Lediga jobb som Forskarassistent i Göteborg

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Postdoktor i Reproduktiv genetik - bioinformatik

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid. Ämne  Reproduktiv genetik - bioinformatik Ämnesbeskrivning  Missfall är den vanligaste graviditetskomplika... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.
Reproduktiv genetik - bioinformatik

Missfall är den vanligaste graviditetskomplikationen, med över 23 miljoner graviditeter som slutar i missfall varje år.  Detta projekt syftar till att identifiera fetala genetiska faktorer (SNP och de novo kopienummer varianter) bakom missfall, särskilt bland foster med normala kromosomantal. Postdoktorn kommer att leda ett projekt med användning av storskalig “genotyping array” från missfallna foster och deras mödrar (inklusive anrop av aneuploidier och kopienummer varianter) och bidra till pågående insatser inom detta område (GWAS, metaanalyser, etc).

Postdoktorn ska i första hand bedriva forskning av hög kvalitet. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår data kvalitetskontroll och analys, spridning av resultat (skriva forskningsartiklar, presentationer på konferenser) och handledning av master-/doktorander. Det finns möjligheter att utöka projektets inriktning inom ramen för det angivna projektet och postdoktorns intressen och inriktning. Postdoktorn förväntas också delta och bistå i projekt från andra gruppmedlemmar och kollegor, samt bidra till administrativa uppgifter såsom datainsamling och ansökningar till bland annat etikkommittén. Som postdoktor i Pols nya grupp får du möjlighet att väsentligt påverka och definiera labbets kultur. Du kommer att forma hur vi närmar oss vetenskap, mentor studenter och utvecklas som ett forskarteam.

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som innehar doktorsexamen i relevant ämnesområde, eller en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.

Den sökande ska ha doktorsexamen inom ett område motsvarande eller liknande molekylärbiologi, statistisk biologi, biomedicin, epidemiologi, genetik, statistik, matematisk, datavetenskap eller biomedicinsk vetenskap. Förmåga att arbeta i R/Python och en UNIX-miljö krävs, samt utmärkta muntliga och skriftliga engelska språkkunskaper.

Tjänsten kräver samarbete med kollegor och andra forskargrupper, men förmåga att självständigt generera och driva forskningsidéer kommer att vara avgörande.

Meriter är:
- Bevisad förmåga att skriva sammanhängande vetenskaplig text (minst ett publicerat eller inlämnat manus där den sökande är förstaförfattare och har skrivit en större del av texten)
- Kunskap om graviditetens fysiologi och biologi eller statistik
Beprövad erfarenhet av:
- att analysera kopienummervarianter eller aneuploidier
- populationsgenetik (mikroarrayer, GWAS, GxE-studier)
- statistisk modellering, antingen i samband med genetik eller epidemiologi
- stordataanalys eller bioinformatik
- studenthandledning
- versionskontroll i Git och reproducerbar vetenskap

Dessa kvalifikationer används för att rangordna kandidater genom bedömning av kompetens och skicklighet, och sökande som bedöms ha de bästa förutsättningarna att genomföra arbetsuppgifterna och bidra till en positiv utveckling av forskargruppen att väljas ut. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet (samarbetsförmåga, kreativ och strukturerad).

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 24 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Pol Solé-Navais
+46 031 342 29 29
[email protected]

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga organisationer 
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

För fullständig annonstext se Göteborgs universitets hemsida. Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: http://www.gu.se/omuniversitetet/aktuellt/lediga-jobb. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Bifoga doktorsexamensbevis vid ansökan, i det fall som examensbeviset ännu inte är utfärdat bifogas det senast vid den tidpunkt då anställningsbeslut skall fattas.

Vi ber dig vänligen att skriva din ansökan på engelska eftersom ansökan kan granskas av engelsktalande personal. Urvalsprocessen kommer sannolikt att bestå av intervjuer, referenstagning och arbetsprov på engelska. Ansökan ska innehålla:

- Ett följebrev som ger en kort motivering till varför du vill gå med vår grupp, en beskrivning av tidigare forskningserfarenhet, hur denna erfarenhet och dina kvalifikationer passar det föreslagna forskningsprojektet.
- Ett CV (inklusive en utvald publikationslista, max 3)
- Kontaktuppgifter till två referenser som kan kontaktas efter intervjustadiet

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-03-17

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral position within cell wall accessibility characterization

We are seeking a motivated and driven postdoctoral researcher to join two multidisciplinary teams within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. Together, these teams are dedicated to the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass. This position focuses on developing cutting-edge methodologies for assessing cell wall accessibility and porosity, contributing to a deeper understanding that will enable the improved design of separation ... Visa mer
We are seeking a motivated and driven postdoctoral researcher to join two multidisciplinary teams within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. Together, these teams are dedicated to the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass. This position focuses on developing cutting-edge methodologies for assessing cell wall accessibility and porosity, contributing to a deeper understanding that will enable the improved design of separation and functionalization processes for lignocellulosic biomass.

Project overview

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers boasts a long-standing tradition of multidisciplinary research on biomass valorization. This spans from the chemistry and technology of traditional pulping processes to pioneering methods for separating, fractionating, and functionalizing forest biomass components. This work is guided by the principles of biorefinery and biomaterials development.

The department collaborates extensively with the forest industry and benefits from the world-leading Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC). Over the past 13 years, WWSC has enriched the collaborative research environment, providing access to state-of-the-art infrastructure. Within this framework, the development of novel methods for characterizing cell wall accessibility is crucial for gaining fundamental mechanistic insights into separation and valorization processes applied to wood and forest biomass.

This project will be conducted jointly by the research groups led by Anna Ström and Merima Hasani, who specialize in biomass valorization, from the primary separation of components to their functionalization for specific applications. Their complementary expertise ensures a broad, collaborative scientific approach and robust experimental support. Furthermore, the project is part of the WWSC framework, which will amplify its impact and foster additional development and collaborations.

About the Wallenberg Wood Science Center
WWSC is a multidisciplinary research center striving for scientific excellence, with a focus on developing innovative materials from trees. The center builds knowledge and competence to create sustainable value from forest raw materials. It represents a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, and Linköping University. Supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, WWSC also receives backing from the forest industry via the national platform Treesearch. A key aspect of WWSC’s research is the development of analytical tools for the separation and recovery of wood components, which is central to this postdoctoral position.

Major responsibilities

The postdoctoral researcher will focus on developing methodologies to assess wood cell wall porosity, including native and partially processed materials. Key techniques will include advanced microscopy (e.g., electron and confocal microscopy) and scattering methods (e.g., SAXS, tomography). Complementary analytical techniques will also play a significant role.

The position requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, closely aligned with ongoing and prior work within the two research groups.


To qualify for this position, you must hold a PhD degree in biomass processing and valorization or solid biomaterial characterization. The PhD degree must have been awarded no more than three years before the application deadline. Experience with advanced microscopy, scattering techniques, or other imaging methods is highly desirable.

As a candidate, you should demonstrate self-motivation, strong organizational skills, and a problem-solving mindset. Excellent collaboration skills and a proactive approach to teamwork are also essential.

Contract terms

This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus,

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 16 March, 2025
For questions, please contact:
Merima Hasani, Div. of Chemical Engineering
[email protected];
+46 (0)31 772 2996
+46 (0)704532485.

Anna Ström, Div. of Applied Chemistry
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** Visa mindre

Postdoc Position in Trustworthy Generative AI

Are you passionate about AI and its real-world impact? Join our research team to explore new ways of making generative AI more reliable and safe. Your work will contribute to AI systems that can improve healthcare, transportation, and service robotics—helping to create technology we can trust. As part of our dynamic research environment, you will gain valuable experience in independent research and collaborate with top academics and industry leaders. Abo... Visa mer
Are you passionate about AI and its real-world impact? Join our research team to explore new ways of making generative AI more reliable and safe. Your work will contribute to AI systems that can improve healthcare, transportation, and service robotics—helping to create technology we can trust. As part of our dynamic research environment, you will gain valuable experience in independent research and collaborate with top academics and industry leaders.

About us
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden is home to approximately 270 employees from over 30 countries. The department is widely recognized for its high-quality research and education.

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a position at the Division of Interaction Design and Software Engineering, with Chalmers University of Technology as the employer. Our division specializes in research and education on complex, software-intensive systems, with strong international collaborations and close ties to local industry. With around 50 researchers, including PhD students, postdocs, and faculty, we are one of the largest software engineering research groups in the world. Our expertise spans AI engineering, software testing, requirements engineering, behavioral software engineering, and software engineering for automotive systems.

About the research project 
This project explores how neural-symbolic approaches can enhance the trustworthiness of generative AI models, such as large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs). We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our team and collaborate with leading faculty members across Europe. The research will focus on verifying generative AI models and designing them to ensure appropriate and safe responses. A key application area is service robotics, particularly robots for elderly care. A robot will be available at Chalmers for evaluating the developed concepts.

Who we are looking for
We welcome applications from candidates with the following qualifications:

• A PhD in computer science, mathematics, or control, obtained within the past three years.*
• A strong publication record in well-regarded computer science conferences.
• Skills in teaching and project management, along with demonstrated research and educational potential.
• Proficiency in verbal and written English. Swedish is not required, and Chalmers offers Swedish language courses.

* The date on your doctoral degree certificate is considered the official completion date. Exceptions to the three-year limit may be granted for parental leave, sick leave, or military service.

The following experience will strengthen your application:

• A background in AI, formal methods, or software engineering.

What you will do

• Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group.
• The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent.
• Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 

Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses to help you settle in.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

Application Procedure
Please submit your application in English as PDF files according to the instructions below. Each file should not exceed 40 MB. Note: The system does not support Zip files.

1. CV
Name the document as: CV, [Your Surname]. Include the following:

• A comprehensive CV, including a complete list of publications.
• Details of previous teaching and pedagogical experience.
• Contact information for two references.

2. Personal Letter
Name the document as: Personal Letter, [Your Surname]. Limit the letter to 1–3 pages and include:

• A brief introduction about yourself.
• A summary of your previous research fields and key research outcomes.
• An outline of your future goals and research focus.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. 

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: March 15, 2025

For questions please contact: 

Assoc. Professor Chih-Hong Cheng (Chalmers PI; e-mail: [email protected])

Assoc. Professor Francisco Gomes ([email protected])

We look forward to your application!

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoktor i kardiovaskulär forskning

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning främst kring metabolism, diabetes, fetma och kardiovaskulär sjukdom i syfte att förbättra hälsa och sjukvård i samhället. Det övergripande målet är att skapa en excellent translationell forskningsmiljö av mycket hög internationell standard.

Forskargruppen, som leds av professor Åsa Tivesten, bedriver translationell forskning kring könshormoners effekter på hjärta och kärl (länk till senaste publikation: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-025-56217-x).

Kardiovaskulär forskning

Androgener, s k ”manliga” könshormoner t ex testosteron, har stor betydelse för hjärt-kärlhälsan. En viktig behandling för avancerad prostatacancer är hormonbehandling som sänker testosteronnivåerna eller blockerar receptorn för testosteron. Det finns tydliga indikationer på att sådan behandling ökar risken för hjärtsvikt och andra typer av hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt är att förstå mekanismerna för androgeners påverkan på hjärtmuskelns struktur, funktion och reaktion på belastning och därigenom belysa hur hormonbehandling för prostatacancer kan leda till hjärtsvikt.

Den som anställs som postdoktor ska i första hand bedriva forskning. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår statistisk dataanalys och spridning av resultat (skriva forskningsartiklar, presentationer på konferenser). Vi förväntar oss att postdoktorn bedriver forskning av hög kvalitet. Det finns möjligheter att påverka projektets inriktning inom ramen för det angivna projektet och postdoktorns intressen och inriktning.

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som innehar doktorsexamen i relevant ämnesområde, eller en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.

Den sökande ska ha doktorsexamen inom ett område motsvarande eller liknande biomedicin, epidemiologi, genetik, eller statistik. Erfarenhet av statistisk modellering, antingen i samband med genetik eller epidemiologi, krävs. Utmärkta kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift krävs också.

Övriga meriter är bevisad förmåga att skriva sammanhängande vetenskaplig text med minst ett publicerat eller inlämnat manus där den sökande är förstaförfattare och har skrivit en större del av texten. Tjänsten kräver samarbete med kollegor och andra forskargrupper, men förmåga att självständigt generera och driva forskningsidéer kommer att vara avgörande.

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet (samarbetsförmåga, kreativitet och strukturerat arbetssätt).

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 24 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Åsa Tivesten
[email protected]

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga organisationer 
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag  

Bifoga doktorsexamensbevis vid ansökan, i det fall som examensbeviset ännu inte är utfärdat bifogas det senast vid den tidpunkt då anställningsbeslut skall fattas.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-03-06

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral researcher in computational modelling of metabolism

Do you want to join us in pioneering innovative computational modelling techniques, to explore and enhance metabolic processes?  Project Overview Metabolism is a fundamental hallmark of life, and understanding as well as manipulating its function can have a profound impact. Due to the complexity of metabolic networks, computational models serve as powerful tools. This project focuses on developing microbial cell factories, with additional opportunities t... Visa mer
Do you want to join us in pioneering innovative computational modelling techniques, to explore and enhance metabolic processes? 

Project Overview
Metabolism is a fundamental hallmark of life, and understanding as well as manipulating its function can have a profound impact. Due to the complexity of metabolic networks, computational models serve as powerful tools. This project focuses on developing microbial cell factories, with additional opportunities to explore human disease mechanisms, as the methodologies created often have versatile applications.

About the Division and Department
Our research group leverages computational models to address a variety of questions related to metabolism and its functions. Our work ranges from developing and optimizing microbial cell factories for sustainable biochemical production to investigating metabolic components linked to human diseases. We create novel computational approaches and apply them to these diverse challenges, frequently collaborating with other research groups within the department and internationally.

Recent examples of our work include metabolic models of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast9) and Homo sapiens (Human1), as well as GECKO 3 for enzyme-constrained models. Currently, we are advancing the development of single-cell models, machine learning approaches based on cultivation data, and the integration of metabolic models with computational fluid dynamics of bioreactors. While our team consists of both wet-lab and computational scientists, this position is focused exclusively on computational tasks.

The research group of Dr. Eduard Kerkhoven is part of the Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology (SysBio), one of the world’s leading research environments in metabolic engineering. The selected researcher will join an internationally recognized, collaborative, friendly, diverse, and inclusive team dedicated to applying cutting-edge metabolic engineering tools to address challenges in biotechnology and medicine.

Main Responsibilities
As a postdoctoral researcher, the majority of your working time will be dedicated to conducting your own research within one or more of the research lines described above. While collaboration with various partners is an integral part of the role, you are expected to develop your own ideas, drive and coordinate projects, and effectively communicate your scientific findings both orally and in writing.

Additional responsibilities include:

• Co-supervision of master’s and PhD students.
• Contributing to the smooth operation of the SysBio division.
• Potential involvement in teaching if desired.

This position provides an excellent opportunity for career development in academia as well as in industry or the public sector. Collaboration both within academia and with broader society is also an important aspect of the role.

We welcome you to join us in pioneering innovative computational modelling techniques to enhance metabolic research!


• PhD degree in biotechnology, biochemistry, computational biology, microbiology, or a related field.
• Fluency in both verbal and written English.
• Experience in bioinformatics, with proficiency in Python, R, or MATLAB.

Desirable Qualifications:

• Experience with constraint-based modeling.
• Experience in developing microbial cell factories.
• Some teaching experience and demonstrated potential in research and education.

While extensive experience in computational modeling of metabolism is not mandatory, candidates with strong motivation and a willingness to learn will be highly considered. We believe that skills can be acquired—whether a biochemist learning to develop bioinformatics tools or a software engineer gaining expertise in microbial metabolism.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with the possibility of an extension to three years.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2025-03-04
For questions, please contact:
Eduard Kerkhoven, LIFE, eduardk@chalmers

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** Visa mindre

Postdoctoral Position in Plasma Physics

Are you passionate about groundbreaking research in plasma physics and the future of sustainable energy? Thermonuclear fusion represents one of the few long-term solutions for base-load electricity production with minimal environmental impact and safety concerns. We are seeking a  postdoctoral researcher to join our team and help advance our understanding of turbulence and transport in reactor-grade plasmas—critical for designing and operating the next gen... Visa mer
Are you passionate about groundbreaking research in plasma physics and the future of sustainable energy? Thermonuclear fusion represents one of the few long-term solutions for base-load electricity production with minimal environmental impact and safety concerns. We are seeking a  postdoctoral researcher to join our team and help advance our understanding of turbulence and transport in reactor-grade plasmas—critical for designing and operating the next generation of fusion experiments.

About us
The Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy (PPFE) group, part of the Astronomy and Plasma Physics Division at the department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, specializes in the modeling, simulation, and analysis of tokamak plasmas. Our primary focus is on developing predictive models for turbulent transport in fusion-grade plasmas and validating these models using current experimental data.

We collaborate extensively with major fusion research facilities worldwide, contributing to the ITER experiment and the design of the DEMO demonstration reactor. As part of the EUROfusion initiative, we are also actively involved in advancing open data access for fusion experiments and modeling.

About the research project 
As a postdoctoral researcher, you will contribute to scenario development for fusion-grade reactors using state-of-the-art modeling tools. Our group is actively pursuing two complementary research areas:

• Integrated modeling of plasma scenarios
• Turbulent transport analysis using gyro-kinetic models

These activities are interconnected through the use and development of reduced quasilinear models, such as TGLF, QuaLiKiz, and EDWM, in predictive modeling. By validating these models against current devices and ab initio modeling tools, we aim to refine their predictive capabilities for future reactors.

You will work in an international, collaborative environment, engaging with leading fusion research experiments across Europe and beyond. We encourage innovative thinking and welcome candidates who can independently develop ideas to tackle research challenges. The position may also involve supervising student projects.

This is a 2-year position with the possibility of a 1-year extension, subject to funding availability.

Who we are looking for
We are seeking candidates with the following qualifications:

• A doctoral degree (awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline) in a relevant field such as electrical engineering, computer science, physics, or a similar discipline.

• Note: Exceptions to the 3-year limit may apply in cases of parental leave, sick leave, or military service.

• Demonstrated knowledge of computational methods and programming.
• Strong verbal and written communication skills in English. (Swedish is not required; Chalmers offers Swedish courses.)
• Experience with teaching and potential for contributing to research and education.

Additional qualifications that will strengthen your application:

• Familiarity with integrated modeling frameworks such as ETS, JINTRAC, or ASTRA.
• Experience with gyro-kinetic theory, codes, and quasi-linear transport models.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. 

What you will do
Your primary responsibility will be conducting independent research within our team. You will:

• Perform simulations and modeling to support the development of fusion-grade reactor scenarios.
• Collaborate within academia and with external partners, contributing to the fusion research community.
• Potentially teach undergraduate or master’s courses and supervise master’s or PhD students.

This position offers an excellent foundation for future research careers in academia, industry, or the public sector.

What we offer

Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses to help you settle in.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

Application Procedure
Please read more about the application procedure and apply on this webpage: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/work-with-us/vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=13659&rmlang=UK 

Application deadline:  March 2, 2025

For questions please contact: Pär Strand, AoP(SEE), [email protected]

We look forward to your application!

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Biopolymer Hydrogels for Zinc Ion Batteries

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the research groups of Christian Müller and Anna Martinelli at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. This exciting project, led by Prof. Olle Inganäs at Linköping University, will focus on studying the phase behavior of biopolyelectrolyte complexes that form hydrogels, with a particular emphasis on their potential use in zinc-ion batteries. The role offers ... Visa mer
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the research groups of Christian Müller and Anna Martinelli at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. This exciting project, led by Prof. Olle Inganäs at Linköping University, will focus on studying the phase behavior of biopolyelectrolyte complexes that form hydrogels, with a particular emphasis on their potential use in zinc-ion batteries. The role offers the opportunity to collaborate with both national and international partners, with possibilities to travel and visit external labs.

Project overview

The aim of this project is to explore the phase behavior, rheological properties, and ionic conductivity of biopolymer-based hydrogels, examining their potential for use in Zn-ion batteries. You will collaborate closely with research groups both in Sweden and abroad, working on the front lines of innovative energy storage solutions and polymer science.

Research context

Christian Müller’s group focuses on the physical chemistry of organic semiconductors, while Anna Martinelli’s group specializes in ion-conducting polymers. Together, they develop cutting-edge materials for applications in wearable electronics and energy technologies. This project combines these areas to create advanced materials that contribute to sustainable energy solutions.

Main responsibilities

As a Postdoc, your primary responsibility will be conducting independent research, while collaborating with other postdocs, students, and partnering research groups. Key tasks include:

• Developing new ideas and research directions within the project’s scope.
• Conducting experiments and analyzing data.
• Communicating scientific results effectively, both in written publications and oral presentations.


To be successful in this role, you should have:

• A PhD (or nearing completion) in physical chemistry, materials science, or a closely related field. The degree must have been awarded no more than three years before the application deadline.
• A promising track record of early research achievements, such as scientific publications.
• Practical experience with polymer characterization techniques, particularly NMR, dielectric spectroscopy, and thermal analysis (DSC, TGA).
• Additional experience in rheology, vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman), and X-ray diffraction (WAXS, SAXS) is a plus.
• Excellent collaboration skills, due to the interdisciplinary and international nature of the project.
• Strong proficiency in communicating scientific results in English, both orally and in writing.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment for a maximum of two (2) years. The monthly salary of a Postdoc researcher at Chalmers is about 41'000 SEK before tax (€ 3'600).
We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240547 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 10 March, 2025. Interviews will be conducted on a continuous basis until the position is filled. Therefore, please submit your application prior to the application deadline. 

For questions, please contact:
Prof. Christian Müller, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
[email protected]

Prof. Anna Martinelli, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Two postdoctoral positions on observations of early galaxy evolution

We are seeking to fill postdoctoral positions within the REionization Complementary Approach Project (RECAP, an ERC Synergy project), which aims at unravelling the complexity of the cosmic reionization history and of the energy and baryon exchange between ionizing sources and their environment, through the synergy between multi-wavelength observations and multi-scale tailored simulations. The project will exploit data from state-of-the-art facilities, such... Visa mer
We are seeking to fill postdoctoral positions within the REionization Complementary Approach Project (RECAP, an ERC Synergy project), which aims at unravelling the complexity of the cosmic reionization history and of the energy and baryon exchange between ionizing sources and their environment, through the synergy between multi-wavelength observations and multi-scale tailored simulations. The project will exploit data from state-of-the-art facilities, such as ALMA, JWST, and VLT. The design of new observations will be driven by tailored simulations, which will also support the data interpretation.

About us
The successful applicant will work in the 'Astronomy and Plasma Physics' division, which has a wide range of astronomy topics from exoplanets to high-redshift galaxies. The division is part of the department of Space, Earth and Environment. The department hosts the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy, which is also the location of the Nordic ALMA Regional Center Node.

About the research project 
Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions funded by the ERC Synergy Grant 2024 program RECAP. The two positions will be hosted at Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, specifically working in the group of Prof. Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, and join for collaboration with other project PIs Laura Pentericci (INAF-Rome), Valentina D'Odorico (INAF-Trieste), and Benedetta Ciardi (MPA, Garching). Because of the synergetic approach of the projects, extened visits to institutes other than the hosting one are expected, and the positions comes with travel funds.

We seek candidates with the following qualifications:
The application should have a PhD, preferably in astronomy, by the start of the appointment. A successful candidate should demonstrate potential for research in extragalactic astronomy and the topic of galaxy formation and evolution. Experience in mm/submm/radio interferometry and/or infrared observations is advantageous.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

Employment rules give preference to PhD degrees awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

What you will do
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform research on early galaxy evolution in the research team of Prof. Kirsten Knudsen and within the framework of RECAP. Depending on your role, you will

Position 1: focus on the physical properties of the interstellar medium of early galaxies, in particular on the lower-mass galaxy population. 

Position 2: focus on the environment and the properties of companion sources of early galaxies.

Both positions will primarily work from an infrared, mm, and radio wavelength perspective.
The positions could also include some possibility for involvement in supervising master's and/or PhD students.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 

Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses to help you settle in.

Contract terms:
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for up to three years.

Application Procedure
Please submit your application in English as PDF files according to the instructions below. Each file should not exceed 40 MB. Note: The system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications and contact information to reference persons.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1 page

Research statement: (Please name the document as: Research statement, Family name, Ref. number)
2 pages where you:
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus in the topics of the advertised positions.

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Reference letters:
Please arrange for two reference letters to be emailed directly to Prof Kirsten K. Knudsen ([email protected]) by the time of the application deadline. Please ask the reference persons to include the 'Ref. number and your name' in the email subject line.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline:  March 2nd, 2025

For questions please contact: Prof. Kirsten Knudsen, SEE/AoP, [email protected]

We look forward to your application!

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden - från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner; farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi.

Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, söker nu en biträdande forskare, med placering vid Sektionen för fysiologi.

Anställningen är placerad vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, som har lång erfarenhet av att undersöka de molekylära mekanismerna bakom hjärnskador under den perinatala perioden. Som en del av ett samarbetsprojekt med King’s College London söker vi en motiverad person som vill hjälpa till att öka vår förståelse för hjärnans utveckling hos för tidigt födda barn, särskilt de med komplikationer.

Det här är en spännande möjlighet att bidra till banbrytande forskning om de neurobiologiska mekanismer för utvecklingsutmaningar hos för tidigt födda. Den valda kandidaten kommer att arbeta i ett tvärvetenskapligt team och använda avancerade tekniker som spatial transcriptomik för att studera hur komplikationer vid för tidig födsel påverkar hjärnskador, hjärnans utveckling och funktion.

Om du är engagerad i utvecklings neurovetenskap eller transcriptomik och vill bidra till detta viktiga forskningsområde, uppmuntrar vi dig att söka.

Den valda kandidaten kommer att:

• Utföra forskning inom spatial transcriptomik för att undersöka molekylära och cellulära förändringar i hjärnans utveckling och vid perinatala hjärnskador.
•  Samarbeta med och samordna ett tvärvetenskapligt team för att integrera resultat från transcriptomik och neurobiologisk utveckling.
• Delta i bioinformatisk analys av transcriptomiska data.
• Bidra till manusförfattande och förberedelser inför publicering.

Obligatoriska kvalifikationer:

• Kandidatexamen i molekylärbiologi, fysiologi, medicin, biokemisk teknik eller ett närliggande område.
•  Intresse för neurobiologisk utveckling och relaterade sjukdomar.
• Grundläggande kunskap om transcriptomik, spatial transcriptomik eller liknande molekylärbiologiska tekniker.
• Utmärkta skriftliga och muntliga kunskaper i engelska.
• Stark förmåga att kommunicera och samarbeta.

Meriterande kvalifikationer:

• Tidigare forskningsupplevelse inom perinatala hjärnskador eller neurobiologisk utvecklingsforskning.
• Erfarenhet av datorverktyg för hantering av enkelcellstranscriptomikdata och/eller integrering av spatiala data.

Önskvärda kvalifikationer:

• Förmåga att arbeta självständigt och ta initiativ, med en stark kapacitet för att främja tvärvetenskapliga forskningssamarbeten.
• Kunskaper i R, Linux och Python.
• Avklarade relevanta kurser inom neuroanatomi, bioinformatik och molekylärbiologi.
• Erfarenhet av immunohistokemi, fluorescerande färgningstekniker eller in situ-hybridisering.

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning t.o.m. 2025-12-31, 100% av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta professor Xiaoyang Wang, tfn:+46 31 786 32 60, e-post: [email protected].

Ansvarig chef är forskare/biträdande sektionschef Kerstin Ebefors, tfn: +46 31 786 35 48, e-post: [email protected]

Ansökningshandlingar skickas inte till kontaktpersonerna.

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande

Sökande ska bifoga:

• En redogörelse för forskningsintressen.
•  Ett komplett CV, inklusive uppgifter om kunskaper i engelska.
• Kopior av examensbevis.
• Kontaktuppgifter till minst två referenser.

Ytterligare dokument som visar relevant kompetens uppmuntras att bifogas.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar 
Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-21

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Electrochemistry and Organic Electronics

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join our dynamic research group at Chalmers University of Technology. As a key member of our organic electronics team, you will focus on electrochemical doping and wearable electronics. Your primary goal will be to investigate how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles and develop wearable electronic devices that leverage these ch... Visa mer
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join our dynamic research group at Chalmers University of Technology. As a key member of our organic electronics team, you will focus on electrochemical doping and wearable electronics. Your primary goal will be to investigate how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles and develop wearable electronic devices that leverage these changes, such as variations in stiffness or stretchability. You will collaborate closely with PhD students, Postdocs in our group, and external partners to study the mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of diverse conjugated polymers. For an overview of the relevant research topics, please refer to our recent review: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/cs/d3cs00833a

About the research group
The Müller Research Group specializes in the physical chemistry and materials science of organic semiconductors, polymer blends, and composites, with a focus on creating innovative plastic materials for wearable electronics and energy technology. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with various universities, institutes, and industry partners. The group currently comprises 1 Professor, 1 permanent researcher, 4 Postdocs, and 8 PhD students.

Key responsibilities

• Conduct independent research in collaboration with group members and external partners.
• Mentor and support PhD students working on related projects.
• Develop and communicate scientific findings effectively in English, both orally and in writing.


• PhD in Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field (awarded within the last three years) with a focus on organic electronics and the electrochemistry of organic semiconductors, including conjugated polymers. Candidates nearing completion of their PhD are also encouraged to apply.
• Demonstrated early career achievements, including scientific publications.
• Experience with characterization techniques for studying the electrical, electrochemical, nanostructural, and optical properties of conjugated polymers. Familiarity with methods such as FTIR, UV-vis spectroscopy, DSC, TGA, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, AFM, SEM, TEM, electrical conductivity measurements, spectroelectrochemistry, and cyclic voltammetry is required.
• Previous experience in fabricating and characterizing organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) is essential.

Contract terms

• Full-time temporary position for up to two (2) years, with the possibility of a one-year extension based on available project funding and project progress.
• The monthly salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher at Chalmers is approximately 41,000 SEK (equivalent to €3,600) before tax.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Your application should be marked with 20240361 and submitted in English as PDF files. Each file must not exceed 40 MB. Note that the system does not accept Zip files.

Required documents:

• CV: (Please name the document: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including a full list of publications and two references.
• Personal etter: (Please name the document: Personal letter, Surname, Ref. number) - 1-3 pages, introducing yourself, detailing your previous research experience and main findings, and outlining your future research goals.
• Other documents: Certified copies of degrees, grades, and other relevant certificates.

Applications must be complete to be considered. Incomplete applications or applications sent via email will not be processed.

Application deadline: 3 March, 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Contact information
For questions, please contact:
Prof. Christian Müller
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Email: [email protected] | Phone: +46 31 772 2790

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbet... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.

Institutionen för marina vetenskaper (https://www.gu.se/marina-vetenskaper) vid Göteborgs universitet har den mest kompletta miljön för marin vetenskap och marin utbildning i Sverige. Endast ett fåtal liknande organisationer finns i Europa. Med tillgång till unik infrastruktur och med ett brett vetenskapligt kompetensområde som har en tydlig koppling till samhällets behov och utmaningar, bidrar Institutionens verksamhet till nya lösningar på de globala utmaningarna kring havet.

Institutionen för marina vetenskaper bedriver forskning, utbildning och utveckling relaterat till havet och dess resurser. Verksamheten bedrivs i Göteborg, vid forskningsstationerna Kristineberg Center för marin forskning och innovation, Tjärnö marina laboratorium, samt på forskningsfartyget Skagerak. Institutionen har en tvärvetenskaplig bredd som omfattar ämnena marinbiologi, marin kemi, marin geologi, marin kulturvård och oceanografi och forskningsområdet spänner geografiskt från kust till världshav. Våra forskare och studenter har ofta framträdande roller i internationella expeditioner i Antarktis, Arktis och de stora världshaven, men arbetar också i våra nybyggda laboratorier med avancerad utrustning och komplexa analysmetoder. Institutionen har också en bred utbildningspalett med ett kandidatprogram, tre mastersprogram och en doktorandutbildning inom det marina området.


Vid Göteborgs universitet, inom projektet SMaRC, har forskning varit möjlig inom sensorteknologi framför allt vad gäller spektroskopiska metoder. För att vidareutveckla det påbörjade arbetet finns en önskan från FMV att vidare stödja denna forskning vid Göteborgs universitet under perioden 2025/2026.

Ramanspektroskopi har en rad fördelar jämfört med infra-röd spektroskopi samt fluorescens spektroskopi i och med att ljusspridningsfenomenet är okänsligt för vatten (jämför IR) och ger ett fingeravtryck av molekylen i fråga till skillnad från fluorescens. Utmaningen med att använda Ramanspektroskopi i naturliga vatten är interferenser av fluorescens. Vid användande av en laser inom intervallet 400 – 800 nm innebär att fluorescens orsakar en stark signal som kan överskugga den svagare Ramansignalen. Vi har tidigare jobbat med att minimera flourescens genom att använda metallkolloider som ”quenchar” denna signal. Förnärvarande har utvecklingen fokuserat på ett system med en 633 nm laser och 785 nm laser. Vi har nu möjlighet att utöka kunskaperna genom att vi införskaffat två nya Ramanspektroskopiska system 1064nm samt 285 nm.


I arbetet ingår att testa 3 olika Ramanspektroskopiska system med avseende på detektion av organiska ämnen i havsvatten och sediment i låga halter. En del av arbetet innebär en konfigurering av en UV laser. I arbetet ingår att tillsammans med konsulter inkorporera den optimala konfigurationen i ett undervattenssystem. Utvärdering av mätningar sker med machine learning.


Behörig att anställas är den som avlagt masterexamen i ett för anställningen relevant ämne exempelvis marin kemi, kemi, fysik eller en civilingenjörsexamen i relevant ämne.


Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning på 11 månader med en omfattning på 100% med placering tills vidare vid institutionen för marina vetenskaper, Göteborg.
Tillträde för anställningen är snarast möjligt eller enligt överenskommelse.


Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta Professor Katarina Abrahamsson, på marina vetenskaper på tfn 031- 7869051 eller epost: [email protected]


Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 


Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-19


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in biomechanics/biomathematics of insect flight

The research group of Dr. Arion Pons at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is delighted to announce a postdoctoral position on the biomechanics/biomathematics of insect flight. This postdoctoral position offers you the opportunity: • to join an inclusive and creative research team based in beautiful Western Sweden; • contribute to an interdisciplinary research programme that synergises applied mathematics, biology, and engineering to advan... Visa mer
The research group of Dr. Arion Pons at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is delighted to announce a postdoctoral position on the biomechanics/biomathematics of insect flight. This postdoctoral position offers you the opportunity:

• to join an inclusive and creative research team based in beautiful Western Sweden;
• contribute to an interdisciplinary research programme that synergises applied mathematics, biology, and engineering to advance our understanding of living organisms;
• and, to cultivate an international network across different disciplines of academia.

Information about the department and research groups
The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is highly diverse, with research foci ranging from environmental science to aerospace engineering. Among a range of fundamental and applied research in these areas, we have a strong focus on novel and sustainable aviation. You will be joining an emerging research group, led by Dr. Arion Pons in the Division of Fluid Dynamics, and will have the opportunity to contribute to a new focus on biological and biomimetic flight within the department.

Main responsibilities
Your major responsibilities will be to perform and publish scientific and/or mathematical research. Research areas may include the analysis of nonlinear systems arising in insect exoskeletal, muscle; and fluid flows; application of computational tools for fluid and structural mechanics to problems arising in entomology; and establishing a fundamental framework for studying energy-efficiency in forced oscillators. Mathematical biology is the primary focus of this position; but biomechanical testing and/or robotic development may be involved, and it is anticipated that the line of research will be highly interdisciplinary. You will be guided by senior researchers in the department, and will be expected to assist in supervising masters-level students and communicate the results of your research at leading conferences and in international journals.

To qualify for the position, you should have a PhD in a relevant subject—including engineering, biology, applied mathematics, and others. Ordinarily, your PhD should have been awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers*), but exceptional candidates with a PhD outside this date, and candidates who are anticipating the PhD award in the near future, will also be considered.

We are specifically looking for candidates with experience and/or interest in one or more of the following areas:

• an interest in insects and entomology;
• a background in applied mathematics and/or engineering mathematics, particularly in nonlinear dynamics and computational mechanics;
• experience in interdisciplinary research, particularly the interface between biology and mathematics or engineering;

Other factors that will be highly regarded include the capability to conduct interdisciplinary research (in any area); good oral and written communication skills in English; and a demonstrated ability to contribute to the positive and inclusive outlook within a research group. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: February 23, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Assistant Professor Arion Pons
Division of Fluid Dynamics
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

 Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainable Aluminium Alloy Design

Are you driven by the idea of creating innovative, sustainable technologies that leave a positive mark on society? Do you want to lead the charge in transforming aluminium manufacturing by unlocking the potential of recycled materials and cutting-edge technologies? Join us at Chalmers, where you’ll work at the forefront of materials science, pushing boundaries in alloy design, thermodynamic modeling, and additive manufacturing. Background and Scope Advanc... Visa mer
Are you driven by the idea of creating innovative, sustainable technologies that leave a positive mark on society? Do you want to lead the charge in transforming aluminium manufacturing by unlocking the potential of recycled materials and cutting-edge technologies? Join us at Chalmers, where you’ll work at the forefront of materials science, pushing boundaries in alloy design, thermodynamic modeling, and additive manufacturing.

Background and Scope
Advancements in high-pressure die casting and metal additive manufacturing are driving innovation in aluminium alloy production. A critical focus is on increasing the use of recycled materials to achieve material circularity. This requires developing tolerant alloys that accommodate diverse compositions while maintaining performance, as well as exploring additive manufacturing for repairing and enhancing complex cast components.

This position is part of the ALCIRCUIT project, supported by MISTRA through MISTRA CHALLENGE, involving Chalmers, Jönköping University, and Lund University, alongside industrial partners. Employed at Chalmers, you will collaborate with experts from all three institutions, benefiting from advanced facilities and interdisciplinary support. The project’s goal is to establish circular aluminium manufacturing through innovative materials design and IT-based system approaches.

If you’re passionate about creating sustainable technologies with societal impact by mastering complex materials, this opportunity is for you!

Project Goals and Focus
The project aims to enable resource-efficient use of aluminium alloys, allowing scrap materials without compromising performance. Solutions will be developed for both casting and repair using techniques like additive manufacturing. Combining system-level thinking with tools such as thermodynamic modeling and machine learning, you will:

• Analyze the role of critical alloying elements.
• Develop methods for rapid experimental screening.
• Deliver scalable solutions for sustainable aluminium manufacturing.

About the division 
The division of Materials and Manufacture covers the entire value chain from materials design, processing and characterisation to machining of primarily metals. Our work is interdisciplinary by nature and is addressing topics that have a direct impact on sustainability. The division is collaborating closely with other universities and research institutes and is implementing industry-academia partnerships through collaborative projects and strategic initiatives such as the Chalmers Centre for Metal Cutting Research (MCR).

You must:

• Have expertise in materials theory, thermodynamic modeling, and metals testing/characterization.
• Hold a PhD in Materials Science, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, or a related field, awarded within the last three years.*
• Work effectively both independently and in diverse teams.
• Communicate fluently in English, both written and verbal.

Preferred Qualifications:

• Knowledge of cast aluminium or additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys.
• Experience with data analytics and machine learning.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Main Responsibilities
Your primary tasks include:

• Developing data-driven approaches to assess alloying elements.
• Investigating critical elements in aluminium alloys for sustainability and performance.
• Creating rapid, efficient laboratory-scale materials assessment methods for casting and additive manufacturing

Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years with possibility for one year extension.  You will be employed and will enjoy all employee benefits. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

We offer 
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Please read more about the application procedure and apply on this webpage: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/work-with-us/vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=13644&rmlang=UK 

Application deadline: February 24, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Professor Lars Nyborg
Phone 031-7721257
E-mail: [email protected] 

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

 Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.

Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning och forskning inom global folkhälsovetenskap, allmänmedicin, arbetsmedicin, miljömedicin, socialmedicin, läkemedelsanvändning och läkemedelspolicy. Vi bedriver även undervisning och forskning inom nutritionsepidemiologi, försäkringsmedicin, innovation och nyttiggörande, hälsoekonomi, biostatistik och registerepidemiologi.

Tjänsten är placerad inom forskningsplattformen Borders in Health, Medicine and Society, en internationell och tvärvetenskaplig forskningsmiljö med forskare inom hälsa, medicin och migration. Tjänsten kommer främst innebära att bistå i två pågående forskningsprojekt: FORTE finansierad ”HER-SUM Ensamkommande flickor på flykt - Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter under tonåren och som unga vuxna”; och ”The Boundaries Longitudinal Study:  Läkares förhållningssätt gällande frågan att anmäla papperslösa patienter som söker vård”, finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet. 

Som forskningsassistent kommer du att utföra arbete i två forskargrupper, till viss del med handledning av forskare, inklusive till viss del självständig genomförande av etnografiskt fältarbete och kvalitativa intervjuer, analys av kvalitativa data (med tonvikt på textbaserade analyser), medförfattarskap av forskningsartiklar samt sammanställningen av en rapport för att sprida forskningsresultat. I arbete ingår även att arrangera workshops och seminarier för att presentera resultaten för allmänheten.

För tjänsten krävs en masterexamen inom migration och hälsa, medicin, vårdvetenskap, eller annat relevant område. Den sökande ska även ha goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Meriterande är:

• Erfarenhet av forskning inom migration, vård och hälsa.
• Erfarenhet av att genomföra textbaserade kvalitativa analyser (med metoder som diskursanalys, medieanalys eller framinganalys).
• Erfarenhet av att ha genomfört etnografiskt fältarbete i medicinska och vårdrelaterade sammanhang.
• Erfarenhet av arbete i tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljöer, särskilt inom forskning som förenar medicin och samhällsvetenskap eller medicin och humaniora.

Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet såsom personliga egenskaper:

• Samarbetsförmåga: Ett starkt engagemang för att arbeta inkluderande och tillsammans med andra forskare och studenter över ämnesgränser.
• Självständighet: Förmåga att arbeta självständigt, ta initiativ och planera arbetet på ett hållbart sätt.
• Flexibilitet: Anpassningsförmåga till olika arbetsuppgifter och ett intresse av att bidra till en dynamisk och stödjande arbetsmiljö.
• Kommunikation: God förmåga att kommunicera på engelska, både muntligt och skriftligt, då vi verkar i en internationell miljö.
• Hållbart arbetssätt: Förmåga att sätta realistiska tidsramar, vilja att delegera vid behov samt att tydligt kunna kommunicera egna behov av stöd. 

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 6 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook
[email protected]

Martin Adiels
Biträdande avdelningschef
[email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  


• Kopia av masterexamen
• Ett kort personligt brev där den sökande motiverar sin ansökan, det vill säga beskriver hur den sökande uppfyller urvalskriterierna (max 1 A4-sida)
• En meritförteckning (CV)

De högst rankade kandidaterna kommer att kallas till intervju, som kan hållas på engelska och kan även genomföras digitalt.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-12

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition, bedrivs forskning inom... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition, bedrivs forskning inom flera olika områden såsom osteoporos, endokrinologi, hematologi, gastroenterologi, hypertoni, lungmedicin och allergologi samt klinisk nutrition med forskningsfokus på kroppssammansättning och energimetabolism. Forskningen sker i tätt samarbete med sjukvården på både Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset och Mölndals sjukhus.

Vid Klinisk Nutrition bedriver vi undervisning och forskning inom nutrition. Vi ansvarar för Dietistprogrammet vid Göteborgs universitet som är en 3-årig utbildning som leder till en yrkeslegitimation. Vi erbjuder även en Magister och en Masters inom klinisk nutrition. Vår forskning inbegriper studier om kost och inflammation, kost och allergi, kost och hjärtkärlsjukdom, kost under olika faser av livscykeln, utveckling av metoder för att objektivt och subjektivt mäta kostintag, och kostens påverkan på miljö och klimat. Vi genomför och utnyttjar såväl interventionsstudier som epidemiologiska kohortstudier.

Som biträdande forskare kommer du att arbeta inom två studier, NUTRA och BARITONE. NUTRA studerar anti-inflammatorisk kost för nydebuterade reumatiker, medan BARITONE undersöker metabolitmönster i blod och urin som speglar nyligen konsumerad kost. Du kommer att planera menyer för interventions- och kontrollgrupperna i BARITONE, rekrytera och boka in deltagare, granska kostdagböcker, hantera blod- och urinprover samt servera frukost. Mätning av nutritionsstatus (antropometri, kroppssammansättning) kan förekomma. Du kommer också att lägga in kostdagböcker i dietistnet. I NUTRA bedömer du viktiga kostförändringar för deltagarna och stöttar dem under studien. I BARITONE administrerar du även beställningar av matkassar för hemleverans.

För att vara kvalificerad för denna tjänst krävs kandidatexamen inom dietistprogrammet, legitimation som dietist samt goda kunskaper i svenska, både i tal och skrift. Du behöver också ha erfarenhet av att använda DietistNet. Meriterande om du har en magister- eller masterexamen inom klinisk nutrition. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, såsom förmågan att bemöta försökspersoner på ett professionellt sätt, samt att den sökande är självständig, noggrann, flexibel, mycket motiverad i arbetet och tar fullt ansvar för att utföra och slutföra uppgifterna.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 1 år
Omfattning: 50 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse  

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
 Anna Winkvist
[email protected]

 Hanna Augustin
Biträdande avdelningschef
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Komplett ansökan ska innehålla:

• Personligt brev
• CV
• Kopia på kandidatexamen inom dietistprogrammet
• Kopia på legitimation som dietist utfärdad av Socialstyrelsen
• Magister/masterexamen inom klinisk nutrition

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-10


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in design of new binder system for electrode processing

Would you like to develop the most environmentally friendly and cheapest battery, make changes in the battery manufacturing and contribute to the battery industry? This postdoc position provides you the best opportunity to bridge the gap between the fundamental research and practical application of battery manufacturing. Information about the division and the department As part of the Division of Materials and Manufacture at the Department of Industrial a... Visa mer
Would you like to develop the most environmentally friendly and cheapest battery, make changes in the battery manufacturing and contribute to the battery industry? This postdoc position provides you the best opportunity to bridge the gap between the fundamental research and practical application of battery manufacturing.

Information about the division and the department
As part of the Division of Materials and Manufacture at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science (IMS), you will contribute to a broad spectrum of cutting-edge research:

• Materials design, processing, and advanced characterization.
• Technologies including surface modification, powder metallurgy, and battery manufacturing.

Our division fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, sustainability-focused research, and close partnerships with academia and industry, providing a stimulating environment to develop solutions with real-world impact.

Project overview
For the mass production of the commercial lithium-ion battery (LIB), developing sustainable and environmentally friendly electrode processing is very important, because it is a critical step which determines the energy consumption and cost of the battery manufacturing. In such development, the binder plays a critical role because it not only binds the active material powders to form uniform film, but also provide mechanical properties to ensure the good stability of the battery cell. Developing a favorable binder for a controllable electrode processing is even more important for solid state battery.
The main goal of this position is to develop a binder system which is favorable for not only the electrode (e.g., Si, NMC, LFP) processing but also the formation of solid-state electrolyte. The developed promising approach will overcome challenges in powder processing, uniformity, thickness and mechanical stability of the formed electrode. You will work closely with researchers in both academia and industry, in a multidisciplinary research environment.

Main responsibilities
Your major responsibility as a postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group by collaborating with others. The position may also includes supervising Master and/or PhD student to a certain extent (not teaching). Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with industrial partners. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing in English.

To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree in Chemistry, Materials Science or other relevant field, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.You are also expected to stay motivated and efficient despite setbacks and disappointments while continuing to work until satisfied results have been achieved.

The successful candidate:

• Has good collaborative skills
• Has the ability to communicate and present your results verbally and in writing

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: March 15, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Associate Prof. Jinhua Sun
[email protected]

Prof. Uta Klement (Head of the Division)
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

 Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Project assistant in optical transport network security

Join the Department of Electrical Engineering in an international research network focused on enhancing communication network security. This role offers the chance to apply AI/ML and networking knowledge to design and implement cutting-edge security features for 5G networks. Working alongside global research partners, you’ll validate new methods on advanced network management frameworks, contributing to the sustainability and resilience of global communica... Visa mer
Join the Department of Electrical Engineering in an international research network focused on enhancing communication network security. This role offers the chance to apply AI/ML and networking knowledge to design and implement cutting-edge security features for 5G networks. Working alongside global research partners, you’ll validate new methods on advanced network management frameworks, contributing to the sustainability and resilience of global communication infrastructure.

Project overview
Optical communication networks, foundational to modern society, face security challenges that put higher-layer network services at risk. This European Commission-funded project aims to create a comprehensive 5G cybersecurity toolkit. Chalmers’ team will address security in the transport optical network segment, focusing on SDN-controlled networks and vulnerabilities in virtualized scenarios. Our work involves creating risk mitigation tools for 5G infrastructure control and management, applying AI/ML for real-time monitoring of SDN components, and implementing intelligent policy controls to prevent destabilizing configurations. The project’s final phases will target 5G Lifecycle Management through network slicing and virtual function placement. 

Job description
As a project assistant, you will be a part of a research team conducting high-impact research and publishing in leading journals and conferences. You will have an opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of cutting-edge security techniques within this project's framework and to collaborate with prominent European industry and universities. This role is ideal preparation for future industry or academic career.

Contract terms
Full time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of 360 days. 


An MSc in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Telecommunications, or a related field.

Strong knowledge of SDN-based communication networks, network virtualization, and/or network security.

Experience in communication network design and optimization.

Proficiency in AI/ML for network management, security, and service provisioning.

A proven ability to produce high-quality research, demonstrated by publications in Q1 journals and top conferences.

Programming skills, creativity, and an openness to new ideas.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be attached as PDF files, as below:


Personal letter

Other documents (optional):
• Copies of completed education, grades etc. Two references that we can contact should be provided at a possible interview.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to reach the application form. We do not accept applications sent by email.

Application deadline: 31 january, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Associate professor Marija Furdek Prekratic
[email protected]
+ 46 31 7726028

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning främst kring metabolism, diabetes, fetma och kardiovaskulär sjukdom i syfte att förbättra hälsa och sjukvård i samhället. Det övergripande målet är att skapa en excellent translationell forskningsmiljö av mycket hög internationell standard.

I tarmarna finns kroppens största ansamlingar av både bakterier och immunceller. Samspelet mellan bakterier och immunceller i tarmen kan därför ha stor betydelse för uppkomsten av inflammation och därmed påverka risken för sjukdomar inom och utanför tarmen. Ett skyddande lager av slem (mukus) i tjocktarmen skiljer bakterier och immunceller åt och förhindrar därmed inflammation. Mukus utgör dock även en källa till näring och energi för vissa bakterier. Preliminära, experimentella studier har visat att bakteriell nedbrytning av mukus i tarmen ökar vid ett lågt fiberintag. Vi vill studera hur intag av fibrer påverkar bakteriesammansättningen i tarmen, mukusbarriären och symptom från tarmen och andra organ. Ett långsiktigt mål med forskningen är att hitta strategier för att förebygga magtarmsjukdomar och hjärtkärlsjukdom genom specifika kostråd och skräddarsydda fibertillskott, som främjar en gynnsam bakteriesammansättning, en optimal barriärfunktion i tarmslemhinnan och en god hälsa.

Vi hoppas att du vill bli en del av vår multidisciplinära forskningsgrupp. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Som biträdande forskare kommer du att arbeta med preparation och analys av prover för att studera tarmflorans sammansättning hos olika individer, och i relation till intag av fibrer. Du kommer att vara involverad i alla delar av projektet, från extraktion av DNA för sekvensering, till analys av data under handledning. Övriga arbetsuppgifter som kan bli aktuella är odling av anaeroba bakterier för experimentella valideringsstudier, och analys av immuncellssammansättning med metoder som immunohistokemi och flödescytometri.

Examen på magister-/master-nivå i mikrobiologi, molekylär biologi, biokemi eller motsvarande.

Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete på laboratorium.

Erfarenhet av

• odling av bakterier, särskilt anaeroba
• forskning inom tarmflora (tarmens mikrobiota)
• forskning inom metabolism, magtarmsjukdomar, eller kardiovaskulära sjukdomar
• immunhistokemi
• flödescytometri
• arbete med djurmodeller
• provpreparation för sekvensering av metagenomet
• basala kunskaper i programmeringsspråket R
• arbete i en internationell forskningsmiljö med engelska som arbetsspråk

Personliga egenskaper
Vi söker dig som är strukturerad och kvalitetsmedveten i ditt arbete, men även flexibel och initiativrik, med god problemlösande analysförmåga. God förmåga till samarbete och kommunikation på engelska i tal och skrift är också centralt för uppdraget. Vi lägger mycket stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 3 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Karolina Sjöberg Jabbar
Biträdande universitetslektor
[email protected]

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Vänligen inkludera:

• Examensbevis för master/magister-examen
• CV, inklusive två referenser
• Personligt brev

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-10

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Nanophotonics

Looking for a unique and collaborative endeavor at the cutting edge of photonics and quantum engineering? Read on! Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today's quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology. Information about the project and the environment The positions are in t... Visa mer
Looking for a unique and collaborative endeavor at the cutting edge of photonics and quantum engineering? Read on!

Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today's quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology.

Information about the project and the environment
The positions are in the brand-new Quantum Photonics Laboratory (QPL). We are scientists, applied physicists, and engineers. We explore the flow of and interactions between light, sound, and microwaves.

There is no reliable path to a sustainable growth in society's capability to compute and connect. A key issue is the excessive energy loss caused by communication. In classical datacenters and computers, this energy loss leads to heating and greenhouse gas emissions. In emerging quantum processors, the energy loss prevents scaling up small quantum devices into more powerful systems. We are developing new hardware to address this. Read more on our webpage and in this popular science article.

This project is part of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. We are members of the Quantum Technology division in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). We work with the experimentalists in the Photonics division and the theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics division. Our department hosts the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanofabrication Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe. We have cutting-edge cryogenic, microwave and optical measurement capabilities.

Major responsibilities
As postdoctoral researcher, your main responsibilities are to lead and conduct research in collaboration with others, and to coach PhD students. You will be expected to help develop your skills, the team, and contribute with your creative ideas. We value a collaborative attitude and an interest in working both independently and collaboratively in a team environment, sharing best practices and assuming responsibility. Self-motivation, attention to detail, and a creative problem-solving ability are important personal qualities for these positions. We highly value a collaborative spirit, a commitment to inclusive teamwork, and a drive for continuous learning and professional growth, ensuring a supportive environment for all team members.

We welcome motivated candidates who love to learn from any field. Experience with either quantum engineering, photonics, nanofabrication, nanomechanics, cryogenics or superconductivity is nice to have. To qualify for these positions you need a PhD degree in Physics, Chemistry, Photonics, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, or similar awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. You need to be fluent in spoken and written English. Please contact us if you are unsure about applying!

We offer
Full-time temporary employment for at least 2 years with opportunities to extend to 4 years. Your starting date is negotiable. We offer a competitive salary and excellent working conditions with flexible and family-friendly working hours. Our benefits are designed to help you recharge.

Chalmers aims to actively improve its gender balance. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence.

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

This could be the perfect boost to your career, whether in academic research, in a start-up company that may be formed around your own ideas, or in booming fields like photonics and quantum technology.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20230787 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:

CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, Ref. number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

• Add web links to your three best publications or preprints (if any) and your thesis, if available. Add a short description (a few sentences) of each of your three best publications and your contributions to it.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.

Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. The files may be compressed (zipped).

Applications are reviewed continuously. We encourage you to apply as early as possible.
Application deadline: February 14, 2025


For questions, please contact:
A.Prof. Raphaël Van Laer
Quantum Technology division
[email protected]

***Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position.*** Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning främst kring metabolism, diabetes, lever, fetma och kardiovaskulär sjukdom i syfte att förbättra hälsa och sjukvård i samhället. Det övergripande målet är att skapa en excellent translationell forskningsmiljö av mycket hög internationell standard. 

Kolestatiska leversjukdomar är en grupp kroniska leversjukdomar som karaktäriseras av ett reducerat utflöde av galla från levern (kolestas). Etiologin och patofysiologin bakom kolestatiska leversjukdomar är fortfarande inte helt väl kända. I de senaste åren har flera studier visat att en miljöfaktor, tarmbakterier, är involverad i utveckling av olika leversjukdomar. Metaboliter producerade av tarmbakterier från kosten kan påverka leverfunktion. I detta projekt vill vi undersöka om ändringar i tarmflora kan leda till ändringar i metaboliter och, till slut, till utveckling av kolestatiska leversjukdomar. Vi vill studera rollen av metaboliter i utveckling av inflammation och ärrvävnad (fibros) i gallgångar som man ser vid kolestatiska leversjukdomar.

En långsiktig målsättning med forskningen är att identifiera de metaboliter som är farliga för leversjukdomar och förhindra att de produceras av bakterier.

Vi hoppas att du vill bli en del av vår multidisciplinära forskningsgrupp. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Som biträdande forskare kommer du att arbeta med in vivo- och in vitro-modeller av kolestatiska leversjukdomar och testa om specifika metaboliter har en viktig roll i att orsaka leverskada. Detta kommer att innebära användning av olika tekniker för att karakterisera leverskadan (immunhistokemi, qPCR, western blot). Du kommer att vara involverad i alla delar av projektet, från cellodling/ djurs kostexperiment till analys av data under handledning.

Examen på magister-/master-nivå i molekylär biologi, biokemi eller motsvarande.

Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete på laboratorium.

Erfarenhet av

• forskning inom metabolism, magtarmsjukdomar
• immunhistokemi, qPCR, Western blot
• arbete med celler och djurmodeller
• arbete i en internationell forskningsmiljö med engelska som arbetsspråk

Personliga egenskaper

Vi söker dig som är strukturerad och kvalitetsmedveten i ditt arbete, men även flexibel och initiativrik, med god problemlösande analysförmåga. God förmåga till samarbete och kommunikation på engelska i tal och skrift är också centralt för uppdraget. Vi lägger mycket stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 6 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Antonio Molinaro
Biträdande universitetslektor
[email protected] 

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Vänligen inkludera:

• Examensbevis för master/magister-examen
• CV, inklusive två referenser
• Personligt brev

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-06

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition, bedrivs forskning inom... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition, bedrivs forskning inom flera olika områden såsom osteoporos, endokrinologi, hematologi, gastroenterologi, hypertoni, lungmedicin och allergologi samt klinisk nutrition med forskningsfokus på kroppssammansättning och energimetabolism. Forskningen sker i tätt samarbete med sjukvården på både Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset och Mölndals sjukhus.

Sömn är avgörande för vår hälsa och välbefinnande. Under sömnen återhämtar sig kroppen, hjärnan bearbetar information och minnen konsolideras. Sömnsjukdomar som sömnapné och insomnia kan allvarligt påverka livskvaliteten och leda till långsiktiga hälsoproblem som hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och diabetes. Därför är sömnforskning viktig för att förstå mekanismerna bakom sömn och utveckla effektiva behandlingar för sömnstörningar, vilket kan förbättra både individers hälsa och samhällets produktivitet.

Centrum för Sömn och Vakenstörningar vid Sahlgrenska Akademin bedriver translationell forskning inom området sedan flera decennier och söker en biosignal-ingenjör för avancerad analys av sömn-, andnings- och kardiovaskulära biosignaler. Gruppen är tvärprofessionellt och arbetar med epidemiologiska, mekanistiska, diagnostiska och terapeutiska studier runt klinisk betydelsefulla sömn- och vakenstörningar som sömnapné och insomni. 

Forskaren kommer att analysera och kvantifiera långtidsmätningar av respiratoriska, kardiovaskulära och neurofysiologiska biosignaler från sömnmätningar. Använder nya analysmetoder i form av maskinlärning och artificiell intelligens för förbättrad endotypning och fenotypning av det respiratoriska och kardiovaskulära systemet under olika sömnstadier. Avancerade statistiska modeller behöver användas för att koppla dessa fenotypiska egenskaper till kliniska utfall hos patienter med sömnstörningar. 

Doktorsexamen inom medicinsk biosignalanalys är ett krav. Erfarenhet analys av sömnparameter (andning, kardiovaskulära och neurofysiologiska signaler) är starkt meriterande. Kunskap inom Matlabb, Python, statistikprogram som R eller STATA är meriterande. Det är viktigt att den sökande kan samarbeta väl med andra forskare och kliniker inom ett större team. Den sökande ska kunna uttrycka sig på engelska i både skrift och tal. Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet som till exempel initiativtagande och vara flexibel. 

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 11 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse   

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Ludger Grote
+46(0)70-97 98 111
[email protected]

Madeleine Rådinger
Biträdande avdelningschef
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Intyg om doktorsexamen ska bifogas med ansökan.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-10


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning och forskning inom hälsoekonomi, epidemiologisk metodik, global folkhälsovetenskap, allmänmedicin, arbetsmedicin, miljömedicin, socialmedicin, läkemedelsanvändning och läkemedelspolicy. Vi bedriver även undervisning och forskning inom nutritionsepidemiologi, försäkringsmedicin, innovation och nyttiggörande och registerepidemiologi.

Den forskning som bedrivs inom gruppen för HEPER (Health Economics, Policy, and Evaluation Research), där forskningsassistenten kommer att arbeta, syftar till att utveckla metoder inom hälsoekonomisk och epidemiologisk forskning såväl som att utvärdera insatser och policies från ett hälsovetenskapligt och hälsoekonomiskt perspektiv. Forskningen bygger på analys av stora registerdata såväl som av modellerings- och simuleringsstudier.

Nu söker avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa dig som en forskningsassistent för att genomföra hälsoekonomiska och epidemiologiska studier om inom cancerområdet. 

Som forskningsassistent kommer du att assistera de olika seniora forskarna inom gruppen med hälsoekonomiska studier, med fokus på modellering, samt med epidemiologiska studier som fokuserar på geografiska skillnader i sjukdomsbörda och olika behandlingsinsatser. Arbetsuppgifter inkluderar bland annat arbete med studieprotokoll, enklare datainsamling, dataanalys. Du kommer även att delta i gruppens arbete med att kommunicera forskningsresultat via vetenskapliga tidskrifter och i arbetet med att söka nya forskningsanslag. 

För tjänsten krävs en masterexamen i folkhälsa, global hälsa, hälsoekonomi, epidemiologi, eller biostatistik.

Den sökande bör vara skicklig i användningen av statistikprogrammet Stata eller R och ha goda kunskaper i omfattande databasanalyser. Erfarenhet av och färdigheter i att genomföra hälsoekonomiska kostnads-effektivitetsstudier är meriterande. Den sökande ska ha goda kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift, meriterande svenska i tal och skrift.

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet såsom att sökanden är mycket motiverad i arbetet och tar fullt ansvar för att utföra och slutföra uppgifterna samt god samarbetsförmåga. 

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 11 månader
Omfattning: 100%
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse 

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Mikael Svensson
076 618 67 83
[email protected]

Martin Adiels
Biträdande avdelningschef
[email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Till ansökan ska bifogas:
Kopia på masterexamen
Personligt brev
Intyg och betyg på dokumenterad tidigare erfarenhet

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-01-30


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för reumatologi och inflammationsforskning, är huvudtema för den ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för reumatologi och inflammationsforskning, är huvudtema för den forskning som bedrivs inflammation och inflammatoriska sjukdomar, oavsett om den orsakats av allergi, infektion eller är en autoimmun sjukdom. Målet är att utreda de mekanismer som ligger bakom inflammationen. Flera av våra forskare arbetar även som specialistläkare vid klinikerna inom Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset, vilket är en stor tillgång allra helst för translationell forskning.

Vår forskargrupp bedriver translationella studier inom klinisk och experimentell artrit med syfte att kartlägga cellulära och immunologiska mekanismer vid kronisk ledgångsreumatism. Tjänsten innefattar forskningsarbete med specifikt syfte att undersöka hur epigenetiska reglermekanismer bidrar till autoimmunitet. 

Studier av intracellulär signalering och transkriptionskontrollmekanismer som framkallar artrit. Transkriptions-, epigenetik- och protein-proteininteraktionsanalyser med hjälp av moderna bioinformatiska program och verktyg. Undervisning och handledning av masterstudenter kan ingå. 

Doktorsexamen är ett krav. Omfattande kunskap inom cell och molekylär biologi och erfarenhet inom analys av next generation sequencing data är ett krav. Vid tillsättning kommer särskild vikt att fästas vid vetenskaplig skicklighet inom det aktuella området. Praktiska färdigheter i cellbiologiska metoder, analys av genuttryck (qPCR) och protein uttryck (Western blott) är meriterande. Vid tillsättning kommer särskild vikt att läggas vid vetenskaplig skicklighet inom det aktuella området. Eftersom projektet innefattar avancerad dataanalys kommer stor vikt att läggas vid personlig lämplighet såsom noggrannhet, flexibilitet, kommunikation och personlig initiativförmåga.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 1 år
Omfattning: 50 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse  

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Maria Bokarewa
[email protected]

Mattias Svensson
[email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Intyg om doktorsexamen ska bifogas med ansökan.

CV, publikationslista, motivering och två referenser ska anges.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-02-03


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning främst kring metabolism, diabetes, fetma och kardiovaskulär sjukdom i syfte att förbättra hälsa och sjukvård i samhället. Det övergripande målet är att skapa en excellent translationell forskningsmiljö av mycket hög internationell standard.

Flera forskargrupper vid avdelningen bedriver epidemiologisk/genetisk forskning.

Analys av stora datamängder från kliniska populationsstudier, och mindre kinetikstudier med stabila isotop-för att klarlägga lipidmetabolism. Särskild fokus ligger på postprandiell lipidmetabolism och på studier som klarlägger hur ovanliga genetiska varianter påverkar lipidmetabolismen, samt på studier som klarlägger atherogenicitet av olika lipoproteiner. Handledning av studenter och doktorander, kommunikation av forskningsresultat, samt visst ansvar för samordning av projekten ingår också i arbetsuppgifter.

PhD i för arbetsuppgifterna relevant ämne. Betydande dokumenterad erfarenhet av statistiska analyser, bioinformatik, och multikompartment analys (SAAM II) av kinetiska studier med stabila isotoper är krav för tjänsten. Även betydande dokumenterad erfarenhet att arbeta med genetiska biobanker, såsom UK biobank är krav för tjänsten. Erfarenhet att analysera kardiovaskulära riskfaktorer och förmåga att erhålla externa forskningsanslag är starkt meriterande. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet med fokus på initiativförmåga, förmåga att arbeta självständigt och ansvarstagande. Den sökande måste behärska engelska flytande både i skrift och tal. 

Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning, provanställning kan komma att tillämpas.
Omfattning: 100%
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Jan Borén
+46 733 764264
[email protected]

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Intyg om doktorsexamen ska bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-01-28

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in efficient simulation of noisy quantum circuits

We are seeking a postdoc to develop efficient but realistic simulation algorithms for noise processes in quantum computers based on superconducting circuits. Of particular interest will be to consider such simulations in the context of quantum error correction stabilizer codes or other quantum algorithms where mid-circuit measurements and qubit resets are important. The work is expected to build on existing frameworks but with emphasis on techniques for cl... Visa mer
We are seeking a postdoc to develop efficient but realistic simulation algorithms for noise processes in quantum computers based on superconducting circuits. Of particular interest will be to consider such simulations in the context of quantum error correction stabilizer codes or other quantum algorithms where mid-circuit measurements and qubit resets are important. The work is expected to build on existing frameworks but with emphasis on techniques for classical systems hardware-aware acceleration including CPU parallelism, offloading to GPUs, and potentially developments of dedicated FPGA-based accelerators.
Applications may range in scope from Pauli simulations to full density matrix simulations depending on the use cases. The adaptation of realistic simulations of noise for the in-house built hardware, including a 25 qubit chip, is also expected to be part of the project.

Information about the project
This project is part of QuantumStack, a 5-year project funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, with the aim of developing a full software stack for programming quantum computers. The project is integrated with the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative started in 2018 with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. Our ambitious goal at Chalmers is to build this quantum computer with 100 superconducting qubits and to apply it to real computational problems that cannot be efficiently solved on a conventional computer. Such computationally hard problems are found, e.g., in optimization, quantum chemistry, materials science, machine learning, etc.

Building a quantum computer requires a multi-disciplinary effort involving experimental and theoretical physicists, electrical and microwave engineers, computer scientists, software engineers, and researchers in materials science and nanotechnology. We are developing the superconducting quantum devices, control circuits, firmware, and methods required to make the quantum computer a reality.

This development takes place is in a close, fruitful collaboration between experimentalists in the Quantum Technology Laboratory (QTL) and theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics Laboratory (AQPL) and the Department for Computer Science and Engineering. In this collaboration, the main tasks of the theorists are to help model the hardware and to develop application use cases for the quantum processor. Our team is also a prominent partner in the internationally competitive OpenSuperQ collaborative project working to build a quantum computer within the EU Flagship on Quantum Technology.

Our WACQT team at Chalmers currently has about 100 members (faculty, permanent research staff, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and undergraduate students) and is expanding. WACQT is committed to promoting career development, diversity, and gender equality through networking and supporting activities.

Information about the division and the department
At Chalmers, this particular part of the project will be run in the Division of Computer Networks and Systems within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Within the Division we have four faculty members, four postdocs and eleven PhD students who are engaged in research in computer architecture. The funding for the group comes mostly from national and EU projects. The faculty members have been awarded prestigious grants for their research such as the ERC advanced grant and also participate in top EU projects such as the European Processor Initiative (EPI) and other EuroHPC projects. The results of the research work are published in highly-ranked conferences and journals in the field.

International students rate the Chalmers education experience as one of the best in Europe, according to results from the International Students Barometer. The quality of teaching and assessment receives particular praise. Additionally, when asked if the University was overall 'a good place to be' students' responses put Chalmers at number one in the world. Chalmers has launched a MSc program in High-Performance Computer Systems and in Data Science, putting the topic of this PhD project in the center of gravity of educational efforts.

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as a postdoc is to develop efficient simulation algorithms for quantum computers. This will include both analytical and numerical work, as well as the execution of these algorithms on advanced hardware for optimizing the execution. You may also help in supervising PhD students and/or master's students working on related topics.


• PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics, or neighboring fields (obtained before employment begins)
• Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English
• Ability to program in high-level languages such as Python and C/C++
• Knowledge of GPU programming.
• Experience in application performance profiling.

Desired qualifications:

• Experience from working on quantum computing
• Experience in FPGA development.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure see link

Application deadline: 28 February 2025
For questions, please contact:
Prof. Pedro Trancoso, Computer and Network Systems division at CSE,
[email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Mats Granath, University of Gothenburg,
[email protected] Visa mindre

Postdoctoral positions on biodegradable conjugated polymers

The increasing demand for sustainable materials in electronic applications has highlighted the need for innovative approaches to reduce e-waste and environmental impact. Biodegradable conjugated polymers offer a unique solution by combining functionality with sustainability, paving the way for a greener future. This project provides an exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research that addresses urgent global challenges, such as climate chang... Visa mer
The increasing demand for sustainable materials in electronic applications has highlighted the need for innovative approaches to reduce e-waste and environmental impact. Biodegradable conjugated polymers offer a unique solution by combining functionality with sustainability, paving the way for a greener future. This project provides an exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research that addresses urgent global challenges, such as climate change and resource conservation. By joining our team, you will be at the forefront of advancing green technologies, working in a dynamic and collaborative environment with access to state-of-the-art facilities.

Information about the department and project
The research group "Polymer Chemistry and Electronics" leading by Professor Ergang Wang at the Department of Chemistry and Chemcial Engineering has a focus on the synthesis and characterization of conjugated materials and 2D materials for applications in organic solar cells, organic field effect transistors (OFETs), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), photocatalytic water splitting and supercapacitors. We strive to be a “collaborative, creative and dynamic” group. Academic freedom, interdisciplinary research, entrepreneurship and making societal impact, are key factors in our work. We strive to offer an environment where you can combine world leading research and teaching with a good work-life balance.

Major responsibilities

Key Objectives for this project

• Designing and synthesizing conjugated polymers with enhanced biodegradability and electronic performance.
• Characterizing the physical, chemical, and electronic properties of the polymers.
• Investigating their integration into functional devices, such as organic electrochemical transistors, light-emitting electrochemical cells or sensors.
• Exploring degradation pathways and environmental impact.

We are dedicated to fostering innovation, sustainability, and impactful research in polymer science. If you share our vision, we encourage you to apply!

Your major responsibility as a postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group and high quality scientific results are expected. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large.

The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing in English.

To be qualified for the position of postdoc, you must have a doctoral degree or equivalent in Chemistry or Material Science or a relevant field. Your PhD degree should be obtained after 2022-01-30* (less than 3 years by the application deadline) to be eligible for this position. You can also apply if you will obtain your PhD degree in the coming months.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2025-01-31 

For questions, please contact:
Prof. Ergang Wang, Applied chemistry,
[email protected]


*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral position within cell wall accessibility characterization

We are seeking a motivated and driven postdoctoral researcher to join two multidisciplinary teams within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. Together, these teams are dedicated to the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass. This position focuses on developing cutting-edge methodologies for assessing cell wall accessibility and porosity, contributing to a deeper understanding that will enable the improved design of separation ... Visa mer
We are seeking a motivated and driven postdoctoral researcher to join two multidisciplinary teams within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. Together, these teams are dedicated to the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass. This position focuses on developing cutting-edge methodologies for assessing cell wall accessibility and porosity, contributing to a deeper understanding that will enable the improved design of separation and functionalization processes for lignocellulosic biomass.

Project overview

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers boasts a long-standing tradition of multidisciplinary research on biomass valorization. This spans from the chemistry and technology of traditional pulping processes to pioneering methods for separating, fractionating, and functionalizing forest biomass components. This work is guided by the principles of biorefinery and biomaterials development.

The department collaborates extensively with the forest industry and benefits from the world-leading Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC). Over the past 13 years, WWSC has enriched the collaborative research environment, providing access to state-of-the-art infrastructure. Within this framework, the development of novel methods for characterizing cell wall accessibility is crucial for gaining fundamental mechanistic insights into separation and valorization processes applied to wood and forest biomass.

This project will be conducted jointly by the research groups led by Anna Ström and Merima Hasani, who specialize in biomass valorization, from the primary separation of components to their functionalization for specific applications. Their complementary expertise ensures a broad, collaborative scientific approach and robust experimental support. Furthermore, the project is part of the WWSC framework, which will amplify its impact and foster additional development and collaborations.

About the Wallenberg Wood Science Center
WWSC is a multidisciplinary research center striving for scientific excellence, with a focus on developing innovative materials from trees. The center builds knowledge and competence to create sustainable value from forest raw materials. It represents a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, and Linköping University. Supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, WWSC also receives backing from the forest industry via the national platform Treesearch. A key aspect of WWSC’s research is the development of analytical tools for the separation and recovery of wood components, which is central to this postdoctoral position.

Major responsibilities

The postdoctoral researcher will focus on developing methodologies to assess wood cell wall porosity, including native and partially processed materials. Key techniques will include advanced microscopy (e.g., electron and confocal microscopy) and scattering methods (e.g., SAXS, tomography). Complementary analytical techniques will also play a significant role.

The position requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, closely aligned with ongoing and prior work within the two research groups.


To qualify for this position, you must hold a PhD degree in biomass processing and valorization or solid biomaterial characterization. The PhD degree must have been awarded no more than three years before the application deadline. Experience with advanced microscopy, scattering techniques, or other imaging methods is highly desirable.

As a candidate, you should demonstrate self-motivation, strong organizational skills, and a problem-solving mindset. Excellent collaboration skills and a proactive approach to teamwork are also essential.

Contract terms

This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English and attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus,

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 31 January, 2025
For questions, please contact:
Merima Hasani, Div. of Chemical Engineering
[email protected];
+46 (0)31 772 2996
+46 (0)704532485.

Anna Ström, Div. of Applied Chemistry
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** Visa mindre

Postdoc position in terahertz spectroscopic methods for life sciences

Are you passionate about advancing spectroscopy to new frontiers? We are seeking a postdoc to help establish an innovative terahertz spectroscopic technique capable of resolving spectroscopic signatures of proteins and bio-macromolecules like RNA in solution—achieving what current techniques cannot. Project description This postdoc position focuses on unveiling the terahertz frequency range for the study of proteins and other macromolecules in solution by... Visa mer
Are you passionate about advancing spectroscopy to new frontiers? We are seeking a postdoc to help establish an innovative terahertz spectroscopic technique capable of resolving spectroscopic signatures of proteins and bio-macromolecules like RNA in solution—achieving what current techniques cannot.

Project description
This postdoc position focuses on unveiling the terahertz frequency range for the study of proteins and other macromolecules in solution by establishing a novel spectroscopic method. You will leverage cutting-edge advancements in terahertz electronics, paved by space and atmospheric sciences applications, alongside innovative molecular alignment techniques for proteins in solution. In this project, you will have access to Chalmers' state-of-the-art terahertz characterization facilities, providing a unique environment for your research. Collaboration will be a key aspect of this project, as you will work closely with experts in enzymology and microfluidics to drive this interdisciplinary research forward.

The Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience is a unique research environment in micro- and nanotechnology, housing more than 250 researchers and PhD students. At the terahertz and millimetre wave division, our main research activities are new materials, devices and systems for applications ranging from basic science to future sensors and communication systems. We are at the forefront of innovation in terahertz electronics, working on projects that push the boundaries of what is possible, aiming for the next generation of wireless systems, remote sensing and space terahertz instrumentation. You will be part of an inspiring and collaborative research environment and benefit from fruitful discussions with our industrial collaborators.

Major responsibilities

• Contribute to develop a novel terahertz spectroscopic technique combining terahertz electronics and a coherent sample response.
• Design, build, and characterize demonstrators in the terahertz characterization facility (Kollberg Laboratory).
• Collaborate closely with experts in enzymology and bioelectronics to advance interdisciplinary research.
• Develop your own scientific concepts and communicate research findings verbally and in writing to the scientific community.

To qualify for this position you must:

• have a PhD degree in terahertz technology or similar, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*,
• have knowledge in a terahertz instrumentation and quasi-optical setups,
• have sound verbal and written communication skills in English.

It is meritorious if you have:

• experience or a strong interest in electromagnetic theory and biophysics.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with the possibility to extent for another year.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1 page where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: March 16, 2025
For questions, please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Helena Rodilla
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Studentmedarbetare GPCC

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa är nationellt och internationellt ledande inom personcentrerad vår... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa är nationellt och internationellt ledande inom personcentrerad vård vilket genomsyrar såväl utbildning, forskning som innovation. Institutionen är sektionsvis organiserad i form av akademiska miljöer vilket utgörs av tvärvetenskapliga profilområden: Vård vid långvariga tillstånd; Diagnostik och vård vid akuta och kritiska tillstånd samt Lärande och ledarskap för hälsoprofessioner.  Institutionens administrativa personal är organiserad i en administrativ enhet. Vid institutionen bedrivs professionsutbildningar till sjuksköterska, röntgensjuksköterska, barnmorska och specialistsjuksköterska. För mer information om institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa besök www.caresci.gu.se.

En centrumbildning finns vid institutionen, Centrum för personcentrerad vård (GPCC). GPCC är ett nationellt tvärvetenskapligt forskningscentrum som bildades år 2010 med stöd av regeringens strategiska satsning på vårdforskning. Ett fyrtiotal forskningsprojekt pågår för närvarande kring personcentrering vid olika långvariga sjukdomar och organisation av vård. GPCC har fått en ACTA serie inrättad vid Göteborgs Universitet, Gothenburg Series in Person-Centred Care.  För mer information om GPCC besök www.gu.se/gpcc.

Nu söker vi en till två studentmedarbetare som kan bistå vid framställning och distribution av vår nya ACTA serie.


I rollen som studentmedarbetare i produktionen av ACTA serien ingår att bistå GPCCs forskare med att sätta texter och redigera layout till tryck- och publicerbart skick. Det kan innefatta formatering och sättning av fotnoter, källförteckning, figurförteckning och sidhänvisningar. Arbetet utgår från en befintlig formatmall som kan komma att behöva anpassas vid behov. Uppgiften kan också innebära distribution av rapporter till myndigheter och andra avnämare. I uppgiften ingår tät samverkan med forskare, tryckeri, ACTA-medarbetare vid Göteborgs Universitetsbibliotek samt serieredaktör

Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet att sätta texter inför tryck i mallar främst baserade på Microsoft word, Adobe inDesign och motsvarande för rapportserier motsvarande ACTA. Uppgifterna kommer att flukturera i takt med GPCCs publikationsplan. 

De språkliga krav som ställs är flytande svenska i både tal och skrift samt goda kunskaper i engelska i både tal och skrift.

Du är noggrann, har god samarbetsförmåga och lätt för att ta egna initiativ samt förmåga att förklara och dela med dig av kunskap. Du möter människor på ett vänligt och professionellt sätt och löser de vardagliga utmaningarna på ett lyhört och flexibelt sätt.

För studentmedarbetare gäller Avtal om villkor för tidsbegränsad anställning som studentmedarbetare (ikraft 1 april 2014). Syftet med anställningen som studentmedarbetare är att skapa förutsättningar för att kunna förena arbete och studier, där arbetsuppgifterna har en koppling till dina pågående studier. En sådan koppling bidrar till att ge dig som studerande praktisk arbetslivserfarenhet för att underlätta övergången mellan studier och yrkesliv, samtidigt som vi som arbetsgivare får ta del av aktuell kunskap. För att kunna anställas som studentmedarbetare krävs att:

• Du bedriver pågående heltidsstudier på högskolenivå (6 kap. 2 § högskoleförordningen)
• Du har fullgjort godkända studier motsvarande lägst 60 högskolepoäng
• Du har ännu inte påbörjat en forskarutbildning

Om du känner dig lockad av dessa arbetsuppgifter och uppfyller de angivna kvalifikationerna ser vi fram emot din ansökan som studentmedarbetare hos oss.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning under perioden 2025-01-20 till 2025-06-05.

Anställningen (intermittent) kommer omfatta totalt 10-20% som fördelas på antalet anställda av heltid. Arbetstiden kommer fördelas ojämnt under perioden.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta:? 
Eric Carlström.  Telefon: 031-786 6104. E-post: eric.carlströ[email protected]

Personalsamordnare Eva T Nilsen. Telefon: 031-786 6133. E-post: [email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-01-06


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning och forskning inom global folkhälsovetenskap, allmänmedicin, arbetsmedicin, miljömedicin, socialmedicin, läkemedelsanvändning och läkemedelspolicy. Vi bedriver även undervisning och forskning inom nutritionsepidemiologi, försäkringsmedicin, innovation och nyttiggörande, hälsoekonomi, biostatistik och registerepidemiologi.

Tjänsten är placerad inom forskningsplattformen Borders in Health, Medicine and Society, en internationell och tvärvetenskaplig forskningsmiljö med forskare inom hälsa, medicin och migration. Tjänsten kommer främst innebära att bistå i två pågående forskningsprojekt: FORTE finansierad ”HER-SUM Ensamkommande flickor på flykt - Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter under tonåren och som unga vuxna”; och ”The Boundaries Longitudinal Study:  Läkares förhållningssätt gällande frågan att anmäla papperslösa patienter som söker vård”, finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet. 

Som forskningsassistent kommer du att utföra arbete i två forskargrupper, till viss del med handledning av forskare, inklusive till viss del självständig genomförande av etnografiskt fältarbete och kvalitativa intervjuer, analys av kvalitativa data (med tonvikt på textbaserade analyser), medförfattarskap av forskningsartiklar samt sammanställningen av en rapport för att sprida forskningsresultat. I arbete ingår även att arrangera workshops och seminarier för att presentera resultaten för allmänheten.

För tjänsten krävs en masterexamen inom migration och hälsa, medicin, vårdvetenskap, eller annat relevant område. Den sökande ska även ha goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Meriterande är:

• Erfarenhet av forskning inom migration och hälsa.
• Erfarenhet av att genomföra textbaserade kvalitativa analyser (med metoder som diskursanalys, medieanalys eller framinganalys).
• Erfarenhet av att ha genomfört etnografiskt fältarbete i medicinska och vårdrelaterade sammanhang.
• Erfarenhet av arbete i tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljöer, särskilt inom forskning som förenar medicin och samhällsvetenskap eller medicin och humaniora.

Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet såsom personliga egenskaper:

• Samarbetsförmåga: Ett starkt engagemang för att arbeta inkluderande och tillsammans med andra forskare och studenter över ämnesgränser.
• Självständighet: Förmåga att arbeta självständigt, ta initiativ och planera arbetet på ett hållbart sätt.
• Flexibilitet: Anpassningsförmåga till olika arbetsuppgifter och ett intresse av att bidra till en dynamisk och stödjande arbetsmiljö.
• Kommunikation: God förmåga att kommunicera på engelska, både muntligt och skriftligt, då vi verkar i en internationell miljö.
• Hållbart arbetssätt: Förmåga att sätta realistiska tidsramar, vilja att delegera vid behov samt att tydligt kunna kommunicera egna behov av stöd. 

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 10 månader
Omfattning: 80%
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook
[email protected]

Martin Adiels
Biträdande avdelningschef
[email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  


• Kopia av masterexamen
• Ett kort personligt brev där den sökande motiverar sin ansökan, det vill säga beskriver hur den sökande uppfyller urvalskriterierna (max 1 A4-sida)
• En meritförteckning (CV)

De högst rankade kandidaterna kommer att kallas till intervju, som kan hållas på engelska och kan även genomföras digitalt.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2025-01-08


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Interpretable AI for Human-Centered Collaboration and Decision-Making

We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral researcher in the areas of Interpretable Artificial Intelligence (IAI) and Autonomous Decision-Making to study and make significant contributions to the emerging field of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). HRC studies the most effective algorithms to enable robots to work safely and efficiently alongside with humans in shared spaces. Join our multidisciplinary team to further investigate and propose innova... Visa mer
We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral researcher in the areas of Interpretable Artificial Intelligence (IAI) and Autonomous Decision-Making to study and make significant contributions to the emerging field of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). HRC studies the most effective algorithms to enable robots to work safely and efficiently alongside with humans in shared spaces.

Join our multidisciplinary team to further investigate and propose innovative solutions to empower robots with the ability to make informed decisions in collaborative environments. If you are passionate about Interpretable AI, autonomous decision-making, and the future of human-robot collaboration, we strongly encourage you to apply!

Project description
Interpretable methods are crucial in human-centered collaboration because they make a robot's decision-making processes transparent and understandable to humans. In collaborative settings, humans need to comprehend how robots make decisions to confidently work alongside them, detect errors, and provide feedback. By making a robot's reasoning clear and accessible, interpretable methods enhance decision-making, as users can see how and why certain decisions are made, fostering more effective human-robot teamwork. This transparency builds trust between humans and robots. When a robot's actions are explainable, humans can effectively monitor, validate, and correct its outputs, leading to more reliable and accurate outcomes.

The goal of this postdoctoral position is to enhance robot decision-making through interpretable methods and reasoning to advance human-centered AI for real-world robotics applications. Specifically, we aim to develop personalized, adaptive AI models that align robot behavior with individual user preferences and expertise. This will enable robots to adaptively improve their performance through human-in-the-loop learning

About the division and the department
The position is within the Mechatronics group at Chalmers University of Technology, where a team of dedicated PhD students, postdocs and senior researchers are actively pursuing research in the areas of semantic-based methods, high-level decision-making systems, Interpretable AI methods, and Robotics. The Mechatronics group is an integral part of the Department of Electrical Engineering (E2) which primarily focuses on modeling and developing efficient systems for extracting and processing information. 

Major responsibilities
Your primary responsibility as a Postdoctoral researcher will be to pursue independent research and expand your capabilities and knowledge within the research domains covered by this project. You are expected to develop your own original scientific concepts and present the results of your research verbally at academic conferences and in written journal articles. You are also expected to collaborate with other team members and external researchers from academia and industry.

By the starting date, the applicant should have:

• A Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or related fields.
• A strong background in learning and reasoning techniques, decision-making methods for robotics, interpretable methods for robotics, and machine learning.
• A solid understanding of robot modelling and control, embedded systems, and human-robot interaction.
• Proficiency in learning methods, robotics, and mathematics.
• Strong programming skills, preferably in C++, with experience using ROS (Robot Operating System). Knowledge of Python, Unity, and Prolog is a plus.
• A genuine curiosity and passion for the subject, along with excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
• Strong communication and interpersonal abilities, with a demonstrated capacity to work independently and collaboratively in team settings.
• Experience with cross-disciplinary collaboration, international exchange, and demonstrated teamwork.
• A strong publication record as the first author in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings.

• The position also requires excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, as well as proven experience in problem-solving and analytical thinking.

Meritorious experience and skills:

• Experience with teaching or mentoring.
• Experience in leading teams or projects.
• Experience with international collaboration.
• It is meritorious if the candidate has also some experience writing proposals.

Contract terms
This full-time postdoctoral position is limited to a maximum of two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2025-01-31
For questions, please contact:
Associate Professor Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Systems and Control, [email protected] Visa mindre

Postdoc in Development and Design of Circular Aluminium Alloys

Are you passionate about sustainable materials and innovative alloy design? Join us in pioneering research to create resource-efficient aluminium alloys using cutting-edge thermodynamics modelling and machine learning. Together, we will shape the future of circular material flows and sustainable manufacturing Background and Scope There is today a strong development in realising novel manufacturing of aluminium alloy components by means of high pressure di... Visa mer
Are you passionate about sustainable materials and innovative alloy design? Join us in pioneering research to create resource-efficient aluminium alloys using cutting-edge thermodynamics modelling and machine learning. Together, we will shape the future of circular material flows and sustainable manufacturing

Background and Scope
There is today a strong development in realising novel manufacturing of aluminium alloy components by means of high pressure die casting. Increased use of recycled material is crucial in this context to create the necessary material circularity. One of the prime contributors is expected be tolerant alloys that can allow wide composition range while still providing adequate performance.

This post-doc project is supported by Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE), aimed at enabling sustainable technologies with positive impact on our society by understanding, creating, and controlling complex materials. The project aims at realizing resource efficient use of Al-alloys by alloy design that allow use of scrap without hampering material performance. The potential idea is to take advantage of thermodynamics modelling and machine learning methods to screen and understand role of critical elements, to set-up a development methodology that would allow rapid screening of alloy design from theoretical and laboratory experiments to bring scalable solutions in place. This enables improved circular material flow in novel way.

Main responsibility
Your main responsibility is to develop basics for sustainable materials design that could allow increased use of secondary aluminium alloys for high pressure die casting.

The main activities include:

• develop screening methods to depict role of prospective alloying elements
• develop understanding how these elements could/should be selected with respect to critical levels in the aluminium alloys for performance and processing
• develop material testing protocols that can support efficient and rapid materials assessment on laboratory scale

To qualify for this position you must:

• have a strong background in materials theory and thermodynamics modelling as well as testing and characterisation of metals,
• hold a PhD degree in Materials Science, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry or other related disciplines, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*,
• have a personal ability to work independently and in a team with diverse backgrounds,
• have sound verbal and written communication skills in English. 

It is meritorious if you have:

• knowledge on cast aluminium or additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys as well data analytics as machine learning.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 1 February, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Professor Lars Nyborg
Phone 031-7721257
E-mail: [email protected] 

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in development of binder for future battery applications

Are you passionate about advancing lithium-ion batteries and driving innovation in next-generation batteries? Do you want to transform advanced electrode processing for electric vehicle batteries? If so, this postdoctoral position is your opportunity to make an impact while working in a collaborative research group focused on cutting-edge battery materials and manufacturing. Project Description The lithium-ion battery market is expanding rapidly, driving ... Visa mer
Are you passionate about advancing lithium-ion batteries and driving innovation in next-generation batteries? Do you want to transform advanced electrode processing for electric vehicle batteries? If so, this postdoctoral position is your opportunity to make an impact while working in a collaborative research group focused on cutting-edge battery materials and manufacturing.

Project Description
The lithium-ion battery market is expanding rapidly, driving the need for innovation in key components. Binders, crucial for electrode stability and long-term cycling performance, face challenges in both anode (especially silicon-based) and cathode applications. In this role, you will:

• Develop new binder systems for electrode processing.
• Synthesize and modify binders for innovative manufacturing processes.
• Balance fundamental research with practical, application-driven outcomes.

You will work in a dynamic, multidisciplinary environment alongside academic and industry experts, with an emphasis on experimental research.

About the Division
As part of the Division of Materials and Manufacture at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science (IMS), you will contribute to a broad spectrum of cutting-edge research:

• Materials design, processing, and advanced characterization.
• Technologies including surface modification, powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, and material removal.

Our division fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, sustainability-focused research, and close partnerships with academia and industry, providing a stimulating environment to develop solutions with real-world impact.

Major responsibilities

• Conduct independent research and collaborate with others in the research group.
• Supervise Master's and/or PhD students (no teaching included).
• Collaborate with academic and industrial partners.
• Develop scientific concepts and communicate results in English.
• Build experience valuable for future roles in academia, industry, or the public sector.

To qualify for this position you must: 

• have a doctoral degree or equivalent in chemistry or Materials Science or a relevant field, generally awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*. 
• be fluent in English, both written and spoken. 
• have strong collaboration and communication skills. 
• have the ability to remain motivated and efficient despite challenges, working toward achieving high-quality results.

 * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV, including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: 
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: January 25, 2025 

For questions, please contact:
Associate Prof. Jinhua Sun
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral position in Bio-Fuel Production from Bio-Oils and Biomass

Drive the future of sustainable energy! Join our team to develop cutting-edge catalytic processes that transform waste materials into renewable chemicals and fuels. Make a meaningful impact in the transition to a more sustainable world. About the Project Join us in advancing sustainable solutions for the future. This project focuses on developing innovative catalytic processes to support the creation of bio-refineries that convert waste materials into che... Visa mer
Drive the future of sustainable energy! Join our team to develop cutting-edge catalytic processes that transform waste materials into renewable chemicals and fuels. Make a meaningful impact in the transition to a more sustainable world.

About the Project
Join us in advancing sustainable solutions for the future. This project focuses on developing innovative catalytic processes to support the creation of bio-refineries that convert waste materials into chemicals and fuels. Your work will contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient world.

About Us
This position is part of the Division of Chemical Engineering within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Our team is known for its collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, blending experimental and modeling techniques. We take pride in addressing both fundamental scientific challenges and practical industrial applications. You will also be part of the Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK), a dynamic research environment fostering innovation in catalytic technologies.

We are committed to cultivating an inclusive and supportive workplace where diverse perspectives and ideas thrive.

Key Responsibilities
Your primary goal will be to conduct research supporting the development of bio-refineries. This work focuses on catalytic reactions, for transforming bio-oils and waste biomass into renewable chemicals and fuels. Key aspects of your role include:

• Developing and testing novel catalysts for bio-fuel/bio-chemical production.
• Exploring and optimizing process conditions.
• Investigating and addressing catalyst deactivation mechanisms.

You will engage in experimental research involving:

• Catalyst testing in high-hydrogen-pressure reactors.
• Comprehensive product analysis using advanced tools such as GC, GCxGC/MS, GPC and NMR.
• Characterizing solids through methods like elemental analysis and NMR
• Conducting in-depth catalyst characterization using techniques such as XRD, BET, SEM, TEM, TPR, TPD, DRIFT, and XPS.

As part of your role, you will share your findings through presentations and scientific publications. Your contributions will help advance our understanding of sustainable catalytic processes.

The position may also include supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.


• You shuould hold PhD degree in Catalysis or a closely related field (you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline).
• The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

We value diverse perspectives and experiences, and we encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 20, January, 2025
For questions, please contact:
Louise Olsson, Head of Division and Professor at Chemical Engineering, e-mail: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Project assistant

Project assistant in biosensor development and studies on neuronal communication Project overview This project will involve the fabrication of nanomaterial modified enzyme-based biosensors for high temporal amperometric recording of glutamate and acetylcholine release at single cells during neuronal communication. The goal is to better understand neurontransmission and to study neurodegeneration. About the division The division of Chemistry and Biochemis... Visa mer
Project assistant in biosensor development and studies on neuronal communication

Project overview
This project will involve the fabrication of nanomaterial modified enzyme-based biosensors for high temporal amperometric recording of glutamate and acetylcholine release at single cells during neuronal communication. The goal is to better understand neurontransmission and to study neurodegeneration.

About the division
The division of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering employs around 100 people, including PhD students and postdocs. The research activities at the division includes the areas of physcial chemistry, organic chemistry, nanotechnology and analytical chemistry. The research project involves the fabrication of nanostructured enzymes based electrochemical biosensors that will be used for studying neurochemical activity of glutamate and acetylcholine at single neuronal cells and for implementation to study neurodegenerative disease.

Main responsibiities
The candidate will be responsible for fabricating enzyme-based biosensors, characterizing the sensors and performing measurement of exocytotic acetylcholine and glutmate release activity at neuronal cells. The candidate will culture and differentiate cells into glutamatergic and cholinergic cells and perform studies related to Alzheimer´s disease.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment from 1 February 2025-30 April 2025.

The candidate should have great skills in fabrication of biosensors for detection of glutamate and acetylcholine, using carbon fiber electrodes with surface modifications using nanomaterials. In addition the candidate should have traning in ultrafast amperometric recording of single cell exocytosis activity and studies related to Alzheimer´s disease.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Application procedure
The application should be attached as PDF files, as below:


Personal letter

Other documents (optional):
• Copies of completed education, grades etc. Two references that we can contact should be provided at a possible interview.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to reach the application form. We do not accept applications sent by email.

Application deadline: 1 January, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Professor Ann-Sofie Cans, Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +46 31-7726123

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

PostDoc in Formal Verification of Learning-Enabled Systems

Are you passionate about advancing the safety and reliability of learning-enabled systems? Join the Group for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Reasoning (STAR) to lead cutting-edge research in formal verification techniques for learning-enabled systems used in safety-critical applications. At STAR, we tackle key questions like: - How can we build systems that are both intelligent and inherently trustworthy? - What methods ensure reliability and transparenc... Visa mer
Are you passionate about advancing the safety and reliability of learning-enabled systems? Join the Group for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Reasoning (STAR) to lead cutting-edge research in formal verification techniques for learning-enabled systems used in safety-critical applications. At STAR, we tackle key questions like:
- How can we build systems that are both intelligent and inherently trustworthy?
- What methods ensure reliability and transparency in AI-driven decision-making?  

In this role, you will develop a new generation of formal techniques for: 
- Compositional contract-based design
- Specification formalisms for learning-enabled systems
- Runtime verification under uncertainty
- Statistical verification
- Scenario-based analysis 
- Explainability methods for AI/ML-based models

We are looking for candidates interested in conducting research in one or more of these areas, and encourage you to propose new directions aligned with your and our research. This position is funded by the prestigious WASP program, read more here.

About the STAR Lab
Led by Dr. Hazem Torfah, STAR is part of the Computing Science Division within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Our interdisciplinary group focuses on developing theoretical foundations and tools for creating safe, reliable, and secure autonomous systems, with application areas including autonomous driving and aviation. Collaboration and support are central to our dynamic research environment.

The CSE department, a joint effort between Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, is home to a diverse, international community of 270 researchers from over 30 countries. We combine foundational research with real-world applications and provide high-quality education across all levels.

Major Responsibilities
As a Postdoctoral Researcher, your main responsibilities will include:
- Driving a research project in collaboration with project PIs (80%)
- Mentoring and co-supervising junior researchers
- Teaching graduate-level courses (20%)
- Developing and implementing scientific ideas
- Establishing research collaborations
- Communicating your results through journals and conferences

To qualify for this position you must: 

• hold a doctoral degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or other related disciplines, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*.
• experience in at least one of the following fields of research: formal methods, cyber-physical systems, data science, or artificial intelligence.
• have a good track-record of publications.
• sound verbal and written communication skills in English. 

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: January 20, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Assistant Professor, Hazem Torfah, Computing Science division
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position

Postdoc position in early detection of agglomeration in fluidized bed systems Chalmers University of Technology is internationally recognized for its groundbreaking research in fluidized bed technology. This Postdoc position offers a unique opportunity to combine advanced modeling with material and gas analysis to tackle pressing industrial challenges and support the transition toward negative CO? emissions. Project overview As a postdoctoral researcher... Visa mer
Postdoc position in early detection of agglomeration in fluidized bed systems

Chalmers University of Technology is internationally recognized for its groundbreaking research in fluidized bed technology. This Postdoc position offers a unique opportunity to combine advanced modeling with material and gas analysis to tackle pressing industrial challenges and support the transition toward negative CO? emissions.

Project overview

As a postdoctoral researcher, you will collaborate with two dynamic departments—Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Space, Earth, and Environment—while working with the world’s largest biomass-fueled industrial fluidized bed unit. This interdisciplinary research focuses on three core areas:

• Materials and Material Characterization
• Online Analysis and Monitoring
• Modeling

Your work will integrate experimental and theoretical approaches to enhance the understanding of industrial processes. The primary goal is to optimize the performance of fluidized bed systems at an industrial scale, improving efficiency and minimizing environmental impact.

This project, carried out in collaboration with HOFOR, investigates the conditions leading to agglomeration during biomass combustion in fluidized bed systems. By implementing advanced measurement techniques and analyzing solid streams within the plant, the research aims to develop innovative solutions. A standout feature of this project is the use of high-frequency radar technology, offering a revolutionary method for detecting agglomeration.

About the division

The Division of Energy and Materials at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is seeking a motivated postdoctoral researcher to join their team. The division conducts cutting-edge research and education in materials, energy, the environment, and sustainable development. With a focus on both experimental and theoretical methods, their work drives advancements in materials science and develops innovative tools for analyzing materials used in energy conversion. The ultimate objective is to optimize energy conversion processes and reduce their environmental impact.

The division consists of around 90 staff members, including 20 PhD students. Research is conducted in state-of-the-art laboratories located in the Chemistry building, complemented by access to advanced material characterization techniques at the CMAL facility in the Physics building.

The Division of Energy Technology, part of the Department of Space, Earth and Environment, adds further expertise in energy technology and systems. This division tackles challenges in energy efficiency and environmental impact across various sectors. It also hosts the Chalmers Power Plant research infrastructure, a cornerstone of their research activities in energy systems analysis and thermochemical energy conversion.

Major responsibilities

As a postdoctoral researcher, you will:

• Conduct experimental and theoretical research on energy conversion processes, with a focus on large-scale district heating plants.
• Analyze operational conditions to identify factors influencing bed agglomeration.
• Act as a key liaison between industrial partners and the university, fostering collaboration across Chalmers departments.
• Contribute to strengthening the group’s research capabilities.
• Disseminate your findings through scientific publications and presentations.


To qualify for this position, you must hold a doctoral degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Materials Science, awarded within the last three years.

We are looking for a candidate who:

• Is self-motivated, independent, and thrives in a role that offers freedom to explore while meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality results.
• Has a strong curiosity and a drive to uncover fundamental phenomena in energy systems research.
• Enjoys practical, hands-on work and is eager to explore new fields, methods, and tools.
• Possesses solid experience in material characterization and thermal conversion experiments, particularly with solid fuels.
• Is skilled in performing calculations (e.g., mass and energy balances) and integrating theoretical approaches such as thermodynamic modeling or density functional theory (DFT).
• Demonstrates interest in bridging experimental work with computational tools to optimize complex industrial processes.
• Has experience working in industrial environments, showcasing situational awareness, problem-solving skills, and effective collaboration with diverse stakeholders.
• Excels in written and verbal communication, with the ability to present complex scientific concepts to a variety of audiences.

Contract terms

This is a full-time temporary position for two years, with a possible extension of up to three years.

What we offer

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure

Submit your application as PDF files (maximum file size: 40 MB each). Incomplete applications or applications sent via email will not be considered.

Your application should include:

• CV

• Full publication list
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experience
• Contact information for two references

• Personal letter (1–3 pages)

• Introduction to yourself
• Summary of your previous research and key results
• Description of your future research goals and interests

• Additional documents

• Certified copies of educational transcripts and certificates.

Application deadline: 12 January, 2025

Contact information

For further inquiries, please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Pavleta Knutsson
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 (0)31 772 3048

Prof. David Pallarès
Department of Space, Earth and Environment
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 (0)31 772 1435


*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** Visa mindre

TWO postdoctoral research positions in supramolecular chemistry

We are looking for two postdocs to join our inclusive and supportive research group, contributing to cutting-edge projects in supramolecular chemistry. Our group, the Grommet research group, is committed to fostering both your scientific and personal growth through training in research, communication, and soft skills, equipping you for fulfilling careers in academia, industry, or beyond. About the projects We are recruiting for two exciting projects: Pos... Visa mer
We are looking for two postdocs to join our inclusive and supportive research group, contributing to cutting-edge projects in supramolecular chemistry. Our group, the Grommet research group, is committed to fostering both your scientific and personal growth through training in research, communication, and soft skills, equipping you for fulfilling careers in academia, industry, or beyond.

About the projects
We are recruiting for two exciting projects:

Position 1: Photocatalysis and Singlet Fission
This project tackles challenges in photocatalytic reactions such as water splitting and CO? reduction by leveraging singlet fission. Coordination cages will be assembled from ligands capable of singlet fission, designed to encapsulate electron acceptors. Conducted in collaboration with Prof. Bo Albinsson, this position is funded by Olle Engkvists Stiftelse.

Position 2: Artificial Receptors for Histamine
Histamine plays critical roles in the immune and digestive systems but can cause inflammation and allergies when dysregulated. This project aims to develop a supramolecular receptor to sequester excess histamine, offering a novel therapeutic pathway for inflammation treatment. This position is funded by a stipend from Carl Tryggers Stiftelse.

Your preference for either position will be taken into account during the interview process.

The Grommet Research Group
We are part of the vibrant department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering conducting research across fundamental chemistry, materials science, renewable energy, and chemical engineering. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, societal impact, and work-life balance, we provide an environment where you can thrive while contributing to world-leading research and education.

Major responsibilities

• Conduct independent research and collaborate within the group’s interdisciplinary network.
• Supervise and mentor master's and/or PhD students.
• Optionally engage in teaching at undergraduate and master's levels.
• Contribute to academic and societal collaborations.

To qualify for this position you must have:

• A PhD in chemistry or equivalent field, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*.
• Effective communication skills in written and spoken English.
• The ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team.
• Strong organizational and record-keeping skills.
• Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities.

It is meritorious if you have:

• Experience in supramolecular chemistry, organic synthesis, and/or host-guest chemistry.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Submit your application in English, as PDF files (max 40 MB each; ZIP files not supported).


• CV,
• Previous employment, leadership roles, or positions of trust,
• Contact details for two references.

Personal Letter:

• Introduce yourself and your relevant experience (e.g., education, thesis work, or research),
• Outline your goals and research focus (1-3 pages).

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. 

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: January 12, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Angela Grommet
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 (0)31-772 50 36

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroprosthetics and implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces Are you passionate about advancing neurotechnology and exploring the intersection of neuroscience and neural engineering? Join our dynamic team and contribute to groundbreaking research with the potential to transform the field of neuroprosthetics. Project overview Individuals who have lost the use of their hands because of amputation or spinal cord injury can use pros... Visa mer
Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroprosthetics and implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces

Are you passionate about advancing neurotechnology and exploring the intersection of neuroscience and neural engineering? Join our dynamic team and contribute to groundbreaking research with the potential to transform the field of neuroprosthetics.

Project overview

Individuals who have lost the use of their hands because of amputation or spinal cord injury can use prosthetic hands to restore their independence. A dexterous prosthesis requires the acquisition of control signals that drive the movements of the robotic hand, and the transmission of sensory signals to convey information to the user about the consequences of these movements. In this project, we want to develop neurotechnologies for conveying artificial sensory feedback through bionic hands, and evaluate the neuroprostheses’ long-term prospects.

About the division and department

At the Department of Electrical Engineering, we conduct research and education in areas such as Communications, Antennas and Optical Networks, Systems and Control, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering, and Electric Power Engineering. Our work focuses on sustainable and innovative solutions to societal challenges, including energy efficiency, electrification, and applications ranging from transport and production systems to communication solutions and biomedical engineering.

This position is based at the Neural Bionics Laboratory (Principal Investigator: Giacomo Valle), which is part of the Division of Systems and Control.

Major responsibilities

As a postdoctoral researcher, your primary responsibility will be to conduct independent research as part of our team. Your role will include:

• Programming neurotechnology systems.
• Developing mechatronics solutions.
• Analyzing neural data.
• Preparing documentation for human clinical trials.
• Planning and conducting experimental studies.
• Supervision of PhD students. 

This position offers excellent preparation for future research roles, whether in academia, industry, or the public sector.


To be considered for this position, you must have:

• A PhD in Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, or a related field, awarded no more than three years before the application deadline.
• A strong background in electrophysiology and/or signal processing, as well as programming and/or electronics.
• Experience in experimental design and neural data analysis.
• A collaborative mindset and strong communication skills in English (written and verbal).

Contract terms

This is a full-time temporary position with a duration of two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure

The application must be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format (maximum file size: 40 MB per file). Note that ZIP files are not supported.

Required documents:

• CV including:

• Complete list of publications.
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experience.
• Two references for contact.

• Personal letter, 1–2 pages:

• Introduce yourself.
• Describe your previous research fields and main results.
• Outline your future goals and research focus.

• Other documents:

• Certified copies of education records, grades, and other certificates.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to access the application form.

Important: The applicant is responsible for ensuring the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications submitted via email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 15 January 2025

For questions, please contact:

Assistant Professor Giacomo Valle, PhD
Division of Systems and Control
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral fellow in optical transport network security

Position Summary Join the Department of Electrical Engineering in an international research network focused on enhancing communication network security. This role offers the chance to apply AI/ML and networking knowledge to design and implement cutting-edge security features for 5G networks. Working alongside global research partners, you’ll validate new methods on advanced network management frameworks, contributing to the sustainability and resilience o... Visa mer
Position Summary
Join the Department of Electrical Engineering in an international research network focused on enhancing communication network security. This role offers the chance to apply AI/ML and networking knowledge to design and implement cutting-edge security features for 5G networks. Working alongside global research partners, you’ll validate new methods on advanced network management frameworks, contributing to the sustainability and resilience of global communication infrastructure.

About the Research
Optical communication networks, foundational to modern society, face security challenges that put higher-layer network services at risk. This European Commission-funded project aims to create a comprehensive 5G cybersecurity toolkit. Chalmers’ team will address security in the transport optical network segment, focusing on SDN-controlled networks and vulnerabilities in virtualized scenarios. Our work involves creating risk mitigation tools for 5G infrastructure control and management, applying AI/ML for real-time monitoring of SDN components, and implementing intelligent policy controls to prevent destabilizing configurations. The project’s final phases will target 5G Lifecycle Management through network slicing and virtual function placement.

Key Responsibilities
As a postdoctoral researcher, you’ll conduct high-impact research and publish in leading journals and conferences. You’ll have the autonomy to shape research questions within this project’s framework, collaborate with prominent European universities and industry partners, and potentially supervise Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. This role is ideal preparation for future academic or industry careers.



• Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Telecommunications, or similar field
• Knowledge of SDN-based communication networks, network virtualization, and/or network security
• Experience in communication network design and optimization
• Experience with AI/ML in network management for monitoring, security, and service provisioning
• Demonstrated ability for high-quality research with a strong publication record in Q1 journals and top conferences
• Programming skills, creativity, team spirit and openness to new ideas
• Sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.


• 5G network/system coursework and experience
• International scientific or industry collaboration experience
• Conference participation

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Family name) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: January 10, 2025
For questions, please contact:
Marija Furdek, CAOS,
[email protected], 0700877171

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

PostDoc position: Quantum experiments with levitated particles

Are you eager to explore the quantum frontier? Join us to perform cutting-edge experiments on levitated microparticles, aiming to generate quantum states in their center-of-mass motion. Leveraging our expertise in magnetically levitating superconducting microparticles, you will work in a vibrant, collaborative environment at Chalmers, within the Quantum Technology Laboratory (QTlab) and the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT). About the PostD... Visa mer
Are you eager to explore the quantum frontier? Join us to perform cutting-edge experiments on levitated microparticles, aiming to generate quantum states in their center-of-mass motion. Leveraging our expertise in magnetically levitating superconducting microparticles, you will work in a vibrant, collaborative environment at Chalmers, within the Quantum Technology Laboratory (QTlab) and the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT).

About the PostDoc project, the QTlab and WACQT
Magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles offers a unique platform to decouple the center-of-mass motion from its environment. This enables breakthroughs in ultra-sensitive force and acceleration sensing, as well as quantum experiments with macroscopic objects at scales of 10^13 atomic mass units.

In this project, you will:

• combine magnetic levitation with superconducting quantum circuits,
• achieve quantum control over the motion of levitated particles,
• design, simulate, fabricate, and experimentally test your devices, with full support and training in advanced techniques.

You will work closely with leading researchers in a multidisciplinary and collaborative setting. The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Witlef Wieczorek and supported by the QTlab’s cutting-edge facilities, including a state-of-the-art cleanroom for micro- and nanofabrication. You will contribute to an internationally recognized hub of quantum technology research.

Learn more: 

• https://www.wieczorek-lab.com
• https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/mc2/research/quantum-technology/
• https://www.chalmers.se/en/centres/wacqt/

Major responsibilities
As a PostDoc in this project, you will:

• Lead and contribute to experimental quantum research within the project scope.
• Actively develop and share your research ideas to advance the field.
• Supervise and mentor bachelor, master, or PhD students as part of your role.
• Collaborate with a diverse team in an inclusive and supportive environment.

To qualify for this position you must: 

• Have obtained a PhD degree in Physics, Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Microtechnology, Nanotechnology, or similar, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline*. 
• Have sound verbal and written communication skills in English.

It is meritorious if you have: 

• Experience with quantum optics, quantum technology, superconducting device technology and/or microfabrication.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with the possibility to extent for another year.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: March 16, 2025

For questions, please contact:
Dr. Witlef Wieczorek, Professor, MC2/QTLab
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in Nuclear Waste Management Research

Project overview We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the Nuclear Chemistry research group at Chalmers University of Technology. The research focuses on radioactive waste management, specifically on the interactions between radionuclides, cement, and iron. Intermediate-level radioactive waste (ILW) is often conditioned using concrete or stored in steel containers. In this project, you will investigate the sorption behavior of... Visa mer
Project overview

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the Nuclear Chemistry research group at Chalmers University of Technology. The research focuses on radioactive waste management, specifically on the interactions between radionuclides, cement, and iron.

Intermediate-level radioactive waste (ILW) is often conditioned using concrete or stored in steel containers. In this project, you will investigate the sorption behavior of radionuclide tracers in a mixed media of cement and iron. Key objectives include:

• Quantifying radionuclide sorption onto cement phases in the presence of iron foils.
• Exploring how iron influences the redox states of redox-sensitive radionuclides.
• Assessing the impact of Fe(II) dissolution on the sorption of other divalent metals.

The experimental work will be conducted under inert conditions in a glove-box environment. Metal oxidation states will be analyzed using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, sorption modeling on synthetic cement phases (e.g., tobermorite) using Density Functional Theory (DFT) is an integral part of the project.

Main responsibilities 

• Conduct advanced experimental research on radionuclide sorption behavior in cement phases under inert conditions.
• Perform spectroscopic analysis using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to determine metal oxidation states.
• Contribute to computational studies, including Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, to model metal sorption onto synthetic cement phases such as tobermorite.

 About the division

The Energy and Materials division at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering conducts diverse research addressing critical material and energy challenges. Our mission is to contribute to a sustainable future by improving material and energy systems across multiple applications, including:

• High-temperature corrosion prevention
• Development of advanced fuel cells
• Recycling of valuable materials
• Innovations in nuclear energy

Our collaborative and dynamic environment offers ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.


To qualify for this position, you must meet the following criteria:

• Hold a doctoral degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, awarded no more than three years before the application deadline.
• Have at least three peer-reviewed research publications.
• Possess strong verbal and written communication skills in English.

Preferred qualifications:

• Academic coursework in nuclear or radiological sciences.
• Experience working with radiotracers and/or radioactive substances.
• Proficiency in XPS analysis.

Employment terms

This is a full-time postdoctoral position with a fixed term of two years. Comprehensive supervision and support will be provided for both experimental and modeling studies.

What we offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted in English and include the following documents in PDF format (max file size 40 MB per file; ZIP files are not supported):

• Curriculum vitae

• Full CV, including a complete list of publications.
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experience.
• Contact details for two referees.

• Personal statement (1–3 pages)

• A brief introduction of yourself.
• Overview of previous research fields and main research achievements.
• Description of future research goals and focus areas.

• Other supporting documents

• Verified copies of diplomas, grades, and certificates.

Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the application is complete. Incomplete applications or applications submitted via email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 4 January 2025

Contact information

For further questions, please contact:

Dr. Stellan Holgersson, Energy & Materials 
Phone: +46 (0) 31 772 2802
Email: [email protected]


*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in AI for Healthcare

The position's field of research focuses on developing and implementing safe, transparent, and explainable AI systems using multimodal deep learning and Large Language Models (LLMs) for healthcare applications, specifically targeting the prognosis and risk prediction of Heart Failure (HF) in patients. This research integrates AI safety, explainability, and multimodal medical data analysis to enhance decision-making in clinical settings. Project descriptio... Visa mer
The position's field of research focuses on developing and implementing safe, transparent, and explainable AI systems using multimodal deep learning and Large Language Models (LLMs) for healthcare applications, specifically targeting the prognosis and risk prediction of Heart Failure (HF) in patients. This research integrates AI safety, explainability, and multimodal medical data analysis to enhance decision-making in clinical settings.

Project description
In this project, we plan to combine AI-driven telemonitoring with specialized home care to improve management of heart failure patients. Using AI, we aim to develop a predictive model identifying advanced HF patients at high mortality risk within a year. Additionally, we plan an intuitive interface, utilizing large language models to communicate predictive outcomes to healthcaregivers. Our goal is to provide cost-efficient, safe, and effective home care for advanced HF patients, tailored to individual patient needs.

This project is a close collaboration between the AIXLab@Chalmers and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. At the AIXLab, our primary objective is to develop technical solutions that enhance the usability of AI. In partnership with Sahlgrenska, we are working to advance AI-based decision-making systems, specifically designed for medical use.

Information about the division and the department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is a dynamic and highly international environment, with around 300 employees representing over 30 countries. The department operates as an integrated entity under the joint auspices of Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg. This position is located within the Cmputing Science Division, with employment at Chalmers. The research lab you will be working with is AIXLab@Chalmers (www.usableai.se).

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector. You will:

• Work closely with both Chalmers and Sahlgrenska University Hospital to develop and test your ideas and research.
• Drive the design and implementation of AI and LLM systems.
• Dedicate 20% of your time to teaching activities.

To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. 

• PhD in computer science, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, or a related field.
• Experience in Python programming, natural language processing, and multimodal deep learning.
• Driven and independent with strong interest in AI for medical applications
• The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.
• You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240643 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2025-01-31
For questions, please contact:
Assistant professor, Yinan Yu, Computing Science division, [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Post-doctoral Position in Benchmarking Sodium-Ion Batteries and Electrodes

We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher eager to contribute to advancing the knowledge in sodium-ion battery technology and its electrode materials. The role focuses on characterising performance in commercial cells and electrode materials, with a specific goal of extracting parameters for physics-based models. Project overview This is a 2-year postdoctoral position focusing on sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) and their electrode materials, with an emphasis... Visa mer
We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher eager to contribute to advancing the knowledge in sodium-ion battery technology and its electrode materials. The role focuses on characterising performance in commercial cells and electrode materials, with a specific goal of extracting parameters for physics-based models.

Project overview

This is a 2-year postdoctoral position focusing on sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) and their electrode materials, with an emphasis on evaluating their current maturity level. SIBs hold great potential as a sustainable alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for various applications. The project involves benchmarking commercial SIBs against LIBs, characterising electrode materials, and developing physics-based models.

Key responsibilities include:

• Designing, preparing, and conducting experiments, followed by thorough data analysis.
• Using experimental results to further develop existing theoretical models.
• Publishing findings in peer-reviewed journals and presenting them at international conferences.

Approximately 10–20% of your time will be allocated to departmental and teaching responsibilities.

About the division

The Division of Electric Power Engineering conducts research across a wide spectrum of topics in electric power technology. Our mission is to develop interdisciplinary research areas within the university and through collaborations with external partners. The division’s research focuses on electrified vehicles, renewable energy generation, and power system applications, including energy storage for electromobility and grid applications.

Our work is grounded in strong theoretical foundations, extensively validated through experimental verification in state-of-the-art laboratories and real-world applications. The team comprises approximately 60 members, including 20 senior researchers. We pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive and dynamic work environment that values diversity in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We encourage applicants of all genders, backgrounds, and abilities to apply.

About the department

The Division of Electric Power Engineering is one of four research divisions within the Department of Electrical Engineering, alongside Communication and Antenna Systems, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering, and Systems and Control. Our work addresses critical challenges for a sustainable future, including the growing need for efficient communication systems and electrification technologies.

The department, with about 200 employees representing over 20 nationalities, offers a vibrant and international workplace. Our team collaborates closely with academia, industry, and medical researchers, both nationally and internationally.

The department delivers approximately 100 courses, primarily within the Master's Programs in Biomedical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering, Systems, Control and Mechatronics, and Communication Engineering.

Contract terms
Full-time, temporary employment for 2 years.


To be eligible, applicants must hold a PhD awarded within the last three years in Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Material Science or similar, with strong expertise in battery technology.

Additional qualifications include:

• Knowledge of physics-based simulations, electrochemistry, mathematical modelling, or electrotechnology.
• Experience in laboratory work.
• Advanced ability to conduct scientific research.
• Proficiency in English (spoken and written).
• Knowledge of Swedish is an advantage.


Application procedure

Applications must be submitted in English and include the following:

• Statement of purpose: Explain your interest in the position, your academic interests, and how they relate to your previous studies and future goals (maximum one page).
• Curriculum vitae: Provide a comprehensive CV detailing relevant academic, professional, and other experiences.
• Degree certificates and transcripts: Include copies of your PhD degree certificate(s) and transcripts from all university-level institutions attended. Translations into English are required unless the original documents are issued in English.
• Publications or technical reports: Submit up to two documents (no more than 10 pages each). For longer works (e.g., theses), include a summary (abstract) and a link to the full document.
• References: Provide letters of recommendation or contact information for two referees.

Please use the application form at the bottom of this page to submit your application.

Application deadline: January 25th, 2025

Contact information

For inquiries, please contact:
Evelina Wikner
Assistant Professor, Division of Electric Power Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 31 772 2139


*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden - från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner; farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi.

Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, söker nu en biträdande forskare, med placering vid Sektionen för fysiologi.

Som biträdande forskare kommer du att delta i ett forskningsprojekt som fokuserar mot att studera den mänskliga känseln med registrering nervsignaler (s.k. mikroneurografi) samtidigt som huden stimuleras mekaniskt med hjälp av datorstyrda enheter som levererar exakta och upprepningsbara mekaniska och icke-smärtsamma stimuleringar av huden. Du skall självständigt arbeta med analys av insamlade data med syftet att skapa matematiska modeller av hudsinnets signalering som svar på olika typer av beröringar. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår även att deltaga i experiment med försökspersoner med insamling av data från nerver med mikroneurografi, och andra experiment där försökspersonerna anger svar på hur de uppfattar och upplever olika typer av beröringar av huden, s.k. psykofysik.

Genomgången utbildning på avancerad nivå inom matematik, neurovetenskap eller neurofysiologi är ett krav. Meriterande är dokumenterad erfarenhet av matematisk modellering av biologiska system, liksom erfarenhet av experimentellt arbete med försökspersoner. Önskvärt är erfarenhet av arbete med dataanalys i miljöerna MATLAB, R eller Python. God förmåga att uttrycka sig skriftligt och muntligt på engelska är ett krav. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningen är en tillsvidareanställning, 10% av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse. Provanställning kan komma att tillämpas.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta professor Johan Wessberg, tfn: +46 31 786 35 06, e-post: [email protected].

Ansvarig chef är universitetslektor/sektionschef Lars-Gunnar Pettersson, tfn: +46 31 786 35 07, e-post: [email protected].

Ansökningshandlingar skickas inte till kontaktpersonerna.

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar 

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-12-20.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in computational mathematics

Are you passionate about mathematics and eager to contribute to groundbreaking research in stochastic analysis, geometry, and computational methods? Join our team at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in a two-year postdoctoral position focused on time-evolving stochastic manifolds, funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant and the Swedish Research Council. Project description You will join a research project on time-evolving stochastic manifolds, led by A... Visa mer
Are you passionate about mathematics and eager to contribute to groundbreaking research in stochastic analysis, geometry, and computational methods? Join our team at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in a two-year postdoctoral position focused on time-evolving stochastic manifolds, funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant and the Swedish Research Council.

Project description
You will join a research project on time-evolving stochastic manifolds, led by Annika Lang, and supported by ERC and VR funding. This interdisciplinary project integrates elements of:

• Stochastic analysis
• Geometry
• Partial differential equations
• Computational mathematics

For further details about the project, visit Annika Lang’s webpage.

Information about the division and the department
The Department of Mathematical Sciences, jointly operated by Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, is Sweden’s largest mathematics department, with about 200 employees. We are organized into three divisions: Algebra and Geometry, Analysis and Probability Theory, Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

Our department is renowned for its vibrant international environment, active research collaborations, and diverse academic programs, including two Master’s programs in mathematics. Faculty and researchers are committed to excellence in both teaching and research, supported by frequent interactions with global academic institutions.

The Division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics specializes in areas such as biomathematics, mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, mathematical statistics, and expanding fields like data science and machine learning.

We strive to be a parent-friendly, equality-driven organization that fosters diversity and inclusivity. For more details, visit our website: math.chalmers.se

Major responsibilities

• Conduct independent research on topics related to the project.
• Communicate scientific results through presentations and publications.
• Collaborate with researchers in the department and external partners.
• Contribute to the supervision of Master’s and PhD students.
• Optional teaching duties (up to 20%) may be included by agreement.


• Required:

• A PhD in mathematics, applied mathematics, or a closely related field awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service. 
• Current PhD students are welcome to apply for the position if the PhD studies are supposed to be completed by September 1, 2025. 
• Strong background in mathematics.
• Proficiency in English, both oral and written.

• Meritorious:

• Expertise in stochastic analysis, numerical analysis, differential geometry, or computational methods for stochastic PDEs.
• Experience with random fields, programming, or mathematical statistics.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240628 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.
• Relevant work.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-12-16

For questions, please contact:
Irina Pettersson, [email protected]?????
Annika Lang, [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Modelling cities and buildings in the integrated energy system

Are you passionate about creating sustainable energy solutions? This postdoc position offers an exciting opportunity to delve into the intersection of building heating demands, urban energy systems, and the transition to renewable electricity. By applying advanced energy system modelling, you will explore how buildings in urban environments can provide smart, flexible solutions to stabilize electricity systems and support the integration of renewable energ... Visa mer
Are you passionate about creating sustainable energy solutions? This postdoc position offers an exciting opportunity to delve into the intersection of building heating demands, urban energy systems, and the transition to renewable electricity. By applying advanced energy system modelling, you will explore how buildings in urban environments can provide smart, flexible solutions to stabilize electricity systems and support the integration of renewable energy sources.

Project description
Integration is central to smart energy systems. Through integration, smart energy-efficient solutions are created. Buildings constitute a large part of the energy system and heat constitutes a large part of building's energy needs. Building's heating demand is thus central to creating smart integrated solutions. The electricity system is characterized by an increasing share of intermittent power. With the flexibility the heating system can offer the electricity system, buildings in cities can contribute to stabilizing the electricity system and thus to a greater proportion of renewable electricity being managed. This project, with the help of energy system modelling, will analyze how urban buildings can offer the electricity system flexibility in smart ways.

Information about the division 
At the Division of Energy Technology, we conduct research and offer education in energy technology and energy systems. Our work is characterised by the combination of systems-level projects with research on energy transformation and transition processes, and our participation in a great number of national and international research projects. The division is highly international with staff of many nationalities. The research of the Energy System Group focuses on energy transitions, sustainable energy systems, and energy systems technology with a particular emphasis on modelling analysis of transitions of the power, heat and transport sectors and on sectoral interactions.

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. PhD in energy systems assessment and modelling etc.

Experience/knowledge of: energy systems assessment and modelling, local energy systems, energy in cities, energy in buildings, urban climate transitions, spatial aspects of energy, sectoral linkages, mixed methods approaches, and stakeholder interviews. Excellent writing and communication skills in English are required.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
The time period for the position is two years with a possible one-year extension.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240634 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2025-01-31
For questions, please contact:
Professor Erik Ahlgren, Energy Technology, [email protected], 031-7725247
Professor Simon Harvey, Energy Technology, [email protected], 031-7728531

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoktor i neurovetenskap

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner; farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi.

Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, söker nu en postdoktor, med placering vid Sektionen för fysiologi.

Postdoktorn kommer att vara delaktig i ett prekliniskt forskningsprojekt vars övergripande syfte är att utöka kunskapen om hur långverkande GLP-1R-agonister verkar i hjärnan för att orsaka viktnedgång. Projektet startades 2021.


Vår forskning syftar till att förstå hur långverkande GLP-1R-agonister engagerar neuronala populationer för att orsaka minskat födointag och viktnedgång. Vi använder oss av in vivo-studier i transgena möss där vi kan selektivt manipulera populationer av neuroner som svarar på GLP-1R-agonister med hjälp av kemogenetik, optogenetik och ablationer. Förutom födointag och kroppsvikt, kan vi bl.a. studera mössens energiförbrukning och substratanvändning. Vi kombinerar dessa in vivo-studier med modern histologi, både på protein-nivå och RNA-nivå. Resultatet av vår forskning kan bidra till att identifiera nya “targets” för en mer riktad behandling mot fetma, med färre biverkningar. Vår forskning kommer också att bidra till en utökad förståelse för hur hjärnan kontrollerar vår energibalans.

Postdoktorn kommer att vara en viktig del av vår forskargrupp och förväntas aktivt och självständigt driva ett specifikt forskningsprojekt, med stöd från handledare och övriga gruppmedlemmar. Arbetet omfattar att planera, organisera och utföra in vivo-experiment i transgena möss. Arbetet inkluderar stereotaktisk kirurgi, kemo- och optogenetik (inklusive fiberfotometri), metabol fenotypning, födointagsregistreringar samt beteendestudier med fokus på aversion och födointagspreferenser. Vidare förväntas postdoktorn arbeta med in situ-hybridisering och immunofluorescens. Postdoktorn förväntas aktivt delta vid gruppmöten, ansvara för dokumentation rörande det egna projektet, delta i författandet av vetenskapliga artiklar, samt vara behjälplig med mentorskap till studenter/doktorander.

Behörighet för anställning som lärare regleras i Högskoleförordningen 4 Kap och Göteborgs universitets anställningsordning. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som har avlagt doktorsexamen, konstnärlig doktorsexamen eller som har en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga i första hand, om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor för denna anställning är den som innehar doktorsexamen inom relevant ämnesområde, dvs. neurovetenskap/biologi/metabolism, med inriktning mot födointagsreglering.

Den sökande bör ha solid erfarenhet av djurexperimentell verksamhet (mus) där dokumenterad erfarenhet av t.ex. stereotaktiska injektioner, kemo- och optogenetik samt beteendestudier i förhållande till aversiva beteenden/födointag är starkt meriterande. Det är även meriterande med praktisk erfarenhet av histologiska tekniker och konfokal-mikroskopi.

Andra viktiga kvalifikationer är utmärkta muntliga och skriftliga kunskaper i engelska, publikationer som förstaförfattare i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Vi värdesätter en sökande som uppskattar samarbete och öppen kommunikation och som är organiserad och effektiv. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning i 2 år, 100% av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse. 

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta forskare Linda Engström Ruud, tfn: +46 766 183 513, e-post: [email protected]

Ansvarig chef är universitetslektor/sektionschef Lars-Gunnar Pettersson, tfn: +46 31 786 35 07, e-post: [email protected]

Ansökningshandlingar skickas inte till kontaktpersonerna.

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: ?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Intyg om doktorsexaman bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-12-16.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in UV-blue surface-emitting lasers

As the successful candidate you will play an essential role in the development of UV VCSELs. These devices have potential applications in lithography, disinfection, medical analysis and treatment, material processing, meteorology etc. You will be given the opportunity to work in one of the world-leading groups in the area and combine device characterization with simulations or device fabrication, in close collaboration with other partners who are experts o... Visa mer
As the successful candidate you will play an essential role in the development of UV VCSELs. These devices have potential applications in lithography, disinfection, medical analysis and treatment, material processing, meteorology etc. You will be given the opportunity to work in one of the world-leading groups in the area and combine device characterization with simulations or device fabrication, in close collaboration with other partners who are experts on epitaxial growth. 

Information about the research group and the project
The Photonics Laboratory at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), with about 35 researchers, is working on optoelectronics, ultrafast optics and fiber-optical communication. A strong research focus is on ultraviolet (UV) and blue surface-emitting devices, such as vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), photonic-crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and resonant-cavity LEDs (RCLEDs). Our expertise is in device design and simulation, laser fabrication, and material and device characterization. We have developed a novel thin-film lift-off process for AlGaN-materials based on electrochemical etching, which allows integration of III-nitride thin films with various photonic structures, such as dielectric cavities with improved quality factor. These have enabled us to demonstrate the world’s first blue VCSEL with a high-contrast grating for polarization pinning, thin-film flip-chip UVB LEDs and the shortest emission wavelength from an optically pumped VCSEL at 310 nm. We are now expanding our team to push the development of our UV VCSELs, where our main goal is to demonstrate electrically injected deep-UV VCSELs.

Main responsibilities and information about the position
We are looking for a postdoc who would be interested in fabrication and characterization of UV VCSELs, using state-of-the-art equipment in our clean room. The work will be conducted in close collaboration with external partners who develop and grow the epitaxial material. In these positions, teaching is not required. The contract is a full-time temporary employment of 1 + 1 year.

By the starting date in February - May 2025, you must have a PhD degree, with knowledge in semiconductor device simulations, fabrication, or characterization, preferably involving III-nitride-materials. Hands-on experience in (photo)electrochemical etching of III-nitrides will be a strong merit. Knowledge about epitaxial growth of III-nitrides is also regarded as an asset. Important personal qualities are enthusiasm, ability to drive and conclude projects independently, creativity and problem-solving ability. Good cooperation and social abilities are also appreciated. Excellent communication skills in spoken and written English are necessary. 

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240614 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates. 
Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-12-15
For questions, please contact:
Åsa Haglund, Professor 
[email protected]
Shumin Wang, Professor
[email protected]
Web page: Wide bandgap optoelectronics

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in Chemical Process Engineering

Background Food production is responsible for one-third of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, an unsustainable trajectory as the global population continues to rise. Regardless of the type of food—current or novel—prolonging shelf lives is crucial, often requiring water removal processes such as evaporation. Improving the efficiency of food processing while preventing unintended modifications to protein structures, which can trigger food allergies, is... Visa mer
Food production is responsible for one-third of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, an unsustainable trajectory as the global population continues to rise. Regardless of the type of food—current or novel—prolonging shelf lives is crucial, often requiring water removal processes such as evaporation. Improving the efficiency of food processing while preventing unintended modifications to protein structures, which can trigger food allergies, is a vital area of research.

Project overview
This project focuses on Chemical Process Engineering, with an emphasis on understanding protein behavior at the molecular level during falling-film evaporation (FFE)—a process widely applied to thermally sensitive foods such as milk and alternative proteins. By employing molecular dynamics simulations, you will explore protein interactions and changes under specific processing conditions.

The project is aligned with broader sustainability goals, including the development of innovative processes to manufacture chemicals, materials, and fuels from renewable sources. These challenges also extend to areas such as recycling, process intensification, and energy-efficient systems. Achieving these objectives requires a detailed understanding of fundamental unit operations (e.g., separation, mixing, distillation, drying, filtration) and heat/mass transfer mechanisms.

This project emphasizes mathematical modeling, aiming to enhance both fundamental and applied research within Chemical Process Engineering. The project is in collaboration with the Fluid Mechanics division to integrate new, inter-disciplinary perspectives. Through fostering new alliances and collaborative efforts, this research will address current and emerging challenges relevant to society and industry, contributing significantly to the realization of a sustainable future.

Your main responsibilities

The key responsibility as postdoc is to independently drive the research to bridge gaps in the knowledge base. The position will involve reporting current research results in both written and oral forms, as well as authoring scientific research publications.??

You should have, or expect to soon obtain, a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering or a related subject area, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Experience with molecular dynamics simulation is required.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. 

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

The Division of Chemical Engineering
The Division of Chemical Engineering includes the following groups: Chemical process and Reaction Engineering, Forest Products, and Chemical Engineering. We have a wide range of experience and work both experimentally and with modeling. We have a long tradition of working with both fundamental scientific questions and applied problems together with industry. We collaborate with for example the forest, pharmaceuticals, food science, chemistry and automotive industries and their equipment manufacturers. We also participate in many international networks with both companies and universities.

What we offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV:  including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: 
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 25 December, 2024

For questions, please contact:

Professor Jia Chew, Chemical Engineering
[email protected], +46 0720 325 486

Professor Srdjan Sasic, Fluid Dynamics, Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
[email protected], +46 31 772 5238


*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Post-doc in Sustainable and innovative wastewater treatment

We are seeking an independent and motivated post-doctoral researcher interested in working on novel technology within the field of environmental biotechnology, with a particular focus on wastewater treatment, process innovation, and microbiology. While the primary focus of this position is research, you will also have opportunities to engage in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Project overview This research project aims to... Visa mer
We are seeking an independent and motivated post-doctoral researcher interested in working on novel technology within the field of environmental biotechnology, with a particular focus on wastewater treatment, process innovation, and microbiology. While the primary focus of this position is research, you will also have opportunities to engage in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Project overview
This research project aims to advance a novel wastewater treatment technology by integrating the aerobic granular sludge process with a bioelectrochemical sensor for direct measurement of volatile fatty acids (VFA), thereby optimizing process performance. The project will be conducted within the Division of Water Environment Technology (WET) at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in collaboration with Gryaab, the municipal company managing the wastewater treatment plant for the Gothenburg region.

As a post-doctoral researcher, you will join our Wastewater Management and Environmental Biotechnology research group, working alongside four senior researchers and a project assistant. Our research spans microbial ecology theory to process engineering, with areas of interest including anammox, fermentation, microbial electrochemistry, aerobic granular sludge, moving bed biofilm reactors, micropollutant removal, and recirculating aquaculture systems. Projects are often carried out in partnership with municipalities, R&D companies, and consultants.

Main responsibilities

• Conduct independent research within a collaborative research group.
• Contribute to undergraduate and master's level teaching, as well as supervise master's and/or PhD students as appropriate.
• Engage in collaboration within the academic community and with external societal partners.
• Build a track record that supports future research opportunities in academia, industry, or the public sector.

In this project, you will operate an AGS pilot plant. You will evaluate the process performance in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus removal and granulation properties at different VFA availability levels. You will use various molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics tools to study how the microbial communities are influenced by VFA availability and how this is related to process performance. Finally, you will test the developed bioelectrochemical-based sensor to dynamically control the duration of the anaerobic feeding phase to ensure sufficient VFA availability for the microorganisms.


• PhD in a relevant field awarded within the last three years.
• Practical experience with wastewater process technology, including operation of pilot- and/or lab-scale reactors.
• Experience in bioelectrochemical systems, as well as skills in DNA extraction, PCR, and interpretation of amplicon sequencing and/or metagenomics data, are highly desirable.
• Proven ability to work independently and lead the preparation of scientific publications and reports.
• Strong verbal and written English communication skills.

Terms of employment
This full-time post-doctoral position is temporary, with a duration of two years.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application process
Your application must be written in English and include the following documents, submitted as PDFs (maximum size 40 MB per file; the system does not support zip files):

• CV: Include a complete list of publications, previous teaching and pedagogical experiences, and contact information for two references.
• Personal letter: 1-3 pages where you introduce yourself, outline your previous research areas and main research outcomes, and describe your future goals and research interests
• Supporting documents: Attested copies of completed education, grades, and relevant certificates.

Important: The applicant is responsible for ensuring the application is complete. Incomplete applications and those submitted via email will not be considered.

Application deadline: December 31, 2024

Contact information for questions:
Professor Britt-Marie Wilén
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 31-772 2153

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa ryms utbildningsprogram, fristående kurser och uppdragsutbildninga... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa ryms utbildningsprogram, fristående kurser och uppdragsutbildningar på grund- och avancerad nivå inom huvudområdena omvårdnad, radiografi, reproduktiv och perinatal hälsa samt forskarutbildning inom vårdvetenskap. Vid institutionen finns också ett antal forskargrupper och forskningsprofilen är personcentrerad vård. En centrumbildning finns vid institutionen, centrum för personcentrerad vård (GPCC). För mer information om institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa besök www.caresci.gu.se

Vi söker en postdoktor till ett pågående forskningsprojekt
Forskningsprojektet syftar till att utveckla en stödintervention för personer med maligna hjärntumörer och deras närstående. Innehavaren av tjänsten kommer att vara en del av forskargruppen Vård vid långvariga tillstånd: barnsjukvård, neurosjukvård och palliativ vård, och projektet genomförs i nära samarbete med forskargruppen Klinisk hjärntumörforskning vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, Sahlgrenska akademin. Projektet använder både kvalitativa och kvantitativa analyser.

I rollen som postdoktor blir du en del av forskarnätverket inom hjärntumörforskning vid Sahlgrenska akademin. Fokus kommer att ligga på att utveckla, anpassa, utvärdera och implementera stödinterventionen. Du förväntas vara delaktig i flera projekt samtidigt och arbeta både självständigt och i multidisciplinära arbetsgrupper.

Du kommer att ha en aktiv roll i utveckling av stödinterventionen och ansvara för datainsamling, dataanalys och bearbetning av manus. Detta arbete sker i nära samarbete med projektets huvudansvariga forskare (PI) och med andra medforskare.  Inledningsvis kommer du att delta i en studie där stödinterventionen ska utformas. Därefter kommer interventionen att testas, vidareutvecklas och slutligen implementeras. Du kommer även att samarbeta med forskargruppen i planeringen av studier, insamling av data, databearbetning, analys och tolkning av resultat samt rapportering genom vetenskapliga publikationer och presentationer, både nationellt och internationellt, och förväntas vara delaktig i utvecklingen av forskargruppens framtida verksamhet.

Arbetet inkluderar dessutom ansvar för dialog med berörda verksamheter och allmänheten, för att säkerställa att forskningen kommer till praktisk nytta.

För övrig information, kvalifikationer och behörighetskrav samt för att söka anställningen se den fullständiga annonsen på https://www.gu.se/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar 
Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Post-doc in Sustainable and innovative wastewater treatment

We are seeking an independent and motivated post-doctoral researcher interested in working on novel technology within the field of environmental biotechnology, with a particular focus on wastewater treatment, process innovation, and microbiology. While the primary focus of this position is research, you will also have opportunities to engage in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Project overview This research project aims to... Visa mer
We are seeking an independent and motivated post-doctoral researcher interested in working on novel technology within the field of environmental biotechnology, with a particular focus on wastewater treatment, process innovation, and microbiology. While the primary focus of this position is research, you will also have opportunities to engage in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Project overview
This research project aims to advance a novel wastewater treatment technology by integrating the aerobic granular sludge process with a bioelectrochemical sensor for direct measurement of volatile fatty acids (VFA), thereby optimizing process performance. The project will be conducted within the Division of Water Environment Technology (WET) at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in collaboration with Gryaab, the municipal company managing the wastewater treatment plant for the Gothenburg region.

As a post-doctoral researcher, you will join our Wastewater Management and Environmental Biotechnology research group, working alongside four senior researchers and a project assistant. Our research spans microbial ecology theory to process engineering, with areas of interest including anammox, fermentation, microbial electrochemistry, aerobic granular sludge, moving bed biofilm reactors, micropollutant removal, and recirculating aquaculture systems. Projects are often carried out in partnership with municipalities, R&D companies, and consultants.

Main responsibilities

• Conduct independent research within a collaborative research group.
• Contribute to undergraduate and master's level teaching, as well as supervise master's and/or PhD students as appropriate.
• Engage in collaboration within the academic community and with external societal partners.
• Build a track record that supports future research opportunities in academia, industry, or the public sector.

In this project, you will operate an AGS pilot plant. You will evaluate the process performance in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus removal and granulation properties at different VFA availability levels. You will use various molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics tools to study how the microbial communities are influenced by VFA availability and how this is related to process performance. Finally, you will test the developed bioelectrochemical-based sensor to dynamically control the duration of the anaerobic feeding phase to ensure sufficient VFA availability for the microorganisms.


• PhD in a relevant field awarded within the last three years.
• Practical experience with wastewater process technology, including operation of pilot- and/or lab-scale reactors.
• Experience in bioelectrochemical systems, as well as skills in DNA extraction, PCR, and interpretation of amplicon sequencing and/or metagenomics data, are highly desirable.
• Proven ability to work independently and lead the preparation of scientific publications and reports.
• Strong verbal and written English communication skills.

Terms of employment
This full-time post-doctoral position is temporary, with a duration of two years.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application process
Your application must be written in English and include the following documents, submitted as PDFs (maximum size 40 MB per file; the system does not support zip files):

• CV: Include a complete list of publications, previous teaching and pedagogical experiences, and contact information for two references.
• Personal letter: 1-3 pages where you introduce yourself, outline your previous research areas and main research outcomes, and describe your future goals and research interests
• Supporting documents: Attested copies of completed education, grades, and relevant certificates.

Important: The applicant is responsible for ensuring the application is complete. Incomplete applications and those submitted via email will not be considered.

Application deadline: December 18, 2024

Contact information for questions:
Professor Britt-Marie Wilén
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 31-772 2153

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in Development of High burn up structure SIMFuel Analogues

Nuclear energy is a versatile, flexible, and low-carbon power source that plays a critical role in the transition toward a decarbonized economy. A key aspect of ensuring the safety and efficiency of nuclear power is understanding the behavior of nuclear fuel at high burn-up levels. Such insights are vital for extending the safe operating range of nuclear fuel and for the handling of post-irradiation materials. Project overview The primary objective of thi... Visa mer
Nuclear energy is a versatile, flexible, and low-carbon power source that plays a critical role in the transition toward a decarbonized economy. A key aspect of ensuring the safety and efficiency of nuclear power is understanding the behavior of nuclear fuel at high burn-up levels. Such insights are vital for extending the safe operating range of nuclear fuel and for the handling of post-irradiation materials.

Project overview
The primary objective of this project is to develop a novel process for producing plutonium-bearing UO? SIMFuel pellets. This process will focus on controlling the metal content, metal distribution, and microstructure of the pellets to better simulate real-world conditions.

Spent nuclear fuel contains a complex mixture of chemical elements and microstructural characteristics. To study the impact of individual elements on fuel behavior, simplified fuel analogs, known as SIMFuels, are often employed. These analogs allow for detailed research without the significant challenges posed by handling real irradiated fuel.

In this project, homogeneous U-Pu oxide fuel will be fabricated and thoroughly characterized. The aim is to produce nanometric (U,Pu)O? solid solution particles, which will be sintered into pellets with an ultra-fine grain size to mimic high burn-up structure zones found in spent nuclear fuel. This work will contribute to advancing the understanding of microstructural features in spent fuel, which have yet to be accurately reproduced in simulated systems.

This position is funded by the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority and will be carried out within the Nuclear Chemistry Group at the Division of Energy and Materials, Chalmers University of Technology.

About the division and the research group
The Division of Energy and Materials, Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling group at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering covers a broad range of research topics. We have more than 50 years of experience in these fields and we are driven by curiosity and boldness. Our research (aside hydrometallurgy applied in various non-nuclear applications), is devoted to the development of a closed nuclear fuel cycle (fuel research, waste management through recycling of spent nuclear fuel for separation for transmutation, novel fuel developments, final repository research) as well as safety of reactors from chemical point of view (current and Gen IV systems) as well as research on severe nuclear accidents.

Key responsibilities
As a Postdoc, your work will focus on key scientific questions related to your project. Specifically, you will investigate direct oxide precipitation from oxidation-state-controlled actinide solution mixtures. This work will involve handling highly radioactive materials, requiring operations in specialized glovebox systems.

In addition to your research, you will help maintain the laboratory systems to ensure a safe working environment. You are also expected to provide mentorship and support to PhD and Master's students, particularly in scientific integrity, subject knowledge, and safe laboratory practices.

To be considered for this position, you must hold a doctoral degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Reactor Physics, or a closely related field awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). A background in solution chemistry, solid-state chemistry, and electrochemistry is highly desirable.

Hands-on experience in practical chemical laboratory work is essential. Applications lacking documented lab work experience will not be considered.

You should also demonstrate the ability to work in a multicultural environment. Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of a Nordic language is a plus.

Terms of employment
This postdoctoral position is a full-time, temporary role for two to three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240516 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 13 December, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Marcus Hedberg, Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling
[email protected] Visa mindre

Postdoc in optical quantum networks

We offer a position at a prestigious technical university known for generating knowledge and fostering skills for a sustainable future. You will work alongside engaged, ambitious colleagues from both industry and academia in a creative, international, and dynamic working environment. Project overview Quantum networks are poised to surpass classical networks in terms of computing power and security. As a critical component of classical networks, the flexi... Visa mer
We offer a position at a prestigious technical university known for generating knowledge and fostering skills for a sustainable future. You will work alongside engaged, ambitious colleagues from both industry and academia in a creative, international, and dynamic working environment.

Project overview

Quantum networks are poised to surpass classical networks in terms of computing power and security. As a critical component of classical networks, the flexible optical fiber communication network must adapt to facilitate the transition to new communication and computing paradigms by connecting quantum processors in a networked configuration. This project focuses on deploying and enhancing quantum networks, with particular attention to switching techniques designed for quantum applications.

We seek a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral researcher to contribute to developing a state-of-the-art quantum network testbed to enable scalable quantum information exchange among quantum nodes through optical networking techniques. The successful candidate will focus on creating and managing a network environment that ensures end-to-end connectivity and resource allocation while maintaining quantum coherence.

About the division and the department

The Division of Communications, Antennas, and Optical Networks at the Department of Electrical Engineering conducts cutting-edge research covering several aspects of communication infrastructures. The Optical Networks (ON) group performs research in network architecture design and optimization, control and management, data center networks, fiber access and mobile transport networks, network sustainability, reliability, security, and survivability, and converged fiber-wireless networks.

Major responsibilities

• Develop a quantum network testbed: Design, establish, and develop a testbed for scalable quantum networking, focusing on implementing and managing optical-domain switching while preserving quantum properties.
• Advanced switching and routing: Develop and optimize routing protocols to support high-fidelity, low-loss quantum information exchange.
• Resource management and routing: Manage network resources to enable efficient entanglement distribution with high fidelity, incorporating load-balancing strategies suitable for quantum data flow.
• Conduct proof-of-concept experiments to validate network performance metrics such as latency and reliability.
• Carry out research in quantum network routing and develop novel protocols for quantum networking, with results presented in major journals and conferences.


• PhD in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, or a related field with a specialization in quantum networks, optical networks, or photonics, awarded no more than three years before the application deadline.
• Strong optical switching and routing technologies expertise, with practical knowledge of quantum communication principles.
• Hands-on experience with optical network simulation, testbed development, and high-fidelity optical components.
• Proficiency in managing end-to-end optical paths within networked systems, including skills in optical resource allocation and routing protocols.
• Excellent problem-solving abilities and a demonstrated capacity for independent, innovative research.
• Proven ability and motivation to conduct high-quality research.
• Strong publication record in quantum networking, optical switching, or related areas.
• Capability to work both independently and collaboratively in a dynamic research environment.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
• Open and collaborative mindset.

Preferred qualifications

• Background in entanglement distribution and error correction techniques.
• Experience working within cross-disciplinary teams on optical and quantum integration projects.
• Strong publication record in quantum networking, optical switching, or related disciplines.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time, temporary employment for two years.

What we offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Applications must be marked with 20240607 and submitted in English, attached as PDF files. The maximum file size for each document is 40 MB. Note that the system does not support ZIP files.

Application components:

• CV: Include a complete list of publications and previous teaching and pedagogical experiences. Provide contact information for two references.
• Personal letter: (1-3 pages) Introduce yourself, describe your previous research areas and main results, and outline your future goals and research focus.
• Other documents: Attested copies of completed education, grades, and other certificates.

Use the button at the bottom of the page to access the application form. Please ensure your application is complete, as incomplete applications and those submitted via email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 30 January, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Dr. Rui Lin, ON Unit - [email protected], +46 317727026
Prof. Paolo Monti, ON Unit - [email protected], +46 317726027

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Forskningsbiträde inom miljötoxikologi

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap (BioEnv) finns utbildnings- och forskningsverksamhet som st... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap (BioEnv) finns utbildnings- och forskningsverksamhet som sträcker sig från fjällvärldens ekosystem, genom skog, mark och vattendrag, hela vägen ut i havet. I dessa miljöer arbetar vi med olika biologiska organisationsnivåer från gener, via individer och populationer till samhällen och ekosystem. Vi arbetar inom ekologi, evolution, fysiologi, systematik och kombinationer av dessa ämnesområden för att förstå betydelsen av naturliga och av människan skapade miljöförändringar.

Institutionens verksamhet bedrivs på två olika platser, GU:s lokaler i Natrium på Medicinaregatan 7B i Göteborg samt på Kristineberg marina forskningsstation som drivs av den Marina infrastrukturen vid Göteborgs universitet. Den aktuella anställningen är förlagd till lokalerna i Natrium.

Vi erbjuder

Göteborg universitet är en statlig myndighet vilket innebär särskilda förmåner, mer semester och bra pension. Vi erbjuder även flextidsavtal för en balans mellan privatliv och arbetet. Du kan läsa mer om våra anställningsförmåner här.  

Anställningen som forskningsbiträde kommer att vara inom ramen för ett projekt som rör svensk och europeisk marine miljöövervakning. Syftet med projektet är att integrera befintliga miljöövervakningsdata och föreslå lämpligt miljöövervakningsprogram för Östersjön. En stor del av arbetet är att skriva alternativt förbättra protokoll och guidlines för biologiska effekt metoder, detta för att harmonisera metodbeskrivningar med dom som finns i ICES databaser.

Arbetsuppgifterna består främst i att skriva protokoll och vetenskapliga sammanställningar om biologiska effekt markörer. Protokollen ska skrivas enligt standardiserade templat från ICES. Utöver författande består tjänsten även i att sammanställa befintlig biologisk effekt- samt miljökemi data i en databas som kommer möjliggöra integrering och djupare analyser av data från 20 åriga mätserier. Arbetsuppgiften är teoretisk och rör endast befintliga metodologi och data som finns lagrad i olika databaser.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning under två månader, omfattning 100 %, med placering tills vidare vid institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap. Tillträde 2024-12-27 eller enligt överenskommelse. 

Behörig att anställas som forskningsbiträde är den som genomgått universitetsutbildning på avancerad nivå, med tonvikt på miljövetenskap eller ekotoxikologi.

Vi söker en motiverad person för en anställning som forskningsbiträde inom miljötoxikologi med särskild inriktning mot miljöövervakning.

Ett krav för tjänsten är at den sökande har erfarenhet av rapportskrivning, både vetenskaplig och till myndigheter. Utöver det är det meriterande om den sökande har erfarenhet av att arbeta med biologiska effekt data och att sammanställa dessa i Excel och i olika databaser. God förmåga att muntligt och skriftligt kommunicera på svenska och engelska är ett krav då vi arbetar i en internationell miljö.

Ansökan kan skrivas på svenska eller engelska och ska innehålla:

• Ett personligt brev med beskrivning av dina erfarenheter och hur du uppfyller de kriterier som anges i annonsen
• En meritförteckning (CV)
• Kopia på examensbevis

De högst rankade sökande kallas till en intervju som kan genomföras via zoom.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta:

Professor Joachim Sturve
tel. 0766-183688
e-post:  [email protected]

Åsa Arrhenius, Head of Department
tel. +46 31 786 26 25
e-post: [email protected]

Har du frågor om anställningsförfarandet är du välkommen att kontakta HR vid instititutionen [email protected].

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-28

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi vid Sahlgrenska akademin bedrivs omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden - från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner; farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi.

Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, söker nu en forskare för mätningar av hormonfrisättning från pankreatiska öar kombinerat med optogenetik med placering vid Sektionen för fysiologi.

Vi söker en motiverad forskare för att bedriva studier inom fältet reglering av hormonfrisättning från langerhanska cellöar. Fokus för projektet är att undersöka hur elektrisk aktivitet och parakrin signalering påverkar hormonfrisättning. Transgena möss som uttrycker optogenetiska verktyg kommer att användas för dessa studier.

Forskningsuppgiften syftar till att:

• Undersöka hormonfrisättning från icke ?-celler i intakta langerhanska öar som utvunnits från mus och mänskliga pankreas
• Undersöka det parakrina och elektriska samspelet mellan de olika cellslagen i langerhanska öar med hjälp av optogenetiska verktyg
• Utveckla befintliga samt nya metoder för användandet av optogenetiska verktyg i samband med mätning av hormonfrisättning från langerhanska öar
• Utveckla, karakterisera och upprätthålla avel av transgena muslinjer

Tekniker som kommer att användas inom projektet och som den ansökande förutsätts ha erfarenhet av inkluderar:

• Isolering av langerhanska öar från möss
• Mätning av hormonfrisättning (insulin, glukagon och somatostatin) i samband med ljusaktivering av optogenetiska verktyg med hjälp av egenutvecklad apparatur
• Två-foton och konfokal fluorescensmikroskopi av levande och fixerad vävnad och cellkultur

Användandet av optogenetiska verktyg i langerhanska öar är en förhållandevis ny teknik utan kommersiella lösningar, i projektet ingår därför att utveckla och förbättra vår speciellt framtagna utrustning för ändamålet.

I arbetsuppgifterna ingår även handledning av studenter.

För anställningen krävs doktorsexamen inom relevant ämnesområde. Tidigare erfarenhet av experimentell forskning på langerhanska öar, i synnerhet mätning av hormonfrisättning samt två-fotons och confocal fluorescensmikroskopi kombinerat med optogenetik, är ett krav. Sökande med erfarenhet av metoder inom molekylärbiologi som antikroppsinfärgning och ELISA samt i att på egen hand utveckla metoder och verktyg för att mäta hormonfrisättning med samtidig ljusstimulering kommer att prioriteras.

Den sökande bör ha publicerat i internationella tidskrifter eller på annat sätt kunna visa erfarenhet av relevans för arbetsuppgifterna.

Vi söker en person med förmåga att arbeta självständigt inom överenskomna ramar samt med goda organisatoriska färdigheter. God förmåga att uttrycka sig skriftligt och muntligt på engelska förutsätts. Stor vikt kommer att läggas på personlig lämplighet.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning i 11 månader, 100% av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta professor Patrik Rorsman, tfn: +46 31 786 68 07, e-post: [email protected].

Ansvarig chef är universitetslektor/sektionschef Lars-Gunnar Pettersson, tfn: +46 31 786 35 07, e-post: [email protected]

Ansökningshandlingar skickas inte till kontaktpersonerna.

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar 

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Intyg om doktorsexamen bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-12-05.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Post-doc in prospective LCA of advanced wood-based products and processes

Are you passionate about using your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) expertise to advance the development of sustainable, wood-based products and processes? Do you thrive in collaborative team environments? Are you eager to enhance methods and practices in LCA? If so, you may be the ideal candidate for this postdoctoral position! About the Role This position is based within the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis at the Department of Technology Managem... Visa mer
Are you passionate about using your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) expertise to advance the development of sustainable, wood-based products and processes? Do you thrive in collaborative team environments? Are you eager to enhance methods and practices in LCA? If so, you may be the ideal candidate for this postdoctoral position!

About the Role
This position is based within the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. Our division is dedicated to environmental and sustainability assessments of various technical systems, aiming to address environmental challenges and resource limitations through a systems approach. Our work extends beyond technology to include actors (such as organizations, groups, and individuals) and natural systems, embracing interdisciplinary perspectives. Our team brings together expertise across engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences to build a sustainable future.

Key Responsibilities

• Conduct prospective Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on advanced wood-based products and processes.
• Collaborate closely with researchers from the Wallenberg Wood Science Centre (WWSC) to select specific products and processes to study, potentially including:
• Nanocellulose-based membranes for battery applications.
• Wood separation processes.

LCA activities will range from:

• Lab-scale assessments to identify early environmental impacts and compare options.
• Prospective LCA to explore full life cycles.

Insights from LCA research will be used to provide guidance on how to enhance the environmental performance of studied products and processes.

To be successful in this role, you should have:

• A PhD in a relevant area, such as Life Cycle Assessment of biobased products or Sustainability Assessment in contexts of relevance (To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline.)
• A strong foundation from bachelor’s and master’s studies in areas like chemical engineering, environmental engineering, or industrial ecology, with coursework in e.g. Life Cycle Assessment, Biorefineries, or Pulp and Paper Engineering.
• Excellent English communication skills and experience of working in cross-disciplinary teams.
• Experience in publishing research in scientific journals.

Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

This is an exciting opportunity to apply your LCA expertise in a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary setting focused on sustainable advancements in wood-based technology.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240609 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-12-11

For questions, please contact:
Magdalena Svanström, ESA, head of division, [email protected], +46 31 772 3001

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Electrochemistry and Organic Electronics

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join our dynamic research group at Chalmers University of Technology. As a key member of our organic electronics team, you will focus on electrochemical doping and wearable electronics. Your primary goal will be to investigate how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles and develop wearable electronic devices that leverage these ch... Visa mer
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join our dynamic research group at Chalmers University of Technology. As a key member of our organic electronics team, you will focus on electrochemical doping and wearable electronics. Your primary goal will be to investigate how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles and develop wearable electronic devices that leverage these changes, such as variations in stiffness or stretchability. You will collaborate closely with PhD students, Postdocs in our group, and external partners to study the mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of diverse conjugated polymers. For an overview of the relevant research topics, please refer to our recent review: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/cs/d3cs00833a

About the research group
The Müller Research Group specializes in the physical chemistry and materials science of organic semiconductors, polymer blends, and composites, with a focus on creating innovative plastic materials for wearable electronics and energy technology. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with various universities, institutes, and industry partners. The group currently comprises 1 Professor, 1 permanent researcher, 4 Postdocs, and 8 PhD students.

Key responsibilities

• Conduct independent research in collaboration with group members and external partners.
• Mentor and support PhD students working on related projects.
• Develop and communicate scientific findings effectively in English, both orally and in writing.


• PhD in Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field (awarded within the last three years) with a focus on organic electronics and the electrochemistry of organic semiconductors, including conjugated polymers. Candidates nearing completion of their PhD are also encouraged to apply.
• Demonstrated early career achievements, including scientific publications.
• Experience with characterization techniques for studying the electrical, electrochemical, nanostructural, and optical properties of conjugated polymers. Familiarity with methods such as FTIR, UV-vis spectroscopy, DSC, TGA, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, AFM, SEM, TEM, electrical conductivity measurements, spectroelectrochemistry, and cyclic voltammetry is required.
• Previous experience in fabricating and characterizing organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) is essential.

Contract terms

• Full-time temporary position for up to two (2) years, with the possibility of a one-year extension based on available project funding and project progress.
• The monthly salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher at Chalmers is approximately 41,000 SEK (equivalent to €3,600) before tax.

What we offer
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Your application should be marked with 20240361 and submitted in English as PDF files. Each file must not exceed 40 MB. Note that the system does not accept Zip files.

Required documents:

• CV: (Please name the document: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including a full list of publications and two references.
• Personal Letter: (Please name the document: Personal letter, Surname, Ref. number) - 1-3 pages, introducing yourself, detailing your previous research experience and main findings, and outlining your future research goals.
• Other Documents: Certified copies of degrees, grades, and other relevant certificates.

Applications must be complete to be considered. Incomplete applications or applications sent via email will not be processed.

Application deadline: 6 December, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Contact information
For questions, please contact:
Prof. Christian Müller
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Email: [email protected] | Phone: +46 31 772 2790

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Perovskite materials for renewable hydrogen generation

The department of Space, Earth and Environment is recruiting a post-doc to carry out research with the aim of exploring novel materials for hydrogen production from fuels by redox reactions. The project is interdisciplinary and you will work together with researchers with long and internationally recognized experience in the development of technologies for hydrogen production, carbon dioxide capture and biomass utilization. Project activities include the a... Visa mer
The department of Space, Earth and Environment is recruiting a post-doc to carry out research with the aim of exploring novel materials for hydrogen production from fuels by redox reactions. The project is interdisciplinary and you will work together with researchers with long and internationally recognized experience in the development of technologies for hydrogen production, carbon dioxide capture and biomass utilization. Project activities include the application of generative active-learning models for material development, synthesis of novel perovskite oxide materials, and material characterization and evaluation.

Project description
The announced positions are within the project “Perovskite redox materials for renewable hydrogen generation”. You will utilize AI and materials informatics to identify the potential of perovskite oxides for hydrogen production via the so-called steam-iron process. You will use advanced evaluation techniques, data mining, and generative machine learning models to create an active learning cycle to identify materials with adequate properties. Promising materials will be synthesized, characterized and evaluated in lab. This will help establish the concept as a viable technology for sustainable hydrogen production.

The Postdoc will be employed at the Division of Energy Technology, but the project activities also involves the Division of Chemical Physics and the Division of Energy and Materials. The Division of Energy Technology conducts research and offers education mainly in energy technology and energy systems. Our research focuses on combustion and gasification of biomass, technologies for carbon dioxide avoidance, energy transformation and sustainable energy systems. A considerable part of our research is experimental and for this we have built up and are maintaining unique experimental facilities, such as for example Chalmers research boiler/gasifier and several chemical-looping pilot reactors. We also conduct systems-level projects with in-depth research on energy transformation processes. The research area is characterized by strong desire for new efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, swift changes in political and economic environment and urgent need to reach implementation phase for existing solutions.

This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE). WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden's foremost universities over the course of 10 years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science. Read more in their website. All early-stage researchers recruited into the WISE program will be a part of the WISE Research School, an ambitious nationwide program of seminars, courses, research visits, and other activities to promote a strong multi-disciplinary and international network between PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and industry.

Major responsibilities
As Post Doc your main responsibility is to conduct research within the framework of the given project. If desired, teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses can be part of the work description, but it is not mandatory. You are expected to work with a high degree of independence, while still being capable of close collaboration with other researchers and industrial partners when needed. You should be able to communicate scientific results to different stakeholders, both orally at meetings and conferences and in written form as scientific articles. 

Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.


- By the starting date, the applicant should have a PhD exam in a subject relevant for the project content (e.g. chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, energy engineering). Candidates who received their PhD degree within the last three years will be prioritized.

- The position requires excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, and preferably also in Swedish. If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

- Experience with machine learning algorithms and coding for material applications is highly meritorious. Experience of work in chemistry lab environment (e.g. material synthesis, material characterization), or experience in ab-initio and DFT calculations of solid materials, are both meritorious.

- You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with extension with one year to three years being a possibility.

We offer
Please click the links below to read more about:

- The city of Gothenburg
- Working at Chalmers
- Our benefits for employees
- Chalmer´s GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence

Application procedure
Please click here to read more about the application procedure and apply.

Application deadline: November 26, 2024.

For questions, please contact:
Professor Magnus Rydén, Division of Energy Technology, [email protected], 031-7721457 Visa mindre

Postdoc position

Postdoc position in Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) technology for battery recycling Battery innovation and recycling are essential to powering the e-mobility revolution and advancing green energy transitions. In this role, you'll play a key part in developing sustainable technologies that will shape the future. You’ll work alongside a dynamic, ambitious research team to push the boundaries of battery recycling, contributing directly to global sustaina... Visa mer
Postdoc position in Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) technology for battery recycling

Battery innovation and recycling are essential to powering the e-mobility revolution and advancing green energy transitions. In this role, you'll play a key part in developing sustainable technologies that will shape the future. You’ll work alongside a dynamic, ambitious research team to push the boundaries of battery recycling, contributing directly to global sustainability goals. As part of this role, you'll have the opportunity to participate in international conferences, workshops, and collaborative projects, while developing expertise in battery recycling, advanced material characterization, and sustainable technologies.

This position offers the chance to refine your skills in research communication, project reporting, and creative problem-solving, preparing you for leadership in the sustainable energy sector.

Project overview

Our research group is a national and international leader in battery recycling, with strong industrial partnerships and a wide network in the field. This project, funded by the European Union's Horizon program, focuses on developing advanced recycling technologies, particularly in the recycling of electrolytes and binders from Li-ion batteries. As the demand for lithium-ion batteries grows, so does the challenge of managing the resulting waste. Effective recycling not only tackles environmental issues but also strengthens the supply of critical raw materials for the battery industry.

While many processes exist for recovering valuable materials, the recycling of organic components—especially electrolytes and binders—remains a major challenge. In this project, you’ll develop cutting-edge supercritical fluid technology to address this, driving forward sustainable recycling innovations. This is a rare opportunity to make a tangible impact in both the scientific and industrial aspects of green technology.

The research group 

The Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling group at the division of Energy and Materials is a global leader in sustainable material recovery. With a dynamic team from over 10 countries, we specialize in advanced recycling methods such as aqueous chemistry, solvent extraction, high-temperature processes, and supercritical fluids. Initially focused on precious metals, our research now tackles critical recycling challenges in batteries, electronic waste, solar cells, and more.

We are pioneers in battery recycling, developing scalable technologies to efficiently recycle all components, including metals, organics, and electrolytes.

Main responsibilities

• Conduct research in line with the project, publish and present scientific papers, and contribute to academic discussions.
• Participate in departmental duties and teaching activities in Chemistry.


• PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or Physics (awarded within the last three years). Exceptions to the three-year limit can be made for parental leave, sick leave, or military service.
• Open-minded, decisive, and persistent in overcoming research challenges.
• Expertise in organic characterization by gas/liquid chromatography (GC and LC) and/or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
• Expertise in working at high pressure, with supercritical fluid or organic materials.
• Highly motivated, curious, and enthusiastic about the field of research.
• Able to work independently and take responsibility in a collaborative, international environment.

Contract terms
This is a full-time postdoctoral position for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240522 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Motivate why you are applying for this position
• Describe your particular skills for this position
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 30 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Dr. Burçak Ebin, Energy and Materials
[email protected], +46731455083

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Research specialist in materials modelling

Are you ready to push the boundaries of functional materials research? Join our team as a Research Specialist in Condensed Matter and Materials Theory, where you will play a pivotal role in pioneering developments in materials science. In our innovative and collaborative division, you'll have the freedom to drive your own research projects, develop groundbreaking computational techniques, and mentor the next generation of researchers. About the Division o... Visa mer
Are you ready to push the boundaries of functional materials research? Join our team as a Research Specialist in Condensed Matter and Materials Theory, where you will play a pivotal role in pioneering developments in materials science. In our innovative and collaborative division, you'll have the freedom to drive your own research projects, develop groundbreaking computational techniques, and mentor the next generation of researchers.

About the Division of Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Our division is dedicated to modeling and understanding a wide spectrum of materials and condensed matter systems. By combining theoretical insights with advanced methodological and computational approaches, we often uncover new materials, develop novel technological devices, or engineer media with extraordinary properties that go beyond those naturally occurring. Our work is characterized by a synergy between fundamental and applied research, allowing us to address pressing societal challenges, particularly in sustainable energy and information technology.

Collaborating closely with both local and international experimental groups, we foster a vibrant environment where research intersects with impactful applications. Additionally, our division actively supports Chalmers’ undergraduate and postgraduate programs, empowering students to develop strong analytical, computational, and problem-solving skills. Through our international research networks, students gain valuable collaborative experience, preparing them to make meaningful contributions to society, academia, and industry.

Role Overview
As a Research Specialist, your primary focus will be on advancing and implementing cutting-edge techniques in materials modeling, with a special emphasis on software development for our division's core computational tools, including hiphive, icet, and dynasor.

Major Responsibilities:

• Develop and implement new computational methods tailored to materials modeling.
• Mentor students, fostering their growth and ensuring effective knowledge transfer.
• Present research findings through publications and conference presentations, contributing to both academic and industry knowledge.

Contract terms
Permanent employment


• Doctoral degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Materials Science.
• Documented expertise in computational modeling, electronic structure calculations, and software development.
• Experience working with software developed within our division (hiphive, icet, dynasor; https://materialsmodeling.org/software).
• A collaborative mindset with a passion for engaging with both theoreticians and experimentalists.

If you're excited to be at the forefront of materials science and thrive in a collaborative, multidisciplinary setting, we’d love to hear from you. Join us in shaping the future of materials research!

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Name, 20240598 and be attached as PDF files, as below:


Personal letter

Other documents (optional):
• Copies of completed education, grades etc. Two references that we can contact should be provided at a possible interview.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to reach the application form. We do not accept applications sent by email.

Application deadline: 4 December 2024

For questions, please contact:
Professor Paul Erhart, [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

PhD/Post-doc position in Energy use patterns of Swedish households

We offer an exciting opportunity to dive into research at the crossroads of energy system transformation, human behavior, and just transitions. You'll work with experienced scholars and access networks that span both academia and industry, focusing on an area central to current political and societal debates. About the Project We are seeking a PhD or Postdoc to join a project studying energy use patterns in Swedish households. This project is part of Resi... Visa mer
We offer an exciting opportunity to dive into research at the crossroads of energy system transformation, human behavior, and just transitions. You'll work with experienced scholars and access networks that span both academia and industry, focusing on an area central to current political and societal debates.

About the Project
We are seeking a PhD or Postdoc to join a project studying energy use patterns in Swedish households. This project is part of Resistance and Power: Smart Grids for the Many People, funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation (smartgridsforthemany.se/en). Positioned within innovation and sustainability transition research, the project explores the diversity of energy users in Sweden, examining their behaviors, attitudes, and participation in energy systems. We will develop and distribute a survey to Swedish households, addressing issues such as energy poverty and prosumer involvement in flexibility markets.

About the division and the department
The research takes place at the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis within the Department of Technology Management and Economics. The division combines methods like life cycle assessment with social science approaches and works closely with stakeholders. The team includes around 35 researchers and PhD students from engineering, natural, and social sciences.

Your responsibilities

• PhD Candidates will conduct research in innovation and transition studies, complete doctoral coursework, and engage in teaching and conferences. The position typically lasts five years, including teaching duties. Your major responsibilities are to pursue your own doctoral studies. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here.
• Postdoctoral Researchers will have similar research responsibilities, with fewer teaching duties and no coursework. Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent.The postdoc position lasts three years. 

Both roles offer opportunities to publish, gain teaching experience, and expand your academic network.


• To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field.
• You have a background in engineering with experience in social science, or you are a social scientist skilled in quantitative analysis.

Post-doc position:

• To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline in a relevant field. 
• You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

For both positions:

• You are a motivated, self-directed learner with a critical mindset and a strong interest in sustainability.
• Proficiency in written and spoken Swedish and English is required.

When you submit your application, you will be asked to choose which of the positions you are applying for.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. 

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
Please click here to read more about the application procedure and apply.

Application deadline: December 2, 2024.

For questions, please contact:
Professor Björn Sandén, Environmental Systems Analysis, [email protected], 031-772 86 12
Associate Professor Helene Ahlborg, Environmental Systems Analysis, [email protected], 031-772 60 49

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoktor i sociologi

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap har idag cirka 120 anställda lärare, forskare, doktorander o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap har idag cirka 120 anställda lärare, forskare, doktorander och administrativ personal. Vid institutionen bedrivs forskning, undervisning och samverkan inom en rad områden. Här finns forskning om bland annat arbetsmarknad, arbetsliv, sociala avvikelser, brottslighet, digitalisering, emotioner, genus, migration, miljöfrågor, sociala rörelser, styrning och organisation, samt teknik och vetenskap.

Forskningsinriktningarna på institutionen koordineras huvudsakligen runt olika seminarieserier, där det ständigt sker korsbefruktning genom att flertalet medarbetare följer mer än en seminarieserie.

Institutionens utbildningar på grund- och avancerad nivå erbjuds inom en rad områden som till exempel sociologi, arbetsvetenskap, personalvetenskap, kriminologi och socialpsykologi. Institutionen har också ett omfattande åtagande på flera av Göteborgs universitets utbildningsprogram, inte minst inom lärarutbildningen, där institutionen bland annat bär huvudansvaret för en kurs i vetenskapligt förhållningssätt på samtliga lärarutbildningsinriktningar. Samverkan och utvecklingsprojekt bedrivs både inom forskning och utbildning med partners inom det privata näringslivet och offentlig sektor, exempelvis Centrum för Global Human Recource Management (CGHRM).


Arbetsuppgifterna består i huvudsak av att bedriva forskning inom forskningsprojektet Kameraövervakning och artificiell intelligens i brottsutredningar. Projektets syfte är att ge kunskap om hur ökad användning av material från kameraövervakning påverkar polisens kapacitet att utreda och lösa brott och hur det material som produceras används och görs till bevis för brottsutredare.

I arbetet ingår att självständigt och i samarbete med övriga medverkande i projektet samla in policydokument, genomföra intervjuer och omfattande observationer inom polismyndigheten samt analysera det insamlade materialet. Vidare ingår att självständigt och i samarbete med övriga medverkande i projektet skriva vetenskapliga publikationer på engelska och svenska, presentera forskningsresultat på internationella forskningskonferenser. I arbetet ingår även populärvetenskaplig spridning av forskningsresultaten.

För att kunna genomföra forskningen krävs godkänd säkerhetsprövning hos polismyndigheten.

Anställningen som postdoktor syftar till att ge den anställde en tidig möjlighet att utveckla sin självständighet som forskare efter avslutad doktorsexamen och skapa förutsättningar för ytterligare kvalifikationer. Personen som anställs som postdoktor ska huvudsakligen bedriva forskning. Undervisning ingår också i arbetsuppgifterna, men högst en femtedel av arbetstiden.

Behörighet för anställning som lärare regleras i Högskoleförordningen 4 Kap och Göteborgs universitets anställningsordning. 

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som har avlagt doktorsexamen, konstnärlig doktorsexamen eller som har en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga i första hand, om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag. 

För att kunna genomföra planerad empirisk datainsamling ska den sökande ha en mycket god förmåga (motsvarande CEFR B2) att kommunicera på svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. 

Utöver krav på avlagd doktorsexamen i kriminologi, rättssociologi, sociologi eller motsvarande är dokumenterad erfarenhet av för projektet relevanta kvalitativa forskningsmetoder inom samhällsvetenskap mycket meriterande.

Kunskap om och erfarenhet av egen forskning om digitala bevis, det svenska rättssystemet och institutionell teori är mycket meriterande.

Kunskap om och erfarenhet av teknik- och vetenskapsstudier är meriterande.

Dokumenterad god förmåga av samarbete och av att samförfatta är meriterande.

För att bedöma kandidaternas lämplighet krävs att den sökande bifogar ett ansökningsbrev (max 2 sidor) som beskriver hur hens forskningsagenda kan bidra till forskningsprojektet och hur hen uppfyller de ovanstående kriterierna, ett CV inklusive en komplett lista över publikationer, examensbevis samt två (2) exempel på publikationer och tre referenser (inklusive kontaktuppgifter).

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning om två år, heltid, med organisatorisk placering vid Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap.


För mer information och ansökan 
Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen ”Ansök”. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.  


Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-20

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Amanuens inom forskning för Change is Key, en eller flera

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori vid Humanistiska fakulteten har omkring 100 anstä... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori vid Humanistiska fakulteten har omkring 100 anställda och en undervisningsvolym som omfattar cirka 350 helårsstudenter. Här pågår många stora nationella och internationella forskningsprojekt. Vi utbildar filosofer, logiker, lingvister, språkteknologer, vetenskapsteoretiker, filosofihistoriker och lärare i filosofi. Institutionen bedriver även forskarutbildning och utvecklingsarbete inom dessa områden.

Vi erbjuder 
Göteborgs universitet är en statlig myndighet vilket innebär goda anställningsförmåner såsom friskvård på arbetstid, ersättning för läkarbesök, grundsemester på 28 dagar och tjänstepension. Du kan läsa mer om våra anställningsförmåner här.

Det sexåriga RJ-programmet “Change is Key!” (läs mer här) pågår mellan 2022–2027 och leds av docent Nina Tahmasebi. Programmet har som huvudsyfte att ta fram beräkningsverktyg för att identifiera hur ord förändras över tid, vilket möjliggör för forskare som arbetar med stora textkorpusar att snabbt och effektivt utföra komplexa analyser. Dessa analyser kommer sedan att öka vår förståelse för hur ett stort antal språkliga, kulturella och sociala faktorer har förändrats över tid. Forskargruppen består av språkteknologer, lingvister, lexikografer, sociologer, genusforskare och litteraturvetare. Tre av fem delprojekt fokuserar på språkteknologi och NLP, ett ägnas åt utvärdering av befintliga språkhistoriska förändringshypoteser, och det sista delprojektet berör fyra humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga studier inklusive lexikografi. Programmet ger dig möjlighet att samarbeta med världsledande forskare och bidra till forskning med stort genomslag samt samförfattade publikationer i topprankade konferenser som ACL, NAACL och EMNLP.

 Som amanuens för forskningsprojektet kommer du att arbeta med: 

• Utforma, implementera och optimera ett Python-baserat bibliotek för att upptäcka lexikala semantiska förändringar i språk.
• Säkerställa att biblioteket är skalbart, effektivt och kan bearbeta stora datamängder.
• Regelbundet delta i teammöten, tillhandahålla teknisk input och diskutera projektets framsteg.

För att vara kvalificerad för tjänsten enligt Högskoleförordningen (HF 10 §) får endast den som är antagen till utbildning på grundnivå eller avancerad nivå anställas som amanuens. Du är därmed en aktiv student på grund- eller avancerad nivå inom datavetenskap, programvaruteknik eller ett relaterat område. Du har kunskaper i Python och en stark förståelse för principer för objektorienterad programmering (OOP), samt kännedom om praxis för programvaruutveckling, inklusive versionskontroll (Git), kodgranskning, testning och felsökning. Du har även kännedom om viktiga Python-bibliotek och ramverk för datahantering, t.ex. NumPy, Pandas och SciPy. Eftersom forskargruppens gemensamma arbetsspråk är engelska är det ett krav gällande goda kunskaper i engelska, både i tal och skrift. 

Det är meriterande om du har: 

• Erfarenhet eller intresse för NLP-relaterade projekt, i synnerhet inom lexikal semantik.
• Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att skriva ren, effektiv och underhållbar kod som är lämplig för produktionsmiljöer.
• Stark förståelse och praktisk tillämpning av vanliga designmönster (t.ex. Singleton, Factory, Observer) för att skapa skalbara och underhållbara programvaruarkitekturer.
• Kunskaper i att använda UML för att designa och dokumentera mjukvarusystem, inklusive klassdiagram, sekvensdiagram och användningsfallsdiagram.
• Gedigen förståelse för maskininlärning, djupinlärning och AI-koncept, med praktisk erfarenhet av att använda bibliotek som PyTorch, Hugging Face och Gensim.
• Kompetens i NLP-specifika bibliotek som NLTK, SpaCy och Transformers för textbehandling och modellbyggnad.
• Erfarenhet av att bygga användarvänliga gränssnitt, med förmågan att översätta komplexa data till intuitiva visualiseringar för icke-tekniska användare (t.ex. lexikografer).
• Goda kunskaper i webbprogrammering, inklusive frontend-utveckling (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) och backend-ramverk (t.ex. Flask, Django) för att bygga interaktiva webbaserade verktyg.
• Erfarenhet av att utforma skalbara, modulära och underhållbara arkitekturer med hjälp av branschstandardiserade metoder och verktyg.
• God problemlösningsförmåga, god samarbetsförmåga samt en öppenhet för feedback och kontinuerligt lärande.


 För mer information och för att söka tjänsten se www.gu.se. 

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Post-doc in social impacts of wind power deployment

Join our research team to explore the impact of wind development. Who has been impacted? Could it have been avoided? We work in an interdisciplinary way using data analysis and modeling to analyze policy relevant aspects of the future energy system. You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, as well as a supportive and collaborative research environment. You will have the opportunity to work with experts in the field and to collabor... Visa mer
Join our research team to explore the impact of wind development. Who has been impacted? Could it have been avoided? We work in an interdisciplinary way using data analysis and modeling to analyze policy relevant aspects of the future energy system. You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, as well as a supportive and collaborative research environment. You will have the opportunity to work with experts in the field and to collaborate with other researchers both within and outside of the division.

Information about the division and the department
The division of Physical Resource Theory is one of five divisions within the department of Space, Earth and Environment. The Division of Physical Resource Theory offers an interdisciplinary research environment that relies on a range of different scientific methods, from energy system modelling and agent-based modelling, to remote sensing, econometrics and surveys. Our aim is to advance challenge-driven scientific excellence by crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries and increasing the level of cross-collaboration in environmental research and with society at large. The division has around 50 staff members, faculty, and PhD-students with diverse expertise, including engineers and natural and social scientists. We also offer courses in areas related to our research.

Information about the project 
You will analyze local impacts of wind power plants. Currently there is an ongoing public debate on wind power expansion where some people are impacted negatively by the expansion. One group that is negatively impacted are those that live close to newly built turbines. The purpose of this research project is to investigate:

(1) How common is it that wind turbines have been built close to residential houses?
(2) Which socio-demographic groups has been mostly impacted by wind power expansion?

You will work with public and commercial GIS data sets of wind turbine locations as well as population characteristics and will have to develop data analysis methods as well as use statistical methods or regression models for investigating these questions. The focus of the project is on the Swedish context where an international comparison can be an extension of the project.

There are several possible subsequent research questions related to the project, and you are welcome to design additional research questions as well.

Major responsibilities

• Developing your own research methodology.
• Presenting research findings and writing academic publications.
• Staying updated on developments in your field, and incorporating new knowledge into the project as appropriate.
• Completing other tasks as assigned by the project lead to ensure the success of the project.
• Up to 20% teaching.

To qualify for this position you must have:

• a PhD in energy systems, economics, mathematics, data science or econometrics, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*;
• a strong background in modeling or quantitative analysis and good understanding of the social aspects of energy transitions;
• a strong academic record;
• sound verbal and written communication skills in English. 

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. The position can be extended to four years. 

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240567 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• The names of 2-3 references, including contact information 

Other documents:
• A project description that outlines how to approach the research topic (2-3 pages)
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-11-24

For questions, please contact:
Fredrik Hedenus, Professor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46317723453

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoktor i Reproduktiv genetik

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Postdoc-tjänsten är inom Pol Solé-Navais forskargrupp, vid Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för moleky... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Postdoc-tjänsten är inom Pol Solé-Navais forskargrupp, vid Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, som fokuserar på reproduktiv och perinatal hälsa med fokus på genetik och epidemiologiska studiedesigner av translationellt värde. 

Reproduktiv genetik

Missfall är den vanligaste graviditetskomplikationen, med över 23 miljoner graviditeter som slutar i missfall varje år. Kromosomavvikelser – aneuploidier – observeras hos hälften av alla missfall, men inte alla foster med kromosomavvikelser leder till missfall, några överlever till eller till och med efter födseln. Detta projekt syftar till att kvantifiera bidraget från fostrets genom vid missfall, särskilt bland foster med normala kromosomantal. Postdoc-stipendiaten kommer att leda ett projekt med hjälp av storskalig genetisk data från missfallsfoster och deras mödrar (inklusive anrop av aneuploidier) och bidra till pågående insatser inom detta område (GWAS, metaanalyser, etc).

Den som anställs som postdoktor ska i första hand bedriva forskning. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår data kvalitetskontroll och analys, spridning av resultat (skriva forskningsartiklar, presentationer på konferenser) och handledning av master-/doktorander. Vi förväntar oss att postdoktorn bedriver forskning av hög kvalitet. Det finns möjligheter att utöka projektets inriktning inom ramen för det angivna projektet och postdoktorns intressen och inriktning. Postdoktorn förväntas också delta och bistå i projekt från andra gruppmedlemmar och kollegor, samt bidra till administrativa uppgifter såsom datainsamling och ansökningar till bla. etikkommittén.

Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som innehar doktorsexamen i relevant ämnesområde, eller en utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.

I första hand bör den komma i fråga som har avlagt examen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Även den som avlagt examen tidigare bör komma i fråga om det finns särskilda skäl. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer, tjänstgöring inom totalförsvaret, eller andra liknande omständigheter samt klinisk tjänstgöring eller för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.

Den sökande ska ha doktorsexamen inom ett område motsvarande eller liknande molekylärbiologi, statistisk biologi, biomedicin, epidemiologi, genetik, statistik, matematisk, datavetenskap eller biomedicinsk vetenskap. Erfarenhet av statistisk modellering, antingen i samband med genetik eller epidemiologi, samt förmåga att arbeta i R/Python och UNIX-miljö krävs. Utmärkta kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift krävs också.

Övriga meriter är bevisad förmåga att skriva sammanhängande vetenskaplig text med minst ett publicerat eller inlämnat manus där den sökande är förstaförfattare och har skrivit en större del av texten. Tjänsten kräver samarbete med kollegor och andra forskargrupper, men förmåga att självständigt generera och driva forskningsidéer kommer att vara avgörande.

Meriter är:

- Beprövad erfarenhet av att analysera kopienummervarianter eller onormalt antal kromosomer
- Beprövad erfarenhet av populationsgenetik (mikroarrayer, GWAS, GxE-studier)
- Erfarenhet av stordataanalys eller bioinformatik
- Klinisk kunskap om graviditetens fysiologi och biologi
- Erfarenhet av molekylärbiologi
- Erfarenhet av studenthandledning
- Erfarenhet av versionskontroll i Git och reproducerbar vetenskap (Snakemake, conda, etc)

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet (samarbetsförmåga, kreativ och strukturerad).

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 24 månader
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Pol Solé-Navais
+46 704 71 92 83
[email protected] 

Malin Levin
[email protected] 

Fackliga organisationer 
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.  

Bifoga doktorsexamensbevis vid ansökan, i det fall som examensbeviset ännu inte är utfärdat bifogas det senast vid den tidpunkt då anställningsbeslut skall fattas.

Vi ber dig vänligen att skriva din ansökan på engelska eftersom ansökan kan granskas av engelsktalande personal. Urvalsprocessen kommer sannolikt att bestå av intervjuer, referenstagning och arbetsprov på engelska.

Ansökan ska även innehålla ett följebrev som ger en kort beskrivning av tidigare forskningserfarenhet, hur denna erfarenhet och dina kvalifikationer passar det föreslagna forskningsprojektet, CV (inklusive en utvald publikationslista, max 3), doktorsexamensbevis samt kontaktuppgifter till två referenser som kan kontaktas före/efter intervjustadiet. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-27

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Charging station operation and optimization in the era of V2G

We offer a great opportunity for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our team working at the forefront of transport and energy systems. Based with a beautiful Nordic city, you will benefit from a competitive salary, a collaborative work environment, and strong ties to both academia and industry. As part of our team, you will have access to an unparalleled dataset of real-world charging station data from a large number of European cities, com... Visa mer
We offer a great opportunity for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our team working at the forefront of transport and energy systems. Based with a beautiful Nordic city, you will benefit from a competitive salary, a collaborative work environment, and strong ties to both academia and industry. As part of our team, you will have access to an unparalleled dataset of real-world charging station data from a large number of European cities, complemented by rich synthetic data. This unique resource empowers you to conduct cutting-edge research with great impacts.

Chalmers is a great university for young researchers to grow, with ample opportunities for skill and career development. The team can also offer opportunities in teaching, supervision, and proposal writing as part of career development.

Project description
This project examines the impacts of charging station ownership models on the potential of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. Based on real-world and synthetic data in the transport and energy sectors, this project establishes a comprehensive understanding of the charging station market and charging patterns. The research focuses on how commercial and public operators can optimize operational strategies (e.g., charging scheduling) to balance profit and social objectives, including grid management and equity in EV usage. An innovative approach will study competitive dynamics between different ownerships, operational objectives, and their socioeconomic impacts. Findings will inform strategic planning for charging infrastructure, aiming to improve sustainability, accessibility, and efficiency in the transport and energy sectors. The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. English is the working language.

You will carry out research within the research area of urban mobility systems, at Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in collaboration with researchers from Department of Electrical Engineering, and Department of Space, Earth and Environment.

Major responsibilities
The major responsibilities of the postdoc are to conduct research within the framework of the given project. We prioritize self-driven candidates who can work efficiently both independently and in collaboration with a team.

Good communication skills are essential, as you will be expected to present your research to a variety of stakeholders—whether through presentations at conferences or through publishing scientific papers.

The applicant should have a PhD degree in transport, operations research, applied mathematics, computer science, or similar topics. Experience with optimization or game theory is mandatory, and data-driven or machine-learning skills are meritorious.

The candidate must have the PhD degree in hand before enrollment, but it is not required during the application. This means graduating PhD students are also welcome to apply for the position, but we expect the candidate to join us in the spring of 2025. Candidates who received their PhD degree within the last three years will be prioritized.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. The initial appointment is for two years, with the possibility of extending it to three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with reference number 20240585 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. 

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-12-05

For questions, please contact:
Jiaming Wu, Urban Mobility Systems, ACE. [email protected]
Balazs Kulcsar, Automatic Control Group, E2 [email protected]
Frances Sprei, Physical Resource Theory, SEE, [email protected]
Sonia Yeh, Physical Resource Theory, SEE, [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in modeling charge localization in polar materials

Join our team at the forefront of research in condensed matter and materials theory, where you will be integral in advancing the field of polar materials. As a postdoc in our dynamic division, you will have the unique opportunity to engage in the development and understanding of innovative materials, specifically focusing on electronic structure modeling of charge localization in polar materials. Information about the division and the department The divis... Visa mer
Join our team at the forefront of research in condensed matter and materials theory, where you will be integral in advancing the field of polar materials. As a postdoc in our dynamic division, you will have the unique opportunity to engage in the development and understanding of innovative materials, specifically focusing on electronic structure modeling of charge localization in polar materials.

Information about the division and the department
The division of Condensed Matter and Materials Theory constructs models for and develops an understanding of a large variety of materials and other condensed matter systems, sometimes leading to new materials, novel technological devices, or structured media with properties beyond those occurring naturally. To this end, we combine theoretical, methodological and computational techniques, often in close collaboration with local and international experimental groups. The work in the division is characterized by a strong interplay between fundamental and applied research and this allows us to address pressing societal challenges, e.g., related to sustainable energy or information technology.

We take active part in Chalmers’ undergraduate and postgraduate educational programmes. Our students gain experience in advanced theory and model-building, developing strong analytical, computational, and problem-solving skills along the way. They are exposed to collaborative efforts, often within our international research networks. Our vision is to foster the individual growth of our students, so they may in the future be insightful and effectively contribute to society, academia, and industry.

About the project 
As a postdoc in this role, you will focus on electronic structure modeling, with emphasis on charge localization in polar materials. Your work will be pivotal in advancing our understanding of quantum mechanical processes that occur in for example solar devices, particularly how excess charges localize and influence material performance. You will use tools based on density functional theory, to model these interactions in functional materials. This research holds great potential for breakthroughs in areas like solar cells and solar-to-fuel conversion, directly impacting the future of sustainable energy technologies.

You will be collaborating with both local and international experimental groups, presenting your findings at conferences, and contributing to scientific journals—building your expertise while shaping cutting-edge advancements.

Major responsibilities

• Study the nature and stability of localized charges in semiconductor materials, relevant to applications like solar cells and LEDs.
• Investigate how these charges can be detected experimentally and their impact on device performance.
• Perform calculations using density functional theory (DFT) codes such as VASP and CP2K.
• Explore the possibility of incorporating molecular dynamics and machine learning techniques within the project.
• Develop and drive your own projects.
• Collaborate with experimental partners to ensure comprehensive research outcomes.
• Communicate research findings through presentations at international conferences and publications in scientific journals.

To qualify for this position you must have:

• a doctoral degree in physics, chemistry or materials science, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*;
• documented experience in computational modeling and electronic structure calculations;
• sound verbal and written communication skills in English.

You should enjoy working in a collaborative environment including interactions with both theoreticians and experimentalists.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with a possibility to extend to the third one.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240568 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: November 17, 2024 
For questions, please contact:
Associate Professor Julia Wiktor
Email: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Forskningssamordnare, vikariat

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för globala studier är en kreativ och nydanande universitetsmiljö för forskning och utbildning... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för globala studier är en kreativ och nydanande universitetsmiljö för forskning och utbildning kring globalisering och globala frågor. Vår utbildning och forskning innefattar bland annat: freds- och utvecklingsforskning, humanekologi, socialantropologi och studier av mänskliga rättigheter. Hos oss arbetar ca 130 personer. Vi finns i Campus Linné intill Linnéplatsen i Göteborg. 

Vår vision är att vår administrativa grupp ska präglas av samarbete, effektivitet och service. Som en naturlig del ingår att stötta kollegor vid arbetstoppar. 


Arbetet som forskningssamordnare innebär varierande arbetsuppgifter där du ger kvalificerat stöd till forskningsansvariga och institutionens forskare och doktorander i frågor som rör forsknings- och forskarutbildningsverksamhet, forskningsinfrastruktur samt nyttiggörande av forskningsresultat.  

Du stödjer forskare i arbetet med ansökningar om externa projektmedel från svenska, nordiska och europeiska forskningsfinansiärer. Du ansvarar också för att assistera institutionens forskare i datahantering, datasäkerhet och forskningsetik samt stödjer arbete med forskningskommunikation (kommunikationsplan och projektbeskrivningar till webbsidan etc.). Utöver detta ansvarar du för att bevaka och informera om aktuella utlysningar samt bevaka lagar och regler som påverkar institutionens forskning. 

Arbetet utgörs delvis också av allmän handläggning av institutionens forskarutbildningar, däribland återkommande arbete med studieadministrativa system såsom ISP, Ladok och Fubas, samt diarieföring och arkivarbete. Du handlägger också institutionens forskarutbildningssamarbeten med svenska och utländska samverkansaktörer.  

Du kommer att arbeta tätt ihop med forskningsansvariga, forskare, doktorander, handledare och övrig administration.  

Tjänsten är under utveckling vilket innebär att anställningens innehåll och förutsättningar kan komma att förändras över tid då arbetsuppgifterna kommer att utvecklas i dialog med forskningsverksamhet. 

Även andra arbetsuppgifter kan förekomma. 


Vi söker dig som har kandidatexamen inom ett ämnesområde som arbetsgivaren bedömer relevant. Särskilt meriterande är om du har erfarenhet av att arbeta med forskningsansökningar och har arbetat med att utveckla forskningen och digitalisera processer inom högskole- eller universitetsvärlden.  

För anställningen krävs goda kunskaper i tal och skrift i svenska och engelska. Du ska ha god erfarenhet av administrativa system, ha lätt för att lära dig nya system samt tycka det är spännande att arbeta i en internationell och till stor del engelsk talande miljö. Goda kunskaper om det regelverk som styr forskning och forskarutbildning på universitet och högskolor är meriterande. 

Vi söker dig som är en driven person och som har lika mycket fokus på helheten som detaljerna i det dagliga arbetet. Som person är du analytisk och har ett lösningsorienterat förhållningssätt. Du förväntas bli en integrerad del av institutionens forskningsmiljö som utmärks av akademisk excellens, och behöver därmed ha mycket god samarbetsförmåga. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet. 


Anställningsform: Vikariat i 6 månader. 

Omfattning: 100 % 

Placering: Institutionen för globala studier, Göteborg Tillträde: Från januari 2025 eller enligt överenskommelse.  

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 

Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta 

Bernana Delic, Administrativ chef 

031- 786 2409 

[email protected] 


I rekryteringsprocessen kommer intervjuer och referenstagning genomföras. Det kan bli aktuellt med arbetsprov. 

Fackliga organisationer 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 


Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag 2024-11-11.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Post-doc in perception and prediction for safe automated driving

Drive the Future of Safe Automated Driving with Cutting-Edge Perception Models! Join us in advancing automated driving systems (ADS) toward a Vision Zero future, where roads are safer for everyone. We're leading this revolution in vehicle safety, and we need you—a passionate postdoctoral researcher—to help develop the next generation of perception models that are accurate, efficient, and reliable. Your mission? Create open-source perception and predictio... Visa mer
Drive the Future of Safe Automated Driving with Cutting-Edge Perception Models!

Join us in advancing automated driving systems (ADS) toward a Vision Zero future, where roads are safer for everyone. We're leading this revolution in vehicle safety, and we need you—a passionate postdoctoral researcher—to help develop the next generation of perception models that are accurate, efficient, and reliable.

Your mission? Create open-source perception and prediction models that seamlessly integrate with stochastic optimal control and enhance virtual safety assessments. These models may leverage AI, machine learning, and physics-based approaches to transform how autonomous vehicles understand and navigate the world.

Project Overview
This exciting postdoc position is based within the Vehicle Safety Division and includes close collaboration with the Systems and Control Division, as well as the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and the department of Computer Science and Engineering. In addition, you’ll work alongside key industry partners like Volvo Group, VCC, and ZF.

At the Vehicle Safety Division, we combine expertise in human factors and engineering to identify safety challenges, develop innovative solutions, and assess their impact on traffic safety. Specifically, this postdoc role will focus on improving the efficiency and accuracy of virtual safety assessments within the context of ADS.

The Systems and Control Division focuses on modeling and optimizing complex problems in robotics, electromobility, and autonomous driving. As a postdoc, your role will contribute to efficient optimal control and path-planning solutions that support automated driving systems.

Key Research Areas
In automated driving, perception systems are crucial for perceiving surroundings, localizing vehicles, and facilitating path planning and decision-making processes, which are essential for vehicle control.  Perception technology must accurately detect traffic scenarios, and predict the behavior of other road users. Your research will target:

• Sensor Perception Modeling for virtual safety assessments of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and ADS.
• Developing open-source, computationally efficient perception and prediction models.
• Incorporating AI and machine learning techniques to enhance models’ ability to handle various road users in stochastic environments and models’ robustness, especially under rare or challenging traffic scenarios.
• Integrating perception models into the prediction module for optimal, model-based, stochastic control in ADS.
• Utilizing  learning-based motion predictors such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and transformers, while ensuring safety guarantees such as probabilistic feasibility.
• Conducting sensitivity analyses to evaluate how the models trade accuracy, complexity, and computational efficiency in virtual safety assessments and in model predictive control.

This role provides an opportunity to make significant contributions to the future of autonomous driving by developing perception and prediction models that can operate under real-world conditions while maintaining a high level of safety and performance.

About our department
The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2) is dedicated to shaping the engineers and researchers of tomorrow. Our work is focused on transitioning to a sustainable transport system, addressing major societal challenges, and collaborating with industry to drive impactful change. Our diverse research portfolio spans all modes of transport and contributes to environmentally friendly process technologies and sustainable energy solutions.

Your Major Responsibilities

• Conduct pioneering research on sensor perception modeling for virtual and ADS development.
• Publish high-quality papers and present your findings at international conferences.
• Collaborate across departments and with industry stakeholders to push the boundaries of perception and prediction technology.
• Participate in teaching within educational programs related to the project.
• Engage with both academic and industrial partners to ensure the broader impact of your research.


• A PhD degree in a field relevant to the position is mandatory.
• Extensive experience with programming (for example, Python, Matlab, and/or C++).
• Good writing and oral skills in English.
• You should be comfortable with and good at interacting with others in international projects (across organizations).
• You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

If you have experience of working with sensor modeling, vehicle dynamics and sensor data (specifically time-series data), and/or experience with pre-crash virtual safety assessment, that is highly meritorious.

*To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.

Knowing Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

We offer
Read more about:

- Working at Chalmers here.
- The city of Gothenburg here.
- Chalmer´s GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. 

Application procedure
Please go to: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/work-with-us/vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=13325&rmlang=UK to read more about the application procedure and apply.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-11-19 Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, IKI, bedriver grundutbildning, forskning, forskarutbildning oc... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, IKI, bedriver grundutbildning, forskning, forskarutbildning och samverkansuppdrag inom kostvetenskap och idrottsvetenskap. För ytterligare information om Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap: https://www.gu.se/kostvetenskap-idrottsvetenskap

Nu söker vi en forskningslaborant vars huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter är att bistå i testverksamheten som innefattas av elitidrottsstödet kring Riksidrottsuniversitetet (RIU). 


Den huvudsakliga arbetsuppgiften är att assistera projektledningen kring att stärka elitidrottsstödet vid Riksidrottsuniversitetet genom att bistå i testverksamheten. Detta innefattar bland annat att

• planera, schemalägga och administrera bokningar
• genomföra tester av framför allt kondition (aerob förmåga) och kroppssammansättning (DXA), men även styrka och rörelseanalys
• analysera och rapportera testresultat till idrottande studenter

Vidare utgör deltagande vid och administrering av olika möten med forskare och samarbetspartners en del av arbetet. Även andra arbetsuppgifter kan förekomma och anställningens innehåll och förutsättningar kan komma att förändras över tiden.

Läs mer om Riksidrottsuniversitetet vid Göteborgs universitet på: https://www.gu.se/studera/plugga-pa-universitetet/riksidrottsuniversitetet


Vi söker dig som har minst kandidatexamen inom idrottsvetenskap eller närliggande huvudområde samt har dokumenterad erfarenhet av mätmetoder inom fysisk kapacitet (Cosmed Quark CPET), kroppssammansättning (lunar iDXA), styrka (Isometrisk/isokinetisk) och rörelseanalys (Qualisys). Praktisk erfarenhet och förtrogenhet av att arbeta i testlabb, samt kunskaper i Microsoft Bookings och Excel är meriterande. Goda kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift är ett krav.

Vi önskar att du är noggrann, drivande och har god förmåga att planera och genomföra arbetsuppgifter självständigt. Som person är du kommunikativ, nyfiken, samarbetsinriktad och tar egna initiativ som förankras med forskningsledare. Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet.


Anställningen är en tillsvidareanställning, med en omfattning av 25% av heltid, med placering tillsvidare vid Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap. Provanställning kan komma att tillämpas. Tillträde: snarast eller enligt överenskommelse.


Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal.
Ansökan skall innehålla:

• CV
• Ett personligt brev som innefattar en kort beskrivning av tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet samt motivering till varför du söker tjänsten.


Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta Riksidrottsuniversitetets projektledare vid Göteborgs universitet,
Jonatan Jungmalm, tfn: +46 766 18 24 31, e-post: [email protected]


Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 


Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-06.


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper är tillsammans med fem andra institutioner en del av Sahlgrenska akad... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper är tillsammans med fem andra institutioner en del av Sahlgrenska akademin. Här bedrivs forskning och utbildning som sätter människans hälsa och livskvalitet i fokus. Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper är organiserad i fyra sektioner och 16 olika ämnesområden. Genom samarbete med sjukvården och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset utvecklat samprojekt och mötesplatser som gynnar både vården och forskningen.

Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, söker nu en amanuens, med placering vid avdelningen för onkologi. Amanuensen kommer att ingå i Max Levins forskningsgrupp som studerar olika aspekter av biverkningar av modern cancerbehandling med immuncheckpointhämmare. Immuncheckpointhämmare aktiverar immunceller och det kan ge en effektiv attack på cancerceller men också oönskade autoimmuna biverkningar. Autoimmunabiverkningar är svåra att förutse och immunmekanismerna som gör att de uppkommer är till stor del okända. Gruppens forskningsmål är att kartlägga mekansimer för allvarliga biverkningar och att förstå varför vissa biverkningar är kopplade till en kraftfull behandlingssvar på cancern. 

Arbetsuppgifter är inom ett pågående forskningsprojekt. De praktiska arbetsuppgifterna kommer vara retrospektiva studier av patientdata. Sammanställning av biverkningar och avvikande laboratorieprover i en stor kohort av immunterapibehandlade cancerpatienter. Självständig statistisk analys av materialet. 

Behörig att anställas som amanuens är den som är antagen till utbildning på grundnivå eller avancerad nivå. För denna anställning är ett krav att den sökande innehar minst 6 godkända terminers studier på 5,5-åriga läkarprogrammet eller 5 godkända terminer på 6-årigaläkarprogrammet. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet. Tidigare erfarenhet av klinisk forskning och kunskaper i R är särskilt meriterande liksom klinisk erfarenhet inom onkologi. God analytisk förmåga samt god förmåga att utrycka sig vetenskapligt i tal och skrift. 

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning i 5 månader (vårterminen) med omfattningen 25 % av heltid, med placering tills vidare vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper. Tillträde: 2025-01-01  

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta adjungerad professor Max Levin på telefon: 0708175499 eller e-post: [email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-07


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare i projekt om lokal utrikespolitik

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.På Institutionen för globala studier bedriver vi forskning och undervisning som ger förmågan att förstå och ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.På Institutionen för globala studier bedriver vi forskning och undervisning som ger förmågan att förstå och analysera samhällsfenomen i en global värld. Våra utbildningar kännetecknas av aktualitet och samhällsrelevans, och vår forskning strävar efter att göra världen mer begriplig med hjälp av vår unika tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljö. Våra forskningsområden är samhällsvetenskapliga miljöstudier, freds- och utvecklingsforskning, mänskliga rättigheter och socialantropologi. Vi har utbildning på grundnivå, avancerad nivå och forskarnivå, samt fristående kurser. För mer information se https://www.gu.se/globalastudier.  

Vi söker en biträdande forskare till forskningsprojektet Lokal utrikespolitik? Kommuner, regioner och civilsamhällets mobilisering kring massvåld som leds av professor Camilla Orjuela och finansieras av Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Anställningen är tidsbegränsad och på heltid.

Om projektet 

Forskningsprojektet undersöker kommuner och regioner som arena för utrikespolitiska frågor. Normalt betraktas utrikespolitik som en fråga för aktörer på nationell nivå. Men i dagens globaliserade värld och mångkulturella samhällen hamnar sådana frågor även på kommuners och regioners dagordning. Projektet tar ett globalt perspektiv och fokuserar på utrikespolitiska frågor som gäller städers och regioners ställningstagande mot kärnvapen, samt erkännande av folkmord och uppförande av folkmordsmonument på kommunal mark. Vilka konflikter uppstår när medborgare och lokalpolitiker engagerar sig i frågor som berör dem men samtidigt klassas som utrikespolitik? Och hur kan kommuner, stater och civilsamhällesaktörer hantera de alltmer otydliga gränserna mellan lokal-, inrikes- och utrikespolitik?


Som biträdande forskare kommer du framför allt att ha ansvar för insamling av data om (1) hur de juridiska förutsättningarna ser ut i olika delar av världen för kommuner och regioner att engagera sig i utrikespolitiska frågor, och (2) kommuners ställningstaganden i kärnvapenfrågan. Du kommer att kartlägga lagstiftning och tidigare rättsfall, samt studera aktörer, processer och konflikter som uppstår kring ställningstaganden i kärnvapenfrågan. Transkribering av intervjuer och annat ljudmaterial kommer också att ingå i arbetsuppgifterna, liksom arbete med en litteraturöversikt. Genomförande av egna intervjuer och analys av data kan också förekomma. Arbetet kommer att utföras självständigt, men i nära samverkan med forskningsansvarig Camilla Orjuela.


Vi har som krav att du har relevant mastersexamen, till exempel i globala studier, freds- och utvecklingsstudier, mänskliga rättigheter, internationella relationer, statsvetenskap, juridik eller förvaltningsstudier. Arbetet kräver att du har dokumenterad erfarenhet av kvalitativa forskningsmetoder. Du behöver kunna tala och skriva väl på engelska. God kunskap i ytterligare språk av relevans för projektet (dvs. språk som används i städer som tagit ställning mot kärnvapen) är meriterande, liksom förmåga att söka information på olika språk. Vi söker speciellt dig som har fördjupad kunskap om och intresse för kärnvapenfrågan, fredsaktivism, utrikespolitik samt juridiska frågor kring gränsdragningen mellan kommuners, regioners och staters ansvarsområden i Sverige såväl som internationellt. För mer information om projektet och dess geografiska fokus, se https://www.gu.se/en/research/localizing-foreign-policy-subnational-governments-and-civil-society-mobilization-to-recognize-and-prevent-mass-atrocities

Det är viktigt att du kan arbeta självständigt, har en god organisatorisk förmåga och kan ta ansvar och egna initiativ. Du behöver vara en noggrann, strukturerad och kreativ person med social kompetens och flexibilitet i utförandet av arbetet.  


Anställningen är en särskild visstidsanställning på 12 månader med tjänsteomfattning 100%. Deltidsarbete är möjligt efter överenskommelse med projektledaren. Placering vid Institutionen för globala studier. Tillträde 1 januari eller enligt överenskommelse.? 

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen? 

Har du frågor om projektet är du välkommen att kontakta?Camilla Orjuela, projektledare, [email protected], 0768-242626.  

Har du frågor om rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta Elvedina Sikiric Lidström, personalhandläggare, [email protected], 031-786 40 53.


Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande? 


För att söka en anställning vid Göteborgs universitet måste du registrera ett konto i vårt rekryteringssystem. Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". 

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.? 

Ansökan ska innehålla 

• Dina kontaktuppgifter och personuppgifter?
• Motiveringsbrev på max 2 A4-sidor som beskriver ditt intresse och lämplighet för tjänsten?
• Meritförteckning/CV som tar upp utbildning, relevant arbetslivserfarenhet, språkkunskaper, examen och relevanta vetenskapliga arbeten? 
• Kopia på mastersexamen
• Namn på två referenser samt deras kontaktuppgifter? 

Sista ansökningsdag är 2024-11-15

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, bedriver omfattande undervisning och forskning inom global folkhälsovetenskap, allmänmedicin, arbetsmedicin, miljömedicin, socialmedicin, läkemedelsanvändning och läkemedelspolicy. Vi bedriver även undervisning och forskning inom nutritionsepidemiologi, försäkringsmedicin, innovation och nyttiggörande, hälsoekonomi, biostatistik och registerepidemiologi. Vi utvecklar interdisciplinär forskning inom FN’s globala mål för hållbar utveckling med fokus på mål 3 (hälsa) och 8 (ekonomisk utveckling).

Det aktuella 3-åriga projektets syfte är att studera kärl-, nerv- och muskuloskeletala besvär hos tre grupper av tandvårdsanställda (tandläkare, tandhygienister, tandtekniker).

Den medicinska undersökningen omfattar tester av känslighet för tryck- och beröring, smärtkänslighet, diskriminativ känsel, bestämning av vibrations- och temperaturtrösklar samt en klinisk standardiserad undersökning av nacke, skuldror, underarmar och händer enligt det så kallade MEBA-protokollet (Medicinsk kontroll vid ergonomiskt belastande arbete). 

I arbetsuppgifterna ingår planering och förberedelser av studien i samarbete med övriga deltagande forskare. Vidare att genomföra datainsamling med klinisk undersökning, databearbetning och resultatsammanställning samt rapport- och artikelskrivning och kommunikation av forskningsresultat.  

Krav på doktorsexamen inom medicin, gärna yrkesmedicin. Sjukgymnast-ergonomexamen med erfarenhet av arbete inom arbetsmedicin är ett krav. Vana och erfarenhet av undersökningar och gruppsammanställningar enligt MEBA-metoden är önskvärt. Erfarenhet av publikationer i vetenskapliga internationella tidskrifter, gärna inom arbetsmedicinområdet är ett krav. God förmåga att uttrycka sig väl i tal och skrift både på svenska och engelska är ett krav. Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet som samarbetsförmåga, social kompetens och ansvarstagande. 

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 12 månader
Omfattning: 20%
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Enligt överenskommelse   

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Lars Gerhardsson
+46 736 334530
[email protected]

Jörgen Månsson
Biträdande avdelningschef
+46 31 786 6686
jörgen.må[email protected] 

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

Kopia av doktorsexamen.

Kopia av examen sjukgymnast/ergonom.

Personligt brev med namn och kontaktuppgifter för tre referenser och CV.

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag  

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-04


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Strain Tuning of HTS Thin Films & Nanodevices for Neuromorphics

Join us in shaping the future of superconductivity and neuromorphic computing! Are you passionate about cutting-edge nanotechnology and quantum materials? We are looking for a talented researcher to lead an exciting project exploring high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and their potential applications in neuromorphic computing. Information about the division and the department In cuprate High critical temperature superconductors (HTS) the superconducti... Visa mer
Join us in shaping the future of superconductivity and neuromorphic computing! Are you passionate about cutting-edge nanotechnology and quantum materials? We are looking for a talented researcher to lead an exciting project exploring high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and their potential applications in neuromorphic computing.

Information about the division and the department
In cuprate High critical temperature superconductors (HTS) the superconductive phenomenon emerges from a metallic state, named “strange metal”, with properties that cannot be accounted for by conventional condensed matter theories. The highest superconductive temperature in HTS corresponds to the region of doping where the strange metal phase is most robust. It is believed that the route towards room temperature superconductivity goes through the understanding of the physics principles governing the strange metal phase, still unknown.

Our group has recently achieved research breakthroughs by using the strain induced by the substrate to tune the properties of the strange metal phase and of the superconductive state. The focus of this position will be to go beyond conventional strain modification by patterning period nanostructures on the surface of the  substrate. nm thick films of HTS superconductors will be strongly affected by the superstructure which will change the ground state possibly giving hints on how to increase the superconducting critical temperature towards room temperature. At the same time you will be working on a recently financed EU project aimed at using HTS nano devices for mimicking artificial neurons and synapses for neuromorphic computing applications. In this respect the plan is to realize tunable Josephson devices using thin HTS films in combination with state-of-the-art nanolithography.

Within this project you will lead this new experimental approach which will involve nano structuring of  substrates, thin film deposition and transport properties of nanoscale devices. We have a strong consortium consisting of expertise in superconducting materials (Chalmers), which can benefit from the theoretical support of various national (KTH, Uppsala, Chalmers) and international collaborations. The research is conducted at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience – MC2. MC2 is a unique research department in the areas of micro- and nanotechnology, housing more than 200 employees and PhD students. The research focus at MC2 is future nano- and quantum electronics, high speed electronics and photonics, and bio- and nano-systems.

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. 

To qualify for this position you must have: 

• A MSc and PhD degree with strong background in Physics and Engineering, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*
• Performed high-quality research in the area of nanoelectronics
• Experience in nanofabrication of electronic devices (cleanroom environment)
• Experience in growth of thin films/nanoribbons
• Experience in low-level electronic measurements at cryogenic temperatures (mK temperature)
• Strong inner driving force and capabilities for independent work
• Excellent collaboration skills in a research team
• Fluent in English, both oral and written skills

Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, that can be extended to a maximum of 3 years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240543 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: November 3, 2024 

For questions, please contact:
Floriana Lombardi
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0317723318

Thilo Bauch 
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0317723397 Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för medicin, Avdelningen för molekylär och klinisk medicin, bedriver translationell forskning främst kring metabolism, diabetes, fetma och kardiovaskulär sjukdom i syfte att förbättra hälsa och sjukvård i samhället. Det övergripande målet är att skapa en excellent translationell forskningsmiljö av mycket hög internationell standard.

Att ansvara för att utveckla och använda metabolit analyser genom mass spektrometri i såväl små som stora studiematerial av olika vävnadsursprung i samarbete med forskargrupper vid Wallenberglaboratoriet. Tjänsteinnehavaren kommer således att arbeta nära andra forskare från olika forskargrupper, och kommer även att ansvara för översyn av mass spektrometri instrumenten.

Den sökande ska ha en doktorsexamen inom biomedicinsk vetenskap/biokemisk analys med fokus på metabolitprofilering. Stark bakgrund inom mass spektrometrisk analys med biomedicinska applikationer är ett krav. Erfarenhet av hantering och analys av metabolitdata är meriterande. Det är viktigt att den sökande kan samarbeta väl med andra forskare och kliniker inom ett större team och stor vikt läggs på personliga egenskaper såsom initiativtagande och flexibilitet. Internationell erfarenhet, till exempel utländsk doktorandexamen, är meriterande. Det är ett krav med flytande engelska, både i tal och skrift.

Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning, provanställning kan komma att tillämpas.
Omfattning: 100%
Placering: Institutionen för medicin, Göteborg
Tillträde: Snarast eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Gustav Smith
[email protected]

Malin Levin
[email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att registrera din ansökan elektroniskt via hemsidan: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/lediga-anstallningar. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Intyg om doktorsexamen ska bifogas med ansökan.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-11-04

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral position in Plasma physics

Thermonuclear fusion is one of very few long-term solutions for a sustainable base load electricity production negligible environmental impact and minimal security and safety concern. We are now looking for a new team member to join our research team to help advance the understanding of turbulence and transport in the plasma under reactor conditions - a critical part in the design and exploitation of the next step fusion experiments. About the research gr... Visa mer
Thermonuclear fusion is one of very few long-term solutions for a sustainable base load electricity production negligible environmental impact and minimal security and safety concern. We are now looking for a new team member to join our research team to help advance the understanding of turbulence and transport in the plasma under reactor conditions - a critical part in the design and exploitation of the next step fusion experiments.

About the research group

The Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy group (PPFE) part of the Astronomy and Plasma Physics division at the Space, Earth and Environment department, focuses on modelling, simulation, and analysis of tokamak plasmas. Our work contributes to establishing a predictive capability for turbulent transport in fusion-grade plasmas and validating models based on current experiments. The group collaborates extensively with major fusion devices and contributes to developments for both the ITER experiment and the design of the demonstration reactor, DEMO. Our activities are fully integrated within the EUROfusion framework, and we actively engage in the development of open data access for fusion experiments and modelling.

Main responsibilities

The successful candidate will perform simulations using advanced modelling tools to support scenario development for fusion-grade reactors. Our research is focused on two complementary areas:

• Integrated modelling of plasma scenarios
• Analysis of turbulent transport using gyro-kinetic models

These efforts are interconnected through the use and development of reduced quasilinear models for predictive modelling, including TGLF, QuaLiKiz, and EDWM. By validating turbulent transport models with existing experimental devices and first-principles modelling, we aim to extrapolate these models for use in future reactors.

You will work in a highly international research environment, collaborating with major fusion experiments across Europe and beyond. The position offers the opportunity to develop your own research ideas and tackle scientific challenges through international collaborations. The role may also involve some supervision of student projects.


To qualify for this postdoctoral position, you must hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field (such as electrical engineering, computer science, physics, or similar) awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Experience in computational methods and programming is required.

It is meritorious if you have experience with:

• Integrated modelling frameworks (e.g., ETS, JINTRAC, or ASTRA)
• Gyro-kinetic theory/codes and quasi-linear transport codes

You should also demonstrate:

• Some familiarity with teaching
• Strong potential in research and education
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English (Chalmers offers Swedish language courses)

Contract terms

This is a full-time, temporary position with an initial contract of two years, with the possibility of a one-year extension, depending on available funding.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240525 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 22 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Pär Strand, AoP(SEE)
[email protected]
+46 31-7721514

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Two postdoctoral positions in the topic of massive galaxy evolution

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in the study of galaxy formation and evolution at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. The successful candidates will join the research group of Prof. Kirsten K. Knudsen. The research is on high-redshift starburst/AGN and galaxy evolution with focus on observational studies primarily in the mm-wave/radio wavelength range as well as modelling of sou... Visa mer
Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in the study of galaxy formation and evolution at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. The successful candidates will join the research group of Prof. Kirsten K. Knudsen. The research is on high-redshift starburst/AGN and galaxy evolution with focus on observational studies primarily in the mm-wave/radio wavelength range as well as modelling of source detection. The scientific aim is towards understanding the mechanisms that drive the evolution of massive galaxies. The starting data is flexible, though preferably August 2025.

About the division

The successful applicant will work in the 'Astronomy and Plasma Physics' division, which has a wide range of astronomy topics from exoplanets to high-redshift galaxies. The department hosts the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy, which is also the location of the Nordic ALMA Regional Center Node.

Main responsibilities

Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform research on galaxy evolution in the research team of Prof. Kirsten Knudsen. You will be involved in different aspects on understanding the mechanisms that drive the evolution of early massive galaxies, primarily from an empirical perspective. The two positions focus on how the nearby environment of early galaxies and on internal mechanisms (e.g. the influence of AGN), respectively, affect galaxy evolution. For more and specific details, please contact Kirsten Knudsen. The positions could also include some possibility for involvement in supervising master's and/or PhD students.


Applicants must hold a PhD, preferably in astronomy, or have a completed PhD degree by start of the appointment. Employment rules give preference to PhD degrees awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Ideal candidates will have demonstrated potential for research in extragalactic astronomy, particularly in the fields of galaxy formation and evolution. Experience in millimeter/submillimeter or radio interferometry is advantageous. Strong verbal and written communication skills in English are required. Non-Swedish speakers are strongly encouraged to learn the language, and Chalmers offers Swedish courses to facilitate this.

Contract terms

These postdoctoral positions are full-time, temporary appointments for two or three years.

We offer

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure

The application should be marked with 20240526 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1 page

Research statement: (Please name the document as: Research statement, Family name, Ref. number)
2 pages where you:
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 29 November, 2024
For questions, please contact:
Professor Kirsten Knudsen, SEE/AoP
[email protected], +46-31-772-6355

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Biopolymer Hydrogels for Zinc Ion Batteries

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the research groups of Christian Müller and Anna Martinelli at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. This exciting project, led by Prof. Olle Inganäs at Linköping University, will focus on studying the phase behavior of biopolyelectrolyte complexes that form hydrogels, with a particular emphasis on their potential use in zinc-ion batteries. The role offers ... Visa mer
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc to join the research groups of Christian Müller and Anna Martinelli at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. This exciting project, led by Prof. Olle Inganäs at Linköping University, will focus on studying the phase behavior of biopolyelectrolyte complexes that form hydrogels, with a particular emphasis on their potential use in zinc-ion batteries. The role offers the opportunity to collaborate with both national and international partners, with possibilities to travel and visit external labs.

Project overview

The aim of this project is to explore the phase behavior, rheological properties, and ionic conductivity of biopolymer-based hydrogels, examining their potential for use in Zn-ion batteries. You will collaborate closely with research groups both in Sweden and abroad, working on the front lines of innovative energy storage solutions and polymer science.

Research context

Christian Müller’s group focuses on the physical chemistry of organic semiconductors, while Anna Martinelli’s group specializes in ion-conducting polymers. Together, they develop cutting-edge materials for applications in wearable electronics and energy technologies. This project combines these areas to create advanced materials that contribute to sustainable energy solutions.

Main responsibilities

As a Postdoc, your primary responsibility will be conducting independent research, while collaborating with other postdocs, students, and partnering research groups. Key tasks include:

• Developing new ideas and research directions within the project’s scope.
• Conducting experiments and analyzing data.
• Communicating scientific results effectively, both in written publications and oral presentations.


To be successful in this role, you should have:

• A PhD (or nearing completion) in physical chemistry, materials science, or a closely related field. The degree must have been awarded no more than three years before the application deadline.
• A promising track record of early research achievements, such as scientific publications.
• Practical experience with polymer characterization techniques, particularly NMR, dielectric spectroscopy, and thermal analysis (DSC, TGA).
• Additional experience in rheology, vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman), and X-ray diffraction (WAXS, SAXS) is a plus.
• Excellent collaboration skills, due to the interdisciplinary and international nature of the project.
• Strong proficiency in communicating scientific results in English, both orally and in writing.

 Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment for a maximum of two (2) years. The monthly salary of a Postdoc researcher at Chalmers is about 41'000 SEK before tax (€ 3'600).
We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240547 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 11 November, 2024. Interviews will be conducted on a continuous basis until the position is filled. Therefore, please submit your application prior to the application deadline. 

For questions, please contact:
Prof. Christian Müller, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
[email protected], +46317722790

Prof. Anna Martinelli, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
[email protected], +46317723002

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in optical spectroscopy

We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to join an EU-funded project focused on developing advanced photochromic probes for fluorescence microscopy. The Chalmers node is tasked with designing and conducting the spectroscopic characterization of these target compounds using cutting-edge absorption and fluorescence techniques. Project overview This multidisciplinary project brings together experts in molecular design, synthesis, and charac... Visa mer
We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to join an EU-funded project focused on developing advanced photochromic probes for fluorescence microscopy. The Chalmers node is tasked with designing and conducting the spectroscopic characterization of these target compounds using cutting-edge absorption and fluorescence techniques.

Project overview

This multidisciplinary project brings together experts in molecular design, synthesis, and characterization, with a focus on fluorescent molecular photoswitches. You will be responsible for the spectroscopic characterization of these innovative compounds. The work will involve both steady-state and time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Your daily tasks will be based at Chalmers University of Technology, and you'll collaborate closely with partners from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), University of Huelva (Spain), and KU Leuven (Belgium).

About the division and research group

Our research at the Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry focuses on uncovering the "secret life of molecules." We explore how molecules—small and large—are synthesized, how they interact in materials and living cells, and how they capture and convert energy. Our research spans a wide range of potential applications, from life sciences to materials science. We are dedicated to pursuing projects that uphold the highest scientific standards, and our molecular-level insights often provide solutions to complex problems and inspire future applications.

The Andréasson research group specializes in synthesizing and characterizing molecular photoswitches (photochromic molecules). We are particularly interested in controlling energy transfer reactions, such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), using photonic manipulation. This in turn influences the fluorescence properties of these systems, which can be applied in a variety of innovative contexts. 

Key responsibilities

• Perform spectroscopic characterization of target compounds.
• Conduct absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in both steady-state and time-resolved modes.


Required qualifications

• Education: PhD in physical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, or an equivalent field. The degree must have been awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline.
• Experience: Proficiency in absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, including steady-state and time-resolved techniques (e.g., time-resolved single-photon counting, TR-SPC).
• Skills: Strong communication skills in English, both written and spoken.

Desirable qualifications

• Previous postdoctoral experience.
• Experience with photochromic compounds (molecular photoswitches).
• Familiarity with energy transfer studies, particularly FRET reactions

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240545 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Professor Joakim Andréasson, Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
[email protected], +46(0)31-7722838.

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdocs in energy and environmental systems analysis of maritime transport

We invite applicants to join our team of researchers within the area of environmental and energy systems analysis focusing on the transition towards a sustainable transport sector. We are looking for two postdoctoral researchers in energy and environmental systems modelling focusing on future fuels and propulsion systems for the maritime sector. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to the development of techno-economic and environmental assessment ... Visa mer
We invite applicants to join our team of researchers within the area of environmental and energy systems analysis focusing on the transition towards a sustainable transport sector. We are looking for two postdoctoral researchers in energy and environmental systems modelling focusing on future fuels and propulsion systems for the maritime sector. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to the development of techno-economic and environmental assessment evaluation frameworks and/or the development of energy system optimization models. The research is applied and closely linked to industrial interests and needs.

Project description
Our research aims to provide long-term, and most often global, perspectives on future renewable fuels for transport. We seek to rigorously analyse the feasibility of energy transitions, utilize empirical as well as estimated data, and explore whether and under what conditions changes can occur as well as the cost-effectiveness and environmental effects of such changes. Research tools include life cycle assessment, techno-economic assessments, and cost-minimizing models where all energy sectors compete for the same primary energy sources in a future carbon constrained world. Currently, we have a special interest in the decarbonization of the maritime sector.

For the first postdoctoral position we are looking for someone who can work in the Horizon Europe project “Advanced POwer conversion technologies based on onboard ammonia cracking through novel membrane reactors (APOLO)”. The task is to lead and coordinate Chalmers work and to carry out life cycle sustainability assessments of the APOLO concept and other possible competing future fuels and propulsion systems for shipping. In this project you will collaborate with all consortium partners in the APOLO project.

For the second postdoctoral position we are looking for someone who can work in the project “Potential for electrifying ships from a fleet perspective - understanding power demand and grid capacity”. The task is to develop a new energy system model for ship electrification for all ships entering the port of Gothenburg and connect the model to electricity grid models to understand both limitations on the ship side as well as on the shore side. In this project you will collaborate with at least two other divisions at Chalmers: Marine Technology and Energy Technology.

Information about the department
The positions will be hosted by the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences. The department is highly diverse, with close links to the automotive, aerospace and maritime industry in Gothenburg. Among a range of fundamental and applied research in these areas, we have a strong focus on shipping decarbonization and the marine environment. You will be joining the Grahn and Brynolf research team, presently consisting of three senior researchers, three postdocs and four PhD students. It is embedded in an interdisciplinary environment where we have close collaboration with other research teams at Chalmers such as technology experts, systems engineers, natural and social scientists carrying out research on solutions to major environmental challenges. We also collaborate with international organizations within both academia and industry.

Major responsibilities
Your main responsibility will be to perform studies assessing the potential to decarbonize the maritime sectors. You are expected to contribute to develop existing and new models (life cycle sustainability assessment models or energy system models). You will be involved in training PhD students, supervising MSc students and the position may also include teaching on Chalmers' graduate and undergraduate levels. You are expected to have the ability to plan and organize your work and work independently in close collaboration with other group members and project partners. You are, further, expected to, in English, communicate your findings, both in written form and orally at e.g., conferences and to relevant stakeholders.

To qualify for the postdoctoral position, you should possess a doctoral degree in a relevant field such as, energy technology, environmental economy, applied mathematics, environmental science, electrical engineering or naval architecture with a specialization in life cycle assessment, energy systems analysis, energy modelling or energy transitions at the graduate level. Proven experience with data analysis and programming (e.g., GAMS, Matlab, Python, R, Brightway, OpenLCA, ArcGIS) is also a must. Knowledge of alternative transport fuels, global energy transition or maritime transport is beneficial. You are, further, expected to have excellent oral and written communication skills in English and a strong commitment to scientific inquiry.

We are looking for motivated and independent researchers with good analytical skills who is interested in the energy sector transition and interdisciplinary research with a holistic systems perspective. We also believe that you have a strong curiosity and a genuine wish to learn more and develop your skills and knowledge further in the fields of research, research communication and project management.

Contract terms
The postdoc positions are full-time temporary employment for two years.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240531 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-11-10
For questions, please contact:
[email protected], Researcher at Maritime Environmental Science Visa mindre

Postdoctoral position on evolution and feedback in galaxies

The Department of Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) at Chalmers University of Technology is a dynamic hub for cutting-edge scientific research. We explore both the origins of the universe, our planet, and life, as well as pressing contemporary issues on Earth. Our research addresses global challenges related to resources, energy supply, and environmental impact through innovative models, tools, and methods. At the Division of Astronomy and Plasma Physics... Visa mer
The Department of Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) at Chalmers University of Technology is a dynamic hub for cutting-edge scientific research. We explore both the origins of the universe, our planet, and life, as well as pressing contemporary issues on Earth. Our research addresses global challenges related to resources, energy supply, and environmental impact through innovative models, tools, and methods.

At the Division of Astronomy and Plasma Physics (AoP), our research spans a broad spectrum of topics, including the study of evolved stars, the interstellar medium, astrochemistry, star and planet formation, exoplanets, observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, and galaxy clusters. Our activities are based at the Johanneberg Campus and the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO)—Sweden's national facility for Radio Astronomy. OSO operates cutting-edge telescopes in Sweden, shares the APEX telescope in Chile, and hosts the Nordic ALMA Regional Center (ARC).

Project overview

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position as part of the project “Feeding and feedback in the dark hearts of galaxies,” funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (PI: S. Aalto). This project uses multi-wavelength approaches, including newly developed mm and submm observational techniques, to probe the dark cores of dusty galaxies. We employ state-of-the-art machine learning methods to investigate nuclear evolution and galaxy-SMBH co-evolution.

We are looking for a highly-motivated, talented postdoctoral researcher with expertise in one or more of the following areas:

• mm/submm/radio interferometric studies of nearby and/or distant galaxies, AGNs, and starbursts.
• Optical and IR studies of host galaxy properties.
• 3D radiative transfer modeling.
• Galactic dynamics, outflows, and feedback.
• Numerical modeling of galaxy evolution, including machine learning and AI techniques.

You will be joining a thriving and collaborative research environment that spans the Division for Astronomy and Plasma Physics and the Onsala Space Observatory, home of the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy and the Nordic ALMA Regional Center Node. Our team also actively participates in numerous international collaborations.

Further details about the department's research activities can be found here.

Major responsibilities

As a postdoctoral researcher, your primary responsibility will be conducting high-impact research within the group of S. Aalto and collaborators. You may also have the opportunity to contribute to teaching at undergraduate and master’s levels, and to supervise master's or PhD students. Collaboration, both within academia and with broader society, will be an integral part of your role.

This position offers a strong foundation for future research careers, both within academia and in industry or the public sector.


To be considered for this position, you must have:

• A Ph.D. in astronomy or a closely related field, awarded within the past three years.
• A strong track record and demonstrated potential for conducting innovative research.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

Contract terms

Full-time temporary employment for two years with possible extension.

We offer

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure

The application should be marked with 20240528 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 15 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:

Prof. Susanne Aalto, Astronomy & Plasma Physics; Space, Earth and Environment
[email protected]
+46 31 772669

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre


Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.På Institutionen för globala studier bedriver vi forskning och undervisning som ger förmågan att förstå och ... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.På Institutionen för globala studier bedriver vi forskning och undervisning som ger förmågan att förstå och analysera samhällsfenomen i en global värld. Våra utbildningar kännetecknas av aktualitet och samhällsrelevans, och vår forskning strävar efter att göra världen mer begriplig med hjälp av vår unika tvärvetenskapliga forskningsmiljö. Våra forskningsområden är samhällsvetenskapliga miljöstudier, freds- och utvecklingsforskning, mänskliga rättigheter och socialantropologi. För mer information se https://www.gu.se/globalastudier 

Vi söker en forskningsassistent till en studie inom forskningsprojektet Att Främja Jämställdhet i Klimatomställningen: En Studie av Institutionella Praktiker i Myndigheter i Norden och Baltikum som leds av professor Annica Kronsell och finansieras genom Nordforsk och forskningsstiftelsen FORMAS.


Som forskningsassistent kommer du att arbeta inom forskningsprojektet Att Främja Jämställdhet i Klimatomställningen. Arbetet knyts till Projektledningen i Sverige. Arbetsuppgifter är både praktiska och vetenskapliga. Arbetsuppgifter inbegriper organisering, kommunikation och administration av det nordiska forskarkonsortiet avseende möten, konferenser och datainsamling. De vetenskapliga arbetsmomenten innebär assistans gällande de olika nordiska och baltiska fallstudier inom projektet. Det kan handla om att samla aktuella klimatpolitiska styrdokument, att hitta lämpliga myndighetspersoner att intervjua och att organisera intervjuer samt administrera enkäter. Arbetet sker i nära samarbete med övriga forskare i projektet. I den mån det är aktuellt kan även uppsats eller examensarbete knytas till projektet.

För mer information om forskningsprojektet se: https://www.gu.se/nyheter/ny-forskning-vill-framja-jamstalldhet-i-klimatomstallningen


Vi söker en noggrann, strukturerad och kreativ person med social kompetens och flexibilitet i utförandet av arbetet. Erfarenheter av arbete med organisation, kommunikation och administration är meriterande. Vi har som krav att du som söker har relevant kandidatexamen inom klimat-, miljö- och hållbarhetsstudier, genusstudier, statsvetenskap, policy studier, jämförande politik, organisations- eller förvaltningsstudier. Det är meriterande om sökande har erfarenhet av forskningsmetoder såsom textanalys, fallstudier, intervjuer eller enkätstudier.

För att lyckas i tjänsten krävs förmåga att både kunna arbeta självständigt och att samarbeta i en forskargrupp. Du behöver kunna tala och skriva väl på engelska. Goda kunskaper i ett annat nordiskt eller baltiskt språk är meriterande.


Anställningen är en särskild visstidsanställning på 12 månader. Tjänsteomfattning är 50% och tjänsten är placering vid Institutionen för Globala Studier. Tillträde i november 2024 eller enligt överenskommelse.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 

Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta Annica Kronsell, projektledare, Institutionen för Globala Studier, Göteborgs Universitet. E-post: [email protected]

Har du frågor om rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta personalhandläggare Elvedina Sikiric Lidström, Institutionen för Globala Studier. Email: [email protected]


Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande 


För att söka en anställning vid Göteborgs universitet måste du registrera ett konto i vårt rekryteringssystem. Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök".

Till ansökan ska bifogas ett CV och ett personligt brev där du visar varför du är lämpad för tjänsten. Du ska även bifoga intyg om kandidatexamen.

Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Sista ansökningsdag är den 2024-10-30.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Chalmers Astronomy and Plasma Physics Fellow

The Astronomy and Plasma Physics division (AoP), part of the Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) department at Chalmers University of Technology, is home to approximately 45 researchers. Our team conducts cutting-edge research in areas including active galactic nuclei, evolved stars, exoplanets, galaxy evolution, the interstellar medium, star formation, as well as turbulence and transport in tokamaks and fusion plasma physics. We collaborate closely with th... Visa mer
The Astronomy and Plasma Physics division (AoP), part of the Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) department at Chalmers University of Technology, is home to approximately 45 researchers. Our team conducts cutting-edge research in areas including active galactic nuclei, evolved stars, exoplanets, galaxy evolution, the interstellar medium, star formation, as well as turbulence and transport in tokamaks and fusion plasma physics. We collaborate closely with the Onsala Space Observatory, which hosts the Nordic ALMA Regional Center node and serves as Sweden’s SKA center.

Our fusion research is aligned with the European fusion research program through the EUROfusion consortium, which conducts experiments on key European fusion devices, such as JET, and maintains strong ties with the ITER project.

Job description

We are currently seeking an exceptional postdoctoral researcher to develop and lead an independent research program that fosters collaboration between the division’s various research areas. This position offers a horizon of up to four years (initial two-year contract), with a high degree of independence, a generous research budget, and ample opportunities for collaboration.

The successful candidate will design and lead a creative research program that bridges the division’s diverse research topics. Emphasis on fostering interdisciplinary collaborations within the division will be a key aspect of a strong application. Additionally, the candidate is expected to contribute to building a positive and inclusive work environment at AoP.

For more detailed information about our research topics and staff, please refer to the AoP homepages.

Main responsibilities

As an AoP Fellow, your main responsibility will be to:

• Lead an independent research program that is synergistic with the division’s scientific interests.
• Foster collaborative activities across multiple faculty members.
• Contribute to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment within the division.

You will also be expected to engage in building collaborative networks beyond the immediate research project.


To be considered for this position, you must hold a doctoral degree in Astronomy, Physics, or a related field, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions to this timeframe may be made for periods of parental leave, sick leave, or military service.

Additional qualifications include:

• Strong command of English, with excellent written and oral communication skills.
• Proven teamwork and leadership abilities.

Contract terms

This is a full-time, temporary position for two years, with the potential for renewal up to 3 years and 360 days in total.

Why Chalmers? 

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure

Please submit your application in English. The application should be sent electronically as PDF files (maximum size: 40 MB per file). Note: the system does not support ZIP files.

Your application should include:

• Cover letter
• CV, including a complete list of publications
• Statement of past and current research (maximum 3 pages)
• Research plan with an emphasis on cross-field collaboration with AoP staff (maximum 4 pages)
• Contact information for three referees who can provide letters of recommendation

To apply, please use the application form at the bottom of this page.

Important: It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the application is complete. Incomplete applications and those sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 6 December, 2024

Contact information

For further inquiries, please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Jouni Kainulainen, Astronomy and Plasma Physics
[email protected], +46 31 772 6423

Dr. Matthias Maercker, Astronomy and Plasma Physics
[email protected], +46 31 772 1916

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Amanuens inom forskning för Software Engineering

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik är en integrerad institution med både Göteborgs universitet o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik är en integrerad institution med både Göteborgs universitet och Chalmers tekniska högskola som huvudmän. Vid institutionen bedrivs utbildning inom ett brett spektrum av områden.

Vi söker nu amanuenser för forskningsprojekt inom studieområdet Software Engineering, specifikt för mjukvara för fordon. Arbetet kommer att pågå under höstterminen 2024.

Som amanuens för forskningsprojekt kommer du arbeta med att stötta forskare (handledare) med praktiska uppgifter inom deras forskningsprojekt. Till exempel kan det innebära uppgifter som samla in och hantera data, analysera data eller programmeringsuppgifter. Du kommer att ha löpande kontakt med berörd forskare angående vilka moment du kan vara behjälplig inom. 

För att vara kvalificerad för tjänsten
- Du är en aktiv student vid ett av institutionens program på grund- eller avancerad nivå vid Göteborgs universitet eller Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Du har goda kunskaper i engelska och svenska, både i tal och skrift
- Du kommer befinna dig i Göteborg, Sverige under anställningsperioden

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning
Anställningsperiod: 4-5 månader, höstterminen 2024
Omfattning: 20% av heltid
Placering: Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik, Göteborg
Tillträde: 2024-10-25 eller enligt överenskommelse

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen 
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta
Christian Berger [email protected]

Har du frågor om din ansökan eller rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta
Sanna Staf [email protected]

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:?https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande  

För att söka en anställning vid Göteborgs universitet måste du registrera ett konto i vårt rekryteringssystem. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag. 

Fyll i dina personliga uppgifter och svar på tilläggsfrågor. Du ska även bifoga ett CV och ett betygsunderlag (utdrag ur Ladok). Efter sista ansökningsdagen behandlas alla ansökningar.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2024-10-21

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc position

Postdoc position in Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) technology for battery recycling Battery innovation and recycling are essential to powering the e-mobility revolution and advancing green energy transitions. In this role, you'll play a key part in developing sustainable technologies that will shape the future. You’ll work alongside a dynamic, ambitious research team to push the boundaries of battery recycling, contributing directly to global sustaina... Visa mer
Postdoc position in Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) technology for battery recycling

Battery innovation and recycling are essential to powering the e-mobility revolution and advancing green energy transitions. In this role, you'll play a key part in developing sustainable technologies that will shape the future. You’ll work alongside a dynamic, ambitious research team to push the boundaries of battery recycling, contributing directly to global sustainability goals. As part of this role, you'll have the opportunity to participate in international conferences, workshops, and collaborative projects, while developing expertise in battery recycling, advanced material characterization, and sustainable technologies.

This position offers the chance to refine your skills in research communication, project reporting, and creative problem-solving, preparing you for leadership in the sustainable energy sector.

Project overview

Our research group is a national and international leader in battery recycling, with strong industrial partnerships and a wide network in the field. This project, funded by the European Union's Horizon program, focuses on developing advanced recycling technologies, particularly in the recycling of electrolytes and binders from Li-ion batteries. As the demand for lithium-ion batteries grows, so does the challenge of managing the resulting waste. Effective recycling not only tackles environmental issues but also strengthens the supply of critical raw materials for the battery industry.

While many processes exist for recovering valuable materials, the recycling of organic components—especially electrolytes and binders—remains a major challenge. In this project, you’ll develop cutting-edge supercritical fluid technology to address this, driving forward sustainable recycling innovations. This is a rare opportunity to make a tangible impact in both the scientific and industrial aspects of green technology.

The research group 

The Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling group at the division of Energy and Materials is a global leader in sustainable material recovery. With a dynamic team from over 10 countries, we specialize in advanced recycling methods such as aqueous chemistry, solvent extraction, high-temperature processes, and supercritical fluids. Initially focused on precious metals, our research now tackles critical recycling challenges in batteries, electronic waste, solar cells, and more.

We are pioneers in battery recycling, developing scalable technologies to efficiently recycle all components, including metals, organics, and electrolytes.

Main responsibilities

• Conduct research in line with the project, publish and present scientific papers, and contribute to academic discussions.
• Participate in departmental duties and teaching activities in Chemistry.


• PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or Physics (awarded within the last three years). Exceptions to the three-year limit can be made for parental leave, sick leave, or military service.
• Open-minded, decisive, and persistent in overcoming research challenges.
• Highly motivated, curious, and enthusiastic about the field of research.
• Able to work independently and take responsibility in a collaborative, international environment.

Contract terms
This is a full-time postdoctoral position for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240522 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Motivate why you are applying for this position
• Describe your particular skills for this position
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Dr. Burçak Ebin, Energy and Materials
[email protected], +46731455083

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Two postdoctoral researcher positions in experimental subatomic physics

Are you looking for a prime opportunity to gain experience at the forefront of nuclear research in an open and inclusive academic environment? Then, one of our positions as a postdoctoral researcher in experimental subatomic physics might be a good fit for you! Information about the division and the department The Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology invites applications for two two-year postdoctoral positions in experimental subatom... Visa mer
Are you looking for a prime opportunity to gain experience at the forefront of nuclear research in an open and inclusive academic environment? Then, one of our positions as a postdoctoral researcher in experimental subatomic physics might be a good fit for you!

Information about the division and the department
The Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology invites applications for two two-year postdoctoral positions in experimental subatomic physics to begin in 2025 (starting date flexible), including the possibility for one additional year extension.

We investigate the most exotic light nuclear systems and the role of fission in the r-process through experiments using radioactive beams (RIBs) at CERN-ISOLDE and GSI/FAIR. You will actively take part in upcoming experiments at the HIE-ISOLDE and R3B installations, with a leading role in implementing instrumentation and data analysis.

We are part of the division of Subatomic, High-Energy and Plasma Physics within the Department of Physics. We strive to provide a stimulating and open research environment with high scientific standards and a continuous exchange with our many international collaborators. 

Major responsibilities
Your main task as a postdoctoral researcher is to carry out research aimed at a better understanding of nuclear systems at the limits of existence. This will include developing and implementing methods and instrumentation needed. You are also expected to develop your own ideas and find your own ways of tackling research challenges.

Contribution to the supervision of bachelor, master, and PhD students is common. It is expected that your research is integrated within the international research collaborations we are working in and that you will assume a visible role within these. This entails international travel. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large.


You should:

- Have a PhD in Experimental Subatomic Physics awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline.

- Have a strong background in physics, good programming skills, and hands-on experience with radiation detectors.

- Be somewhat accustomed to teaching and demonstrate good potential within research and education.

 As we are active in a highly international environment, proficiency in written and spoken English is necessary. Swedish is not a requirement, but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

*To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service. The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two/three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example, the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240520 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF files, as below. The maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include a complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: October 31, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Associate Professor, Andreas Heinz, Subatomic, High-Energy and Plasma Physics, [email protected], 031-772-3430
Professor, Thomas Nilsson, Subatomic, High-Energy and Plasma Physics, [email protected], 031-772-3258

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in modeling demand for megawatt electric truck chargers

Mega Watt Charging Stations (MCS) are an essential prerequisite for de-carbonasing long-haul trucks in Europe. As a postdoc you will be part of the EU project MACBETH where excellent research about electrification of long-haul trucks is combined with actual showcasing of multipoint MCS hubs. Project description The EU is currently in the process of a transition to zero emissions trucks. The development of MegaWatt Charging Stations is a pivotal advancemen... Visa mer
Mega Watt Charging Stations (MCS) are an essential prerequisite for de-carbonasing long-haul trucks in Europe. As a postdoc you will be part of the EU project MACBETH where excellent research about electrification of long-haul trucks is combined with actual showcasing of multipoint MCS hubs.

Project description
The EU is currently in the process of a transition to zero emissions trucks. The development of MegaWatt Charging Stations is a pivotal advancement for electric long-haul trucking, The ambition and objective of the MACBETH- MULTIPOINT MEGAWATT CHARGING FOR BATTERY ELECTRIC TRUCK HUBS- project is to push MCS as a game-changing solution to electrify long-haul freight, through developing and showcasing multipoint MCS hubs combined with tools facilitating the scale-up.

Information about the division and the department
The Department of Space, Earth and Environment contains five divisions, with research and education spanning from global challenges related to sustainability and energy supply to astronomy and space sciences. The department is host to two major infrastructures, Onsala Space Observatory and Chalmers Power Central, and consist of about 250 employees.
The division of Physical Resource Theory carries out research and education on potential solutions to our major environmental challenges, e.g. global warming and sustainable use of land and other resources. At our division we focus on research in the field of technical and socio-economic systems addressing the challenges involved in the transition into a sustainable and low carbon society for a growing poulation, where a range of different quantitative and qualitative methods can be applied on our reseach topics. The ambition is to build challenge-driven scientific excellence by crossing traditional boundaries and increase the level of multi-disciplinarity in research. The division has around 40 staff members, faculty and PhD-students with diverse expertise, including engineers, natural and social scientists. We also offer courses in areas related to our research.

Major responsibilities

As a postdoc within MACBETH you will derive future charging demand along the TEN-T network, at logistics terminals and truck stops with nearby depots from trucks and cars and identify ideal locations for future truck charging along the network. You will continue to develop existing charging demand models that will incorporate regional policies, grid constraints and realistic charging needs. You will be responsible for preparing deliverables and taking part in consortium meetings. You will also contribute to academic publications and present research findings at conferences and workshops.

To qualify for the position of postdoc you must have a doctoral degree in a relevant field, including (but not restricted to) engineering, data science, computer science, physics, mathematics, or complex systems. A PhD in a research field closely related to the project description, particularly with research experience in transport research, spatial analysis, computational modeling, is highly meritorious. Documented scientific skills, including demonstrated ability in independent research, publishing in top journals and presenting in international conferences are required.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

Contract terms
This is a full-time temporary employment for two years with the possibility of extension up to four years. Additionally, the role can include a teaching component up to 20%, providing opportunities for academic development.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with reference number 20240513 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.
• The title of two sample publications
• List the names of your thesis supervisor(s) and examiner(s)
• Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. 

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-10-30

For questions, please contact:
Frances Sprei, Physcical resource Theory
[email protected], 031- 772 21 46

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc in hydrogen fuel cell technology for drones

We are searching for a self-propelled and innovative postdoctoral researcher for a project in the area of novel hydrogen fuel cell technology for uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones. This postdoctoral position offers you the opportunity • to join an inclusive and creative research team based in beautiful Western Sweden; • contribute to an interdisciplinary research synergising chemistry, mechanical engineering, and robotics; • and, to cultivate an... Visa mer
We are searching for a self-propelled and innovative postdoctoral researcher for a project in the area of novel hydrogen fuel cell technology for uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones. This postdoctoral position offers you the opportunity

• to join an inclusive and creative research team based in beautiful Western Sweden;
• contribute to an interdisciplinary research synergising chemistry, mechanical engineering, and robotics;
• and, to cultivate an international network across different disciplines of academia and industry.

Information about the department and research groups 
This position is a joint appointment between the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences and the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is highly diverse, with close links to the automotive, aerospace and maritime industry in Gothenburg. Among a range of fundamental and applied research in these areas, we have a strong focus on sustainable aviation. You will be joining an emerging research group, led by Dr. Arion Pons in the Division of Fluid Dynamics, and will have the opportunity to contribute to a pioneering new focus on uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) within the Department. The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is the largest department of 13 at Chalmers, with approximately 320 employees in four research divisions. We tackle global challenges in the areas of health, energy, sustainability and transport by developing new knowledge and enabling technologies in the areas of nano- and materials science and chemical production methods. You will be joining a well-established research group, led by Dr. Anders Palmqvist in the Division of Applied Chemistry, with significant experience in the development of new materials for energy and environmental applications, with a focus on fuel cells and electrical storage.

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibilities will be to perform and publish scientific and engineering research. Research areas are likely to include the design and prototyping of micro-reactors for chemical hydrogen generation aboard very small UAVs; the development of customised membrane-electrode assemblies (MEAs) for UAV fuel cells; and the characterization of fuel cell performance in test stations and via UAV flight tests. You will be guided by senior researchers in the involved departments, and will be expected to communicate the results of your research verbally at leading conferences and in writing in international journals.

To qualify for the position, you should have a PhD in a relevant subject—including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, and others. Ordinarily, your PhD should have been awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers), but exceptional candidates with a PhD outside this date, and candidates who are anticipating the PhD award in the near future, will also be considered. We are specifically looking for candidates with experience and/or interest in one or more of the following areas:

• Chemical hydrogen storage technology, g., metal hydrides, formic acid.
• Chemical reactor design, particularly for small scales (< 200 mL).
• Polymer-electrolyte membrane (PEM) hydrogen fuel cells, particularly full stack design and characterisation
• Robotics, particularly small-scale (~20 cm) quadcopters.

Other factors that will be highly regarded include the capability to conduct interdisciplinary research (in any area); good oral and written communication skills in English; a demonstrated ability to contribute to the positive and inclusive outlook within a research group; and a flair for design innovation.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for 2 years. 

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20240515 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:

• CV, including complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)

One page where you:

• Introduce yourself
• Describe how your previous research makes you well-suited to this position

Other documents:

• Copies of relevant educational certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 20-10-2024
For questions, please contact:
Assistant Professor Arion Pons, Division of Fluid Dynamics, [email protected] 
Professor Anders Palmqvist, Division of Applied Chemistry, [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

 Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoc position in Singlet fission mediated 2-electron transfer reactions

Do you want to be part of a rapidly developing research field to improve efficiencies of solar energy devices? Join our venture to combine the two fields of singlet fission and supramolecular self-assembled molecular materials. Project description This research venture, lead by prof. Bo Albinsson, is directed towards increasing the efficiency of solar energy devices by exploiting new classes of dye-system for transforming the solar light spectrum to bette... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of a rapidly developing research field to improve efficiencies of solar energy devices? Join our venture to combine the two fields of singlet fission and supramolecular self-assembled molecular materials.

Project description
This research venture, lead by prof. Bo Albinsson, is directed towards increasing the efficiency of solar energy devices by exploiting new classes of dye-system for transforming the solar light spectrum to better fit the solar energy materials. In this project we will combine singlet fission materials with supramolecular cage compounds with the aim of driving demanding 2-electron transfer reactions using single photons. The development of the supramolecular cages will be done in collaboration with Angela Gromet´s research group at Chalmers university of technology. The aim of the project is to turn the research ideas about these physical phenomena into successful practice in solar energy technologies.

The division of chemistry and biochemistry has around 60 employees, including doctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows. Research at the division covers physical chemistry including ultrafast optical spectroscopy, biophysical chemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE, wise-materials.org). WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden's foremost universities over the course of 10 years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science.
Read more: https://wise-materials.org

All early-stage researchers recruited into the WISE program will be a part of the WISE Graduate School, https://wise-materials.org/research/graduate-school, an ambitious nationwide program of seminars, courses, research visits, and other activities to promote a strong multi-disciplinary and international network between PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and industry.

A few recent relevant publications from our research group:
(1) Ringström, R.; Schroeder, Z. W.; Mencaroni, L.; Chabera, P.; Tykwinski, R. R.; Albinsson, B. Triplet Formation in a 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene Dimer and Trimer Occurs by Charge Recombination Rather than Singlet Fission. J Phys Chem Lett 2023, 14 (35), 7897-7902.

(2) Ringström, R.; Edhborg, F.; Schroeder, Z. W.; Chen, L.; Ferguson, M. J.; Tykwinski, R. R.; Albinsson, B. Molecular rotational conformation controls the rate of singlet fission and triplet decay in pentacene dimers. Chem Sci 2022, 13 (17), 4944-4954.

Major responsibilities
Your main responsibilities in this postdoc position will include to:
• Develop the integration of singlet fission materials with supramolecular cage compounds.

• Characterize the materials with femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and realize 2-electron transfer reactions triggered by a single photon.

To qualify for the position, you must hold a doctoral degree in fields related to chemistry or physics awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service. You need to have hands-on experience with various spectroscopic techniques such as time-correlated single photon counting and femtosecond transient absorption used to characterize the molecular systems and devices. You are highly motivated, energetic and have a problem solving/creative attitude.

Experience with developing optical instrumentation is meritorious.

As Chalmers is a workplace with high international influence you have to speak and write English fluently.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240514 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 1 December, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Professor Bo Albinsson, Physical Chemistry
Phone +46 31 772 30 44
e-mail: [email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** Visa mindre

Research fellowship in joint analysis of infrared and microwave radiances

Today, microwave and infrared cloud observations are largely used separately, even though it is commonly accepted that they provide complementary measurement information. This project aims at bridging the gap between the two wavelength regions to improve the use of the observations in the derivation of climate data and weather forecasting. The project is timely considering the upcoming launches of the first sub-millimetre operational sensors (AWS and ICI).... Visa mer
Today, microwave and infrared cloud observations are largely used separately, even though it is commonly accepted that they provide complementary measurement information. This project aims at bridging the gap between the two wavelength regions to improve the use of the observations in the derivation of climate data and weather forecasting. The project is timely considering the upcoming launches of the first sub-millimetre operational sensors (AWS and ICI). The position is a fellowship funded by EUMETSAT, placed at the Division of Geoscience and Remote Sensing at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden). We are now inviting applications from suitably qualified scientists from EUMETSAT’s member states.

EUMETSAT is Europe’s meteorological satellite agency. Its role is to establish and operate meteorological satellites to monitor the weather and climate from space - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This information is supplied to the national meteorological services of the organisation's member states in Europe, as well as other users worldwide. EUMETSAT also operates several Copernicus missions on behalf of the European Union and provide data services to the Copernicus marine and atmospheric services and their users. As an intergovernmental European Organisation, EUMETSAT has 30 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.)

About the division at Chalmers
The Geoscience and Remote Sensing division at Chalmers conducts research, education, and utilisation within various scientific and engineering disciplines, including ground-based, airborne and satellite measurements, numerical modelling and data analysis. The division's goals are to improve understanding of the Earth system and global environmental problems and provide and interpret global datasets. We pursue scientific knowledge and provide tools to tackle problems of importance to society, such as climate change, Earth system science, air pollution, natural hazards and monitoring of the Earth's surface. We have extensive experience in developing and applying remote sensing across the electromagnetic spectrum and studying problems at different scales, from molecular processes in clouds to global environmental change. Our setting is distinctive in Sweden in that we have expertise in developing measurement techniques and modelling and methods to combine data from observations and models through data assimilation and machine learning methods.

Area of reserach 
Microwave all-sky assimilation is a proven concept today, while infrared correspondence is in early development. Climate ice cloud products show a reversed situation; multiple examples based on infrared measurements exist, while passive
microwave data, at best, provide background information. There are several reasons for this situation, but already differences in terminology and assumptions on particle sizes and shapes made for the two wavelength regions hamper the progress. This project aims to establish a common ground, particularly to develop and apply particle model parametrisations that allows joint treatment of infrared and microwave radiances. The launch of the Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) in August this year and the upcoming launch of the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI, 2025) give urgency to the project, but also result in that completely new data will be at hand for constraining particle models. The project will be performed in collaboration with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), ECMWF and EUMETSAT.

Main work tasks are:

• Assess the different assumptions and approaches presently used in the infrared
and microwave radiative transfer, by comparing observed and simulated
observations using the ARTS (Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator)
research tool.
• Based on the findings, develop particle model parametrisations for different
cloud regimes, suitable to reach the project’s objectives.
• Take part in incorporating new models into cloud retrievals made at Chalmers
and SMHI, as well as supporting ECMWF to add the models into the operational
RTTOV-SCATT observation operator.

The fellow should have a university degree in physics, mathematics, meteorology, remote sensing, or equivalent, and relevant research experience, including PhD or at the level thereof. Experience in microwave and/or infrared, all-sky, radiative transfer will be emphasised. Knowledge in one or more of the following areas would also be an advantage: retrievals, data assimilation, numerical weather forecasting and cloud physics. Strong computing skills will be a significant asset. This includes good and proven practical knowledge of programming languages (particularly C/C++ and Python), as well as experience with performing scientific simulations, and their evaluation. The ability to work as part of a team, a high level of commitment and interest in continuing development and training is required. Candidates must be able to work effectively in English, both verbally and written. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

The fellowship is offered for one year, with possibility of extension for up to two
additional years.

We offer
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

EUMETSAT is committed to providing an equal opportunities work environment for men and women. Please note that only nationals of EUMETSAT member states may apply. The EUMETSAT convention requires that its staff shall be recruited on the basis of their qualifications, account being taken of the international character of EUMETSAT.

Application procedure
To read more about the application procedure and apply, click here.

Application deadline: 2024-10-21

For questions, please contact:
Prof. Patrick Eriksson, Geoscience and remote sensing, Dept. Space, Earth and
Email: [email protected] Visa mindre

Postdoc position in Development of High burn up structure SIMFuel Analogues

Nuclear energy is a versatile, flexible, and low-carbon power source that plays a critical role in the transition toward a decarbonized economy. A key aspect of ensuring the safety and efficiency of nuclear power is understanding the behavior of nuclear fuel at high burn-up levels. Such insights are vital for extending the safe operating range of nuclear fuel and for the handling of post-irradiation materials. Project overview The primary objective of thi... Visa mer
Nuclear energy is a versatile, flexible, and low-carbon power source that plays a critical role in the transition toward a decarbonized economy. A key aspect of ensuring the safety and efficiency of nuclear power is understanding the behavior of nuclear fuel at high burn-up levels. Such insights are vital for extending the safe operating range of nuclear fuel and for the handling of post-irradiation materials.

Project overview
The primary objective of this project is to develop a novel process for producing plutonium-bearing UO? SIMFuel pellets. This process will focus on controlling the metal content, metal distribution, and microstructure of the pellets to better simulate real-world conditions.

Spent nuclear fuel contains a complex mixture of chemical elements and microstructural characteristics. To study the impact of individual elements on fuel behavior, simplified fuel analogs, known as SIMFuels, are often employed. These analogs allow for detailed research without the significant challenges posed by handling real irradiated fuel.

In this project, homogeneous U-Pu oxide fuel will be fabricated and thoroughly characterized. The aim is to produce nanometric (U,Pu)O? solid solution particles, which will be sintered into pellets with an ultra-fine grain size to mimic high burn-up structure zones found in spent nuclear fuel. This work will contribute to advancing the understanding of microstructural features in spent fuel, which have yet to be accurately reproduced in simulated systems.

This position is funded by the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority and will be carried out within the Nuclear Chemistry Group at the Division of Energy and Materials, Chalmers University of Technology.

About the division and the research group
The Division of Energy and Materials, Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling group at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering covers a broad range of research topics. We have more than 50 years of experience in these fields and we are driven by curiosity and boldness. Our research (aside hydrometallurgy applied in various non-nuclear applications), is devoted to the development of a closed nuclear fuel cycle (fuel research, waste management through recycling of spent nuclear fuel for separation for transmutation, novel fuel developments, final repository research) as well as safety of reactors from chemical point of view (current and Gen IV systems) as well as research on severe nuclear accidents.

Key responsibilities
As a Postdoc, your work will focus on key scientific questions related to your project. Specifically, you will investigate direct oxide precipitation from oxidation-state-controlled actinide solution mixtures. This work will involve handling highly radioactive materials, requiring operations in specialized glovebox systems.

In addition to your research, you will help maintain the laboratory systems to ensure a safe working environment. You are also expected to provide mentorship and support to PhD and Master's students, particularly in scientific integrity, subject knowledge, and safe laboratory practices.

To be considered for this position, you must hold a doctoral degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Reactor Physics, or a closely related field awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). A background in solution chemistry, solid-state chemistry, and electrochemistry is highly desirable.

Hands-on experience in practical chemical laboratory work is essential. Applications lacking documented lab work experience will not be considered.

You should also demonstrate the ability to work in a multicultural environment. Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of a Nordic language is a plus.

Terms of employment
This postdoctoral position is a full-time, temporary role for two to three years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240516 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 19 October, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Marcus Hedberg, Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling
[email protected] Visa mindre

Project assistant for battery recycling

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is one of the largest departments at Chalmers. We represent a broad field of fundamental and applied research and education within chemistry and chemical engineering. Our research activities reach from fundamental chemistry, chemistry at the interface of biology and medicine, materials science, renewable energy, to chemical engineering processing, material recycling, nuclear chemistry, as well as theory and modelling. We ... Visa mer
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is one of the largest departments at Chalmers. We represent a broad field of fundamental and applied research and education within chemistry and chemical engineering. Our research activities reach from fundamental chemistry, chemistry at the interface of biology and medicine, materials science, renewable energy, to chemical engineering processing, material recycling, nuclear chemistry, as well as theory and modelling. We are committed to teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, as well as postgraduate level.

Academic freedom, interdisciplinary research, entrepreneurship and making societal impact, are key factors in our work. We strive to offer an environment where you can combine world leading research and teaching with a good work-life balance.Information about the research group
The Nuclear Chemistry/Industrial Materials recycling research group at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering comprises 9 senior scientists and 13 PhD students and postdocs. The research group is highly international, both regarding international collaborations and in the staff, which currently represents 11 nationalities. The group is specialized in aqueous chemistry and solvent extraction and pyrometallurgy, being used for both recycling of materials and nuclear applications. The research of Industrial Materials Recycling is a part of the Competence Centre for recycling (CCR). Industrial Material Recycling is included in the division of Energy and Materials along with Nuclear Chemistry and Environmental Inorganic Chemistry.

Job description
As a project assistant, you will expand your skills in the research related to the battery recycling. You will work in very professional environment and you will be trained for several analytical methods. You will co-operate with our industrial and research partners.

The project activities are related to the recycling of Li-ion batteries and your work will be to investigate different chemical ways of the material/metals recovery from LFP batteries. Project is a co-operation of several academic and industrial partners and aims to develop a direct recycling process for these batteries. Your main responsibility will be to perform chemical experiments and analysis, process the data, interpret a present the results in writing and verbally. Also your responsibility will be to from your ideas and research methodology. 

Contract terms
Full time, temporary employment from January 2024-November 2025.

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Material Science or Chemistry. You need to have experience with working in the chemical laboratory and analytical methods, publishing and presenting the results. 

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Name, 20240497 and be attached as PDF files, as below:


Personal letter

Other documents (optional):
• Copies of completed education, grades etc. Two references that we can contact should be provided at a possible interview.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to reach the application form. We do not accept applications sent by email.

Application deadline: 11 November, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Associate professor Martina Petranikova, Energy and Materials
[email protected]

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Nanophotonics

Looking for a unique and collaborative endeavor at the cutting edge of photonics and quantum engineering? Read on! Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today's quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology. Information about the project and the environment The positions are in t... Visa mer
Looking for a unique and collaborative endeavor at the cutting edge of photonics and quantum engineering? Read on!

Our goal at Chalmers is to build a useful quantum computer. The complexity of today's quantum processors must be increased to help fields like chemistry and medicine. We are forming a new interdisciplinary team to understand and increase the power of quantum technology.

Information about the project and the environment
The positions are in the brand-new Quantum Photonics Laboratory (QPL). We are scientists, applied physicists, and engineers. We explore the flow of and interactions between light, sound, and microwaves.

There is no reliable path to a sustainable growth in society's capability to compute and connect. A key issue is the excessive energy loss caused by communication. In classical datacenters and computers, this energy loss leads to heating and greenhouse gas emissions. In emerging quantum processors, the energy loss prevents scaling up small quantum devices into more powerful systems. We are developing new hardware to address this. Read more on our webpage and in this popular science article.

This project is part of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. We are members of the Quantum Technology division in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). We work with the experimentalists in the Photonics division and the theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics division. Our department hosts the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanofabrication Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe. We have cutting-edge cryogenic, microwave and optical measurement capabilities.

Major responsibilities
As postdoctoral researcher, your main responsibilities are to lead and conduct research in collaboration with others, and to coach PhD students. You will be expected to help develop your skills, the team, and contribute with your creative ideas. We value a collaborative attitude and an interest in working both independently and collaboratively in a team environment, sharing best practices and assuming responsibility. Self-motivation, attention to detail, and a creative problem-solving ability are important personal qualities for these positions. We highly value a collaborative spirit, a commitment to inclusive teamwork, and a drive for continuous learning and professional growth, ensuring a supportive environment for all team members.

We welcome motivated candidates who love to learn from any field. Experience with either quantum engineering, photonics, nanofabrication, nanomechanics, cryogenics or superconductivity is nice to have. To qualify for these positions you need a PhD degree in Physics, Chemistry, Photonics, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, or similar awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. You need to be fluent in spoken and written English. Please contact us if you are unsure about applying!

We offer
Full-time temporary employment for at least 2 years with opportunities to extend to 4 years. Your starting date is negotiable. We offer a competitive salary and excellent working conditions with flexible and family-friendly working hours. Our benefits are designed to help you recharge.

Chalmers aims to actively improve its gender balance. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence.

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

This could be the perfect boost to your career, whether in academic research, in a start-up company that may be formed around your own ideas, or in booming fields like photonics and quantum technology.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20230787 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:

CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, Ref. number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

• Add web links to your three best publications or preprints (if any) and your thesis, if available. Add a short description (a few sentences) of each of your three best publications and your contributions to it.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.

Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. The files may be compressed (zipped).

Applications are reviewed continuously. We encourage you to apply as early as possible.
Application deadline: 2024-10-30


For questions, please contact:
A.Prof. Raphaël Van Laer
Quantum Technology division
[email protected]

***Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position.*** Visa mindre

Biträdande forskare inom arbetsvetenskap

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap har idag cirka 120 anställda lärare, forskare, doktorander o... Visa mer
Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap har idag cirka 120 anställda lärare, forskare, doktorander och administrativ personal. Vid institutionen bedrivs forskning, undervisning och samverkan inom en rad områden. Här finns forskning om bland annat arbetsmarknad, arbetsliv, sociala avvikelser, brottslighet, digitalisering, emotioner, genus, migration, miljöfrågor, sociala rörelser, styrning och organisation, samt teknik och vetenskap. Forskningsinriktningarna på institutionen koordineras huvudsakligen runt olika seminarieserier, där det ständigt sker korsbefruktning genom att flertalet medarbetare följer mer än en seminarieserie.

Institutionens utbildningar på grund- och avancerad nivå erbjuds inom en rad områden som till exempel sociologi, arbetsvetenskap, personalvetenskap, kriminologi och socialpsykologi. Institutionen har också ett omfattande åtagande på flera av Göteborgs universitets utbildningsprogram, inte minst inom lärarutbildningen, där institutionen bland annat bär huvudansvaret för en kurs i vetenskapligt förhållningssätt på samtliga lärarutbildningsinriktningar. Samverkan och utvecklingsprojekt bedrivs både inom forskning och utbildning med partners inom det privata näringslivet och offentlig sektor, exempelvis Centrum för Global Human Resource Management (CGHRM).

Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap söker en biträdande forskare för arbete inom ledarskap, kommunikation, organisering och hälsofrämjande förutsättningar i offentlig sektor. Som biträdande forskare förväntas du bedriva forskning i samarbete med forskargruppen.

Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar att genomföra intervjuer och enkät, analysera och rapportera resultat. Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar även att bidra till publikationer, delta i regelbundna projektmöten och bidra till projektadministration.

Examen på avancerad nivå i inom det tvärvetenskapliga ämnet arbetsvetenskap eller motsvarande är ett krav.

Dokumenterad erfarenhet av empirisk och intervjubaserad forskning, inklusive genomförande av intervjuer och enkät, analys av intervjuer och enkätdata, och rapportering av resultat är starkt meriterande. Erfarenhet av utveckling i samverkan med intressenter utanför akademin är meriterande.

Kunskap om frågor som är förknippade med framtida former av hållbart och hälsofrämjande ledarskap, kommunikation och organisering är meriterande. Stor vikt läggs vid den sökandes förmåga att kommunicera forskningsresultat samt vid personlig lämplighet som tar sig uttryck i bland annat kommunikations- och samarbetsförmåga samt förmåga att arbeta självständigt.

För att kunna genomföra planerad empirisk datainsamling ska den sökande ha en mycket god förmåga (motsvarande CEFR B2) att kommunicera på både svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning om två månader, heltid, med start 1 novmeber 2024. Annan fördelning av arbetstiden kan göras i samråd med den sökande. Organiatorisk placering vid Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap. 

I tillsättnignsförfarandet kan intervjuer och referenstagning bli aktuellt.

Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen
Har du frågor om anställningen är du välkommen att kontakta projektledare professor Lotta Dellve, [email protected]

Har du frågor om ansökningsförfarandet är du välkommen att kontakta personalhandläggare Anna Karin Wiberg, 031-786 3156, [email protected]

Fackliga organisationer
Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här: http://www.gu.se/omuniversitetet/aktuellt/lediga-jobb/fackliga-kontaktpersoner

Du söker anställningen via Göteborgs universitets rekryteringsportal genom att klicka på knappen "Ansök". Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2020-10-03


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.


Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser. Visa mindre

Postdoc in Theoretical Chemistry and Chemical Bonding

Join us in pushing the boundaries of theoretical chemistry! We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher to help develop cutting-edge DFT-based methods for analyzing chemical bonding in DNA/RNA environments. Collaborate with leading experts across disciplines to investigate optical effects and drive innovation in molecular science. Information about the project This project seeks to advance computational studies of optical effects in modified ba... Visa mer
Join us in pushing the boundaries of theoretical chemistry! We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher to help develop cutting-edge DFT-based methods for analyzing chemical bonding in DNA/RNA environments. Collaborate with leading experts across disciplines to investigate optical effects and drive innovation in molecular science.

Information about the project
This project seeks to advance computational studies of optical effects in modified base pairs and photoswitches when integrated into RNA/DNA environments. A key challenge is that electronic structure analysis typically relies on Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory (KS-DFT), which, while widely used for its balance between accuracy and computational cost, has significant limitations. Foremost among these limitations is the tenuous connection between the energies of KS-DFT eigenstates (the orbitals) and physical reality as revealed, for example, in optical excitations.

Crucial leadups to this project is development of a formally exact and orbital-free DFT expression for the average energy of electrons, and beyond state-of-the-art DFT methodology exceptionally well suited to describe base-pair interactions. As a postdoctoral researcher in the Chalmers Molecular Spectral Design Initiative, you will help integrate these advances to develop a novel approach to chemical bonding analysis. This new method focuses on accurate calculations of the electron energy density and its connections to the total energy, molecular orbital theory, and key chemical concepts like electronegativity.

The research will primarily utilize periodic (plane-wave-based) DFT. However, analysis and design efforts will also incorporate extensive experimental spectroscopic data and insights from RNA/DNA nucleobase analogs and DNA-bound molecular photoswitches.

About the participating Research Groups
This project involves close collaboration between four research groups at Chalmers University of Technology:

• Martin Rahm’s group (theoretical chemistry, host of this postdoc position)
• Per Hyldgaard’s group (formal density functional theory development, host of a second postdoc that you will collaborate with)
• Marcus Wilhelmsson’s group (synthesis and characterization of photoactive molecular materials)
• Joakim Andréasson’s group (molecular photoswitches)

All four groups are part of Chalmers Area of Advance Nano, a cross-departmental research structure focused on nanoscale phenomena, combining chemistry, physics, biology, and nanotechnology. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will collaborate closely with other researchers within AoA Nano and have opportunities to engage in seminars, community events, and cross-disciplinary projects.

Major responsibilities
As a postdoctoral researcher in the Chalmers Molecular Spectral Design Initiative, you will:

• Develop a new-generation of DFT-based methods for chemical bonding analysis.
• Apply these methods to investigate optical effects in modified base-pair stacking and the DNA-binding properties of molecular photoswitches.

To qualify for this position you must have:  

• a PhD in computational/theoretical chemistry, physics, or a related field.
• experience with electronic structure calculations.
• proficiency in programming, ideally python.
• strong communication skills in English (written and spoken).
• ability to work both independently and collaboratively.
• A strong interest in chemical bonding analysis is essential.

Experience with periodic-DFT software (e.g., Quantum ESPRESSO) is a plus, and while prior experience in chemical bonding analysis is advantageous it is not required.

Please note that assessment tests may be conducted as part of the recruitment process. 

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. Your starting date is negotiable but the sooner the better. We offer a competitive salary and excellent working conditions. 

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240503 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself.
• Describe your professional interest and future goals.
• Explain your motivations for applying to this position.

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: October 15, 2024 

For questions, please contact:
Martin Rahm, Associate Professor
Email: [email protected] Visa mindre

Project Assistant: Heterogeneous catalysis

This position is for a project assistant performing experiments or simulations in projects that have the main objective to reduce the CO2 footprint of important chemicals and products. This will be done by catalyst research. This position will enable combining catalysis research with a close collaboration with industry. Information about the division The project assistant position is at the Chemical Engineering division at the Chemistry and Chemical Engin... Visa mer
This position is for a project assistant performing experiments or simulations in projects that have the main objective to reduce the CO2 footprint of important chemicals and products. This will be done by catalyst research. This position will enable combining catalysis research with a close collaboration with industry.

Information about the division
The project assistant position is at the Chemical Engineering division at the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering department at Chalmers. We have a wide range of experience and work both experimentally and with modeling. We have a long tradition of working with both fundamental scientific questions and applied problems together with industry. This position is within the unit for Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering. In addition, the position will be included in the Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK). ?

Job description
There are two different types of projects we need a project assistant in:
* Experimental studies, including catalyst synthesis and high pressure reactor experiments.
* Aspen simulations for process economy

Contract terms
Temporary full-time employment for a duration of 4-6 months.

M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and experience in experimental work, for example during Master thesis, is required. Experience in catalysis and Aspen simulations are merits for the position.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Name, Ref 20240502  and be attached as PDF files, as below:


Personal letter

Other documents (optional):
• Copies of completed education, grades etc. Two references that we can contact should be provided at a possible interview.

Please use the button at the bottom of the page to reach the application form.

Application deadline: 27 September, 2024
Interviews will be conducted continuously.

For questions, please contact:
Professor Louise Olsson, Chemical Engineering,
[email protected], 031-7724390

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***

Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society. The strategy for scientific excellence focuses on our six Areas of Advance; Energy, Health Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Materials Science, Production and Transport. The aim is to make an active contribution to a sustainable future using the basic sciences as a foundation and innovation and entrepreneurship as the central driving forces. Chalmers has around 11,000 students and 3,000 employees. New knowledge and improved technology have characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829, completely in accordance with the will of William Chalmers and his motto: Avancez! Visa mindre

Postdoc in Electrochemistry and Organic Electronics

We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc to join our research group at Chalmers. You will be part of our organic electronics team and focus on electrochemical doping as well as wearable electronics. The goal of your project will be to study how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles, and then design devices for wearable electronics that harness the observed changes in, e.g., stiffness ... Visa mer
We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc to join our research group at Chalmers. You will be part of our organic electronics team and focus on electrochemical doping as well as wearable electronics. The goal of your project will be to study how the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers change during electrochemical oxidation/reduction cycles, and then design devices for wearable electronics that harness the observed changes in, e.g., stiffness or stretchability. You will work closely with several PhD students and Postdocs in our group, as well as with several external collaborators, and together study the mechanical, electrical and electrochemical properties of different types of conjugated polymers. The following recent review provides an overview of the research topics that the position will address: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/cs/d3cs00833a

Information about the research group
The Müller Research Group focuses on the physical chemistry and materials science of organic semiconductors, polymer blends and composites, and develops new plastic materials for use in the fields of wearable electronics and energy technology. All research is conducted in co-operation with other universities/institutes and/or industry. Presently, our group consists of 1 Professor, 1 permanent researcher, 4 Postdocs and 8 PhD students.

Major responsibilities
The majority of your working time is devoted to your own research, in collaboration with other postdocs and students in our group, as well as collaborating groups. In addition, you are expected to support and mentor the PhD students in our group that work on related topics. As a Postdoc you are expected to develop your own ideas and communicate scientific results in English, both orally as well as in writing.

The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in Materials Science, Electrical Engineering or equivalent (or be in the process of completing a PhD degree) with focus on organic electronics and specifically electrochemistry of organic semiconductors, including conjugated polymers. A promising track record of early achievements such as scientific publications is expected.

You should have experience with characterization tools that allow to study the electrical and electrochemical properties of conjugated polymers, as well as their nanostructure and optical properties. Relevant techniques include FTIR, UV-vis spectroscopy, DSC, TGA, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, AFM, SEM, TEM, electrical conductivity measurements, spectroelectrochemistry and cyclic voltammetry. Previous experience with the fabrication and characterization of organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) is required.

To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service.*

*The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment for a maximum of two (2) years, with the possibility to extend by one (1) more year provided project funding is available and the project goes according to plan. The monthly salary of a Postdoc researcher at Chalmers is about 41'000 SEK before tax (€ 3'600).

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240361 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus.

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 2024-10-15
Interviews will be conducted on a continuous basis until the position is filled. Therefore, please submit your application prior to the application deadline.

For questions, please contact:
Prof. Christian Müller, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
[email protected], +46317722790

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre

Postdoctoral fellow in machine learning for medical image analysis

Join our team working on developing state-of-the-art machine learning image analysis models to solve clinically important tasks focused on disease prediction and prognostication! Project description This position is focused on research in applications of image analysis in the biomedical area, e.g. developing automatic methods to interpret images from medical imaging systems. The project aims to develop models to evaluate, predict and prognosticate disease... Visa mer
Join our team working on developing state-of-the-art machine learning image analysis models to solve clinically important tasks focused on disease prediction and prognostication!

Project description
This position is focused on research in applications of image analysis in the biomedical area, e.g. developing automatic methods to interpret images from medical imaging systems. The project aims to develop models to evaluate, predict and prognosticate diseases, focusing on lung cancer mainly using computed tomography images (CT), and other medical imaging modalities such as x-ray, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine imaging. We aim to develop state-of-the-art methods for medical image analysis, based on key enabling techniques from machine learning, estimation, optimization, and mathematical modeling. Our research is highly multi-disciplinary and will be performed in close collaboration with medical researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University and other medical institutions within Sweden and on the international scene.

The research group
The Computer Vision Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering conducts research in the field of automatic image interpretation and perceptual scene understanding. The group targets both medical applications, such as the development of new and more effective methods and systems for analysis, support, and diagnostics, as well as general computer vision applications including autonomously guided vehicles (particularly self-driving cars), image-based localization, structure-from-motion, and object recognition. The main research problems include mathematical theory, algorithms, and machine learning (deep learning) for inverse problems in artificial intelligence, as well as application to medical problems.

Main responsibilities
Your major responsibility as a postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

Your profile
To qualify for this position, you must hold a PhD or equivalent in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics or another related field, awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

* The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree.

Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.

We offer
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. 
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with 20240373 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.

Application deadline: 12 October, 2024

For questions, please contact:
Associate professor Ida Häggström, Computer vision and medical image analysis,
[email protected]
Please note: We do not accept applications via email, only via the online portal (button below)

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 


Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward. Visa mindre