities that is important:
• Flexible with a strong ability to adapt after the company’s needs.
• Outgoing and social person who has the ability to build strong relationships.
• Manage to work and preform well in a fast pace environment
• Strong communication skills.

Practical information:
Start of assignment: 2025-01-07
End of assignment: 2026-08-01
Scope: 100%
Location: Gothenburg

Last day of applying is 19 of September and to be qualified in the recruitment process your CV and personal letter must be in English.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Digital & Aftermarket Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 16    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will incl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and long-term sourcing strategies, identifying new suppliers and technologies, and strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Marketing & Sales category to support European Sales Operations with their Aftermarket & Digital requirements in collaboration with business stakeholders.

Main Responsibilities:

• Conduct sourcing for purchased services across various business functions, emphasizing European Sales Operations categories from Digital to HR.
• Execute procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
• Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts and develop service agreements.
• Examine purchase requests and choose vendors based on established strategies and contracts.
• Offer guidance to stakeholders on procurement matters, assisting throughout the procurement process and with any changes to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
• Monitor important metrics to assess how well suppliers and stakeholders are meeting contract requirements; identify and implement corrective measures to enhance contract compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
• Conduct market analysis as needed to inform sourcing decisions.
• Cultivate and manage relationships with suppliers and internal partners to support the organization's commercial goals.
• Begin and carry out assessments of suppliers and supplier audits.
• Summarize and report on project costs.
• Compile a list of possible suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
• Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate with suppliers, and finalize the best supplier option for the client.
• Develop a presentation outlining the selected supplier and present it to management as a business proposal.
• Complete supplier onboarding procedures following supplier selection.


• A degree in business administration, finance, procurement, or related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in Digital and/or Aftermarket purchasing.
• Proficient in negotiation and drafting Service Agreements.
• Proficient in communication and interpersonal abilities. Able to grasp the requirements of internal stakeholders promptly and exhibit a service-oriented approach.
• Adaptable and adept at familiarizing oneself with terminology and clients' operational methods, willing to adjust work practices for optimum outcomes.
• Experienced in managing multiple projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, employing a structured and timely manner.
• Proficient in both written and verbal English. Knowledge of Swedish and other European languages is beneficial.
• Advanced in MS Office, particularly Excel.
• Experience working with purchase-/administrative tools and systems, preferably SRM, Fieldglass, and/or Workday.

Personal Skills

• Flexible and Fast Learner: Capable of quickly understanding new concepts and smoothly fitting into the clients’ processes.
• Excellent Communication Skills: Skilled at grasping the requirements of team members and offering service-focused assistance. Proficient in both team collaborations and working independently from a remote location.
• Agile Work Approach: Demonstrates flexibility in adapting working methods to identify the most effective solutions.
• Determination: Dedicated to solving problems persistently, always seeking resolutions without surrendering.
• Optimistic Attitude: Faces challenges with a positive mindset, believing that every task is achievable.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 30 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 15 May 2025
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Talent Acquisition Partner - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are looking for a Talent Acquisition Partner. The mission starts 1 of October 2024 and ends 1 of January 2025. You will be based in Gothenburg and work 40h/week. The role of the Talent Acquisition Partner is to attract, identify, and secure top talent to support the company’s long-term strategic goals. In this role, you will collaborate closely a team, which is responsible for maintaining, updating, and implementing... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are looking for a Talent Acquisition Partner. The mission starts 1 of October 2024 and ends 1 of January 2025. You will be based in Gothenburg and work 40h/week.

The role of the Talent Acquisition Partner is to attract, identify, and secure top talent to support the company’s long-term strategic goals. In this role, you will collaborate closely a team, which is responsible for maintaining, updating, and implementing the recruitment processes. You will work alongside hiring managers to promote Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), strengthen Employer Branding, and enhance the Candidate Experience.

As a Talent Acquisition Partner, you will also serve as a market expert, providing guidance to hiring managers on industry-specific trends and practices.

What you’ll do:
• Collaborate with hiring managers to define selection criteria and establish process timelines.
• Create compelling and inclusive job advertisements.
• Source potential candidates through various online platforms (e.g., social media and professional networks).
• Manage the entire recruitment process, including candidate screening, assessments, and interviews.
• Champion initiatives related to employer branding, EDI, and candidate experience.
• Organize and participate in job fairs and recruitment events.
• Build and maintain long-term relationships with candidates, creating robust talent pools.
• Administer new hire contracts and coordinate with service providers on work permits and related matters.
• Actively participate in HR projects and continuously work on improving recruitment processes

What you should have:
• Proficiency in using Applicant Tracking Systems (especially Teamtailor), social media, resume databases, and professional networks.
• Experience in full-cycle recruitment; specific experience in Talent Acquisition or HR support is a plus.
• (Preferred) A bachelor's degree or relevant certification in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field.
• Strong networking and relationship-building skills.
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Effective negotiation abilities.
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior HR Business Partner Gothemburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Our client in the automotive industry is currently seeking a Senior HR Business Partner. As an HR Business Partner at our client’s company, you will work closely with business leaders and line managers to build people capabilities, manage talent, and develop approaches that align with the organization’s objectives. You will serve as the point of expertise for dedicated business areas, collaborating with department managers to create a ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Our client in the automotive industry is currently seeking a Senior HR Business Partner.
As an HR Business Partner at our client’s company, you will work closely with business leaders and line managers to build people capabilities, manage talent, and develop approaches that align with the organization’s objectives. You will serve as the point of expertise for dedicated business areas, collaborating with department managers to create a workplace where people thrive and grow.

The Team
You will be part of our client’s passionate HR Business Sweden team, working for global functions and collaborating in cross-functional and international teams.

Main Responsibilities:
• Provide guidance on people practices such as building successful teams, development, reorganizations, and succession planning.
• Collaborate with business leaders to align HR strategies with business objectives to drive organizational success.
• Oversee talent acquisition, talent reviews, development, and retention strategies to build a high-performing workforce.
• Manage and resolve complex employee relations issues, ensuring fair and consistent application of company policies.
• Guide leaders in implementing performance management processes, including setting goals, conducting appraisals, and managing underperformance.
• Build and influence relationships across the business.
• Coach and provide feedback to key stakeholders to improve business efficiency.

• Ability to understand the business environment and align HR practices with business needs.
• University degree in a relevant field or equivalent experience.
• Several years of HR experience, preferably in a business partner role with exposure to strategic HR practices.

Desired Attributes:
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills to influence and build relationships at all levels.
• A networker who builds long-term professional relationships based on trust and commitment.
• Strong understanding of the organization, its strategy, and the people challenges it faces.
• Ability to work collaboratively in cross-functional and international teams.
• Capability to analyze complex situations and provide strategic, practical solutions.
• Flexibility to manage multiple priorities and adapt to a changing business environment

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

1st Line Supporttekniker- Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en driven och serviceinriktad tekniker som trivs med att lösa IT-problem? Nu söker vi för vår kund en engagerad 1st Line Support Tekniker till Göteborg! Du kommer att vara en nyckelperson i supportteamet och hjälpa användare att snabbt och effektivt lösa tekniska problem. Tjänsten kräver 100% närvaro på plats och passar dig som gillar att vara en del av en dynamisk miljö med fokus på hög servicekvalitet. Självständigt felsöka ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Är du en driven och serviceinriktad tekniker som trivs med att lösa IT-problem? Nu söker vi för vår kund en engagerad 1st Line Support Tekniker till Göteborg! Du kommer att vara en nyckelperson i supportteamet och hjälpa användare att snabbt och effektivt lösa tekniska problem. Tjänsten kräver 100% närvaro på plats och passar dig som gillar att vara en del av en dynamisk miljö med fokus på hög servicekvalitet.

Självständigt felsöka och lösa tekniska problem relaterade till hårdvara, mjukvara och nätverk.
Administrera och underhålla Active Directory, inklusive att lägga upp nya användare och utföra kontoförändringar.
Hantera supportärenden gällande Windows 10/11, Office 365, Exchange och VPN-fjärranslutningar.
Ge support på plats för IT-utrustning, såsom datorer, mobiler, skrivare och konferensutrustning.
Dokumentera felsökning och lösningar på ett kortfattat och relevant sätt.
Eskalera komplexa problem till högre supportnivåer vid behov.

Tekniska krav:

Erfarenhet av 1st line support, gärna i en service desk-miljö.
Goda kunskaper i Windows operativsystem och standardapplikationer.
Kunskap om Active Directory, AD-Tools, Office 365, Exchange och Citrix.
Förmåga att arbeta med felsökning och åtgärder i Outlook, Office-applikationer, och fjärrhjälp.
Bekantskap med Microsoft Entra Admin Center och grundläggande nätverksanslutningsproblem.
Personliga egenskaper:

Vår kund värdesätter dina personliga egenskaper högt. Vi söker dig som:

Har utmärkta kommunikationsfärdigheter och är duktig på att förklara tekniska lösningar för användare.
Är serviceinriktad, ansvarsfull och kan hantera oförutsedda situationer med en positiv attityd.
Är en lagspelare som gärna tar initiativ och trivs i en strukturerad och snabbrörlig arbetsmiljö.
Övrig information:

Uppdragsperiod: 22 sep 2024 – 31 mar 2025, med möjlighet till förlängning.
Plats: Göteborg, 100% arbete på plats.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Senior HR Business Partner för vår klient i Göteborg

Ansök    Sep 3    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    HR-chef
Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en Senior HR Business Partner för vår klient inom fordonsindustrin. I denna roll kommer du att arbeta nära affärsledare för att stärka organisationsförmågan, hantera talanger och stödja strategiska HR-initiativ. Du blir en nyckelperson för att skapa en arbetsplats där medarbetare trivs och vill växa. Ansvarsområden: - Ge råd om personalpraxis, teamutveckling och successionsplanering. - Anpassa HR-strategier till affärsmålen. ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en Senior HR Business Partner för vår klient inom fordonsindustrin. I denna roll kommer du att arbeta nära affärsledare för att stärka organisationsförmågan, hantera talanger och stödja strategiska HR-initiativ. Du blir en nyckelperson för att skapa en arbetsplats där medarbetare trivs och vill växa.

- Ge råd om personalpraxis, teamutveckling och successionsplanering.
- Anpassa HR-strategier till affärsmålen.
- Hantera talangförvärv, utveckling och retention.
- Lösa komplexa medarbetarfrågor.
- Stödja genomförandet av prestationshanteringsprocesser.

Vem är du:
Du har starka interpersonella färdigheter, en djup förståelse för affärsbehov och förmågan att bygga långsiktiga relationer. Din erfarenhet av strategisk HR gör dig till en värdefull partner för affärsledare.

Nödvändiga färdigheter:
- Prestationshantering
- Talentförvärv
- Strategiskt HR-partnerskap
- Flytande i engelska (expert nivå)

Plats: Göteborg, Sverige
Startdatum: 1 oktober 2024
Slutdatum: 31 mars 2025
Sista ansökningsdag:10 september 2024

Bli en del av ett dynamiskt team:
Du kommer att ingå i ett passionerat, internationellt team som arbetar med globala funktioner. Ansök nu för att bli en del av en organisation där din påverkan kommer att vara betydande.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Digital & Aftermarket Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 2    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will incl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and long-term sourcing strategies, identifying new suppliers and technologies, and strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Marketing & Sales category to support European Sales Operations with their Aftermarket & Digital requirements in collaboration with business stakeholders.

Main responsibilities:

• Conduct sourcing for purchased services across various business functions, emphasizing European Sales Operations categories from Digital to HR.
• Execute procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
• Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts and develop service agreements.
• Examine purchase requests and choose vendors based on established strategies and contracts.
• Offer guidance to stakeholders on procurement matters, assisting throughout the procurement process and with any changes to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
• Monitor important metrics to assess how well suppliers and stakeholders are meeting contract requirements; identify and implement corrective measures to enhance contract compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
• Conduct market analysis as needed to inform sourcing decisions.
• Cultivate and manage relationships with suppliers and internal partners to support the organization's commercial goals.
• Begin and carry out assessments of suppliers and supplier audits.
• Summarize and report on project costs.
• Compile a list of possible suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
• Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate with suppliers, and finalize the best supplier option for the client.
• Develop a presentation outlining the selected supplier and present it to management as a business proposal.
• Complete supplier onboarding procedures following supplier selection.


• A degree in business administration, finance, procurement, or related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in Digital and/or Aftermarket purchasing.
• Proficient in negotiation and drafting Service Agreements.
• Proficient in communication and interpersonal abilities. Able to grasp the requirements of internal stakeholders promptly and exhibit a service-oriented approach.
• Adaptable and adept at familiarizing oneself with terminology and clients' operational methods, willing to adjust work practices for optimum outcomes.
• • Experienced in managing multiple projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, employing a structured and timely manner.
• Proficient in both written and verbal English. Knowledge of Swedish and other European languages is beneficial.
• Advanced in MS Office, particularly Excel.
• Experience working with purchase-/administrative tools and systems, preferably SRM, Fieldglass, and/or Workday.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 30 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 15 May 2025
Deadline: 06 Sep 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Digital & Aftermarket Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Sep 2    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will incl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking a new Digital & Aftermarket Buyer to join our client's indirect Procurement team. You will be part of a dedicated team working to make a positive impact alongside our client's colleagues. This role offers the opportunity to be part of an innovative EV company and help shape the future of e-mobility by pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible in digital solutions. Your main responsibilities will include developing short and long-term sourcing strategies, identifying new suppliers and technologies, and strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Marketing & Sales category to support European Sales Operations with their Aftermarket & Digital requirements in collaboration with business stakeholders.

Main Responsibilities:

• Conduct sourcing for purchased services across various business functions, emphasizing European Sales Operations categories from Digital to HR.
• Execute procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
• Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts and develop service agreements.
• Examine purchase requests and choose vendors based on established strategies and contracts.
• Offer guidance to stakeholders on procurement matters, assisting throughout the procurement process and with any changes to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
• Monitor important metrics to assess how well suppliers and stakeholders are meeting contract requirements; identify and implement corrective measures to enhance contract compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
• Conduct market analysis as needed to inform sourcing decisions.
• Cultivate and manage relationships with suppliers and internal partners to support the organization's commercial goals.
• Begin and carry out assessments of suppliers and supplier audits.
• Summarize and report on project costs.
• Compile a list of possible suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
• Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate with suppliers, and finalize the best supplier option for the client.
• Develop a presentation outlining the selected supplier and present it to management as a business proposal.
• Complete supplier onboarding procedures following supplier selection.


• A degree in business administration, finance, procurement, or related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in Digital and/or Aftermarket purchasing.
• Proficient in negotiation and drafting Service Agreements.
• Proficient in communication and interpersonal abilities. Able to grasp the requirements of internal stakeholders promptly and exhibit a service-oriented approach.
• Adaptable and adept at familiarizing oneself with terminology and clients' operational methods, willing to adjust work practices for optimum outcomes.
• Experienced in managing multiple projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, employing a structured and timely manner.
• Proficient in both written and verbal English. Knowledge of Swedish and other European languages is beneficial.
• Advanced in MS Office, particularly Excel.
• Experience working with purchase-/administrative tools and systems, preferably SRM, Fieldglass, and/or Workday.

Personal Skills

• Flexible and Fast Learner: Capable of quickly understanding new concepts and smoothly fitting into the clients’ processes.
• Excellent Communication Skills: Skilled at grasping the requirements of team members and offering service-focused assistance. Proficient in both team collaborations and working independently from a remote location.
• Agile Work Approach: Demonstrates flexibility in adapting working methods to identify the most effective solutions.
• Determination: Dedicated to solving problems persistently, always seeking resolutions without surrendering.
• Optimistic Attitude: Faces challenges with a positive mindset, believing that every task is achievable.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 30 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 15 May 2025
Deadline: 06 Sep 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior HR Business Partner - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a consultant who is an experienced Senior HRBP. As an HR Business Partner, you will collaborate closely with business leaders and managers to enhance their workforce capabilities, strategize and oversee talent management, and create strategies that align with organizational goals. Your role will involve serving as the primary HR resource for specific business units, working alongside department managers to cultivate ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a consultant who is an experienced Senior HRBP. As an HR Business Partner, you will collaborate closely with business leaders and managers to enhance their workforce capabilities, strategize and oversee talent management, and create strategies that align with organizational goals. Your role will involve serving as the primary HR resource for specific business units, working alongside department managers to cultivate a positive work environment where employees can excel and are motivated to progress within the company.

Some of the duties and tasks will be:

- Offering advice on human resources practices related to team-building, training, restructuring, and planning for future leadership.
- Working closely with company executives to ensure HR strategies support business goals and contribute to overall success.
- Managing recruitment, talent assessment, development, and retention initiatives to cultivate a strong and effective workforce.
- Handle and address challenging employee relations matters, ensuring equitable enforcement of company policies.
- Assist leaders in carrying out performance evaluation procedures, such as goal setting, performance appraisals, and addressing subpar performance.
- Engage with individuals across the organization to foster connections and build rapport.
- Offer guidance and feedback to important stakeholders to enhance operational effectiveness.

You will join a dedicated HR Business team in Sweden, collaborating with global departments and diverse international teams.


- At least 7 years of experience in Human Resources, ideally in a Business Partner position involving familiarity with strategic HR practices.
- Business Acumen: comprehension of the business environment and the capability to synchronize HR practices with business requirements.
- Communication: effective communication and interpersonal abilities to persuade and establish connections across all levels.
- Problem-Solving: skill to assess intricate scenarios and offer practical and strategic resolutions.
- Adaptability: The ability to handle various tasks simultaneously and adjust to evolving business conditions.
- Education: university degree in a related field or equivalent practical knowledge.

Who you are:

We are seeking an individual with outstanding interpersonal and communication abilities. This person should excel at forming enduring professional connections based on trust and dedication. You should quickly grasp the organization's goals, strategies, and the human resource issues it encounters.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of assignment: ASAP
End of assignment: 2025-03-31
Deadline: 2024-09-09
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Sales Assistant/ Training Delivery Support - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a consultant for a position as a Training Delivery Support for our client in Gothenburg. In relation to the company's shift in business strategy and growth into new markets, the primary responsibility involves organizing and conducting training on systems and processes. This role includes coordinating training efforts with different parties, overseeing schedules, conducting training sessions, and working with the pro... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a consultant for a position as a Training Delivery Support for our client in Gothenburg. In relation to the company's shift in business strategy and growth into new markets, the primary responsibility involves organizing and conducting training on systems and processes. This role includes coordinating training efforts with different parties, overseeing schedules, conducting training sessions, and working with the project team to ensure a successful rollout of operations atretail locations. This position will require reporting to two different supervisors.

In autumn 2024, the client’s goal is to further implement their new business framework throughout Europe, grow the retail presence, revamp operations in specific markets, and begin strategizing for market expansions in 2025. These efforts involve either adapting CX's operations to the new model or establishing new operations entirely to facilitate sales and support for customers, both new and existing.

Due to the significant expansion in retail spaces and operational changes planned for August to December 2024, it is necessary to hire a seasoned consultant to provide hands-on support to the team. The consultant will be responsible for organizing and conducting training sessions, working with different parties involved, overseeing schedules, and ensuring the smooth opening of new retail outlets.

Key outcomes to be achieved:
Implement and conduct essential training sessions as per the established schedule for the transition of business model and expansion of retail operations.'


• Previous experience in providing CRM training
• Previous experience in conducting Sales training
• Advanced proficiency in English, knowledge of other European languages is advantageous
• Ability to confidently lead group training sessions
• Good project coordination abilities
• Excellent communication proficiency
• Desirable: prior experience in automotive sales

The team:

This team is in charge of the training and development of all employees in the company, excluding technical training. The company provides training for customer-facing employees through three methods: e-learning on the company's platform (which is based on the Learning Management System SanaLabs), virtual training sessions/webinars, and face-to-face training at various locations. The department is split into two subcategories.
• Training content: The team at Global HQ is primarily in charge of ensuring that training materials are current and pertinent. They are responsible for enhancing both online and offline training resources continuously.
• Training delivery & production: The team is accountable for overseeing the procedures for all virtual and in-person training conducted by the Trainers. They prioritize and schedule face-to-face training sessions in various locations. They ensure that all relevant documentation is current and up-to-date, both prior to and following training sessions.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 10 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 20 Dec 2024
Deadline: 05 Sep 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Human Resource Data Partner - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are looking for a Human Resource Data Partner. The mission is 100% and located in Gothenburg. They want somebody that can start as soon as possible and work until 30 of June 2025. What you will do: You will be part of an enthusiastic team that works closely with the business and extended HR community to shape, support and influence the business agenda from a People perspective. Your role contains of two elements. O... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are looking for a Human Resource Data Partner. The mission is 100% and located in Gothenburg. They want somebody that can start as soon as possible and work until 30 of June 2025.

What you will do:
You will be part of an enthusiastic team that works closely with the business and extended HR community to shape, support and influence the business agenda from a People perspective.

Your role contains of two elements. One is to secure quality and availability of people-related data in all PX processes as well as provide insights and benchmarks as a base for more valuable decisions. You will be working in close collaboration with the business, PX Engineering and Central PX. You will actively secure PX deliverables and processes with a focus on People, Culture and Leadership.

The second part is to work close with the PX data team and drive initiatives and improvements connected to people data and analytics. The client strives constantly to develop and optimize their ways of working, to encourage leaders and PX colleagues to be more data informed, to follow trends and act early.

What you’ll bring:
We are looking for you with an eagerness to learn and interest in how data can add value to the area of HR. For this role, you can have some experience and a big interest in data analytics and HR. You are filled with enthusiasm and a genuine desire to make a real impact. You have experience working in various systems that support analytics, and reports, ready to dive into the world of data-based decision-making.

You have good knowledge of Excel and Power BI and the ability to present your data professionally to relevant stakeholders. You know how to work with big data sets, how to secure reliability of data, and able to get meaningful information from different sources while executing analytical tasks. Your ability to communicate effectively, adapt, and provide operational support will be key in this role. You like to solve problems and have no problem to deal with some uncertainty, meaning that you can navigate and move forward even when things are not clear.

Who are you?
You are comfortable collaborating across teams and demonstrate courage and stakeholder management skills. The client highly values it if you not only understand the ever-evolving business landscape but also are curious about its current opportunities from a strategic perspective. Attention to detail and robust analytical skills are key qualities they're looking for. You have a positive approach of solving problems and you are not afraid of digging in and making things done when needed. They also expect you to be a lifetime-learner since the business environment provide endless opportunities to learn and grow professionally.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Lead Business Consultant - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Lead Business Consultant for our client in Gothenburg. The goal of the project is to establish a solid base for managing the company's financial accounting, financial control, and billing procedures. This will be achieved by implementing the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations modules, which offer comprehensive financial management features. In this project, you will assess the current financial processes and ca... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Lead Business Consultant for our client in Gothenburg.

The goal of the project is to establish a solid base for managing the company's financial accounting, financial control, and billing procedures. This will be achieved by implementing the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations modules, which offer comprehensive financial management features.

In this project, you will assess the current financial processes and capabilities of the organization to pinpoint any deficiencies and create the necessary specifications for the team in charge of implementation. Following the assessment, the team will develop a solution tailored to the organization's needs and deploy it using the Dynamics 365 platform.

The project will concentrate on the following main areas:

• Financial Accounting: The project will create and put into operation its financial accounting procedures using the most effective methods for the chosen technology. This involves managing the general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, cash and bank transactions, and fixed assets.
• Financial Control: The project aims to assist the organization in implementing measures to comply with regulations and accurately analyze business profitability by setting up approval processes for financial transactions, ensuring separation of responsibilities, and introducing internal controls.
• Billing: The project will enhance the organization's billing procedures by automating the generation and handling of invoices and linking billing with other financial operations.
The team will collaborate closely with the finance department of the organization to make sure that the solution meets their needs and fits well with their operations. Additionally, the team will offer training and assistance to facilitate a seamless switch to the new system. They are seeking a candidate to join them during the project and quickly adapt to help with tasks related to shaping future work practices.

Primary Duties:

• Assist the project by conducting evidence-based analysis of the business and digital landscape using information from various sources.
• Encourage the team to adopt a minimum viable product (MVP) approach by assisting in defining the minimum value and user-testable deliverables.
• Perform in-depth examination of business needs and operations, pinpointing areas for enhancement, and converting business requirements into functional specifications for the ERP system.
• Utilize data modeling techniques to study results and generate written reports to back up the analysis.
• Collaborate with and oversee various partners and stakeholders, both inside and outside the organization.
• Aid the team in resolving issues, emphasizing key tasks, and handling trade-offs.
• Conduct product demonstrations, train end-users, and lead workshops.

Specific Activities:

• Conduct business process modeling for the new D365 solution and system setup.
• Develop VAS unique processes and procedures for Finance.
• Outline future business flows and define roles and responsibilities.
• Assist in strategizing for the expansion of ERP in 2025.
• Conduct analysis on the effects of replacing Hyperion and design a go-live solution. Evaluate necessary legal and company obligations to guarantee that VAS complies with all requirements in the new configuration, whether through manual or automated processes.


For this position, we are seeking candidates with several years of experience in a related role that requires strong business analysis skills, including requirements engineering, and a collaborative and transparent work approach.

• Hands-on experience with finance supporting applications.
• Comprehensive knowledge of finance core business processes.
• Skilled in utilizing tools like Azure Devops, Confluence, or equivalent for handling backlogs, requirements, and facilitating workshops.
• Strong abilities in delivering presentations and documenting effectively.
• Skilled in leading workshops and handling stakeholder relationships.
• Expert in communicating verbally and in writing in English and Swedish, at a professional level, with previous experience in an international setting.
• You are passionate, driven, and well-organized as an individual, and thrive in a fast-paced work setting.


• Having familiarity with Dynamics 365 is beneficial.
• Having prior experience within the company is advantageous.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 02 Sep 2024
End of the assignment: 31 Dec 2024
Deadline: 02 Sep 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interwievs are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Lead Strategic Buyer – Göteborg

Ansök    Aug 26    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du redo att ta nästa steg i din karriär inom strategiskt inköp och bli en del av ett globalt ledande företag inom transportteknologi? Vi söker nu en driven och erfaren Lead Strategic Buyer med fokus på Prototype Purchasing som kan gå in i ett spännande konsultuppdrag. Som en nyckelspelare i ett team av 5 Buyers, kommer du att leda och optimera inköp av prototypdelar för tunga lastbilar och transportsystem. Du kommer att arbeta nära... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du redo att ta nästa steg i din karriär inom strategiskt inköp och bli en del av ett globalt ledande företag inom transportteknologi?

Vi söker nu en driven och erfaren Lead Strategic Buyer med fokus på Prototype Purchasing som kan gå in i ett spännande konsultuppdrag. Som en nyckelspelare i ett team av 5 Buyers, kommer du att leda och optimera inköp av prototypdelar för tunga lastbilar och transportsystem. Du kommer att arbeta nära intressenter i Göteborg och hantera leverantörer inom Norden.

Din roll:

- Ansvara för att säkerställa och optimera kundens leverantörsbas för prototyper.
- Utveckla och implementera bästa praxis inom inköpsprocesser.
- Driva kontinuerliga förbättringar i samarbete med kollegor och intressenter inom teknik och produktutveckling.
- Stödja operativa inköp och säkerställa att ledtidskrav uppfylls.
- Påverka produktutvecklingen genom att förstå och möta affärsbehov samt leverantörskrav.

Vem är du?

- Du talar och skriver flytande svenska och engelska.
- Du är en stark och flexibel lagspelare som trivs med att utmana och förbättra.
- Du har en positiv inställning, hög energinivå och är redo att ta dig an nya utmaningar.
- Du har utmärkta kommunikationsförmågor och en förmåga att hantera flera projekt parallellt. Du är mål- och kundorienterad.
- Du har minst 8 års relevant erfarenhet inom inköp/produktutveckling, gärna inom fordonsindustrin med teknisk bakgrund. Erfarenhet av plåt, gjutning och slangar är meriterande.
- Du har körkort för bil.

Om oss:

Vi arbetar med ett globalt företag som är en ledande aktör inom transportteknologi. Deras team av prototypinköpare består av 10 engagerade medlemmar som arbetar tätt tillsammans och stöttar varandra. Vi söker nu dig som delar vår tro på handling, samarbete och tydlig kommunikation.

Varför oss?

Vår kund värdesätter mångfald och välkomnar alla sökande oavsett ålder, etnicitet, kön eller kulturell bakgrund. Hos oss har du möjlighet att arbeta i en dynamisk och innovativ miljö, där du kan vara med och påverka framtidens transportlösningar.

Ta chansen att bli en del av ett ledande företag inom transportteknologi och bidra till att driva innovation och utveckling i världsklass!

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 2024-09-23
Slutdatum: 2025-03-31
Sista ansökningsdagen: snarast
Ort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: 0790 06 27 11
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Human Resource Data Partner - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are looking for a Human Resource Data Partner. The mission is 100% and located in Gothenburg. They want somebody that can start as soon as possible and work until 30 of June 2025. What you will do: You will be part of an enthusiastic team that works closely with the business and extended HR community to shape, support and influence the business agenda from a People perspective. Your role contains of two elements. O... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are looking for a Human Resource Data Partner. The mission is 100% and located in Gothenburg. They want somebody that can start as soon as possible and work until 30 of June 2025.

What you will do:
You will be part of an enthusiastic team that works closely with the business and extended HR community to shape, support and influence the business agenda from a People perspective.

Your role contains of two elements. One is to secure quality and availability of people-related data in all PX processes as well as provide insights and benchmarks as a base for more valuable decisions. You will be working in close collaboration with the business, PX Engineering and Central PX. You will actively secure PX deliverables and processes with a focus on People, Culture and Leadership.

The second part is to work close with the PX data team and drive initiatives and improvements connected to people data and analytics. The client strives constantly to develop and optimize their ways of working, to encourage leaders and PX colleagues to be more data informed, to follow trends and act early.

What you’ll bring:
We are looking for you with an eagerness to learn and interest in how data can add value to the area of HR. For this role, you can have some experience and a big interest in data analytics and HR. You are filled with enthusiasm and a genuine desire to make a real impact. You have experience working in various systems that support analytics, and reports, ready to dive into the world of data-based decision-making.

You have good knowledge of Excel and Power BI and the ability to present your data professionally to relevant stakeholders. You know how to work with big data sets, how to secure reliability of data, and able to get meaningful information from different sources while executing analytical tasks. Your ability to communicate effectively, adapt, and provide operational support will be key in this role. You like to solve problems and have no problem to deal with some uncertainty, meaning that you can navigate and move forward even when things are not clear.

Who are you?
You are comfortable collaborating across teams and demonstrate courage and stakeholder management skills. The client highly values it if you not only understand the ever-evolving business landscape but also are curious about its current opportunities from a strategic perspective. Attention to detail and robust analytical skills are key qualities they're looking for. You have a positive approach of solving problems and you are not afraid of digging in and making things done when needed. They also expect you to be a lifetime-learner since the business environment provide endless opportunities to learn and grow professionally.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Tech Recruiter to Gothenburg!

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are looking for a Senior Tech Recruiter. The mission starts in the beginning of September and last for 6 months. You will work 100% from the clients office which is based in Gothenburg. Key Responsibilities: • Effectively partners with senior-level stakeholders, potentially across multiple areas of domain expertise • Holds full accountability for full cycle recruitments including search • Proactive partnership with t... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are looking for a Senior Tech Recruiter. The mission starts in the beginning of September and last for 6 months. You will work 100% from the clients office which is based in Gothenburg.

Key Responsibilities:
• Effectively partners with senior-level stakeholders, potentially across multiple areas of domain expertise
• Holds full accountability for full cycle recruitments including search
• Proactive partnership with the team and greater TA team
• Responsible for driving and executing on the TA strategy
• Can build, maintain, and drive TA projects in a timely manner
• Coaches/mentors more junior team members across the TA org
• Drives collaboration with PX Partners & Finance partners (with TA leads) to build process improvements for operational effectiveness based on data, beliefs and insights
• Responsible for a diverse set of recruitments which may include leadership or senior roles in the business

Key Behaviors:
• Understanding of the TA philosophy/strategy which facilitates ability to define and measure projects that will have the greatest impact
• Holds influence to get others on-board and bring ideas alive
• Helps develop others by providing frequent feedback with honesty and empathy
• Mentors more junior team members towards success in line with the career framework
• Proactively uses recruitment data to advise the business, and identifies problems preemptively
• Ability to act as a strategic partner to senior levels of leadership within the company
• Ability to act independently and seek solutions when problems arise

Practial information:
Start date: 2 of september 2024
End date: 31 march 2025
Workload: 100%
City: Gothenburg
Last day to apply: 23 of Aug

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Marketing & Communications Coordinator - Hybrid

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a consultant who wants to have a new position as a Marketing & Communications Coordinator for our client in Gothenburg. After the assignment period you have the opportunity to be hired directly by the client. In order to provide individuals with the opportunity to travel in a safer, more environmentally friendly, and more efficient manner, there is a need for an increased number of cars that can be shared, connected... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a consultant who wants to have a new position as a Marketing & Communications Coordinator for our client in Gothenburg. After the assignment period you have the opportunity to be hired directly by the client.

In order to provide individuals with the opportunity to travel in a safer, more environmentally friendly, and more efficient manner, there is a need for an increased number of cars that can be shared, connected, and equipped with advanced software. The goal is to speed up the process of digitizing the automotive sector and integrate digital services, enabling the transformation of car data into intelligent mobility solutions. Take part in this journey and play an active role in achieving this vision with our client!

Our client is looking for an organized, innovative, and self-reliant professional in Marketing & Communications with a few years of experience in a comparable position, preferably in an international context. This is a new position within the team that involves involvement in event planning, content production, data analysis, and project management.

Our client offers you:

• Dynamic tech firm providing a stimulating workplace.
• Engaged in Electric Vehicle solutions for sustainability.
• Collaborative work environment focused on trust and independence where you are valued as an individual.
• Emphasis on work-life harmony and complimentary gym membership in the Gothenburg location.
• Adaptable schedules and a mix of remote and in-office work options.

The client is constantly exploring new territories and is open to new ideas to create a positive impact. By joining this adventure, you will be part of a team of talented and kind individuals from diverse backgrounds. You will have the autonomy to lead your projects, inspire others, adapt to new technologies, and work flexibly within the organization. The ultimate goal is to empower and enable smart, sustainable progress both within and outside the company.

Personal Skills:

• You are a well-organized individual who communicates effectively and can handle multiple projects at once, even in demanding situations. You are detail-oriented yet can still see the overall goals.
• You have a mindset that focuses on finding solutions based on data and can come up with innovative ideas while taking responsibility for your projects.
• Possess a sense of curiosity, embrace learning opportunities, and demonstrate a strong enthusiasm for your job.
• Excel in a rapidly changing and lively setting.
• Have the ability to work closely with teams from different departments and external collaborators.


• A degree in Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, or a related field is required.
• At least 2 years of experience in a similar position in Marketing & Communications or at an agency.
• Fluent/native in English, both spoken and written, with excellent communication abilities.
• Experience in organizing and coordinating events.
• Quick to grasp new tasks and adapt to evolving requirements.
• Competent in creating digital content using tools and processes, like Adobe.
• Candidates need to hold a valid work permit for the EU region.

Please, submit your CV in English.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-09-01
End of the assignment: 2025-09-01
Deadline: 2024-08-15
Remote work: 25%
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Service Desk Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du på jakt efter nya utmaningar till hösten och vill axla ett spännande konsultuppdrag inom IT-området? Just nu söker vi efter dig som vill arbeta som konsult inom Service Desk. I vår kunds Service Desk kommer din huvudsakliga uppgift att vara att leverera service i världsklass inom support och felavhjälpning av tekniska problem. Du kommer att stödja och assistera användarna med felsökning av både mjuk- och hårdvara, främst via tel... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du på jakt efter nya utmaningar till hösten och vill axla ett spännande konsultuppdrag inom IT-området? Just nu söker vi efter dig som vill arbeta som konsult inom Service Desk.

I vår kunds Service Desk kommer din huvudsakliga uppgift att vara att leverera service i världsklass inom support och felavhjälpning av tekniska problem. Du kommer att stödja och assistera användarna med felsökning av både mjuk- och hårdvara, främst via telefon och TeamViewer, men även på plats i kundens lokaler.

Vår kund är verksam i flera länder och erbjuder lösningar inom olika affärsområden. Konsultuppdraget är på 100 % med placering i Göteborg! Uppdraget pågår i ca 1,5 år under tidperioden 2024-09-01-2026-02-28 med goda möjligheter till förlängning.

Förekommande arbetsuppgifter:
• Felsökning och installation, främst i Windows-miljö
• Felsökning av både hårdvara och mjukvara
• Mottagning och registrering av ärenden i företagets ärendehanteringssystem

• Någon form av utbildning inom IT/Teknik som kunden bedömer är relevant
• Minst 1 års erfarenhet av teknisk support/helpdesk
• Goda datorkunskaper och systemvana
• Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift

• Erfarenhet av att arbeta med ärendehanteringssystem
• Support av Office-applikationer (O365)
• Windows 7/10 och Outlook
• Hantering av nätverksrelaterade problem, inklusive TCP/IP
• Administrering av behörigheter och rättigheter i Active Directory
• Erfarenhet av PowerShell (skript)
• Intresse för Problem Management
• Kunskap om IP-telefoni (Cisco)

Utöver dina kunskaper och kompetenser söker vi en person som är ansvarstagande, serviceinriktad, noggrann och punktlig. Du behöver även vara en lagspelare som tycker om att samarbeta och ser nyttan med att utbyta tankar och idéer.

Praktisk information
Ort: Göteborg
Omfattning: 100%
Startdatum: 2024-09-01
Slutdatum: 2026-02-28
Option: 2026-08-31
Ansök senast: 26 augusti

Vi arbetar med löpande urval och intervjuer och uppdraget kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag. Om uppdragsbeskrivningen känns som en klockren matchning för dig tveka inte på att skicka in din ansökan redan idag!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Buyer – IT & Professional Services Gothenburg

Ansök    Aug 7    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are searching for a person who has a bachelor's degree within Business or engineering and a couple of years of contract extensions and re-negotiations. It’s a short-term consulting assignment of three months starting 19 of August and ending 30 of November. To succeed in the role you need to be a self-starter and work independently with high integrity and excellent communications and collaborations skills. The assignm... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are searching for a person who has a bachelor's degree within Business or engineering and a couple of years of contract extensions and re-negotiations. It’s a short-term consulting assignment of three months starting 19 of August and ending 30 of November.

To succeed in the role you need to be a self-starter and work independently with high integrity and excellent communications and collaborations skills. The assignment includes to handling some large, critical projects with high speed at the same time as maintaining smaller, more tactical and operations tasks.

The role will be a part of the European central purchasing team of 10+ people, based on Lindholmen, Gothenburg. You need to be a problem solver and team player. Our client is an international team, working primarily in English.

Assignment Description:
• Scope includes IT, such as Software/Licenses/ Subscriptions, IT development (consultants & projects/WPs), but also other business services.
• The tasks will be high AND low – from large, strategic outsourcing projects to smaller license extensions.
• Build professional stakeholder relationships and secure strong collaborations
• Proactively identify business needs and requirements, challenge demand, and manage endto-end purchasing activities, from RFx-process to managing purchase requisition flow and execute purchase orders (SAP)
• Negotiate contracts and SOWs and aim to achieve cost reductions and other improvements (work together with legal team, when needed)
• Contract extensions and re-negotiations
• Our client is a fast growing and dynamic organization and it’s required to be flexible, solution oriented, open to take on different tasks as needed from time to time, and have a sense of urgency. In return it’s a very developing environment and lots of room for own initiatives and growth.

• 3-5 years of relevant experience
• Fluent in business English (stakeholders in several countries)
• Comfortable with systems, data, and excel as well as some administration
• Business or engineering degree or other relevant education

Personal attributes:
• Very strong communication and collaboration skills
• Service minded and deliver on promise
• Ability to balance detail attention with the bigger picture
• Flexible and able to handle several activities in parallel and prioritize effectively
• Do-er and solution oriented

Practical information
Startdate: 19 aug 2024
Ending date: 30 nov 2024
Workload: 100%
Location: On-site. Ideally 5 days-, but minimum 3 days a week in the office.

We work continuously with selection and interviews, so submit your application today!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

UX Designer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Aug 1    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Webbdesigner
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a skilled UX Designer who is passionate about creating smooth user experiences to join our client’s team as a consultant. The UX Designer will play a key role in designing the user experience for digital products, focusing on creativity and user-centered design. You will contribute with your expertise to various aspects of project to ensure the products effectively meet user needs. Job Assignments • Perform various use... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are seeking a skilled UX Designer who is passionate about creating smooth user experiences to join our client’s team as a consultant. The UX Designer will play a key role in designing the user experience for digital products, focusing on creativity and user-centered design. You will contribute with your expertise to various aspects of project to ensure the products effectively meet user needs.

Job Assignments

• Perform various user experience tasks on different platforms to create user-friendly solutions.
• Use your design abilities to visualize ideas effectively and create impactful designs.
• Work with diverse teams to improve user interfaces and enhance the overall user experience.
• Support in overseeing stakeholders, comprehending their requirements, and coordinating design solutions with business goals.
• Communicate efficiently with different teams, promoting teamwork and guaranteeing a clear design approach.
• Play a role in developing and implementing design standards and approaches.
• Help supervise the design process from concept creation to execution, guaranteeing top-notch design results.
• Make sure that tasks are completed following established guidelines and designated design system.
• Uphold best practices in UX, branding, design systems, and applicable legal and accessibility standards to ensure effective implementation.
• Offer advice and assistance to junior designers, giving them helpful feedback and guidance.
• Engage with the wider UX community in the department, sharing knowledge and working together on projects.


• Completion of a Bachelor's or Master's program in a related field like Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, User Experience, or a similar area of study.
• 3-5 years of work experience in UX Design.
• Shown capability to participate in UX projects at all stages of the design process.
• Impressive collection of design work showcasing successful projects on diverse platforms and devices.
• Skilled in clearly conveying design choices to technical and non-technical team members.
• Proficiency with design software like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe Creative Suite.
• Fluent in English, both written and spoken.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-10-01
End of the assignment: 2025-09-30
Deadline: 2024-08-05
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: 0790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Group accounting specialist - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Group Accounting Manager who is passionate about finance and coaching leadership. Our client’s office is located in Gothenburg and the assignment starts on 14 July and continues one year. Deliveries • Supporting the GA Manager in leading the financial monthly, quarterly and yearly closing process on Group level including group consolidation and external and internal financial reporting • Reporting in consolidatio... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Group Accounting Manager who is passionate about finance and coaching leadership. Our client’s office is located in Gothenburg and the assignment starts on 14 July and continues one year.

• Supporting the GA Manager in leading the financial monthly, quarterly and yearly closing process on Group level including group consolidation and external and internal financial reporting
• Reporting in consolidation system AARO
• Financial analysis on group level
• Preparation of external IFRS financial quarterly and annual reports
• Being part of providing accounting guidance to the finance community
• Extensive contact with subsidiaries and shared service centers
• Participation in different projects
• Develop analysis of financial performance
• Contact/cooperation with different areas within Group Finance, as well as with external auditors
• Other areas related to Group Accounting and consolidation

Competence requirements
• A University degree in Business Administration (major in finance or accounting) or equivalent
• Minimum 10 years of relevant experience in finance from a global corporate accounting function or audit environment with relevant experience from consolidation and group accounting and reporting
• Experience from coaching and take a leading/coordinating role in a team
• Good knowledge in IFRS accounting standards and Group consolidation
• Strong knowledge in Excel
• Solid experience in using consolidation systems, primarily AARO
• Experience from working in US listed environment including SOX is meritorious

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Service Desk Technician – Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Our client's IT Operations Nordic team is looking for a consulant who can work in an assignment as a first-second line IT Service Desk Technician to provide local IT infrastructure support. This position is initially temporary, but there is a chance of it being extended and leading to a permanent job opportunity. At first, we are looking to bring on a candidate for a three-month period, with the option to extend the contract. The po... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Our client's IT Operations Nordic team is looking for a consulant who can work in an assignment as a first-second line IT Service Desk Technician to provide local IT infrastructure support. This position is initially temporary, but there is a chance of it being extended and leading to a permanent job opportunity.

At first, we are looking to bring on a candidate for a three-month period, with the option to extend the contract. The position is for full-time employment. There is no requirement for on-call responsibilities or working beyond regular office hours. The work will take place at the offices in Västra Frölunda / Torslanda.

The person will join a team with 4 members in Landskrona and 2 in Västra Frölunda. The main role is to assist users in person at Västra Frölunda/Torslanda and offer remote support to various locations mainly in the northern part of Sweden like Örebro, Umeå, Stockholm, Skellefteå, and Jönköping.

This involves office staff and service technicians who utilize Android tablets and smartphones for their IT tasks. They offer assistance by remotely managing their devices through TeamViewer.

Other Tasks:

- Helping with the installation of Windows 10 through SCCM, currently transitioning to deploying Windows 11.
- Resolving issues with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
- Setting up mobile devices and tablets following the procedures.
- Occasionally installing applications, primarily using SCCM for management.
- Purchasing computers, smartphones, and other technology devices used by users.


- Knowledge of Active Directory.
- Experience in Office365, Teams, OneDrive.
- Prior experience with a ticketing system, preferably ServiceNow.
- Familiarity with Intune is preferred.

Consultants are required to finish a series of compulsory courses on data protection and IT security.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start date: 15-Jul-2024
End date: 15-Oct-2024
Deadline: 11-Jul-2024
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Digital Support Tecnicians - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are looking for 3-5 Onsite Digital Support Tecnicians. The workplace is located in Gothenburg and the mission starts at 29 july 2024 and ends at 29 july 2026. This is a unique opportunity for a person who wants to be a part of a global market and contribute to our environmental impact towards zero. The client create value for customers and consumers by producing high-efficiency, low-emission engines that already powe... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are looking for 3-5 Onsite Digital Support Tecnicians. The workplace is located in Gothenburg and the mission starts at 29 july 2024 and ends at 29 july 2026. This is a unique opportunity for a person who wants to be a part of a global market and contribute to our environmental impact towards zero.

The client create value for customers and consumers by producing high-efficiency, low-emission engines that already power millions of vehicles. Now, our goal is to re-imagine motion for the future with powertrain technologies that are both sustainable and practical.

As an Onsite Technician within the Digital department, you will support users with day-to-day technical challenges. We seek a technician with a sound cultural and behavioral proficiency towards end users, respecting the company's decorum. We aim to provide a stable, efficient, and continually improving service, acting as the interface between the company’s end-user community and the services they consume.

Local Onsite support handles incidents and requests requiring an onsite presence and provides remote support using remote support tools. The team is knowledgeable in deeper troubleshooting, collaborating with various product teams as needed. As an Onsite Technician, you will work in different technical areas, providing support for both hardware and software-related issues. You will enhance business productivity by performing direct support for enterprise users, driving incidents, and requests towards resolution.

Key Responsibilities:
-Always work onsite
-Provide local hardware enterprise support.
-Provide local software enterprise support.
-Participate in digital development in the enterprise support area.
-Manage conference room setup and provide conference room support.
-Onboard new joiners.
-Manage printer solutions and provide printer related support.
-Collaborate on solutions with OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)

We believe in creating a connected digital working environment, supporting an efficient global support service where everyone is empowered to solve their technical issues independently or reach us for assistance when needed. This role is based in our Gothenburg office, spread across two sites in Lindholmen and Torslanda, requiring flexibility to move between these locations as work demands.

• Proficient in Windows 10/11, macOS, iOS, and Android support.
• Experienced with cloud services, Office 365, and Azure.
• Onsite hardware and software enterprise support, Knowledgeable in hardware support, AV equipment.
• Engage in digital development and conference room setup/support.
• Manage printer solutions, server, print management and Device control center.
• Collaborate with OEMs and possess onsite/remote support experience.
• Experienced with ServiceNow Incident, Request, change and Problem management.
• Understanding of DevOps, IT operations, and security lifecycle.
• Expertise in Intune, end-user experience, and network services.
• Effective in handling high-priority requests and escalating issues.
• Strong communication, collaboration, and analytical skills.
• Committed to improving user satisfaction and service development.
• Proactive in knowledge base improvements and incident analysis.
• Capable of troubleshooting and servicing technical equipment.
• Flexible and adaptable to changing schedules.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Marketing & Communications Coordinator - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a new Marketing & Communications Coordinator. The consulting assignment is located in Gothenburg and starts 1th of September 2024 and last for one year. We want a person who is structured, creative and independent with a few years of experience in a similar role, ideally in a global setting. This is a new role within the team, where you will get to work with event management, content production, data & analytics and... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a new Marketing & Communications Coordinator. The consulting assignment is located in Gothenburg and starts 1th of September 2024 and last for one year.

We want a person who is structured, creative and independent with a few years of experience in a similar role, ideally in a global setting. This is a new role within the team, where you will get to work with event management, content production, data & analytics and project coordination.

What you bring?
• Academic degree or similar in Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, or a related field.
• 2+ years of experience in a similar role within Marketing & Communications or at an agency.
• Fluent/Native in English with strong written and verbal communication skills.
• Experience in event planning and coordination.
• Fast learner with the ability to take on new responsibilities based on changing needs.
• Proficiency in digital content creation and related tools and processes, such as Adobe.

Personal qualities we value:
-You are a structured planner and clear communicator, capable of managing multiple projects simultaneously and under pressure.
-You pay attention to detail without losing sight of the bigger picture.
-Possess a solution-oriented and data-driven perspective, with the ability to generate new ideas and take ownership of projects.
-Are curious, have a growth mindset, and show a genuine passion for your work.
-Thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.
-Can effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and external partners.

We offers you:
• High-tech company that offers an exciting working environment.
• Work-life balance and free access to the gym at the Gothenburg office.
• Flexible working hours and a hybrid workplace.

Important information about the recruitment process:
-The company language is English so please write your application in English.
- Applicants must have a valid work permit for the EU area.
- The last day of applying is the 12 of august.
- The candidates will be chosen by mid-august and the assignment starts in the begging of September.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Innovativ Kommunikatör - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en innovativ kommunikatör som har passion för AI och som vill vara en viktig del av en stor utvecklingsinsats. Detta spännande uppdrag planeras att påbörjas 2024-08-12, och pågå fram till och med 2024-12-31 med möjlighet till förlängning på 12 månader därefter. Vår kund har för avsikt att göra en bred satsning inom dataanalys och AI. Satsningen kallas Fokusområde Analys. Som en del av denna satsning har vår kund etablerat tre... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en innovativ kommunikatör som har passion för AI och som vill vara en viktig del av en stor utvecklingsinsats. Detta spännande uppdrag planeras att påbörjas 2024-08-12, och pågå fram till och med 2024-12-31 med möjlighet till förlängning på 12 månader därefter.

Vår kund har för avsikt att göra en bred satsning inom dataanalys och AI. Satsningen kallas Fokusområde Analys. Som en del av denna satsning har vår kund etablerat tre team. Ett av dessa är Kompetenscentrum analys som agerar som forum för analytiker och andra intressenter i koncernen, ca 130 medlemmar just nu. För detta forum söker vår kund nu en driven och strukturerad person som kan leda och administrera arbetet tillsammans med sponsorn för satsningen.

De uppgifter personen förväntas göra/leda är:
-att skapa, förbereda och leda arbetet i Kompetenscentrum analys tillsammans med sponsorn
-att skapa och utveckla kommunikation och varumärke för Fokusområde analys
-att hitta på och planera för olika föreläsningar/utbildningar som matchar vår kunds pågående initiativ och prioriteringar, från både externa och interna parter
-att förbereda och ta fram underlag för dialogmöten
-att planera och facilitera möten och workshops
-att fånga in ideér om nya satningar inom området
-att hitta rätt personer från organisationen som bör ingå i kompetenscentrum analys och onboarda dem
-att administrera forumet
-att samtidigt samarbeta med de andra två teamen (Team analytics och BI-teamet) inom Fokusområde analys

Erfarenhet och kompetens:
Främst en kreativ, drivande och strukturerad person med “scennärvaro”.
Erfarenhet av att facilitera och planera mötesforum, workshops, föreläsningar.
-Är engagerad, kan leda sig själv och andra
-Erfarenhet av IT- branschen, helst av dataanalys
-Erfarenhet av att leda uppdrag med många intressenter och teammedlemmar
-God samarbetsförmåga
-God förmåga att dokumentera
-Goda kunskaper i svenska språket, i tal och skrift
-Erfarenhet från offentlig förvaltning är meriterande

Uppdragets genomförande, tider och omfattning:
Uppdragsperiod: 2024-08-12 tom 2024-12-31
Option om förlängning: option på förlängning upp till 12 månader
Omfattning: 50%
Plats för genomförande: Göteborg.
Distansarbete: Kravet är minst 20 % av en heltid på plats i Göteborg.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Helpdesk Support Specialist - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a Senior Application Support professional who is fluent in Swedish and Finnish to serve as the primary contact for all IT service inquiries from the company group dealers. The helpdesks are placed in various locations like Bangalore, Beijing, Curitiba, Gent, Gothenburg, Greensboro and Wroclaw, and they possess strong local expertise and offer support in multiple languages with adjusted operating hours to cater to interna... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are seeking a Senior Application Support professional who is fluent in Swedish and Finnish to serve as the primary contact for all IT service inquiries from the company group dealers. The helpdesks are placed in various locations like Bangalore, Beijing, Curitiba, Gent, Gothenburg, Greensboro and Wroclaw, and they possess strong local expertise and offer support in multiple languages with adjusted operating hours to cater to international needs.

Job Assigments:

• Answering phone calls from users and logging service requests.
• Identifying and solving issues reported in service requests by utilizing expertise in dealer and workshop applications, personal capabilities, information resources, vendor documentation, and collaboration with colleagues.
• Moving or passing on service requests to different support groups.
• Monitoring and checking the status of service requests that have been transferred to other support groups.
• Updating users on the status of service requests and handling responsibility for team service requests.
• Communicating directly with users and customers in the Scandinavian regions (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark) through phone and email.
• Addressing issues that arise in Workshop applications requiring business expertise.
• Adhering to established protocols and guidelines as a part of the Global DSC Organization by managing Service Requests.
• Following ITIL and DSC Best Practices while performing tasks.


• An ideal candidate should have experience in IT helpdesk support and be familiar with ticketing tools, preferably ITSM.
• The support representative must be fluent in English, Swedish, and Finnish languages.
• The client expects the candidate to be at a C2 level or native speaker in all three languages. In some instances, C1 proficiency may be considered, but candidates below that level will not be accepted.
• The individual must possess analytical abilities, a desire to assist customers, and the ability to troubleshoot effectively.
• This role involves frequent interactions with customers, requiring the candidate to be comfortable working in a challenging and high-pressure environment. Additionally, strong interpersonal skills are necessary to swiftly defuse tense situations.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 01 August 2024
End of the assignment: 31 July 2025
Deadline: 26 June 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

HR Support Consultant - Gothenburg

Ansök    Jun 21    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    HR-assistent
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a HR Support Consultant to join our client’s People & Culture team. The client creates top-quality powertrain solutions for a worldwide market. They are an innovative international provider of drive technology, development services, and manufacturing on two continents. Their focus is on delivering value to clients and end-users by manufacturing highly efficient, eco-friendly engines that are currently used in million... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a HR Support Consultant to join our client’s People & Culture team. The client creates top-quality powertrain solutions for a worldwide market. They are an innovative international provider of drive technology, development services, and manufacturing on two continents. Their focus is on delivering value to clients and end-users by manufacturing highly efficient, eco-friendly engines that are currently used in millions of vehicles.

Currently, they aim to redefine movement for upcoming times by utilizing powertrain innovations that are environmentally friendly and feasible. They offer countless opportunities for individuals who are eager to work together and create a positive impact. They are envisioning a more sustainable future by investigating ways to minimize their ecological footprint. They are developing advanced powertrain solutions for vehicles and more.

Job Description

This role is essential as the main contact person responsible for providing excellent service and assistance to the employees and potential candidates. The selected individual will assist the People & Culture Team by providing efficient administrative and HRIS support, maintaining precise data records, and ensuring compliance with company policies. They will serve as the main and reliable contact for employees and managers, dealing with HR processes, systems, and resources. Manage all aspects of human resources administration with a focus on compliance and streamlined operations, overseeing the full cycle of HR and payroll processes. Collaborate with a variety of stakeholders across different organizational levels and handle various daily administrative duties in the HR department.


- Demonstrated experience in payroll and human resources procedures.
- A proactive approach with a focus on achieving goals and experience utilizing technology for HR needs.
- Proficient in both English and Swedish languages.
- Ideally, familiarity with a dynamic industrial environment.
- Demonstrated experience using the HRM platform SuccessFactors.
- Demonstrated experience using the case management system ServiceNow.
- 2-5 years of relevant experience in People & Culture.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start date: 2024-08-26
End date: 2025-02-28
Workload: 100%
Remote work: 25 %
Deadline: 2024-06-26
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer - Professional Services

Ansök    Jun 18    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories. As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dyn... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories.

As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dynamic environments. You possess the skills to engage and influence stakeholders across different levels and thrive in an international, cross-functional setting.

Join a collaborative team in an international environment where your innovative ideas are valued. Our customers flat organizational structure fosters a supportive and creative atmosphere. You will work alongside a team of five members focusing on Recruiting, Fleet Management, Consulting Services, and Research & Development.

Key Requirements:

- Proficiency in Human Resources Services and Consulting Services negotiations
- Demonstrated ability to engage with senior stakeholders effectively
- Experience in managing procurement processes for Human Resources and Consulting services

Desired Skills:

Familiarity with Fleet Management procurement practices

Tillträde och ansökan
Start: June 24, 2024
End: September 30, 2024
Deadline: June 20, 2024
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Work Arrangement: On-site
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Helpdesk Support Specialist - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a Senior Application Support professional who is fluent in Swedish and Finnish to serve as the primary contact for all IT service inquiries from the company group dealers. The helpdesks are placed in various locations like Bangalore, Beijing, Curitiba, Gent, Gothenburg, Greensboro and Wroclaw, and they possess strong local expertise and offer support in multiple languages with adjusted operating hours to cater to interna... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are seeking a Senior Application Support professional who is fluent in Swedish and Finnish to serve as the primary contact for all IT service inquiries from the company group dealers. The helpdesks are placed in various locations like Bangalore, Beijing, Curitiba, Gent, Gothenburg, Greensboro and Wroclaw, and they possess strong local expertise and offer support in multiple languages with adjusted operating hours to cater to international needs.

Job Assigments:

• Answering phone calls from users and logging service requests.
• Identifying and solving issues reported in service requests by utilizing expertise in dealer and workshop applications, personal capabilities, information resources, vendor documentation, and collaboration with colleagues.
• Moving or passing on service requests to different support groups.
• Monitoring and checking the status of service requests that have been transferred to other support groups.
• Updating users on the status of service requests and handling responsibility for team service requests.
• Communicating directly with users and customers in the Scandinavian regions (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark) through phone and email.
• Addressing issues that arise in Workshop applications requiring business expertise.
• Adhering to established protocols and guidelines as a part of the Global DSC Organization by managing Service Requests.
• Following ITIL and DSC Best Practices while performing tasks.


• An ideal candidate should have experience in IT helpdesk support and be familiar with ticketing tools, preferably ITSM.
• The support representative must be fluent in English, Swedish, and Finnish languages.
• The client expects the candidate to be at a C2 level or native speaker in all three languages. In some instances, C1 proficiency may be considered, but candidates below that level will not be accepted.
• The individual must possess analytical abilities, a desire to assist customers, and the ability to troubleshoot effectively.
• This role involves frequent interactions with customers, requiring the candidate to be comfortable working in a challenging and high-pressure environment. Additionally, strong interpersonal skills are necessary to swiftly defuse tense situations.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 01 August 2024
End of the assignment: 31 July 2025
Deadline: 25 June 2024
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

1st line Support Tekniker - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en erfaren 1st line Support Tekniker som kan går in som konsult till ett uppdrag hos vår kund i Göteborg. I det här uppdraget ingår följande arbetsuppgifter: • Självständigt felsöka och lösa tekniska problem relaterade till hårdvara, mjukvara och nätverk inom vår kunds IT-miljö. • Felsökning av hårdvarufel och olika applikationer specifika för verksamheten. • Förmåga att söka kunskapsbasen för att snabbt hitta relevant info... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en erfaren 1st line Support Tekniker som kan går in som konsult till ett uppdrag hos vår kund i Göteborg.

I det här uppdraget ingår följande arbetsuppgifter:

• Självständigt felsöka och lösa tekniska problem relaterade till hårdvara, mjukvara och nätverk inom vår kunds IT-miljö.
• Felsökning av hårdvarufel och olika applikationer specifika för verksamheten.
• Förmåga att söka kunskapsbasen för att snabbt hitta relevant information.
• Beskriva problem och felsök, sammanfattat och relevant.
• Vid behov, vidarebefordra svåra problem till specialister.
• Förstå vanliga mjukvaruåtgärder, t.ex. installera om, rensa cache, ta bort profiler, uppdatera drivrutiner.
• Enkel felsökning för telefoner, som att installera program, uppdatera operativsystem och återställa inställningar.
• Skapa nya användare och göra andra ändringar i Active Directory-konton.
• Ominstallation av datorer.
• Assistera användare med konfigurering av mobila enheter, särskilt telefoner, när de har svårt att följa instruktioner för korrekt inställning.
• Felsökning och installation av generisk utrustning såsom skrivare, konferensrumutrustning och informationsskärmar.
• Uppdatering av nätverksskåp med senaste patchar.
• Assistera användare med att starta upp ny IT-utrustning såsom datorer, mobiler och dockningsstationer.
• Distribuera utrustning till användare på huvudkontoret.
• Ta emot utrustning från användare och sköta lagerhantering på huvudkontoret.
• Ansvara för hanteringen av lånedatorer.
• Starta upp arbetsplatser och dess utrustning på plats.
• Förstå hur man ansluter hårdvara och konfigurerar enheter.
• Ta ansvar för aktiviteter som innefattar utvärdering, analys och installation av PC-baserade mjukvaruprodukter (t.ex. ordbehandling, kalkylprogram, presentationsverktyg, databasadministration, e-post och kommunikation).
• Felsöka klientprogramvara och enkla nätverksanslutningsfrågor.
• Känna igen, bedöma och rangordna kundproblem och klagomål.


Du som söker rollen bör ha erfarenhet inom följande:

- ActiveDirectory
- Nätverk
- Presentationsgrafik
- Telefonfelsökning
- KB-sökning
- Databasadministration

Du är flytande i engelska, i tal och skrift.

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 01 aug 2024
Slutdatum: 01 feb 2025
Sista ansökningsdagen: 25 jun 2024
Ort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: +46 790 062 711
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Group financial controller to our client

Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you a skilled Financial Controller looking for an exciting opportunity? Our client is seeking a Group Financial Controller to join their team. As a key member, you will play a crucial role in managing accounting areas, leading projects, and delivering accurate management reports to support strategic decision-making. Key Responsibilities: Prepare monthly Group management and Corporate function reports Collaborate with Finance Man... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Are you a skilled Financial Controller looking for an exciting opportunity? Our client is seeking a Group Financial Controller to join their team. As a key member, you will play a crucial role in managing accounting areas, leading projects, and delivering accurate management reports to support strategic decision-making.

Key Responsibilities:

Prepare monthly Group management and Corporate function reports
Collaborate with Finance Manager Group FP&A for forecast reports
Support Corporate Controller with financial presentations
Analyze accounting models for accuracy and perform reconciliations
Assist in various group accounting areas and implementation of new standards
Key Requirements:

Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or related field
Minimum 3 years of group accounting experience
Proficient in IFRS and group reporting tools
Advanced Excel skills and IT literacy
Experience in handling complex accounting issues and closings
Desired Behaviors:

Leadership mentality with a focus on driving results
Enthusiastic and proactive approach to tasks
Ability to initiate and work independently
Strong interpersonal skills for effective collaboration

Necessary Skills: financial controlling, IFRS, Microsoft Excel, Accounting, Consolidation Software, Public Accounting, Group Reporting.

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Seniority Level: Senior
Remote Work: 0%

Start August 1, 2024
End September 30, 2025

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Supportadministratör - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Just nu söker vi en Supportadministratör för en kund som är verksam inom energibranschen. Rollen är en blandning av administration och IT-support med fokus på kvalitetssäkring. Konsultuppdraget är på heltid och sträcker sig under perioden 2024-09-01 tom 2025-01-31. Placeringsort är Göteborg och man förväntas arbeta ungefär 60% på kontoret. Rollbeskrivning:? Syftet med tjänsten är att hantera och kvalitetssäkra hela mätvärdesprocesse... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Just nu söker vi en Supportadministratör för en kund som är verksam inom energibranschen. Rollen är en blandning av administration och IT-support med fokus på kvalitetssäkring. Konsultuppdraget är på heltid och sträcker sig under perioden 2024-09-01 tom 2025-01-31. Placeringsort är Göteborg och man förväntas arbeta ungefär 60% på kontoret.

Syftet med tjänsten är att hantera och kvalitetssäkra hela mätvärdesprocessen från strukturinformation och mätvärden till levererat mätvärde för exempelvis fakturering, energitjänster eller till externa parter samt avräkning.

• Insamling, hantering och leverans/export av mätvärden för samtliga produkter inom koncernen.
• Hantering och kvalitetssäkring, både löpande och fördjupat, av hela mätvärdesprocessen från strukturinformation och mätvärden till levererat mätvärde för exempelvis fakturering, energitjänster och till externa parter.
• Analys och felanmälan av mät- och kommunikationsutrustning samt system.

Kvalifikationer för tjänsten:
• Godkänd gymnasieutbildning
• Arbetet kräver minst två års relevant yrkeserfarenhet inom IT.
• Minst ett års erfarenhet av energimätning samt kunskap om energimarknadens lagar och förordningar.
• Mycket goda språkkunskaper i svenska både muntligt och skriftligt.

Praktiskt information:
Uppdragsperiod: 2024-09-01 tom 2025-01-31
Omfattning: 100%, 40h per vecka
Distansarbete: Minst 60% på kontoret gäller.
Sista ansökningsdag: 17 Juni

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer - Professional Services

Ansök    Jun 18    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories. As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dy... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories.

As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dynamic environments. You possess the skills to engage and influence stakeholders across different levels and thrive in an international, cross-functional setting.

Join a collaborative team in an international environment where your innovative ideas are valued. Our customers flat organizational structure fosters a supportive and creative atmosphere. You will work alongside a team of five members focusing on Recruiting, Fleet Management, Consulting Services, and Research & Development.

Key Requirements:

Proficiency in Human Resources Services and Consulting Services negotiations
Demonstrated ability to engage with senior stakeholders effectively
Experience in managing procurement processes for Human Resources and Consulting services

Desired Skills:

Familiarity with Fleet Management procurement practices

Tillträde och ansökan
Start: June 24, 2024
End: September 30, 2024
Deadline: June 20, 2024
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Work Arrangement: On-site
Contact person: +46 790 062 711
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer - Professional Services

Ansök    Jun 13    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories. As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dy... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Are you ready to take on a key role in supporting our customers Indirect Procurement department? We are seeking a talented Senior Buyer to temporarily lead the procurement of "Consulting Services" and "Human Resources Services." This role involves managing tenders, contract negotiations, and driving operational efficiency in these critical service categories.

As a successful candidate, you are self-driven, adaptable, and excel in dynamic environments. You possess the skills to engage and influence stakeholders across different levels and thrive in an international, cross-functional setting.

Join a collaborative team in an international environment where your innovative ideas are valued. Our customers flat organizational structure fosters a supportive and creative atmosphere. You will work alongside a team of five members focusing on Recruiting, Fleet Management, Consulting Services, and Research & Development.

Key Requirements:

Proficiency in Human Resources Services and Consulting Services negotiations
Demonstrated ability to engage with senior stakeholders effectively
Experience in managing procurement processes for Human Resources and Consulting services
Desired Skills:

Familiarity with Fleet Management procurement practices

Position: Senior Buyer
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Seniority Level: Expert
Work Arrangement: On-site
Assignment Period: Start: June 24, 2024
End: September 30, 2024

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Business Intelligence Analyst

Dina arbetsuppgifter For our client we are searching a consultant that will join the companies journey that develops and produces world-class powertrain solutions for a global market, with a heritage from both Volvo Cars and Geely. They’re a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing with capabilities in two continents. Their mission is to create value for customers and consumers by producing high-e... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
For our client we are searching a consultant that will join the companies journey that develops and produces world-class powertrain solutions for a global market, with a heritage from both Volvo Cars and Geely. They’re a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing with capabilities in two continents. Their mission is to create value for customers and consumers by producing high-efficiency, low-emission engines powering millions of vehicles. They are committed to re-imagining motion for a sustainable and practical future. This is a chance to join tgem on their journey to design tomorrow’s powertrain solutions for automotive and beyond.

Assignment Description:
As a Business Intelligence Analyst, you will play a critical role in analyzing various data sets to support our strategic goals. You will be responsible for analyzing market trends, technologies, regulatory changes, and customer behaviors, conducting pre-studies, and providing actionable recommendations. Your analytical skills will support a variety of high-paced projects, helping Aurobay drive its innovative initiatives.

Key Responsibilities:
Analyze data intelligence related to market trends, technology, regulations, and customer behaviors.
Conduct pre-studies and provide implementation recommendations.
Participate in various high-paced projects, leveraging your analytical abilities.
Perform comprehensive analyses including:
Market and trend analysis
Competitor analysis
Technology analysis
Customer analysis
Regulatory analysis
Financial analysis
Screen for potential partnerships.
Provide guidance and recommendations based on your analyses.
Support analyses in diverse areas beyond the automotive industry.

Educational Background:
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Economics, Finance, Business, or Marketing.

Technical Skills:
Proficient in Excel and PowerPoint.
Technical knowledge in areas such as mechanics, robotics, AI, digital technologies, and energy.

Previous experience in similar roles involving market intelligence and data analysis.
Experience in conducting pre-studies and participating in high-paced projects.

Strong ability to analyze market data and provide actionable recommendations.
Solid financial understanding and business insights.
Action-oriented with the ability to drive results collaboratively.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Preferred Qualifications:
Proven experience in the automotive or related industries is advantageous but not mandatory.

Be part of a forward-thinking company dedicated to sustainable and innovative powertrain solutions.
Collaborate with a global team of experts and pioneers in the field.
Contribute to projects that are shaping the future of propulsion technology.

Tillträde och ansökan
Anställningens omfattning: Heltid
Startdatum: 2024-08-19
Slutdatum: 2025-06-30
Anställningstyp: Visstidsanställning
Jobbnivå: Junior
Kontaktperson: Karin Ardbo
Epost: [email protected]

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Cost Case Support - Gotenburg

Ansök    Jun 5    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We’re looking for a ambitious person who wants to work as a consult for an international company as a Cost Case Support. This position is located in Gotenburg and is a time-limited project during the period of 2024-08-19- 2025-07-11. The role as a Cost Case Support is varied and includes different areas of responsibility and duties. The work involves a lot of cross-functional contacts within the organization. You will act as ambassado... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We’re looking for a ambitious person who wants to work as a consult for an international company as a Cost Case Support. This position is located in Gotenburg and is a time-limited project during the period of 2024-08-19- 2025-07-11.

The role as a Cost Case Support is varied and includes different areas of responsibility and duties. The work involves a lot of cross-functional contacts within the organization. You will act as ambassador/owner of the customer's "cost program" which involves the following tasks:

• Program Facilitation- The Cost Program is facilitating by identifying key initiatives, waves, organizing cost workshops, and negotiation events.

• Representation-The cost program is representing Purchasing in internal cross-functional forums and budget discussions.

• Community Support- Support is provided to the buyer’s community, especially during escalations, to ensure the allocation of internal resources. Remove Road-blocks.

• Budget Management- Ownership of the engineering and tooling budget is maintained, with assistance provided in budget allocation. Escalation to CO2ST Council when needed.

• Reporting Duties- Responsible for presenting the Cost Program’s status updates in the cross-functional forums.

Qualifications for applying for this position requires that you have:
- Bachelor’s degree in relevant field.
- Five years experience from a similar position.
- Having project leadership experience.
- You must be able to communicate clearly in English and preferably in Swedish both written and spoken.
- Previous experience from automotive purchasing or purchasing from larger organizations is meritorious.

Personal Skills that we value:
- Having an analytical, problem solving and structured mind.
- Be self-motivated and feel comfortable with a lot of interaction.
- It is also important to be able to plan well and to understand your purpose while being able to make the right prioritizations.

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Financial Controller

Dina arbetsuppgifter The Financial Controller is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely financial reporting of global spend, P&L, capital expenditures (capex), investments, and cost of goods sold (COGS) for assigned departments. This role involves managing both actuals and forecasts/budget/BPL, with a focus on providing insightful analysis and explanations for financial deviations. The Financial Controller will also support internal and external audi... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
The Financial Controller is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely financial reporting of global spend, P&L, capital expenditures (capex), investments, and cost of goods sold (COGS) for assigned departments. This role involves managing both actuals and forecasts/budget/BPL, with a focus on providing insightful analysis and explanations for financial deviations. The Financial Controller will also support internal and external audits, handle month-end closing processes, and coordinate financial reporting to various group functions.

Key Responsibilities:

Financial Reporting and Analysis:
Ensure accurate reporting of global spend, P&L, and capex using ERP and AARO systems.
Visualize and explain deviations from targets, year-over-year (YoY), and quarter-by-quarter (QbQ) comparisons with support from the business controller.

Prepare monthly financial reports and analysis for group functions, including FP&A and accounting.
Consolidate actuals and forecasts for operations reviews.

Month-End Closing and Accruals:
Manage the accrual and capitalization process, including hour rate calculations.
Ensure timely delivery of inputs for month-end closing to group accounting for assigned departments.
Forecasting and Budgeting:

Consolidate total forecasts and budgets into Konstrukt/Anaplan for assigned departments.
Provide accurate financial forecasts and budgets, ensuring alignment with organizational goals.

Audit Support:
Provide supporting documents and explanations for internal and external audits for assigned control functions.
Ad Hoc Reporting and Analysis:

Perform ad hoc financial reporting and analysis as required.
Act as an approver for financial transactions and decisions in assigned departments.

Competence Requirements:

5+ years of experience in financial controlling.

Technical Skills:
Strong business acumen and good knowledge of IFRS.
Proficiency in Excel, ERP systems, and business analytics tools.

Analytical Skills:
Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret and communicate financial information clearly and concisely.

Communication Skills:
Excellent communication skills, capable of conveying financial information to both finance and non-finance stakeholders.
Planning and Coordination:
Ability to plan and coordinate work independently and collaboratively within diversified teams.
Strong ability to prioritize tasks and handle ad hoc requests efficiently.

Other Requirements:
Analytical and structured approach to work.
Flexible and proactive mindset.
Strong communication and social skills.
Pragmatic with a business-oriented mindset.
Ability to handle cultural differences and varying working styles.
Belief in a non-hierarchical culture emphasizing interaction, transparency, and trust within teams.
Solution-oriented with a focus on organizational best interests.

This job description encapsulates the responsibilities, required competencies, and other essential qualities for the Financial Controller role, ensuring it is clear and appealing to potential candidates. Adjustments can be made to better fit specific organizational needs or preferences.

Tillträde och ansökan
Anställningens omfattning: Heltid
Anställningstyp: Visstidsanställning
Start: 1 juni - 31 december
Jobbnivå: Erfaren
Kontaktperson: Karin Ardbo
Epost: [email protected]

Om oss
Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Erfaren Administratör/Koordinator - med placering i Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Dina arbetsuppgifter Är du en erfaren konsult som brinner för administration och vill bidra till att en hållbar utveckling inom Sveriges kollektivtrafik? Just nu söker vi en konsult som vill arbeta i en spännande roll som administratör för vår kund som är verksam inom transport och kollektivtrafik i Göteborg. Som konsult kommer du bli en del av ett professionellt team som tillsammans samordnar, driver och utvecklar arbetet med att up... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Är du en erfaren konsult som brinner för administration och vill bidra till att en hållbar utveckling inom Sveriges kollektivtrafik? Just nu söker vi en konsult som vill arbeta i en spännande roll som administratör för vår kund som är verksam inom transport och kollektivtrafik i Göteborg.

Som konsult kommer du bli en del av ett professionellt team som tillsammans samordnar, driver och utvecklar arbetet med att upprätthålla en hög kvalité i vår reception, ärendehanteringssystem och service. Du kommer att vara placerad på Service Avdelningen som stöttar ledningsgruppen och övriga verksamheter med olika typer av administrativa och samordnande arbetsuppgifter.

Uppdraget är på heltid och sträcker sig från mitten av augusti till årsskiftet. I tjänsten som Administratör/Koordinator utför du arbetet på plats hos kund som har kontor i centrala Göteborg. Din arbetstid är schemalagd måndag-fredag mellan klockan 07.45-16.30.

Krav- för att vara aktuell för tjänsten behöver du uppfylla nedanstående krav:
• Godkänd gymnasieutbildning.
• Ha dokumenterad arbetslivserfarenhet av administrativt arbete minst 3-5 år.
• Ha vana och erfarenhet av att arbeta i reception och växel sen tidigare.
• Ha en grundläggande IT-vana där du känner dig trygg att använda digitala verktyg i ditt arbete.
• Det är meriterande ifall du har arbetat med Officepaketet, Sharepoint och ServiceNow.

För att lyckas i uppdraget behöver du ha en mycket god kommunikationsförmåga i både tal och skrift. Du behöver serviceinriktad, noggrann och ha ett strukturerat arbetssätt. Andra personliga egenskaper som värdesätts är att du har förmågan att skifta mellan självständigt arbete och samarbete med kollegor.

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 18-Aug-2024
Slutdatum: 31-Dec 2024
Distansarbete: Nej arbetet sker på plats.
Sista ansökningsdagen: 14 juni
Ort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: [email protected]
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Varumärkesbyggare på deltid (50%) - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter För vår kund söker vi en konsult som kan gå in som varumärkesbyggare/förvaltningsledare inom IT. Vår kund planerar att genomföra en omfattande satsning inom dataanalys och AI, kallad Fokusområde Analys. Inom ramen för denna satsning har kunden inrättat tre team. Ett av dessa är Kompetenscentrum analys, vilket fungerar som en plattform för analytiker och andra intressenter inom koncernen, med cirka 130 medlemmar för närvarande. Kunden s... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
För vår kund söker vi en konsult som kan gå in som varumärkesbyggare/förvaltningsledare inom IT. Vår kund planerar att genomföra en omfattande satsning inom dataanalys och AI, kallad Fokusområde Analys. Inom ramen för denna satsning har kunden inrättat tre team. Ett av dessa är Kompetenscentrum analys, vilket fungerar som en plattform för analytiker och andra intressenter inom koncernen, med cirka 130 medlemmar för närvarande. Kunden söker nu en engagerad och strukturerad individ för att leda och hantera arbetet i detta forum tillsammans med satsningens sponsor.

De arbetsuppgifter personen förväntas utföra/leda är:

- Organisera, förbereda och guida arbetet i Kompetenscentrum analys i samarbete med sponsorn.
- Utveckla och förstärka kommunikationen och varumärket för Fokusområde analys.
- Planera och arrangera olika föreläsningar/utbildningar som är anpassade till kundens aktuella initiativ och prioriteringar, med deltagande av både externa och interna intressenter.
- Förbereda och sammanställa material inför dialogmöten.
- Organisera och leda möten och workshops.
- Samla in idéer för nya initiativ inom området.
- Rekrytera och introducera rätt personer till kompetenscentrumet inom organisationen.
- Hantera forumet administrativt.
- Samarbeta med Team Analytics och BI-teamet inom Fokusområde analys.


- Du är en kreativ, motiverad och organiserad individ med med “scennärvaro”.
- Har erfarenhet av att facilitera och organisera mötesforum, workshops, föreläsningar med mera.
- Du är engagerad, har ledaregenskaper och kan leda både sig själv och andra.
- Erfarenhet inom IT-sektorn, helst inom dataanalys.
- Erfarenhet av att leda uppdrag med flera intressenter och teammedlemmar.
- God förmåga att samarbeta.
- God dokumentationsförmåga.
- Utmärkta språkkunskaper i svenska, både muntligt och skriftligt.
- Tidigare erfarenhet inom offentlig förvaltning är en fördel.

Tidsplanen och omfattningen kan eventuellt ändras, men detta sker i samråd med oss.

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 12 aug 2024
Slutdatum: 31 dec 2024. Möjlighet till 12 månaders förlängning.
Omfattning: 50%
Distansarbete: 75%
Ort: Göteborg
Sista ansökningsdagen: 12 jun 2024
Kontaktperson: +46 790 062 711
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Senior IT-Buyer to join our customer in Gothenburg

Ansök    Maj 17    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden. As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the success of our customers digital transformation journey.

Your responsibilities will include:

Leading cross-functional sourcing projects within the category
Developing and implementing category and supplier strategies
Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders
Driving innovation and value creation for our customer
What you'll bring:

We are looking for a procurement professional with a proactive mindset, strong decision-making skills, and the ability to thrive in uncertain conditions. Your experience in international supplier management and IT/digital sourcing will set you apart. Fluency in English and a university degree are essential.

Seniority level:

Tillträde och ansökan
Assignment period :
Start: Jun 2, 2024
End: Mar 31, 2025
Remote work: 0%
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior IT-Buyer to join our customer in Gothenburg

Ansök    Maj 20    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden. As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the success of our customers digital transformation journey.

Your responsibilities will include:

- Leading cross-functional sourcing projects within the category
- Developing and implementing category and supplier strategies
- Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders
- Driving innovation and value creation for our customer


Our client is seeking enthusiastic and committed procurement professionals with strong expertise in the following areas:

- Software Licenses - Demonstrated proficiency in handling complex software license negotiations at both a global enterprise level and with local specialized players.
- Connectivity - Experience in the field of connectivity, encompassing connected vehicles and/or devices.
- Digital Services & Projects - Procurement and oversight of extensive services contracts and projects. Demonstrated understanding of various commercial and delivery models such as managed services, capacity, and T&M Hardware.
- Extensive hardware experience ranging from large-scale PC contracts to servers, high-performance systems, and validation clusters. Familiarity and experience with diverse commercial models including leasing and hardware-as-a-service.

What you'll bring:

Your mindset, ambition, and attitude will enable you to make a valuable contribution to the team. You excel in environments where decision-making is crucial, directions need to be set, and tasks need to be delivered despite uncertainties. You are adept at managing ambiguity and performing well during transformation processes. Your collaborative efforts will enhance the experience for the customers and the internal organization. You confidently lead the procurement area, fostering positive relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders.

You are proficient in English for both written and verbal communication and are comfortable in diverse, global settings. Skilled at navigating complex environments, you effectively balance various interests while staying focused on achieving objectives. Your background includes international business dealings with global suppliers, showcasing strong business acumen and the ability to shift between short-term needs and long-term goals.

Your expertise in IT/Digital matters, ideally gained in an international setting ,especially in supplier management and contracts, will be a great asset. Your experience in fact-based negotiations, sourcing, and procurement in the IT/digital realm sets you apart. You excel in creating strategic plans, prioritizing tasks, and achieving set goals.

A university degree or equivalent experience is required, with automotive experience being beneficial. Your wealth of experience and skills will elevate the team's performance and contribute to overall success.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start: June 2, 2024
End: March 31, 2025
Deadline: May 30, 2024
Remote work: 0%
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior IT-Buyer to join our customer in Gothenburg

Ansök    Maj 20    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden. As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the success of our customers digital transformation journey.

Your responsibilities will include:

Leading cross-functional sourcing projects within the category
Developing and implementing category and supplier strategies
Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders
Driving innovation and value creation for our customer


Our client is seeking enthusiastic and committed procurement professionals with strong expertise in the following areas:

- Software Licenses - Demonstrated proficiency in handling complex software license negotiations at both a global enterprise level and with local specialized players.
- Connectivity - Experience in the field of connectivity, encompassing connected vehicles and/or devices.
- Digital Services & Projects - Procurement and oversight of extensive services contracts and projects. Demonstrated understanding of various commercial and delivery models such as managed services, capacity, and T&M Hardware.
- Extensive hardware experience ranging from large-scale PC contracts to servers, high-performance systems, and validation clusters. Familiarity and experience with diverse commercial models including leasing and hardware-as-a-service.

What you'll bring:

We are looking for a procurement professional with a proactive mindset, strong decision-making skills, and the ability to thrive in uncertain conditions. Your experience in international supplier management and IT/digital sourcing will set you apart. Fluency in English and a university degree are essential.

Seniority level:

Tillträde och ansökan
Assignment period :
Start: Jun 2, 2024
End: Mar 31, 2025
Remote work: 0%
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior HR-partner - Göteborg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker en Senior HR Partner till vår stora kund i Göteborg. Vår kund arbetar inom trafikbranschen. Din roll innebär att fungera som en nära HR-resurs för chefer och verksamheten, både när det gäller praktiska och strategiska HR-frågor. Som HR-partner hjälper du till att underlätta för cheferna att uppnå verksamhetens mål. Tillsammans med 10 kollegor inom HR bedriver kunden en affärsnära HR. Som HR-partner leder du HR-frågor självst... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker en Senior HR Partner till vår stora kund i Göteborg. Vår kund arbetar inom trafikbranschen. Din roll innebär att fungera som en nära HR-resurs för chefer och verksamheten, både när det gäller praktiska och strategiska HR-frågor. Som HR-partner hjälper du till att underlätta för cheferna att uppnå verksamhetens mål.

Tillsammans med 10 kollegor inom HR bedriver kunden en affärsnära HR. Som HR-partner leder du HR-frågor självständigt, agerar som generalist men kan också ha ansvar för ett specialområde inom HR. Vi letar nu efter en konsult som är säker i rollen som HR-partner och har förmågan att skapa och upprätthålla förtroendefulla relationer. Att vara HR-partner innebär att man är bekväm med att arbeta rådgivande, nära verksamheten och kan hantera utmanande situationer. HR:s vision är "Tillsammans skapar vi ett hållbart arbetsliv", och du som söker bör känna dig motiverad att vara med kunden på resan mot den visionen.

Dina arbetsuppgifter kommer att bestå av följande:

- Assistera vid HR-frågor som rekrytering, lönesättning, arbetslagar, arbetsförhållanden och coachning av chefer
- Erbjuda strategiskt HR-stöd vid verksamhetsutveckling, teamutveckling, omorganisation, verksamhetsförändringar, ledarskapsutveckling och kompetensplanering
- Ta hand om juridiska frågor relaterade till arbete och ge råd om exempelvis arbetsanpassning och omplacering
- Assistera vid samarbete med fackföreningar
- Företräda HR i ledningsgrupper för olika affärsområden och tillföra HR-expertis
- Se till att följa aktuella riktlinjer, arbetssätt, procedurer och riktlinjer för HR-arbetet i organisationen
- Delta i utvecklingen och förbättringen av befintliga HR-processer
- Vid behov ta ansvar för förvaltning och utveckling av ett specifikt ansvarsområde
- Delta och bidra till arbetet med de strategiska områdena för HR-utveckling


- Förmåga att se potentialen i förändring och utveckling
- Visa en attityd av samarbete, transparens och nyfikenhet
- Vara lyhörd, kommunikativ och fokuserad på att hitta lösningar
- Kunna skapa och upprätthålla förtroendefulla relationer
- Passande högskoleutbildning inom personalvetenskap, beteendevetenskap eller annan likvärdig utbildning (utbildningsbevis krävs)
- Åtminstone 3-5 års erfarenhet från liknande HR-arbete
- Färdigheter i svenska språket, både i tal och skrift
- Du kan ange två referenser

Tillträde och ansökan
Startdatum: 2024-08-12
Slutdatum: 2025-05-30. Det finns möjlighet till förlängning.
Sista ansökningsdagen: 2024-05-31
Ort: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: +46 790 062 711
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Financial controller to our client

Dina arbetsuppgifter Do you have a keen eye for financial details and a passion for analysis? Join our clients team as a Financial Coordinator and make a difference in supporting our company's financial operations. Key Responsibilities: Actively participate in departmental budgeting and gap analysis. Manage and track purchase orders within the department. Conduct internal meetings to review headcount plans and business area expenditures. Handle invoici... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Do you have a keen eye for financial details and a passion for analysis? Join our clients team as a Financial Coordinator and make a difference in supporting our company's financial operations.

Key Responsibilities:

Actively participate in departmental budgeting and gap analysis.
Manage and track purchase orders within the department.
Conduct internal meetings to review headcount plans and business area expenditures.
Handle invoicing processes for various business areas.
Ensure timely and accurate financial reporting in compliance with internal audit policies.
Analyze key performance indicators and provide actionable recommendations.
Conduct economic and financial analysis to support business strategies and tactics.

Fluent in spoken and written English.
Strong communication and leadership skills.
Proficient in Excel; familiarity with Power BI is a plus.
Ideally experienced with Volvo system, SAP, Analysis for Office, and EBD.
Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Financial Management, or related field.
2 to 5 years of relevant work experience.
Work Environment:

You may be based at either the Lundby or Lindholmen office, depending on operational requirements.

This position offers a rewarding opportunity to step into a role that makes a meaningful impact while temporarily covering for a team member on parental leave.

Seniority Level: Senior
Locations: Lindholmen (SE) or Göteborg (SE)
Remote Work: 0%
Contract Period: May 20, 2024 - April 30, 2025

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer- IT to join our customer in Gothenburg

Ansök    Maj 16    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden. As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you ready to drive digital transformation and shape the future-ready digital landscape with our customer? We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Buyer to join our customers team in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As a Senior Buyer, you will play a crucial role in managing complex software license negotiations, connectivity solutions, digital services & projects, and hardware contracts. Your expertise in these areas will contribute to the success of our customers digital transformation journey.

Your responsibilities will include:

Leading cross-functional sourcing projects within the category
Developing and implementing category and supplier strategies
Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders
Driving innovation and value creation for our customer
What you'll bring:

We are looking for a procurement professional with a proactive mindset, strong decision-making skills, and the ability to thrive in uncertain conditions. Your experience in international supplier management and IT/digital sourcing will set you apart. Fluency in English and a university degree are essential.

Assignment period :
Start:Jun 2, 2024
End: Mar 31, 2025

Location: Gothenburg
Remote work: 0%

Seniority level:

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

HR- Skills Mapping and Workforce Planner to our customer

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are currently seeking an experienced HR Expert in Skills Mapping and Workforce Planning for our client, a leading European R&D center focused on electric mobility technology and solutions. This role is crucial in shaping the talent strategy and ensuring the organization has the right competencies to meet future demands. Responsibilities: Skills Mapping: Assess existing competencies across the workforce in collaboration with depart... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are currently seeking an experienced HR Expert in Skills Mapping and Workforce Planning for our client, a leading European R&D center focused on electric mobility technology and solutions. This role is crucial in shaping the talent strategy and ensuring the organization has the right competencies to meet future demands.

Responsibilities: Skills Mapping:

Assess existing competencies across the workforce in collaboration with department heads and HR.
Develop a comprehensive skills inventory and identify skills gaps for targeted training programs.
Provide insights to enhance the talent pool and drive talent development strategies.
Workforce Planning:

Forecast future workforce needs based on growth projections and strategic objectives.
Conduct supply and demand analysis to address potential gaps.
Develop workforce plans for recruitment, retention, and succession planning.
Gap Analysis:

Conduct thorough gap analysis between current competencies and future requirements.
Propose strategies to bridge gaps through upskilling, reskilling, and external hiring.
Monitor progress and adjust plans as necessary.
Qualifications and Skills:

Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field (Master’s degree preferred).
Proven experience in skills mapping, workforce planning, or talent management.
Strong analytical skills with proficiency in data analysis tools.
Excellent communication and collaboration abilities.
Certification in workforce planning or related areas is a plus.

Required Skills:

Talent Management
Mapping Skills
Business Administration
Workforce Planning
Preferred Skills:

Certification in Workforce Planning


English (Expert)

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden (SE)
Remote Work: 0%
Assignment Period: May 17, 2024 - November 17, 2024

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker nu en engagerad Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS för vår kund. I denna centrala administrativa roll kommer du att hantera kundförfrågningar och säkerställa att kunderna får vad de beställt. Vi söker dig som är en kommunikativ lagspelare med en stark affärsförståelse. Rollen som säljsupport passar dig som har tidigare erfarenhet av administration inom SAP. Är Om du är intresserad av administrativt arbete inom försälj... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Vi söker nu en engagerad Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS för vår kund. I denna centrala administrativa roll kommer du att hantera kundförfrågningar och säkerställa att kunderna får vad de beställt. Vi söker dig som är en kommunikativ lagspelare med en stark affärsförståelse. Rollen som säljsupport passar dig som har tidigare erfarenhet av administration inom SAP. Är Om du är intresserad av administrativt arbete inom försäljningsstöd, kundservice och har ett intresse av att lära dig mer om medicinteknikbranschen, kan det här vara rätt roll för dig.

Huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:

Hantera kundförfrågningar i det administrativa systemet, konfigurera och hantera ändringar i beställningar från kunder.
Övervaka produktens lagerstatus och hålla koll på eventuella leveransproblem till kunder.
Samarbeta med planerings- och marknadsföringsstödsteamet samt föreslå lösningar när potentiella problem uppstår.

Kvalifikationer och erfarenhet:

-Erfarenhet från kundservice, administration eller koordinerande befattning.
-Erfarenhet av att arbeta med SAP, Excel eller andra IT-system.
-En lagspelare med öga för detaljer.
-Kommunicera flytande på svenska och engelska.
-Erfarenhet inom medicinteknik är meriterande.

Övrig information:

Trivs i komplexa situationer och har förmåga att hantera stress under perioder för att möta kundkrav.

Nödvändiga färdigheter:


Meriterande färdigheter:



-Engelska (Flytande)
-Svenska (Flytande)

Senioritetsnivå: Senior

Tillträde och ansökan
Uppdragsperiod: 15 maj 2024 - 15 maj 2025
Ansökningstiden löper ut: 10 maj 2024
Plats: Göteborg
Kontaktperson: +46 790 062 711
Urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS

Dina arbetsuppgifter Vi söker nu en engagerad Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS för vår kund. I denna centrala administrativa roll kommer du att hantera kundförfrågningar och säkerställa att kunderna får vad de beställt. Vi söker dig som är en kommunikativ lagspelare med en stark affärsförståelse. Rollen som säljsupport passar dig som har tidigare erfarenhet av administration inom SAP. Är Om du är intresserad av administrativt arbete inom försäl... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter

Vi söker nu en engagerad Administrativ Koordinator Sales Support ORS för vår kund. I denna centrala administrativa roll kommer du att hantera kundförfrågningar och säkerställa att kunderna får vad de beställt. Vi söker dig som är en kommunikativ lagspelare med en stark affärsförståelse. Rollen som säljsupport passar dig som har tidigare erfarenhet av administration inom SAP. Är Om du är intresserad av administrativt arbete inom försäljningsstöd, kundservice och har ett intresse av att lära dig mer om medicinteknikbranschen, kan det här vara rätt roll för dig.

Huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:

Hantera kundförfrågningar i det administrativa systemet, konfigurera och hantera ändringar i beställningar från kunder.
Övervaka produktens lagerstatus och hålla koll på eventuella leveransproblem till kunder.
Samarbeta med planerings- och marknadsföringsstödsteamet samt föreslå lösningar när potentiella problem uppstår.
Kvalifikationer och erfarenhet:

Erfarenhet från kundservice, administration eller koordinerande befattning.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med SAP, Excel eller andra IT-system.
En lagspelare med öga för detaljer.
Kommunicera flytande på svenska och engelska.
Erfarenhet inom medicinteknik är meriterande.
Övrig information:

Trivs i komplexa situationer och har förmåga att hantera stress under perioder för att möta kundkrav.

Nödvändiga färdigheter:

Meriterande färdigheter:


Engelska (Flytande)
Svenska (Flytande)

Senioritetsnivå: Senior

Plats: Göteborg (SE)

Uppdragsperiod: 15 maj 2024 - 15 maj 2025

Ansökningstiden löper ut: 10 maj 2024

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Digital & IT Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 24    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter As a Digital & IT Buyer, your role involves overseeing daily procurement tasks within various Digital & IT purchasing sectors. These sectors include software/SaaS categories like ERP, Finance, HR, Sales and Marketing, and Purchasing solutions. You will operate strategically, tactically, and operationally to lead and execute planned activities, as well as address unforeseen tasks. In this position, you will collaborate closely with th... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
As a Digital & IT Buyer, your role involves overseeing daily procurement tasks within various Digital & IT purchasing sectors. These sectors include software/SaaS categories like ERP, Finance, HR, Sales and Marketing, and Purchasing solutions. You will operate strategically, tactically, and operationally to lead and execute planned activities, as well as address unforeseen tasks.

In this position, you will collaborate closely with the Segment Leaders in the team to assist them in carrying out the Segment Business Plans (Category Strategies). Your main responsibility will involve overseeing sourcing tasks from beginning to completion, establishing and managing contractual and commercial partnerships with suppliers, and engaging in renewal activities.

You will collaborate actively with your team and important individuals involved to comprehensively grasp your commodity, its market, distribution network, and possible advancements. This will help in identifying strategies to enhance the overall performance of the sector in terms of quality, timeliness, expenses, characteristics, technology, sustainability, and risk management.

To succeed in this position, it is preferred that you a few years of experience as a Strategic Buyer, Sourcing Manager, or in a related role within Software and Software-as-a-Service sectors. The ideal candidate should be capable of managing the entire sourcing process, aligning stakeholder needs, and maintaining supplier relationships. You should possess a methodical and proactive approach to work, including effective planning, execution, and data-driven decision-making.

Primary Duties:

• Assisting stakeholders with sourcing and contracting services and products in the Commercial Solutions sectors
• Ensuring business requirements are in line with the Segment Business Plan and questioning established practices when necessary to improve understanding and find shared solutions
• Managing sourcing processes from start to finish
• Conducting both contractual and commercial discussions
• Managing and overseeing relationships with suppliers
• Updating necessary digital tools such as Due Diligence, Source to Pay, and KPIs
• Engaging with internal network of Commodity Buyers, Segment Leaders, and stakeholders to facilitate knowledge sharing and alignment regarding your segment and suppliers
• Occasional regional business travel may be required, typically not exceeding 2-3 times per year.


• Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, Management, Supply Chain, Engineering, or IT
• Strong grasp of technology with a keen interest in new IT advancements
• Prior experience in an international purchasing organization
• Experience working with purchasing Software and Software-as-a-Service
• Demonstrates high integrity and reliability
• Good interpersonal skills
• Quick at establishing trust with suppliers, stakeholders, and colleagues
• Skilled at managing uncertainties and maintaining stability in challenging situations
• Exceptional verbal and written communication proficiencies
• Proficiency in English; knowledge of another language is advantageous
• Capability to perform effectively in a global, diverse, and inclusive organizational structure
• Demonstrating a high level of independence, yet recognizing the importance of escalating issues when necessary
• Proficiency in building connections and overseeing collaborative efforts across multicultural teams

What we offer:

• Join a diverse global team, working alongside purchasing colleagues across various continents
• Contribute to building a more sustainable world
• Engage in a dynamic work environment with a lively culture and fast-paced atmosphere
• Collaborate on developing inventive approaches to conducting business for the future

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-04-22
End Date: 2024-11-30
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Buyer of Professional Services – Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 25    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are seeking a Professional Services Buyer for our client in Gothenburg. Key Responsibilities: - Source Professional Services, including purchased services and time and material. - Develop supplier networks for each category, outlining short and long-term sourcing plans, and coordinating with the business/stakeholders. - Implement procurement based on established strategies and frameworks. - Engage in negotiations for commercial an... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are seeking a Professional Services Buyer for our client in Gothenburg.

Key Responsibilities:

- Source Professional Services, including purchased services and time and material.
- Develop supplier networks for each category, outlining short and long-term sourcing plans, and coordinating with the business/stakeholders.
- Implement procurement based on established strategies and frameworks.
- Engage in negotiations for commercial and legal contracts, and draft agreements.
- Evaluate purchase requests and choose suppliers or contracts that align with defined strategies and agreements.
- Offer guidance to stakeholders regarding procurement matters and assist them throughout the procurement process, including any revisions to requests. Enhance cooperation with stakeholders to work together towards shared objectives.
- Monitor important metrics related to supplier and stakeholder adherence to contracts; identify and implement necessary measures to enhance compliance and consistently evaluate supplier performance in terms of quality and cost.
- Conduct market analysis to assist in sourcing efforts.
- Establish and sustain business relationships with suppliers and internal parties.
- Begin and oversee supplier assessments and audits.


Summarize and report on sourcing progress:

- Provide a summary and report on project costs.
- Identify services to be procured.
- Compile a list of potential suppliers and share it with stakeholders.
- Create a request for quotation, distribute it, negotiate and select the most favorable supplier.
- Develop a presentation detailing the chosen supplier and present it to management as a business case.
- Begin the process of bringing on board selected suppliers.


- A degree in business administration, finance, purchasing, or a related field.
- At least 6 years of experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in the automotive industry. Experience in procuring Bought Services/Work Packages, particularly in a technical field, is desired. The candidate should also possess strong negotiation skills and be adept at creating agreements.
- Extensive emphasis on individual qualities like strong communication and interpersonal abilities. Capable of promptly grasping the requirements of internal stakeholders and being customer-oriented. Adaptable and adept at grasping terminology and operational procedures swiftly, always willing to adjust their approach to achieve optimal outcomes. Experienced in managing numerous projects and large volumes of data simultaneously, working in an organized and efficient manner.
- Proficient in both written and verbal Swedish and English. Familiar with collaborating in a diverse global setting involving individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
- Possess advanced proficiency in MS Office, particularly Excel. Previous exposure to procurement and administrative software and platforms such as SRM, Fieldglass, and Workday is highly beneficial.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-06-16
End of the assignment: 2025-06-16
Deadline: 2024-04-29
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies Visa mindre

Buyer for our client in Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 25    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for an experienced Purchasing Analyst Professional for our client in the automotive industry. In this assignment you will be organizing, discussing, and managing purchasing proposals, offers, and agreements with suppliers/vendors, which involves: - Managing the creation of contract and offer paperwork, and making sure that all necessary approvals are secured at every stage. - Gathering and evaluating technical, financ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for an experienced Purchasing Analyst Professional for our client in the automotive industry.

In this assignment you will be organizing, discussing, and managing purchasing proposals, offers, and agreements with suppliers/vendors, which involves:

- Managing the creation of contract and offer paperwork, and making sure that all necessary approvals are secured at every stage.
- Gathering and evaluating technical, financial, and legal details to incorporate into contract and offer paperwork.
- Collaborating with relevant technical, financial, or legal departments on issues needing evaluation.
- Recording and overseeing performance and service level agreements, and tracking vendor/supplier performance against them.


At a professional level, this role necessitates practical knowledge acquired through education and professional background. Proficiency in the following areas is necessary:

- Operates with minimal oversight.
- Encounters challenging issues, usually not complex.
- Has the potential to impact others in the same field by clarifying information, policies, and procedures.
- 2-5 years of relevant experience.
- Swedish nationality is a prerequisite for involvement in the clients’ projects.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-05-06
End Date: 2024-11-29
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Digital Content Designer - Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for an experienced Digital Content Designer for our client in Gothenburg. Our client is a hygiene and health company dedicated to enhancing well-being with innovative, sustainable products. As a Digital Content Designer, your role involves designing and creating attractive and captivating content for the clients’ brands. This content will be used on various platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, newsletters, and websi... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for an experienced Digital Content Designer for our client in Gothenburg. Our client is a hygiene and health company dedicated to enhancing well-being with innovative, sustainable products.

As a Digital Content Designer, your role involves designing and creating attractive and captivating content for the clients’ brands. This content will be used on various platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, newsletters, and website.

Job Assignments

• Design graphics such as banners in static and animated formats for newsletters and website.
• Create illustrations for web and social media.
• Produce engaging content for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat through motion design.
• Edit and create compelling videos.
• Collaborate on generating and developing content concepts.


• An appropriate educational background.
• At least 3 years of experience as a Digital Content Designer or similar, either in an agency or an in-house department.
• Proficiency with graphic tools like Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere Pro – or similar motion graphic tools) and Figma.
• Strong knowledge of various digital channels’ requirements to create compelling and attractive content.
• The workload is demanding, requiring effective task prioritization skills.
• Proficient in both English and Swedish languages.


• Experience with Smartly.
• Understanding of e-commerce.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-04-29
End of the assignment: 2024-12-31
Deadline: 2024-04-28
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Category Buyer - Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 17    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter We are looking for a Category Buyer for our client who works in the autmotive industry. In Procurement, you are a member of an international team dedicated to cultivating and upholding a competitive and environmentally responsible worldwide network of suppliers. Securing the provision of goods and services at optimal cost, quality, and utilizing cutting-edge technology is crucial for advancing the company. Ultimately, the focus is on c... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
We are looking for a Category Buyer for our client who works in the autmotive industry. In Procurement, you are a member of an international team dedicated to cultivating and upholding a competitive and environmentally responsible worldwide network of suppliers. Securing the provision of goods and services at optimal cost, quality, and utilizing cutting-edge technology is crucial for advancing the company. Ultimately, the focus is on collaborating with individuals both within and outside the organization to deliver an authentic experience for the customers.

The Interior Team is looking for a Category Buyer who has a strong interest in improving business operations, problem-solving, collaborating with different departments, and continuously seeking personal and professional growth. This role is temporary. You will manage and enhance your business at every stage of its development in cooperation with both internal and external partners.

In this position, you will be in charge of managing the effects of different program changes, identifying and discussing cost-saving opportunities in production operations, and minimizing and addressing risks.

You will also ensure that suppliers can meet the requirements, including adapting to changes in capacity and manage supplier cost disputes and instances of not meeting the clients’ needs. As a Category Buyer you will provide updates and plans for your business area to higher management and maintain the integrity of systems for ordering, planning, price and capacity updates. You will address any unexpected issues that may arise for your business.


You should have a minimum of 3 years of experience in procurement or sales in a complex industry. It is advantageous to have experience in both areas and in project management. A Bachelor's or Master's degree in Procurement, International Business, Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, or a related field is required.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-05-01
End Date: 2025-01-31
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Torslanda
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer for our client in Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 15    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter In this exciting assignment, you will join our client’s Digital Global Category Team in the Indirect Procurement department, where you will report to the Global Procurement Manager for Digital. Your role will involve collaborating with stakeholders to facilitate the company's digital transformation through the provision of appropriate digital tools and resources to create a digitally advanced environment. Job Assigments - Your duties... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
In this exciting assignment, you will join our client’s Digital Global Category Team in the Indirect Procurement department, where you will report to the Global Procurement Manager for Digital. Your role will involve collaborating with stakeholders to facilitate the company's digital transformation through the provision of appropriate digital tools and resources to create a digitally advanced environment.

Job Assigments

- Your duties will include overseeing and assisting with sourcing projects across different functions in the category. This involves various tasks such as planning, carrying out, analyzing, negotiating, selecting suppliers, and managing contracts.
- You will collaborate with important business stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of the product/service, its market, supply sources, and potential advancements. This is to identify opportunities for enhancing value for the client in terms of cost, quality, and sustainability.
- Formulate and execute plans for categories and suppliers.
- Establish and nurture relationships with suppliers and stakeholders.
- Challenge existing norms and collaborate with stakeholders, suppliers, and colleagues to find innovative solutions.
- Participate in international business trips.


We are seeking enthusiastic and committed procurement experts with extensive experience in the following areas:

- Software Licenses – Demonstrated expertise in handling intricate software license negotiations, both at a global enterprise level and with local or specialized providers.
- Connectivity – Experience in the connectivity sector, specifically with connected vehicles and/or devices.
- Digital Services & Projects – Managing a variety of digital services contracts and projects, with expertise in different commercial and delivery models such as managed services, capacity, and time and materials.
- Extensive experience in hardware, including PCs, servers, high-performance computing clusters, and validation systems. Familiarity with various commercial models like leasing and hardware-as-a-service.

You should also fulfill the following requirements:

- You will add value to the team by having the appropriate mindset, ambition, and attitude. You excel in situations where you are required to make decisions, establish direction, and deliver results despite uncertain circumstances. Amid the current changes, you can handle ambiguity and perform well under such circumstances.
- By working together effectively, you will improve the experience for the customers and the internal team. You demonstrate strong leadership in procurement and cultivate positive relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders.
- You have fully adopted English as your main language for both written and spoken communication, and you are at ease in an international environment.
- Excelling in challenging situations, you skillfully manage a variety of interests while staying focused on achieving goals. Your background involves engaging in global business transactions with suppliers worldwide, demonstrating solid business expertise and the capability to navigate between short-term focus and long-term ambitions.
- You have extensive knowledge and experience in IT/Digital fields, preferably acquired in a global environment dealing with supplier management and contracts. Your ability to lead evidence-based negotiations and conversations, along with your significant experience in IT/digital sourcing, procurement, and negotiations, distinguishes you.
- You are skilled at developing organized strategies, efficiently prioritizing tasks, and successfully reaching objectives.
- Having a university degree or equivalent experience is required, and having automotive experience is beneficial. Overall, your extensive experience and skills will enhance the team's performance and help them achieve success.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-04-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Torslanda
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across multiple industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find candidates who quickly become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

Component Project Leader/ Group Design Leader – Gothenburg

Dina arbetsuppgifter Are you passionate about connected car technology and dedicated to creating an exceptional driving experience for people? Do you prioritize customer needs, possess self-motivation, and have strong communication skills? If so, you could be the ideal candidate for the position of component Project Leader/GDL. As the Project Leader / GDL, you will be involved in a team responsible for developing components in the Wiper and Washer departm... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Are you passionate about connected car technology and dedicated to creating an exceptional driving experience for people? Do you prioritize customer needs, possess self-motivation, and have strong communication skills? If so, you could be the ideal candidate for the position of component Project Leader/GDL.

As the Project Leader / GDL, you will be involved in a team responsible for developing components in the Wiper and Washer department. Your role will encompass all stages of the project, from initiation to launch, including customer quality testing. You will have expertise in ECU technology with a focus on electronics and software. This position will allow you to build a strong network within various departments of the agile organization.

Job Assignments

• Develop the technical solution and coordinate with stakeholders.
• Ensure the quality of the final product by implementing actions like FMEA, Design Reviews, and test planning.
• Ensure that design requirements are created and met during component procurement.
• Monitor the budget for the component development.
• Accountable for creating a part or subsystem based on specified requirements (Technology, Time, Cost) in coordination with the vehicle program.
• Serve as the point of contact between the product area and the program, and as the primary interface with the Department Program Manager.
• Head the cross-functional team overseeing the product area, which includes the supplier.
• Follow the Product Development System and implement a technical logical plan.
• Collaborate with the Engineering Manager to ensure that design reviews are carried out as part of the project.


• Prior experience in managing sourcing activities, including ESOW preparation.
• Experience in software or hardware design for the automotive industry.
• You are a charismatic leader who excels at taking initiative and rallying cross-functional teams to meet deadlines effectively.
• Motivated and strong sense of curiosity.
• Attentive and optimistic.
• Flexible and keen on expanding knowledge.
• Goal-focused and adaptable.
• Organized with effective documentation and communication abilities.
• Proficient in project scheduling and resource planning.
• Collaborate and exchange information with team members.
• Fluent in English, both spoken and written.

System knowledge

• Pecca procost / Maxbom PCT.
• Vira and Confluence.
• Teamcenter.
• Carweaver.
• Power BI.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start of the assignment: 2024-05-01
End of the assignment: 2026-09-25
Deadline: 2024-04-21
Location: Torslanda or Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Buyer of Professional Services

Ansök    Apr 9    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter On behalf of our costumer, a leading automotive manufacturer focusing on electric vehicles, we are on the lookout for an experienced Buyer of Professional Services to Indirect Purchasing. This is a company that is committed to innovation, sustainability and excellence. This role is critical to ensuring the efficient and effective sourcing and procurement of professional services in alignment with our company’s strategic objectives. Ro... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
On behalf of our costumer, a leading automotive manufacturer focusing on electric vehicles, we are on the lookout for an experienced Buyer of Professional Services to Indirect Purchasing. This is a company that is committed to innovation, sustainability and excellence. This role is critical to ensuring the efficient and effective sourcing and procurement of professional services in alignment with our company’s strategic objectives.

Role Overview:
The Buyer of Professional Services will be responsible for sourcing professional services, negotiating commercial and legal agreements and ensuring procurement activities align with defined strategies. You will play a pivotal role in advising stakeholders on procurement issues, improving contract compliance, and maintaining fruitful relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders.

Key Responsibilities:
Perform sourcing for Professional Services, including services bought and time and material contracts.
Negotiate and create commercial and legal agreements in accordance with procurement strategies.
Review purchase requisitions, identifying and selecting suppliers based on defined strategies and agreements.
Advise stakeholders throughout the procurement cycle, enhancing collaboration towards common goals.
Track and improve supplier and stakeholder contract compliance, performing supplier evaluations and audits.
Conduct market analysis to support sourcing activities and maintain commercial relations with suppliers.
Present sourcing status summaries, project cost reports, and supplier selections to management.

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Finance, Purchasing, or related field.
A minimum of 5 years of work experience in Indirect Purchasing, with a preference for experience in technical areas.
Strong negotiation skills and experience in creating agreements.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with a service-oriented mindset.
Ability to manage multiple projects and data simultaneously in a structured and timely manner.
Fluent in Swedish and English, both written and spoken.
Proficient in MS Office, especially Excel, and experience with SRM/SAP or similar systems.

We look forward to discovering how you can make a difference!

Start: 2024-05-01
End: 2025-09-30
Workload: 100%
Location: Gothenburg, (3 days at the office, 2 days remote)
Language: English

Om oss
Sway Sourcing är ett modernt företag som rekryterar inom flera branscher på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vi matchar kandidaters kompetens och kunskap med företagets behov. Sway Sourcing har en företagsledning och personal med lång erfarenhet i rekryteringsbranschen, både som ägare och anställda. Vi har ett stort nätverk inom de branscher vi specialiserat oss inom och kan därför hitta de kandidater som snabbt blir en tillgång för företagen. Visa mindre

Order Coordinator to our Customer

Dina arbetsuppgifter Our customer are on an exciting journey towards the future and are seeking a dedicated individual to join their team as an Order Coordinator. In this role, you will be a key player in fulfilling the customers Production Order book for all their plants and product lines globally. Your focus will be on maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and supporting their objectives through efficient order scheduling and management. Wha... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
Our customer are on an exciting journey towards the future and are seeking a dedicated individual to join their team as an Order Coordinator. In this role, you will be a key player in fulfilling the customers Production Order book for all their plants and product lines globally. Your focus will be on maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and supporting their objectives through efficient order scheduling and management.

What our customer has to offer:

Collaborate closely with various teams within the company
Great opportunity to develop a cross-functional network
Be part of implementing new IT systems and tools
Work in a dynamic and business-critical operational role with ample growth opportunities

What you will do:

As an Order Coordinator, your responsibilities will include:

Ensuring 100% fulfillment of the production order book
Processing order requests and analyzing the order book situation
Implementing improvements in processes and tools
Participating in monthly program processes and order scheduling activities
Maintaining KPI dashboards for management reviews

Do you fit the profile?

We are looking for someone who:

Holds a university degree or equivalent experience
Has strong administrative skills and proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Power BI
Is fluent in English, with knowledge of other languages being a plus
Possesses analytical skills and a solution-oriented mindset
Demonstrates excellent communication and collaboration skills

If you are proactive, adaptable to change, and eager to drive results, then this role is perfect for you!

Start date: 06 may 2024
End date: 27 june 2025

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Buyer for our client in Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 5    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpare
Dina arbetsuppgifter In this exciting assignment, you will join our client’s Digital Global Category Team in the Indirect Procurement department, where you will report to the Global Procurement Manager for Digital. Your role will involve collaborating with stakeholders to facilitate the company's digital transformation through the provision of appropriate digital tools and resources to create a digitally advanced environment. Job Assigments - Your duties... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
In this exciting assignment, you will join our client’s Digital Global Category Team in the Indirect Procurement department, where you will report to the Global Procurement Manager for Digital. Your role will involve collaborating with stakeholders to facilitate the company's digital transformation through the provision of appropriate digital tools and resources to create a digitally advanced environment.

Job Assigments

- Your duties will include overseeing and assisting with sourcing projects across different functions in the category. This involves various tasks such as planning, carrying out, analyzing, negotiating, selecting suppliers, and managing contracts.
- You will collaborate with important business stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of the product/service, its market, supply sources, and potential advancements. This is to identify opportunities for enhancing value for the client in terms of cost, quality, and sustainability.
- Formulate and execute plans for categories and suppliers.
- Establish and nurture relationships with suppliers and stakeholders.
- Challenge existing norms and collaborate with stakeholders, suppliers, and colleagues to find innovative solutions.
- Participate in international business trips.


We are seeking enthusiastic and committed procurement experts with extensive experience in the following areas:

- Software Licenses – Demonstrated expertise in handling intricate software license negotiations, both at a global enterprise level and with local or specialized providers.
- Connectivity – Experience in the connectivity sector, specifically with connected vehicles and/or devices.
- Digital Services & Projects – Managing a variety of digital services contracts and projects, with expertise in different commercial and delivery models such as managed services, capacity, and time and materials.
- Extensive experience in hardware, including PCs, servers, high-performance computing clusters, and validation systems. Familiarity with various commercial models like leasing and hardware-as-a-service.

You should also fulfill the following requirements:

- You will add value to the team by having the appropriate mindset, ambition, and attitude. You excel in situations where you are required to make decisions, establish direction, and deliver results despite uncertain circumstances. Amid the current changes, you can handle ambiguity and perform well under such circumstances.
- By working together effectively, you will improve the experience for the customers and the internal team. You demonstrate strong leadership in procurement and cultivate positive relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders.
- You have fully adopted English as your main language for both written and spoken communication, and you are at ease in an international environment.
- Excelling in challenging situations, you skillfully manage a variety of interests while staying focused on achieving goals. Your background involves engaging in global business transactions with suppliers worldwide, demonstrating solid business expertise and the capability to navigate between short-term focus and long-term ambitions.
- You have extensive knowledge and experience in IT/Digital fields, preferably acquired in a global environment dealing with supplier management and contracts. Your ability to lead evidence-based negotiations and conversations, along with your significant experience in IT/digital sourcing, procurement, and negotiations, distinguishes you.
- You are skilled at developing organized strategies, efficiently prioritizing tasks, and successfully reaching objectives.
- Having a university degree or equivalent experience is required, and having automotive experience is beneficial. Overall, your extensive experience and skills will enhance the team's performance and help them achieve success.

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-04-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Torslanda
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits across multiple industries in the Swedish job market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the needs of the company. Sway Sourcing has a management team and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find candidates who quickly become an asset to the companies. Visa mindre

Senior Strategic Buyer Lead - Gothenburg

Ansök    Apr 2    Sway Sourcing Sweden AB    Inköpsledare
Dina arbetsuppgifter In this assignment you will work for our client in the automotive industry. The Strategic Buyer Lead oversees or carries out the process of strategic sourcing by initiating and leading efforts to source materials and reduce costs, creating and executing the strategy for a specific area, and driving important purchasing activities within the commodity. In this assignment you will also have the following tasks: - Develop processes for ... Visa mer
Dina arbetsuppgifter
In this assignment you will work for our client in the automotive industry. The Strategic Buyer Lead oversees or carries out the process of strategic sourcing by initiating and leading efforts to source materials and reduce costs, creating and executing the strategy for a specific area, and driving important purchasing activities within the commodity. In this assignment you will also have the following tasks:

- Develop processes for managing relationships with suppliers and setting goals for ongoing improvement.
- Engage in contract negotiations and work with internal clients to plan supplier integration.
- Keeps track of market trends affecting availability and pricing of materials/services.
- Collaborate with internal clients to determine sourcing requirements, create buyer profiles, analyze market trends, and establish service level standards.

At a higher level, individuals may spearhead efforts to drive changes such as digitalization and sustainability. Those at the lead level in the Buying field usually have specialized knowledge acquired through both education and practical experience. Their duties often involve overseeing significant projects or processes independently, providing guidance to junior staff, and handling challenging and intricate issues.


The main requirement is that you have a minimum of 8 years of relevant experience.

We are looking forward to your application!

Tillträde och ansökan
Start Date: 2024-05-02
End Date: 2024-12-20
Deadline: ASAP
Location: Gothenburg
Contact person: +46 790 06 27 11
Selections and interviews are ongoing!

Om oss
Sway Sourcing is a modern company that recruits in several industries on the Swedish labor market. We match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the company’s needs. Sway Sourcing has a company management and staff with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, both as owners and employees. We have a large network within the industries we specialize in and can therefore find the candidates who quickly become an asset for the companies. Visa mindre