Lediga jobb Internationella Kemikaliesekr. i Göteborg

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ChemSec is looking for a communications officer

About ChemSec ChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat) is an environmental NGO based in Göteborg, Sweden, working to limit the use of hazardous chemicals in society. We highlight the need to speed up legislative processes mainly in the EU, but also globally. We carry out projects to identify the most important hazardous chemicals and highlight the safer alternatives. We also develop concrete tools for companies to help reduce the use of toxic chemi... Visa mer
About ChemSec
ChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat) is an environmental NGO based in Göteborg, Sweden, working to limit the use of hazardous chemicals in society. We highlight the need to speed up legislative processes mainly in the EU, but also globally. We carry out projects to identify the most important hazardous chemicals and highlight the safer alternatives. We also develop concrete tools for companies to help reduce the use of toxic chemicals. We cooperate with and enhance dialogue between authorities, politicians, scientists and progressive companies and investors.

About the position and the skills you need to succeed
As our communications officer you have full practical responsibility for written communication. We are looking for a person who does not shy away from producing a lot of text, as writing both long and short texts will be your primary duty. You will work closely together with ChemSec’s Head of Communications, to whom you will also report, in a wide range of different ChemSec projects.
· We believe you have an academic education in communications, journalism or a similar field and a couple of years of working experience. Previous experience as a journalist/blogger is especially advantageous.
· You need to be fluent in English. As a communications officer you will also do editing and proofreading of other staff members’ texts.
· It is an advantage if you are social media savvy and have previous experience from working with WordPress, Photoshop, online video tools and/or any other relevant communication tools.
· Previous experience from covering environmental topics, EU environmental legislation or corporate sustainability work is also advantageous.
You are a self-starter, comfortable with working independently and you deliver on time. Your style of writing is efficient and straightforward, and it doesn’t hurt if you are a bit of a storyteller. Furthermore, you are able to quickly sift through large amounts of many times technical information written by others, identify the most relevant parts and compile it into a written story of your own.
We are a small, dynamic team of experts from different areas and our work is directed towards an international audience. Therefore our communication is in English. Potential candidates will be tested for their English proficiency. Swedish is not a requirement.

Details about the position and how to apply
This is a full-time position with a fixed monthly salary.
To start as soon as possible. Location: Göteborg
If you have any questions, please contact ChemSec’s Head of Communications, Peter Pierrou, +46 739 98 49 01 (between 10.00-11.00) or [email protected].

Please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected] before August 27. Write “application communications officer” in the subject field. Visa mindre

ChemSec söker en ekonom med kontorsansvar

Om ChemSec ChemSec – Internationella Kemikaliesekretariatet – är en oberoende organisation som utan vinstintresse arbetar för att befria världen från skadliga kemikalier. Vi gör det därför att skadliga kemikalier utgör ett av de största och allvarligaste hoten mot hälsa och miljö. Men också därför att vi vet att en förändring är möjlig. Genom egen forskning, gränsöverskridande samarbeten och praktiska verktyg driver vi på utvecklingen för en striktare kemi... Visa mer
Om ChemSec
ChemSec – Internationella Kemikaliesekretariatet – är en oberoende organisation som utan vinstintresse arbetar för att befria världen från skadliga kemikalier. Vi gör det därför att skadliga kemikalier utgör ett av de största och allvarligaste hoten mot hälsa och miljö. Men också därför att vi vet att en förändring är möjlig. Genom egen forskning, gränsöverskridande samarbeten och praktiska verktyg driver vi på utvecklingen för en striktare kemikalielagstiftning och en övergång till giftfria alternativ.
Om tjänsten
Eftersom vi växer så behöver vi en ekonom/sekreterare/administratör som vill ansvara för vår ekonomi, för administration kopplat till verksamheten och för vårt kontor. Ena stunden kommer du att arbeta med budget och finansiell rapportering i samarbete med vår bokföringsbyrå. Nästa stund kommer du att handla fika eller beställa kontorsmaterial. Och däremellan kommer du att se till att resorna till kommande konferenser och andra bokningar för möten och webinar blir gjorda.

Du kommer till exempel att ansvara för:
·       Ekonomisk projektuppföljning och uppdatering av budgetar - samt förbättring av rutiner kring detta
·       Förberedelser för bokslut och årsredovisning; inklusive rapportering och administration för 90-konto och FRII 
·       Fakturering
·      Ansökningar för finansiering av verksamheten 
·       Avtalshantering
·       Mötesanteckningar, kallelser och email mm.
·       Dagliga sysslor som post, mötesanteckningar och kallelser och kontakt med fastighetsägare
·       Research till våra projekt - vilket kräver en god engelska

ChemSec använder ett externt företag för bokföring och transaktioner och ekonomiska överföringar åt organisationen, ansvar för detta ingår därför inte i tjänsten.

Om dig
För att ta dig an rollen hos oss ser vi gärna att du har utbildning och/eller erfarenhet arbete med ekonomisk projektuppföljning och faktureringar. ChemSecs arbetsspråk är engelska – så du behöver kunna prata och skriva på engelska, till exempel för att kunna göra research inom ChemSecs olika projekt.

Det är de formella kraven, men för att trivas hos oss tror vi att du gillar att hålla ditt arbete strukturerat, men du finner dig i att dina dagar ibland är svåra att planera eftersom det händer saker hela tiden hos oss. Det är också väldigt viktigt att du gillar att arbeta självständigt eftersom du kommer att vara ensam med din kompetens hos oss. 

Vi vill så klart även att du delar vår inställning och vill jobba för en icke-vinstdrivande organisation vars syfte är att minska användandet av farliga kemikalier i världen. 
Anställningsform och tillträde
Heltid, fast månadslön.
Tillträde i slutet av april. 
Placering: ChemSecs kontor i centrala Göteborg
I denna rekryteringsprocess tar vi hjälp av Johan Norrfjärd Recreatio AB och kontakta gärna honom på tel: 070- 20 40 113 om du har frågor angående tjänsten. 
Skicka CV och personligt brev till [email protected] före 23e februari Skriv “Ekonom med kontorsansvar” i ämnesraden. Vi kommer att ta in ansökningar löpande. Visa mindre

Policy Advisor

About ChemSecChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat) is an environmental NGO based in Gothenburg working to limit the use of hazardous chemicals in society. ChemSec highlights the need to phase out hazardous chemicals and influence and speed up legislative processes mainly in the EU, but also globally. We drive projects that highlight the risks of hazardous chemicals and the need for safer alternatives. ChemSec develops tools, e.g. the SIN list fo... Visa mer
About ChemSecChemSec (the International Chemical Secretariat) is an environmental NGO based in Gothenburg working to limit the use of hazardous chemicals in society. ChemSec highlights the need to phase out hazardous chemicals and influence and speed up legislative processes mainly in the EU, but also globally. We drive projects that highlight the risks of hazardous chemicals and the need for safer alternatives. ChemSec develops tools, e.g. the SIN list for companies and other actors, helping them to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and create efficient corporate chemicals management systems. ChemSec also cooperates with, and enhance dialogue between, authorities, politicians, scientists, progressive companies and investors. About the positionWe are now expanding our policy team which focuses its work on the EU’s chemicals regulation REACH and the chemical aspects of circular economy, as well as other relevant chemicals frameworks. With this opening we aim to expand our work within circular economy and more actively take part in the pan-European discussion regarding the importance of phasing out hazardous chemicals. More concretely, you will: Be a part of our policy team, monitor and take part in the debate of circular economy in the EU, both within the regulatory arena as well as the corporate one. Work with issues connected to the implementation of the EU’s chemicals framework REACH as well as other relevant EU chemicals legislations.Build and foster networks and have lots of external contacts with different stakeholders, arrange and attend meetings, hold presentations and connect with policymakers, regulators and industry such as the recycling and waste sector.Produce reports and convincing arguments that support ChemSec’s views. Interact with external consultants and ensure their delivery.Actively contribute to other ChemSec projects with your expertise and perspective.The role requires frequent business traveling within Europe. Our working language is English – Swedish is not a requirement. To succeed in this role and enjoy working at ChemSec, we believe you:Hold an academic degree, preferably in environmental or political science, law, engineering or chemistry. Understand the problem with hazardous chemicals and the EU chemicals regulatory system. More advanced experience from working in the areas in which ChemSec operate, such as environmental issues or EU politics is an advantage.Have a demonstrated history of driving your own initiatives and making sure they come to life.Are highly proficient in English, both written and oral. Any additional language skills would be an advantage.In addition to those formal requirements, we believe you are outgoing, enjoy giving talks and know how to build a network of contacts. It is important that you can work independently and take responsibility for producing results. Furthermore, you are able to think strategically and have an interest in the way political issues are pursued. You feel comfortable in your role and adapt your skills according to the situation.And of course, you are keen to work for a value driven NGO that is striving to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in society. We offerThis is a type of position rarely advertised in Sweden outside of Stockholm, and a real chance for the right person to work in a very stimulating, fast-paced international environment with issues of great societal importance.  We welcome you to a small, dynamic team of experts from different areas. We rely on teamwork and flexibility in a context characterized by freedom, personal drive and responsibility. Our office is located in central Gothenburg close to Järntorget, meaning lots of great transportation options and different lunch restaurants.This is a permanent full-time position with fixed monthly salary, starting as soon as possible. For the right person, other locations than Gothenburg are possible. How to applyPlease send your cover letter and CV to [email protected] before October 1, 2019. Write “Application Policy Advisor” in the subject field. If you have any questions on the position or the recruitment process, please contact ChemSec’s Acting Director Frida Hök, +46 709721257 or [email protected] personal data will be handled according to the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Visa mindre