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Group Manager Complete Function & Feature Verification

Ansök    Jan 23    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." El... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of making this change happening in our industry! The Electromobility organization is responsible for the complete development lifecycle of our electric powertrains. The function has a truly purpose-driven leadership and together we drive this transition based on cutting-edge engineering and state-of-the-art research within the Volvo Group. By joining us, you’ll be part of a global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals. We make our customers; the planet and our future generations win.

What you will do
The function Complete function and feature verification Electromobility is responsible for the integration and verification of the complete Electromobility system. This newly formed team will test Electromobility functionality focusing on the end-user experience within areas such as charging, cyber-security and software download.
The team will play a crucial role in driving the quality assurance of our electrified vehicles by developing new ways of testing functional and non-functional requirements and is expected to give a verdict on all releases.
The Group Manager for Complete function and feature verification is a truly challenging position where your ability to understand testing, customer expectations and the complete electromobility system will be needed. To succeed in this role, you will have to network and drive collaboration across Electromobility and Volvo Group Technologies (GTT)
As a manager you are expected to build a strong and purpose-driven team with a solid understanding of verification methods. You will be working to secure project deliveries according to plan, manage stakeholder expectations, continuously work improve our processes and deliverables and take balanced action often without knowing the full picture. 
Who are you
We believe that you are a visionary leader who thrives on turning strategies into reality, inspire teams, and deliver high-quality results on time. With a strong customer orientation and a proven ability to build high-performing teams, you will play a vital role in driving our success. As a mentor and coach, your empathetic and integrity-driven leadership fosters trust and collaboration. You bring a can-do attitude, structured mindset, and expertise in change management to implement processes and drive continuous improvement. In our dynamic growth phase, you will be instrumental in shaping the organization and defining future test strategies.
Requirements for this role:
• University degree in Electrical Engineering, Data science, Physics or Chemistry
• Minimum 8-10 years of experience form working with development or test
• Experience from leading organizations with complex tasks and coaching empowered teams 
• Development or test of large-scale software/electronics/embedded/energy systems in complete vehicle or on target hardware
Automotive experience is essential, with added merits for expertise in customer requirement development, electrical safety, Python/C++, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL), or complete vehicle testing. Candidates should have knowledge of developing or testing large-scale software, electronics, or embedded/energy systems, ideally in a complete vehicle or target hardware context. A B-level driver’s license is required (bus/truck licenses are a plus). Additional advantages include skills in data analytics and functional safety (ISO 26262).
Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Talent Acquisition Partner: Smita Shree
E-mail address: [email protected]
Last application date: 21 Feb 2025
 We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 
Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. 
Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Manager - Marine Claims

Ansök    Jan 23    Wesmans Scandinavia AB    Manager
We are looking for new talents The key to the success of Wesmans is our talented and motivated employees. We foster a work environment that is supportive, inclusive and diverse. We have combined theory and practice since 1895 and we focus on employee growth and learning. Our culture reflects our clients' and our mission, and the best way to serve our clients is with a team of people who are professional, dedicated and competent. At Wesmans, we show and s... Visa mer
We are looking for new talents

The key to the success of Wesmans is our talented and motivated employees. We foster a work environment that is supportive, inclusive and diverse. We have combined theory and practice since 1895 and we focus on employee growth and learning. Our culture reflects our clients' and our mission, and the best way to serve our clients is with a team of people who are professional, dedicated and competent. At Wesmans, we show and share knowledge and experience with each other. We respect people and value diversity.

Wesmans is an international organization that is represented in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. We are experts in our field and our ambition is to be the Nordic "partner-of-choice" for the marine insurance industry. We are proud to have a team of highly qualified and committed employees who make us the leading claims and inspection business in the Nordics.

Job vacancy:

Manager Marine Claims team

Wesmans’ Claims department consists of a Frequency Claims team and a Marine Claims team. The current team manager of the Marine Claims team is embarking on new challenges, which is why we are now looking for a new team manager.

Wesmans’ Marine Claims team consists of six highly motivated and experienced Marine Claims Adjusters located across Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. The team handles a variety of cargo, carrier’s liability, FFL, and port- & terminal operator’s liability claims for Nordic and international insurance companies and other clients. The team also acts as commercial correspondents for all leading P&I and H&M underwriters.

The position is based in Gothenburg (Sweden) or Moss (Norway) and will report to the Head of Claims.

Key responsibilities:
- Lead, mentor, and manage the team, ensuring smooth personnel management and creating an environment that encourages professional development.
- Build and maintain relationships with clients to ensure that our services meet (and exceed) their expectations.
- Participate in marketing events and client meetings to promote the company's services and enhance brand visibility.
- Improve and streamline operational procedures and ensure the team maintains a high service level towards our clients and their customers.
- Handle marine and cargo claims.
- Be part of a rotating schedule to provide after-hours client support, ensuring seamless service at all times.

What we think you need to succeed:
- Extensive experience and professional knowledge in marine and cargo claims handling, as well as the legal framework surrounding these areas. A law degree is an advantage.
- Experience in leadership and personnel management, with the ability to guide and motivate your team toward shared goals.
- Strong stakeholder management skills.
- Clear communication skills. Proficiency in English and a Scandinavian language (spoken and written) is required.
- Attentiveness – understand and consider the needs of team members, fostering a supportive work environment. Actively listen to client needs to ensure our services align with market demands.
- Entrepreneurial mindset – dynamic and forward-thinking attitude, service-minded, able to see the bigger picture and plan for the long-term success of the team.
- Willingness to travel.

Why you should choose Wesmans:
- You will join an amazing team of colleagues across the Nordic region.
- You will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights and interact with a diverse range of stakeholders within the Nordic marine insurance industry.
- Grow with us in an organization that values professional development and the wellbeing of our employees.
- Enjoy flexibility when it comes to remote work.
- Competitive salary, based on experience and skill set.

Start: As soon as possible/after agreement.
Working hours: Full time.
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden, or Moss, Norway. (For the right candidate, other locations in the Nordics might also be considered).

For more information about our company, please visit www.wesmans.com

Should you find the position to be of interest, we would be happy to hear from you.

Please apply as soon as possible but no later than February 16th 2025. We employ on a continuous basis.
For more information about the position please contact Maja Kubista, Head of Claims ([email protected]). Visa mindre

Portföljförvaltare till Business Sales Nordic

Ansök    Jan 17    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett... Visa mer

Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett hållbart energisystem.

Om rollen

Business Sales Nordic har det fulla ansvaret för försäljning av produkter och tjänster till de nordiska elkunderna inom B2B. Huvudansvaret är att växa genom en långsiktigt lönsam försäljningsverksamhet där vi möter kundernas behov genom att utveckla relevanta erbjudanden och hantera lösningar och servicemodeller. Business Sales Nordic har företagskunder i Norge, Sverige, Danmark och Finland, där Sverige och Finland är huvudmarknaderna.
Är du vår nya Portföljförvaltare?
Som Portföljförvaltare på Vattenfall ansvarar du för ett stort antal företagskunder där du har det övergripande ansvaret för deras elportföljer. Du analyserar kundernas behov och tar fram handelsstrategier som passar varje enskild kund. Du bygger nära kundrelationer och agerar rådgivare/portföljförvaltare. I ditt dagliga arbete följer och analyserar du elmarknaden och andra råvarumarknaden för att kunna ge bästa möjliga råd till kunderna. Du trivs med att ta betydande positioner på den nordiska kraftmarknaden för kunders räkning. Huvudfokus för rollen kommer att vara dynamisk hedging av medellånga och långsiktiga kraftkurvor. Du har en expertroll och arbetar i nära samarbete med våra säljare för att bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer samt även delta som expert vid nykundsförsäljning.


Vi letar efter en affärsmässig, kundorienterad lagspelare med hög social kompetens. Du tycker om att arbeta i en högpresterande miljö, är resultatorienterad och analytisk. Du drivs av att bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer. Du har god förståelse för elmarknaden och har arbetat i anknytning till elmarknaden tidigare. Har du erfarenhet, kunskap och god förståelse för riskhantering och finansiell derivathandel är det ett plus. Vi ser gärna att du har en akademisk examen, men rätt personlighet är dock avgörande. Du är flytande i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift. Goda datakunskaper, Power BI, VBA-programmering är meriterande.

Ytterligare information

Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.
Placeringsort: Trollhättan, Göteborg eller Solna.
För mer information om tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Siri Wentzel, [email protected]. För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen kontakta rekryterare Jennifer Wikström, 070-2096335.
Fackliga representanter är Rolf Olsson (Akademikerna), Cecilia Bodin (Ledarna), Mikael Mukka (SEKO) och Simon Salomonsson (Unionen). Du når samtliga via Vattenfalls växel, 08 739 50 00.
Välkommen med din ansökan innehållande CV senast den 9 februari 2024. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats.
Vi använder oss av tester i denna rekryteringsprocess och ett online-test kommer att skickas ut till alla sökanden som ett första steg i rekryteringsprocessen.
Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med mångfald och inkludering här. Visa mindre

Vice President Aftermarket Technology

Ansök    Jan 16    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. A possibility to lead a global organization with a direct connection to Volvo Group continuing success. A truly exciting moment to make a difference.  In an environment of change, with exciting new technologies and rapidly changing customer requirements, Group Trucks Technology’s function Complete Vehicle is looking for a dynamic and insightful Vice President Aftermarket Technology (AMT), to progressively lead the global operations for Aftermarket Te... Visa mer

A possibility to lead a global organization with a direct connection to Volvo Group continuing success. A truly exciting moment to make a difference. 

In an environment of change, with exciting new technologies and rapidly changing customer requirements, Group Trucks Technology’s function Complete Vehicle is looking for a dynamic and insightful Vice President Aftermarket Technology (AMT), to progressively lead the global operations for Aftermarket Technology and support success of the Volvo Group business. The Vice President AMT is a key role in our capability to drive the future competitiveness of Volvo Group offerings.

Who are we?
Aftermarket Technology is a function within Complete Vehicle with staff and offices on five of Volvo Group Truck Technology main sites located in Sweden, France, India, USA and Brazil. This is to secure a close collaboration with the local Brands, engineering functions as well as with end users and visibility within the Product Development projects. Aftermarket Technology employs over 407 employees and 173 consultants. 

AMT provides Volvo Group Business Areas with the best possible solutions supporting their aftermarket business. The responsibility covers solutions and services for the diagnostic technicians, service contract managers, bodybuilders, the mechanics and parts personnel at dealers and other service points. 
With focus on the customer success Aftermarket Technology works with the future technologies, not only to secure the best features for our trucks, but also to secure the safety, autonomy, efficiency and effectiveness of our dealers.

What will you do?
As Vice President for AMT you are overall responsible for the success and development of the AMT global operation; which as stated above, spans across multiple functions and sites. Collaboration across the Volvo Group is essential, requiring strong horizontal leadership skills and a positive attitude to work together effectively and achieve results. A commitment to making things happen as a team is crucial for success in this position.
You will lead the AMT global management team of 10 members with a mix responsibility for the AMT sites and global technology functions. Collaborative leadership skills and a developmental mind-set will be crucial to continue the success of the team and their operations.   

The Vice President will report to the Senior Vice President of Complete Vehicle in GTT. The VP/AMT will also be part of the Complete Vehicle global management team and will collaborate closely with stakeholders and colleagues across CV/GTT/Group.

What you need to have
•    Master’s degree in engineering 
•    At least 15 years’ experience from aftermarket or product development engineering roles 
•    Solid experience from the automotive industry
•    Solid experience from leading digital- and software development operations
•    Experience from driving organizational transformation in a global context
•    Experience from leading a global function
•    At least 7 years of experience in leading leaders in an engineering context
•    Several years of leadership experience in international & multisite operations
•    Experience from handling budget and strategic responsibility such as being a member of governance
•    Fluent in English

Who are you? 
You are a leader who values the qualities of openness and honesty. In this role, it will be important to demonstrate high integrity and build trust within your team, fostering an environment where every individual feels valued and secure. 
Reliability and a structured approach are essential, as they will provide a solid foundation for decision-making and accountability. You have a holistic perspective and a strategic mindset, which is crucial for navigating complex challenges and seizing opportunities effectively. 
A collaborative mindset is a must in this role, as it encourages teamwork and applies diverse perspectives, driving innovation and enhancing problem solving. You are a leader who thrives in a dynamic environment and is committed to guiding teams toward success while fostering a culture of trust and cooperation.
The position will be located in Gothenburg and will require traveling to other sites on a frequent basis.

If you are ready for the next step in your development and recognize yourself in this description, do not hesitate; start writing your application right now!

For more information, please contact 
Marcus Ekman (SVP Complete Vehicle), [email protected]
Carl Esselin (VP P&C Complete Vehicle), [email protected]

The last application date is 29th of January. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide. Visa mindre

PLM Implementation Specialist

Ansök    Jan 17    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What you will do
You will lead the implementation and optimization of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems and tools. Develop and maintain standardized processes for data creation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination. You will collaborate with engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance teams to ensure accurate and timely data exchange.
Together you will identify opportunities for process improvement and efficiency gains within the PLM framework. You will provide technical expertise and support to users on PLM systems and related tools.

About you
* Expertise (min 5 years) in PLM systems, preferably 3DExperience by Dassault.
* Siemens Teamcenter and PTC Windchill, or similar platforms are also relevant competence.
* Master- or bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science (or a related field), is preferred.
* Proven experience (5+ years) in Product Lifecycle Management within the automotive industry.
* Strong understanding of Product Lifecycle Management principles and methodologies.
* Enjoy working together in a dynamic environment facing challenges with a positive mindset.

Fluency in English; proficiency in Swedish is a plus.

What´s in it for you
Opportunity to work at the forefront of automotive innovation with a global leader in the industry.
Collaborative and inclusive culture that values diversity and encourages personal and professional growth.
Competitive compensation package with comprehensive benefits and perks.
Access to cutting-edge technologies and resources to support career development.
Commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

If you are passionate about leveraging your expertise in Product Data Management to drive excellence in automotive engineering, we invite you to join us at Volvo Cars. Apply now to be part of a team that is shaping the future of mobility.

How to Apply
You are welcome with your application by submitting your resume and cover letter in English no later than 20th of October.
Please note that applications via email will not be accepted due to GDPR. Visa mindre

Engineering Manager

Ansök    Jan 14    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Where You’ll Belong
Climate change is the ultimate safety test. Therefore, we at Volvo Cars are committed to fully master energy both in our vehicle as well as building our new business vertical Energy Solutions. Are you an innovative and engaged leader that wants to contribute? Then you should take the chance to join Propulsion and Energy, the heart of Electrification and Energy engineering at Volvo Cars.

The role as Engineering Manager for AC charging software is a unique opportunity to take the step into our Energy management department and contribute to future business direction. You will lead a team of extremely competent and highly motivated co-workers, in a growing, forward-thinking and dynamic work environment.

What You’ll do
Your primary responsibility will be to inspire and lead our teams towards new innovative solutions ahead. Together with your teams, your focus is to secure well-balanced and quality assured software and system design for AC charging. You will have close cooperation with our suppliers, ensuring timely and quality assured products together with your team.
You ensure the work environment for the teams and set objectives, do performance reviews and salary settings for your team members. You will make sure your team progress regarding competence development to keep in line with our long-term technical strategies.

You will also contribute with a strong sense of software culture and business acumen in management forums as well in co-operations with colleagues, team members and suppliers.

Competence is Important
•    M.Sc. or equivalent technical experience
•    Experienced in Product Development
•    Experienced in Embedded Software Development
•    Beneficial - knowledge in Energy and/or E-mobility
•    Minimum 5 years Leadership experience
•    Driving license is required

Personality is Key
You enjoy working in an environment where you feel you can make a difference. You have solid communication skills creating clarity and motivation for the teams around you. We also see that you have the personal skills to lead through people, listen, coach and guide to motivate and create new solutions together with and engaged teams.
You apply creative thinking, never hesitate to think outside the box and use data to efficiently bring you forward. And right now, you are looking for a bigger challenge to advance within.

How to Learn More and Apply
For questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact Caroline Kjellin (Head of Energy Management), [email protected].
For questions about the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter Kristin Lövgren at  [email protected]

You are welcome with your application by submitting your resume and cover letter no later than 6th of October.

Please note that applications via email will not be handled due to GDPR and we would like your application written in English. Visa mindre

Director Technology & Services, Strategic Product Planning

Ansök    Jan 7    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Are you ready? Are you passionate about influencing and driving the future of trucks? Do you want to be in the forefront of the transportation industry transformation towards a sustainable future? If so, Strategic Product Planning is the place to be. This is us, your new colleagues Strategic Product Planning (SPP) is a highly strategic and influential function within Group Trucks Technology (GTT), as we support the entire Volvo Group navigate the tra... Visa mer

Are you ready?
Are you passionate about influencing and driving the future of trucks? Do you want to be in the forefront of the transportation industry transformation towards a sustainable future? If so, Strategic Product Planning is the place to be.

This is us, your new colleagues
Strategic Product Planning (SPP) is a highly strategic and influential function within Group Trucks Technology (GTT), as we support the entire Volvo Group navigate the transformation and set the direction of a visionary and holistic product plan driving the Group’s long terms ambitions.

SPP is a global function with team members in Sweden, France, USA and Brazil, as well as actively working with colleagues and stakeholders across all Volvo Group’s locations worldwide. We are passionate about defining, analyzing and translating business requirements and user needs into meaningful and desirable commercial solutions. We constantly strive to increase innovation and efficiency through collaboration, always aiming at delivering the most inspiring product offer in the industry. 

The role
The Director Technology & Services is the leader of a diverse and experienced team, managing a wide array of topics focusing on technology and feature planning contributing to the improvement and development of the complete vehicle offer, for all Truck brands within the Group. That includes areas such as Connectivity, Electric & Electronics, HMI, ADAS, Vehicle Dynamics, and Digital Services. Such value is consolidated and communicated via Product Plans in each technology area.

You are an inspiring and inclusive leader, building and using a broad network within the Volvo Group delivering a compelling and balanced portfolio. You always take a holistic perspective to every topic, keeping the Group’s vision in mind, while also enjoying understanding technology areas in detail, and never intimidated by challenging and motivating experts in each of the fields.

Who are you?
We are seeking a candidate with a minimum of five years of proven leadership and people management experience. You should have excellent presentation and communication skills, along with multidisciplinary knowledge across various technology fields. 

Experience in multibrand management is essential, as well as a strong background in negotiation and tactical strategies. The successful candidate will have global experience working in complex matrix organizations and will demonstrate advanced skills in Excel, PowerPoint, and Power BI. Fluency in English, both verbal and written, is required. 

A Master's degree in Engineering, Design, or Finance is also necessary for this role. 

We value candidates who excel in building peer relationships and alliances, showcasing an entrepreneurial mindset. Integrity and trust are crucial, and we seek a person who demonstrate perseverance and the ability to stand alone when needed. A courageous and visionary approach to challenges is essential for success in this position.

Are we the perfect match for you?
In this position, you will report to the Vice President of Strategic Product Planning and will be located in Gothenburg (Sweden). You will be a member of the SPP Leadership Team, and a part of the Project & Product Strategy Office (PPSO).

If you are ready for the next step in your development and recognize yourself in this description, we look forward to receiving your application.

If you have questions, contact:
Gustavo Guerra, Vice President Strategic Product Planning, [email protected]

Last application date 2nd of february.

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.

Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 

Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Head of BESS Product Management at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Jan 2    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

The team - Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology 
Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology is a function within Volvo Energy that works with second life applications of vehicle battery packs, monitoring and data analytics, optimization of remaining useful life, battery safety and new offerings for stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).

We are now looking for?a new colleague to join our team as Head of BESS Product Management Aftermarket.

What are we looking for in this specific role?
The Manager for BESS Aftermarket (Technical Solutions) will oversee the development and implementation of technical solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems post-deployment.  Leading the development of processes, methods, tools, partners and a team to deliver world-class BESS product technical support solutions.

This role involves managing a team of engineers, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment to ensure the delivery of high-quality technical support, and driving innovation in aftermarket services.

You are a great project manager! Being able to manage aftermarket & commissioning projects from inception to completion, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget while coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless project execution.

You serve as the primary technical liaison for customers, visiting sites to conduct technical assessments, ensuring their needs are met with effective solutions and customer satisfaction.

You will also take part in developing and implementing technical solutions to enhance the performance and reliability of BESS installations. As you identify and implement improvements and system enhancements, you will coordinate with product development team and internal stakeholders. 

Responsibilities will also include:

Documentation and Reporting
•    Maintain comprehensive records of technical solutions, customer interactions, and project progress. 
•    Coordinate the Product Technical Documentation & Training for User, Commissioning & Maintenance Procedures interacting with third party providers as needed 
•    Prepare and present detailed technical reports and updates to senior management. 

Compliance and Safety
•    Ensure all technical solutions comply with industry standards, regulations, and safety protocols. Manage interaction with the Safety & Compliance team in product development to ensure best practices in respect of First Responder and Customer awareness are fulfilled. 
•    Promote a culture of safety and adherence to best practices within the team and third party installer partners. 

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different?
Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!

Qualifications likely required to be successful
•    Several years of experience in BESS or related fields, with at least 3 years in a managerial role. 
•    Strong technical knowledge of BESS technologies and systems. 
•    Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field. 
•    Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills. 
•    Effective communication and leadership abilities. 
•    Proficiency in project management and relevant software tools. 

It would be a plus if you have experience with aftermarket engineering and customer support, knowledge of industry standards and regulatory requirements and certification in project management or relevant technical certifications. 

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today!

Last application date: 2025-01-12 Visa mindre

Key Account Manager med erfarenhet av elmarknaden

Ansök    Dec 30    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett h... Visa mer
Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett hållbart energisystem.
Om rollen
Vill du vara med och stärka vår säljorganisation, med kund- och affärsansvar för Vattenfalls energiintensiva företagskunder ?
Vattenfall Business Sales Nordic söker en Key Account Manager med sälj-, kund- och affärsansvar för Vattenfalls stora elintensiva företagskunder inom området elhandel med nära tillhörande tjänster. Kundsegmentet Energy Intensive Clients omfattar de största användarna av el och återfinns inom traditionell basindustri, datacenters samt framväxande ny elintensiv industri. För de elintensiva kunderna utgör el en stor del av kostnadsbasen och är därför av strategisk betydelse på såväl kort som lång sikt.
Som Key Account Manager kommer du att ha ett övergripande kund- och affärsansvar för de affärer som genomförs med de kunder som du ansvarar för och som du utvecklar i din kundportfölj. För större och komplexare kunder bildar du ett kundteam som du leder, motiverar och stöttar fram till goda affärer. Rollen ger dig stora möjligheter att använda din kunskap, erfarenhet och kreativitet för att finna affärslösningar med största kundnytta och lönsamhet för såväl kund som för Vattenfall.
Vi erbjuder dig ett roligt, stimulerande och utmanande jobb i ett växande kundsegment. Du kommer att ha stora möjligheter att påverka inom olika områden av försäljning och affärsutveckling.
Mycket god förståelse för elmarknaden och erfarenhet av att ha arbetat i anknytning till energimarknaden i minst 5 år.
Erfarenhet inom B2B försäljning, trading, flexibilitetstjänster (ancillary services) eller origination.
Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i tal och skrift.

Det är meriterande om du har en akademisk examen inom ett för tjänsten relevant område, men rätt arbetslivserfarenhet och personlighet är avgörande i denna tjänst. Det är också meriterande med kunskaper i finska.
Som person är det viktigt att du…
Har förmåga att bygga nya och utveckla befintliga relationer
Tänker kreativt och har strategiskt synsätt
Är affärsmässig och strukturerad
Är lyhörd gentemot kunden och har ett intresse av att förstå kundens utmaningar
Drivs av att arbeta mål- och resultatinriktat
Är flexibel och lösningsorienterad
Är en problemlösare med ett proaktivt och kontinuerligt driv att utveckla och förbättra.

Ytterligare information
Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.

Du utgår från något av våra kontor i Solna, Trollhättan eller Göteborg. Resor inom Norden förekommer i tjänsten.
För mer information om själva tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Andreas Espeving, [email protected]. För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen kontakta rekryterare Jennifer Wikström, [email protected].
Fackliga representanter är Rolf Olsson (Akademikerna), Cecilia Bodin (Ledarna), Mikael Mukka (SEKO) och Simon Salomonsson (Unionen). Du når samtliga via Vattenfalls växel, 08 739 50 00.

Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 19 januari 2025. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats.
Vi använder oss av tester i denna rekryteringsprocess och ett online-test kommer att skickas ut till alla sökanden som ett första steg i rekryteringsprocessen.

Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med mångfald och inkludering här. Visa mindre

Restaurant Manager

Ansök    Jan 2    Got Rock AB    Manager
Join Our Team as a Restaurant Manager at Hard Rock Cafe Gothenburg! Are you a driven and experienced leader with a passion for hospitality? Hard Rock Cafe Gothenburg, located in the heart of the Avenue, is looking for a Restaurant Manager to lead our team and deliver exceptional dining experiences. At Hard Rock Cafe, we combine legendary food, drinks, and service to create unforgettable moments for our guests. As Restaurant Manager, you’ll play a vital rol... Visa mer
Join Our Team as a Restaurant Manager at Hard Rock Cafe Gothenburg!
Are you a driven and experienced leader with a passion for hospitality? Hard Rock Cafe Gothenburg, located in the heart of the Avenue, is looking for a Restaurant Manager to lead our team and deliver exceptional dining experiences.
At Hard Rock Cafe, we combine legendary food, drinks, and service to create unforgettable moments for our guests. As Restaurant Manager, you’ll play a vital role in maintaining our iconic brand and ensuring smooth daily operations.
Key Responsibilities:
Oversee all aspects of restaurant operations, including dining room, kitchen, and bar.
Lead, coach, and inspire a diverse team to deliver exceptional guest experiences.
Ensure compliance with health, safety, and sanitation regulations.
Manage scheduling, staffing, and training to optimize team performance.
Monitor and maintain high standards of food quality, service, and cleanliness.
Collaborate with the kitchen and bar teams to enhance menu offerings and guest satisfaction.
Analyze financial performance and implement strategies to achieve revenue and cost targets.
Foster a positive work environment that aligns with Hard Rock Cafe’s culture and values.

What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience as a restaurant manager or in a similar leadership role.
Strong understanding of restaurant operations, financial management, and customer service excellence.
Exceptional leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment while maintaining attention to detail.
A passion for delivering outstanding guest experiences and cultivating a motivated team.
Familiarity with industry best practices, health standards, and food safety regulations.

If you’re ready to take the lead in a world-class dining experience and be part of an iconic brand, apply now to join Hard Rock Cafe Gothenburg as our Restaurant Manager!
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Head of BESS Product Management at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Dec 26    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

The team - Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology 
Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology is a function within Volvo Energy that works with second life applications of vehicle battery packs, monitoring and data analytics, optimization of remaining useful life, battery safety and new offerings for stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).

We are now looking for?a new colleague to join our team as Head of BESS Product Management Aftermarket.

What are we looking for in this specific role?
The Manager for BESS Aftermarket (Technical Solutions) will oversee the development and implementation of technical solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems post-deployment.  Leading the development of processes, methods, tools, partners and a team to deliver world-class BESS product technical support solutions.

This role involves managing a team of engineers, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment to ensure the delivery of high-quality technical support, and driving innovation in aftermarket services.

You are a great project manager! Being able to manage aftermarket & commissioning projects from inception to completion, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget while coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless project execution.

You serve as the primary technical liaison for customers, visiting sites to conduct technical assessments, ensuring their needs are met with effective solutions and customer satisfaction.

You will also take part in developing and implementing technical solutions to enhance the performance and reliability of BESS installations. As you identify and implement improvements and system enhancements, you will coordinate with product development team and internal stakeholders. 

Responsibilities will also include:

Documentation and Reporting
•    Maintain comprehensive records of technical solutions, customer interactions, and project progress. 
•    Coordinate the Product Technical Documentation & Training for User, Commissioning & Maintenance Procedures interacting with third party providers as needed 
•    Prepare and present detailed technical reports and updates to senior management. 

Compliance and Safety
•    Ensure all technical solutions comply with industry standards, regulations, and safety protocols. Manage interaction with the Safety & Compliance team in product development to ensure best practices in respect of First Responder and Customer awareness are fulfilled. 
•    Promote a culture of safety and adherence to best practices within the team and third party installer partners. 

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different?
Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!

Qualifications likely required to be successful
•    Several years of experience in BESS or related fields, with at least 3 years in a managerial role. 
•    Strong technical knowledge of BESS technologies and systems. 
•    Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field. 
•    Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills. 
•    Effective communication and leadership abilities. 
•    Proficiency in project management and relevant software tools. 

It would be a plus if you have experience with aftermarket engineering and customer support, knowledge of industry standards and regulatory requirements and certification in project management or relevant technical certifications. 

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today!

Last application date: 2025-01-12 Visa mindre

Engineering Manager Concept center

Ansök    Dec 18    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Let's introduce ourselves Engineering Manager Concept Centre – 91893 Advanced Engineering Workshop, Advanced Engineering Electronics and Precision Workshop.  We are people who want to make a difference. Everything we do starts with people. It’s what makes us different from all other car companies. If you share our bel... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.

Let's introduce ourselves

Engineering Manager Concept Centre – 91893 Advanced Engineering Workshop, Advanced Engineering Electronics and Precision Workshop. 
We are people who want to make a difference. Everything we do starts with people. It’s what makes us different from all other car companies. If you share our belief in the power of people and our passion for human-centric innovation, you will thrive together with brilliant, like-minded colleagues who are committed to making a true difference?
Volvo Cars is moving towards an exciting major technology transformation where we are collaborating with technology leaders all over the world, large and small – to help transform the company into a leading personal mobility provider and become a fully electric car company by 2030. 

Who are we.
Concept Centre is the secret place where we plan, design and make prototypes, test objects, rigs and fixtures to internal customers across the company. We do everything from full scale prototype cars used to evaluate e.g., ergonomics, aerodynamics, safety, and design, to upholsteries for seat prototypes in early stages and a wide range of other smaller projects. 
We are the ones to reach out to when you have a new concept, and you want a physical prototype. The section consists of a total of 130 colleagues divided into 5 specialized groups.
We are now looking for a tech savvy and skilled leader to the group 91893 consisting of three sub-teams: Advanced Engineering Workshop (AEW), Advanced Engineering Electronics (AEE) and Precision Mechanics Workshop. 

The AEW will manage everything car-related; from handcrafted prototypes developing steering, chassis, or new propulsion technologies. One known delivery is the SM-series. 

The AEE build customized electrical systems for concept cars, test cars and other prototypes and concepts. Highly skilled in electronic software, we program our own controllers to make our customers ideas come true.

Precision Mechanics Workshop manufactures small, highly precise components to testing, temperature cables, prototypes or test to propulsion engineering. 
The group is large and consists of a mix of white collars and blue collars and two consultants – in total 28 skilled team members. 

What you'll do

We are now looking for our next committed and collaborative colleague who is eager to join us! 
Your key responsibilities will be to secure capability and capacity needed support and develop your team and team members, set strategy and together with the management team make long- and short-term plans to secure capability, and capacity now and in the future. 
You will make sure that the delivery from your teams is according to plan with correct quality, making sure your teams have the prerequisites needed to excel their deliveries. 
You to help guide and coach your teams.
You will secure the use of right technique; you will initiate investments and replacement of machines and equipment, why knowledge about investment process is beneficial. 
You are responsible to secure continuous improvement and learning.
You proactively work with performance and competence development through feedback, to assure functional and behavioral competencies.
You are also responsible to secure a safe and attractive work environment, where you work proactively with risks and hazards in the workshops. 

What you'll bring

We believe you have proven leadership skills and have worked in similar field. 
You are a true collaborator, with passion for people and tech.
You have high capacity of managing a lot of things at the same time and you like high pace.
You embrace changes in an enthusiastic, open-minded, and innovative way and you can communicate in a clear and inspiring way.
You are courageous in your leadership, and you challenge and inspire your team with an ambition of bringing out the best. 
You are strategic and base your decisions on data and use system thinking.
You have experience and know the importance of systematic work environment management in workshops. 

Competence is Important 
• M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics, Mechanical or Electronics Design Engineering or proven track record as a manager within relevant field. 
• You have a strategic mindset, you coach and lead your team to success
• Experienced in managing skilled technicians in workshop environment.
• High level of proficiency in communication both in Swedish and English and interpersonal relationships. 

Personality is Key
On a personal level ~ you are without prestige and enjoy working in a high pace and fast changing business. 
You are a skilled and progressive leader, making sure your teams are empowered and accountable.
You apply creative thinking, never hesitate to encourage your team to think outside the box and use data to efficiently bring everyone forward. 
In the management team you are a true collaborator, open and honest and you see the greater picture. Visa mindre

Avtalschef Motion Service

Ansök    Dec 18    ABB AB    Manager
På ABB är vi dedikerade till att ta itu med globala utmaningar. Vår värdegrund: care, courage, curiosity och collaboration - i kombination med ett stort fokus på mångfald, inkludering och lika möjligheter - är viktiga drivkrafter i vårt mål att ge alla möjlighet att skapa hållbara lösningar. Det är vår berättelse. Gör den till din berättelse. Din roll och ditt ansvar Vill du leda och utveckla en nyckelfunktion inom en av Sveriges största leverantörer av mo... Visa mer
På ABB är vi dedikerade till att ta itu med globala utmaningar. Vår värdegrund: care, courage, curiosity och collaboration - i kombination med ett stort fokus på mångfald, inkludering och lika möjligheter - är viktiga drivkrafter i vårt mål att ge alla möjlighet att skapa hållbara lösningar. Det är vår berättelse. Gör den till din berättelse.
Din roll och ditt ansvar
Vill du leda och utveckla en nyckelfunktion inom en av Sveriges största leverantörer av motorer, drivsy-stem samt elektrifierings- och automationslösningar? Vi söker dig som har ett starkt affärsdriv och en passion för att skapa värde och bygga långsiktiga partnerskap med våra kunder. Som avtalschef hos oss på ABB Motion får du möjlighet att ansvara för vår serviceavtalsverksamhet i Sverige. Du leder ett engagerat team av nyckelpersoner och samarbetar nära avtalschefer från våra övriga divisioner. Tillsammans arbetar vi för att skapa hållbara och effektiva lösningar som stödjer våra kunders verksamheter och bidrar till en produktiv och långsiktigt hållbar framtid.
I rollen som avtalschef ansvarar du för att stärka vår position som ledande leverantör genom att:
Driva tillväxten av serviceavtal och utveckla nya affärsmöjligheter.
Säkerställa leveranseffektivitet och högsta möjliga kundnöjdhet.
Leda och inspirera ett engagerat team av medarbetare som arbetar nära våra kunder och, tillsammans med avtalschefer från andra divisioner, ansvara för ett nationellt team av avtalsledare från norr till söder.
Bygga starka kundrelationer genom nära samarbete med sälj- och ingenjörsorganisationen.
Bidra till ett nära och effektivt samarbete inom ABB:s rikstäckande organisation, som erbjuder snabb, kvalificerad och pålitlig service.

Kvalifikationer för rollen
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med avtal, projekt, service och underhåll är en fördel, särskilt om du har en bakgrund inom industrin eller entreprenadbranschen.
Du har goda IT-kunskaper och är van att arbeta i affärssystem som stöttar både ekonomi och försäljning.
Som chef är du en lagspelare med förmåga att samarbeta effektivt och inspirera ditt team att nå nya mål och anta spännande utmaningar.
Du är engagerad och målinriktad, och bidrar till att skapa en trivsam arbetsmiljö för dina medarbetare samtidigt som du säkerställer hög kundnöjdhet.
Du behärskar svenska och engelska flytande, både i tal och skrift, och har B-körkort.
Vi ser gärna att du har en högskole- eller civilingenjörsutbildning i grunden, tillsammans med erfarenhet av att leda personal.

Mer om oss
ABB Motion Service Division betjänar kunder över hela världen genom att maximera drifttiden, förlänga produkternas livscykel och förbättra prestandan och energieffektiviteten hos deras elektriska rörelse lösningar. Divisionen är ledande inom digitalisering genom att ansluta motorer och frekvensomriktare på ett säkert sätt, öka drifttiden och förbättra effektiviteten. De tjänster som erbjuds gör skillnad för våra kunder och partners varje dag genom att hjälpa till att hålla deras verksamhet igång på ett lönsamt, säkert och tillförlitligt sätt.
Rekryterande chef Niclas Lestander, +46 706 11 40 90, svarar gärna på dina frågor kring tjänsten. Sveri-ges Ingenjörer Magnus Persson, +46 706 81 00 11; Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +46 706 32 85 47; Unionen: Hanna Norén +46 706 34 03 46. Övriga frågor ställs till Talent Partner Linda Lundstedt, +46 722 05 65 54.

Vi undanber oss vänligen direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.
Sista ansökningsdag är 2025-01-19. Vi arbetar med löpande urval vilket innebär att tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas före sista ansökningsdag. Notera att anställningsprocessen på ABB Sverige inkluderar en referenskontroll, ett drogtest och vid vissa rekryteringar även en utökad bakgrundskontroll.
Välkommen med din ansökan och bli en del av vårt fantastiska team!
Vi värdesätter människor med olika bakgrund. Kan det här vara din berättelse? Ansök idag eller besök www.abb.com för att läsa mer om oss och om hur våra lösningar påverkar världen. #MyABBStory Visa mindre

Lead Engineer BESS Aftermarket at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Dec 26    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

The team - Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology 
Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology is a function within Volvo Energy that works with second life applications of vehicle battery packs, monitoring and data analytics, optimization of remaining useful life, battery safety and new offerings for stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).

We are now looking for?a new colleague to join our team as Lead Engineer - BESS Aftermarket Engineering.

What are we looking for in this specific role?
The Lead Engineer for BESS Aftermarket Engineering will oversee the technical support maintenance, and enhancement of Battery Energy Storage Systems post-deployment. You will act as a technical support expert for BESS installations, addressing and resolving complex issues.

In this role, you will take part in developing and implementing maintenance strategies to ensure system reliability and performance and to analyze performance data to recommend and implement upgrades and optimizations.

You will also act to support field diagnosis of customer issue in the event of high severity underlying problems impacting system performance or availability.

Furthermore, you will also take the role as the technical lead for liaison with third-party commissioning and maintenance engineers, ensuring optimal performance of BESS installations, and driving continuous improvement initiatives. You will lead and mentor a team of engineers in the Aftermarket Engineering department and coordinate with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless support and service delivery.

Responsibilities will also include:

Customer Interaction
•    Serve as the primary technical contact for customers, ensuring high levels of satisfaction. 
•    Conduct site visits and inspections to assess system performance and address customer concerns. 

Documentation and Reporting
•    Maintain detailed records of maintenance activities, system performance, and customer interactions. 
•    Review the Product Technical Documentation & deliver Training for User, Commissioning & Maintenance Procedures interacting with third party providers as needed 
•    Prepare and present technical reports and updates to senior management. 

Compliance and Safety
•    Ensure all activities comply with industry standards, regulations, and safety protocols. 
•    Promote a culture of safety and adherence to best practices within the team. 

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different?

Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!? 

 Qualifications likely required to be successful
•    Several years of experience in BESS or related fields. 
•    Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field.
•    Strong technical knowledge of BESS technologies and systems. 
•    Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills. 
•    Effective communication and leadership abilities. 
•    Proficiency in relevant software and tools. 

Experience with aftermarket engineering and customer support, knowledge of industry standards and regulatory requirements and certification in project management or relevant technical certifications is an advantage.

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today! 

Last application date: 2025-01-12 Visa mindre

Engineering Manager Concept center Mechatronics

Ansök    Dec 17    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Let's introduce ourselves Engineering Manager Concept Centre – 91893 Advanced Engineering Workshop, Advanced Engineering Electronics and Precision Workshop.  Concept Centre is the secret place where we plan, design and make prototypes, test objects, rigs and fixtures to internal customers across the company. We do eve... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.

Let's introduce ourselves

Engineering Manager Concept Centre – 91893 Advanced Engineering Workshop, Advanced Engineering Electronics and Precision Workshop. 
Concept Centre is the secret place where we plan, design and make prototypes, test objects, rigs and fixtures to internal customers across the company. We do everything from full scale prototype cars used to evaluate e.g., ergonomics, aerodynamics, safety, and design, to upholsteries for seat prototypes in early stages and a wide range of other smaller projects. 
We are the ones to reach out to when you have a new concept, and you want a physical prototype. The section consists of a total of 130 colleagues divided into 5 specialized groups.
We are now looking for a tech savvy and skilled leader to the group 91893 consisting of three sub-teams: Advanced Engineering Workshop (AEW), Advanced Engineering Electronics (AEE) and Precision Mechanics Workshop. 

The AEW will manage everything car-related; from handcrafted prototypes developing steering, chassis, or new propulsion technologies. One known delivery is the SM-series. 
 The AEE build customized electrical systems for concept cars, test cars and other prototypes and concepts. Highly skilled in electronic software, we program our own controllers to make our customers ideas come true.
 Precision Mechanics Workshop manufactures small, highly precise components to testing, temperature cables, prototypes or test to propulsion engineering. 
The group is large and consists of a mix of white collars and blue collars and two consultants – in total 28 skilled team members. 

What you'll do

We are now looking for our next committed and collaborative colleague who is eager to join us! 
Your key responsibilities will be to secure capability and capacity needed support and develop your team and team members, set strategy and together with the management team make long- and short-term plans to secure capability, and capacity now and in the future. 
You will make sure that the delivery from your teams is according to plan with correct quality, making sure your teams have the prerequisites needed to excel their deliveries. 
You to help guide and coach your teams.
You will secure the use of right technique; you will initiate investments and replacement of machines and equipment, why knowledge about investment process is beneficial. 
You are responsible to secure continuous improvement and learning.
You proactively work with performance and competence development through feedback, to assure functional and behavioral competencies.
You are also responsible to secure a safe and attractive work environment, where you work proactively with risks and hazards in the workshops. 

What you'll bring

We believe you have proven leadership skills and have worked in similar field. 
You are a true collaborator, with passion for people and tech.
You have high capacity of managing a lot of things at the same time and you like high pace.
You embrace changes in an enthusiastic, open-minded, and innovative way and you can communicate in a clear and inspiring way.
You are courageous in your leadership, and you challenge and inspire your team with an ambition of bringing out the best. 
You are strategic and base your decisions on data and use system thinking.
You have experience and know the importance of systematic work environment management in workshops. 
Competence is Important 
• M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics, Mechanical or Electronics Design Engineering or proven track record as a manager within relevant field. 
• You have a strategic mindset, you coach and lead your team to success
• Experienced in managing skilled technicians in workshop environment.
• High level of proficiency in communication both in Swedish and English and interpersonal relationships. 
Personality is Key
On a personal level ~ you are without prestige and enjoy working in a high pace and fast changing business. 
You are a skilled and progressive leader, making sure your teams are empowered and accountable.
You apply creative thinking, never hesitate to encourage your team to think outside the box and use data to efficiently bring everyone forward. 
In the management team you are a true collaborator, open and honest and you see the greater picture. Visa mindre

Senior Management Consultant Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Ansök    Dec 6    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society. AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and f... Visa mer
Company Description

AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society.
AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting.
With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 experts at AFRY in design, engineering and digitalisation, we are driven by the idea of helping our clients find solutions to business-critical questions.

Job Description

Sustainability Consulting is further strengthening its position in the European and global markets. Therefore, we are seeking an experienced LCA Consultant to join our Sustainability team in Finland or Sweden. This role involves working globally within an international team as well as in the local markets.
In this position, you will have an opportunity to make your contribution to the sustainability transformation within companies, and diving deep into strategic topics that are changing the corporate sustainability landscape and business strategy by implementing high quality life cycle assessment (LCA) studies.
As a Senior Management Consultant, your tasks will include:
Leading LCA project teams and executing LCA projects in sustainability consulting
Taking charge of client-facing roles in project delivery and relationship management
Collaborate closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions that align with their business goals and objectives
Contributing to the LCA competence and offering development


At least 5 years of experience in conducting LCAs
Proven track record in project management and delivery
Understanding on international sustainability frameworks and related industry requirements
Business minded and analytical mindset combined with structured way of working
Relevant degree from university
This position requires proficiency in written and verbal English communication skills.

For us, your personal qualities are also important. Since you will be working primarily in teams with others internally, as well as externally with clients, we highly value a relationship-building and communicative approach. Many projects are challenging and come with deadlines, so you will thrive if you enjoy problem-solving and working in a goal-oriented manner.

Additional Information

To apply for this position, please submit your application including CV in English. The selection process is ongoing and the position will be filled immediately once we find the best candidate for the position, this can be before the last day of the application.

Last application date: December 30th
Contact information
Tiina Pajula
Senior Principal
[email protected]
Camilla Vikström
Talent Acquisition Partner
[email protected]
At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

BIM-strateg (Digital Delivery Manager)

Ansök    Dec 6    Ramboll Sweden AB    Manager
Om rollen Vill du arbeta med människor och teknik för att skapa effektiva informationsflöden? Om du känner igen dig, kan denna roll vara något för dig. Bli en del av vår avdelning Digital Delivery och hjälp oss i vårt arbete mot en hållbar framtid. Din befattning Du ansvarar för de digitala kraven och våra digitala processer för att effektivisera vår digitala leverans. Du är en del av uppdragsledningen och samordnar med uppdragets medlemmar. Du ansvara... Visa mer
Om rollen
Vill du arbeta med människor och teknik för att skapa effektiva informationsflöden? Om du känner igen dig, kan denna roll vara något för dig. Bli en del av vår avdelning Digital Delivery och hjälp oss i vårt arbete mot en hållbar framtid.
Din befattning
Du ansvarar för de digitala kraven och våra digitala processer för att effektivisera vår digitala leverans. Du är en del av uppdragsledningen och samordnar med uppdragets medlemmar.
Du ansvarar bland annat för att:?
Identifiera och hantera uppdragets digitala krav.
Implementera och följa upp vår Digital Delivery Plan (BIM Execution Plan).?
Kvalitetssäkra våra digitala processer.
Stödjer uppdragsledningen med att driva uppdraget framåt mot den digitala leveransen med fokus på en effektiv informationshantering.
Leda uppdragets BIM- och datasamordnare samt modellansvariga i respektive teknikområde.?

Om dig
Från din allra första dag på Ramboll kommer vi ge dig det stöd du behöver för att maximera din personliga och professionella potential inom företaget. ?De kvalifikationer, färdigheter och kunskaper som kommer att vara viktiga för dina framgångar och din utveckling hos oss är att du har:?
??Erfarenhet av Civil 3D, Navisworks, OpenRail, ProjectWise och/eller ACC, Autodesk
Erfarenhet som BIM-manager, BIM-strateg eller BIM-samordnare inom infrastrukturprojekt.?
Mycket god kommunikativ förmåga i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska.?
Intresse att utvecklas och effektivisera våra arbetssätt.?

Vad vi kan erbjuda dig
Din närmsta ledare blir Eddie Ljungwe som tillhör Luleåkontoret, men din placeringsort är helt valfri. Som ledare är Eddie erfaren och leder enligt devisen ”frihet under ansvar”, utan att för den delen vara en frånvarande ledare.? ?
När du blir en del av Ramboll kommer vi att göra vårt bästa för att stötta dig i din personliga och professionella utveckling. För att lyckas i den här rollen är du strukturerad och nyfiken, det du inte kan ska du ha viljan att lära dig. Där min viktigaste uppgift som din chef är att få dig att utvecklas åt önskad riktning.
??Är du redo att börja jobba hos oss?
Vänligen skicka in din ansökan med ditt uppdaterade CV. Vi välkomnar mångfald i alla dess former och uppmuntrar sökande från alla grupper att ansöka.
?Vi vet att vissa sökande endast lämnar in ansökan om de uppfyller alla villkor. Passion och potential kan dock i många fall väga upp ett perfekt CV, och i Ramboll får du hjälp och stöd att växa. Om du identifierar dig med den här rollen men inte uppfyller alla kriterier vill vi gärna att du ändå lämnar in din ansökan. Du kan vara det perfekta valet för den här tjänsten eller en annan roll i vårt team.?
?Sista ansökningsdag: 10 december 2024.
?Tack för att du överväger denna möjlighet på Ramboll! Vi ser fram emot att ta del av din ansökan.?
??Arbeta i hjärtat av hållbar förändring med Ramboll i Sverige
?Ramboll grundades i Danmark och är en stiftelseägd, internationell teknik-, arkitekt- och management-konsultbolag. På Ramboll tror vi att syftet med hållbar förändring är att skapa samhällen där både miljö och människor kan blomstra. Det är vår utgångspunkt – det är det som guidar oss i vårt arbete. Vår historia är förankrad i en tydlig vision av hur ett ansvarsfullt företag ska agera, och öppenhet och nyfikenhet är en viktig del av vår kultur. Ramboll i Sverige har cirka 2000 anställda på 30 kontor. Ramboll-experter levererar innovativa lösningar inom Byggnader, Transport, Energi, Vatten, Miljö och Hälsa, Landskap och Arkitektur, samt Management Consulting.
?Jämställdhet, Mångfald och Inkludering
Jämställdhet, mångfald och inkludering är kärnan i det vi gör. På Ramboll tror vi att mångfald är en styrka och att olika erfarenheter och perspektiv är avgörande för att skapa hållbara samhällen. Vi jobbar aktivt för att skapa en inkluderande och stöttande arbetsmiljö där alla trivs och kan förverkliga sin potential. Vi vet också hur viktigt det är att hitta rätt balans för var, när och hur mycket du arbetar, och därför erbjuder vi på Ramboll mycket flexibilitet att anpassa ditt arbete till din individuella situation. Vi välkomnar ansökningar från kandidater med olika bakgrunder. Vänligen låt oss veta om det finns några anpassningar vi kan göra i rekryteringsprocessen för att göra den mer bekväm för dig. Du kan kontakta oss på [email protected] med sådana förfrågningar.? Visa mindre

Project Manager BESS Sales & Services at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Nov 26    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

Within the Volvo Energy Sales and Services team, we hold the responsibility to commercialize the Volvo Branded Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) offering, both to existing customers and new customer groups. Our Battery Energy Storage Systems will support e-mobility and charging, provide temporary power supply as well as optimize commercial and industrial sites?when it comes to decarbonizing and lowering energy costs.

We are looking for?a new colleague to join our team as Project Manager – BESS Sales & Services.?

In this role you will be given a unique opportunity to shape and drive the early development of this new business for Volvo Group, together with the leadership team and a set of skilled and committed colleagues. We will work on solutions that will drive economically viable circularity and take us to a sustainable future.?

What are we looking for in this specific role?
In this new role we are looking for an experienced project manager passionate about electrification and energy transition, and eager to drive the commercial agenda in several BESS development initiatives.

You are a self-motivated and results-driven team player who will play a pivotal role in bringing our future products and offer to market. You have an excellent ability to collaborate in international cross-functional teams consisting of technical specialists, engineering and project managers from other functions. 

Responsibilities will include among others:
Represent the commercial organization in all European product- and offer development projects in Volvo Energy. From project initiation to launch, facilitate and secure deliveries from the Sales and Service teams (e.g. requirements, time & resource plans, pilot customers, sales material) into the projects.

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different?

Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!??? 

We will be?a?fairly?small?team?that will grow with the business?and therefore?look for colleagues that?thoroughly enjoy this?entrepreneurial?challenge, can?hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision.?Moreover, it will be essential you have a strong ability to form?trustful relationships?to effectively work with partners?-?inside and outside of the Volvo Group?– in a cross-functional manner.? 

Qualifications likely required to be successful 
•    Previous experience of project management in a commercial organization and/or electromobility/energy context.
•    Proven ability to efficiently motivate and secure engagement from cross-functional teams in an international environment.
•    Genuine interest in energy transition and electrification.
•    Excellent communication, negotiation, stakeholder management and presentation skills.
•    Open-minded and secure in working in a rapidly changing organization and business environment.

The location for this position will be in our offices at CampX in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today! 

Last application date: 2024/12/10
We will review applications on a rolling basis.

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions
Niklas Thulin
Head of BESS product offer
[email protected]

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Director Technical Analysis and Supplier Warranty Recovery

Ansök    Nov 27    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.  As part of Quality & Customer Satisfaction within Group Trucks Technology, Technical Analysis & Supplier Warranty Recovery (TA&SWR;) drives Suppl... Visa mer

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 

As part of Quality & Customer Satisfaction within Group Trucks Technology, Technical Analysis & Supplier Warranty Recovery (TA&SWR;) drives Supplier Warranty recovery (SWR) and contributes to warranty spend reduction for our suppliers, hereby directly contributing to Group Trucks Brands and Business Areas profitability.

Our core activities entail confirming technical responsibility and liability in component failure modes, and negotiating recovery with suppliers within our contractual frameworks, in collaboration with Purchasing, Engineering, internal and external legal counsel, third part technical experts and truck brands aftermarket organization. As such, TA and SWR is managing Warranty Material Analysis (WMA) cross-functionally with stakeholders and is also responsible to act upon the supplier contractual obligation and strengthening AB Volvo legal position for what pertains to warranty. Through the recovery process, TA and SWR creates incentives to improve product quality, and support quality continuous improvement within the Group.

TA&SWR; is one global team of 45 skilled professional operating in the sites of Gothenburg (Sweden), Lyon (France), Greensboro and Hagerstown (U.S.A.), and Curitiba (Brazil), owning their business and accountable for supplier warranty portfolio management. TA&SWR; operates in a matrix, with regional governance towards Trucks brands, supported by global governance for top platform warranty cases. As Director TA&SWR; you will lead this global team and be part of the global Quality & Customer satisfaction leadership team.

Main responsibilities
•    Lead Supplier Warranty Recovery (SWR) in cross-functional and collaborative work with Purchasing and Engineering, building strong relationships.
•    Drive teams to act upon the supplier contractual obligation towards Volvo Group and constantly strive to strengthen the Group legal position.
•    Lead the digitalization transformation within the technical analysis and warranty recovery area to reduce warranty cost and increase warranty recovery
•    Drive teams’ competence development, strategic continuous improvement activities and standardization of warranty/quality best practices.
•    Represents warranty and Q&CS; as required within the Group or with external stakeholders.

To be successful and have fun in this role: 
•    You have leadership experience, business understanding, sense of negotiation.   
•    You naturally lead teams in an inclusive way and enjoy working in an international environment. 
•    You are a collaborative team player and capable of constructively challenging other colleagues.  
•    You have experience in being a part of or leading a global management team

We also want you to have Msc in Engineering/Business Administration or equivalent.

Curious and have some questions? Feel free to reach out!
David Elebring, Vice President Quality & Customer Satisfaction, [email protected]
Alma Velijevic Torrez, Talent Acquisition Partner, [email protected]

Last application date 22nd of December. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.

Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 

Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Junior Management Consultant - Energy

Ansök    Dec 6    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Läs mer om AFRY här. AFRY Management Consulting är en ledande rådgivare för världens energi-, skogs- och biobaserade industri... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
Läs mer om AFRY här.
AFRY Management Consulting är en ledande rådgivare för världens energi-, skogs- och biobaserade industrier. Vårt hängivna team med över 800 Managementkonsulter, fördelade över 20 kontor på 5 kontinenter, tillhandahåller strategisk och operativ rådgivning, underbyggd av djup expertis och marknadsinsikt.
I Sverige är vi idag ett trettiotal managementkonsulter som jobbar mot energimarknaden, med andra ord är vi ett relativt litet team på ett stort bolag. Det svenska teamet är relativt nystartat, från 2020, och därför är vi alla med och bygger upp vår verksamhet vilket präglar vår kultur. Vi skulle beskriva oss själva som ett trevligt och ambitiöst gäng inom vilket det är viktigt med tillåtande kultur, ett prestigelöst arbetssätt och en bra balans mellan arbets- och privatliv. Hos oss finns också ett ledarskap som främjar en samarbetsdriven och innovativ arbetsmiljö och som tydligt och aktivt stöttar din utveckling med hänsyn till intresseområden och dina personliga karriärsmål. Geografiskt sitter vi både i Stockholm och i Göteborg, men vi jobbar mycket tillsammans mellan kontoren i Sverige samt med våra konsultkollegor i andra länder. Hos oss finns också goda möjligheter för delvis distansarbete och flexibla arbetstider.
Läs mer om AFRY Energy Management Consulting här.
Om rollen
Kom och jobba med oss som managementkonsult inom energisektorn!
Energisektorn världen över förändras i en hög takt i linje med klimatmålen – avveckling av fossilbaserade energikällor, decentralisering, förnybar energi samt smarta energilösningar skapar både utmaningar och möjligheter för intressenter inom värdekedjan. Vi på AFRY Management Consulting jobbar för att vara en stark stöttepelare för våra kunder i denna omställning. Hos oss kommer du få jobba med fascinerande och utmanande projekt för ledande energi- och teknikföretag, göra fördjupande studier inom offentlig verksamhet och organisationer samt dynamiskt arbete för investerarkunder.
Du som junior konsult kommer att få att prova på olika inriktningar och typer av projekt. Hos oss finns möjlighet att på sikt nischa sig mot ett intresseområde. Detta kan vara ett specifikt energiområde som vindkraft, solkraft, batterilagring, vätgas, kärnkraft eller elnät, eller en inriktning inom transaktioner eller strategisk rådgivning. I din roll som junior konsult kommer du arbeta i kundprojekt med varierande omfattning och ansvar, som exempelvis omfattar:
Tekno-ekonomiska analyser, exempelvis kostnads- eller driftsanalys av olika energitillgångar

Regulatorisk analys, exempelvis påverkan av olika regleringar på nationell eller europeisk nivå

Marknadsstudier, exempelvis analys av aktörer eller förutsättningar för en specifik aktör på en marknad

Ansvar för arbetsströmmar och uppgifter i nära samarbete med ditt team, från problemformulering till slutsatser och rekommendationer

Vi letar aktivt efter talanger med stort driv och intresse för energiomställningen och som vill jobba med strategifrågeställningar, transaktioner (DDs), marknadsanalyser, organisationsförändringar samt digitala transformationer. Du vill ligga i framkant och få jobba med de allra skickligaste och få chansen att vara med där de stora energifrågorna formas – oavsett om det handlar om framtidens kraftsystem, grön energi eller nya tekniska lösningar.
Vem är du?
För oss är det viktigt med vilka personliga egenskaper du har. Eftersom du till stor del kommer att jobba i team med andra internt, samt externt mot kund, värderar vi högt om du är relationsbyggande, kommunikativ och en teamplayer. Då många projekt är utmanande och kommer med en deadline kommer du att trivas om du också gillar problemlösning och att jobba målinriktat.
För att passa som junior konsult hos oss tror vi att du:
Har en utbildning på masternivå inom teknik och/eller ekonomi
Nyligen avslutat din utbildning eller har max två års relevant erfarenhet från energibranschen eller som managementkonsult
Är uppdaterad och intresserad kring vad som händer på energimarknaden och är driven att göra en karriär som managementkonsult
Har mycket goda kunskaper i engelska och svenska, i tal och skrift. Andra språk är meriterande

Vi arbetar mestadels i Office-verktygen Excel, PowerPoint och Word. Det är därför meriterande om du redan nu har goda kunskaper i dem. Arbetslivserfarenhet från energisektorn eller andra relevanta områden så som strategi, kvantitativ analys, transaktioner eller affär- och verksamhetsutveckling är meriterande men inget krav.
Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
På AFRY är vi många som är passionerade, inte bara på jobbet utan även på fritiden. Vi tror nämligen att om du har roligt i livet presterar du bättre! Vi vill vara din ideala arbetsgivare, oavsett fas i livet, och vi förstår vikten av en balans mellan privatliv och arbete.
Därför passar vi på att redan här nämna några av de förmåner du erhåller om du börjar hos oss:
Fast lön och kollektivtal – Trygga komponenter som är en självklarhet för oss!

Utfyllnad av lön vid föräldraledighet

Vidareutveckling i form av utbildningar och våra uppdrag samt genom att nätverka med våra duktiga medarbetare

Club AFRY – Vår personalklubb med möjlighet till kultur och sportevenemang, bokklubb, stuguthyrning, yoga mm.

Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Hoppas det!
Om rekryteringsprocessen
Vänligen inkludera CV och personligt brev som förklarar varför du är intresserad av tjänsten och vad du tror att du kan bidra med hos oss. Om du går vidare i denna rekryteringsprocess kommer vi att använda oss av tester som ett steg i att identifiera din potential. Det vill säga hur väl du matchar de delar av kravprofilen som handlar om personliga egenskaper och problemlösningsförmåga. Testerna hjälper oss också att säkerställa en mer träffsäker och rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Efter det väntar case, intervju med chef samt referenstagning. Visa mindre

Specialist & Delprojektledare Ställverkskonstruktion

Ansök    Nov 20    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt funge... Visa mer
Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt fungerar.
Tillsammans skapar vi Sveriges säkraste arbetsplats!
Om rollen
Vattenfall Services Stationer Projekt fortsätter att satsa framåt och söker nu nya kollegor med kompetens och erfarenhet inom ställverkskonstruktion mekanik. Våra uppdrag är till stor del totalentreprenader och vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av arbete i projektorganisationer. Du kommer att vara en viktig del i att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för våra Projektledare och projektorganisationer vilket innebär högt säkerhetstänk, god framdrift, engagemang och kvalitet. Vår förhoppning är att du med din bakgrund och erfarenhet kommer att vara ett avgörande bidrag i vår verksamhet och därtill generera ytterligare möjligheter i ett samarbete med våra medarbetare, kunder och leverantörer.
Inom vårt Affärsområde genomför vi projekt och levererar helhetslösningar för el- och kontrollutrustning till ställverk och kraftstationer. Våra kunder är främst elnätsbolag och vattenkraftsproducenter. Vår leverans innehåller projektledning, byggnation, markarbete, konstruktion, programmering, konfiguration, montage och idrifttagning. Att i alla moment arbeta säkert är en självklarhet inom Vattenfall Services.
Din roll
I rollen som Specialist i Projektreferensgruppen bidrar du med din spetskompetens inom ställverkskonstruktion. Din kompetens kommer att vara ett komplement i vårt anbudsarbete där du granskar och analyserar inkomna offerter, men även deltar i arbetet med att ta fram förfrågningsunderlag. Du kommer att fungera som en specialistresurs och stötta våra projektledare i tekniska vägval. Fokus kommer vara på större stationsprojekt på spänningsnivåerna 130kV och uppåt till 400kV. Till din hjälp har du Vattenfall Services kompetenta medarbetare och etablerade underentreprenörer.
Arbetet är självständigt, samtidigt som det kräver stort fokus på samarbete och kommunikation såväl internt som externt. Rollen rapporterar Affärsområdeschef och till Projektchef. Resor i tjänsten är en del av uppdraget.
Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Delaktig i anbudsframtagning tillsammans med utsedd Projektledare och Anbud/Affärsstöd
Skriva förfrågningsunderlag tillsammans med inköp och granska inkomna anbud
Stötta vid upphandling av entreprenörer, tjänster och material i samråd med Inköp, Projektledare och Anbud/Affärsstöd
Vara teknisk resurs inom ditt kompetensområde samt stödja kollegor inom projektorganisationen och verksamheten
Vara ett stöd till projektledare på byggmöten och i förhandlingar med kund eller underentreprenör
Säkerställa att organisationen och arbetssättet är ändamålsenliga genom proaktiv planering och delaktighet
Utifrån din bakgrund och erfarenhet från att driva projekt bidra till fortsatt utveckling av kollegor och organisation
Aktivt ta ansvar för att hålla dig uppdaterad inom ditt specialistområde
Arbeta fram standardiserade arbetssätt som är anpassade för verksamheten

Vi söker dig som har förmågan att driva ditt arbete framåt på ett självständigt och effektivt sätt, samtidigt som du är duktig på att löpande kommunicera och informera andra. Du har affärssinne och är mål- och resultatinriktad. Ditt arbetssätt kännetecknas av struktur, gott samarbete, bra omdöme och att du agerar i enlighet med mål och riktlinjer med ett stort säkerhetsfokus.
För att vara framgångsrik i roller ser vi att du behöver:
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att driva uppdrag kopplat till ställverkskonstruktion
Erfarenhet av att agera som tekniskt stöd till konstruktörer
Erfarenhet av att ta fram och granska anbud
God kompetens inom branschens riktlinjer och regelverk
Behärska svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

Vi ser det som meriterande om du även har:
Erfarenhet som delprojektledare

Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
Efter flera decennier i energibranschen vet vi att våra medarbetare är vår viktigaste och mest värdefulla tillgång. Därför erbjuder vi dig en varierande arbetsvardag med stora möjligheter till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling. Vi är en stor och trygg arbetsgivare som ändå känns familjär där medarbetarnas säkerhet, välmående och samarbete är viktiga delar av vår företagskultur!
Hos Vattenfall Services kan du göra skillnad och tillsammans tar vi ansvar för en hållbar energiomställning, tillsammans arbetar vi för fossilfrihet!
Är du nyfiken på dina framtida kollegor? Läs mer här
Nyfiken på att följa vår vardag? Följs oss på sociala medier!
Linkedin – Vattenfall Services Nordic AB
Instagram – Vattenfallservices
Vi är öppna för stationering på någon av våra etableringar i Sverige, som sträcker sig från norr till söder. Rollen har ett nationellt ansvar där resor är en naturlig del av uppdraget. Ange gärna din tilltänka placeringsort i ansökan.
För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta affärsområdeschef Marcus Persson på 070 207 44 25. För mer information kring rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Angeliqa Haapanen på 070 235 73 21.
Fackliga representanter för denna tjänst är Christel Karlsson Unionen, Massimo Bresnik SEKO, Torbjörn Blom Akademikerna och Magnus Tjergefors, Ledarna. Du når alla via Vattenfalls växel, tfn 08-739 50 00.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 9 december 2024. Urval kan komma att ske löpande, så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan till sista annonseringsdag.
Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen. Utöver säkerhetsprövning görs drogtest.
Då säkerheten för Vattenfall och dess anställda är avgörande kommer vi innan varje anställning genomföra en ”pre-employment screening”. Dessa kontroller baseras på din roll som du kommer att fylla inom Vattenfall. Kontrollerna kommer att utföras av en tredje part. Visa mindre

PLM Project Manager at Volvo Cars

Ansök    Nov 20    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Let's introduce ourselves

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a key enabler for gaining efficiency in the Product Development processes. At Volvo Cars we strive to be in the front line for creating and implementing new PLM-solutions that meet the high requirements on speed, quality and efficiency.
If you are a result driven team player with an interest in how processes and information flows can support our Engineering Processes, you might be the person we are looking for. 

What you'll do

We are seeking a skilled and motivated Project Leader, in the PLM-area, to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in automotive engineering processes and proven facilitation skills. You will play a crucial role in leading cross-functional teams to enhance our PLM initiatives and drive operational excellence.
As a member of our team with PLM-experts, you will contribute by driving projects and assignments that serve our business processes with new solutions for Product Structures and Configuration. You will work in close collaboration with stakeholders, and with the teams developing our chain of digital tools.

What you'll bring

Key qualifications for this position include:
•    BSc or higher degree in engineering, Master is a plus.
•    Previous experiences from working with PLM in the automotive industry. 
•    Solid skills in written and spoken English
•    Great facilitation skills 
•    Demonstrated ability to be a team player 
Meritorious qualifications for this position: 
•    Previously gained knowledge about Volvo Cars concerning
o    Inhouse SW or HW engineering
o    Product Documentation
o    PLM applications (KDP, Teamcenter, 3DX)
o    SW development applications (Elektra, CarWeaver, PIE R&D)
On a personal level, we are looking for a person with an agile mindset that enjoys working in an empowered team. You need to be delivery focused, pro-active and self-motivated. It is also important that you are based locally here in Göteborg. Visa mindre

Uppdragsledare/Projektledare Transmission Lines

Ansök    Nov 8    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Om rollen Våra kunder vill öka samarbetet med oss på Transmission Lines och vi, tillsammans med resten av branschen, upplever ... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
Om rollen
Våra kunder vill öka samarbetet med oss på Transmission Lines och vi, tillsammans med resten av branschen, upplever just nu en stark medvind! Sektionen växer och vi behöver komplettera med fler drivna uppdragsledare. Visst vill du ta dig an en nyckelroll i energiomställningen och skapa förutsättningar för rekordsnabb utbyggnad av region- och stamnät?
Energiomställningen är vår generations ödesfråga och den kanske viktigaste delen i lösningen är att överföra energi från producent till konsument på ett hållbart sätt – Det tror vi i alla fall. Inom sektionen Transmission Lines arbetar AFRY med region- och stamnätsledningar (såväl luftledning som mark- och sjökabel). Vi har projekt i alla faser; från förstudie och tillstånd via projektering/konstruktion, till entreprenadstöd och slutbesiktning av färdigbyggd ledning. AFRY har en stor och erfaren konsultgrupp inom kraftledningar och vi fortsätter att växa. Våra kunder är främst de större svenska elnätsbolagen, men vi arbetar även för nätbolag i andra nordiska länder samt andra aktörer inom energisektorn.
Hos oss jobbar vi i team för att lösa kundernas utmaningar. Vi har högt i tak och är måna om att dela med oss av vår kunskap till andra i teamet.
Som uppdragsledare i våra projekt behöver du vara tekniskt intresserad, ha god förmåga att kommunicera (på svenska och engelska) samt vara bra på att strukturera och samordna arbetet. Du ansvarar för tidplan och budget samt dialog med kund.
Du har erfarenhet från uppdragsledning av bygg- eller infrastrukturprojekt och det är en fördel om du redan nu verkar i elbranschen med kraftledningsprojekt eller projekt kopplade till förnyelsebar elproduktion såsom vind- eller solkraft. Det är meriterade men inget krav att du har erfarenhet av ABK, AB04 och AMA.
Du är van att ta stort ansvar och trivs och växer när du ställs inför nya utmaningar. Att leda team är något som du har erfarenhet av. Du tycker om att arbeta med människor; i din roll ingår både att coacha ditt team och att bygga relationer med beställare.
Ytterligare information
AFRY är rankat som en av Sveriges mest populära arbetsgivare bland ingenjörer. Hos oss är du med och utvecklar innovativa och hållbara lösningar inom infrastruktur, energi och industri. Just nu söker vi marknadens vassaste kompetens, som tillsammans med oss vill skapa framtidens samhälle. Vi hoppas också att du kommer lära dig lika mycket av oss som vi kommer göra av dig.
Läs mer om oss här: https://afry.com/sv
Urval och intervjuer kommer att ske löpande, så skicka gärna in din ansökan redan idag. Sista ansökningsdag är 13/12 2024, men tjänsten kan komma att bli tillsatt innan dess.
Anna Bengtsson, Sektionschef
[email protected]
Jaana Vuorinen, Gruppchef
[email protected]
Anthon Samuelsson, Gruppchef
[email protected]
Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt säljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.

På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Junior Management Consultant - Energy

Ansök    Nov 4    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Läs mer om AFRY?här.? AFRY Management Consulting?är en ledande rådgivare för världens energi-, skogs- och biobaserade industr... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
Läs mer om AFRY?här.?
AFRY Management Consulting?är en ledande rådgivare för världens energi-, skogs- och biobaserade industrier. Vårt hängivna team med över 800 Managementkonsulter, fördelade över 20 kontor på 5 kontinenter, tillhandahåller strategisk och operativ rådgivning, underbyggd av djup expertis och marknadsinsikt.?
Läs mer om AFRY Energy Management Consulting?här.?
Om rollen
Kom och jobba med oss som managementkonsult inom energisektorn!
Vi är idag ett trettiotal managementkonsulter som jobbar på AFRY Management Consulting mot energimarknaden. Med andra ord är vi ett relativt litet team på ett stort bolag. Då just vår del är ny sedan 2020 är vi alla med och bygger upp vår verksamhet, vilket präglar vår kultur. Vi skulle beskriva oss själva som ett trevligt och ambitiöst gäng inom vilket det är viktigt med tillåtande kultur, ett prestigelöst arbetssätt och en bra balans mellan arbets- och privatliv. Hos oss finns också ett ledarskap som främjar en samarbetsdriven och innovativ arbetsmiljö och som tydligt och aktivt stöttar din utveckling med hänsyn till intresseområden och dina personliga karriärsmål. Geografiskt sitter vi både i Stockholm och i Göteborg, men vi jobbar mycket tillsammans mellan kontoren i Sverige samt med våra konsultkollegor i andra länder. Hos oss finns också goda möjligheter för delvis distansarbete och flexibla arbetstider. Som managementkonsult kommer du arbeta i kundprojekt med varierande omfattning och ansvar, som exempelvis omfattar:?
Tekno-ekonomiska analyser, exempelvis kostnads- eller driftsanalys av olika energitillgångar?

Regulatorisk analys, exempelvis påverkan av olika regleringar på nationell eller europeisk nivå?

Marknadsstudier, exempelvis analys av aktörer eller förutsättningar för en specifik aktör på en marknad?

Ansvar för arbetsströmmar och uppgifter i nära samarbete med ditt team, från problemformulering till slutsatser och rekommendationer

Vi letar aktivt efter talanger med stort driv och intresse för energiomställningen och som vill jobba med strategifrågeställningar, transaktioner (DDs), marknadsanalyser, organisationsförändringar samt digitala transformationer. Du vill ligga i framkant och få jobba med de allra skickligaste och få chansen att vara med där de stora energifrågorna formas – oavsett om det handlar om framtidens kraftsystem, grön energi eller nya tekniska lösningar.
Vem är du?
Du är uppdaterad och har ett genuint intresse för vad som händer på energimarknaden och är driven att göra en karriär som managementkonsult. Du har några års arbetslivserfarenhet som managementkonsult och har du även erfarenhet inom energisektorn är det meriterande, kanske med specifik kunskap kring batterilagring, vätgas, off-/onshore vind, sol, kärnkraft eller industrielektrifiering. Du har en masterexamen inom teknik, ekonomi eller likande, samt mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift.
För oss är det viktigt vilka personliga egenskaper du har. Eftersom du till stor del kommer att jobba i team med andra internt, samt externt mot kund, värderar vi högt om du är relationsbyggande och kommunikativ i ditt sätt. Då många projekt är utmanande och kommer med en deadline kommer du att trivas om du också gillar problemlösning och att jobba målinriktat.
Vi arbetar mestadels i Office-verktygen Excel, PowerPoint och Word. Det är därför meriterande om du redan nu har goda kunskaper i dem. Arbetslivserfarenhet från energisektorn eller andra relevanta områden så som strategi, kvantitativ analys, transaktioner eller organisations- och verksamhetsutveckling kommer också att vägas in.
Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
På AFRY är vi många som är passionerade, inte bara på jobbet utan även på fritiden. Vi tror nämligen att om du har roligt i livet presterar du bättre! Vi vill vara din ideala arbetsgivare, oavsett fas i livet, och vi förstår vikten av en balans mellan privatliv och arbete.
Därför passar vi på att redan här nämna några av de förmåner du erhåller om du börjar hos oss:
Fast lön och kollektivtal – Trygga komponenter som är en självklarhet för oss!

Utfyllnad av lön vid föräldraledighet

Vidareutveckling i form av utbildningar och våra uppdrag samt genom att nätverka med våra duktiga medarbetare

Club AFRY – Vår personalklubb med möjlighet till kultur och sportevenemang, bokklubb, stuguthyrning, yoga mm.

Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Hoppas det!
Om rekryteringsprocessen
Vänligen inkludera CV och personligt brev som förklarar varför du är intresserad av tjänsten och vad du tror att du kan bidra med hos oss. Om du går vidare i denna rekryteringsprocess kommer vi att använda oss av tester som ett steg i att identifiera din potential. Det vill säga hur väl du matchar de delar av kravprofilen som handlar om personliga egenskaper och problemlösningsförmåga. Testerna hjälper oss också att säkerställa en mer träffsäker och rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Efter det väntar case, intervju med chef samt referenstagning. ?
Urvalsprocessen sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag.?
Plats:? Göteborg eller Stockholm?
Sista ansökningsdatum:?30:e november?
Förväntad anställningsdatum:?Q1 2025?
Vi kommer att tillämpa 6 månaders provanställning.
Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt säljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.

Frågor kring tjänsten:
Agnes Bråve
Consultant, Energy Management Consulting
[email protected]
Agnes LinkedIn
Frågor kring processen:
Camilla Vikström
Recruitment Partner, AFRY?
[email protected]
Camillas LinkedIn Visa mindre

Senior Project Manager Engineering at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Nov 4    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!

Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

Being part of Battery Optimization and Monitoring - Technology
Battery Optimization and Monitoring – Technology is a function within Volvo Energy that works with second life applications of vehicle battery packs, monitoring and data analytics, optimization of remaining useful life, battery safety and new offerings for stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).

Working in very close cooperation with our colleagues from Volvo Group and especially Group Trucks Technology, we create new business offer opportunities as well as value propositions.  

What are we looking for in this specific role?
We are currently seeking a Senior Project Manager Engineering to join our team, poised to lead end-to-end product development projects of our Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). As a driving force in our team, you’ll take ownership from project initiation, concept generation, concept development, to industrialization and product release. Your expertise will be the compass guiding our product development projects from start to finish. 

Your starting point will be to:
• Monitoring progress and performance against the project plan and taking action to resolve operational problems and minimize delays
• Identifying, developing, and gathering resources necessary to complete product development projects
• Develop and prepare engineering standards, designs and work specifications, project schedules, budgets and forecasts as well as the selection of materials, equipment, project staff and external contractors. 
• Support the team on how to apply Project Management expertise skills. 
• Working closely with internal and external product engineers to offer support to cross-functional teams.  
• Serving as a key resource for addressing product/design/solution related issues that may arise during the project lifecycle. 
• Taking ownership of driving the product lifecycle development, including design reviews, to ensure the seamless progression of development activities.

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different? 

Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!??? 

We will be?a?fairly?small?team?that will grow with the business?and therefore?look for colleagues that?thoroughly enjoy this?entrepreneurial?challenge, can?hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision.?Moreover, it will be essential you have a strong ability to form?trustful relationships?to effectively work with partners?-?inside and outside of the Volvo Group?– in a cross-functional manner.? 

What are the qualifications likely required to be successful?
• Bachelor’s or master’s degree in electrical, mechanical, mechatronics or renewable engineering, or equivalent. 
• Significant experience in a technical project management role within the automotive or energy industries 
• Proven experience in managing the complete development cycle of a product, from requirements generation and initial concept through to verification, validation, certification, and final release. 
• Experience from technical roles (e.g. electrical, mechanical, thermal design, system engineer, etc.) in product development efforts for stationary energy storage systems, power systems, or renewable energy projects is considered a major plus. 
• Fluent in English for effective communication within the team and with external stakeholders. 

So you want to apply? 

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions
Roeland Bisschop, Head of Product Development (acting), e-mail: [email protected] Visa mindre

Engineering Manager

Ansök    Nov 8    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Engineering Manager | High Integrity Nodes

Who we are:
Volvo Cars are on an exciting journey to expand its in-house software development capabilities. At the Hih Integrity Nodes, we are part of this aspiration. Our teams are building the next generation high-performance in-vehicle computer, designed to host different vehicle applications, stretching from basic vehicle state machines to advance active safety and unsupervised autonomous drive functionalities.
We are currently seeking an Engineering Manager for our High Integrity SW Integration Team. This team operates globally, with development sites located in Gothenburg and Shanghai. The position is based at our R&D Headquarters in Gothenburg. 

What you'll do:
As an Engineering Manager at Volvo Cars you are responsible for Product, Execution and People within your area!

In this role, you will have operational responsibility for our engineering teams. Your duties include providing technical leadership, guiding and inspiring your team to achieve optimal performance. A key aspect of your responsibility is to develop empowered and productive teams, ensuring an environment that encourages continuous learning and professional growth. Your role also involves actively adapting the team structure to meet evolving expectations and demands. This includes staying attuned to industry trends, technological advancements, and changes in the business landscape to strategically position the team for success. Additionally, you will play a crucial role in the recruitment process, identifying and attracting key talent to join our organization.

Who you are:
You are a business-oriented person who enjoys being part of a high-performing team where you take your own initiatives and pride in your own and the team’s deliveries. 
You are curious, always eager to learn, and have an innovative mindset. You have a record of empowering teams, and you are known to get things done, even if the pressure is high or when the path forward is unclear.
In order to excel in this role, we are seeking an individual with proven technical expertise, having worked hands-on with Embedded Systems and Classic Autosar, ideally within the automotive industry from Tier 1 or Tier 2.
Your prior leadership experience in relevant areas is crucial, demonstrating your ability to guide and inspire teams towards successful outcomes. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential, given the collaborative nature of our work environment.
Your track record should not only demonstrate technical proficiency but also a commitment to building a collaborative team culture that emphasizes continuous learning. We value professionals who can align team priorities with organizational goals, even in ambiguous environments.

Technical expertise in the following areas is preferred:
•    Embedded Classic Autosar and arxml
•    Vector tool chain, DaVinci Configurator
•    Conan Package Manager
•    ISO 26262 and High Integrity SW development
•    Tool Qualification
•    CI and CD
•    Jenkins, Gerrit, and Zuul
You will report to the Department Manager of High Integrity Nodes and become a part of the management team
Location: Gothenburg Visa mindre

Head of Data & Analytics Delivery

Ansök    Okt 29    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding... Visa mer
Who are we?

Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.

Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.

We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

About Us
At Volvo Cars, our transformation revolves around optimizing production and logistics capabilities and expanding manufacturing capacity to meet the increasing demand for our vehicles. This approach is anchored by our commitment to electrification, cost optimization, and a culture of people development, collaboration, and best practice sharing.

The Role
As a priority, you will build high-quality, robust data and analytics assets that drive value for our business teams, lead multi-functional teams to deliver data services for manufacturing and supply chain colleagues, identify and mitigate risks, ensuring data quality and integrity within the data products the team builds, and engage with external data communities to enhance Volvo Cars’ reputation.  This team will also deliver analytical products - both in the form of business intelligence dashboards and advanced analytics like machine learning and generative AI projects.

Additionally, you will lead the delivery of data and analytics capabilities within the Manufacturing & Supply Chain (M≻) hub, championing upskilling and personal development, inspiring and informing the M≻ team on the value of data, and collaborating with leadership to drive the overall data and analytics strategy. You will ensure best practices and standards are adopted across the team, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Skills & Qualifications
The ideal candidate will have 10+ years of experience in data as a practitioner and leader, and you have led large teams of 30+ people, a proven track record in managing the full data product lifecycle, strong communication skills with both technical and non-technical audiences, broad technical knowledge of data technologies, and the ability to influence decision-making at all levels. You should have a strong business sense and the ability to inform strategic decisions, deep technical expertise in data, with a desire to broaden into other data and analytics disciplines.

Why Join Us?
Be part of a transformative journey in the automotive industry. Work with cutting-edge technologies and innovative data solutions. Lead a talented team of data professionals. Drive impactful change and innovation within a global organization. Enjoy a collaborative and inclusive work environment. If you are passionate about data and analytics and want to make a significant impact on the future of mobility, we would love to hear from you. Apply now to join Volvo Cars and help us drive the future of sustainable mobility.

The ideal candidate will have 10+ years of experience in data as a practitioner and leader, and you have led large teams of 30+ people, a proven track record in managing the full data product lifecycle, strong communication skills with both technical and non-technical audiences, broad technical knowledge of data technologies, and the ability to influence decision-making at all levels. You should have a strong business sense and the ability to inform strategic decisions, deep technical expertise in data, with a desire to broaden into other data and analytics disciplines. Visa mindre

Director Commodity Manufacturing Engineering Final Assembly

Ansök    Nov 4    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding ... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.

Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.

We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Let's introduce ourselves

At Manufacturing Engineering (ME), you are part of a team that works globally to make sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. We offer you an exciting challenge in an international and growing company with a strong culture and great development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people.
Come join us!

What you will do

As Head of Commodity Manufacturing Engineering you will be a part of the ME Final Assembly management team. The ME Final Assembly department is responsible to define, install and implement new product and process solutions within the Final Assembly shops worldwide, both within hardware and software. The Commodity team consists of 6 area teams, who focus on global process design (specifying the process, the equipment and the assembly method), ensuring product manufacturablity and process / product verification.
You will work in close cooperation with the other departments within ME Final Assembly, with other departments within the company (eg Engineering) and with our plants to ensure robust solutions and flawless launches. You will work with a global setup for all our manufacturing sites worldwide. This offers you a great opportunity to act in many different arenas and gives you a broad network throughout the company.
We are looking for someone who is passionate about leading, motivating and developing people and teams and who strives for creating strong relationships cross-functionally throughout the organization.

What you will bring

As head of Commodity Manufacturing Engineering Final assembly we believe that you posess:

•    Senior leadership with significant experience in Product development / Manufacturing Engineering / Manufacturing 
•    Ability to set strategy, provide clear directives and lead for effective implementation in a global environment.
•    Business insight and strategic/financial acumen 
•    Excellent ability to manage complexity and balance stakeholders
•    Strong communicator with strong presentation skills and a good command of English
•    Ability to build networks throughout the organization, collaborate cross-functionally and communicate at leadership level 
•    A people leader with a genuine interest in leading and developing teams and with previous successful experience of leading leaders.
•    International experience is preferred.
The position is located in Gothenburg. Visa mindre


Ansök    Okt 31    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt funge... Visa mer
Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt fungerar.

Tillsammans skapar vi Sveriges säkraste arbetsplats!
Om rollen
Vi letar efter erfarna projektledare med fokus på elkraft och energi, som vill vara med och utveckla Vattenfall Services till det företag som skapar mest värde i vår bransch! Vi verkar inom el- och energibranschen och utför service, underhåll och byggnation inom elanläggningsinfrastruktur.
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett självständigt och utvecklande arbete och som vill vara med att genomföra den stora energiomställningen här och nu i Sverige. Våra uppdrag är en blandning av små och stora projekt för att säkerställa elektrifieringen i omställningen till en fossilfri framtid för att vi gemensamt ska minska koldioxidutsläppen. Projekten kan vara inom vitt skilda områden, exempelvis lokalnät, distributionsnät, emobility, elmätning, distribuerad energi såsom sol- och vind. Vidare drivs du av utmaningar och vill vara med, få påverka och genomföra den utveckling el- och energimarknaden är mitt uppe i.
Din roll som projektledare hos oss kommer kunna innehålla många olika typer av uppdrag. Variationen gör arbetet utvecklande och mångsidigt även i rollen som projektledare. Uppgifterna består i att ta ett traditionellt projektledningsansvar, vilket innefattar arbets- och resursplanering, riskanalys, samordning, kontakt med leverantörer och underentreprenörer, kalkylering, projekt-och avtalsuppföljning, prognosjusteringar, fakturering, hantering av tilläggsjobb, rapportering och projektavslut. Däremellan varierar naturligtvis fokus beroende på uppdragets storlek, komplexitet och risker. Då denna roll även kan innefatta att ta sig an uppdrag som interimschef ökar bredden på uppdragen.
I arbetet förekommer både dagsresor och resor med övernattning. Projektet kan, med andra ord, komma att genomföras en bit från den ordinarie stationeringsorten.
Förutom ovan nämnda uppgifter i ansvaret som projektledare ingår även att ha ansvar för och/eller delta i följande arbetsuppgifter:

• Avtalskunskap
• Ansvar för genomförande av projekt
• Ansvar för ekonomiska prognoser av projekt
• Utvärdera förfrågningsunderlag och sammanställa anbud
• Upphandling av entreprenörer, tjänster och material
• Säkerställa att våra marknadsledande miljö- och arbetsmiljörutiner följs
• Deltagande vid bygg-, kund- och marknadsmöten
Vi söker dig som har lätt för att samarbeta, att knyta nya kontakter och klarar av att jobba med flera olika projekt parallellt. Det är självklart för dig att självständigt samt i team ta ansvar för din leverans. Då vi som bolag har ett lönsamhetsansvar så är det naturligt för dig att vara affärsinriktad samtidigt som du vet hur viktigt det är med en hög säkerhetskultur och innebörden av ett systematiskt riskarbete.

Vi vet att du kommer utvecklas tillsammans med oss. Men vi ser gärna att du redan uppfyller följande:?
Relevant arbetslivserfarenhet för att självständigt kunna ta ansvar för leveranser
Goda erfarenheter och känner dig trygg i rollen som projektledare, inom elanläggningsentreprenad eller liknande, gärna med kännedom om Ebr, ESA och arbetsmiljöfrågor i roller som BAS P/U.
Har ett stort fokus på säkerhets- och arbetsmiljöfrågor
Goda kunskaper inom svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift
God datorvana, främst inom MS office.
B-körkort är ett krav då det förekommer tjänsteresor.
Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet att vara chef då du i perioder kommer att kunna få möjlighet att kliva in som interimschef.

Vi prioriterar dina personliga egenskaper högt och att du som kollega ska trivas i vår grupp samt motiveras av de utmaningar vi står inför. För att trivas i rollen ser vi att du är affärsdriven, handlingskraftig och har en stark kommunikationsförmåga. Du motiveras av att leda på distans samt arbeta i en föränderlig miljö och att nå uppsatta mål tillsammans med ditt team.
Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
Efter flera decennier i energibranschen vet vi att våra medarbetare är vår viktigaste och mest värdefulla tillgång. Därför erbjuder vi dig en varierande arbetsvardag med stora möjligheter till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling. Vi är en stor och trygg arbetsgivare som ändå känns familjär där medarbetarnas säkerhet, välmående och samarbete är viktiga delar av vår företagskultur!
Efter flera decennier i energibranschen vet vi att våra medarbetare är vår viktigaste och mest värdefulla tillgång. Därför erbjuder vi dig en varierande arbetsvardag med stora möjligheter till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling. Vi är en stor och trygg arbetsgivare som ändå känns familjär där medarbetarnas säkerhet, välmående och samarbete är viktiga delar av vår företagskultur! Vi erbjuder bra anställningsförmåner och självklart en flexibel arbetsplats med möjlighet till hemarbete.

Hos Vattenfall Services kan du göra skillnad och tillsammans tar vi ansvar för en hållbar energiomställning, tillsammans ger vi kraft åt ett fossilfritt liv.

Är du nyfiken på dina framtida kollegor? Läs mer här:?Dina kollegor - Vattenfall SE?
Nyfiken på att följa vår vardag? Följs oss på sociala medier!
Linkedin – Vattenfall Services Nordic AB
Instagram – Vattenfallservices

Placeringsort: Placeringsort är flexibel inom hela Sverige. Exempel på möjliga placeringsorter är Stockholm eller Göteborg. Vänligen ange önskad placeringsort i din ansökan!

Vill du veta mer om tjänsten, kontakta ansvarig rekryterande chef Anna Bengtsson Lisell [email protected]. För mer information kring själva rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Renée Li, [email protected].
Fackliga representanter för denna tjänst är Caroline Trogen Unionen, Robert Lönnqvist SEKO, Torbjörn Blom Akademikerna och Magnus Tjergefors Ledarna. Du når alla via Vattenfalls växel, 08-739 50 00.

Känns detta som ett jobb för dig? Du är varmt välkommen med din ansökan senast den 24 november 2024!?Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt system.

Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen. Utöver säkerhetsprövning görs drogtest.

Då säkerheten för Vattenfall och dess anställda är avgörande kommer vi innan varje anställning genomföra en ”pre-employment screening”. Dessa kontroller baseras på din roll som du kommer att fylla inom Vattenfall.

Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla anställda ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könsidentitet och könsuttryck, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Visa mindre

Driftsättningsledare/uppdragsledare stora stationsprojekt

Ansök    Okt 28    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt funge... Visa mer
Vattenfall Services Nordic AB bygger, underhåller och utvecklar energilösningar för energi- och elanläggningar. Vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur för att skapa en hållbar framtid där vi hittar nya innovationer som bidrar till ett fossilfritt samhälle. Vi jobbar med många olika kunder och leverantörer som innebär stora investeringar för energiomställningen. Med oss arbetar du i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och ser till allt fungerar.

Tillsammans skapar vi Sveriges säkraste arbetsplats!
Om rollen
Vill du bli en viktig del av energiomställningen? Vattenfall Services är Sveriges ledande entreprenadbolag inom energi- och elkraftsområdet och vi utvecklar Sveriges energiinfrastruktur! Hos oss jobbar du i en framtidsbransch med stort fokus på en hållbar framtid. Vi behöver fler energihjältar och nu söker vi erfarna Driftsättningsledare/Uppdragsledare till stora stationsprojekt som vill fortsätta resan mot ett fossilfritt liv! Är det du? Tillsammans gör vi skillnad, för hela samhället.
Teknikavdelningarna består av ca 170st engagerade ingenjörer som arbetar med alla förekommande uppdrag inom kontrollanläggning. Geografiskt finns vi på flertalet orter i hela Sverige och jobbar ihop som ett tajt team på distans. Vi ansvarar för underhållsprovning, felavhjälpning och driftsättning både i projekt och underhållsavtal. Resor förekommer som en naturlig del av tjänsten då arbetet utförs i våra kunders anläggningar. Möjligheter till samarbete och utveckling är väldigt goda på affärsområde Teknik med erfarna ingenjörer över hela landet.
Våra kunder finns inom energi- och nätbolag, industrier, infrastrukturbolag, fastighetsbolag samt entreprenadbolag.
Tjänsten innebär att du i första hand arbetar med driftsättningar av våra större projekt men även uppdrag inom mindre projekt och underhåll kan förekomma. Provningen inför driftsättning innefattar alla sorters kontrollutrustning som reläskydd, RTU:er, automatiker, lokalkraft med mera. Fokus kommer vara på större stationsprojekt på spänningsnivåerna 130kV och 400kV. I rollen ingår att ansvara för, och samordna provningen när det är flera ingenjörer som arbetar på samma projekt. Inom ramen för projekten rapporterar du till projektledare. Du har det tekniska ansvaret och projektledaren det kommersiella.
Exempel på arbetsuppgifter/ansvar som kommer att ingå i tjänsten:
Granskning av ritningsunderlag, såsom enlinjeschema, reläblockschema, kretsschema med mera
Konfigurering av reläskydd, inklusive konfigurering av kommunikation via till exempel IEC61850
Säkerställa teknisk funktion och kontraktsefterlevnad.
Upprättande av provningsplaner.
Samordning av provningsarbetet när det är flera ingenjörer på plats.
Samanställning av provningsprotokoll.
Ansvara för kommunikation gällande tekniska frågor mot projektledare.
Vara mentor till juniora medarbetare.

Vi söker dig som är analytisk och som gillar att lösa komplexa problem, för dig är ingenting omöjligt! Du är mycket väl insatt inom området och vill gärna dela med dig av dina kunskaper till dina kollegor. Att ta dig an en uppgift och ta den i mål tillsammans med projektgruppen är en självklarhet för dig. Du trivs med att arbeta både med teknik och med människor.
Eftersom arbetet innehåller komplexa frågor vill vi även att du är strukturerad i ditt arbetssätt.
Vi vet att du kommer utvecklas tillsammans med oss. Men vi ser gärna att du redan har:
Mångårig erfarenhet av driftsättning av kontrollanläggningar för ställverk eller vattenkraftsstationer
Erfarenhet av konfigurering av reläskydd
Kompetens gällande kommunikation via IEC61850
En eftergymnasial elkraftsutbildning eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet inom elkraft.
God IT- och datorvana
Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift
B-körkort är ett krav
Meriterande är:
Erfarenhet av att vara mentor till juniora ingenjörer

Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
Efter flera decennier i energibranschen vet vi att våra medarbetare är vår viktigaste och mest värdefulla tillgång. Utöver en varierande arbetsvardag med stora möjligheter till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling erbjuder vi:
Konkurrenskraftig lön och goda villkor för resande i tjänsten
En stimulerande arbetsmiljö med hundratals engagerade och kompetenta kollegor
Möjlighet till praktiska utbildningar inom området
Goda förmåner

Hos Vattenfall Services kan du göra skillnad och tillsammans tar vi ansvar för en hållbar energiomställning, tillsammans ger vi kraft åt ett fossilfritt liv.

Är du nyfiken på dina framtida kollegor? Läs mer här:?Dina kollegor - Vattenfall SE?
Nyfiken på att följa vår vardag? Följs oss på sociala medier!
Linkedin – Vattenfall Services Nordic AB
Instagram – Vattenfallservices

Placeringsorten är flexibel med hemstationering
Exempel på orter att utgå ifrån är:
Norra nord: Luleå, Jokkmokk, Skellefteå
Södra nord: Umeå, Sundsvall
Mellan: Uppsala, Västerås, Avesta, Ludvika, Östhammar
Stockholm: Stockholm, Södertälje, Eskilstuna, Nyköping, Norrköping, Katrineholm, Örebro, Linköping
Väst: Trollhättan, Göteborg, Borås, Skövde
Syd: Växjö, Kalmar, Malmö, Halmstad, Hässleholm
Vänligen ange önskad placeringsort i din ansökan!

För mer information?om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta rekryterande chefer inom respektive geografi.
Norra nord: Malin Bertils, [email protected]
Södra Nord: Frida Häggström, [email protected]
Mellan: Mikael Borg, [email protected]
Stockholm: Björn Winberg, [email protected]
Väst: Richard Bagge, [email protected]
Syd: Anders Isaksson, [email protected]
För mer information kring själva rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Renée Li, [email protected]
Fackliga representanter för denna tjänst är:?Christel Karlsson, Unionen, Massimo Bresnik SEKO, Torbjörn Blom Akademikerna och Magnus Tjergefors, Ledarna. Du når alla via Vattenfalls växel, tfn 08-739 50 00.

Känns detta som ett jobb för dig? Du är varmt välkommen med din ansökan senast den 6 november 2024!? Urval och intervjuer sker efter sista ansökningsdatum. Inga ansökningar tas emot via e-post. Visa mindre

Manager Quality and Accreditation

Ansök    Okt 25    Meet a Group international AB    Manager
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly an... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:

EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly and in compliance with future standards and regulations, we now look for an experienced Manager Quality and Accreditation to join the EPD Secretariat in Sweden.

You understand your role as a change maker, have strong project management skills and you are passionate about making a positive, sustainable impact?

Key Responsibilities

Drive quality to make it stick:

Manage and evolve our quality management system (ISO 9001 certified)

Successfully implement and manage ISO 17029/ 17065 accreditation standard

Manage eligibility status against ISO 14025, a.o. LCA relevant standards

Thought Leadership:

Contribute to environmental (and social) thought leadership in the field of material/product quality, accreditation for LCA (AVCP3+, CPR/DoPC, ESPR), a.s.o.


To succeed in the role you have:

Bachelor or Master’s degree in business, environmental science, engineering, or a related fiel

Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Quality Assurance/ Accreditation expert, or similar role

Certification of quality control is a strong advantage (ISO 9000, ISO 17029, etc.)

Familiarity with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies is advantageous

Experience working in diverse, multicultural environments

Experience in troubleshooting and resolving issues while working in high-pressure environments

Soft skills

Critical thinker with strong problem-solving skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English; knowledge of Swedish is advantageous

Promotes a culture of trust, collaboration, feedback and speaking up by modeling desired behavior.

Proficient in negotiation and interpersonal skills.

What we offer

We work in a creative and developing environment where everyone has a large part of their own responsibility and good opportunities for personal and professional development. For this role at EPD International you will be recruited as an employee at IVL. As that, you become part of a workplace that values diversity, collaboration, innovation and commitment. There is a wonderful community here as well as sports club, art association, parties, pubs and other activities. We are sit in activity-based premises. At IVL, you get the opportunity to work with your sustainability commitment for real!
Welcome with your application

Apply with your CV by pressing "Apply here". Evaluation of applications and interviews will be conducted throughout the application period.

We kindly but firmly ask external recruitment companies and salespeople not to contact us for sales of additional adds or services.

#LI-DNP Visa mindre

Manager Operations & Investigations

Ansök    Okt 24    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Om rollen Security & Vetting inom stabsfunktionen People & Talent Development är Vat... Visa mer
Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid.

Om rollen
Security & Vetting inom stabsfunktionen People & Talent Development är Vattenfalls centrala enhet för säkerhetsprövningar av personal. Enheten är operativt ansvariga för genomförande av bakgrundskontroller, registerkontroller och säkerhetsprövningsintervjuer inför anställningar och andra befattningar som är placerade i säkerhetsklass eller på annat sätt deltar i Vattenfalls säkerhetskänsliga verksamhet. Enheten ansvarar även för stabsfunktionens interna säkerhetsarbete, så som implementering och uppföljning av centrala styrande direktiv, civilförsvarsplanering, och Enterprise Risk Management.
Verksamheten är uppdelad i två funktioner, en som hanterar de administrativa processerna kring säkerhetsprövningar och en, Operations & Investigation, till vilken vi nu söker engagerad och strukturerad ledare. Du kommer i rollen ha en nyckelroll i att driva verksamheten framåt, säkerställa kvaliteten på teamets arbete samt skapa en positiv och utvecklande arbetsmiljö.
Dina ansvarsområden:
Leda och coacha teamet för att uppnå uppsatta mål med hög kvalitet
Säkerställa teamet följer Vattenfalls regler och rutiner för säkerhetsprövningar
Planera och genomföra utvecklingsinsatser för medarbetarna inom området
Vara delaktig i projekt och utveckla processer för att ständigt förbättra arbetsflöden
Samverka med andra avdelningar samt externa aktörer för att säkerställa effektivt samarbete och informationsutbyte
Ansvara för rapportering och statistik som grund för beslutsfattande.

Vi söker dig som:
Har erfarenheter i en ledande funktion inom utredning och/eller personalsäkerhet
Har erfarenhet av att arbeta med säkerhetsfrågor och personutredningar
Är van att fatta beslut, även obehagliga, samt hantera komplexa situationer
Behärskar svenska och engelska obehindrat, både i skrift och tal
Akademisk utbildning inom säkerhetsområdet är meriterande.

För att lyckas i rollen behöver du som person vara driven och relationsskapande. Du är pålitlig och har stark integritet, vilket vi ser som grundläggande, inte minst för säkerhetsperspektivet i rollen. Uthållighet, struktur och analytisk förmåga är också viktigt att du tar med i rollen. Vidare är du nyfiken och kan på ett konstruktivt sätt utmana rådande arbetsmetoder och processer i syfte att utveckla utredningsverksamheten.

Ytterligare information
Tjänsten är företrädesvis baserad i Solna alternativt Göteborg eller Luleå
Förutom att få vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 10 november. Urval och intervjuer kan komma att ske löpande, vänta därför inte till sista dagen med din ansökan. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats.
För mer information om processen kontakta rekryterare Peter Blixter, 072-237 32 02.
Fackliga representanter Rolf Ohlsson (Akademikerna), Christer Gustafsson (Ledarna), Lennart Bengtsson (SEKO), Inger Strandberg (Unionen) nås via Vattenfalls växel, 08 739 50 00
Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen.
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Visa mindre

Partnerships Manager at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Okt 17    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!

Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

We are now looking for?a new colleague to join our team as Partnership Manager.

The team- BESS Services Market
At Volvo Energy, we’re excited to build a team dedicated to enhancing the service market for our Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) business. Our priority is taking exceptional care of our customers while continuously innovating to improve their experience.

In this central function, we’ll focus on developing, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports our service business. This includes building a network of field support across markets, managing digital channels, and implementing quality processes.

We’re looking for creative thinkers who are eager to explore new approaches and solutions in service delivery. Join us as we work together to elevate our customer journey and set new standards in the industry!

What are we looking for in this specific role?
As Partnership Manager, you’ll play a critical role at Volvo Energy by ensuring that our customers have the best experience possible when working with our partners/subcontractors. Your ability to develop and manage business relationships is vital to the success of the onboarding process and to the overall customer journey. 

You will collaborate with cross-functional teams (sales, IT, product, engineering) to integrate and enhance partnership initiatives. Also, working cross-functionally to improve the safety, quality, customer experience, speed, and cost of Subcontractor performance.

Your work will have a direct impact on supporting new and existing customers during their installation or service experience.  

Responsibilities will include among others:
* Identify, qualify, and contract BESS commissioning and service subcontractor partners to meet market capacity targets.
* Utilize data and analytics to monitor capacity, performance, and costs.
* Implement and drive standard operating procedures for subcontractor partners.
* Develop and maintain reporting structures to ensure compliance with warranty and service agreements.
* Optimize partner performance by evaluating and improving processes, structures, and cost models.
* Design and implement comprehensive training programs for subcontractors to ensure they meet performance and quality standards
* Ensure closed loop learning on quality observations

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different
Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!??? 

We will be?a?fairly?small?team?that will grow with the business?and therefore?look for colleagues that?thoroughly enjoy this?entrepreneurial?challenge, can?hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision.?Moreover, it will be essential you have a strong ability to form?trustful relationships?to effectively work with partners?-?inside and outside of the Volvo Group?– in a cross-functional manner.? 

Preferred qualifications likely required to be successful 
* Previous experience of procurement, product management or business development of complex electrical or energy products/services.
* Genuine interest in energy transition and electrification.
* Experience in managing third-party contractors and installation teams
* Ability to work with cross functional teams and build reliable partnerships
* Open-minded and secure in working in a rapidly changing organization and business environment.
* Proficiency in the English language is required.
* Humour

The location for this position will be in our offices at CampX in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today! 

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions
Preeti Shah
Head of Services Market
[email protected]

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Warranty & Service Contract Manager at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Okt 17    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!

Volvo Energy is?our?newest business area with the overarching purpose of supporting the?Volvo?Group’s?transformation?ambitions?within electrification,?sustainability, circularity, complete service offer, profitable?growth?and resilience. 

The team - BESS Services Market
At Volvo Energy, we’re excited to build a team dedicated to enhancing the service market for our Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) business. Our priority is taking exceptional care of our customers while continuously innovating to improve their experience.

In this central function, we’ll focus on developing, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports our service business. This includes building a network of field support across markets, managing digital channels, and implementing quality processes. We’re looking for creative thinkers who are eager to explore new approaches and solutions in service delivery. Join us as we work together to elevate our customer journey and set new standards in the industry!

What are we looking for in this specific role?
As Warranty and Service Contract Manager, you will be responsible for the entire contract lifecycle, ensuring seamless customer interactions and fostering long-term relationships. You will collaborate closely with various teams to develop and implement comprehensive warranty and service contract offers that meet the unique needs of our customers.

Responsibilities will include among others:
Warranty Management
* Develop and implement warranty policies for BESS products.
* Manage and resolve warranty claims in a timely and accurate manner.
* Collaborate with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, subcontractors) to address warranty issues.
* Track warranty claims and performance, providing regular reports and data analysis to identify improvement areas.
* Ensure compliance with warranty regulations and customer requirements. 

Service contract Development
* Implement and manage service contracts efficiently from activation to end-of-life.
* Develop flexible contract standards to meet market and customer needs.
* Coordinate contract execution and support pre-sales strategies.
* Monitor financial performance, ensuring profitability through KPI and cost analysis.
* Collaborate with Sales and Service teams on proposals and contract structuring.
* Drive innovation in contract management, enhancing processes and standards.

Working at?Volvo Energy?is?different
Welcome to a?close-knit?team!?

We see?ourselves?as a fast-paced company within the Volvo Group, supported by our many great colleagues,?we have the best of both worlds!?We believe that work should be fun, stimulating,?challenging?and rewarding, but also have a meaning and a purpose to the individual.?Trust and Results are two guiding principles for how we work?together,?and we are here to make a difference!??? 

We will be?a?fairly?small?team?that will grow with the business?and therefore?look for colleagues that?thoroughly enjoy this?entrepreneurial?challenge, can?hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision.?Moreover, it will be essential you have a strong ability to form?trustful relationships?to effectively work with partners?-?inside and outside of the Volvo Group?– in a cross-functional manner.? 

Preferrd qualifications likely required to be successful 
* Extensive experience in warranty and service contract management, preferably as a leader in automotive or manufacturing industry.
* Strong knowledge of warranty processes, data testing, and quality tools.
* Experience in investigating warranty claims, identifying root causes, and implementing corrective actions.
* Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.
* Open-minded and secure in working in a rapidly changing organization and business environment.
* Proficiency in the English language is required
* Humour

The location for this position will be in our offices at CampX in Gothenburg, Sweden.  

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills and disruptive ideas to the table? We can’t wait to hear from you. Apply today! 

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions
Preeti Shah
Head of Services Market
[email protected]

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Site Manager

Ansök    Okt 15    Minnovation International AB    Manager
Job Responsibility? 1. Make detailed installation and commissioning plans according to the project plan; 2. Prepare the site preparations in advance according to the site plan; 3. Collect and review all data of on-site installation; 4. Supervise and check the implementation of all work in accordance with the plan; 5, coordinate the on-site personnel to ensure the smooth implementation of the project; 6. Report site work progress and personnel arrange... Visa mer
Job Responsibility?
1. Make detailed installation and commissioning plans according to the project plan;
2. Prepare the site preparations in advance according to the site plan;
3. Collect and review all data of on-site installation;
4. Supervise and check the implementation of all work in accordance with the plan;
5, coordinate the on-site personnel to ensure the smooth implementation of the project;
6. Report site work progress and personnel arrangement to project manager;
7. Responsible for promoting the rectification of on-site problems, promoting the acceptance of the project according to the project schedule, and ensuring the smooth acceptance of the project;
8. Managed on-site staff, controlled the schedule and working hour budget of related project activities;
9. Reasonably arrange daily/weekly work plans for on-site staff according to the project schedule;
10. Good maintenance of customer relationship. Visa mindre

Engineering Manager

Ansök    Okt 14    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Whats in it for you? 

Join us on our journey to create a digital ecosystem that simplifies our customers' lives. As the Engineering Manager for one of our Retail DMS teams you will empower your team to push boundaries, deliver solutions that exceed customer expectations and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration, 

Retail Dealer Management System or DMS (VCRS) has been a part of a larger context since 1991, with our customers being the Volvo car retailers and our car customers. To ensure smooth operations for them, it requires a complete ecosystem of various stakeholders, including car manufacturers, companies providing car leasing, financing, insurance, fuel, and service agreements. We digitally connect all these components to offer a seamless user experience. 

What you will do? 

* You will lead and grow a team of talented engineers, providing them with mentorship, guidance, and support.  
* In this role, you will not only be the voice of engineering in our Product team but also play a crucial role in advocating for modern, agile software development practices.  
* Your expertise will ensure that our solutions are scalable, sustainable, and architecturally sound.  
* You will have the opportunity to collaborate with other engineering leaders across the organization, driving excellence and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 

Who you are? 

You are someone who thrives in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, and you have previous experience in managing an engineering team. Join our amazing organization and be part of our transformation as we lead the way in the automotive world through innovative thinking and digital excellence. 

In addition to succeed you should have: 
* Strong experience from managing engineering teams, people management and leadership.
* Tech understanding in architecture – especially in API driven design.
* Background in SW Enginering and knowledge of programming languages such as .Net and Java. 
* Knowledge of engineering principles such as: Agile, Scalability, Security, Microservices architecture and Test-Driven Development (TDD).

Location: Gothenburg

We offer our employees excellent benefits such as:

•    Plenty of leave to let you take time off for what's most important in life.
•    At Volvo Car Group, all new parents with one year’s active permanent service now receive 24 weeks of parental leave, paid at 80 percent of their base pay. The policy is for everyone – whether you’re a designer or a plant operator, whether you work in Sweden, China, or the USA. Read more here: https://group.volvocars.com/careers/family-bond-by-volvo-cars.
•    Collective Agreement and ITP pensions.
•    An annual allowance to spend on your health and wellbeing. Visa mindre

Manager Quality and Accreditation

Ansök    Okt 10    Meet a Group international AB    Manager
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly an... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:

EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly and in compliance with future standards and regulations, we now look for an experienced Manager Quality and Accreditation to join the EPD Secretariat in Sweden.

You understand your role as a change maker, have strong project management skills and you are passionate about making a positive, sustainable impact?

Key Responsibilities

Drive quality to make it stick:

Manage and evolve our quality management system (ISO 9001 certified)

Successfully implement and manage ISO 17029/ 17065 accreditation standard

Manage eligibility status against ISO 14025, a.o. LCA relevant standards

Thought Leadership:

Contribute to environmental (and social) thought leadership in the field of material/product quality, accreditation for LCA (AVCP3+, CPR/DoPC, ESPR), a.s.o.


To succeed in the role you have:

Bachelor or Master’s degree in business, environmental science, engineering, or a related fiel

Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Quality Assurance/ Accreditation expert, or similar role

Certification of quality control is a strong advantage (ISO 9000, ISO 17029, etc.)

Familiarity with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies is advantageous

Experience working in diverse, multicultural environments

Experience in troubleshooting and resolving issues while working in high-pressure environments

Soft skills

Critical thinker with strong problem-solving skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English; knowledge of Swedish is advantageous

Promotes a culture of trust, collaboration, feedback and speaking up by modeling desired behavior.

Proficient in negotiation and interpersonal skills.

What we offer

We work in a creative and developing environment where everyone has a large part of their own responsibility and good opportunities for personal and professional development. For this role at EPD International you will be recruited as an employee at IVL. As that, you become part of a workplace that values diversity, collaboration, innovation and commitment. There is a wonderful community here as well as sports club, art association, parties, pubs and other activities. We are sit in activity-based premises. At IVL, you get the opportunity to work with your sustainability commitment for real!
Welcome with your application

Apply with your CV by pressing "Apply here". Evaluation of applications and interviews will be conducted throughout the application period.

We kindly but firmly ask external recruitment companies and salespeople not to contact us for sales of additional adds or services.

#LI-DNP Visa mindre

Projektledare – leveransprojekt Automation/Styrsystem

Ansök    Okt 10    ABB AB    Manager
På ABB är vi dedikerade till att ta itu med globala utmaningar. Vår värdegrund: care, courage, curiosity och collaboration - i kombination med ett stort fokus på mångfald, inkludering och lika möjligheter - är viktiga drivkrafter i vårt mål att ge alla möjlighet att skapa hållbara lösningar. Det är vår berättelse. Gör den till din berättelse. Den här tjänsten rapporterar till Project Operations Manager. Din roll och ditt ansvar Som projektledare hos oss på... Visa mer
På ABB är vi dedikerade till att ta itu med globala utmaningar. Vår värdegrund: care, courage, curiosity och collaboration - i kombination med ett stort fokus på mångfald, inkludering och lika möjligheter - är viktiga drivkrafter i vårt mål att ge alla möjlighet att skapa hållbara lösningar. Det är vår berättelse. Gör den till din berättelse.
Den här tjänsten rapporterar till Project Operations Manager.
Din roll och ditt ansvar
Som projektledare hos oss på Energy Industries får du möjlighet att vara en del av en innovativ och hållbar framtidsbransch som gör skillnad och hjälper till att optimera och effektivisera processerna hos våra kunder inom energi, vatten, kemi, livsmedel och läkemedel. Du är involverad från anbudsfas till avslutad garantiperiod i våra leveransprojekt och ansvarar för att planera och leverera kundanpassade lösningar som utgår från ABB produkter och styrsystem där du tillsammans med ditt team säkerställer att målen nås och att kunderna är nöjda. Du leder flera projekt parallellt och driver aktivt dessa med fokus på bl.a. tidplan, ekonomi, HSE och kvalité, vilket ger dig en bred och varierande arbetsdag.
Hos oss värdesätts samarbete och teamarbete högt med stort kontaktnät både internt och externt. Du kommer att arbeta nära andra avdelningar och bygga starka relationer med våra kunder och blir en viktig del i ett engagerat team som tillsammans tar fram lösningar som påverkar hela samhället. Våra projektteam består av människor med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter, och vi tror på att olika perspektiv stärker oss. Du får stöttning och coachning från erfarna kollegor samtidigt som du själv bidrar med dina unika kompetenser och insikter.
Vi erbjuder en dynamisk arbetsmiljö där du får både utmaningar och stöd för att utvecklas som projektledare. Vi tror på kontinuerlig utveckling och ser till att du har de verktyg och möjligheter som behövs för att växa i din roll och ta nästa steg i din karriär, däribland dedikerat program för licensering och certifiering av Projektledare inom ABB.
Tjänsten utgår i första hand från Västerås, men du kan också utgå från Stockholm, Göteborg eller Malmö.
Kvalifikationer för rollen
Teknisk utbildning på högskolenivå med inriktning mot el, automation, data eller motsvarande alternativt gymnasienivå med tillhörande yrkeslivserfarenhet.
Du har tidigare erfarenhet och kunskap om 800xA eller andra styrsystem och vi ser positivt på om du även haft en tekniskt ledande roll tidigare i din karriär.
Som person är du nyfiken, öppen och social med en naturlig förmåga att bygga goda och långsiktiga relationer.
För att passa i rollen är det även viktigt att du är en förtroendeingivande lagspelare som trivs med att arbeta tillsammans med andra, både internt i projekten och med våra kunder och leverantörer.
Du har starkt eget driv och gott ordningssinne tillsammans med stort businessfokus och god förståelse för entreprenadjuridik.
Du är en god kommunikatör som behärskar svenska och engelska flytande i tal och skrift.

Mer om oss
ABB erbjuder goda utbildnings- och karriärmöjligheter likväl som flera förmåner såsom möjlighet till flexibelt arbete - med större frihet att välja bäst lämpad arbetsplats, friskvårdsbidrag, extra föräldralön, arbetstidsförkortning, förmånsportal med mera.
Rekryterande chef Malin Alila, +46 73 0602207, svarar gärna på dina frågor kring tjänsten. Fackliga kontaktpersoner - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Blomqvist , +46 768 06 00 11; Unionen: Hannah Norén, +46706340346; Ledarna: Leif Öhrberg, +46724644016. Övriga frågor ställs till Talent Partner Irma Leijon, +46724612314.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 17 november 2024. Vi arbetar med löpande urval vilket innebär att tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas före sista ansökningsdag. Förutsättningar för tjänsten är att bakgrundkontroll kommer genomföras då vissa projekt är säkerhetsklassade. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan. Om du vill läsa mer om ABB kan du gå till vår webbplats www.abb.com/se.
Vi undanber oss vänligen direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser. Visa mindre

PLM Implementation Specialist

Ansök    Okt 2    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What you will do
You will lead the implementation and optimization of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems and tools. Develop and maintain standardized processes for data creation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination. You will collaborate with engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance teams to ensure accurate and timely data exchange.
Together you will identify opportunities for process improvement and efficiency gains within the PLM framework. You will provide technical expertise and support to users on PLM systems and related tools.

About you
* Expertise (min 5 years) in PLM systems, preferably 3DExperience by Dassault.
* Siemens Teamcenter and PTC Windchill, or similar platforms are also relevant competence.
* Master- or bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science (or a related field), is preferred.
* Proven experience (5+ years) in Product Lifecycle Management within the automotive industry.
* Strong understanding of Product Lifecycle Management principles and methodologies.
* Enjoy working together in a dynamic environment facing challenges with a positive mindset.

Fluency in English; proficiency in Swedish is a plus.

What´s in it for you
Opportunity to work at the forefront of automotive innovation with a global leader in the industry.
Collaborative and inclusive culture that values diversity and encourages personal and professional growth.
Competitive compensation package with comprehensive benefits and perks.
Access to cutting-edge technologies and resources to support career development.
Commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

If you are passionate about leveraging your expertise in Product Data Management to drive excellence in automotive engineering, we invite you to join us at Volvo Cars. Apply now to be part of a team that is shaping the future of mobility.

How to Apply
You are welcome with your application by submitting your resume and cover letter in English no later than 20th of October.
Please note that applications via email will not be accepted due to GDPR. Visa mindre

Junior Management Consultant - Sustainability

Ansök    Okt 2    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting. With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 e... Visa mer
Company Description
AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting.
With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 experts at AFRY in design, engineering and digitalisation, we are driven by the idea of helping our clients find solutions to business-critical questions.
Job Description
Our department specializes in Sustainability consulting. As we expand our presence in European and global markets, we are looking for a Junior Management Consultant to join our Sustainability team. The position will be based in Malmö, Luleå, Stockholm, or Göteborg, and will involve working both internationally and within the Swedish market.
In this position, you will have an opportunity to make your contribution to the sustainability transformation within companies, and diving deep into topics that are changing the corporate sustainability landscape and business strategy (e.g. sustainability strategy and reporting (CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy), ESG risks and governance, regulatory compliance, NetZero strategy and implementation, circular economy, corporate biodiversity, supply chain due diligence, and sustainable finance).
As a Junior Management Consultant, your tasks will include:
Participate in various projects in sustainability consulting
Together with senior colleagues collaborate closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions that align with their business goals and objectives
Stay up-to-date with industry best practices, regulatory frameworks, and advancements related to sustainability

Basic regulatory interpretation & rule application skills
Knowledge of CSRD, ESRS and/or EU Taxonomy
Knowledge on decarbonization strategies
Relevant degree in Sustainability from university, with minimum 3 years of studies with e.g. BSc degree or higher.
Ability to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team
This position requires proficiency in written and verbal English communication skills. Knowledge of Swedish is considered a merit

For us, your personal qualities are also important. Since you will be working primarily in teams with others internally, as well as externally with clients, we highly value a relationship-building and communicative approach. Many projects are challenging and come with deadlines, so you will thrive if you enjoy problem-solving and working in a goal-oriented manner.
Additional Information
To apply for this position, please submit your application including CV. The selection process is ongoing and the position may be filled before the last day of application.

Last application date: October 29th
Contact information
Johan Fridh
Section Manager
[email protected]
Johan Fridh | LinkedIn
Lisa Geitz
Talent Acquisition Partner
[email protected]?
Lisa Geitz | LinkedIn

At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

People Leader Cross family Technology Engineering

Ansök    Okt 4    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." Tr... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape future sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 

What you will do

At Technology and Service Development, you will contribute to transforming our company, the transport industry, and society. 
Prognostics is an engineering discipline focused on predicting when a system or a component will no longer perform its intended function. In this position, you lead a team of engineers, software developers, and data scientists who develop preventive and predictive maintenance solutions, which are the basis for prognosis in the Volvo Group.
Your responsibilities will include:
* Facilitator and coach for the team. Manage resources and operating expenses.
* Secure quality, delivery precision, and cost of the maintenance data that feeds the service planning tools across the Volvo Group brands.
* Develop and support the strategy for the application of data analytics in the field of predictive maintenance.
* Drive the development of models to power the next generation of predictive maintenance solutions.
* Lead the research efforts in the area.

Your future team
We are an enthusiastic team of highly skilled people supporting the Volvo Group vision by developing technologies and services for leading Aftermarket solutions. We believe in engineering based on technology opportunities, a thorough understanding of our customer's needs, and supporting sustainable business for AB Volvo and our customers.

Who are you?

Do you dream big? We do, too, and we are excited to grow together. In this role, you must bring:
* At least five years of experience in product development.
* Experience in leading solutions based on data analytics.
* Experience leading cross-functional teams.
* Strong analytical skills and highly motivated.

We will prefer candidates who have:

* Knowledge of vehicle technologies, embedded software, and diagnostics.
* Experience in the automotive aftermarket.
* Data analytics applied to vehicle quality, maintenance, or uptime.
* Knowledge of agile and waterfall product development methods.
* Track record in change management.

Ready for the next move?

If you want to make a real impact in your career, the transportation business is where you want to be. We look forward to meeting you. 

The last day to apply is October 31.
For further information please contact
Soares Guilherme,  Director Technology&Service; Development, [email protected]

What’s in it for you?

We offer a solid compensation and benefits package, and you will enjoy working in a global company that values diversity and is driving prosperity through transport solutions.

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.

Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 

Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Senior Management Consultant - Sustainability

Ansök    Sep 30    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting. With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 e... Visa mer
Company Description
AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting.
With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 experts at AFRY in design, engineering and digitalisation, we are driven by the idea of helping our clients find solutions to business-critical questions.
Job Description
Sustainability Consulting is further strengthening its position in the European and global markets. Therefore, we are seeking a Senior Management Consultant to join our Sustainability team in Malmö, Luleå, Stockholm, or Göteborg. This role involves working globally within an international team as well as in the Swedish market.
In this position, you will have an opportunity to make your contribution to the sustainability transformation within companies, and diving deep into topics that are changing the corporate sustainability landscape and business strategy (e.g. sustainability strategy and reporting (CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy), ESG risks and governance, regulatory compliance, NetZero strategy and implementation, circular economy, corporate biodiversity, supply chain due diligence, and sustainable finance).
As a Senior Management Consultant, your tasks will include:
Leading project teams and executing projects in sustainability consulting
Taking charge of client-facing roles in project delivery and relationship management
Collaborate closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions that align with their business goals and objectives
Contributing to the competence, business and offering development, including involvement in sales
Stay up-to-date with industry best practices, regulatory frameworks, and advancements related to sustainability

At least 5 years of experience in sustainability consulting or corporate sustainability management
Proven track record in project management and delivery
Strong understanding on international sustainability frameworks and related industry requirements
In depth experience of implementation of CSRD, ESRS and/or EU Taxonomy
Extensive knowledge on net-zero / decarbonization strategies and best practices is an advantage
Business minded and analytical mindset combined with structured way of working
Relevant degree in Sustainability from university, with minimum 3 years of studies with e.g. BSc degree or higher.
This position requires proficiency in written and verbal English communication skills. Knowledge of Swedish is considered a merit

For us, your personal qualities are also important. Since you will be working primarily in teams with others internally, as well as externally with clients, we highly value a relationship-building and communicative approach. Many projects are challenging and come with deadlines, so you will thrive if you enjoy problem-solving and working in a goal-oriented manner.
Additional Information
To apply for this position, please submit your application including CV. The selection process is ongoing and the position may be filled before the last day of application.

Last application date: October 29th
Contact information
Johan Fridh
Section Manager
[email protected]
Johan Fridh | LinkedIn
Lisa Geitz
Talent Acquisition Partner
[email protected]?
Lisa Geitz | LinkedIn

At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

Management Consultant - Sustainability

Ansök    Sep 30    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting. With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 e... Visa mer
Company Description
AFRY Management Consulting operates globally to address challenges and opportunities in the energy, bioindustry, infrastructure, industrial, and future mobility sectors. We provide strategic advice, forward-looking market analysis, operational and digital transformation, M&A and transaction services, and sustainability consulting.
With more than 800 management consultants across over 20 offices on 4 continents, and supported by 19,000 experts at AFRY in design, engineering and digitalisation, we are driven by the idea of helping our clients find solutions to business-critical questions.
Job Description
Our department specializes in Sustainability consulting. As we expand our presence in European and global markets, we are looking for a Management Consultant to join our Sustainability team. The position will be based in Malmö, Luleå, Stockholm, or Göteborg, and will involve working both internationally and within the Swedish market.
In this position, you will have an opportunity to make your contribution to the sustainability transformation within companies, and diving deep into topics that are changing the corporate sustainability landscape and business strategy (e.g. sustainability strategy and reporting (CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy), ESG risks and governance, regulatory compliance, NetZero strategy and implementation, circular economy, corporate biodiversity, supply chain due diligence, and sustainable finance).
As a Management Consultant, your tasks will include:
Participate in various projects in sustainability consulting
Together with senior colleagues collaborate closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions that align with their business goals and objectives
Stay up-to-date with industry best practices, regulatory frameworks, and advancements related to sustainability

At least 2 years of experience in sustainability consulting or corporate sustainability management
Experience of implementation of CSRD, ESRS and/or EU Taxonomy
Knowledge on decarbonization strategies
Relevant degree in Sustainability from university, with minimum 3 years of studies with e.g. BSc degree or higher.
This position requires proficiency in written and verbal English communication skills. Knowledge of Swedish is considered a merit

For us, your personal qualities are also important. Since you will be working primarily in teams with others internally, as well as externally with clients, we highly value a relationship-building and communicative approach. Many projects are challenging and come with deadlines, so you will thrive if you enjoy problem-solving and working in a goal-oriented manner.
Additional Information
To apply for this position, please submit your application including CV. The selection process is ongoing and the position may be filled before the last day of application.

Last application date: October 29th
Contact information
Johan Fridh
Section Manager
[email protected]
Johan Fridh | LinkedIn
Lisa Geitz
Talent Acquisition Partner
[email protected]?
Lisa Geitz | LinkedIn

At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

Tillstånd- och Licensieringsansvarig för nybyggnation av kärnkraft

Ansök    Sep 26    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Om rollen Vattenfalls har tydlig strategi att ett fossilfritt samhälle och vara en led... Visa mer
Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid.
Om rollen
Vattenfalls har tydlig strategi att ett fossilfritt samhälle och vara en ledare i den gröna omställningen och vi är stolta över att spela en viktigt roll i att möta den ökade efterfrågan på fossilfri elproduktion. För att kunna göra det ser vi att alla fossilfira kraftslag kommer att behövas varför vi nu har etablerat ett program för att skapa analyser kring förutsättningar för att etablera ny kärnkraft.
Som en del av detta har Vattenfall, inom affärsområdet Power Generation, skapat en ny stabsenhet – New Nuclear (GX) – som ansvarar för utvecklingen av ny kärnkraft. Samtidigt fortsätter arbetet med att utreda möjligheterna för ny kärnkraft på Väröhalvön i Halland, med målet att ha en anläggning i drift som tidigast under första halvan av 2030-talet.
Om tjänsten
För att driva denna viktiga satsning framåt har program Nucelerate West skapats inom New Nuclear. Programmet syftar till att analysera, planera, upphandla och slutligen etablera en ny kärnkraftsanläggning på Väröhalvön. Vi söker nu en Tillstånds- och Licensieringsansvarig till New Nuclear och program Nucelerate West.
Som ansvarig för tillstånd och licensiering kommer du att leda och samordna Vattenfalls aktiviteter kopplade till ansökningar om tillstånd för att uppföra och driva nya kärnkraftsreaktorer. Du kommer att:
Ansvara för kontakten med kommun, länsstyrelse och myndigheter
Utveckla strategier för licensiering och föreslå förändringar i tillståndsprocesser och regelverk för att öka effektiviteten, tydligheten samt minska prövningstiderna
Leda och bygga ett team bestående av jurister och specialister med erfarenhet av miljö- och kärntekniska prövningar

Tjänsten är en del av staben för ny kärnkraft (GX) och du rapporterar direkt till Programledaren, samt ingår i projektorganisationen för nybyggnation.
Vi söker dig som har en för tjänsten relevant akademisk utbildningsbakgrund som exempelvis civilingenjörsutbildning alternativt bakgrund inom juridik, miljö eller statsvetenskap. Utöver det en gedigen erfarenhet inom tillstånds- och licensieringsarbete, gärna med erfarenhet från myndigheter eller regeringskansli. Du har erfarenhet av tillståndsprocesser för miljöprövning av industriell verksamhet och en god förståelse för etablering av industriella anläggningar på både nya och befintliga platser. Erfarenhet från kärnteknisk verksamhet är meriterande, men inte ett krav.
Det är viktigt att du har en god förmåga att uttrycka dig skriftligt på svenska, då tillståndsansökningarna måste vara enhetliga och tydliga.
Som person är du en senior projekt- och teamledare med utmärkta ledaregenskaper. Du stöttar ditt team och följer upp arbetsuppgifter på ett systematiskt sätt. Du har en strategisk förståelse och god förmåga att förhandla. Dessutom är du leveransfokuserad och har en hög administrativ förmåga som säkerställer att alla frågor i myndighetsdialogen besvaras korrekt och i tid.
Hos oss kommer du att arbeta i ett fantastiskt team av seniora experter med stort engagemang för uppdraget och en öppenhet i diskussioner och idéutbyten.
Ytterligare information
Vi erbjuder
Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs gärna mer om våra förmåner här.
Göteborg, Ringhals, Solna
För mer information om själva tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Desirée Comstedt, 073 985 22 34
För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen kontakta rekryterare Lina Friberg, [email protected] eller Sofia Berggren, [email protected]

Fackliga representanter: Rolf Ohlsson - Akademikerna, Anders Bohlin- Unionen, Anders Karlsson - Christer Gustafsson, Juha Siipilehto - SEKO. Samtliga nås på 0340-66 70 00
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 17 oktober. Urval och intervjuer sker efter sista ansökningsdatum. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats.
Vi har mycket spännande uppdrag på gång inom kärnkraften. Vi ser fram emot just din ansökan så tveka inte - sök redan i dag!
Vi ser framemot din ansökan!

Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med mångfald och inkludering här.

Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!
Ansök här Visa mindre

Manager Quality and Accreditation

Ansök    Sep 25    Meet a Group international AB    Manager
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly an... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:

EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly and in compliance with future standards and regulations, we now look for an experienced Manager Quality and Accreditation to join the EPD Secretariat in Sweden.

You understand your role as a change maker, have strong project management skills and you are passionate about making a positive, sustainable impact?

Key Responsibilities

Drive quality to make it stick:

Manage and evolve our quality management system (ISO 9001 certified)

Successfully implement and manage ISO 17029/ 17065 accreditation standard

Manage eligibility status against ISO 14025, a.o. LCA relevant standards

Thought Leadership:

Contribute to environmental (and social) thought leadership in the field of material/product quality, accreditation for LCA (AVCP3+, CPR/DoPC, ESPR), a.s.o.


To succeed in the role you have:

Bachelor or Master’s degree in business, environmental science, engineering, or a related fiel

Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Quality Assurance/ Accreditation expert, or similar role

Certification of quality control is a strong advantage (ISO 9000, ISO 17029, etc.)

Familiarity with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies is advantageous

Experience working in diverse, multicultural environments

Experience in troubleshooting and resolving issues while working in high-pressure environments

Soft skills

Critical thinker with strong problem-solving skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English; knowledge of Swedish is advantageous

Promotes a culture of trust, collaboration, feedback and speaking up by modeling desired behavior.

Proficient in negotiation and interpersonal skills.

What we offer

We work in a creative and developing environment where everyone has a large part of their own responsibility and good opportunities for personal and professional development. For this role at EPD International you will be recruited as an employee at IVL. As that, you become part of a workplace that values diversity, collaboration, innovation and commitment. There is a wonderful community here as well as sports club, art association, parties, pubs and other activities. We are sit in activity-based premises. At IVL, you get the opportunity to work with your sustainability commitment for real!
Welcome with your application

Apply with your CV by pressing "Apply here". Evaluation of applications and interviews will be conducted throughout the application period.

We kindly but firmly ask external recruitment companies and salespeople not to contact us for sales of additional adds or services.

#LI-DNP Visa mindre

Projektledare med erfarenhet av försvarsindustrin

Ansök    Sep 25    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY är ett ledande europeiskt företag med global räckvidd inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi accelererar omställningen mot ett hållbart samhälle. Vi är 16 000 hängivna experter inom infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering, som skapar hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer. Om rollen För vår tekniskt avancerade kund i Västra Götaland söker vi en projektledare som ska arbeta med produktstöd inom deras militära portfö... Visa mer
AFRY är ett ledande europeiskt företag med global räckvidd inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi accelererar omställningen mot ett hållbart samhälle.
Vi är 16 000 hängivna experter inom infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering, som skapar hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer.
Om rollen
För vår tekniskt avancerade kund i Västra Götaland söker vi en projektledare som ska arbeta med produktstöd inom deras militära portfölj.
Som projektledare kommer du leda ett produktstödsledningsteam bestående av av flera olika roller med ansvar för att exekvera aktiviteter kopplat till produktstöd med tillgänglighet, kostnad och exekveringsmöjlighet i bakhuvudet.
Du förväntas leverera i tid, enligt specificerade kvalitetsstandarder och inom budget. Löpande avrapportering till kunder och interna team kommer bli en del av din vardag. Likaså att arbeta med projektrisker och bygga relationer med t.ex. beslutsfattare och tekniska experter.
Förutom att övergripande hantera projektet från start till slut förväntas du leda, motivera och driva ditt team genom alla faser. För att lyckas kommer utmärkt samarbete med externa partners och kunder att krävas.
AFRY erbjuder en initial visstidsanställning varefter ambitionen från vår kund är att erbjuda fast anställning i deras organisation.
Du har en ingenjörsexamen inom relevant tekniskt område. Du har visat ledarskapsförmågor med minst 5 års erfarenhet av projektledning. Din erfarenhet visar din förmåga att skapa, hantera och genomföra projektplaner samtidigt som du är en inspirerande ledare som möjliggör tillväxt för dina teammedlemmar.
Dina kommunikationsfärdigheter är utmärkta och eftersom kunden arbetar i en internationell miljö krävs både professionell svenska och engelska. Att kommunicera med alla nivåer i verksamheten faller sig naturligt för dig.
Du tar ägarskap för projektet och visar en stor mängd ansvarstagande. Att få saker gjorda är inget problem för dig och ditt arbete kännetecknas av resultatfokus. Som person är du mycket analytisk och fattar beslut baserat på fakta. Du är ödmjuk inför intressenter men räds inte att visa auktoritet när det behövs. Du har en gedigen kunskap om system, hur dessa är uppbyggda och integreras.
Förutom allt som nämnts ovan är följande kvalifikationer önskvärda:
Certifiering i projektledning (t.ex. PMP, PRINCE2 eller IMPA)
Erfarenhet av att arbeta inom försvarsindustrin
Har arbetat med agila arbetssätt och/eller Azure Devops Visa mindre

Engineering Manager

Ansök    Sep 20    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Where You’ll Belong
Climate change is the ultimate safety test. Therefore, we at Volvo Cars are committed to fully master energy both in our vehicle as well as building our new business vertical Energy Solutions. Are you an innovative and engaged leader that wants to contribute? Then you should take the chance to join Propulsion and Energy, the heart of Electrification and Energy engineering at Volvo Cars.

The role as Engineering Manager for AC charging software is a unique opportunity to take the step into our Energy management department and contribute to future business direction. You will lead a team of extremely competent and highly motivated co-workers, in a growing, forward-thinking and dynamic work environment.

What You’ll do
Your primary responsibility will be to inspire and lead our teams towards new innovative solutions ahead. Together with your teams, your focus is to secure well-balanced and quality assured software and system design for AC charging. You will have close cooperation with our suppliers, ensuring timely and quality assured products together with your team.
You ensure the work environment for the teams and set objectives, do performance reviews and salary settings for your team members. You will make sure your team progress regarding competence development to keep in line with our long-term technical strategies.

You will also contribute with a strong sense of software culture and business acumen in management forums as well in co-operations with colleagues, team members and suppliers.

Competence is Important
•    M.Sc. or equivalent technical experience
•    Experienced in Product Development
•    Experienced in Embedded Software Development
•    Beneficial - knowledge in Energy and/or E-mobility
•    Minimum 5 years Leadership experience
•    Driving license is required

Personality is Key
You enjoy working in an environment where you feel you can make a difference. You have solid communication skills creating clarity and motivation for the teams around you. We also see that you have the personal skills to lead through people, listen, coach and guide to motivate and create new solutions together with and engaged teams.
You apply creative thinking, never hesitate to think outside the box and use data to efficiently bring you forward. And right now, you are looking for a bigger challenge to advance within.

How to Learn More and Apply
For questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact Caroline Kjellin (Head of Energy Management), [email protected].
For questions about the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter Kristin Lövgren at  [email protected]

You are welcome with your application by submitting your resume and cover letter no later than 6th of October.

Please note that applications via email will not be handled due to GDPR and we would like your application written in English. Visa mindre

Project Manager Service Development at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Sep 13    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is our newest business area with the overarching purpose of accelerating electrification and driving circularity for a better tomorrow. With an agile approach and a can-do?mindset,?we actively work to ensure the acceleration of the electrification transformation?every day in all that we do. As the Volvo Group, we are driving circularity in our industry forward in these important areas. 

Charging and Infrastructure Solution - C&IS;
At Volvo Energy, our team focuses on developing Charging and Infrastructure Solutions (C&IS;) for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV). We collaborate with Business Areas and partners to create and accelerate industry standardization and roll-out.
Furthermore, we identify and secure public funding and subsidies available in different markets and regions. This allows us to leverage financial support to develop new business opportunities and value propositions. We work closely with our colleagues at Volvo Group and our partners to create innovative solutions that meet the needs of our customers.
As the go-to expert function within the Volvo Group for BEV/FCEV C&IS;, we strive to stay at the forefront of industry developments and advancements. Our expertise and knowledge enable us to provide valuable insights and guidance to our stakeholders. By combining our efforts with the expertise of our partners and the wider industry, we aim to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and contribute to a sustainable future.

In this role you will:
•    Lead the development of charging & infrastructure services projects with high complexity that significantly impact the business in a global environment
•    Manage projects to completion, including business, functional financial processes, operational, and system integration with external partners and internal stakeholders
•    Drive initiatives that enable new capabilities for Volvo Group Charging & Infrastructure Services and build/maintain/integrate to enable charging services for Volvo Group´s customers.
•    Coordinate & manage and delivery of the projects, working stakeholders in close connection with the other Group divisions with a clear End-to-End lead
•    Communicate with all stakeholders to ensure regular and clear communication regarding the project deliverables. 

Making it a success for yourself and Volvo Energy

Welcome to a global team unified by an important mission, great ideas, fun, diversity, and inclusion. Our colleagues are - and will always be - the most important part of the story, as each colleague truly matters and plays an essential role in our journey.

To succeed, we believe you are innovative, pragmatic, creative with a positive spirit, curious and have an entrepreneurial mindset. Being recognized in your specialties, you are a forward-looking person, and you see opportunities when others see risks. Being appreciated by your peers, you enjoy connecting with a broad network, building win-win approaches, and developing relationships - inside and outside of the Volvo Group – in a cross-functional manner.

We will be a fairly small team and therefore look for colleagues that thoroughly enjoy this intrapreneurial challenge, can hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision.

If our entrepreneurial spirit, adaptability, and customer-focused mindset light your inner fire, we might be a great match! We work in an optimistic atmosphere, where joy, knowledge sharing, and openness are key characteristics.

Qualifications likely required to be successful:
•    Masters in Business Administration, Finance, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or equivalent business experience. MBA preferred
•    A strong leader who can influence change with exceptionally excellent communication skills both verbal and written
•    A global mindset with good understanding of the business environment
•    Good understanding of the international truck business, especially in the field of service market.
•    Ability to build and maintain cross-functional and executive-level relationships
•    A great passion for creating engagement and commitment
•    Experience from EV charging and infrastructure solutions, encompassing hardware, software, and services
•    Significant experience within project management and services development
•    A strong inner drive to reach results and secure deliveries.
•    Fluent in English, both written and spoken, preferably also in Swedish
•    Drive and ambition to develop, and get things done. Visa mindre


Ansök    Sep 16    HCL Technologies Sweden AB    Manager
Job Role : We seek a highly skilled Senior Project Manager with extensive experience in infrastructure projects to lead and manage large-scale, complex infrastructure programs. The ideal candidate will possess strong leadership, planning, and organizational skills to ensure projects are completed on time, within scope, and on budget. A key aspect of this role will be effective communication and customer relationship management to ensure client satisfaction... Visa mer
Job Role : We seek a highly skilled Senior Project Manager with extensive experience in infrastructure projects to lead and manage large-scale, complex infrastructure programs. The ideal candidate will possess strong leadership, planning, and organizational skills to ensure projects are completed on time, within scope, and on budget. A key aspect of this role will be effective communication and customer relationship management to ensure client satisfaction and seamless project delivery.

Job description :

• Customer Relationship Management: Serve as the main point of contact for the client, managing expectations, addressing concerns, and ensuring a positive client experience throughout the project lifecycle.
• Project Planning and Execution: Lead the planning, implementation, and delivery of infrastructure projects, including network, IT, and facility-related initiatives.
• Stakeholder Management: Engage with internal and external stakeholders, including clients, vendors, and contractors, to ensure alignment of project goals and objectives.
• Team Leadership: Oversee multidisciplinary project teams, providing guidance, resolving issues, and fostering a collaborative work environment.
• Scope, Time, and Budget Management: Define project scope and objectives, develop detailed project plans, allocate resources, monitor progress, and manage risks to ensure on-time and within-budget project delivery.
• Communication and Reporting: Prepare regular reports and updates on project progress for senior management, stakeholders, and clients. Ensure transparent communication across all parties involved.
• Risk Management: Identify potential risks and challenges early, developing mitigation strategies and contingency plans to avoid project disruptions.
• Procurement Management: Lead procurement processes, including supplier management to ensure the timely acquisition of materials and services. Ensure compliance with procurement policies and manage relationships with suppliers to speed up the delivery.
• Excellent communication skills with the ability to manage client expectations and maintain strong customer relationships.
• Strong understanding of infrastructure projects.
• Proficient in project management software (e.g., Microsoft Project, Jira, etc.).
• Expertise in budgeting, scheduling, and resource management.
• Proven leadership skills with the ability to manage cross-functional teams.
• Exceptional problem-solving and risk management capabilities.
• Ability to multitask and prioritize in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

Education: Bachelor's or Master's degree in IT Infrastructure or a related field.
Experience: Minimum of 7-10 years of experience in managing large-scale IT infrastructure projects. Proven experience in project management methodologies (e.g., Waterfall, Agile etc.). Visa mindre

Portfolio & Governance Manager at Volvo Energy

Ansök    Sep 13    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." We... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is our newest business area with the overarching purpose of accelerating electrification and driving circularity for a better tomorrow. With an agile approach and a can-do?mindset,?we actively work to ensure the acceleration of the electrification transformation?every day in all that we do. As the Volvo Group, we are driving circularity in our industry forward in these important areas. 

Charging and Infrastructure Solution - C&IS;
We are a function within Volvo Energy where we develop Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) / Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) C&IS; offering in conjunction with Business Area’s and partners. We work by lobbying and advocacy, legislation monitoring, partnerships, and associations to create and accelerate industry standardization and roll-out.

We identify and extract public funding and subsidies across applicable markets and regions. We create new business offer opportunities as well as value propositions together with our Volvo Group colleagues and partners. We jointly simplify the electrification transformation for our customers and the society as well as accelerate the journey towards 100% fossil free and in doing so, we will support Volvo Group’s sustainability.

We are the natural go-to expert function within the Volvo Group for BEV/FCEV C&IS;. 

As the Portfolio and Governance Manager at Public Charging and Infrastructure, you are responsible for driving and managing the portfolio of projects. This includes identifying needs, prioritization, and verifying roadmaps with relevant stakeholders. In addition, you are responsible for maintaining and ensuring the governance process of all items contained in the roadmaps. 

In this role you will:
•    Drive the process to manage Public Charging service development portfolio and budget. 
•    Lead prioritization of near-term development activities to meet the Volvo Group Brand’s expectations, support our customers, and increase service revenues. E.g., lead pre-PI planning. 
•    Be part of the long-term roadmap work. 
•    PI planning administration and facilitation. 
•    Be part of the financial follow-up. 
•    Manage and continuously improve the Governance Process and Ways of Working. 
•    Facilitate and manage the Development and Governance forum. 
•    Facilitate the Public Charging and Infrastructure Committee. 

Making it a success for yourself and Volvo Energy

Welcome to a global team unified by an important mission, great ideas, fun, diversity, and inclusion. Our colleagues are - and will always be - the most important part of the story, as each colleague truly matters and plays an essential role in our journey.

To succeed, we believe you are innovative, pragmatic, creative with a positive spirit, curious and have an entrepreneurial mindset. Being recognized in your specialties, you are a forward-looking person, and you see opportunities when others see risks. Being appreciated by your peers, you enjoy connecting with a broad network, building win-win approaches, and developing relationships.

Consequently, whilst demands are high, there is also plenty of opportunities to learn and grow - as a professional and as a person. We will be a fairly small team and therefore look for colleagues that thoroughly enjoy this intrapreneurial challenge, can hit the ground running and lead with passion, perform with purpose and transform with vision. Moreover, it will be essential you have a strong ability to form trustful relationships to effectively work with partners - inside and outside of the Volvo Group – in a cross-functional manner.

If our entrepreneurial spirit, adaptability, and customer-focused mindset light your inner fire, we might be a great match! We work in an optimistic atmosphere, where joy, knowledge sharing, and openness are key characteristics.

Qualifications likely required to be successful:
•    Strong verbal and written communication skills. 
•    Knowledge of agile principles and ways of working.
•    Ability to establish structure and ensure coordination between different stakeholders, teams, and organizations.
•    Skilled in the decision-making process and conducting prioritization. 
•    Collaboration and teamwork skills. 

Feel free to contact us if you have further questions:
Karin Berggren, Head of Services Development Public - Charging & Infrastructure Solutions
[email protected] Visa mindre

Manager Quality and Accreditation

Ansök    Sep 9    Meet a Group international AB    Manager
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly an... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:

EPD International AB  is looking for our new Manager Quality and Accreditation. EPDs are a trusted source for environmental product performance data in various decision making processes in favor for the planet. To grow our EPD Program and company responsibly and in compliance with future standards and regulations, we now look for an experienced Manager Quality and Accreditation to join the EPD Secretariat in Sweden.

You understand your role as a change maker, have strong project management skills and you are passionate about making a positive, sustainable impact?

Key Responsibilities

Drive quality to make it stick:

Manage and evolve our quality management system (ISO 9001 certified)

Successfully implement and manage ISO 17029/ 17065 accreditation standard

Manage eligibility status against ISO 14025, a.o. LCA relevant standards

Thought Leadership:

Contribute to environmental (and social) thought leadership in the field of material/product quality, accreditation for LCA (AVCP3+, CPR/DoPC, ESPR), a.s.o.


To succeed in the role you have:

Bachelor or Master’s degree in business, environmental science, engineering, or a related fiel

Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Quality Assurance/ Accreditation expert, or similar role

Certification of quality control is a strong advantage (ISO 9000, ISO 17029, etc.)

Familiarity with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies is advantageous

Experience working in diverse, multicultural environments

Experience in troubleshooting and resolving issues while working in high-pressure environments

Soft skills

Critical thinker with strong problem-solving skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English; knowledge of Swedish is advantageous

Promotes a culture of trust, collaboration, feedback and speaking up by modeling desired behavior.

Proficient in negotiation and interpersonal skills.

What we offer

We work in a creative and developing environment where everyone has a large part of their own responsibility and good opportunities for personal and professional development. For this role at EPD International you will be recruited as an employee at IVL. As that, you become part of a workplace that values diversity, collaboration, innovation and commitment. There is a wonderful community here as well as sports club, art association, parties, pubs and other activities. We are sit in activity-based premises. At IVL, you get the opportunity to work with your sustainability commitment for real!
Welcome with your application

Apply with your CV by pressing "Apply here". Evaluation of applications and interviews will be conducted throughout the application period.

We kindly but firmly ask external recruitment companies and salespeople not to contact us for sales of additional adds or services.

#LI-DNP Visa mindre

Senior Engineering Manager

Ansök    Aug 29    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What’s in it for you?

This role is within our Commercial Digital team, which is using digital technologies to reinvent the experience of becoming a Volvo customer. There’s no reason the experience of buying a car should be painful and difficult – it should be as enjoyable and exciting as actually having a new car. That is our mission. You will be responsible for developing software for consumer facing and internal products across more than 100 countries accessed by millions of people. We create the end-to-end experience for online sales/subscriptions of cars, global campaigns as well as frameworks for other parts of Volvo cars. Your responsibilities will include rapid development of prototypes/concepts, and regular product development.

You should have start-up mind set where you have quickly developed prototypes and catalysed product development in a fast paced, fluid environment.  You have or have recently had hands-on development experience. You are experienced with agile development and a champion of software development best practices. The team is primarily located in Gothenburg, Stockholm Sweden, and we also have teams in the San Francisco US and in Shanghai China. Many of the people you will be working with have experience from start-ups and global tech companies such as Spotify, Google, Ericsson, Microsoft, Tradera, Klarna, EA Games etc.

You And Your Skills

We are looking for an experienced software engineering manager who has previously built and led software engineering teams.
In this role, you'll split your time between hands-on development or technical design within a team and managing a development team. As a manager, you'll be responsible for hiring, compensation, and employee career development.

You likely have a degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field—or equivalent practical experience. You're passionate about transforming and developing digital products, architecture, and best practices. You enjoy interacting with development teams to understand their needs and product missions. With servant leadership and a strong technical foundation, you strive to create a fast and fun developer experience. Strong people management, collaboration, and communication skills are essential in this role.

Together with the other digital leaders within Commercial Digital, you will

* Build and nurture teams of highly talented engineers.
* Guide and support individual engineers and teams, removing obstacles to deliver software efficiently at scale.
* Spearhead technology strategy in your domain, working closely with the product manager to align architecture and strategy with the product vision.
* Promote collaboration, diversity, and team engagement.
* Advocate for and implement modern software development, operational, and engineering practices.
* Actively seek opportunities to learn and enhance our products and processes.
* Contribute hands-on to developing our solutions, using technologies like TypeScript, JavaScript, C#, and React, with deployments on Azure and AWS.

We offer our employees excellent benefits such as:

Plenty of leave to let you take time off for what’s most important in life.
Collective Agreement and ITP pensions.
An annual allowance to be spent on your health and wellbeing. Visa mindre

Engineering Manager - Contamination

Ansök    Sep 3    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

About us
Now you have the opportunity to apply for the Engineering Manager role within 91380 Contamination team who is part of the Energy Efficiency Centre within Engineering.
We are responsible for all exterior contamination caused by weather or exterior environment conditions.

What you will do
You will be working in close cooperation with many internal stakeholders and teams e.g. Exterior front & rear, AD/ADAS, Safe Vehicle Automation (SVA) and Aerodynamics to fulfil our customer needs. The team works with both numerical simulations as well as physical verifications in e.g., the wind tunnel on complete vehicles.
The team is situated in PVT close to the wind tunnels and is a part of the Energy Efficiency Centre.
Ongoing challenges are for example: shifting from physical to virtual testing, by e.g., using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and in parallel working to move complete vehicle testing to system testing in the climate wind tunnel. The team is also in the forefront to increase knowledge within particle simulation (snow and dust), building capability by advanced engineering and research together with academy, e.g., Halmstad and Chalmers University.

About you
As an Engineering Manager, you will support, coach, and develop the team’s knowledge to ensure that the right competence is maintained over time. Your motivation is to engage, challenge and empower the team to create new solutions together. You will also have the technical responsibility for delivery to car program and advanced engineering programs. 
You will contribute to the Customer satisfaction of Volvo Cars Customer target fulfillment and be part of creating our sustainable future. Having a direct impact on how we deliver according to Freedom to move in a personable, sustainable, and safe way.

Do you fit the profile?
You have a university degree or equivalent experience with proven leadership skills.
Experience in leading change within complex areas.
It is beneficial if you have product development and attribute experience preferentially within the competence areas of contamination.
We also believe that you have strong communication skills, both verbally and in writing. 

How to learn more and apply
For questions regarding the position please contact Hiring Manager, Gisela Blomkvist (91300 Energy Efficiency Centre) +46 (0)723716113 or by mail [email protected].
For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter Kristin Lövgren at [email protected]

We look forward to your application no later than the 17th of September. Please note that no applications via mail will be handled. Visa mindre

Global Technology Manager Data & Release

Ansök    Aug 20    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Position Overview: We are seeking a visionary and dynamic Development Manager to lead our Data-Drive... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Position Overview: We are seeking a visionary and dynamic Development Manager to lead our Data-Driven and Test-Driven Development efforts for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Energy Efficiency Systems on trucks. This is a leading leader role, pivotal in driving our journey towards continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), ensuring that our systems are reliable, efficient, and cutting-edge. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in data analytics, software testing, and release management, with a focus on automotive systems. This role requires a strategic thinker with excellent leadership skills and a passion for innovation in the trucking industry. 
Key Responsibilities
As the Development Manager, you will be at the forefront of leading a multidisciplinary team of data analysts, test engineers, and release managers. Your primary focus will be on fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment, mentoring and developing team members, and providing guidance and support to help them achieve their full potential. You will be responsible for setting the vision and strategy for the team, ensuring alignment with organizational goals, and driving the execution of key initiatives. 

In the realm of data analytics, you will oversee the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data from ADAS and energy efficiency systems. You will develop and implement data analytics strategies to improve system performance and reliability, collaborating with cross-functional teams to integrate data insights into product development and optimization. Your leadership will be crucial in driving a data-driven culture within the organization. 

A key aspect of your role will be to accelerate data-driven development by creating tools and methods that enable faster understanding of product performance and its limitations. You will be responsible for orchestrating the organization’s unique data collection campaigns and securing the quality assurance release process. This involves ensuring that data is collected accurately and consistently, and that it meets the highest standards of quality. 

In addition, you will enable customer data logging for deeper insights into product performance and usage. This will involve working closely with customers to understand their needs and ensuring that data logging capabilities are integrated into our products. The insights gained from customer data will be used to drive continuous improvement and innovation. 

Your role in test management will involve developing and executing comprehensive test plans for ADAS and energy efficiency systems. You will ensure rigorous testing of software and hardware components to meet quality and safety standards, implementing automated testing frameworks and CI/CD pipelines to streamline the testing process. Your strategic vision will guide the team in adopting best practices and innovative testing methodologies. 

Managing the release process for software updates and new features will be another critical aspect of your role. You will ensure timely and reliable delivery of releases, coordinating with development, QA, and operations teams to streamline release cycles. Monitoring and resolving issues related to software releases will be essential to ensure minimal disruption to end-users. Your leadership will be key in driving continuous improvement in the release management process. 

Innovation and continuous improvement will be at the heart of your role. Staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in ADAS, energy efficiency, and data analytics will be essential. You will drive continuous improvement initiatives to enhance system performance, reliability, and user experience, identifying and implementing best practices and industry standards. Your leadership will inspire the team to pursue excellence and innovation. 

Qualifications: To be successful in this role, you should have a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Data Science, or a related field. Minimum 7 years of experience in data analytics, software testing, and release management, preferably in the automotive industry. Proven experience in managing and leading technical teams is essential. Strong knowledge of data analytics tools and techniques, proficiency in software testing methodologies and tools, and experience with release management tools and practices. Familiarity with ADAS and energy efficiency systems in the automotive sector is highly desirable. Excellent leadership and team management skills, strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, and effective communication and interpersonal skills are crucial. The ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment is also important. Preferred qualifications include experience with big data technologies, knowledge of automotive standards and regulations, and certification in project management. Visa mindre

IT Service Manager

Ansök    Aug 22    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt inom en generation och vi driver på öv... Visa mer
Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 21?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt inom en generation och vi driver på övergången till ett hållbart energisystem.
Om rollen
Som IT Service Manager inom Vattenfall IT representerar du hela IT Service Delivery Portfolio och dess relaterade avtal gentemot viktiga intressenter inom Vattenfall IT, affärsområdena och enheterna. Du är ansvarig för att fånga upp verksamhetens krav och behov och att förse Service Owners med information som behövs för att kontinuerligt förbättra de tjänster som tillhandahålls. Med din kunskap om tjänsteportföljen, pågående projekt och förbättringar kan du stödja och ge råd till dina företagskunder om Vattenfalls övergripande IT-strategi. Du är också ansvarig för att upprätta leveransavtal för vår tjänst och regelbundet övervaka dess kvalitet och kundnöjdhet. Du kommer att leda granskningar och tillhandahålla en tydlig och anpassad kundplan, sätta strategin baserat på affärskrav och marknadstrender så att Vattenfall IT kan leverera stabila, säkra och innovativa tjänster.
Några ansvarområden:
Representera den kompletta portföljen av IT-tjänster och relaterade avtal gentemot alla intressenter inom Vattenfall IT och Business
Sätta upp och uppdatera tydliga leveransavtal för verksamheten, för att säkerställa att kundernas nuvarande och framtida servicenivåkrav identifieras, dokumenteras och underhålls
Övervaka föränderliga affärsbehov och deras uppfyllande och kommunicera dessa ändringar till rätt intressenter
Operativt ansvarig för att driva och koordinera eskaleringslösning och uppföljning baserat på IT-åtaganden gentemot verksamheten
Säkerställ samordning mellan IT- och affärsintressenter genom proaktiv uppföljning
Proaktivt och reaktivt initiera och säkerställa förbättringsinitiativ avseende samtliga IT-tjänster (fasta/rörliga) tillsammans med Vattenfall IT och Affär
Tillhandahålla frekvent affärsspecifik rapportering (budget, tillfredsställelse, tickets) och analys och initiera åtgärder för att öka slutanvändarnas tillfredsställelse
Driva service- och kostnadsutvecklingsinitiativ och säkerställa genomförandet av förbättringsinitiativ tillsammans med Business

Förmåga att designa och leverera information och presentationer till alla nivåer i en organisation
Stark kunskap om ekonomisk förvaltning
Erfarenhet av livscykelhantering
Förmåga att äga och formulera servicekrav från slutpunkt till slutpunkt och förstå kund- och affärsbehov och förstå inverkan på tjänster och prioriteringar
Stark förmåga att samarbeta och bygga långvariga relationer och partnerskap med olika intressenter i hela Vattenfalls organisation och externa partners
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift och engelska

Dessa erfarenheter kommer också att hjälpa dig att bli framgångsrik:
Ledarskapserfarenhet i en liknande roll eller annan relevant erfarenhet
Kunskap och beprövad erfarenhet av befintliga ITSM-ramverk och relaterade processer (t.ex. ITIL, ISO 20000)

En förmåga att orkestrera mellan funktioner och organisationer i relation till tjänstedesign, övergång och leverans

Ytterligare information
Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.

Placeringsort är Stockholm, Uppsala, Göteborg

För mer information om själva tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Håvard Aldergren Tvedten: [email protected]. För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen kontakta rekryterare Julia Norberg: [email protected].

Fackliga representanter: Akademikerna – Sofi Wadström och Silvija Vatkovic, Ledarna – Christer Gustafsson, SEKO – Juha Siipilehto, Unionen – Inger Strandberg . Du når dem via 08-739 50 00.

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-09-08. Urval och intervjuer sker löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vår webbplats.
Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med mångfald och inkludering här.

Då säkerheten för Vattenfall och dess anställda är avgörande kommer vi innan varje anställning genomföra en ”pre-employment screening”. Dessa kontroller baseras på din roll som du kommer att fylla inom Vattenfall.

Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Visa mindre

Manager EATS Calibration

Ansök    Aug 12    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.  Our team is part of the Powertrain Engineering organization and we are looking for a new EATS Calibration Group Manager. This is us, your new colleagues at Powertra... Visa mer

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 
Our team is part of the Powertrain Engineering organization and we are looking for a new EATS Calibration Group Manager.

This is us, your new colleagues at Powertrain Engineering (PE)
We stand in front of significant challenges, where reducing transportation emitted CO2 and emissions is one of the biggest. We have high expectations on sustainability, development time, quality and cost, driving innovation and employee engagement by leading technology and people.

The PE Sweden organization has full responsibility for Platform development of Heavy-Duty Engines, Exhaust Aftertreatment System, and Transmission globally. The organization takes the product ownership role and optimizes complete powertrain systems through usage of components tailored for each application. 

Exhaust After-Treatment Technology organization consists of 6 technology and competence centered groups. Design & Simulation, Catalysts & Filters, Hardware Components, Diagnostics, Control Software development and EATS Calibration. We provide state-of-the-art research, engineering, product planning and project execution of complete products, for all Volvo group customers. We are about 80 passionate and highly skilled engineers on a mission to reduce the environmental impact of global transportation. We always use customer satisfaction as the ultimate performance measurement.

Responsibilities / Main tasks   
In this position you will be part of an organization dedicated to technology as well as empowering and developing our employees.

Your team is responsible for the EATS calibration and verification of different After-Treatment Technology functionalities, such as emission control and catalytic system regeneration. This is done in a simulation framework as well as in engine test cell and in vehicles. Follow-up of functional performance in the final product through connectivity is an increasingly important part in the team’s validation work.

As manager of the EATS Calibration team you are expected to drive competence and development method improvement around Exhaust After-Treatment Technology calibration to secure robust and quality assured functions in the customers operation. You are part of a global network in the Exhaust After-Treatment Technology calibration area and will over time develop a thorough understanding of key functionality.

Who are you? Are we a perfect match?
Your own an engineering master of science and your significant leadership experience gives you confidence in leading technology through people. Your understanding of the real-life performance of the Exhaust After-Treatment Technology system in our customers operation will help the team to propose the best solutions for robust and effective control functionality. Experience of calibration development from the automotive industry will be helpful. The team works in an agile development framework and through a servant coaching leadership you put the team in the center without losing accountability. Quality and compliance is in your DNA. You genuinely believe in the strength of diverse and inclusive teams. Your leadership will make your team members shine!

What can we offer?
You will be working in the heart of powertrain development in Volvo Group and all the fantastic products we offer around the world. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth. Balance with personal life is important to us and we truly value the power of diverse and inclusive teams.

Curious and want to know more? Please contact us! We look forward to receiving your application!
Gael Mathieu, Director EATS, GTT Powertrain Engineering Sweden, [email protected]

Last application date 1st of September. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 
Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. 
Applying to this job offers you the opportunity to join Volvo Group. Every day, across the globe, our trucks, buses, engines, construction equipment, financial services, and solutions make modern life possible. We are almost 100,000 people empowered to shape the future landscape of efficient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. Fulfilling our mission creates countless career opportunities for talents with sharp minds and passion across the group’s leading brands and entities. 
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Group Manager Tools & Automation

Ansök    Aug 10    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Transp... Visa mer
Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.

Shaping tomorrow’s technology
At Vehicle Technology, we are passionate about shaping tomorrow’s technology to create excellent sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions to make the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe, and driver-friendly solutions, we develop top-quality services, and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with innovative tools and methods.
At Vehicle Software Factory, a part of Vehicle Technology, we test and release Group Trucks Technology complete software deliveries and understand the full product, hardware, and software.

About the role
In Product Technology, we are responsible to provide Group Trucks Technology with great machinery of Continuous Integration, advanced simulation, and applications used in software development.
As our Group Manager for Tools & Automation, you will play a vital role in shaping a new area where the ambition is to increase efficiency in our software development and deliveries. You will work close to the business side with your team to create a highly aligned and efficient toolchain across Volvo Group Trucks Technology, ensuring that we provide the best development toolchain in the automotive business for our Software Developers. In this way, we can bring new products to the market quicker than our competition.

Who are you?
We believe that it's the right mindset that will make a difference within our organization. You are ready to challenge your team, your peers, and you feel comfortable in being challenged. With your strong technical passion and drive, you face change, ambiguity, and complexity with curiosity and are willing to look forward. A positive mindset and “can do attitude” characterize your personal profile. You understand that being accountable means driving activities inside as well as outside your own organization.
You are known for your clear communication, trust building capabilities, holistic view, and great ability to balance and prioritize. We also believe you have experience in creating and transforming efficient, collaborative, and high performative organizations with your strong ability to boost engagement, inclusion, and motivation. You are comfortable in taking tough decisions and standing up for the values of our company.

In addition, you have:
* University degree in software engineering, IT, or equivalent education.
* 5+ years experience being part of a software delivery organization, especially focused on continuous integration excellence and toolchain development for embedded software products.
* Strong leadership and managerial experience with personnel responsibilities, such as line management.
* Excellent stakeholder management skills.
* International work experience.

It's considered a merit if you have experience within the automotive industry and truck knowledge.

What can we offer?
We can offer you the opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment, which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from diverse cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product.

Due to summer vacations, all applications will be reviewed from the end of august. Please do not expect any communication earlier than this. We look forward to receiving your application!

Who we are and what we believe in
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Group Manager System Analysis Simulation

Ansök    Aug 10    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Take the opportunity to join the exciting change journey Powertrain Engineering (PE) is embarking on when creating the future powertrains for our customers as well as the future working place for our employees. This is us, your new colleagues at PE We are proud product owners for components, systems as well as complete powertrains. We are accountable for the lifecycle management of our products, from advanced engineering, through product development i... Visa mer

Take the opportunity to join the exciting change journey Powertrain Engineering (PE) is embarking on when creating the future powertrains for our customers as well as the future working place for our employees.
This is us, your new colleagues at PE
We are proud product owners for components, systems as well as complete powertrains. We are accountable for the lifecycle management of our products, from advanced engineering, through product development into the maintenance phase. The majority of our powertrain components are traditional diesel combustion engines but with a strong drive to be adapted to non fossil fuels such as biodiesels, HVO, Bio gas and also H2, after treatment systems, transmissions and axles. 

We stand in front of significant challenges – where reducing transport emitted CO2 emissions is one of the biggest – and we constantly work to adapting to take this on by simplifying and empowering our organization and way of working. As an integrated part of this we have high expectations to reduce development lead-time and cost and driving innovation and employee engagement through our leaders leading technology and people.
In this position you will be part of an organization dedicated to technology as well as empowering and developing our employees. We always use customer satisfaction as the ultimate performance measurement.

Responsibilities / Main tasks   
PE Sweden organization has the full worldwide Product platform responsibility for Heavy Duty Engines and transmission. We are as well responsible for the installation of Heavy duty powertrains in European Volvo Products.
We are a large organization consisting of roughly 850 employees in Gothenburg and Malmö.
The Combustion department is in charge of the development of 3 systems of the complete engine and their integration: Fuel Injection Equipment system, Air and Gas system and Combustion system.
Our ambition is to deliver optimized and fully verified complete combustion systems (hardware components, control strategies and calibration) providing best in class solutions to the end customers when integrated in the complete powertrain.

 As Group Manager Combustion System & Simulation for Combustion, you will have the responsibility for:
• Verify the Combustion system through simulation and correlate to real physical tests or any other relevant methods
• You and the team working with simulations will also support other areas within Powertrain engineering such as flow calculations for the oil and coolant system.
• Develop and maintain the required stakeholder’s interfaces such as the global engineering network or X-functional network.
• You and the team will be responsible for developing our simulation tools and competences and secure that it becomes a natural and integrated pert of our development.
• Develop methods and tools to secure quality assured development.
In our daily operations, close interaction within powertrain engineering, our suppliers and cross functional with other functions within GTT will be a necessity to be successful.
Of course you will be responsible to develop a highly skilled and positive team but you will also be a part of the combustion management team where we all are contributing to develop the complete section as well as our complete operations. You will lead a team consisting of roughly 13 employees.

Who are you? Are we a perfect match?
We expect you to be a person with a strong will to deliver and develop teams. 
A positive mindset, “can do attitude” and team work characterizes your personal profile. 
You understand that being accountable means driving activities inside as well as outside your own organization.
• You are holding a Master of Science or equivalent in engineering.
• You have a proven experience within Powertrain development
• You have a solid background in simulations.
• You like to drive and push for usage of simulations and see the importance of connecting simulations to physical testing
• You are well experienced in operating in a global environment and working with different sites.
• You enjoy balancing between strategic plans and short-term activities. You are comfortable in taking difficult decisions and standing up for the values of our company.
• Finding solutions and always try to improve both yourself and the team is a part of your DNA.
• Genuine interest in understanding how our products are used and how we should develop the systems to meet the legal, customer and society demands
What can we offer?
You get an opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.
Curious and want to know more? Please contact me! 
Julia Karlberg, Talent Acquisition Partner, [email protected]
Due to summer vacations, all questions regarding the process and applications will be reviewed from the 12th of august. Please do not expect any communication earlier than this.

Last application date 31st of august. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Site Manager

Ansök    Aug 5    Minnovation International AB    Manager
Site Manager/Overseas Site Manager Job Responsibility? 1. Make detailed installation and commissioning plans according to the project plan; 2. Prepare the site preparations in advance according to the site plan; 3. Collect and review all data of on-site installation; 4. Supervise and check the implementation of all work in accordance with the plan; 5, coordinate the on-site personnel to ensure the smooth implementation of the project; 6. Report site... Visa mer
Site Manager/Overseas Site Manager
Job Responsibility?
1. Make detailed installation and commissioning plans according to the project plan;
2. Prepare the site preparations in advance according to the site plan;
3. Collect and review all data of on-site installation;
4. Supervise and check the implementation of all work in accordance with the plan;
5, coordinate the on-site personnel to ensure the smooth implementation of the project;
6. Report site work progress and personnel arrangement to project manager;
7. Responsible for promoting the rectification of on-site problems, promoting the acceptance of the project according to the project schedule, and ensuring the smooth acceptance of the project;
8. Managed on-site staff, controlled the schedule and working hour budget of related project activities;
9. Reasonably arrange daily/weekly work plans for on-site staff according to the project schedule;
10. Good maintenance of customer relationship. Visa mindre

Operational Excellence Manager

We are now looking for a new colleague for the role as Operational Excellence Manager. It is an opportunity where you can make an impact, working with high profile projects and grow as a professional. You will be part of our fascinating and ambitious international environment with highly skilled and motivated colleagues. Join us! About the job You will be responsible for the deployment and execution of Operational Excellence activities within Integrate... Visa mer
We are now looking for a new colleague for the role as Operational Excellence Manager. It is an opportunity where you can make an impact, working with high profile projects and grow as a professional. You will be part of our fascinating and ambitious international environment with highly skilled and motivated colleagues. Join us!

About the job

You will be responsible for the deployment and execution of Operational Excellence activities within Integrated Supply Chain Operations (ISC) with key focus on our manufacturing sites in Sweden. This role is crucial in establishing and sustaining a long-term culture of operational excellence and continuous improvement within the ISC organization. You will lead critical growth-/improvement projects at sites, sometimes for the whole region and occasionally in functions.

In your future role as Operational Excellence Manager you will

•    Support and coach site teams and other functional teams to improve their performance, both in production and working methods
•    Identify performance losses/gaps and identify improvement opportunities 
•    Collaborate with SBG manufacturing excellence stakeholders to understand operational improvement opportunities. 
•    Coach, train, and guide sites on the Nouryon standard work processes (NLMS) and systems.
•    Assist in the development and deployment of the operational excellence program and initiatives and provide visibility of the program across the organization
•    Serve as the technical expert on the use and training of Lean Six Sigma (L6S) and on the use of the Nouryon ISC processes tools and systems

The location for this position is in Gothenburg and requires travelling to other sites up to approximately 30% of your time.

We believe you bring

•    Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or technical related field. 
•    5+ years operational (manufacturing, supply chain) experience/knowledge
•    Demonstrated high performance levels and ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment
•    Proven continuous improvement and Lean experience 
•    Strong communication / presentation skills and ability to collaborate across all levels of the organization
•    Strong facilitation and problem-solving skills applied in cross-functional teams
•    Excellent knowledge in English spoken and written
•    Knowledge in Swedish is highly meritorious

Great if you have

•    Certification within L6S
•    Self-starter capable of making decisions 
•    Metric-oriented with strong analytical skills and the ability to comprehend broad sets of data and drive impactful results

We believe you are

To be successful in this role, we seek individuals passionate about continuous improvement with Lean experience and strong communication skills. Furthermore, you are a customer-focused with a high level of social competence and act with integrity. You should be confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality in your work in a fast-paced environment. You also have an ability to work efficiently and know how to prioritize in your daily work together with others.

We offer you

At Nouryon, we provide a great job and friendly coworkers, plus benefits in addition to salary. Our collective agreement is with IKEM. Plus, we offer unilateral perks, such as bonus, reduced hours, wellness allowance, lunch allowance, and more. 

Good to know

This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to Operational Excellence Team Leader.
Please apply via our online recruitment system. We will not accept applications via e-mail. Once it's with us we will review to see if we have a match between your skills and the role! 

We look forward to receiving your application! 


We’re looking for tomorrow’s Changemakers, today. 

If you’re looking for your next career move, apply today and join Nouryon’s worldwide team of Changemakers in providing essential solutions that our customers use to manufacture everyday products such as personal care, cleaning, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Our employees are driven by the wish to make an impact and actively drive positive change. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions.


For additional information about the vacancy please contact hiring manager Kajsa Flodén, Operational Excellence Team Leader, [email protected]
If you have any questions about the recruitment process or your application or need assistance, please contact: [email protected] 

Union related contacts included here:

Akademikerklubben: Katarina Risö +46709577427 
Unionen: Helene Rosenlund, +46 708 21 18 39 ?? 
Ledarna: Sanna Backman, +46?709 57 71 03 

#WeAreNouryon #Changemakers Visa mindre

Section Manager, Visualization. Afry Experience Studios

Ansök    Jul 12    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY provides cutting-edge services in technology, design, digital transformation and management consulting. As experts in industry, energy, and infrastructure, we create value for future generations, with a global reach and strong Nordic roots. Together, we accelerate the transition to a more sustainable society. AFRY Experience Studios is a Design Studio with offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Malmö, UK, Bologna and Copenhagen. In ou... Visa mer
Company Description

AFRY provides cutting-edge services in technology, design, digital transformation and management consulting. As experts in industry, energy, and infrastructure, we create value for future generations, with a global reach and strong Nordic roots. Together, we accelerate the transition to a more sustainable society.
AFRY Experience Studios is a Design Studio with offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Malmö, UK, Bologna and Copenhagen. In our Gothenburg Studio - we are visualization artists, strategists, researchers, UX designers, service designers, surface designers, and product designers. In growing this business, we are looking for a Section Manager for one of our Visualization design Teams.

Job Description
You will join a group of visual designers and artists with a lot of joy, creativity and great experience in the visualization field. Here, we value a strong collaboration to jointly create the best experiences for our customers and their end users. We work to develop business for our customers through the design of new offers, digital services and products. As well as how our customers can use design methodology to drive innovation and solve complex challenges.
As Section Manager – You:
Lead a team around 20-30 professionals focused on Visualization design/communication.
Collaborate with the management to shape strategies for both internal and external stakeholders.
Coach and lead the consultants in the team and ensure that we have employees who thrive and develop with us.
Are responsible for your section's budget and drive towards set goals through customer contacts.
Are responsible for sales, recruitment and leadership/team development with support from our other section managers, recruiters and business developers.

A university degree in Visualization design or equivalent expertise.
At least 10 years of work experience in a relevant visualization design-oriented field
Proven leadership experience, as a manager, project lead, teamlead or similar.
We see previous experience in the consulting industry and buying/selling consulting services as highly meritorious.
Experience from the automotive industry is key.
Fluent in Swedish and English, both speech and writing.

We will place great emphasis on your personality. We believe that you will enjoy and succeed best in the role if you would like to describe yourself as:
Engaged with an ability to motivate people around you, lead by example.
Goal driven and result oriented.
Love to create long lasting relationships with people.
Genuine interest in supporting the individuals in the team to grow in their roles.
Keen eye for detail.
Strong multi-tasking skills.
Innovation-driven mindset.
Flexibility and excellent communication skills
Cooperative and imaginative approach
A person with the heart in the right place

Additional Information
AFRY ranks as one of Sweden's most popular employers. We know that employees who feel good, both physically and mentally, are the most important success factor. Therefore, we focus on a safe working environment and a balance between work and leisure. We want you to have an everyday life that works for you.

Additional Information
Business Sub Segment Manager Olof Stenlund olof.stenlund@@afry.com
Recruitment Partner Jelena Katz [email protected]

AFRY is committed to creating an inclusive & diverse environment and we are actively looking for qualified candidates irrespective of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, or age. You will be part of a global and diverse company where our differences are our strengths. Join us to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society
At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

Group Manager Hardware Platform Management

Ansök    Jul 31    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the ne... Visa mer
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation.
Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of making this change happening in our industry! The Electromobility organization is responsible for the complete development lifecycle of our electric powertrains – from advanced engineering through product development into the maintenance phase.

What you will do
The function Energy Storage Engineering (ESE) is accountable for the end-to-end process of developing, verifying, and delivering battery pack HW platform and components in accordance with system requirements and project scope. It plays a crucial role in contributing to architecture, system design, and the technical roadmap, ensuring component quality and safety throughout, and serving as the primary interface with Group Trucks Purchasing (GTP) and Group Trucks Operations (GTO) to drive collaboration and efficiency in electromobility initiatives.
The Group Manager Hardware Platform Management is a challenging position with a large influence on strategical and conceptual deliveries. Your responsibility will lay in overseeing project plans and development strategies for the battery pack HW platform as well as managing product documentation and release. You will work closely with the other functions in ESE and Complete Propulsion System. The key to success is to drive innovation by the ability to actively manage change, balancing and handling multiple and competing priorities within a fast-paced environment.  You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, way of working and set new structures for internal and external stakeholders. Your deep understanding of complete technical solutions, market experience, stakeholder management abilities in the automotive industry, and proficiency in processes and deliverables, coupled with your ability to take action, will enable you to successfully lead your team and elevate the Energy Storage Engineering function in Electromobility to the next level.

Who are you?

We believe that you are a visionary leader who thrives on turning strategies into reality. Your ability to inspire teams, drive execution excellence to delivery on time with high quality standard and cultivate a culture of growth and accountability will be essential. With a strong customer orientation and a track record of building high-performing teams, you'll be a key player in steering our organization toward success. You're a mentor, coach and advocate for your team. Your leadership style is characterized by empathy, integrity, and a commitment to fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. You empower and support your team members to reach their full potential, driving purpose and delivering results. You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, way of working and set new structures for internal and external stakeholders. Effective communication and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. You engage with internal and external stakeholders at all levels, fostering strong partnerships and aligning efforts to achieve shared goals. 
As a person we believe that you have a can-do attitude and a result-oriented mindset, which will help you to take on challenging assignments in a successful way. You can easily make decisions based upon the mix of facts and aligned assumptions with uncertainty. In a dynamic environment, effective priority and risk management is essential. You excel in identifying critical path activities, mitigating risks, and optimizing to ensure short-term needs with long-term strategic goals.

Important competences required for this role

•    MSc degree in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering or similar
•    Experience of line managerial role (leading people level) in international environment, proven track record of building diverse teams and turning them into great ones.
•    Solid understanding and experience of automotive development processes.
•    Solid experience and understanding of Energy Storage - extensive experience of battery pack and component development.
•    Proven track record in driving project excellence, with experience in overseeing complex initiatives from concept to completion. 
•    Experience in Hardware and platform management and governance is highly meritorious.
Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Michael Balthasar - Vice President Energy Storage Engineering, [email protected] 
Last application date: 18th of August 2024. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Group Manager System Analysis Simulation

Ansök    Jul 11    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Take the opportunity to join the exciting change journey Powertrain Engineering (PE) is embarking on when creating the future powertrains for our customers as well as the future working place for our employees. This is us, your new colleagues at PE We are proud product owners for components, systems as well as complete powertrains. We are accountable for the lifecycle management of our products, from advanced engineering, through product development i... Visa mer

Take the opportunity to join the exciting change journey Powertrain Engineering (PE) is embarking on when creating the future powertrains for our customers as well as the future working place for our employees.
This is us, your new colleagues at PE
We are proud product owners for components, systems as well as complete powertrains. We are accountable for the lifecycle management of our products, from advanced engineering, through product development into the maintenance phase. The majority of our powertrain components are traditional diesel combustion engines but with a strong drive to be adapted to non fossil fuels such as biodiesels, HVO, Bio gas and also H2, after treatment systems, transmissions and axles. 

We stand in front of significant challenges – where reducing transport emitted CO2 emissions is one of the biggest – and we constantly work to adapting to take this on by simplifying and empowering our organization and way of working. As an integrated part of this we have high expectations to reduce development lead-time and cost and driving innovation and employee engagement through our leaders leading technology and people.
In this position you will be part of an organization dedicated to technology as well as empowering and developing our employees. We always use customer satisfaction as the ultimate performance measurement.

Responsibilities / Main tasks   
PE Sweden organization has the full worldwide Product platform responsibility for Heavy Duty Engines and transmission. We are as well responsible for the installation of Heavy duty powertrains in European Volvo Products.
We are a large organization consisting of roughly 850 employees in Gothenburg and Malmö.
The Combustion department is in charge of the development of 3 systems of the complete engine and their integration: Fuel Injection Equipment system, Air and Gas system and Combustion system.
Our ambition is to deliver optimized and fully verified complete combustion systems (hardware components, control strategies and calibration) providing best in class solutions to the end customers when integrated in the complete powertrain.

 As Group Manager Combustion System & Simulation for Combustion, you will have the responsibility for:
• Verify the Combustion system through simulation and correlate to real physical tests or any other relevant methods
• You and the team working with simulations will also support other areas within Powertrain engineering such as flow calculations for the oil and coolant system.
• Develop and maintain the required stakeholder’s interfaces such as the global engineering network or X-functional network.
• You and the team will be responsible for developing our simulation tools and competences and secure that it becomes a natural and integrated pert of our development.
• Develop methods and tools to secure quality assured development.
In our daily operations, close interaction within powertrain engineering, our suppliers and cross functional with other functions within GTT will be a necessity to be successful.
Of course you will be responsible to develop a highly skilled and positive team but you will also be a part of the combustion management team where we all are contributing to develop the complete section as well as our complete operations. You will lead a team consisting of roughly 13 employees.

Who are you? Are we a perfect match?
We expect you to be a person with a strong will to deliver and develop teams. 
A positive mindset, “can do attitude” and team work characterizes your personal profile. 
You understand that being accountable means driving activities inside as well as outside your own organization.
• You are holding a Master of Science or equivalent in engineering.
• You have a proven experience within Powertrain development
• You have a solid background in simulations.
• You like to drive and push for usage of simulations and see the importance of connecting simulations to physical testing
• You are well experienced in operating in a global environment and working with different sites.
• You enjoy balancing between strategic plans and short-term activities. You are comfortable in taking difficult decisions and standing up for the values of our company.
• Finding solutions and always try to improve both yourself and the team is a part of your DNA.
• Genuine interest in understanding how our products are used and how we should develop the systems to meet the legal, customer and society demands
What can we offer?
You get an opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.
Curious and want to know more? Please contact me! 
Julia Karlberg, Talent Acquisition Partner, [email protected]
Due to summer vacations, all questions regarding the process and applications will be reviewed from the 12th of august. Please do not expect any communication earlier than this.

Last application date 31st of august. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Department Program Manager - Safety & Durability Labs

Ansök    Jul 11    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

About us
Safety has always been one of Volvo Cars strongest core values. At Safety and Durability Lab, we perform tests in all phases on component, system, and vehicle level, to support our vision when it comes to safety. We support R&D with development-, correlation-, verification- and certification tests.

What you will do
As a Department Program Manager (DPM), you will be responsible for deliverables from the Safety Lab. This entails owning the backlog and the prioritization, utilization rate and delivery performance. It also includes to balance and develop the lab capability and capacity with the Engineering Manager, as well as to be responsible for the interface with stakeholders and other involved areas. You will be the driver of the long-term execution plan and support the teams when needed in short-term priorities and discussions with stakeholders.

Together with the teams within Safety Lab and your colleagues in the management team, you will develop and implement future strategies and investments needs for the labs. You will also continue to develop prerequisites for effective collaboration with Stakeholders as ARTs, attributes, and other areas, both internal and external Volvo Cars.

You will be part of the management team in the Safety and Durability Lab. We want to offer you the possibility to grow as a leader and there is a great foundation of leadership experience to rest against in the management team.

You will collaborate closely with the Engineering Managers for Safety Lab & Technical Development to continue to grow an open, fun and trusting environment where we develop the teams to meet a fast-changing future. 

About you
We believe you have a Master’s degree in science or equivalent work experience. Experience from working in product development is meritorious for this position. Preferable, you have worked with Crash Safety and has good knowledge in testing rigs in this field.

You have a big interest in cars and technology. To be successful in balancing stakeholders needs to performed rig tests, good knowledge in testing rigs is vital. You are fluent in English and Swedish - both written and spoken. You have leadership experience as perhaps Engineering Manager, Product Owner, or Senior Engineer. You like to communicate and connect business sense with technology.
On a personal level, you have a genuine interest in both technology and leadership, and you don’t hesitate to challenge status quo. You are engaging and motivated with a genuine initiative and the ability to make things happen. You are an accessible leader who wants to support the Engineering Managers in the development of the technology capabilities and the teams, to assure we develop the right competence in line with long term technical strategies.

Like to know more?  
For questions regarding the position please contact Hiring Manager Mattias Hedendahl at [email protected]
For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Senior Recruiter Kristin Lövgren at [email protected].

You are welcome to register your profile and attach your application documents via the link below, please note that due to GDPR we can’t handle applications via email. We welcome your application by the 18th of August at the latest. Visa mindre

Group Manager Tools & Automation

Ansök    Jul 11    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Transp... Visa mer
Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.

Shaping tomorrow’s technology
At Vehicle Technology, we are passionate about shaping tomorrow’s technology to create excellent sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions to make the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe, and driver-friendly solutions, we develop top-quality services, and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with innovative tools and methods.
At Vehicle Software Factory, a part of Vehicle Technology, we test and release Group Trucks Technology complete software deliveries and understand the full product, hardware, and software.

About the role
In Product Technology, we are responsible to provide Group Trucks Technology with great machinery of Continuous Integration, advanced simulation, and applications used in software development.
As our Group Manager for Tools & Automation, you will play a vital role in shaping a new area where the ambition is to increase efficiency in our software development and deliveries. You will work close to the business side with your team to create a highly aligned and efficient toolchain across Volvo Group Trucks Technology, ensuring that we provide the best development toolchain in the automotive business for our Software Developers. In this way, we can bring new products to the market quicker than our competition.

Who are you?
We believe that it's the right mindset that will make a difference within our organization. You are ready to challenge your team, your peers, and you feel comfortable in being challenged. With your strong technical passion and drive, you face change, ambiguity, and complexity with curiosity and are willing to look forward. A positive mindset and “can do attitude” characterize your personal profile. You understand that being accountable means driving activities inside as well as outside your own organization.
You are known for your clear communication, trust building capabilities, holistic view, and great ability to balance and prioritize. We also believe you have experience in creating and transforming efficient, collaborative, and high performative organizations with your strong ability to boost engagement, inclusion, and motivation. You are comfortable in taking tough decisions and standing up for the values of our company.

In addition, you have:
* University degree in software engineering, IT, or equivalent education.
* 5+ years experience being part of a software delivery organization, especially focused on continuous integration excellence and toolchain development for embedded software products.
* Strong leadership and managerial experience with personnel responsibilities, such as line management.
* Excellent stakeholder management skills.
* International work experience.

It's considered a merit if you have experience within the automotive industry and truck knowledge.

What can we offer?
We can offer you the opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment, which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from diverse cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product.

Due to summer vacations, all applications will be reviewed from the end of august. Please do not expect any communication earlier than this. We look forward to receiving your application!

Who we are and what we believe in
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. We are committed to removing the barriers to entry, which is why we ask that even if you feel you may not meet every qualification on the job description, please apply and let us decide.
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Plant Project Manager - Torslanda

Ansök    Jul 9    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What´s in it for you? 
Plant Business Office belongs to Plant Engineering at Volvo Cars Torslanda within global manufacturing and are divided into two main areas, Plant Project Management & Plant Specialists.
Plant Business Office is the the plant strategical competence handling all matters on plant level. Responsible for early phases in body, casting, paint, battery and assembly shop for both product and non-product projects and is driving the vision layout towards ideal state in the complete plant and is supporting running production within our area of responsibilities.   
Our main customer is Production, Manufacturing Engineering, Logistics, Facility, Maintenance and Sustainability. Our deliveries are leading investigations and pre studies to enhance the output from the plant and to fulfil our KPI targets by presenting different business case within efficiency, vision layouts, flow simulations and sustainability.
We are now looking for a sr Plant Project Manager in early phases for Paint Shop and to keep together projects and flows across Volvo Cars Torslanda. 

What you’ll do
As Plant Project Manager, you will encompass setting a comprehensive long-term plan spanning over a decade to ensure the attainment of our objectives. This includes the vision layout and step-by-step plans for Paint Shop, as well as for the entire site and its stakeholders. You will be aligning these plans with other plant strategies related to processes, sustainability, people experience, and mobility while also developing a feasible technical timeline.
You will oversee the budget forecasting process by initiating, collecting, challenging, and motivating investment requests. You will conduct pre-studies related to capacity, industrial structure, efficiency, and future state manufacturing. This in close collaboration with the manufacturing business project office, manufacturing engineering, plant supply chain engineering, central logistics, and purchasing departments.

Additionally, you will be involved in early-phase project management, specifically before the pre-PC gate and financial approval of product and non-product projects. Your responsibility will include concepts, time, technique, cost, KPI fulfilment and project resource planning.

The Plant Project Manager works strategically where all deliverables will be evaluated with regards to the MR27 objectives within manufacturing. You will be responsible for planning both winter and summer shutdown activities. Furthermore, you will organize and cluster different activities on shop and plant level. 

You and your profile
We are looking for a committed and inspiring manager who is enthusiastic about project management. The right person has the ability to influence others and drive change. You have high integrity and establish trust-based relationships to better serve the organization through your great communication skills. Can do attitude with the ability for details and at same time take high level view and ownership. 
We see that you have a minimum of 5 years of experience in manufacturing and/or paint functions, and/or strong in project management, combined with a master’s degree in engineering or equivalent. For you to be successful in this role, you should demonstrate extensive knowledge of our paint process. You have a strong interest in lean process design and flows, along with the ability to acquire profound knowledge of lean fundamentals, ideal state layouts, lead time mapping, zone capacity, and other process design tools.

The successful candidate should demonstrate a commitment to self-development, as being a quick learner and having the ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
You are fluent in English and Swedish. 

How to learn more and apply
Kindly register your application via our Recruitment Tool as soon as possible but no later than 12th of May.
Due to GDPR, applications via email are not accepted. 
For questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact Hiring Manager Kristoffer Mann, [email protected]. If you have questions related to the recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Ida Hellberg, [email protected].  
We will do our best to keep you continuously updated during the recruitment process. The recruitment is ongoing, and you may be contacted before the last application date. Visa mindre

Acting Manager Technical Analysis and Supplier Warranty Recovery Sweden

Ansök    Jul 5    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
The Technical Analysis and Supplier Warranty Recovery (TA&SWR;) team, part of Volvo Group Trucks Technology, is looking for an acting manager of the team in Sweden, for a period of 6 months. TA&SWR; is a global team who drives Supplier Warranty recovery and contributes to warranty spend reduction for our suppliers, hereby directly contributing to Group Trucks Brands and Business Areas profitability. The core activities entail confirming technical responsi... Visa mer
The Technical Analysis and Supplier Warranty Recovery (TA&SWR;) team, part of Volvo Group Trucks Technology, is looking for an acting manager of the team in Sweden, for a period of 6 months.
TA&SWR; is a global team who drives Supplier Warranty recovery and contributes to warranty spend reduction for our suppliers, hereby directly contributing to Group Trucks Brands and Business Areas profitability. The core activities entail confirming technical responsibility and liability in component failure modes, and negotiating recovery with suppliers within our contractual frameworks, in collaboration with Purchasing, Engineering, internal and external legal counsel, third part technical experts and truck brands aftermarket organization. As such, TA&SWR; is managing Warranty Material Analysis cross-functionally with stakeholders and is also responsible to act upon the supplier contractual obligation and strengthening AB Volvo legal position for what pertains to warranty. Through the recovery process, TA&SWR; creates incentives to improve product quality.
TA&SWR; is one team of skilled professional operating in the sites of Gothenburg (Sweden), Lyon (France), Greensboro and Hagerstown (U.S.A.), and Curitiba (Brazil), owning their business and accountable for supplier warranty portfolio management.
TA&SWR; operates in a matrix, with regional governance towards Trucks brands, supported by global governance for top platform warranty cases.
Main responsibilities
Secure teams deliver Supplier Warranty Recovery in cross-functional and collaborative work with Purchasing and Engineering, building strong relationships
Drive teams to act upon the supplier contractual obligation towards AB Volvo and constantly strive to strengthen the Group legal position
Drive teams’ competence development, strategic continuous improvement activities and standardization of warranty/quality best practices.
Represents warranty as required within the Group or with external stakeholders

Essential skills and needed experience
Master of Science or Master of Business Administration
At least 5 years line management experience.
Demonstrating a high level of competence in the following leadership competencies: customer focus, decision quality, build effective teams, action-oriented and drives engagement.
Interest in Technology and high technical understanding
Go to Gemba approach.
Understand company’s financials.
Business mindset, comfortable with negotiation
Acts with high integrity
Able to demonstrate successful international business experience within a global network
Continuous improvement mindset

Location: The position is based in Göteborg, Sweden Visa mindre

Assistant Store Manager, Arkaden

Ansök    Jul 3    ITX Sverige AB    Manager
ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER FULL TIME POSITION Reporting to Store Manager KeyResponsibilities: To manage the store on a day to day basis whilst balancing strategic goals of the company. To run all aspects of the store operating in line with company objectives and the direction from the store manager. To implement and follow up the strategies decided by the store manager and ensure business is running with its same efficiency. Support the store manager in al... Visa mer
Reporting to Store Manager
KeyResponsibilities: To manage the store on a day to day basis whilst balancing strategic goals of the company. To run all aspects of the store operating in line with company objectives and the direction from the store manager. To implement and follow up the strategies decided by the store manager and ensure business is running with its same efficiency. Support the store manager in all the decision taking involving every aspect of the store and collaborate covering all business areas.
PRODUCT • To drive marketing initiatives and store’s sales performance based on the analysis and actions of the commercial reports and visual layout. • To meet sales budget after the correct implementation of the store and company strategy and the correct usage of resources and company tools. • To be well informed about current industry trends analysing the competitors market in order to maximise profitability for the store. • Supports product manager in controlling and managing stock, ensuring showcase of product follow company standards and follows the company and store ranking , product rotation and needs, devolutions alongside the product managers in Spain. • Maintain and promote the highest standard of image in the store at all times, ensure • Performs commercial visits in all departments and support commercial teams. • Manage and maintain good working relationships and communication with product departments in the central office in Spain.
OPERATIONS • Maximise store profits by the utilisation of the company’s internal tools and platforms provided such as SINT and IPod sales • Control all type of store cost such as uniforms, stationary, cleaning, telephone, all in line with company budgets. • Reporting of store maintenance issues to be communicated to general services department following the company guidelines to maintain a strong brand image. • To meet targets and ensure that procedures are in place, driving and correcting when necessary for the following: security and shrinkage, cash desk management, administration and stock management • Supports the operations manager in solving problematic situations • To ensure that order and replenishment of store is done timely and effectively ensuring at the same time that back areas are organised effectively.
PEOPLE • To ensure processes for reporting working hours are followed timely and accurately with corrections being maintained in line with company expectation. • To produce strategies to control overtime ratio based on analysis and understanding of store activity and expectations designing an ideal coverage of the store based on the real needs maximising the productivity of the store, adapting the strategy when targets are not met. • Forecasting recruitment needs for the store throughout the year, ensuring the authorisation procedures and fair selection process has been followed. . • Hours: To overlook the budget of hours are managed in the store effectively respecting the company shift pattern, work life balance and applicable labour law regulations. • To initiate ideas and contribute to all Brand projects to improve performance • To overlook case management with the People Manager, identifying and communicating high risk cases to the correspondent departments. • Ensure the store is complaint with all company initiatives and lead by example to perpetuate the Zara culture. • To actively identify members of your team with development potential and build a continuous internal succession plan. • To develop the team through performance reviews and Personal development plans utilizing the Leap application and monitor their progression • To overlook that inductions and trainings are carried out for all new starters and current employees inside the store following the company guidelines. • To deliver constructive feedback in a positive and honest manner, using specific examples in regards to the employee performance, setting achievable goals to support the employees' development • To overlook that good housekeeping is maintained throughout all areas in the store and procedures in reporting maintenance issues to general services are being followed. • Comply with the company health and safety policy • Supports the manager people on the consecution of all store goals and individual needs
EXPERIENCE • To ensure the highest possible level of service in the store with the aim of having the customer as the focus of our operations. • To drive, monitor and implement CX plans in the store with the aim of a direct impact on the experience KPI, customer satisfaction and employee sills development • To be an ambassador in the company's sustainability project and ensure that the company upholds and works towards finding new, innovative and economically reductive ways to stay sustainable. • Overlook the strategy from the experience manager ensuring a constant impact on the daily store operations Skills • Ability to motivate people, instil accountability and achieve results. • Forward planning skills and strategic thinking • Passionate about fashion, fabrics and company product. • Strong leadership qualities with ability to set goals and establish performance standards. • Identifies problems, reacts accordingly with initiative and problem solving • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to manage conflict and positively influence others. • Excellent communication skills • High levels of Numeracy Skills This job description is designed to help you understand your role better and to improve the effectiveness of our recruitment process.
It is not an exhaustive list of all the things that you may be required to do and maybe required to take on additional tasks.
Inditex is an equal opportunities employer. We are proud of being fully committed to diversity and multiculturalism. Our teams include people from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, including a mix of race, Gender, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, age, education, socioeconomic groups, disabilities, Religious beliefs, sexual orientation etc. Inditex champions a culture inclusion and acceptance. Visa mindre

People Manager

Ansök    Jul 3    ITX Sverige AB    Manager
MANAGER PEOPLE FULL TIME POSITION Reporting to Store manager, HR officer and campus manager Key responsibilities Has people as its main driver at work. Analyses the work environment with the aim of improving. Manage internal employee relations and union. Has a 360 overview of the store PEOPLE • Ensures fair rotas are available to the team time with shift patterns and legal compliance respected in accordance with store strategy and with the support f... Visa mer
Reporting to Store manager, HR officer and campus manager
Key responsibilities Has people as its main driver at work. Analyses the work environment with the aim of
improving. Manage internal employee relations and union. Has a 360 overview of the
• Ensures fair rotas are available to the team time with shift patterns and legal
compliance respected in accordance with store strategy and with the support
from manager operations and supervision of the store manager.
• Monitors hours and productivity across all store areas and provides reports on store
performance. Highlights concerning results and advices on actions accordingly.
• Analyse reports and create action plans for improvement for HR KPI’s (e.g. ETO,
Absenteeism, Overtime, Retention).
• Coordinate any payroll changes with Payroll and Regional People Manager.
• Responsible for the forecast of the store recruitment needs and development
• Working closely with campus, coordinate recruitment activity for the store, from
placing adverts, vacancy authorisation, screening CVs, organising interviews,
managing feedback.
• Ensure effective induction process, working closely with the management team.
• Responsible for an effective calendar to ensure mangers holds regular 121s
meeting and provide the relevant support and training.
• Makes sure continued training is being provided across the store at all levels
driving initiatives regarding training opportunities and development of the team
according to store’s needs.
• Talent is identified and makes sure employee’s progress is monitored and
developed according to Leap guidelines to support strong succession plans for
the store, region and country.
• Has a strong dedication to the employee well being.
• Responsible for ensuring Morning Meetings and store Meetings are carried out with
meaningful content producing content when no guidelines are set to the stores.
• Ensuring all the terms and conditions within both permanent and fixed term
contracts are respected and controlled in the store. Non-compliance issues are
flagged and remedy.
• Makes sure that HR policies and procedures are embedded in the store, training is
constantly provided and the processes are followed ensuring legal compliance.
• Proactively supports and coaches managers to hold ER meetings according to
company guidelines and best practice (Flexible working requests, Return to Work
meetings, Performance Management, Attendance meetings, Investigations, etc).
• Ensure effective internal communication as a store, participating in any managers
• Monitors, identifies and resolve issues affecting team morale or performance.
Always driving motivational and engaging initiatives.
• Ensures all areas in the compliance report are achieved and all documentation is
kept according company guidelines.
• Responsible to provide training according to store needs.
• Maintain H&S board and certificates up to date.
• Welfare areas are well kept supporting the employee’s wellbeing.
• Regional checklist is actioned according to company expectations and action
plans in place when necessary.
• Works alongside the manager operations ensuring the perfect coverage of every
process of the store organising regular catch ups to review the coverage, needs
and individual performance of the employees.
• Works alongside the manager product towards the maintenance of store image
and the promotion of the commercial actions
• Collaborates with the manager product in the talent acquisition and training of
the commercial profiles.
• Together with the manager experience helps implementing concrete store
actions directed to improve the service in all areas and the overall customer
• Schedule regular morning meetings together with the experience team and
collaborates creating training plans for the staff.
Skills • Strong communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
• High level of attention to detail.
• Initiative to identify and solve problems and opportunities to be proactive.
• Team player and ability to work autonomously when needed.
• Self-motivated. Takes ownership of their own development. Endorses responsibility
for their own actions.
• Interest and understanding of applicable labour law.
• Strong organizational and time management skills. Ability to multitask.
• Commercial awareness.
• Able to positively influence and persuade others.
• This job description is designed to help you understand your role better and to improve the
effectiveness of our recruitment process. It is not an exhaustive list of all the things that you
may be required to do and maybe required to take on additional tasks.
• Inditex is an equal opportunities employer. We are proud of being fully committed to diversity
and multiculturalism. Our teams include people from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds,
and experiences, including a mix of race, Gender, gender identity and expression, ethnicity,
age, education, socioeconomic groups, disabilities, Religious beliefs, sexual orientation etc.
Inditex champions a culture inclusion and acceptance. Visa mindre

Operations Manager

Ansök    Jul 3    ITX Sverige AB    Manager
MANAGER OPERATIONS FULL TIME POSITION Reporting to Store manager, Head of retail, Head of operations Key responsibilities Responsible of all processes in store ensuring its complete functionality. Manage all operational aspects of the store, both front and back of house, improving its efficiency and finding alternative solutions with the aim of improving the store functionality. OPERATIONS • Works together with its team and the store manager to ensur... Visa mer
Reporting to Store manager, Head of retail, Head of operations

Key responsibilities
Responsible of all processes in store ensuring its complete functionality. Manage all
operational aspects of the store, both front and back of house, improving its efficiency
and finding alternative solutions with the aim of improving the store functionality.
• Works together with its team and the store manager to ensure that product flow and
presentation is always optimal and follows the commercial strategy of the store,
ensuring all product journey is always correctly followed from the back areas to all
different stages on the floor.
• Coordinate the team in both front and back of house to maximise all processes on
the store.
• Develops and implement new operational projects after its own analysis of the store
operative or as an answer after the company strategy with the aim of improving the
processes in store.
• To support the general manager with security procedures to minimise stock loss and
produce action plans accordingly.
• Works together with the store manager on implementing and following best practices
culture and security procedures on the till and its users ensuring the correct training.
• Together with the store manager leads the process in store of inventory and merma.
• To be responsible for the maintenance of store’s electronic Devices, telephones,
Ipads, Ipods, bluebirds and apply troubleshooting techniques when needed, follows
up all ATS and cases open.
• Responsible for SINT organisation managing daily deadlines and maximising online
packages to increase store probability. Manage and control all warehouse spaces
adapting them to its season.
• Manage all warehouse spaces adapting them to the season and product reality.
• To overlook replenishment is done in a timely and effective manner through all the
departments and find ways in improving efficiency in line with company guidelines.
• Maintaining a healthy stock level in the stockroom by conducting frequent and
efficient returns to the warehouse following the company guidelines.
• Analyse operational reports/KPI: 25R replenishment ranking, success of devolutions,
confirmation of transfers and strategize plans for improvement.
• Manage and oversee the whole delivery process in all its stages to ensure its line with
the company target productivity.
• Overlook the organisation of the fitting room money mapping rail operations ensuring
its efficient and effective.
• To ensure good housekeeping is maintained throughout all areas in the store and to
communicate with the senior management team in case an accident happens.
• To be aware of the risks of employees and customers are exposed to and to be
aware of safe work practices and company procedures to overcome them.
• Comply with the Company Health & Safety Policy.
• Works together with the manager people and store manager towards and effective
distribution of the resources in the store supporting the team on the correct allocation
and planning of resources.
• Promote the correct work culture in store following all company guidelines
• To actively identify members of the team team with development potential and build
a continuous internal succession plan
• To develop the team through performance reviews and Personal development plans
using the Leap application and monitor their progression
• Promote HR Policies and Procedures and the Code of Conduct in the store by sharing
information with the team and leading by example
• To ensure a high level of customer satisfaction is offered in the store.
• To support experience manager with product management and collaboration
between the operation team and the manager experience in all actions to
implement in the store.
• To effectively resolve customer queries and manage conflict and understand and
implement effectively the return policy.
• To be an ambassador in the company's sustainability project and ensure that the
company upholds and works towards finding new, innovative and economically
reductive ways to stay sustainable
• Work alongside the manager product ensuring the product flow is always up to
Company standards.
• Support actively the manager product work with the correct maintenance of the
floor in all area
• Ensure a correct product strategy is followed in the store with a deep control on the
product level using positively all corporate tools

Skills • Lead by example, motivating and developing employees
• Forward planning skills and strategic thinking
• Time management and strong organisational skills - Delegation
• Identifies problems, reacts accordingly with initiative and problem solving
• People and Interpersonal Skills – Mentoring
• Positive attitude towards self-development
• Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
• Good verbal and written communication skills
• Numeracy is Skills
This job description is designed to help you understand your role better and to improve the effectiveness of our
recruitment process. It is not an exhaustive list of all the things that you may be required to do and maybe required
to take on additional tasks.
Inditex is an equal opportunities employer. We are proud of being fully committed to diversity and multiculturalism.
Our teams include people from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, including a mix of race,
Gender, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, age, education, socioeconomic groups, disabilities, Religious
beliefs, sexual orientation etc. Inditex champions a culture of inclusion and acceptance Visa mindre

Product Manager

Ansök    Jul 3    ITX Sverige AB    Manager
MANAGER PRODUCT FULL TIME POSITION Reporting to Store manager, Head of retail, Heads of product Key Responsibilities Responsible for the commercial identity of the whole store. PRODUCT • Analyse the progress of each department in order to achieve the sales target. • Uses all the appropriate tools for analysis and implement the correct strategy and commercial action per department. • Understand the product of the total store and is able to provide feedb... Visa mer
Reporting to Store manager, Head of retail, Heads of product

Key Responsibilities Responsible for the commercial identity of the whole store.
• Analyse the progress of each department in order to achieve the sales target.
• Uses all the appropriate tools for analysis and implement the correct strategy
and commercial action per department.
• Understand the product of the total store and is able to provide feedback and
requests to regional structure and head quarters on the particular needs of the store,
based on the sales analysis, stock analysis and competitors and trends understanding.
• Review the plans from each head of product by department.
• Ensures the product journey is respected and follows company standards at all
• Forecast sales and provide the team with an effective commercial calendar
adjusted to the store commercial strategy.
• Masters the knowledge of all corporate analysis tools and transmit this
knowledge to all commercial teams
• Analyse and apply effectively all weekly strategies and its own weekly/monthly
strategies based on the knowledge of the store performance and all different lines of
product by department (clothes, shoes, perfumes)
• Responsible for the planning and implementation of special actions in store and
special sale periods.
• Main responsible for the store image which will maintain after the
implementation of the correct changes of layout and merchandising
• Works alongside the rest of the managers of the house towards its objectives in
regards image, product and merchandising, ensuring image is kept and product
allocation is always correct.
• Ensures the layout of furniture of the store is always correct and reports to the
store manager all necessary adjustments
• Programs the delivery of merchandise together with the manager operation
ensuring the process will have a positive and on time implementation on the floor.
• Has regular contact and coordinate the necessary action plans together with the
rest of manger operations and its team to ensure product journey follows
company standards at all times.
• Has a deep control on all commercial processes that has an effect on the general
operative of the store.
• Supervise and controls the stock level and ensures all departments are performing
the necessary destockings.
• Ensures the commercial team is at all times developed and provides and
schedules all necessary trainings.
• Identify potential new members for the commercial team and ensures the
collaboration with the manager people and its team to ensure the correct training.
• Has regular weekly setups with the team of heads of product and visual
commercials ensuring the information and goals are always clear for the team
promoting a good work environment.
• Promote HR Policies and Procedures and the Code of Conduct in the store by
sharing information with the team and leading by example
• To develop the commercial through performance reviews and Personal
development plans using the Leap application and monitor their progression
• Supports the manager experience in all topics connected with product and
commerciality such as trainings and product explanation.
• Works alongside the experience team towards the objective of promoting the
best customer experience in the store.

Skills • Ability to motivate people, instil accountability and achieve results.
• Strong analytical Skills with ability to transform it on fast concrete actions
• Passionate about fashion, fabrics and company product.
• Strong leadership qualities with ability to set goals and establish performance
• Identifies problems, reacts accordingly with initiative and problem solving
• Strong interpersonal skills with ability to manage conflict and positively influence
others. Importance of mentoring
• Excellent communication skills
• High levels of Numeracy Skills
• Lead by example, motivating and developing employees
• Time management and strong organisational skills – Delegation
• Identifies problems, reacts accordingly with initiative and problem solving
• Maintain a positive attitude and Customer Service - Works under pressure and
reacts in a professional manner
This job description is designed to help you understand your role better and to improve the effectiveness of our
recruitment process. It is not an exhaustive list of all the things that you may be required to do and maybe required
to take on additional tasks.
Inditex is an equal opportunities employer. We are proud of being fully committed to diversity and multiculturalism.
Our teams include people from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, including a mix of race,
Gender, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, age, education, socioeconomic groups, disabilities, Religious
beliefs, sexual orientation etc. Inditex champions a culture inclusion and acceptance. Visa mindre

Group Manager Hardware Platform Management

Ansök    Jul 1    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the ne... Visa mer
Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation.
Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of making this change happening in our industry! The Electromobility organization is responsible for the complete development lifecycle of our electric powertrains – from advanced engineering through product development into the maintenance phase.

What you will do
The function Energy Storage Engineering (ESE) is accountable for the end-to-end process of developing, verifying, and delivering battery pack HW platform and components in accordance with system requirements and project scope. It plays a crucial role in contributing to architecture, system design, and the technical roadmap, ensuring component quality and safety throughout, and serving as the primary interface with Group Trucks Purchasing (GTP) and Group Trucks Operations (GTO) to drive collaboration and efficiency in electromobility initiatives.
The Group Manager Hardware Platform Management is a challenging position with a large influence on strategical and conceptual deliveries. Your responsibility will lay in overseeing project plans and development strategies for the battery pack HW platform as well as managing product documentation and release. You will work closely with the other functions in ESE and Complete Propulsion System. The key to success is to drive innovation by the ability to actively manage change, balancing and handling multiple and competing priorities within a fast-paced environment.  You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, way of working and set new structures for internal and external stakeholders. Your deep understanding of complete technical solutions, market experience, stakeholder management abilities in the automotive industry, and proficiency in processes and deliverables, coupled with your ability to take action, will enable you to successfully lead your team and elevate the Energy Storage Engineering function in Electromobility to the next level.

Who are you?

We believe that you are a visionary leader who thrives on turning strategies into reality. Your ability to inspire teams, drive execution excellence to delivery on time with high quality standard and cultivate a culture of growth and accountability will be essential. With a strong customer orientation and a track record of building high-performing teams, you'll be a key player in steering our organization toward success. You're a mentor, coach and advocate for your team. Your leadership style is characterized by empathy, integrity, and a commitment to fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. You empower and support your team members to reach their full potential, driving purpose and delivering results. You have the experience to optimize the efficiency of existing processes, way of working and set new structures for internal and external stakeholders. Effective communication and relationship-building skills are essential for success in this role. You engage with internal and external stakeholders at all levels, fostering strong partnerships and aligning efforts to achieve shared goals. 
As a person we believe that you have a can-do attitude and a result-oriented mindset, which will help you to take on challenging assignments in a successful way. You can easily make decisions based upon the mix of facts and aligned assumptions with uncertainty. In a dynamic environment, effective priority and risk management is essential. You excel in identifying critical path activities, mitigating risks, and optimizing to ensure short-term needs with long-term strategic goals.

Important competences required for this role

•    MSc degree in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering or similar
•    Experience of line managerial role (leading people level) in international environment, proven track record of building diverse teams and turning them into great ones.
•    Solid understanding and experience of automotive development processes.
•    Solid experience and understanding of Energy Storage - extensive experience of battery pack and component development.
•    Proven track record in driving project excellence, with experience in overseeing complex initiatives from concept to completion. 
•    Experience in Hardware and platform management and governance is highly meritorious.
Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Michael Balthasar - Vice President Energy Storage Engineering, [email protected] 
Last application date: 18th of August 2024. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Intern Manager

Ansök    Jul 1    Easy 4 You Göteborg AB    Manager
Intern Manager Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren intern manager för att stärka vårt team. Kvalifikationer - Minst 5 års erfarenhet som manager - Gedigen erfarenhet av administrativa verktyg, särskilt Word och Excel - Goda kunskaper i data, internet och kommunikation - Flytande i svenska, engelska och persiska, både muntligt och skriftligt - Minst 25 år gammal - Tillgång till egen dator och internet för eventuellt delvis arbete hemifrån - Ren kriminell och ... Visa mer
Intern Manager
Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren intern manager för att stärka vårt team.
- Minst 5 års erfarenhet som manager
- Gedigen erfarenhet av administrativa verktyg, särskilt Word och Excel
- Goda kunskaper i data, internet och kommunikation
- Flytande i svenska, engelska och persiska, både muntligt och skriftligt
- Minst 25 år gammal
- Tillgång till egen dator och internet för eventuellt delvis arbete hemifrån
- Ren kriminell och ekonomisk bakgrund
- Social, optimistisk, utåtriktad, positiv och serviceinriktad person
- Skicklig kundmottagare samt övertygande och skicklig marknadsförare
Dina arbetsuppgifter
- Arbetsfördelning och Koordinering: Ansvara för att effektivt fördela och koordinera arbetsuppgifter bland teammedlemmar för att säkerställa smidig drift och hög produktivitet.
- Dokumenthantering och Arkivering: Hantera och organisera viktiga dokument, inklusive digital arkivering och säkerställande av att all dokumentation följer företagets standarder och regler.
- Etik och Säkerhet: Tillämpa och upprätthålla strikta etiska riktlinjer och jobbrelaterade säkerhetsåtgärder för att skapa en säker och professionell arbetsmiljö.
- Kundkommunikation: Upprätthålla och utveckla relationer med kunder genom effektiv och professionell kommunikation, samt hantera kundförfrågningar och problem på ett snabbt och tillfredsställande sätt.
- Projektgenomförande: Leda och delta i interna projekt från planering till genomförande, säkerställa att projektmål nås inom utsatt tid och budget.
- Processförbättring och Effektivisering: Identifiera områden för förbättring, utveckla och implementera strategier för att öka effektiviteten och följa upp resultat för att säkerställa kontinuerlig förbättring.
- Marknadsföring: Delta i utveckling och genomförande av marknadsföringsstrategier för att öka företagets synlighet och attrahera nya kunder.
- Rapportering till VD: Regelbundet rapportera arbetsresultat, projektstatus och viktiga uppdateringar direkt till företagets VD, samt delta i strategiska diskussioner och beslut.
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig! Visa mindre

Intern Manager

Ansök    Jul 3    Easy 4 You Göteborg AB    Manager
Intern Manager Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren intern manager för att stärka vårt team. Kvalifikationer - Minst 5 års erfarenhet som manager - Gedigen erfarenhet av administrativa verktyg, särskilt Word och Excel - Goda kunskaper i data, internet och kommunikation - Flytande i svenska, engelska och persiska, både muntligt och skriftligt - Tillgång till egen dator och internet för eventuellt delvis arbete hemifrån - Ren kriminell och ekonomisk bakgrund - ... Visa mer
Intern Manager
Vi söker en engagerad och erfaren intern manager för att stärka vårt team.
- Minst 5 års erfarenhet som manager
- Gedigen erfarenhet av administrativa verktyg, särskilt Word och Excel
- Goda kunskaper i data, internet och kommunikation
- Flytande i svenska, engelska och persiska, både muntligt och skriftligt
- Tillgång till egen dator och internet för eventuellt delvis arbete hemifrån
- Ren kriminell och ekonomisk bakgrund
- Social, optimistisk, utåtriktad, positiv och serviceinriktad person
- Skicklig kundmottagare samt övertygande och skicklig marknadsförare
Dina arbetsuppgifter
- Arbetsfördelning och Koordinering: Ansvara för att effektivt fördela och koordinera arbetsuppgifter bland teammedlemmar för att säkerställa smidig drift och hög produktivitet.
- Dokumenthantering och Arkivering: Hantera och organisera viktiga dokument, inklusive digital arkivering och säkerställande av att all dokumentation följer företagets standarder och regler.
- Etik och Säkerhet: Tillämpa och upprätthålla strikta etiska riktlinjer och jobbrelaterade säkerhetsåtgärder för att skapa en säker och professionell arbetsmiljö.
- Kundkommunikation: Upprätthålla och utveckla relationer med kunder genom effektiv och professionell kommunikation, samt hantera kundförfrågningar och problem på ett snabbt och tillfredsställande sätt.
- Projektgenomförande: Leda och delta i interna projekt från planering till genomförande, säkerställa att projektmål nås inom utsatt tid och budget.
- Processförbättring och Effektivisering: Identifiera områden för förbättring, utveckla och implementera strategier för att öka effektiviteten och följa upp resultat för att säkerställa kontinuerlig förbättring.
- Marknadsföring: Delta i utveckling och genomförande av marknadsföringsstrategier för att öka företagets synlighet och attrahera nya kunder.
- Rapportering till VD: Regelbundet rapportera arbetsresultat, projektstatus och viktiga uppdateringar direkt till företagets VD, samt delta i strategiska diskussioner och beslut.
Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig! Visa mindre

Engineering Manager within Product Integration & Verification

Ansök    Jun 10    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What´s in it for you
We are now looking for an Engineering Manager within Product Integration & Verification, you will be a key contributor for 91110/91120/91130 when it comes to leading, coordinating, and managing human resources. The Engineering Manager is a senior leader and responsible for the successful implementation of all activities for VTI. This individual ensures the achievement of the required project and business targets in a timely manner and within budget in coordination and alignment with all stakeholders.

Where you’ll belong
VTI – Vehicle Test & Integration 91130 drive continuous integration and verification of the complete vehicle products with the aid of both physical and virtual test objects.  Our main objective is to lead/support all developing streams with accurate and granular data to secure their technical solutions.

Personality is Key
You have high integrity and professionalism and are perceived with a positive mind-set. You are focused on quality and daily improvements of business work methods. You prefer to be proactive and plan, manage and control your work towards fulfilment of program and unit objectives. You enjoy developing your own as well as the team’s competence.

Competence is Important
We see that you have a university degree in Engineering or similar corresponding knowledge and excellent knowledge of the overall product development process, VPDS and Product Engineering Framework (PEF). You have a minimum of 6-10 years of relevant job experience from:

* Complete Vehicle Verification within a range of maturity levels.
* Physical verification methods, Analysis & Verification across different technology areas.
* Program office coordination, experience with large scale program management.
* Attribute verification in Complete Vehicle environment.
* Strong leadership, problem solving and highly developed communication skills.
* Driven, self-managed and results-oriented leader.
* Ability to lead and perform well under pressure.
* A broad experience from different technical areas within R&D
* Good practical and theoretical vehicle knowledge
* Strong internal/external networking capabilities with all organizational levels.
* Further you are fluent in English and holds a Swedish Driving license (B)

How you learn more and apply
If you have questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Hiring Manager Kristian Atterhäll at [email protected].
For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter Kristin Lövgren at [email protected].
Kindly register your application as soon as possible but no later than June 30th, 2024.
Please keep in mind that we do not handle any applications via mail due to GDPR. Visa mindre

Cost and construction manager

Ansök    Jun 26    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Jobbeskrivning Vi söker en ny kollega till gruppen Cost & Construction Management inom marknadsområde Building & Project Solut... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
Vi söker en ny kollega till gruppen Cost & Construction Management inom marknadsområde Building & Project Solutions.

Marknadsområdet Building & Project Solutions fokus är att finnas vid våra kunders sida och hjälpa dem med deras största utmaningar i byggprocessens olika skeden. Det gör vi inom våra specialistområden Information-Excellence, Projects Solutions, Project Management, samt Cost and Construction Management.

AFRY Cost and Construction Management fokuserar på att optimera våra kunders projekt genom kostnadsstyrning samt driva projekt som delade entreprenader där AFRY tar ett helhetsansvar för projektens framdrift och styrning. Genom att driva projekt som delade entreprenader blir projekten mer kostnadseffektiva för våra kunder och får en mer tydlig och direkt styrning. Vi är även marknadsledande i Sverige inom kostnadsberäkningar och kostnadseffektivisering av projekt. Vi utför årligen ca 500 uppdrag bestående av rådgivning, kostnadsbedömningar, kalkyler, kostnadsstyrning och kostnadseffektivisering. Vårt arbete möjliggör kostnadsoptimering samt skapar förutsägbarhet för våra kunder och deras ekonomi.

Vill du vara med på vår resa framåt?
Du kommer tillsammans med oss vara med och utveckla organisationen och möjliggöra nya positioneringar på marknaden. Inom vårt marknadsområde är vi alla passionerade och delar med oss av vår kunskap för att växa samt lära oss mer.

Rollen kräver bred kunskap både inom kalkylarbete samt byggproduktion. I rollen som Cost and Construction Manager kommer du att driva uppdrag inom ditt kompetensområde. Genom analyser och beräkningar är du en trygg rådgivare för våra kunder, såsom byggherrar, investerare och entreprenörer så att välgrundade beslut kan fattas. I din roll arbetar du med kalkyler i ett byggprojekts alla skeden samt identifiera och hantera risker och möjligheter. Du är även bekväm med att driva projekt från start till mål, med att identifiera kunders behov och önskemål och leverera projekten till utsatt tid, kvalitet och budget. Du kan planera produktionen på arbetsplatsen, handla upp entreprenörer samt se till att produktionen löper enligt plan
Vi söker dig som vill ta nästa steg i din personliga utveckling och har erfarenhet från entreprenadbranschen. Du har 10 års erfarenhet av uppgifter relevanta för tjänsten, som till exempel skapa kalkyler, kostnadsanalyser, handla upp entreprenader, samt driva dessa till slutbesiktning och överlämning till kund.

Du bör ha med dig erfarenhet av kontraktsskrivning, upphandlingar, entreprenadjuridik och samordning gällande installationskalkyler. Någon form av uppdrag som Platschef samt drivit både ny- och ombyggnationer bör du ha med dig i din kompetenslåda. Det är meriterande om du kan ta ansvar för en projektgrupp och få alla att dra mot ett gemensamt mål.

Du har tidigare erfarenhet från något kalkylverktyg samt mängdavtagningsprogram, till exempel Wikells Sektionsdata, BidCon och Bluebeam.

Det är meriterande om du är van vid att hantera 3D-/BIM-modeller som ett hjälpmedel i ditt dagliga arbete med till exempel Solibri eller Navisworks.

Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med att erbjuda våra kunder såväl kostnadseffektiva lösningar som hållbara lösningar. Det är därför bra om du har ett intresse för hållbarhet då vi med våra verktyg arbetar med styrning och reducering av klimatpåverkan som en självklar del i de projekt vi arbetar med.

Som person har du god social förmåga och stimuleras av att ha ett stort kontaktnät där du skapar långvariga och hållbara relationer. Din viktigaste egenskap är att du är lösningsorienterad och alltid sätter kunden i fokus. Vidare ser vi att du är noggrann och har förmågan att se såväl detaljer som helhet. Särskilt i leveranser till kund är du extra uppmärksam på detaljer. Du trivs med att arbeta i team men har även förmågan att arbeta självständigt. Våra beställare efterfrågar att du behärskar svenska både i tal och skrift obehindrat, samt kan kommunicera på engelska. Du ska även ha B-körkort.
Ytterligare information
Denna anställning innebär placering i säkerhetsklass. Säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll kommer att genomföras före anställning enligt 3 kap i säkerhetsskyddslagen.
Urvalsprocessen kommer ske löpande och tjänsten kan komma att bli tillsatt innan sista ansökningsdag 2024-07-04.
Kontaktperson för frågor
Victor Jacobsson, Gruppchef
[email protected]
Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt säljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.
På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Chief Engineer Electrical Engineering Gothenburg

Ansök    Jun 19    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Do you recognize yourself as an engaged team player with great leadership skills? Are you looking for new challenges and growth by developing the future Electrical systems and doing it together with our highly skilled Electrical and Electronic Engineers? Are you ready to become a part of a management team responsible for delivering Volvo Trucks Premium Products? Who are we? Vehicle Engineering Gothenburg secures our customers’ success by leading and profe... Visa mer
Do you recognize yourself as an engaged team player with great leadership skills? Are you looking for new challenges and growth by developing the future Electrical systems and doing it together with our highly skilled Electrical and Electronic Engineers? Are you ready to become a part of a management team responsible for delivering Volvo Trucks Premium Products?
Who are we?
Vehicle Engineering Gothenburg secures our customers’ success by leading and professional development of the premium vehicles FH, FM and FMX.
As product owners we develop the most attractive and profitable heavy-duty truck solutions in the industry. We work as one development team: supporting each other to secure delivery according to decided product plan, and we proactively recommend new technologies for future customer needs.
We are now looking for a Chief Engineer for the department Electrical, Electronics and Vehicle Communication (EEVC) in Gothenburg. In this role you will be the Product owner of the Electrical system for the Volvo Heavy Trucks, and you will lead the department with more than 100 highly skilled Engineers. As Chief Engineer you will be a member of the VE Gothenburg management team, and report to Vice President Vehicle Engineering Gothenburg.

Main responsibilities:
· Responsible and accountable for development and quality assurance of the Electrical components and wiring system for Volvo Trucks.
· Be updated on the product performance in various markets and secure world class products.
· Secure all product updates within the area and deliveries in line with plans.
· Secure a front office to the brand for the vehicles in production and aftermarket.
· Drive the Engineering agenda and technology plan for the product areas in the Electrical area.
· Lead and develop people, organization, and knowhow within the department.
· Contribute to harmonization and development of processes, methods, tools, and standards globally.
· Drive for Lean and efficient development with agile principles.

As our preferred candidate you have BSc/MSc in engineering with extensive experience from product development within the automotive industry, with a strong business mindset. You are also expected to have several years of manager experience on a Leading Leader level.

The core in your leadership is to inspire and lead with stability, inspiration and to be interested in developing the people around you, as well as developing the technology.
You are expected to have a holistic view, show managerial courage and be able to lead your team to achieve continuous improvements. Visa mindre

Sektionschef till AFRY Wind & Solar

Ansök    Jun 5    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Jobbeskrivning AFRY har i årtionden framgångsrikt stöttat både svenska och internationella energiproducenter och vi satsar nu ... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
AFRY har i årtionden framgångsrikt stöttat både svenska och internationella energiproducenter och vi satsar nu på ytterligare expansion inom vind- och solkraft.
Division Energy fokuserar på att erbjuda AFRYs samtliga tjänster inom produktion och distribution av energi till våra energikunder. Fokus för oss är att fortsätta vår starka tillväxt och accelerera omställningen till ren, förnyelsebar och hållbara energilösningar.
Just nu söker vi en sektionschef till vår internationella grupp Wind and Solar inom den svenska sektionen i Göteborg, där vi har ett team som jobbar med hållbara energisystem; vindkraft, solkraft och energilagring. Vi driver ett stort antal olika uppdrag och stöttar våra kunder i projektutvecklingens alla faser; marknadsanalyser, due diligence uppdrag, screeningar, vind/sol analyser och beräkningar, GIS-analyser, tillståndsansökningar, visualisering, kontakter och förhandling med mark- och nätägare, projektering, teknikval, upphandling etc. I genomförandefasen av projekt ingår gruppen i roller som Project manager, Site manager, Owner’s engineer etc.
Som sektionschef kommer du att ha personalansvar för en grupp i tillväxt, där du med ditt kunnande inom förnybar energi även är delaktig i olika kundprojekt samtidigt som du lägger fokus på fortsatt stark tillväxt både genom nyrekryteringar och kundbearbetning. I rollen ingår även ett ansvar för gruppens fortsatta utveckling, arbetsmiljöansvar samt ekonomi.
Stort fokus ligger på att vårda och växa befintliga kundrelationer, skapa nya affärsmöjligheter och utveckla nya kontakter genom att erbjuda och marknadsföra AFRY:s kompetens samt fortsätta växa inom förnybar energi.
För att lyckas i rollen har du ett stort nätverk inom branschen; vindkraft och solkraft i synnerhet. Du har ett stort intresse av att utveckla dina medarbetare, bygga relationer, vara lyhörd och anpassa ditt sätt att bemöta olika typer av människor oavsett om de är kunder, kollegor eller partners. Du gillar utmaningar och en resultatorienterad miljö och drivs av att möta uppsatta mål, där ditt säljdriv är en naturlig del av din personlighet.
I grunden har du utbildning från teknisk högskola, universitet eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet. Vi ser att du har erfarenhet inom försäljning av konsulttjänster och/eller erfarenhet av projektutveckling inom förnybar energi. Du är väl insatt i energisektorns utmaningar i den pågående omställningen mot ett mer hållbart energisystem och har en god förståelse för möjligheterna och utmaningarna speciellt inom vind- och solkraft. Då vi har kunder både i och utanför Sverige, ser vi att du utöver väldigt bra svenska även har goda kunskaper i engelska.
För att bli framgångsrik i rollen har du en god affärsmässig förståelse för konsultbranschen, brinner för att göra affärer och att utveckla din blivande sektion vidare.
Ytterligare information
Välkommen med din ansökan, sista ansökningsdag är 2024-07-03

Kontaktperson för frågor:
Jelena Katz Rekryteringspartner [email protected]

Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt säljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.

På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Restaurang- och driftsmanager

Ansök    Jun 8    Pard AB    Manager
Jag öppnade Panos Panos Taverna för ett drygt år sedan, och under den tiden har vi etablerat oss som en av Göteborgs bästa och mest omtalade grekiska restauranger. Tillsammans med mitt team så har jag lagt ner mycket kärlek och passion för att skapa en miljö som känns som hemma, både för gästerna och för alla oss som arbetar här. Nu är jag redo att lämna över den operativa chefsrollen av restaurangen till dig som är beredd att vårda den framgång vi bäddat ... Visa mer
Jag öppnade Panos Panos Taverna för ett drygt år sedan, och under den tiden har vi etablerat oss som en av Göteborgs bästa och mest omtalade grekiska restauranger.
Tillsammans med mitt team så har jag lagt ner mycket kärlek och passion för att skapa en miljö som känns som hemma, både för gästerna och för alla oss som arbetar här.
Nu är jag redo att lämna över den operativa chefsrollen av restaurangen till dig som är beredd att vårda den framgång vi bäddat för. Du som tar över efter mig skall vara sugen på att utveckla konceptet vidare. Dels genom kunskap om lönsamhet, kvalitet och kundvård, men även genom din egen framdrift mot personliga mål och visioner. Ditt engagemang bygger på lojalitet och trovärdighet såväl mot restaurangen som mot våra gäster. För rätt person finns inga begränsningar – enbart oändliga möjligheter. Om du ser det som en spännande utmaning att ta över ledarskapet för Panos Panos Taverna så mailar du ditt personliga brev och CV till mig. Jag kontaktar sedan dem som går vidare i rekryteringen. Visa mindre

Cost and construction manager

Ansök    Jun 6    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Jobbeskrivning Vi söker en ny kollega till gruppen Cost & Construction Management inom marknadsområde Building & Project Solut... Visa mer
AFRY erbjuder tjänster inom teknik, design, digitalisering och rådgivning. Vi är hängivna experter inom industri, energi- och infrastruktur, som skapar värde för kommande generationer. AFRY har en global räckvidd med djupa rötter i Norden. Tillsammans accelererar vi omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle.
Vi söker en ny kollega till gruppen Cost & Construction Management inom marknadsområde Building & Project Solutions.

Marknadsområdet Building & Project Solutions fokus är att finnas vid våra kunders sida och hjälpa dem med deras största utmaningar i byggprocessens olika skeden. Det gör vi inom våra specialistområden Information-Excellence, Projects Solutions, Project Management, samt Cost and Construction Management.

AFRY Cost and Construction Management fokuserar på att optimera våra kunders projekt genom kostnadsstyrning samt driva projekt som delade entreprenader där AFRY tar ett helhetsansvar för projektens framdrift och styrning. Genom att driva projekt som delade entreprenader blir projekten mer kostnadseffektiva för våra kunder och får en mer tydlig och direkt styrning. Vi är även marknadsledande i Sverige inom kostnadsberäkningar och kostnadseffektivisering av projekt. Vi utför årligen ca 500 uppdrag bestående av rådgivning, kostnadsbedömningar, kalkyler, kostnadsstyrning och kostnadseffektivisering. Vårt arbete möjliggör kostnadsoptimering samt skapar förutsägbarhet för våra kunder och deras ekonomi.

Vill du vara med på vår resa framåt?
Du kommer tillsammans med oss vara med och utveckla organisationen och möjliggöra nya positioneringar på marknaden. Inom vårt marknadsområde är vi alla passionerade och delar med oss av vår kunskap för att växa samt lära oss mer.

Rollen kräver bred kunskap både inom kalkylarbete samt byggproduktion. I rollen som Cost and Construction Manager kommer du att driva uppdrag inom ditt kompetensområde. Genom analyser och beräkningar är du en trygg rådgivare för våra kunder, såsom byggherrar, investerare och entreprenörer så att välgrundade beslut kan fattas. I din roll arbetar du med kalkyler i ett byggprojekts alla skeden samt identifiera och hantera risker och möjligheter. Du är även bekväm med att driva projekt från start till mål, med att identifiera kunders behov och önskemål och leverera projekten till utsatt tid, kvalitet och budget. Du kan planera produktionen på arbetsplatsen, handla upp entreprenörer samt se till att produktionen löper enligt plan
Vi söker dig som vill ta nästa steg i din personliga utveckling och har erfarenhet från entreprenadbranschen. Du har 10 års erfarenhet av uppgifter relevanta för tjänsten, som till exempel skapa kalkyler, kostnadsanalyser, handla upp entreprenader, samt driva dessa till slutbesiktning och överlämning till kund.

Du bör ha med dig erfarenhet av kontraktsskrivning, upphandlingar, entreprenadjuridik och samordning gällande installationskalkyler. Någon form av uppdrag som Platschef samt drivit både ny- och ombyggnationer bör du ha med dig i din kompetenslåda. Det är meriterande om du kan ta ansvar för en projektgrupp och få alla att dra mot ett gemensamt mål.

Du har tidigare erfarenhet från något kalkylverktyg samt mängdavtagningsprogram, till exempel Wikells Sektionsdata, BidCon och Bluebeam.

Det är meriterande om du är van vid att hantera 3D-/BIM-modeller som ett hjälpmedel i ditt dagliga arbete med till exempel Solibri eller Navisworks.

Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med att erbjuda våra kunder såväl kostnadseffektiva lösningar som hållbara lösningar. Det är därför bra om du har ett intresse för hållbarhet då vi med våra verktyg arbetar med styrning och reducering av klimatpåverkan som en självklar del i de projekt vi arbetar med.

Som person har du god social förmåga och stimuleras av att ha ett stort kontaktnät där du skapar långvariga och hållbara relationer. Din viktigaste egenskap är att du är lösningsorienterad och alltid sätter kunden i fokus. Vidare ser vi att du är noggrann och har förmågan att se såväl detaljer som helhet. Särskilt i leveranser till kund är du extra uppmärksam på detaljer. Du trivs med att arbeta i team men har även förmågan att arbeta självständigt. Du har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och i skrift, då det efterfrågas av våra beställare samt B-körkort.
Ytterligare information
Denna anställning innebär placering i säkerhetsklass. Säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll kommer att genomföras före anställning enligt 3 kap i säkerhetsskyddslagen.
Urvalsprocessen kommer ske löpande och tjänsten kan komma att bli tillsatt innan sista ansökningsdag 2024-07-04.
Kontaktperson för frågor
Victor Jacobsson, Gruppchef
[email protected]
Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt säljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.
På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Projektledare - Vattenfall Vindkraft

Ansök    Jun 4    Vattenfall AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt inom en generation och vi driver på öv... Visa mer
Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt inom en generation och vi driver på övergången till ett hållbart energisystem.
Vattenfall Vind befinner sig i en expansiv och spännande tillväxtfas och vi ser fram emot att kunna anställa medarbetare till vår projektutvecklingsavdelning för landbaserad vindkraft.
Vill du vara med på vår förändringsresa?
Vi på Vattenfall arbetar intensivt för att vi ska nå fossilfrihet. För att nå vårt mål behöver vi dig som är engagerad och som vill arbeta hos oss som är en av Sveriges största elproducenter. Vi erbjuder en arbetsplats präglad av engagemang, nyfikenhet, kompetens, samarbete och högt i tak. Som Projektledare kommer du arbeta på avdelningen som ansvarar för att utveckla Vattenfalls portfölj av landbaserade vindkraftsprojekt i Sverige.
Rollen som projektledare
Projektledaren är ansvarig för projektets alla beståndsdelar och dess framdrift; kvalitet, tidsplan och budget. Projektledaren har det övergripande ansvaret för projektet och rapporterar till sponsorn och styrgrupp, leder projektmedlemmarna och arbetar även operativt i projektet. Särskilt viktigt är att projektledaren ser helheten och fokuserar på att maximera projektens lönsamhet.
Varje projektmedlem har ansvar för sina respektive områden. Ansvaret som Projektledare innebär att leda experterna på ett bra sätt, få teammedlemmarna att förstå helheten i projektet och skapa en självgående grupp som tar eget ansvar inom respektive expertområde. Du kommer även att ansvara för kontakten med externa intressenter, såsom markägare, myndigheter och andra intressenter. Rollen inkluderar även intern koordinering med olika avdelningar.
Projektutvecklingen är en lång process som kräver uthållighet och projektarbetet kan pågå i många år. Vi letar kontinuerligt efter nya projektuppslag, både i form av helt nya projektuppslag och förvärv av projekt och du kommer att vara en del av detta. Merparten av tiden i projektutveckling ägnas i fasen då vi arbetar med att få lagakraftvunnet miljötillstånd, en möjlig elnätanslutning samt att nödvändiga vindmätningarna utförs.
Sista fasen innan investeringsbeslut är en intensiv period, då fokus blir på detaljprojektering, upphandling och att optimera projekten för att nå god lönsamhet. I upphandlingsfas kommer du arbeta nära byggprojektledare och upphandlingsansvarig, där ni gemensamt strukturerar, prioriterar och driver projektarbetet. I denna fas är projektteamet större och många interna och externa intressenter ställer krav på projekten.
Projekten kan också inkludera finansierings- och partneringprocesser, samt förvärv av projekt, där du driver dessa processer tillsammans med dedikerade resurser. Som projektledare kan man arbeta i olika faser, beroende på portföljens utveckling, men också beroende på projektledarens intresse, erfarenhet och styrkor.
Vi söker dig som har;
Relevant och avslutad akademisk utbildning, exempelvis som civilingenjör samt minst 5 års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Erfarenhet från rollen som projektledare och vill vidareutvecklas i rollen.
Goda kunskaper i både svenska och engelska, i såväl tal som skrift, samt en god kommunikativ förmåga är nödvändigt.
Goda IT-kunskaper, där Office 365 är nyckelverktyg.

Särskilt meriterande med kunskap om och erfarenhet från;
Energibranschen, särskilt elproduktion och elnät. Erfarenhet från projektutveckling av vindkraft är särskilt meriterande
Förhandlingar och om du har varit delaktig i avtalsskrivningar av t.ex. arrendeavtal
Tillståndsprocesser enligt miljöbalken
Koncessionshantering för elnät
Förståelse för rennäringsfrågor, rennäringsanalyser
Upphandlingsarbete, gärna på ett större internationellt bolag
Finanseringsprocesser och förvärvsprocesser
Planeringsverktyg som t.ex. MS Project

Som person behöver du ha lätt för att fatta beslut, skapa och bibehålla goda samarbeten och tycka om att ha mycket kontakt med såväl externa som interna intressenter. Som person är du positiv, utåtriktad och initiativrik. Det är även viktigt att du vill och kan ta egna initiativ. Du trivs bra med att hantera många parallella frågeställningar och trivs att arbeta såväl självständigt som i team. Du har kommersiell kompetens med att maximera projektens lönsamhet, erfarenhet av att kravställa och utmana såväl interna som externa leveranser. Du skapar struktur samtidigt som du har förmågan att fokusera på kritiska detaljfrågor. Vår avdelning värdesätter att arbeta tillsammans, effektiva lösningar, ärlighet, att generöst dela med sig av information och kunskap.
Ytterligare information
Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle erbjuder vi dig ett utvecklande och omväxlande arbete med många kontaktytor. För oss på Vattenfall är det viktigt att arbete och privatliv har en god balans, därför erbjuder vi flexibilitet i arbetet samt möjlighet till att arbeta hemifrån vid behov. Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.
Placeringsort:?Flexibelt men med möjlighet till Luleå, Umeå, Solna, Göteborg, Nyköping eller Kalmar som stationeringsort.
Denna roll förutsätter att du har möjlighet att resa i tjänsten, uppskattningsvis 8 dagar i månaden.
För frågor om tjänsten, kontakta rekryterande chef Linda Broman, [email protected]. För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta rekryterare Jennifer Wikström, 070-209 63 35.
Fackliga representanter är Leif Karlsson (SEKO), Rolf Ohlsson (Akademikerna), Christer Gustavsson (Ledarna) och Anders Bohlin (Unionen). Samtliga nås via Vattenfalls växel 08-739 50 00.
Välkommen med din ansökan innehållande CV och personligt brev senast 24 juni 2024, men ansökningar kommer utvärderas löpande.?Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!
Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Visa mindre

Anbudssamordnare, Tender Manager

Ansök    Jun 5    Ramboll Sweden AB    Manager
Job Description Vi söker en administrativ stjärna som trivs med anbudsarbete, många kontaktytor, effektiva arbetssätt och rutiner med intresse för samhälle och hållbara städer. Välkommen till vårt team som vår nya anbudssamordnare, och hjälp oss i vårt arbete mot en hållbar framtid. Din nya befattning Som vår nya anbudssamordnare kommer du att vara en del av vår market Water. Vi erbjuder våra kunder konsulttjänster inom VA-Process, vattenresurser, dagvat... Visa mer
Job Description
Vi söker en administrativ stjärna som trivs med anbudsarbete, många kontaktytor, effektiva arbetssätt och rutiner med intresse för samhälle och hållbara städer. Välkommen till vårt team som vår nya anbudssamordnare, och hjälp oss i vårt arbete mot en hållbar framtid.

Din nya befattning
Som vår nya anbudssamordnare kommer du att vara en del av vår market Water. Vi erbjuder våra kunder konsulttjänster inom VA-Process, vattenresurser, dagvatten- och skyfallsutredningar, högvatten och kustskydd, VA-strategi, skyfallsanalyser och hydraulisk modellering. Vi jobbar både med nationella och internationella uppdrag. Water består av flera enheter i olika delar av landet och samarbetar med anbudssamordnare från olika andra marknader inom Ramboll, nationellt eller internationellt för att nå bästa resultat.
Ditt huvudsakliga ansvar kommer att vara:
Övervaka, sortera och hantera inkommande förfrågningar som kommer både via t.ex. TendSign, Opic etc., direkta förfrågningar samt förfrågningar från övriga divisioner.
Identifiera och kontrollera ställda i förfrågningar krav, samordna kraven med interna jurister.
Leda anbudsarbete.
Lämna anbud och följa upp utvärderings- och tilldelningsprocesser.
Samverka med övriga divisioner.
Ansvara för en effektiv anbudsprocess

Din nya arbetsgrupp
Du kommer att utgöra en del av marknaden Water i Sverige som består av cirka ca 200 konsulter representerade från Umeå i norr till Malmö i söder. Du kommer att vara en del av vår verksamhet inom vattenresurser, dricksvatten- och avloppsvattenrening, ledningsnät för vatten och avlopp, dagvattenfrågor samt klimatanpassningsfrågor. Hos oss kommer du ha möjligheter att arbeta både nationellt och internationellt. Du kommer att jobba i nära samarbete med våra enhetschefer inom Water och rapporterar till vår Sverigechef.

Om dig
De kvalifikationer, färdigheter och kunskaper som kommer att vara viktiga för dina framgångar och din utveckling hos oss är:
Du har tidigare erfarenhet av anbudsarbete i Sverige.
Du har minst några års relevant erfarenhet.
Du är prestigelös, engagerad, målmedveten och noggrann.
Du talar och skriver flytande svenska samt har goda kunskaper i engelska.
Det är meriterande om du har goda kunskaper inom LOU samt erfarenhet att jobba med TendSign och Opic.

Arbeta med hållbar förändring
Vi är övertygade om att hållbara förändringar ska vara till nytta för både människor och miljö. Det är vår utgångspunkt - och grunden för vårt arbetssätt. Våra medarbetare är vår främsta tillgång, och våra grundare hade en tydlig vision av hur ett ansvarstagande företag ska agera. Öppenhet och nyfikenhet är hörnstenar i vår företagskultur. Vi har ett mindset där vi alltid håller ögonen öppna efter nya och innovativa synsätt. Vi respekterar och välkomnar mångfald och fokuserar på att aktivt främja en inkluderande miljö till förmån för alla medarbetares yrkesmässiga och personliga utveckling.

Är du redo att börja jobba hos oss?
Skicka in din ansökan. Glöm inte att bifoga viktiga dokument som CV, personligt brev m.m.
Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-06-30
Vi ser fram emot att ta del av din ansökan.

Ramboll i Sverige
Ramboll grundades i Danmark och är en stiftelseägd, internationell teknik-, och arkitektkonsult. Vår målsättning är att vara med och bygga framtidens hållbara städer och samhällen. Vi har tusentals anställda världen över, varav ca 2 000 i Sverige. Vi inriktar oss på hållbara förändringar i marknader som byggnader & fastigheter, infrastruktur, urban utveckling, energi samt vatten- miljö- och managementkonsulttjänster. Vår tillväxt bygger på de etiska värderingar som kommer med ägarformen och på våra individfokuserade lösningar. Hos oss får du bidra till en hållbar framtid på ett företag som främjar öppenhet, samarbete och personlig utveckling. Genom att kombinera lokala erfarenheter med globala kunskaper kan vi tillsammans forma morgondagens samhällen.

Lika möjligheter för alla
För att skapa samhällen och städer där både människor och natur kan blomstra behöver olika erfarenheter och perspektiv finnas representerade hos oss – det är våra olikheter som gör att Ramboll och våra medarbetare hela tiden utvecklas! Vi välkomnar ansökningar oavsett ålder, könstillhörighet, kulturella perspektiv, livssituation eller livsåskådning. Vi värdesätter en inkluderande arbetsmiljö och kultur och strävar efter att våra arbetsplatser ska ha god tillgänglighet för alla medarbetare oavsett behov. Vi lyssnar och lär av varandra, och ser till att det finns en balans mellan arbete och fritid. Visa mindre

Group Manager Predictive Gear Selection

Ansök    Jun 4    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
. Did you just read Powertrain and thought dead-end? You couldn’t be more wrong. We at powertrain engineering are working every day to enable transport solutions for tomorrow and beyond that are within the boundaries of our planet. We are securing that all truck applications could be 100% fossil free and we have worked with remanufacturing for decades already. We are not dying; we don’t have time for that. We are enabling our customers today and, in the... Visa mer

Did you just read Powertrain and thought dead-end? You couldn’t be more wrong. We at powertrain engineering are working every day to enable transport solutions for tomorrow and beyond that are within the boundaries of our planet. We are securing that all truck applications could be 100% fossil free and we have worked with remanufacturing for decades already. We are not dying; we don’t have time for that. We are enabling our customers today and, in the future, to do their mission at a minimum CO2 footprint from cradle to remanufacturing. And now we need YOU to help us on our mission!

This is us, your new colleagues. 
We in the Predictive Gear Selection group are 16 Embedded SW engineers responsible for the gear selection and predictive powertrain management system and functionality for both conventional and electric propulsion systems on all markets where Volvo Group is present. Some of us have a long experience of life, Volvo, and gearboxes while others are newer to the game. Since we are from many different corners of the world, we are mainly speaking English. We are supportive and most of the problems we encounter we manage to solve within our team both when it comes to workload and challenging technical tasks. 
You will start your mission here in the middle of the technology shift and this will provide you with development opportunities both professionally and personally. 

What will you do? 
The Sweden organization has the full worldwide Product platform responsibility for Heavy Duty Engines and transmission. It is as well responsible for the installation of Heavy-duty powertrains in European Volvo Products. Driveline department is responsible to deliver a complete transmission/driveline system for both conventional powertrains as for electrified drivelines. 
The group develops the gear selection system that selects a gear with the optimal compromise between fuel economy, drivability and performance. The driver can select a number of different driving modes to help the gear selection system to select the optimal gear for the current driving situation. 

Your group will also have lead on developing functionality for the Volvo predictive cruise control, I-See. I-See makes use of an electronic horizon calculated from digital road maps and from the vehicle’s current position and driving direction. Using information such as curvature, traffic signs and topology of the road ahead the system optimizes the vehicle speed and gear selection to achieve optimal fuel economy and drivability. Your main responsibilities will be employee lifecycle for direct reports, including recruitment, performance, and competence development.
You will provide coaching and guidance to employees to ensure deliveries and personal development. To develop way of working to secure quality and efficiency will be a everyday feature in this role, as well as set and follow up targets for the team.

Who do we think you are?
We are looking for a person with proven leadership skills with ability to inspire, drive, motivate and coach team members. You possess a flexible mindset with ability to lead change and take decisions, and ability to be clear and concise in communication. Most important of all is that you have a collaborative mindset and capabilities to interact with many different stakeholders   
•    You are holding a University/Master or Bachelor degree in engineering or have relevant experience. 
•    You have a proven experience within Powertrain development and SW development 
•    Finding solutions and always try to improve both yourself and the team is a part of your DNA. 
•    Genuine interest in understanding how our products are used and how we should develop the systems to meet the legal, customer and society demands 
•    Strong collaboration skills are required 

What can we offer you?
You get an opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.

Curious and want to know more? Please contact me! We look forward to receiving your application!
Paulina Ramfelt, Director Driveline GTT Powertrain Engineering, [email protected]

Last application date 25th of june. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Who we are and what we believe in 
Our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity allows each of us the opportunity to bring our full authentic self to work and thrive by providing a safe and supportive environment, free of harassment and discrimination. Visa mindre

Project Manager

Ansök    Maj 31    Crown RC Filial    Manager
We are the partner of choice to clients across Ireland and Europe in all sectors of the construction industry including digital technology, commercial, retail, industrial, residential, pharmaceutical and healthcare. The role of the Project Manager is to ensure that all projects are completed on time and within budget. Central to this role is the ability to identify, communicate and resolve any activities that could impact the safe and on time delivery of a... Visa mer
We are the partner of choice to clients across Ireland and Europe in all sectors of the construction industry including digital technology, commercial, retail, industrial, residential, pharmaceutical and healthcare.
The role of the Project Manager is to ensure that all projects are completed on time and within budget. Central to this role is the ability to identify, communicate and resolve any activities that could impact the safe and on time delivery of a project. The role holder will also be an effective communicator up to senior levels within the Company and Client organisations.
1. Ensure appropriate levels of labour and materials are on site on all CRCL projects and ensure all operatives are fully compliant with regard to Health & Safety (H&S).
2. Procurement of materials within specified budget perimeters; ensuring they are delivered to site on-time aligned with the project programme.
3. Ensure sufficient plant & equipment is on-site when required and aligned with the programme and that it is fully H&S compliant
4. Ensure works are carried out in accordance with approved drawings & specification.
5. Formulate and implement site Inspection and Test Plans ensuring quality is maintained throughout the installation.
6. Develop site specific risk assessments and method statements and update during project if required
7. Forward weekly Planned v Actual progress to allow droplines to be incorporated onto the agreed programme. Progress reports are to be issued weekly including location and dated photographs.
8. Attend and chair weekly internal project meetings.
9. Attend external project meetings with the client and design team as necessary. Recorded minutes of all meeting to be distributed and saved into the relevant section of the project folder
10. Liaise with Senior Project Manager and/or Project Director and familiarise yourself with the Bill of Quantities in order to get an appreciation of project from commercial perspective.
11. Report on material, plant and labour costs monthly against the proscribed budgets.
12. Notify Senior Project Manager and/or Project Director and project QS immediately by email of any variations that arise on projects in order to allow programming and pricing of the same.
13. Re-measure all completed works where necessary on-site and submit the project team.
14. Liaise with suppliers on delivery of materials ensuring that all materials are ordered in accordance with the programme installation milestones and ensure quality checks are being implemented on-site prior to acceptance of materials.
15. Maintain a good working relationship with both operatives and the Main Contractor/Client
16. Ensure all site works are undertaken in accordance with safe working practices and current Health and Safety legislation. Be constantly vigilant to any actual or potential hazards, and encourage such vigilance among all site personnel. Make all necessary arrangements to mitigate all risks to all site personnel.
17. Set an example of the Company’s professional image at all levels of contact, and ensure similar conduct from subcontractors and supervisors.
18. Any other reasonable duties as required by the directors, management or consultants appointed by the directors
19. This job may involve some travel and unsocial hours.
1. A construction related college degree or equivalent; construction science or engineering degree preferred.
2. Ideally at least 5 years’ experience in the roofing/cladding sector in a project management role. Must be able to read and interpret drawing specifications for roofing projects
3. Knowledge in roofing construction methods and practices, including safety codes and requirements
4. Effective communication, supervision, and managerial skills
5. Must have a high level of computer skills including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
Microsoft Project is a plus
6. Excellent IT skills
7. Excellent organisational skills
8. Strong team player
9. Current drivers licence
The post holder will demonstrate competence in the following areas:
Leading & Driving Performance
1. Proactive with an ability to work on own initiative and to take the lead where appropriate
2. Takes responsibility for own work and actions, delivers effectively, on time and to high standard
3. Is a strong team player collaborating and working closely with all members of the business
4. Identifier of change programmes that increase productivity and profitability
5. Highly motivated and enthusiastic about taking on new challenges
Managing Resources
1. Good skills in maximising the use of resources available to achieve results and best value
2. Committed to sharing knowledge and information with colleagues and line managers
3. Can compile, analyse and collate information in a meaningful way
4. Maximises use of information communications technology, builds knowledge of its application and puts it to appropriate use to increase business performance and outputs
Managing Relationships
1. Is committed to building and maintaining effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders
2. Understands client needs and delivers timely response to ensure their needs are met
3. Has well developed influencing skills with an ability to communicate strategies and to gain support for plans and ideas
Anticipating & Adapting to Change
1. Maintains an external focus and applies critical thinking to anticipate the potential impact of external issues on the business Visa mindre

Engineering Manager to Measurement & Development Solutions within Metrology

Ansök    Jun 3    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales.
Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Who are we? 

Are you passionate about leading, motivating, and developing people as well as creating strong relationships cross functionally throughout the organization? We are looking for an Engineering Manager for the Measurement & Development Solutions team, which is one of two closely positioned teams within Metrology at Volvo Cars Headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. 
The two teams within Metrology are: Measurement & Development Solutions and Measurement Tools Acquisition & Support, have the overall responsibility for measurement tools and strategy within Volvo Cars R&D, to provide the organization with reliable measurement technologies. The Measurement & Development Solutions team is responsible to provide strategic roadmaps, expert knowledge and developing testing technology solutions for the R&D organization.

What you’ll do 

As an Engineering Manager for the Measurement & Development Solutions team, you will lead the team in making sure they can provide the right measurement tools and technologies at the right time, based on the organization’s needs. 
You will initiate and lead the competence development within your team, by developing your team members through coaching, mentoring and feedback, as well as competence planning and development of the organization and employees to fulfil current and future needs. You will lead and follow up on the group’s deliverables, establish and operate through networks together with our customers. You will also be responsible for the measurement tools strategy within Metrology.
As Engineering Manager, you apply a holistic view of the measurement area taking both suppliers and R&D needs into consideration, as well as actively participate in the section management team and contribute to the development and improvement of operational efficiency and quality of deliveries.

You will have close collaboration with the Engineering Manager for the Measurement Tools Acquisition & Support team. This role offers you a great opportunity to act in many different arenas and it gives you a broad network throughout the company. 

You and your skills

We believe you have a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechatronics, Computer Science, or equivalent expertise. We also believe you have a good understanding or measurement technology and are genuinely interested in developing your department as well as the people working in your team. You also need to be fluent in English, written and spoken. Experience from product development as well as previous leadership experience is meritorious.  
On a personal level, you are a good team player with great leadership and communication skills. You have a genuine interest in developing people and the business, and you stay positive and engaged to motivate and inspire others. You are business and performance driven as well as customer oriented, and you keep a holistic view and a conceptual way of thinking.

How to learn more and apply

If you have questions regarding the position please contact Hiring Manager Håkan Burman at [email protected]. For questions related to the recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Josephine Fagrell at [email protected].

We want your application at the latest 10th of March 2024. Please note that due to GDPR applications and CVs via email will not be accepted. Visa mindre

Senior Business Strategy Manager - Charging & Infrastructure Solutions

Ansök    Jun 3    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
We shape the world we want to live in! Volvo Energy is our newest business area with the overarching purpose of accelerating electrification and together driving circularity for a better tomorrow. With an agile approach and a can-do?mindset,?we actively work to ensure the acceleration of the electrification transformation?every day in all that we do. As the Volvo Group, we are driving circularity in our industry forward in these important areas. This is... Visa mer
We shape the world we want to live in!
Volvo Energy is our newest business area with the overarching purpose of accelerating electrification and together driving circularity for a better tomorrow. With an agile approach and a can-do?mindset,?we actively work to ensure the acceleration of the electrification transformation?every day in all that we do. As the Volvo Group, we are driving circularity in our industry forward in these important areas.

This is us - The Charging and Infrastructure Solutions (C&IS;)
The Charging and Infrastructure Solutions (C&IS;) team within Volvo Energy is a fast-moving team securing charging capabilities for the Volvo Group. As the electrification journey is accelerating the team is growing and hence, we need a Senior Business Strategy Manager that will drive the overall development, structure and strategic initiatives for the department.

What are we looking for in this specific role?
To excel in this senior position, you will need to be well connected with the C&IS; leadership team, the C&IS; department and various x-functional stakeholders, with an ability to see the end-to-end perspective at company level. You will also have to come with great initiatives, build the strategic agenda and secure implementation of it. We believe that someone that loves to work as a leader in a multicultural context with a high pace and that enjoys cooperating with various functions will also love and excel at this job.

If you also enjoy working together with great colleagues in the forefront of sustainability, in a purpose driven, high paced, high energy and forward leaning environment, then you could very well be the person we are looking for!

Responsibilities will include:
• C&IS; leadership team: Be a member in the leadership team and in an active way contribute to the strategic development of the department.
• Coordinate C&IS; Governance: Ensure that the structure, flow and agility is in place to support and execute needed decisions.
• Manage C&IS; Portfolio: Coordinate projects and follow up the strategic initiatives. This includes monitoring the progress of ongoing activities and providing regular reports on their status for various stakeholders and forums.
• Communication: Be responsible for in time communication within C&IS; and with internal and external stakeholders.
• Ensure execution and Follow up: Make sure cross-functional items are timely prepared, decisions are executed, and guidance is followed up.
• Continuous Improvement with C&IS;: Speak up, influence and drive transformation to create positive change and a learning culture. Benchmark best practices from others.

Why this role is perfect for you:
• Strategic thinker: You have a strong drive and business mindset. You are agile and proactive which is exactly what we need! You hold things together during tough times.
• Agile problem solver: You face problems and act quickly and directly. Part of this means that you can easily simplify complex matters and work through high quantities of information. You are also great at balancing polarities to take decisions.
• Networking enthusiast: You are a master at building networks and bringing people together, quickly, and efficiently.
• Communication expert: You know precisely what information to provide, when to provide it, and to whom, both internally and externally. We love that you communicate so that everyone can understand what you’re trying to say.
• Impactful coordinator: Your excellent skills in ensuring structured, cross-functional, timely prepared items and making sure decisions are executed, will be essential for us. You have excellent administration skills.

We believe that if you have 10 years, or more, relevant experience of managing complex, high-speed areas with direct business impact in large cross-functional organizations, you will be able to excel in this role. Experience in charging and infrastructure or related part of the ecosystem is considered a merit.

If you recognize yourself in the above description - we are very curious to get to know you! 

Reporting To:  
Kristina Nilsson, Senior Vice President – Charging and Infrastructure
[email protected] Visa mindre

Line Manager for Power Consulting - Power System group

Ansök    Maj 27    Hitachi Energy Sweden AB    Manager
Seize this opportunity to take on a highly visible position in a global organization. As a line manager at Power Consulting you’ll be managing a team of consultants within Power System group to deliver on solutions and financial targets of business. You will Ensure team's compliance within business unit to required standards, safety and integrity. Your responsibilities You will define operating guidelines for team and facilitates problem solving. You can o... Visa mer
Seize this opportunity to take on a highly visible position in a global organization. As a line manager at Power Consulting you’ll be managing a team of consultants within Power System group to deliver on solutions and financial targets of business. You will Ensure team's compliance within business unit to required standards, safety and integrity.
Your responsibilities
You will define operating guidelines for team and facilitates problem solving. You can oversee progress within one’s area of responsibility, identify and manages technical issues. You’ll drive the team performance to ensure that deliverables are met on time, as per contract, safety and quality requirements.
You will establish contacts within customer organizations and apply leading edge technologies and processes to deliver customer benefit. You’ll supports business development to negotiate contracts which meet customer objectives. You will support sales activities in making bids for major consulting assignments and will drive development of processes and practices based on customer feedback.
You secure contractual work within your area of responsibility, conduct regular progress reviews, identify and manage contractual risks.
You ensure that your technical consulting team is adequately resourced, developed and equipped to meet business needs. You will create work plans and cost estimates for consulting work.
You will ensure completion of risk assessments (e.g. contract review) and opportunity assessments (e.g. business growth) and implementation of resulting actions across projects.
You will facilitate best practice sharing within the consulting team, develop and drive continuous improvement activities to improve processes, policies, procedures and effectiveness within your area of responsibility.
You will ensure (with HR support) that your area of responsibility is properly organized, staffed, skilled and directed. Guide, motivate and develop direct and indirect reporting employees, within HR policies.
You are participating in defining the annual budget and are accountable for managing performance against agreed financial targets and constraints.

Your background
As a successful candidate you have a PhD or master’s degree in electrical engineering, electrical power systems or similar.
You have at least a couple of years of experience in the consulting and energy branch.
You have some years of experience as a team lead, project manager or technical responsible.
Strong knowledge in power systems analysis, as well as experience in software simulation tools such as PSS/E, PSCAD and/or DIgSILENT Power Factory.
You have a proven experience in creating opportunities in the markets (orders capture).
As a person, you have excellent influencing, leadership and communication skills.
It is necessary to be fluent in English, both written and spoken alike.

More about us
We are interested to learn more about you and what you can contribute with so don’t hesitate to apply even though you don’t meet all requirements. A team with great cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
Welcome to apply before 9/6! Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager, Cecilia Karlsson, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 10 7387043; Sveriges Ingenjörer: Stefan Andersson, +4610 7380821; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 107-38 51 42 or Ingrid Rinaldo, +46 107-38 58 19. All other questions can be directed to Håkan Kempel, [email protected] Visa mindre

Senior Manager, Support Services

Ansök    Maj 21    Oracle Svenska AB    Manager
Are you ready to seize a leadership opportunity that blends customer relationships with strategic innovation to bring impeccable return of investment to customer service delivery ? If yes, we're on the hunt for a dynamic leader who can blend their business insight, managed services domain experience, healthcare knowledge expertise and client-centric approach to redefine excellence in support. If you're passionate about nurturing relationships, driving impa... Visa mer
Are you ready to seize a leadership opportunity that blends customer relationships with strategic innovation to bring impeccable return of investment to customer service delivery ? If yes, we're on the hunt for a dynamic leader who can blend their business insight, managed services domain experience, healthcare knowledge expertise and client-centric approach to redefine excellence in support. If you're passionate about nurturing relationships, driving impactful solutions, and shaping the future of healthcare, your next career move starts here. This is an incredible opportunity to excel in an exciting, fast-paced arena!
At Oracle Health, we put humans at the heart of every conversation. Our mission is to create a human-centric healthcare experience powered by unified global data. From patients to providers, payers, and the global population, our objectives are to improve health, reduce costs, and enhance the healthcare experience. We offer the most secure and reliable healthcare solutions, which connect clinical, operational, and financial data to improve care and advance decision-making around health and well-being.
We are looking for a Manager/ Senior Manager of Support Services based in Sweden to drive success as part of our Support team. Join us and create the future
What you will do
The primary responsibilities of this role encompass assisting our Swedish and European clients in establishing and maintaining strong client relationships, outlining a sales pipeline for premier client services, and leading the current client contracts meeting client commitments.
In this job, you'll not only manage client relationships but also serve as the critical point of escalation for Client C-Suite and across all lines of business at Oracle Health to ensure swift resolution of high-level challenges that demand executive attention. Your role would demand nurturing partnerships, create referenceability and grow the business.
Cultivate CXO relationships
Drive client planning and roadmap
Be the accountable owner for delivering services to Regional Clients
Lead risk and escalation management
Advance client end user experience and achieve high reliability
Manage individual contributors who are accountable for client support and delivery
Data-mine to develop and lead service improvement plans
Follow key success measurements such as client satisfaction, SLAs, escalation management, client retention etc.
Travel up to 25%

What we will offer you
A competitive salary with exciting benefits
Flexible working options so you can do your best work
Learning and development opportunities to advance your career
Core benefits
An inclusive culture that celebrates what makes you unique

Career Level M2/ M3 (Manager/Senior Manager). Job level will be subject to successful candidate selected.
?Required Experience
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent relevant experience
Experience in a management or other leadership role
5+ years Healthcare IT support or implementation experience
Client Relationship experience at C-suite level

Preferred Experience:
Cerner Millennium knowledge
5+ years team management experience
10+ years Healthcare IT support or implementation experience Visa mindre

HR project manager

Ansök    Maj 20    AFRY AB    Manager
Company Description AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society. Job Description Are you passionate about crafting innovative leadership programs that drive organizational success? We're seeking a skilled HR Proj... Visa mer
Company Description
AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society.

Job Description
Are you passionate about crafting innovative leadership programs that drive organizational success? We're seeking a skilled HR Project Manager to spearhead our leadership development initiatives for clients.
Key Responsibilities:
Kick start development of customized leadership programs tailored to client needs.
Procuring leadership courses from external vendors to complement internal development efforts.
Managing end-to-end project lifecycles, from inception to delivery using an agile way of working
Conducting thorough needs assessments and gap analyses to identify areas for improvement.
Collaborating with internal stakeholders and external vendors to ensure program effectiveness.
Evaluating program outcomes and making data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement.

Proven experience in HR project management, particularly in leadership development
Strong understanding of modern leadership principles and best practices
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment
Proficiency in project management tools and software
Bachelor's degree in HR, Business Administration

If you're ready to take the lead in transforming organizational culture through impactful leadership programs, we want to hear from you! Apply now with your resume and a cover letter outlining your relevant experience and why you're the ideal candidate for this role.

Additional Information
You will belong to a successful global company and work together with inspiring and committed employees. We see each employee as an important piece of the puzzle in our joint success and work actively to create a developing and pleasant work environment through personal leadership. Above all, we have fun together!
Please note that we don't accept applications via email. Application deadline is 9/6 2024.
For more information regarding this role please contact;
Section Manager Karolina Ellfors, [email protected]
We refrain from direct contact with staffing and recruitment companies and sellers of additional job advertisements.
We look forward receiving your application!
At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

Teamleader / gruppchef Compliance & Quality Management

Ansök    Maj 7    AFRY AB    Manager
Företagsbeskrivning AFRY är ett internationellt företag inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi påskyndar övergången till ett hållbart samhälle. Vi är 19 000 hängivna experter inom områdena infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering som arbetar över hela världen för att skapa hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer. Inkludering och mångfald – Vi vill attrahera personer med olika bakgrund och perspektiv till vår organisation. Mångfald är positiv... Visa mer
AFRY är ett internationellt företag inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi påskyndar övergången till ett hållbart samhälle.
Vi är 19 000 hängivna experter inom områdena infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering som arbetar över hela världen för att skapa hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer.
Inkludering och mångfald – Vi vill attrahera personer med olika bakgrund och perspektiv till vår organisation. Mångfald är positivt på många sätt för oss på AFRY. Vi vet att det driver både kreativitet och innovation.

Till vår sektion Compliance & Quality Management söker vi en teamleader/gruppchef placerad i Göteborg för att vara med på vår satsning att växa och bygga upp en grupp på västkusten! Vill du vara med och driva den resan?
Som teamleader/gruppchef hos oss får du en roll med stor variation, möjlighet till många kontakter och kundmöten med ansvar att nå lyckade och hållbara affärer. Du förväntas själv arbeta i uppdrag en viss del av tiden och ansvarar för en av tre grupper i sektionen. I rollen blir du närmsta teamleader för de konsulter som har stationeringsort Göteborg och Trollhättan. Du kommer tillsammans med sektionschefen och övriga gruppchefer och teamleaders delta i uppgifter som rör verksamheten så som strategier, lönsamhet, budget, personal och kompetensutveckling och deltar i segmentets ledningsgrupp.
Vårt affärsområde Specialized Operational Excellence (SOE) har ca 100 medarbetare utspridda över landet som är uppdelade i tre segment; Compliance & Quality Management, Safety & EHS Management och Technical Communication.
I vår sektion som tillhör segmentet med samma namn, Compliance & Quality Management, är vi allt från nyexaminerade till seniora konsulter med en bred kompetens inom kvalitet, compliance och produktsäkerhet. Vi arbetar i olika branscher så som verkstadsindustri, MedTech och konsumentprodukter, med allt från produktutveckling till produktion och eftermarknad. Vårt affärsområde finns redan etablerat i Göteborg men med vår satsning är målet att även etablera sektionen Compliance & Quality Management på västkusten.
Varför jobba med mig? – Britta-Stina, rekryterande chef: Som ledare är jag inkluderande, strukturerad och stöttande. Jag tror att många utvecklas av frihet under ansvar vilket speglar mitt ledarskap. Jag älskar tydlig kommunikation, onsdagsfika och att fira framgångar tillsammans!

Vi letar efter en affärsmässig lagspelare som ser möjligheter och genom ett prestigelöst och lyhört förhållningssätt vill vara med på vår satsning och etablera en ny grupp på västkusten. Du gillar att ha nära till affär och kund och utmanas av att utveckla affärer med nya kunder.
De verkliga framgångsfaktorerna för rollen är dina personliga egenskaper. En viktig del av tjänsten är att kunna skapa goda relationer, både med kunder och kollegor. Du har troligtvis i tidigare roller visat prov på ett gott ledarskap genom att engagera och motivera dina medarbetare och kollegor.
Du har en akademisk utbildning inom relevant område och gärna tidigare erfarenhet från konsultbranschen eller på annat sätt interagera/göra affärer med kunder. Vi ser även att du har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska både i tal och skrift och inte har någonting emot lite administrativt arbete.
Då du förväntas att både arbeta i uppdrag hos kund och vara ledare ser vi såklart att du har relevant arbetslivserfarenhet inom området. Det är också viktigt att du kan planera din egna tid på ett effektivt sätt och uppskatta att ha många saker på gång samtidigt.

Ytterligare information
Vår konsultgrupp präglas av samarbete, öppenhet, professionalism och vi drivs av att skapa mervärde för våra kunder. Vårt affärsområde kan utöver konsulttjänster även erbjuda våra kunder paketerade lösningar och produkter.
Vi erbjuder en arbetsplats med framåtanda och trygghet i form av kollektivavtal och personalförmåner för samtliga av våra medarbetare. Vår personalklubb arrangerar sociala aktiviteter på och utanför kontoret. Allt från skidresor, sjunga i kör till att spela brädspel – det finns något för alla.
Vi söker dig som vill vara en del av AFRYs framgångssaga. Brinner du för teknisk utveckling? Gillar du att samarbeta för att hitta den bästa lösningen? Då kan vi erbjuda dig karriärmöjligheter på en modern arbetsplats med utmanande arbetsuppgifter och spännande projekt världen över.

Kontaktuppgifter för frågor
För frågor gällande tjänsten, kontakta Segmentschef Britta-Stina Karlsson [email protected]
För frågor gällande rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta Rekryteringspartner Fanny Sjödell, [email protected]
Ansök via ansökningsknappen då vi inte kan ta emot ansökningar via mejl.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 9/6!
På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Employee Relations Manager

Ansök    Maj 20    H & M Hennes & Mauritz Gbc AB    Manager
Company Description Are you passionate about shaping the future of Human Resources in a vibrant, global organization? H&M Group is looking for a visionary People/Employee Relations Manager to spearhead our HR initiatives and drive meaningful growth across our diverse ecosystem. This role offers an exciting opportunity to influence HR practices and strategies, ensuring alignment with our dynamic business needs and core values of inclusion and diversity. J... Visa mer
Company Description
Are you passionate about shaping the future of Human Resources in a vibrant, global organization? H&M Group is looking for a visionary People/Employee Relations Manager to spearhead our HR initiatives and drive meaningful growth across our diverse ecosystem. This role offers an exciting opportunity to influence HR practices and strategies, ensuring alignment with our dynamic business needs and core values of inclusion and diversity.

Job Description
In this role you will ensure that we strengthen the organization with capabilities needed within areas such as labor relations, labor law, work environment and human rights, due diligence, compliance and follow up. Initially the focus will relate to setting strategy, build teams, and implementation in collaboration with a diverse HR community and business leaders. This role will be pivotal in ensuring that our business can continue to deliver results and be fit for purpose, today and in the future.
Direct a core team within the People Relations Area, working alongside a network of leaders and experts across various functions.
Ensure that H&M Group have capabilities and “way of working” that can fulfill business needs from all perspectives of labor relations, labor law, risk management, steering, policy, and people governance.
Develop and execute the People Relations strategy, ensuring alignment with H&M’s overarching goals and values.
Craft and update social policies, ensuring compliance and adherence within the organization.
Maintain a holistic view of operations, fostering cross-functional cooperation and driving People Relations initiatives company-wide.
Stay ahead of global trends in HR and labor relations, continuously adapting our strategies to meet evolving business needs and labor laws.

You are a senior professional with 10+ years of experience in Human Resources, Labor Law, Organizational Development, or a related field.
Previous experience within Employee Relations, Workplace compliance, ensuring compliance with company policies and legal requirements for global company.
Experienced with leading teams in complex, international business settings with a proven ability to manage diverse teams both on-site and remotely.
A strategic thinker capable of turning insights into actionable, effective workflows.
An innovative leader who questions conventional approaches to pave the way for new solutions.
Fluent in English, with exemplary communication and presentation skills.

Additional Information
This is a permanent full-time position based in Liljeholmen, Stockholm.

Ready to lead the way in People Relations at H&M Group? Last date of application is 31st of May. We will start interviewing as soon as applications start coming in. Apply today to become part of our journey to redefine the future of work and fashion.
Why Join H&M Group?
???????At H&M Group, you'll be part of a global network where your work makes a direct impact. Our different specialists area in HR are designed to operate collaboratively across regions, providing a rich environment for professional growth and innovation. This role is more than a job; it’s a chance to be at the heart of a leading fashion and lifestyle company that prides itself on empowering employees and embracing change.
Inclusion & Diversity
H&M is a part of H&M Group. At H&M Group, we’re determined to create and maintain inclusive, diverse and equitable workplaces throughout our organisation. Our teams should consist of a variety of people that share and combine their knowledge, experience and ideas. Having a diverse workforce leads to a positive impact on how we address challenges, on what we perceive possible and on how we choose to relate to our colleagues and customers all over the world. Hence all diversity dimensions are taken into consideration in our recruitment process.

We strive to have a fair and equal process and therefore kindly ask you not to attach a cover letter in your application as they often contain information that easily can trigger unintentional biases. Visa mindre

Director Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems, Powertrain Eng. Sweden

Ansök    Maj 13    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.* Take the opportunity to join the exciting journey to create future, sustainable powertrains for our... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.*

Take the opportunity to join the exciting journey to create future, sustainable powertrains for our customers as well as a great place to grow for our employees. We’re now looking for a Director for our Exhaust Aftertreatment organization for Powertrain Engineering Sweden.

This is us, your new colleagues at Powertrain Engineering (PE)
We stand in front of significant challenges, where reducing transport emitted CO2 emissions is one of the biggest. We have transformed over the past years by simplifying and empowering our organization and way of working. As an integrated part of this we have high expectations to shorten development time and cost and drive innovation and employee engagement by leading technology and people.
The PE Sweden organization has the full responsibility for Platform Center Heavy Duty Engines, Transmissions as well as Application Center Heavy Duty Europe. The organization takes the product ownership role and optimizes complete powertrain systems through usage of components tailored for each application.
We make the combustion engine a viable option for the future where electrification is challenging, through use of biofuels and fossil-free fuels like hydrogen. Our innovative technology reduces emissions to near-zero levels. Together with our colleagues around the world we take full system responsibility incl. hardware, software, and calibration.

This is how you could make an impact
The Exhaust aftertreatment system (EATS) department is responsible for the global platform development of exhaust aftertreatment systems for Volvo Group’s different product around the world. 
We are about 80 passionate and highly skilled engineers on a mission to reduce the environmental impact of global transportation. EATS organization consists of 6 technology and competence centered groups. Design & Simulation, Catalysts & Filters, Hardware Components, Diagnostics, Control and Calibration.
As Director for EATS, you will have the responsibility for EATS components and systems over their life cycle as well as virtual development and data analytics.
You lead the organization to secure roadmaps of the systems, components, tools, and methods are in line with the future needs of our customers and society. 
You drive cooperation between all global Powertrain Engineering sites to secure common architecture and shared technology (CAST) as well as leading the cross-functional network around EATS.  
In this position you will be part of an organization dedicated to technology as well as empowering and developing our employees. We always use customer satisfaction as the ultimate performance measurement.
We work in a truly international environment with colleagues from all over the world and a tight collaboration with suppliers across the globe. We believe that diverse teams achieve greater results, through the power of inclusion. 

Who are you? Are we a perfect match?
You are passionate about sustainable powertrains with a drive to explore new technologies and find synergies in developing the best complete product for our customers.
You are a people person with a positive mindset, a can-do attitude, ability to see opportunities and courage to challenge. You have a structured approach; can quickly find common ground and solutions and you make your recommendations and decisions based on qualitative facts. You are an inspiring leader who cultivates and drives innovation and engagement through collaboration, teamwork, and people development.

We also want you to have:
Minimum a master’s degree in engineering
Proven ability to successfully lead a team as line or project manager
Well experienced in the automotive industry especially within the area of forefront technology development/research in the Powertrain domain.
Understanding of the integration process EATS hardware, software, calibration, and engine. 
Understanding of EATS supplier chain and supplier interaction and selection.
Deep knowledge about verification & validation methodology e.g. virtual analysis, simulation, testing, RCA, FMEA, materials analysis, measurement technology etc. 
Communicate with ease in both verbal and written English.

What can we offer?
You get an opportunity to work together with highly skilled colleagues in an exciting, global environment which provides opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. Our daily work is performed in an international environment giving the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. We trust the individual and act as a team, stay close to the product and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth.

Curious and want to know more? Please contact me! I look forward to receiving your application!
Lars-Inge Grahn, Vice President Powertrain Engineering Sweden, [email protected]
For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact:
Julia Karlberg, Talent Acquisition Partner, [email protected]
 Last application date is 31st of may. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail.

. Visa mindre

Plant Project Manager - Torslanda

Ansök    Apr 24    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What´s in it for you? 
Plant Business Office belongs to Plant Engineering at Volvo Cars Torslanda within global manufacturing and are divided into two main areas, Plant Project Management & Plant Specialists.
Plant Business Office is the the plant strategical competence handling all matters on plant level. Responsible for early phases in body, casting, paint, battery and assembly shop for both product and non-product projects and is driving the vision layout towards ideal state in the complete plant and is supporting running production within our area of responsibilities.   
Our main customer is Production, Manufacturing Engineering, Logistics, Facility, Maintenance and Sustainability. Our deliveries are leading investigations and pre studies to enhance the output from the plant and to fulfil our KPI targets by presenting different business case within efficiency, vision layouts, flow simulations and sustainability.
We are now looking for a sr Plant Project Manager in early phases for Paint Shop and to keep together projects and flows across Volvo Cars Torslanda. 

What you’ll do
As Plant Project Manager, you will encompass setting a comprehensive long-term plan spanning over a decade to ensure the attainment of our objectives. This includes the vision layout and step-by-step plans for Paint Shop, as well as for the entire site and its stakeholders. You will be aligning these plans with other plant strategies related to processes, sustainability, people experience, and mobility while also developing a feasible technical timeline.
You will oversee the budget forecasting process by initiating, collecting, challenging, and motivating investment requests. You will conduct pre-studies related to capacity, industrial structure, efficiency, and future state manufacturing. This in close collaboration with the manufacturing business project office, manufacturing engineering, plant supply chain engineering, central logistics, and purchasing departments.

Additionally, you will be involved in early-phase project management, specifically before the pre-PC gate and financial approval of product and non-product projects. Your responsibility will include concepts, time, technique, cost, KPI fulfilment and project resource planning.

The Plant Project Manager works strategically where all deliverables will be evaluated with regards to the MR27 objectives within manufacturing. You will be responsible for planning both winter and summer shutdown activities. Furthermore, you will organize and cluster different activities on shop and plant level. 

You and your profile
We are looking for a committed and inspiring manager who is enthusiastic about project management. The right person has the ability to influence others and drive change. You have high integrity and establish trust-based relationships to better serve the organization through your great communication skills. Can do attitude with the ability for details and at same time take high level view and ownership. 
We see that you have a minimum of 5 years of experience in manufacturing and/or paint functions, and/or strong in project management, combined with a master’s degree in engineering or equivalent. For you to be successful in this role, you should demonstrate extensive knowledge of our paint process. You have a strong interest in lean process design and flows, along with the ability to acquire profound knowledge of lean fundamentals, ideal state layouts, lead time mapping, zone capacity, and other process design tools.

The successful candidate should demonstrate a commitment to self-development, as being a quick learner and having the ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
You are fluent in English and Swedish. 

How to learn more and apply
Kindly register your application via our Recruitment Tool as soon as possible but no later than 12th of May.
Due to GDPR, applications via email are not accepted. 
For questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact Hiring Manager Kristoffer Mann, [email protected]. If you have questions related to the recruitment process, please contact Recruiter Ida Hellberg, [email protected].  
We will do our best to keep you continuously updated during the recruitment process. The recruitment is ongoing, and you may be contacted before the last application date. Visa mindre

Senior Manager, Support Services

Ansök    Apr 26    Oracle Svenska AB    Manager
Are you ready to seize a leadership opportunity that blends customer relationships with strategic innovation to bring impeccable return of investment to customer service delivery ? If yes, We're on the hunt for a dynamic leader who can blend their business acumen, managed services domain experience, healthcare knowledge expertise and client-centric mindset to redefine excellence in support. If you're passionate about nurturing relationships, driving impact... Visa mer
Are you ready to seize a leadership opportunity that blends customer relationships with strategic innovation to bring impeccable return of investment to customer service delivery ? If yes, We're on the hunt for a dynamic leader who can blend their business acumen, managed services domain experience, healthcare knowledge expertise and client-centric mindset to redefine excellence in support. If you're passionate about nurturing relationships, driving impactful solutions, and shaping the future of healthcare, your next career move starts here. This is an incredible opportunity to excel in an exciting, fast-paced arena.
At Oracle Health, we put humans at the heart of every conversation. Our mission is to create a human-centric healthcare experience powered by unified global data. From patients to providers, payers, and the global population, our objectives are to improve health, reduce costs, and enhance the healthcare experience. We offer the most secure and reliable healthcare solutions, which connect clinical, operational, and financial data to improve care and advance decision-making around health and well-being.
We are looking for a Senior Manager of Support Services based in Sweden to drive success as part of our Support team. Join us and create the future.
Career Level - M3
What you will do
In this job, You'll not only manage client relationships but also serve as the critical point of escalation for Client C-Suite and across all lines of business at Oracle Health to ensure swift resolution of high-level challenges that demand executive attention. Your role would demand nurturing partnerships, create referencibility and grow the business.
Cultivate CXO relationships
Drive client planning and roadmap
Be the accountable owner for delivering services to Regional Clients
Lead risk and escalation management
Advance client end user experience and achieve high reliability
Manage individual contributors who are accountable for client support and delivery
Data-mine to develop and lead service improvement plans
Follow key success measurements such as client satisfaction, SLAs, escalation management, client retention etc.
Travel up to 25%

Required Experience
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent relevant experience
+10 years of experience in healthcare IT support or implementation
+5 years of experience of team management
Client Relationship expérience at C-suite level
Knowledge of Cerner Millennium is preferred Visa mindre

Engineering Manager Propulsion Electronics Lab

Ansök    Apr 24    Volvo Personvagnar AB    Manager
Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

About us
At Propulsion System and Climate Testing, we support the sustainability mission by being part of the commitment to rethink sustainability in our operations, in our cars and in society. Our scope is to secure appropriate and efficient test facilities enabling testing, verification and validation of power electronics, electric motors, transmission, thermal and climate systems as well as energy efficiency and emissions.

The Propulsion Electronics Lab consists of 14 highly skilled engineers working with investment and test of Electrical Machines, Inverters and Power Electronics. It is a growing area with a lot of technical challenges and opportunities with many ongoing investments together with the responsibility to deliver quality assured test data.

As Engineering Manager, you will work in close cooperation not only with your engineers but also with our stakeholders as well as the rest of the section including then management team. Together with your team and the stakeholders you will have the opportunity to explore future improvements bringing out the best of people and the business. We believe you are comfortable standing up for your point of view even if you at the same time have on open mind!

We believe teamwork is dream work and best done while having fun.

What you will do
As a leader at Volvo Cars, you will continue to grow an open, trusting, and inspiring environment where we build on people’s strengths. As Engineering Manager, you will have the responsibility to guide the teams in a changing environment where you contribute to develop the team’s capabilities. In addition, you need to be an accessible leader who supports, coaches, and develops the team to assure the right competence is in line with strategies. With other words as Engineering Manager, you have the operational and business responsibility to ensure the establishment of strategies, technical execution, and delivery.

As a part of the management team, we hope you will bring curiosity and fresh eyes to challenge existing norms and together with your colleagues bring out the best of the organization.

About you
We believe you have a MSc in engineering or equivalent experience. You have an interest in cars and technology, and are fluent in Swedish and English, both written and spoken.

You have previous leadership experience developing people by coaching and mentoring. Experience from working in product development is meritorious for this position.
To thrive in this position, you have a genuine interest in leadership, you are a strong believer in the power of people and truly motivated in creating an inclusive work environment that promotes collaboration, understanding and encouragement to reach your goals.

How to learn more and apply
If you have questions regarding the position and business function, please contact Hiring manager Gunilla Järpsten, at [email protected].
For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter, Kristin Lövgren at [email protected]
You are welcome with your application via the link in the advert, no later than 12th of May 2024. Please keep in mind that we recruit continuously and therefore encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Due to GDPR we do not accept applications via e-mail. Visa mindre

Director of Services - Vehicle Technology

Ansök    Apr 10    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." At... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

At Vehicle Technology, We are passionate about unleashing tomorrow’s technology to create sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions making the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe and driver-friendly solutions. We develop top quality Services and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with cutting edge tools and methods.

Who are we, your new colleagues?
For us, working with technology means the aspiration to move forward, to constantly improve and to be better. It means innovative thinking and problem-solving through inspiring teamwork to come up with technical solutions and Services to forefront the way in partly unchartered territory.

In BASC - Business, Architecture, Services and Connectivity – We put a strong emphasis on Business value in everything we do, and to support the Business value in solid and appropriate Architecture and corresponding building blocks. Further supporting the realization of groundbreaking Services. We are a “framing” organization for all of Vehicle Technology organization.

Your responsibilities 
As a leader you will inspire and challenge people to be the best they can be. You are passionate about creating the right environment to enable your team to develop competencies and skills. You are a driving force and use experience, feedback and best practices to constantly evolve and improve. 

As the Director of Services within Vehicle Technology, you will lead the Services organization line managers and accelerate our cross-functional change into servitization. You help our truck brands by enhancing existing, and delivering new, revenue streams and customer value, through Services. Your main missions will be: 
Lead the work to identify and create new digital vehicle related Services.  
Lead, develop and execute the Services roadmaps in your scope, for the design, development, and implementation of customer Services, from an end-to-end perspective. 
Lead and grow the Services organization and its cross-functional network, to be able to meet the expectations in Services revenue. 
Balance short-term commitments and long-term strategic objectives and further guide the team to make trade-offs and prioritizations in the backlog. 
Be pro-active in the “framing” capacity, making sure we bring the absolute best out of the collective organizations. 

By understanding the customer needs, your team will make sure to utilize the unique advantages that Volvo Group can bring, pair this up with partner solutions to deliver real customer value, and find the win/win/win.

You will report to the Vice President of BASC and will be an active team player in the BASC management team.

Who are you?
Your most important attribute is your ability to act as a Servant Leader, to challenge the status-quo and to continuously coach, grow and develop the people in our department. You are goal-oriented and a strong network-builder with excellent communication skills as this job involves a lot of collaborations. 

We believe you can work and thrive under demanding conditions while creating a successful and fun working climate. As a person, you have a broad technical know-how in the area, combined with people skills and belief in agile methods. You can inspire, develop and motivate individuals and teams and are eager to lead us on a transformational journey. We expect you to have: 
Master of Science in Electrical & Electronics Engineering or equivalent.
5 years of experience of line and/or project management.
Strong experience, or a genuine desire in understanding and improving the customer’s operations by Services.
A strong Business-driven mindset, combined with an ability to bring out the best of any organization.
A proven track record of defining and leading change.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

 As your future manager, I truly believe that what makes you thrilled going to work will make you successful. That means I will support you in your personal development and help you follow your professional dreams.  

For more information and questions, please contact me: 
Markus Johansson, Vice President BASC - [email protected]

Last application date is April 30, 2024. Visa mindre

Director Business & Operational Services

Ansök    Apr 10    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match.   Are you an energetic, communicative, and dynamic leader with ability to... Visa mer
Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 
 Are you an energetic, communicative, and dynamic leader with ability to create structure and clarity in complex matters? Do you have an exceptional business mindset and understanding, and do you also possess expertise from managing quality and environmental system standards (ISO9001 and ISO14001), then you might be our next star! We are now recruiting a new Director Business and Operational Services. 

This is who we are
Business and Operational Services (BOS) resides within CV Product Safety & Certification EU/I in Complete Vehicle, Group Trucks Technology (GTT). BOS plans, executes, and follows up both internal as well as external management system audits in close collaboration with the GTT Executive Management Team (EMT). The BOS team is global and provides management system support to all our GTT sites. Within the team, we also provide executive services to GTT and Complete Vehicle related to sustainability, environmental awareness, business development, continuous improvement and change management.

What we can offer you
In this position you will be where the action is! You will get the opportunity to interact with senior leaders from all functions in GTT. The position offers a fantastic opportunity to get a holistic view of product development. The position will also let you learn and influence the evolution of our management systems. In this role, you will be instrumental in planning and preparation of management reviews, and you will be expected to ensure relevant information is available at right time. Together with your team you will work both on pull-, and push. You have freedom to identify and drive improvement activities and analysis to create business value. You will also be requested to support GTT business with expertise related to your domain. 
The team you will be leading is today a very senior and diverse team, consisting of dedicated, forward-leaning and highly skilled professionals. The team will have great expectations of you, but you will also be able to expect a lot from them.

Your focus will be to:
•    Drive activities to secure quality-, cybersecurity and environmental management standards compliance in GTT, over time 
•    Drive business relevant improvement activities
•    Plan for, and execute management reviews
•    Plan and execute internal, as well as external (in collaboration with external party) audit programs in GTT globally
•    Continuously contribute to enhanced sustainability and environmental awareness in GTT

Are our interests matching? 
To be able to thrive in this position, we believe you have strong leadership skills with proven ability to facilitate cross-functional, cross-business & cross-hierarchal topics. We also believe you have good communication skills with a high dose of political savvy and a strong drive to deliver results. As the director of BOS you should have stakeholder management skills, with ability to create mutual understanding and ways forward in complex topics. We believe you can thrive and succeed in a dynamic environment where change and continuous improvement are expected. You have a genuine interest in leading work related to management systems and in sustainable product development with good understanding of the requirements on the automotive industry. We would also like you to have previous experience from working with Volvo product development processes

Other important competencies for the position:
•    Master’s degree in engineering or equivalent
•    Several years’ work experience where of minimum 5 years in line management
•    Experience from leading global teams
•    Proven experience from working with strategy, process-, and method improvements 
•    Documented ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 experience 

As Director Business Operational Services, you will report to Vice President Product Safety & Certification EU/I and be part of the Product Safety & Certification EU/I Management team.
We are actively working to establish teams that will take maximum advantage of the strength inherent to differences in knowledge, experience, age, gender and nationality, among others. We find that well balanced work teams increase group dynamics, creativity and new approaches to solutions. 

Are you curious or do you have questions – reach out to:
Hiring Manger; Jenny Gustafsson, Vice President Product Safety & Certification EU/I, +46739026744
Julia Karlberg, Talent Acquistion Partner, [email protected]

 Last application date 28th of april.

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. Visa mindre

Director of Business and Partner Development - Vehicle Technology

Ansök    Apr 10    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." At... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

At Vehicle Technology, We are passionate about unleashing tomorrow’s technology to create sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions making the world a better place for future generations. We provide innovative, safe and driver-friendly solutions. We develop top quality Services and we make our customer operations more efficient by using excellent data insights. We support the Volvo Group engineering community with cutting edge tools and methods.

Who are we, your new colleagues?
For us, working with technology means the aspiration to move forward, to constantly improve and to be better. It means innovative thinking and problem-solving through inspiring teamwork to come up with technical solutions and Services to forefront the way in partly unchartered territory.
In BASC - Business, Architecture, Services and Connectivity – We put a strong emphasis on Business value in everything we do, and to support the Business value in solid and appropriate Architecture and corresponding building blocks. Further supporting the realization of groundbreaking Services. We are a “framing” organization for all of Vehicle Technology organization.

Your responsibilities
As a leader you will inspire and challenge people to be the best they can be. You are passionate about creating the right environment to enable your team to develop competencies and skills. You are a driving force and use experience, feedback and best practices to constantly evolve and improve.
By understanding the customer needs and the opportunities that digitalization brings, your team will make sure to utilize the unique advantages that Volvo Group can bring by having the right partnerships at hand.
The position is a mix of line management (leading people) and cross-functional leadership in order to drive and deliver customer value in the most efficient way. Your main missions will be:
Lead the work to nurture, identify and create new partnerships enabling us to deliver on existing and future roadmaps with speed.
Grow and enhance already existing partnerships.
End non-performing partnerships based on future outlook and needs.
Develop supporting Governance and Foras for effective handling of partnerships.
Balance short-term partner commitments and long-term strategic goals and further guide the team to make trade-offs and prioritizations in the backlog.

You will report to the Vice President of BASC and will be an active team player in the BASC management team.

Who are you?
Your most important attribute is your ability to act as a Servant Leader, to challenge the status-quo and to continuously coach, grow and develop the people in our department. You are goal-oriented- and a strong network-builder with excellent communication skills as this job involves a lot of collaborations. 
We believe you can work and thrive under demanding conditions while creating a successful and fun working climate. As a person, you have a broad technical know-how in the area, combined with people skills and belief in agile methods. You can inspire, develop and motivate individuals and teams and are eager to lead us on a transformational journey. We expect you to have:
Master’s degree in Engineering and/or Business Administration.
Several years of experience of line and/or project management.
A proven track record of leading and driving change including supplier and partner involvement.
A strong Product Knowledge (Truck and extended Services knowledge).
A strong Business-driven mindset, combined with an ability to bring out the best of any organization and a genuine desire in understanding and improving customer’s operations.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
Additional experience in agile methods as well as product and process knowledge working with Product Board material or similar.

As your future manager, I truly believe that what makes you thrilled going to work will make you successful. That means I will support you in your personal development and help you follow your professional dreams.
For more information and questions, please contact me:
Markus Johansson, Vice President BASC - [email protected]
Last application date is April 30, 2024. Visa mindre

Group Manager Data Governance & Compliance

Ansök    Apr 9    Volvo Business Services AB    Manager
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm." Tr... Visa mer
"Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity.

Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."

Transport is at the core of modern society. Imagine using your expertise to shape sustainable transport solutions for the future? If you seek to make a difference on a global scale, working with next-gen technologies and the sharpest collaborative teams, then we could be a perfect match. 

In the Data Governance & Analytics Department, we have a clear mission to unlock the potential of data by safeguarding quality, compliance, availability and ease of use. We leverage digital technologies such as analytics and AI services to better satisfy our customers’ needs and achieve greater speed of R&D.?  

Our values of customer success, trust, passion, change, and performance are at the core of everything we do.  You will be an integral part of our global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals. Our role is pivotal in supporting the Volvo Group to achieve its ambitions for 2030, 100% Safe, 100% fossil-free and 100% more productive. Are you ready to be a part of our transformation journey as we strive to become the digital capability of the Group? The time to act is now. 

Join us on our journey to become the digital backbone of the Group and play a pivotal role in our transformation. 

As the Group Manager for Data Governance & Compliance, you will lead a dynamic team responsible for setting industry benchmarks in data privacy, sharing, and compliance. You’ll guide your team through the complexities of GDPR, the Data Act, AI Act, and principles of privacy by design, ensuring our data handling practices are not only compliant but exemplary. 

Key Responsibilities: 
* Lead, motivate, and support a diverse team, crafting a clear vision and strategy for the Data Governance and Compliance function. 
* Foster a culture of high performance and continuous learning, emphasizing the professional growth and empowerment of your team. 
* Strategize and oversee the implementation of comprehensive data privacy, compliance, and governance frameworks in line with global standards and regulations. 
* Serve as a key advisor to senior management on data governance and compliance issues, influencing company-wide practices and policies. 
* Ensure the team’s objectives are clearly defined and achieved, removing barriers to success and maintaining focus on strategic goals. 
* Keep abreast of emerging trends and regulations in data privacy and compliance, preparing the organization to meet future challenges head-on. 

Who You Are: 
* Hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Law, Information Technology, Data Science, or a related field. 
* Demonstrate proven leadership in data privacy or compliance, with a track record of developing teams and impacting strategy. 
* Possess in-depth knowledge of industry data standards and regulations (e.g., GDPR, Data Act, AI Act) and risk management practices. 
* Exhibit exceptional leadership abilities, capable of inspiring and fostering high-performing teams. 
* Are a strategic thinker, adept at translating complex regulatory environments into practical, actionable plans. 
* Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to engage and influence at all levels within the organization. 
* Are deeply passionate about promoting a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and ethical data handling. 

Why Join Us? 
This is your chance to lead a crucial function within an organization that values diversity, innovation, and ethical practices. By joining our team, you’ll contribute to Volvo Group’s vision for a safer, cleaner, and more productive future. If you're passionate about data governance and compliance and ready for a new challenge, we invite you to apply. 

Application Details: 
For more information, please contact MinJuan Wang, Global Technology Manager Data Governance and Analytics, at [email protected].  
We review applications on a rolling basis and look forward to your submission. 

Last application date 25th of april. 

We value your data privacy and therefore do not accept applications via mail. 

Group Trucks Technology are seeking talents to help design sustainable transportation solutions for the future. As part of our team, you’ll help us by engineering exciting next-gen technologies and contribute to projects that determine new, sustainable solutions. Bring your love of developing systems, working collaboratively, and your advanced skills to a place where you can make an impact. Join our design shift that leaves society in good shape for the next generation. Visa mindre

Unit Manager Power Consulting Sweden

Ansök    Apr 8    Hitachi Energy Sweden AB    Manager
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our society as homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation As a Unit M... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our society as homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
As a Unit Manager in Power Consulting, you will be responsible for the development of advisory projects for major electricity sector agents, including distribution, transmission, retailer, generators in helping them deal with regulatory, economic and electricity challenges. As well as assisting in the building and retention of long-lasting relationships with internal and external customers to support profitable growth and ongoing satisfaction.
You will be a part of a team that has a passion for continuous improvements and quality assurance. We have fun at work and what we do is important with a direct impact on our customers, co-workers, and company’s success!
Key areas of responsibility:
Identifying opportunities for new and repeating consulting business, building an internal and external network for the exchange of information.
Creating added value for customers and the organization, ensuring the successful outcome of transactions, contracts and proposals, using a series of sales techniques, and negotiating tactics for the leading of sales activities.
Proposing research & development projects including the scope of the budget, supporting the project management strategy including productization, modularization and following up on new products/solutions, including ongoing support with contract management activities.
Conducting risk and opportunities for the various assessments, ensuring delivery of the assignment as per agreed contract.
Leading the creation of new process and tool enhancement following the study of advanced techniques, with a lead to coach and develop sub-ordinate colleagues.
Managing experienced professionals who exercise latitude and independence in assignments.
Policy and strategy implementation for short-term results (1 year or less).
Taking care of problems that are difficult to moderately complex.
Influencing others outside of own job area regarding policies, practices, and procedures

Your background:
We are looking for a driven, dedicated and service-minded person who can work both independently and as well in a team
You have good communication, negotiation and presentation skills, and are open to global collaboration
You hold a university degree within a relevant technical area along with competence in Engineering & Consulting Firms.
Significant Experience in Energy/Utility Sector
Proven experience in managing P&L

More about us
We are on a rapid growth journey and we are eager to learn more about you and what you can contribute. A team with a great team spirit, cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
You are welcome to apply by 29th of April. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
More information:?Hiring Manager,?Daniel Perez, [email protected],?will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges?Ingenjörer: Nawzad Rashid, +46 107-38 91 48; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 107-38 51 42, and Ingrid Rinaldo, +46 107-38 58 19; Ledarna:?Christer Fridlund,?+46?107-38 29 12.?All other questions can be directed to Lead Recruiter?Helena Stefansdottir, +46 107-38 53 98, [email protected].
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre