Lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, produktion, maskin i Göteborg

Se lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, produktion, maskin i Göteborg. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Göteborg som finns hos arbetsgivaren.

Mekanikkonstruktör till försvarsindustrin

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING, SAMT ÄR INTRESSERAD AV ATT LÄRA DIG MER OM UTVECKLINGEN INOM FÖRSVARSINDUSTRIN?   Vi på ALTEN i Göteborg söker just nu efter ingenjörer som är sugna på nya utmaningar och ta nästa steg i karriären för ett uppdrag inom försvarsindustrin. Som ingenjör i vårt team på ALTEN Sweden kommer du att vara en del av en grupp av talangfulla konsulter som levererar högkvalitativa lös... Visa mer


Vi på ALTEN i Göteborg söker just nu efter ingenjörer som är sugna på nya utmaningar och ta nästa steg i karriären för ett uppdrag inom försvarsindustrin. Som ingenjör i vårt team på ALTEN Sweden kommer du att vara en del av en grupp av talangfulla konsulter som levererar högkvalitativa lösningar till våra kunder. På detta uppdrag kommer du att vara involverad i att utveckla hårdvara för komplexa system som används för säkerhets- och försvarsändamål.


Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.



· Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.

· Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.

· 5+ års arbetslivserfarenhet.

· Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

· Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.



· Tidigare erfarenhet från försvarsindustrin

· Erfarenhet av konstruktion av kablage

· Erfarenhet av konstruktion av plast och komposit

· Erfarenhet inom Automotive eller Telekom




Välkommen med din ansökan!



ALTEN är ett av Europas största teknik- och IT-konsultföretag med över 57 000 anställda cirka 30 länder. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Försvar & Säkerhet, Energi, Industriell utrustning, Public service samt Life sciences.I Sverige är vi cirka 1300 engagerade medarbetare med 9 kontor i 9 städer- från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr.


ALTEN har för femteåret i rad utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, enutmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter.


Välkommen in att läsa mer om oss på alten.se Visa mindre


Jobbeskrivning Vår verksamhet i Skaraborg söker nu nästa stjärna till vårt team av produktionsingenjörer. I denna rekrytering fokuserar vi på kandidater som har erfarenhet inom fordonsindustrin. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande och spänner över stora områden, exempelvis: - Ingå i team som utvecklar nya produktionssystem - Fastställa beredningsunderlag - Granskning och industrialisering - Beredning utifrån produktförändringar och beredning av nya produkter ... Visa mer
Vår verksamhet i Skaraborg söker nu nästa stjärna till vårt team av produktionsingenjörer. I denna rekrytering fokuserar vi på kandidater som har erfarenhet inom fordonsindustrin. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande och spänner över stora områden, exempelvis:

- Ingå i team som utvecklar nya produktionssystem
- Fastställa beredningsunderlag
- Granskning och industrialisering
- Beredning utifrån produktförändringar och beredning av nya produkter
- Optimering / anpassning av befintligt system för nya produkter
- Metodansvar vid framtagning av ny utrustning, fixturer och verktyg
- Teknisk support vid prototypframtagning, konstruktionsfrågor.
- Genomföra och ansvara för line-balansering och flödesoptimering
- Genomföra och ansvara för simulering (FACTS)
- Driva förbättringsprojekt i linje med Volvo Production System/Lean
- Delta i globalt utvecklingsarbete inom områden som Industri 4.0, automation och digitalisering

Kvalifikationer och erfarenhet
- Högskole-, civilingenjör, eller motsvarande erfarenhet
- Har förmåga att planera, prioritera och strukturera upp ditt arbete
- Kunna stödja och leda arbetspaket i projekt samt driva egna projekt
- Kunna samverka med institutioner, samarbetspartners och kollegor
- God förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift så väl på svenska som engelska

Personliga färdigheter, egenskaper, erfarenhet
Vem är du?
Du har ett starkt driv och har förmåga att omsätta teori i praktik. Du har ett stort engagemang och kan arbeta enligt gällande förbättringsmetodik. Du har god analytisk förmåga. Du stimuleras av att samla in, utvärdera och dra slutsatser från data. Du har även lätt för att samverka med din omgivning och förmedla kunskap till övriga inom organisationen.

Vi erbjuder
Som arbetsgivare har vi gjort oss kända för vårt personliga klimat och en kultur med stor öppenhet, delaktighet och med mycket energi. Vi ser våra anställda som vår viktigaste tillgång.
Med omfattande kunskap och precision förser vi den svenska industrin med spetskompetens inom områden som produktutveckling, design & UX, beräkning & simulering, produktionsutveckling, PLM och projektledning. Vi erbjuder både konsulter på plats hos kunden och projektuppdrag från våra lokala kontor.
Sedan starten 2014 har vi haft en fantastisk utveckling. Tillsammans med våra dotterbolag Sigma Embedded Engineering och Sigma Energy & Marine är vi idag över 400 anställda.

Som en del av Sigmagruppen erbjuder vi det bästa av två världar; stabilitet och entreprenörsanda. Sigma består av ett flertal bolag inom olika tekniska kompetensområden och har idag över 5000 anställda och verksamhet i 14 länder. Detta gör oss till Sveriges största privatägda konsultgrupp. Visa mindre


Om kunden Vi söker nu en systemingenjör som vill arbeta med teknik i framkant på vår kunds kontor i Karlstad eller Karlskoga. Vår samarbetspartner är ett ledande produktbolag inom försvarsindustrin, verksamma inom många tekniska områden för människors trygghet i samhället. Om tjänsten Som produktionsingenjör kommer du att tillhöra ett team på femton personersom ansvarar för produktionsutveckling på företaget. Teamet ansvarar för samordning av produktionsup... Visa mer
Om kunden
Vi söker nu en systemingenjör som vill arbeta med teknik i framkant på vår kunds kontor i Karlstad eller Karlskoga. Vår samarbetspartner är ett ledande produktbolag inom försvarsindustrin, verksamma inom många tekniska områden för människors trygghet i samhället.
Om tjänsten
Som produktionsingenjör kommer du att tillhöra ett team på femton personersom ansvarar för produktionsutveckling på företaget. Teamet ansvarar för samordning av produktionsupplägg, utveckling av nya produkter och testutrustning samt stöd till produktionsteknisk verksamhet. Dina uppgifter inkluderar produktionsplanering, såsom design för montering, ledtidsberäkningar, värdeflödeskartläggning & FMEA samt planering av produktionsflöde och layout. Produktionsingenjörenkommer att ha ett övergripande tekniskt ansvar inomindustrialiseringsprocessen när nya produkter introduceras, och om nödvändigt etablera nya produktionslinjer.
Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden inkluderar också:
Utveckling av produktionsupplägg
Utveckling av produktionsmetoder och processer
Ansvar för investeringar och affärsfall
Deltagande eller ledning av implementering av nya digitala lösningar
Din kompetens
Vi söker dig som har en högskoleutbildning inom produktionsteknik eller industrialisering och som arbetat minst tre år i en liknande roll.
Vi söker dig som är öppensinnad, har ett genuint intresse för teknik och en strukturerad arbetsmetod.För att trivas i denna roll tror vi att du är drivande och målinriktad, men också samarbetar bra med andra i teamet.
Lön: Fast månadslön
Omfattning:Heltid, tillsvidare
Start: Omgående med hänsyn tagen till din eventuella uppsägningstid
Placeringsort: Göteborg
Befattningen kräver att du genomgår och godkänns enligt vid var tid gällande bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd, tjänsten kräver svenskt medborgarskap.
Vi behandlar ansökningar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut, skicka din ansökan redan idag!
Om oss
Procruitment är Sveriges enda karriärbyrå inom IT, tech och engineering som genom proaktiv rekrytering förenar attraktiva arbetsgivare med människor som delar samma mål och ambitioner. Oavsett om du är en erfaren ledare eller om du ska ta ditt första steg ut i karriären hjälper vi dig att nå dina karriärmål - samtidigt som vi bryr oss om dig, din resa och att du mår bra längs vägen.Procruitment är stolta vinnare av Recruitment Awards och är utsedda tillÅrets RekryteringsföretagochÅrets Raketsamt Gasellvinnare 2024 av Dagens Industri. Visa mindre

Repair Development Engineer

Nu söker vi en ny kollega till en central roll som Repair Development Engineer. Vi söker en tekniskt skicklig individ som har passion för att utveckla reparationer för motordelar och effektivt kan samarbeta med andra. Om du har en akademisk ingenjörsexamen och erfarenhet inom tillverkningsindustrin kan detta vara rollen för dig. Ta chansen att driva vår reparationsutveckling framåt och ansök idag! Vad rollen innebär Som Repair Development Engineer med foku... Visa mer
Nu söker vi en ny kollega till en central roll som Repair Development Engineer. Vi söker en tekniskt skicklig individ som har passion för att utveckla reparationer för motordelar och effektivt kan samarbeta med andra. Om du har en akademisk ingenjörsexamen och erfarenhet inom tillverkningsindustrin kan detta vara rollen för dig.
Ta chansen att driva vår reparationsutveckling framåt och ansök idag!
Vad rollen innebär
Som Repair Development Engineer med fokus på reparationskoncept kommer du att spela en central roll i vår organisation. Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden inkluderar:
Identifiera, initiera och utveckla nya reparationer för både militära och civila motorer.
Samarbeta nära med designingenjörer, produktion och MRO för att identifiera potentiella behov av nya reparationer.
Utvärdera och beräkna lönsamheten hos föreslagna reparationer.
Leda och ansvara för reparationsärenden från start till leverans, inklusive planering, business case och tekniskt underlag.

Vem du är
Vi söker en engagerad person som är bekväm med både individuellt ansvar och samarbete i ett team. Du har en stark teknisk och analytisk förmåga och ett genuint intresse för att utveckla reparationer för motordelar. Din förmåga att kommunicera effektivt med andra interna och externa funktioner är avgörande. Vidare värderar vi din förmåga att skapa och upprätthålla en positiv arbetsmiljö. Vi letar efter någon som kan ta eget ansvar och samtidigt trivas i ett teambaserat arbetsklimat.
Vi söker dig med:
Akademisk ingenjörsexamen, högskolestudier eller likvärdig kunskap som erhållits genom erfarenhet.
Erfarenhet från produktion/tillverkning inom industrin.
Goda kunskaper i både tal och skrift på både engelska och svenska.
Svenskt medborgarskap

Vad vi erbjuder
På Aleido bidrar du till vårt syfte: att överbrygga klyftan mellan teknik och människorna som använder den. Att arbeta tillsammans med människor med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter breddar vår förståelse för mänskligt beteende. Vi erbjuder en miljö där medarbetarna är i fokus. Där samarbete, framåtanda och dina unika perspektiv värdesätts. Som medarbetare på Aleido kan du vara trygg med att:
Du är här av en anledning. Varje individ har mycket att bidra med, och vi vill att du ska lyckas.
Du kommer få den stöttning du behöver för att lyckas, samtidigt som du kommer bli utmanad i att driva din utveckling framåt.
Vår lärandekultur hjälper oss att bryta ny mark. Med vårt löfte för lärande lovar vi att generöst dela kunskap, skapa möjligheter för lärande och värdera initiativ att lära.
Vi är öppensinnade och framtidsinriktade. Det innebär att hållbarhet är kärnan i vårt erbjudande, både direkt och indirekt.
Vi tror på värdet av flexibilitet. På Aleido har vi en progressiv policy för distansarbete, och de flesta kan arbeta på distans regelbundet.

Vilka vi är
Aleido är ett internationellt företag med lång tradition av att driva utvecklingen av eftermarknadsinformation och utbildningslösningar. Våra kunder utvecklar komplexa produkter eller system, eller söker kunskap och beredskap för att skapa varaktig förändring, inom en mängd branscher såsom fordon, telekom, industri, järnväg och medicinteknik. Vi är närmare tusen kollegor i fem länder. Tillsammans överbryggar vi klyftan mellan teknik och människorna som är beroende av den – genom att göra det avancerade lätt att förstå. Visa mindre


Om kunden Vi söker nu en produktionsingenjör som vill arbeta med teknik i framkant på vår kunds kontor i Göteborg. Vår samarbetspartner är ett ledande produktbolag inom försvarsindustrin, verksamma inom många tekniska områden för människors trygghet i samhället. Om tjänsten Som produktionsingenjör kommer du att tillhöra ett team på femton personersom ansvarar för produktionsutveckling på företaget. Teamet ansvarar för samordning av produktionsupplägg, utve... Visa mer
Om kunden
Vi söker nu en produktionsingenjör som vill arbeta med teknik i framkant på vår kunds kontor i Göteborg. Vår samarbetspartner är ett ledande produktbolag inom försvarsindustrin, verksamma inom många tekniska områden för människors trygghet i samhället.
Om tjänsten
Som produktionsingenjör kommer du att tillhöra ett team på femton personersom ansvarar för produktionsutveckling på företaget. Teamet ansvarar för samordning av produktionsupplägg, utveckling av nya produkter och testutrustning samt stöd till produktionsteknisk verksamhet. Dina uppgifter inkluderar produktionsplanering, såsom design för montering, ledtidsberäkningar, värdeflödeskartläggning & FMEA samt planering av produktionsflöde och layout. Produktionsingenjörenkommer att ha ett övergripande tekniskt ansvar inomindustrialiseringsprocessen när nya produkter introduceras, och om nödvändigt etablera nya produktionslinjer.
Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden inkluderar också:
Utveckling av produktionsupplägg
Utveckling av produktionsmetoder och processer
Ansvar för investeringar och affärsfall
Deltagande eller ledning av implementering av nya digitala lösningar
Din kompetens
Vi söker dig som har en högskoleutbildning inom produktionsteknik eller industrialisering och som arbetat minst tre år i en liknande roll.
Vi söker dig som är öppensinnad, har ett genuint intresse för teknik och en strukturerad arbetsmetod.För att trivas i denna roll tror vi att du är drivande och målinriktad, men också samarbetar bra med andra i teamet.
Lön: Fast månadslön
Omfattning:Heltid, tillsvidare
Start: Omgående med hänsyn tagen till din eventuella uppsägningstid
Placeringsort: Göteborg
Befattningen kräver att du genomgår och godkänns enligt vid var tid gällande bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd, tjänsten kräver svenskt medborgarskap.
Vi behandlar ansökningar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut, skicka din ansökan redan idag!
Om oss
Procruitment är Sveriges enda karriärbyrå inom IT, tech och engineering som genom proaktiv rekrytering förenar attraktiva arbetsgivare med människor som delar samma mål och ambitioner. Oavsett om du är en erfaren ledare eller om du ska ta ditt första steg ut i karriären hjälper vi dig att nå dina karriärmål - samtidigt som vi bryr oss om dig, din resa och att du mår bra längs vägen.Procruitment är stolta vinnare av Recruitment Awards och är utsedda tillÅrets RekryteringsföretagochÅrets Raketsamt Gasellvinnare 2024 av Dagens Industri. Visa mindre

Technical Sales Engineer

Vill du representera ett av världens starkaste varumärken? Zeppelin Sverige Power Systems söker en Technical Sales Engineer!   Zeppelin fortsätter växa och behöver utöka med en kollega till sitt professionella eftermarknadsteam inom Power Systems. Som Technical Sales Engineer erbjuds du ett omväxlande arbete tillsammans med duktiga och engagerade kollegor där vi tillsammans arbetar för att erbjuda förstklassiga kundupplevelser. Vilka är vi? Zeppelin Sve... Visa mer
Vill du representera ett av världens starkaste varumärken? Zeppelin Sverige Power Systems söker en Technical Sales Engineer!

Zeppelin fortsätter växa och behöver utöka med en kollega till sitt professionella eftermarknadsteam inom Power Systems. Som Technical Sales Engineer erbjuds du ett omväxlande arbete tillsammans med duktiga och engagerade kollegor där vi tillsammans arbetar för att erbjuda förstklassiga kundupplevelser.

Vilka är vi?

Zeppelin Sverige AB är exklusiv återförsäljare för Caterpillar Inc. i Sverige och erbjuder nya och begagnade entreprenad- och gruvmaskiner, uthyrningstjänster samt motorer och elgeneratorer.

I rollen som Technical Sales Engineer hos Zeppelin Power Systems får du stor frihet att utföra ditt dagliga arbete. Du ingår i vårt eftermarknadsteam och dina kunder finns över hela Sverige. Här får du en ansvarsfull roll med en rolig blandning av administrativt och praktiskt arbete, då du bland annat:
* Utvecklar befintliga kunder och skapar merförsäljning långsiktigt
* Identifierar, söker upp och bearbetar nya kunder
* Driver försäljningsprocessen, från första kontakt till offererande och avslut
* Samarbetar med vår projektavdelning och vår leverantör Caterpillar

Du rapporterar till Service Manager och blir del av ett tight eftermarknadsteam. Tjänsten utgår från huvudkontoret i Göteborg och innebär resor till kunder i Sverige, ibland även utomlands.

Vem är DU?

Vi tror att du som söker har en ingenjörsutbildning och kunskap om elkraft. Gillar du innovation, har en hög ambition, i kombination med ett genuint intresse för försäljning, och har arbetat med teknisk försäljning? Då tror vi att du kommer trivas hos oss.

Är du en driven person som trivs med att arbeta strukturerat och driva projekt tillsammans med kunder så kommer du garanterat att bygga framgång tillsammans med oss. Vi arbetar med kvalitativa produkter och prioriterar en hög servicenivå, vilket genererar goda och långsiktiga kundrelationer.

We Care, We Deliver On Our Promise, We Succeed Together - är våra värdeord, som vi hoppas du går i gång på och delar.  

Vi värnar ett hållbart arbetsliv med starkt fokus på säkerhet, personlig utveckling och balans mellan jobb och fritid. Vi vet att mångfald är en framgångsfaktor och arbetar för att öka jämställdhet och inkludering på vår arbetsplats.

Varför Zeppelin?

Zeppelin Sverige AB är en stabil arbetsgivare med goda anställnings- och arbetsvillkor. Hos oss får Du möjlighet att representera ett av världens starkaste varumärken.

Du kommer ingå i vårt eftermarknadsteam, med chans att påverka din vardag, varje dag!

Vi erbjuder dig ett spännande och utvecklande arbete i ett företag som skapar arbetsglädje och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Läs mer om hur några av våra medarbetare upplever oss som arbetsgivare på Zeppelin Inifrån.

Frågor? Kontakta Service Manager Power Systems Matilda Johansson +46725002253, [email protected]

Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-11-30 Visa mindre

Konstruktör till Valmet

Om Bravura: Vi på Bravura jobbar med bemanning och rekrytering. Hos oss finns möjligheter för dig som vill ta nästa steg i karriären. Välkommen att hitta ditt drömjobb genom oss – som konsult eller rekryterad. Om tjänsten: Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på heltid som varar i minst sex månader med mycket goda möjligheter till förlängning. Du blir anställd av Bravura och arbetar som konsult hos Valmet. Uppdragstiden blir en ömsesidig testperiod där du ... Visa mer
Om Bravura:

Vi på Bravura jobbar med bemanning och rekrytering. Hos oss finns möjligheter för dig som vill ta nästa steg i karriären. Välkommen att hitta ditt drömjobb genom oss – som konsult eller rekryterad.

Om tjänsten:

Det här är ett konsultuppdrag på heltid som varar i minst sex månader med mycket goda möjligheter till förlängning. Du blir anställd av Bravura och arbetar som konsult hos Valmet.

Uppdragstiden blir en ömsesidig testperiod där du som konsult har samma trygghet som en anställd. För dig som är ny på arbetsmarknaden är konsultuppdrag ett bra sätt att testa olika uppdrag, knyta kontakter och bygga upp ett konkurrenskraftigt CV. Läs mer om vad det innebär att vara konsult på Bravuras hemsida.

Om företaget:

Valmet är en global aktör inom teknik, automation och service med fokus på processindustrier som massa- och papperstillverkning, energi och biobränslen. Företaget utvecklar avancerade lösningar som förbättrar produktiviteten och hållbarheten i dessa industrier. Som konstruktör hos Valmet får du arbeta med projekt inom dessa områden, där du bidrar till att skapa tekniska lösningar för modern produktion. Med kunder i hela världen erbjuder Valmet en dynamisk arbetsmiljö och möjlighet att vara med och utveckla framtidens industriproduktion.


I rollen som konstruktör arbetar du med att utveckla detaljerade tekniska ritningar för processutrustning i form av tryckkärl, värmeväxlare och tankar. Du använder främst AutoCAD 2D för att skapa korrekta ritningsunderlag samt vid behov SolidWorks 3D för att modellera komplexa mekaniska komponenter. I din roll ansvarar du för att säkerställa att konstruktionerna uppfyller tekniska specifikationer och krav, samtidigt som du aktivt deltar i problemlösning och designoptimering tillsammans med projektgruppen. Du arbetar både självständigt med att planera och strukturera dina arbetsuppgifter utifrån fastställda deadlines och i nära samarbete med ett globalt och lokalt team. Avdelningen du tillhör, Pressure Vessels & Tanks, fokuserar på att utveckla högteknologiska lösningar för krävande industriprocesser, och du blir en viktig del av att säkerställa produktens kvalitet och funktionalitet.

• Utveckla tekniska ritningar för processutrustning i form av tryckkärl, värmeväxlare och tankar
• Ritningsunderlag skapas i AutoCAD 2D och modellerar vid behov tekniska mekaniska komponenter i SolidWorks 3D
• Säkerställa att konstruktionen uppfyller tekniska specifikationer och krav
• Problemlösning och designoptimering med projektgruppen
• Självständigt arbete och nära samarbete med både global och lokal projektgrupp
• Avdelningen Pressure Vessels & Tanks fokuserar på att utveckla lösningar för krävande industriprocesser

Utbildning, Erfarenhet och personliga egenskaper:

• Akademisk examen i maskinteknik
• Några års erfarenhet av konstruktion, gärna från en tyngre industri såsom massa-, process-, olja- eller gasindustrin
• Goda kunskaper i AutoCAD 2D
• Flytande kunskaper i engelska och goda kunskaper i svenska i tal och skrift

För att trivas i rollen tror vi att du har en passion för konstruktion och brinner för teknik. Du är en problemlösare som arbetar målmedvetet för att finna lösningar och skapa möjligheter. Vi tror att du är nyfiken och orädd för att testa nya tillvägagångsätt och lösningar. Vidare ser vi att du är en lagspelare som tror på ett prestigelöst förhållningsätt, där man hjälps åt för att nå framgång. Avslutningsvis är du en person som tar stort ansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter, och har förmågan att strukturera, planera och prioritera ditt arbete på ett effektivt sätt.

Övrig information:

Start: Omgående
Plats: Göteborg
Lön: Enligt överenskommelse

Funderingar kring Bravuras rekryteringsprocess? Du finner svar på de vanligast förekommande frågorna här.

Är du nyfiken på hur vår rekryteringsprocess är upplagd? Du hittar mer information här.

Har du frågor om tjänsten eller kring din registrering är du välkommen att kontakta vår kandidatsupport via mail, [email protected] eller telefon 010-171 47 10 så hjälper vi dig. Ange vilken tjänst det gäller.

Vi rekommenderar att du skickar in din ansökan omgående då vi gör ett löpande urval. Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Migration Architect to PDSVISION

About Bravura: Vi på Bravura jobbar med bemanning och rekrytering. Hos oss finns möjligheter för dig som vill ta nästa steg i karriären. Välkommen att hitta ditt drömjobb genom oss – som konsult eller rekryterad. About the job: This role is a direct recruitment, which means that the recruitment process takes place through Bravura and you are employed directly by PDSVision About the company: PDSVISION is a leading trusted advisor within the product d... Visa mer
About Bravura:

Vi på Bravura jobbar med bemanning och rekrytering. Hos oss finns möjligheter för dig som vill ta nästa steg i karriären. Välkommen att hitta ditt drömjobb genom oss – som konsult eller rekryterad.

About the job:

This role is a direct recruitment, which means that the recruitment process takes place through Bravura and you are employed directly by PDSVision

About the company:

PDSVISION is a leading trusted advisor within the product development sectors. They achieve this by combining best-in-class software solutions, technical support and professional services with divisions located across the globe. Their values are Sustainability, Professionalism and Passion.

Their solutions are mainly based around the PTC and ANSYS portfolio of products and services including PTC Creo, PTC Windchill, Thingworx and ANSYS CAE. They also develop their own extensive range of add-on software under the brand myPDS and involve third party vendors where there is a customer need.

Tasks and responsibilities:

As a Migration Architect, you will be responsible for analyzing the customer’s current data structures and creating tailored migration strategies to transition data to new systems, such as Windchill. Your role involves designing and implementing efficient, secure, and scalable migration solutions that align with customer needs.

• Analyze existing data structures and define clear migration strategies for seamless transitions.
• Design and develop custom migration solutions, configuring tools and creating scripts as needed.
• Implement migration projects, ensuring high data quality and addressing issues such as consistency, redundancy, or compatibility.
• Collaborate closely with technical teams and project managers to coordinate migration efforts and track progress.
• Provide training and support to customers, including creating technical documentation and promoting best practices.
• Manage risks and troubleshoot issues during the migration process, ensuring smooth and timely transitions.
• Propose innovative solutions to overcome challenges and enhance the overall migration process.

Education, Experience and Personal characteristics:

• Experience with PLM systems, especially Windchill, as well as other technical platforms that PDSVISION works with.
• Deep understanding of data architecture and migration tools, including , XML, or other database solutions.
• Previous experience with data migration and integration within complex environments.
• Strong problem solving skills and ability to work on both technical and business related challenges.
• Good communication skills to interact with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

We are looking for you who are analytical, detail-oriented, and proactive. You have strong problem-solving skills to handle both technical and business challenges, and you communicate clearly with both technical teams and non-technical stakeholders. You are adaptable, capable of managing complex projects efficiently, and always keep the customer’s needs at the forefront to ensure smooth transitions. You bring creativity to find innovative solutions and are dedicated to delivering high-quality results in every aspect of your work.

Other information:

Start: Upon agreement
Location: Stockholm, Gothenburg or remote
Salary: Upon agreement Visa mindre

Engineering Manager - Diagnostics

Aurobay develops and produces world-class hybrid engines and transmissions. With factories on two continents - Sweden and China - we're a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing. The Aurobay brand brings together over 9,000 dedicated and determined people that design, develop, and manufacture next-generation powertrain solutions for a global market. Aurobay is part of HORSE Powertrain Limited, a... Visa mer
Aurobay develops and produces world-class hybrid engines and transmissions. With factories on two continents - Sweden and China - we're a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing. The Aurobay brand brings together over 9,000 dedicated and determined people that design, develop, and manufacture next-generation powertrain solutions for a global market.
Aurobay is part of HORSE Powertrain Limited, a global leader in powertrain solutions. The Group has 19,000 employees, 17 plants and 5 R&D centers across three continents. We partner with OEM customers around the world and offer innovative solutions that can cater to up to 80% of the growing hybrid and combustion powertrain market, enabling a faster transition toward cleaner mobility.
As an Engineering Manager you will Conduct cutting-edge and innovative research and development to advance our technology and capabilities reaching our sustainability goal of net zero. Be part of word class drivetrain solution development!
What we offer
In addition to a competitive salary, a great location on Lindholmen or Skövde, and a genuine work-life balance, we provide the following benefits:
A yearly wellness contribution of SEK 5 000 for your physical and mental wellbeing.
A personal and professional development scheme to support your growth.
Additional pension funding.
Competitive additional and full coverage insurance.

Skills and Experience
Engineering background, engine engineering experience is beneficial
People handling skills
Leadership qualities
Experience in automotive industry, vehicle planning, workshops
Passion for vehicles and drivetrains!

Your role at Aurobay
The team is composed of 18 employees, including both calibration engineers and function developers. Their main responsibilities are developing and delivering in-house software for global engine applications, with a focus on calibration, function development, and compliance with legal standards, as well as ensuring robust monitoring systems. This work is carried out within project teams, contributing to multiple ongoing projects.
Strong leadership in people management is crucial for building a successful team and managing program deliveries and project commitments. Balancing resources, project timelines, and costs is a key aspect of this role. Close collaboration with the rest of the management team and the section manager is essential for success.
As a Engineering Manager you will:
Manage and coach our engine OBD team
Develop and manage the team's orderbook, spend rate, and resource allocation to ensure secure and efficient project planning.
Support section manager with strategic decisions
Participate in meetings with suppliers and customers.

Equal opportunities employer
We are an equal opportunities employer. We encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply, especially women, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, and people with disabilities. Research has shown that women and people from ethnic minority backgrounds are less likely to apply if they don't match 100% of the criteria. As a company, we value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment. If you believe you have the skills and passion to excel in this role, we would love to hear from you. Let's explore the possibilities together.
How to apply
Deadline to submit your application is 27 October but the selection process will be running continuously. Please note that due to GDPR, we do not accept applications via email. We can’t wait to see what you can bring to our team!
If you have any additional questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact recruiting manager Amir Toma, [email protected]
For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Recruiter Clara Pryde, [email protected]
Questions concerning trade union:
Unionen: Ordf Joakim Dahlin, [email protected]
Ledarna: Ordf Håkan Modigh, [email protected]
Akademikerna: Ordf. Fredrik Fantenberg, [email protected],
IF Metall: Ordf Marko Borg Peltonen, [email protected], Visa mindre

PLM ingenjör till Virtual engineering

Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: Vill du bli en del av ett team med engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare och arbeta med de största och mest komplexa projekten inom svensk industri? Om tjänsten och företaget Virtual Engineering är ett framgångsrikt företag med medarbetare som har ett stort eng... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:
Vill du bli en del av ett team med engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare och arbeta med de största och mest komplexa projekten inom svensk industri?
Om tjänsten och företaget

Virtual Engineering är ett framgångsrikt företag med medarbetare som har ett stort engagemang och hög kompetens inom Product Lifecycle Management. Nu söker vi dig som vill vara med och driva digital transformation och få spetskompetens inom PLM-system.

Virtual Engineering erbjuder konsulttjänster inom PLM där man arbetar i uppdrag mot stora och välkända industrier för att utveckla och leverera de bästa lösningarna för deras verksamhet. Som konsult kommer du att hantera den digitala informationen för hela produktens livscykel, från kravställning till utveckling och sedan avveckling.

Du erbjuds

Möjligheten att arbeta med de vassaste konsulterna inom PLM

Att arbeta i en familjär och öppen företagskultur

Om rollen

Du kommer att få en tydlig utvecklingsplan samt en mentor. I rollen som PLM-ingenjör kommer du att arbeta i uppdrag ute hos kund där du inledningsvis får lära dig om företagets verksamhet för att sedan föreslå tekniska lösningar och förbättringar. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande men kommer bland annat att innefatta:

Arbeta med digitaliseringsresan av produktutveckling

Förbättringsarbeten kring hantering av produktinformation

Samla in krav från verksamheten samt föreslå tekniska lösningar

Vara rådgivande för att kunna förändra och förbättra processer hos kund

Vi söker dig

Vi tror att du är en lösningsorienterad och nyfiken individ som tycker om att lösa problem. Vi tror även att du har:

2 års erfarenhet eller mer som ingenjör inom relevant område

Erfarenhet av implementation av komplexa PLM-projekt

Erfarenhet av olika branscher såsom fordonsindustrin, försvarsindustrin och medicinteknik/life science

Erfarenhet av kommersiella PLM-system som Windchill, Teamcenter eller 3dX

Civilingenjörsexamen inom maskinteknik, farkostteknik, industriell produktion eller motsvarande med intresse för produktutveckling

Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

Som person tror vi att du är:



En teamspelare

Praktisk Information

Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Göteborg
Anställningsform: Detta uppdrag är ett konsultuppdrag med möjligheter till förlängning eller överrekrytering.

Du blir anställd av A-hub och arbetar som konsult hos Virtual Engineering. Visa mindre

Ingenjör inom automationssystem till AFRY i Göteborg!

Academic Work söker nu en ingenjör inom automationssystem till AFRY, med fokus på digitala tvillingar, som vill utveckla och optimera avancerade automationslösningar. Här ingår du i ett dynamiskt team där samarbete och innovation står i fokus. Är du en driven ingenjör med intresse för simulering och emulering är detta en möjlighet för dig att bidra till framtidens industriella digitalisering! OM TJÄNSTEN Som en del av detta team kommer du att designa och... Visa mer
Academic Work söker nu en ingenjör inom automationssystem till AFRY, med fokus på digitala tvillingar, som vill utveckla och optimera avancerade automationslösningar. Här ingår du i ett dynamiskt team där samarbete och innovation står i fokus. Är du en driven ingenjör med intresse för simulering och emulering är detta en möjlighet för dig att bidra till framtidens industriella digitalisering!

Som en del av detta team kommer du att designa och utveckla digitala tvillingar genom Afrys produkt Real Digital Twin (RDT), som tillhandahåller en digital kopia av produktionsanläggningar. Dessa digitala tvillingar beter sig och genererar data på samma sätt som de fysiska anläggningarna, vilket gör det möjligt att testa automationssystem steg för steg. Du kommer att emulera hårdvara och simulera processer för att säkerställa att kundens krav och behov uppfylls.

Arbetet sker i projektform med både fasta och rörliga komponenter, där du ansvarar för att bygga detaljerade modeller av styrsystem och mekaniska delar. Ditt arbete kommer att omfatta allt som styrs av olika system, inklusive brandlarm, tankar, regulatorer och pumpar.

Du blir en del av ett relativt litet team som värdesätter öppen kommunikation och flexibilitet i en miljö som främjar innovation. Deras kunder finns inom olika industriella sektorer där digitalisering är avgörande för konkurrenskraften. Projekten genomförs huvudsakligen i Afrys egna lokaler, med några få resor och kundbesök.

Du erbjuds
- En dedikerad konsultchef som ser till din utveckling och välmående på arbetsplatsen
- Ett arbetsklimat som värdesätter och främjar professionell utveckling och teknisk problemlösning



I rollen kommer du specificera och konkretisera kundernas utmaningar samt formulera lösningar som minimerar kostnader och risker. Tjänsten innebär grundläggande programmering, främst inom C och PLC där förståelse för maskinkod är viktig. Utöver detta kommer ditt arbete kräva grundläggande ellära och förståelse för gränsdragningen mellan IT och OT samt kommunikation mot IT-system.

Men här värderas din potential, personlighet och inställning högre än att du redan har alla nödvändiga färdigheter! Du kommer ta del av en introduktionsprocess som är utformad för att du ska lära dig de tekniker, verktyg och metoder som Afry arbetar med.

I rollen kommer du bland annat:

* Designa och utveckla digitala tvillingar som speglar kunders produktionsanläggningar och deras funktionalitet
* Arbeta med kommunikation och integration mellan system såsom; PLC/DCS, SCADA/MES, kommunikationsprotokoll, IT-system, processindustri, robot etc
* Emulera hårdvara och simulera processer för att säkerställa att automationssystem testas i enlighet med kundernas behov
* Arbeta med teknisk dokumentation i projekten

- Har en Civilingenjörsutbildning inom exempelvis automation och mekatronik, teknisk fysik eller elektroteknik, alternativt motsvarande erfarenhet från arbetslivet
- Har ett stort intresse av arbete inom simulering och emulering
- Har läst grundläggande ellära
- Har någon form av erfarenhet av C och PLC programmering
- Är obehindrad i svenska och engelska i både tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har
- Erfarenhet av en liknande roll sedan tidigare

Kunskap kan erhållas genom utbildning, erfarenhet eller att vara självlärd.

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Förändringsbenägen
- Målmedveten
- Ansvarstagande

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess. Visa mindre

PLM ingenjör till Virtual engineering

Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: Vill du bli en del av ett team med engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare och arbeta med de största och mest komplexa projekten inom svensk industri? Om tjänsten och företaget Virtual Engineering är ett framgångsrikt företag med medarbetare som har ett stort eng... Visa mer
Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:
Vill du bli en del av ett team med engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare och arbeta med de största och mest komplexa projekten inom svensk industri?
Om tjänsten och företaget

Virtual Engineering är ett framgångsrikt företag med medarbetare som har ett stort engagemang och hög kompetens inom Product Lifecycle Management. Nu söker vi dig som vill vara med och driva digital transformation och få spetskompetens inom PLM-system.

Virtual Engineering erbjuder konsulttjänster inom PLM där man arbetar i uppdrag mot stora och välkända industrier för att utveckla och leverera de bästa lösningarna för deras verksamhet. Som konsult kommer du att hantera den digitala informationen för hela produktens livscykel, från kravställning till utveckling och sedan avveckling.

Du erbjuds

Möjligheten att arbeta med de vassaste konsulterna inom PLM

Att arbeta i en familjär och öppen företagskultur

Om rollen

Du kommer att få en tydlig utvecklingsplan samt en mentor. I rollen som PLM-ingenjör kommer du att arbeta i uppdrag ute hos kund där du inledningsvis får lära dig om företagets verksamhet för att sedan föreslå tekniska lösningar och förbättringar. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande men kommer bland annat att innefatta:

Arbeta med digitaliseringsresan av produktutveckling

Förbättringsarbeten kring hantering av produktinformation

Samla in krav från verksamheten samt föreslå tekniska lösningar

Vara rådgivande för att kunna förändra och förbättra processer hos kund

Vi söker dig

Vi tror att du är en lösningsorienterad och nyfiken individ som tycker om att lösa problem. Vi tror även att du har:

2 års erfarenhet eller mer som ingenjör inom relevant område

Erfarenhet av implementation av komplexa PLM-projekt

Erfarenhet av olika branscher såsom fordonsindustrin, försvarsindustrin och medicinteknik/life science

Erfarenhet av kommersiella PLM-system som Windchill, Teamcenter eller 3dX

Civilingenjörsexamen inom maskinteknik, farkostteknik, industriell produktion eller motsvarande med intresse för produktutveckling

Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

Som person tror vi att du är:



En teamspelare

Praktisk Information

Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Göteborg
Anställningsform: Detta uppdrag är ett konsultuppdrag med möjligheter till förlängning eller överrekrytering.

Du blir anställd av A-hub och arbetar som konsult hos Virtual Engineering. Visa mindre

Beräkningsingenjör till innovativt bolag i Göteborg!

Är du en Beräkningsingenjör som har fastnat för beräkningar och analyser och vill arbeta på ett bolag som gör skillnad? Vill du arbeta i en miljö präglad av professionell såväl som personlig utveckling och arbeta med att utveckla tekniken för att möta framtidens krav? Välkommen in med din ansökan! OM TJÄNSTEN: Friday söker för kunds räkning en kommunikativ och engagerad beräkningsingenjör. Kunden arbetar med att utveckla tekniker för att möta framtidens k... Visa mer
Är du en Beräkningsingenjör som har fastnat för beräkningar och analyser och vill arbeta på ett bolag som gör skillnad? Vill du arbeta i en miljö präglad av professionell såväl som personlig utveckling och arbeta med att utveckla tekniken för att möta framtidens krav? Välkommen in med din ansökan!

Friday söker för kunds räkning en kommunikativ och engagerad beräkningsingenjör. Kunden arbetar med att utveckla tekniker för att möta framtidens krav och arbetar mot olika industrier såsom flyg eller fordonsindustrin. De vill nu utöka sitt team i Göteborg och söker därför en beräkningsingenjör som vill vara med och arbeta med beräkningar och analys. Kunden värdesätter din professionella såväl som din personliga utveckling och erbjuder därför kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling i form av interna och externa kurser och utvecklingsmöjligheter internt.

Som Beräkningsingenjör kommer du att ingå i ett team bestående av seniora såväl som juniora kollegor där ni tillsammans arbetar med stora som små projekt, beroende på projekt och behov. I rollen arbetar du med allt ifrån att generera beräkningsmodeller till att göra analyser exempelvis hållfasthets- eller vibrationsanalyser. Vidare är du aktivt med och påverkar produkternas utformning samt ser till och säkerställer att kraven för respektive produkt uppfylls. Kunden arbetar med FEM och i kommersiella programvaror, bland annat Nastran, ANSYS, ANSA eller Abaqus.

Har en civilingenjörsexamen inom området tillämpad mekanik eller motsvarande med inriktning mot hållfasthet, strukturdynamik eller liknande.
Fastnat för beräkningsdelen under studierna och gärna fokuserat på detta i olika projektarbeten och liknande.
Är obehindrad i svenska både i tal och skrift.

Det är meriterande om du:

Har arbetslivserfarenhet av liknande arbetsuppgifter.
Har erfarenhet av kommersiella programvaror såsom exempelvis Nastran, ANSYS, ANSA eller liknande.
Har projekt inom relevant område som du kan visa upp.

Vidare kommer stort vikt läggas vid personlig lämplighet. För att du skall passa in och trivas i rollen krävs det att du som person är driven, tycker om att arbeta projektbaserat och har ett analytiskt förhållningssätt. Vidare är du nyfiken samtidigt som du vill dela med dig av din kunskap till andra. Då du arbetar i team tillsammans med andra kollegor samt har kontakt med företagets kunder ser vi att du är kommunikativ och har lätt att skapa goda relationer internt såväl som externt.

Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du kommer till en början att vara anställd av Friday. Ambitionen från kunden och vår sida är att du efter 6-12 månader blir direktanställd hos kunden.

Omfattning: Heltid
Placering: Göteborg
Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Kontaktperson: Bianca Lord
Lön: Fast månadslön

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängs ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urvals och intervjufasen.

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag!

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Master’s Thesis Project within Supply Chain Management

Company Description AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society. Job Description Background Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a powerful tool used in various industries for modeling systems. With numerous DES s... Visa mer
Company Description
AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society.

Job Description
Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a powerful tool used in various industries for modeling systems. With numerous DES software options available, selecting the most suitable one can be challenging. This thesis aims to offer a comprehensive comparison of current DES software based on predefined criteria, helping users make well-informed decisions."
Using an industry case study, this case study aims to identify and evaluate suitable simulation software for an existing model. The objective is to assess whether the current model, developed in one software, can be successfully recreated and executed in another, with a focus on handling complex logic. A key part of this process involves developing a custom fleet manager to manage task assignment and path booking for vehicles within the system. The model’s primary function is to test and optimize different production plans through 'What-if' scenario analysis.
Identify and select a representative sample of DES software currently available on the market.
Develop a set of criteria for evaluating DES software, including usability, functionality, performance, cost, support, integrability and customer needs.
Conduct a detailed comparison of the selected DES software based on these criteria.
Investigate the suitability of modeling an existing simulation model in a different DES software, focusing on the ability to model complex logic.

Literature Review:?Conduct a thorough review of existing literature to identify commonly used DES software and evaluation criteria.
Software Selection:?Choose a representative sample of DES software based on popularity, industry usage, and availability.
Criteria Development:?Develop a comprehensive set of evaluation criteria through expert consultation and literature findings.
Software Evaluation:?Perform hands-on testing and evaluation of the selected software against the developed criteria.
Customer Needs Study: Conduct a study to investigate customer needs for using DES models to validate solutions.
Feasibility Study:?Model a subsystem of the existing simulation model in the selected DES software to test if the complex logic can be coded effectively.
Data Analysis:?Analyze the collected data to identify strengths and weaknesses of each software.

A report containing:
Comprehensive literature review on DES software and evaluation criteria.
Detailed comparison matrix of the selected DES software.
Feasibility study on modeling complex logic in different DES software.
Recommendations for software selection based on evaluation and feasibility study.

What criteria are most important for evaluating DES software?
How do the selected DES software compare in terms of usability, functionality, performance, cost, and support?
Which DES software is best suited for the specific use case based on the evaluation?
How suitable are the selected DES software for modeling complex logic?

We are looking for 2 students with a background and an interest in the following areas:
Simulations of production and logistic systems
Supply Chain Management

We believe that suitable students are currently enrolled in the master’s programs within Production Engineering or Systems, control and mechatronics, or have similar experiences from separate courses or personal interests.
Your plan is to write the master thesis during spring 2025.

Additional Information
About us
AFRY is a European leader in engineering, design, and advisory services, with a global reach. We accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society. We are 19000 devoted experts in infrastructure, industry, energy, and digitalization, creating sustainable solutions for generations to come.
You will be part of the Supply Chain Management department in Gothenburg and belong to the Simulation Team. The team performs simulations, static calculations and flow analysis of our customers’ production and logistics processes. Our customers operate in various industries, in Sweden and abroad.
Niklas Palm, [email protected]
Team Leader Simulation, Supply Chain Management
#AFRY Making Future.
Don't forget to attach both of your CVs/resumes to the application, the last day to apply is 2024-12-13!
At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future. Visa mindre

Projektledare - Maskinteknik - Test & verifiering

På Ingenio är våra värderingar mer än bara ord - de är kärnan i allt vi gör. Vi har passion för både industrin och människan och genom engagemang strävar vi alltid efter att överträffa våra kunders förväntningar. Genom anpassade tjänster och genuint omsorgsfulla relationer är vi en del av att föra svensk industri framåt och skapa en hållbar framtid för alla.Nu söker vi för snarast tillträde, en ny kollega till vårt team inom Projektledning. Vi söker en erf... Visa mer
På Ingenio är våra värderingar mer än bara ord - de är kärnan i allt vi gör. Vi har passion för både industrin och människan och genom engagemang strävar vi alltid efter att överträffa våra kunders förväntningar. Genom anpassade tjänster och genuint omsorgsfulla relationer är vi en del av att föra svensk industri framåt och skapa en hållbar framtid för alla.Nu söker vi för snarast tillträde, en ny kollega till vårt team inom Projektledning.
Vi söker en erfaren Projektledare - Test & Verifiering - MaskinOm rollen
Vi söker en teknisk projektledare med erfarenhet av att arbeta i multidisciplinära projekt, som kommer att spela en nyckelroll i våra storskaliga projekt inom test och verifiering, med fokus på komplexa maskiner och tekniska riggar. Du kommer att arbeta nära olika teknikområden och vara en central del i att samordna och leda projekt fram till framgång. Som projektledarekommer du också att vara en brygga mellan teknik och organisation, och ansvara för att informationsflödet är smidigt mellan alla inblandade parter.
Utbildning: Civilingenjörsexamen eller motsvarande.
Arbetslivserfarenhet: Erfarenhet av att arbeta i multidisciplinära projekt är ett krav.
Meriterande med kunskap inom batteriteknik samt test och verifiering inom fordonsindustrin.
Erfarenhet av stora projekt, gärna som teknisk ledare eller koordinator.

Kunskaper: God förståelse för tekniska riggar och komplexa maskiner.
Erfarenhet av inköp och utveckling av anläggningar.
Goda kunskaper i Microsofts applikationer och mjukvaror.
Flytande i både svenska och engelska, i tal och skrift.

Personliga egenskaperVi letar efter dig som har ett starkt teknikintresse och är en naturlig projektledare, med förmågan att leda team med olika tekniska kompetenser.
Du har ett affärsinriktat tankesätt och gillar att arbeta med tvärfunktionella samarbeten och att bygga relationer. Som person är du ansvarsfull och har förmågan att ta dig an komplexa upphandlingar av tekniska riggar och maskiner. Du har också en god kommunikativ förmåga och delar gärna med dig av din kunskap för att säkerställa projektets framgång.
Placeringsort: Göteborgsområdet
Uppdragsstart: Enligt överenskommelse
Vi erbjuderSom en del av Ingenio-familjen blir du en viktig länk i vårt omfattande nätverk av branschexperter och företag inom projektledning och management. Här får du inte bara möjligheten att utvecklas personligt utan också att vara en del av en stöttande gemenskap av kollegor. Vi tror på att dela erfarenheter och stötta varandra för att nå gemensamma mål. Hos oss har du inte bara goda arbetsvillkor utan också möjligheten att påverka både ditt eget arbete och vår verksamhet som helhet.
Tycker du att det låter som en spännande utmaning? Gör ditt nästa karriärdrag med Ingenio!
Ansökan:Vi arbetar med ett löpande urval varför du bäst söker tjänsten snarast möjligt.
Du söker tjänsten genom länken i annonsen.
För frågor är du välkommen att kontakta Anna Sjöström, 0735 -18 01 45, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Mekanikkonstruktör till försvarsindustrin

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING, SAMT ÄR INTRESSERAD AV ATT LÄRA DIG MER OM UTVECKLINGEN INOM FÖRSVARSINDUSTRIN?   Vi på ALTEN i Göteborg söker just nu efter ingenjörer som är sugna på nya utmaningar och ta nästa steg i karriären för ett uppdrag inom försvarsindustrin. Som ingenjör i vårt team på ALTEN Sweden kommer du att vara en del av en grupp av talangfulla konsulter som levererar högkvalitativa lös... Visa mer


Vi på ALTEN i Göteborg söker just nu efter ingenjörer som är sugna på nya utmaningar och ta nästa steg i karriären för ett uppdrag inom försvarsindustrin. Som ingenjör i vårt team på ALTEN Sweden kommer du att vara en del av en grupp av talangfulla konsulter som levererar högkvalitativa lösningar till våra kunder. På detta uppdrag kommer du att vara involverad i att utveckla hårdvara för komplexa system som används för säkerhets- och försvarsändamål.


Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.



· Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.

· Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.

· 5+ års arbetslivserfarenhet.

· Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

· Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.



· Tidigare erfarenhet från försvarsindustrin

· Erfarenhet av konstruktion av kablage

· Erfarenhet av konstruktion av plast och komposit




Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Ebba Rosenqvist på [email protected].


Välkommen med din ansökan!



ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 57 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Produktionstekniker | SAAB | Göteborg

Är du en driven produktionstekniker som vill vara med och skapa en effektiv tillverkningsprocess av hög kvalitet? Då kan detta vara rätt för dig! Just nu söker vi på Jefferson Wells en produktionstekniker till SAAB i Göteborg. Här får du en spännande roll där du arbetar nära tillverkningsprocesserna och får möjlighet att bidra till ständiga förbättringar. Välkommen med din ansökan redan idag! Ort: Göteborg Start: Omgående Arbetsbeskrivning Som produktion... Visa mer
Är du en driven produktionstekniker som vill vara med och skapa en effektiv tillverkningsprocess av hög kvalitet? Då kan detta vara rätt för dig! Just nu söker vi på Jefferson Wells en produktionstekniker till SAAB i Göteborg. Här får du en spännande roll där du arbetar nära tillverkningsprocesserna och får möjlighet att bidra till ständiga förbättringar. Välkommen med din ansökan redan idag!

Ort: Göteborg
Start: Omgående

Som produktionstekniker hos SAAB kommer du att vara en viktig del av ett tillverkningsflöde där du arbetar nära operatörer och tillverkningschefer. Du ingår i en större grupp av produktionstekniker och tillsammans bidrar ni till att säkerställa hög kvalitet från första till sista exemplar. I rollen ingår bland annat att analysera avvikelser, identifiera förbättringar och stötta operatörer i deras arbete. Du samarbetar tätt med industrialiseringsteamet och är med och utvecklar tillverkningsprocesser samt standardiserade arbetssätt.

Dina arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:

* Optimera tillverkningsflöden och processer.
* Analysera mätetal och ge förslag på åtgärder.
* Säkerställa att nya tekniker och moment kan hanteras av operatörer.
* Hantera felutfall och avvikelser kopplade till tillverkningsprocesser.
* Utveckla beredningar, instruktioner och routings.
* Delta i operativa möten och bidra med teknisk support till operatörer.
* Strukturera och prioritera arbetspaket tillsammans med teamet.

Vi söker dig som är kommunikativ, strukturerad och har en stark vilja att bidra till ständiga förbättringar. Du trivs i en tillverkningsmiljö och har förmågan att både tänka strategiskt och arbeta operativt. För att lyckas i rollen krävs att du är nyfiken, positiv och har en god samarbetsförmåga.

Vi ser gärna att du har:

* Teknisk utbildning inom mekanik, maskinteknik eller liknande på högskole-/ civilingenjörsnivå.
* Erfarenhet av arbete i renrum och med specifika processer som ballbonding och diebonding.
* Erfarenhet av att arbeta med förbättringar inom tillverkningsprocesser.
* Flytande i svenska och engelska

Befattningen kräver att du genomgår och godkänns enligt vid var tid gällande bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd. För befattningar där SAAB har krav på säkerhetsklassinplacering kan, i förekommande fall, medföra krav på visst medborgarskap.

Om Jefferson Wells
Jefferson Wells är ett konsult- och rekryteringsbolag specialiserat kompetensförsörjning av chefer och specialister. Jefferson Wells unika expertis och branscherfarenhet gör att vi kan få verksamheter att växa och erbjuda en långsiktig karriärutveckling för våra kandidater. Jefferson Wells finns på ett 50-tal orter i Sverige och i mer än 50 länder världen över och är en del av ManpowerGroup. Med vårt omfattande nätverk kan vi erbjuda mängder av spännande lediga jobb. Vi matchar dina färdigheter och karriärmål med några av Sveriges mest attraktiva verksamheter och varumärken, så att du kan uppnå dina karriärmål.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan genom att registrera ditt CV, urval sker löpande. Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG!   Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.    Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att ... Visa mer


Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 


Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.



Som konsult på ALTEN har du möjlighet att arbeta med utmanande och spännande projekt hos någon av våra spännande kunder i Göteborgsregionen inom tillverkningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder dig exempelvis:
Tekniska utmaningar, utvecklande möjligheter, inspirerande gemenskap och chansen att bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Coachande ledarskap.
Möjligheten att arbeta inom diverse branscher våra kunder är verksamma inom.
Personlig utbildningsbudget, för interna eller externa kuser.

Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Ebba Rosenqvist på [email protected].


Välkommen med din ansökan!



ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 57 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Systemutvecklare inom Cloud Integration

ÄR DU SYSTEMUTVECKLARE OCH VILL ARBETA MED MOLNBASERADE TJÄNSER INOM TELEKOMBRANCHEN? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? DÅ HAR VI ROLLEN FÖR DIG!   Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.   OM ROLLEN: Som Cloud Integration Engineer kommer du att spela en ... Visa mer


Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.



Som Cloud Integration Engineer kommer du att spela en nyckelroll i att utveckla och underhålla en av våra kunders molnbaserade infrastruktur. Du kommer att arbeta med och optimera Cloud RAN-lösningar (Radio Access Network) med hjälp av Kubernetes och Docker. Du förväntas bidra med dina tekniska kunskaper och erfarenheter för att säkerställa hög prestanda, skalbarhet och tillgänglighet i molntjänster.

Minst 3 års erfarenhet inom liknande roll.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med Cloud och Kubernetes eller Docker.
Erfarenhet att utveckla i C/C++, Python eller Java

Bakgrund inom telekombranschen.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med 5G-nätverk eller andra trådlösa teknologier.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta i en agile-miljö (CI/CD).
Erfarenhet av att arbeta i Git, Gerrit eller Jira


Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Ebba Rosenqvist på [email protected]


Välkommen med din ansökan!



ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 57 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.


ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Cloudutvecklare till Göteborg!

ÄR DU CLOUDUTVECKLARE OCH VILL ARBETA MED MOLNBASERADE TJÄNSER INOM TELEKOMBRANCHEN? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? DÅ HAR VI ROLLEN FÖR DIG!   Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.   OM ROLLEN: Som Cloudutvecklare kommer du att spela en nyckelroll i... Visa mer


Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.



Som Cloudutvecklare kommer du att spela en nyckelroll i att designa, utveckla och underhålla en av våra kunders molnbaserade infrastruktur. Du kommer att implementera och optimera Cloud RAN-lösningar (Radio Access Network) med hjälp av Kubernetes och Docker. Du förväntas bidra med dina tekniska kunskaper och erfarenheter för att säkerställa hög prestanda, skalbarhet och tillgänglighet i våra molntjänster.

Minst 3 års erfarenhet av cloudutveckling.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med Cloud, Kubernetes och Docker.
Erfarenhet av att bygga och hantera containerbaserade applikationer i en molnmiljö.


Bakgrund inom telekombranschen.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med 5G-nätverk eller andra trådlösa teknologier.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta i en CI/CD-miljö.


Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Ebba Rosenqvist på [email protected]


Välkommen med din ansökan!



ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 57 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.


ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre


Devport söker nu Produktionsingenjörer för uppdrag hos våra kunder! Som produktionsingenjör är du ansvarig för att planera, övervaka och optimera tillverkningsprocesser inom olika industrier. Ditt huvudsakliga mål är att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produktionsprocesserna. Här är några av de vanliga uppgifterna och ansvarsområdena för en produktionsingenjör: • Processplanering och design • Kvalitetssäkring • Optimering ... Visa mer
Devport söker nu Produktionsingenjörer för uppdrag hos våra kunder!

Som produktionsingenjör är du ansvarig för att planera, övervaka och optimera tillverkningsprocesser inom olika industrier. Ditt huvudsakliga mål är att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produktionsprocesserna. Här är några av de vanliga uppgifterna och ansvarsområdena för en produktionsingenjör:

• Processplanering och design
• Kvalitetssäkring
• Optimering av produktionsprocesser
• Teknisk support
• Kostnadsanalys
• Implementering av ny teknik
• Planering och schemaläggning

Som produktionsingenjören är du en nyckelperson för att säkerställa smidiga och effektiva tillverkningsprocesser samt för att upprätthålla hög kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produkterna. Ditt arbete sträcker sig över olika områden, inklusive teknik, ekonomi och ledning.

Vi söker dig som har:

• En examen inom teknik, exempelvis civilingenjör inom maskinteknik, industriell teknik eller liknande.
• 5-10 års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet
• Erfarenhet av produktionsplanering och processoptimering
• Arbetslivserfarenhet inom tillverkningsindustrin, gärna med ökad ansvarsnivå över tiden

Tekniska färdigheter:

• Kunskap om tillverkningsprocesser och produktionsmetoder.
• Erfarenhet av att arbeta med produktions- och planeringssystem.
• Färdigheter i att använda olika verktyg och tekniker för processoptimering.

Följande personliga egenskaper:

• God kommunikationsförmåga för att samarbeta med andra avdelningar och rapportera resultat och förbättringar.
• Flexibilitet; Förmåga att anpassa sig till förändrade produktionskrav och hantera flera uppgifter samtidigt.
• Teamspelare; Erfarenhet av att arbeta i team och koordinera aktiviteter med olika avdelningar.


• Det är viktigt att du behärskar både det svenska och engelska språket i tal och skrift.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!
Vi gör löpande urval så ansök gärna redan idag.

Har du frågor är du varmt välkommen att kontakta Elin Wickström, [email protected].

Start: Enligt överenskommelse

Om DevPort

DevPort är ett teknikkonsultföretag i ett expansivt utvecklingsskede med huvudkontor i Göteborg och kontor i Stockholm, Linköping, Helsingborg och Karlskrona. DevPort har sin kärnkompetens i fordonsindustrin och sysselsätter idag mer än 500 personer i uppdrag inom tre affärsområden – Digitala lösningar, produktionsutveckling samt produktutveckling. Inom dessa områden har vi flertalet spännande uppdrag för både dig som junior och senior ingenjör som matchas efter din profil och dina intressen. Med fina ramavtal och kunder har vi möjlighet att hitta rätt uppdrag för just dig. Visa mindre

Mechanical Engineer

Welcome to Danda – Your Partner for Strategic Consulting and Innovation At Danda, we are committed to helping businesses navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world. We are a leading consulting firm with expertise in strategy, IT, digital transformation, and business development. Our team consists of seasoned consultants who combine deep industry knowledge with an innovative approach to deliver customized solutions that drive growth and efficiency. At Da... Visa mer
Welcome to Danda – Your Partner for Strategic Consulting and Innovation
At Danda, we are committed to helping businesses navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world. We are a leading consulting firm with expertise in strategy, IT, digital transformation, and business development. Our team consists of seasoned consultants who combine deep industry knowledge with an innovative approach to deliver customized solutions that drive growth and efficiency.
At Danda, we believe in the power of close collaboration. By working hand in hand with our clients, we ensure that every project not only meets their current needs but also positions them for long-term success. Whether it's optimizing processes, implementing new technologies, or developing sustainable business strategies, Danda is the partner you can rely on.
Our philosophy is simple: we deliver results that make a difference. We put our clients' goals at the center and tailor our services to address the unique challenges that each business faces. With Danda by your side, you gain a partner as dedicated to your success as you are.
Now we are searching for the next star!:
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or a similar field, or equivalent experience.
At least 5 years of work experience in mechanical design in the automotive sector, working as design or development engineer within Powertrain and/or Chassi.
5 years of experience in CAD
Experience in CREO
Have knowledge of material properties, specifications, and standards.
Passion for engineering and a willingness to learn and expand skills, particularly in automotive technology and its enclosure.
Comfort working in an Agile environment, utilizing work sprints and collaborative decision-making processes.
Fluent in English, written and spoken alike
Valid working permit in Sweden

Experience working in the Automotive Industry
Knowledge in Teamcenter, Windchill, KOLA and KDP
Swedish language knowledge is highly meritorious!

What We Offer:
A fast-paced and dynamic work environment with a focus on technology.
Opportunities for professional growth and career development.
Competitive compensation and benefits package.
The chance to be part of a team shaping the products of the future.
A supportive and inclusive corporate culture that values creativity and innovation. Visa mindre

Mekanik Ingenjör

Välkommen till Danda – Din Partner för Strategisk Konsultation och Innovation På Danda är vi engagerade i att hjälpa företag att navigera och blomstra i en ständigt föränderlig värld. Vi är ett ledande konsultföretag med expertis inom strategi, IT, digital transformation och affärsutveckling. Vårt team består av erfarna konsulter som kombinerar djup branschkunskap med en innovativ ansats för att leverera skräddarsydda lösningar som driver tillväxt och effe... Visa mer
Välkommen till Danda – Din Partner för Strategisk Konsultation och Innovation
På Danda är vi engagerade i att hjälpa företag att navigera och blomstra i en ständigt föränderlig värld. Vi är ett ledande konsultföretag med expertis inom strategi, IT, digital transformation och affärsutveckling. Vårt team består av erfarna konsulter som kombinerar djup branschkunskap med en innovativ ansats för att leverera skräddarsydda lösningar som driver tillväxt och effektivitet.
Vi på Danda tror på kraften i nära samarbete. Genom att arbeta hand i hand med våra kunder säkerställer vi att varje projekt inte bara möter deras aktuella behov utan också positionerar dem för långsiktig framgång. Oavsett om det handlar om att optimera processer, implementera ny teknik eller utveckla hållbara affärsstrategier, är Danda den partner du kan lita på.
Vår filosofi är enkel: vi levererar resultat som gör skillnad. Vi sätter våra kunders mål i centrum och anpassar våra tjänster för att möta de unika utmaningar som varje företag står inför. Med Danda vid din sida får du en partner som är lika engagerad i din framgång som du själv är.
Nu söker vi nästa stjärna!
B.Sc. i maskinteknik eller liknande område, eller motsvarande erfarenhet.
Minst 5 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom mekanisk design i fordonssektorn, som design- eller utvecklingsingenjör inom drivlina och/eller chassi.
5 års erfarenhet av CAD.
Erfarenhet av CREO.
Kunskap om materialegenskaper, specifikationer och standarder.
Passion för ingenjörskonst och en vilja att lära sig och utöka sina färdigheter, särskilt inom fordonsindustrin och dess inneslutning.
Bekväm med att arbeta i en agil miljö, med användning av arbets-sprints och kollaborativa beslutsprocesser.
Flytande i engelska, både skriftligt och muntligt.
Giltigt arbetstillstånd i Sverige.

Erfarenhet av arbete inom fordonsindustrin.
Kunskap i Teamcenter, Windchill, KOLA och KDP.
Svenska språkkunskaper är mycket meriterande!

Vad vi erbjuder:
En snabb och dynamisk arbetsmiljö med fokus på teknik.
Möjligheter till professionell tillväxt och karriärutveckling.
Konkurrenskraftig ersättning och förmånspaket.
Chansen att vara en del av ett team som formar framtidens produkter.
En stödjande och inkluderande företagskultur som värdesätter kreativitet och innovation. Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Sales Project Manager sökes till LECAB

Nu söker vi för LECABs räkning en teknisk säljare som ska arbeta med deras kundanpassade system för materialhantering. Har du gedigen erfarenhet av projektledning eller försäljning av lösningar inom logistik, produktion eller annan tillverkningsindustri är det här en perfekt roll för dig. OM TJÄNSTEN: LECAB Materialhantering har 65 års erfarenhet av att lösa olika materialhanteringsbehov för stora och små företag. Utifrån gedigen erfarenhet och väl beprö... Visa mer
Nu söker vi för LECABs räkning en teknisk säljare som ska arbeta med deras kundanpassade system för materialhantering. Har du gedigen erfarenhet av projektledning eller försäljning av lösningar inom logistik, produktion eller annan tillverkningsindustri är det här en perfekt roll för dig.


LECAB Materialhantering har 65 års erfarenhet av att lösa olika materialhanteringsbehov för stora och små företag. Utifrån gedigen erfarenhet och väl beprövade koncept levererar LECAB specialanpassade lösningar som hanterar, transporterar och buffertar de flesta typer av gods. Projekten LECAB är involverade i är ofta helhetslösningar där LECAB är med från konceptframtagning till konstruktion, tillverkning, leverans och slutligen implementering hos kund. LECABs återkommande kunder är bland annat SKF, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, IKEA, Swedish Match och SCANIA.

Nu söker vi en teknisk säljare Sales Project Manager som ska projektleda arbetet med att leverera den bästa materialhanteringslösningen för kundens specifika situation. Under processen är det du som har ansvaret, från första möte med kund, till affär och levererat projekt. Rollen innebär även strategiskt arbete med att fortsätta utveckla LECABs produkter och kundstock. LECABs organisation är liten och familjär och du som anställs kommer få goda möjligheter att påverka samt få en ledande position i bolaget. Tjänsten innebär resor med övernattningar för att besöka kunder samt följa upp projekt. 

Har för tjänsten en relevant högskole- eller civilingenjörsexamen inom automation, maskin, produktionsteknik eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Har gedigen arbetslivserfarenhet av teknisk försäljning, projektledning, maskinkonstruktion, produktion, logistik eller dylikt.
Talar och skriver flytande svenska samt engelska, då båda språken används i det dagliga arbetet.
Har svenskt B-körkort.

Vidare kommer stor vikt läggas vid personlig lämplighet. För att du skall passa in och trivas i rollen ser vi att du är självgående och kan ta stort ansvar för ditt arbete. Rollen kräver även hög social kompetens, att du trivs i en social miljö och har lätt för att kommunicera samt anpassa din kommunikation efter mottagaren. Vidare behöver du även vara driven och ha förmåga att ta dina egna processer framåt.


Detta är en rekrytering där du kommer bli anställd direkt hos kundföretaget. Friday ansvarar för rekryteringsprocessen och alla frågor hänvisas till Friday.

Omfattning: Heltid
Placering: Mölnlycke
Kontaktuppgifter: Gustav Widman, [email protected]
Lön: Månadslön.

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängs ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urval- och intervjufasen.


Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag!

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Dalsland: Ingenjör

Vill du ta nästa steg i din karriär och tillhöra ett företag som växer varje månad? Vi behöver nu fler engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare till vår kunds kontor i Åmål.  Vår kund har interna såväl som externa projekt och lösningar mot kund. Som person tror vi att du gillar att bidra med idéer och trivs med att jobba i projektform. Du gillar att ansvara för ditt arbete och kan utföra det självständigt samtidigt som du gillar att samarbeta med olika komp... Visa mer
Vill du ta nästa steg i din karriär och tillhöra ett företag som växer varje månad?

Vi behöver nu fler engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare till vår kunds kontor i Åmål.  Vår kund har interna såväl som externa projekt och lösningar mot kund.

Som person tror vi att du gillar att bidra med idéer och trivs med att jobba i projektform. Du gillar att ansvara för ditt arbete och kan utföra det självständigt samtidigt som du gillar att samarbeta med olika kompetenser och människor där alla har samma mål och där ni tillsammans måste hitta rätt väg att nå målet!

Är du yrkesverksam ingenjör, konstruktör inom mek- och anläggningskonstruktion och vill arbeta på ett av Europas ledande bolag?

Då vill vi gärna komma i kontakt med dig! Visa mindre

Central Program Manager - Electric Drive Unit

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing, construction, manufacturing, and containing processes.

What you’ll do 

As Central Program Manager within Manufacturing Engineering, you will oversee our global Electric Drive Unit programs in close collaboration with Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing Program Managers, together with your Local Program Manager EDU peers operating in different Volvo plants. 

As a team, we secure quality-assured deliveries on time respecting the project KPIs and metrics and constantly trying to improve our process/production solutions to deliver high-quality and performing products. 

You hold the global steering of the electric drive units from a manufacturing perspective and work together with the Local EDU Program managers. You track the industrial program performance and progress from the early studies until the running production. 

What you’ll bring 

We believe you are highly skilled in project management and a team player with a proven track record in relevant areas. You have excellent communication skills; you are proactive and a fast learner. 

You track your QCT targets and constantly seek to improve your metrics´ performance. Financial management, negotiation and risk management are as well your well-developed practices. 

Fluency in English, both written and spoken is required for the role.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, Kerem Faik Nalbant at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG! Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.  Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara sj... Visa mer
Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 

Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.


Som konsult på ALTEN har du möjlighet att arbeta med utmanande och spännande projekt hos någon av våra spännande kunder i Göteborgsregionen inom tillverkningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder dig exempelvis:
Tekniska utmaningar, utvecklande möjligheter, inspirerande gemenskap och chansen att bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Coachande ledarskap.
Möjligheten att arbeta inom diverse branscher våra kunder är verksamma inom.
Personlig utbildningsbudget, för interna eller externa kuser.

Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Märta Hägg Wass på [email protected].


Välkommen med din ansökan!


ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 57 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Är du en ingenjör i början av din karriär ?

Företagsbeskrivning AFRY är ett internationellt företag inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi påskyndar övergången till ett hållbart samhälle. Vi är 19 000 hängivna experter inom områdena infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering som arbetar över hela världen för att skapa hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer. Inkludering och mångfald – Vi vill attrahera personer med olika bakgrund och perspektiv till vår organisation. Mångfald är positiv... Visa mer
AFRY är ett internationellt företag inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi påskyndar övergången till ett hållbart samhälle.
Vi är 19 000 hängivna experter inom områdena infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering som arbetar över hela världen för att skapa hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer.
Inkludering och mångfald – Vi vill attrahera personer med olika bakgrund och perspektiv till vår organisation. Mångfald är positivt på många sätt för oss på AFRY. Vi vet att det driver både kreativitet och innovation.
Vi har alltid en stor efterfrågan från våra kunder på juniora konsulter och därför söker vi efter dig som är i början av din ingenjörskarriär och tycker att det är kul med kvalité, standarder och/eller processer!
Vill du lära dig mer om vilka produktrelaterade lagkrav som behöver uppfyllas för att man ska få sälja en produkt i ett specifikt land eller vill du vara med och säkerställa kvalitén på produkten innan lansering? Älskar du precis som vi att organisera din omgivning och komma på smartare mer effektiva arbetssätt? Då är du förhoppningsvis vår nästa medarbetare och kollega!
I din roll som junior konsult kommer du att vara i uppdrag ute hos någon av våra kunder och t.ex. arbeta med att:
Följa upp produktkvalitet och leverantörer genom mätning eller ankomstkontroll.
Utreda kvalitetsproblem eller genomföra avvikelseutredningar.
Ta fram processbeskrivningar, skapa smarta mallar och skriva lättlästa arbetsinstruktioner.
Delta i produktutvecklingsprocessen t.ex. genom att testa och verifiera och sammanställa underlag till produktansökningar.
Delta i GAP-analyser, riskanalyser, datainsamling och interna revisioner.

Vilka är vi?
Vår sektion Compliance & Quality Management (CQM) består av ca 30 medarbetare i Mälardalen, Malmö och Göteborg. Sektionen drivs av Britta-Stina tillsammans med gruppchef Lars och vår teamleader Jacob. Bland våra medarbetare som är allt från nyexaminerade till seniora, finns en bred kompetens inom kvalité, compliance och verksamhetsutveckling. Vi arbetar med produkter i hela dess livscykel eller processer i hela företagets organisation i olika branscher och organisationer.
Du är en civil-/högskoleingenjör i början av din karriär som tycker att kvalitet, standarder, maskin- och/eller produktsäkerhet, arbetsmiljö, teknisk dokumentation och/eller verksamhetsutveckling verkar spännande! Har du något eller några års erfarenhet inom området är det såklart intressant men inget krav.
Du är på jakt efter ett jobb som är utmanande, roligt och kräver handlingskraft samtidigt som du så klart kommer att få stöd av seniora kollegor. Du är flexibel, har ett strukturerat arbetssätt och är bra på att arbeta självständigt. Du är dessutom bra på att kommunicera och har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
Ytterligare information
Vår konsultgrupp präglas av samarbete, öppenhet, professionalism och vi drivs av att skapa mervärde för våra kunder. Vårt affärsområde kan utöver konsulttjänster även erbjuda våra kunder paketerade lösningar och produkter.
Vi erbjuder en arbetsplats med framåtanda och trygghet i form av kollektivavtal och personalförmåner för samtliga av våra medarbetare. Vår personalklubb arrangerar sociala aktiviteter på och utanför kontoret. Allt från skidresor, sjunga i kör till att spela brädspel – det finns något för alla.
Vi söker dig som vill vara en del av AFRYs framgångssaga. Brinner du för teknisk utveckling? Gillar du att samarbeta för att hitta den bästa lösningen? Då kan vi erbjuda dig karriärmöjligheter på en modern arbetsplats med utmanande arbetsuppgifter och spännande projekt världen över.
Kontaktuppgifter för frågor
För frågor gällande tjänsten, kontakta Segmentschef Britta-Stina Karlsson [email protected]
För frågor gällande rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta Rekryteringspartner Fanny Sjödell, [email protected]
Ansök via ansökningsknappen då vi inte kan ta emot ansökningar via mejl.
Vi är nu på väg på välförtjänt sommarsemester och börjar hantera ansökningarna när vi är tillbaka i augusti så ha tålamod med återkopplingen. Välkommen med din ansökan senast 30/8!

På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen Visa mindre

Systemingenjör mekanik

Drivs du av att se dina idéer bli verklighet? Välkommen till vår spännande och teknikintensiva värld. Antenna Core Platform söker en systemingenjör med inriktning mot mekanik till vår utveckling av nästa generations sensorelektronik. Din roll Du kommer arbeta i teknikens framkant tillsammans med kunniga kollegor. Vi jobbar tvärfunktionellt och du kommer därför få förståelse för hur helheten hänger ihop. Att vara systemingenjör inom mekanik på Sa... Visa mer
Drivs du av att se dina idéer bli verklighet? Välkommen till vår spännande och teknikintensiva värld.

Antenna Core Platform söker en systemingenjör med inriktning mot mekanik till vår utveckling av nästa generations sensorelektronik.

Din roll

Du kommer arbeta i teknikens framkant tillsammans med kunniga kollegor. Vi jobbar tvärfunktionellt och du kommer därför få förståelse för hur helheten hänger ihop.

Att vara systemingenjör inom mekanik på Saab innebär att du har ett övergripande ansvar och en ledande roll för arkitektur/krav/verifiering inom dessa områden för det kompletta systemet. Det omfattar att tydliggöra påverkan hos andra delsystem och på gränssnitten mellan de olika delsystemen. Det innebär också samarbete med andra områden såsom elektronikkonstruktion, systemsäkerhet, inköp och logistik m.m.

Som systemingenjör har du en sammanhållande och koordinerande roll. Arbetet omfattar också att delta i planering och genomförande av verifiering av mekaniska, miljö och klimatkrav på såväl system- som delsystemnivå. Här arbetar du tillsammans med andra systemingenjörer och konstruktörer i en teambaserad organisation.

De huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifterna är:

* Arbete med mekanik i teknikens framkant och att skapa morgondagens funktioner
* Att ta fram effektiva lösningar, och detta i komplexa system
* Ansvara för helheten och för att kommunicera lösningar
* Driva utveckling från koncept till levererad produkt.

Vi erbjuder dig en stimulerande miljö som präglas av samarbete med erfarna kollegor i en mängd olika utvecklings- och kundprojekt. Du kommer att tillhöra ett team där ni tillsammans planerar och fördelar era arbetsuppgifter. Ofta löser man sina arbetsuppgifter tillsammans med utvecklare som arbetar i andra team.

Din profil

Vi söker dig som trivs med att fatta beslut utifrån teknikbehov, strategi och affärsmässighet.

Du gillar att förena teori med praktik och du är trygg i att presentera och förklara tekniska lösningar för omgivningen. Att hantera nya frågeställningar ser du som en naturlig del av jobbet och du väljer enkla och effektiva lösningar. Du är öppen för att prova på nya teknikområden och vill utvecklas både personligt och professionellt. Som person är du en positiv lagspelare som gillar problemlösning och att tillsammans med kollegorna arbeta resultatinriktat.

Du har en civilingenjörsexamen inom mekanik, teknisk fysik, eller motsvarande.

Erfarenheter inom följande områden är meriterande:

* Systemdesign
* Mekanisk konstruktion och kompositteknologi
* Kravnedbrytning och kravverifiering
* Teknisk dokumentation, beräkning och analys
* Praktisk erfarenhet inom klimat och miljöverifiering
* Samverkan med leverantörer och inköp

Befattningen kräver att du genomgår och godkänns enligt vid var tid gällande bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd. För befattningar där Saab har krav på säkerhetsklassinplacering kan, i förekommande fall, medföra krav på visst medborgarskap.

Vad du blir en del av

Bakom våra innovationer finns alla de som har gjort det möjligt. Modiga pionjärer och kluriga tänkare. Vardagshjältar och kreativa problemlösare. De som delar djup kunskap och de som utforskar nya områden. Och alla däremellan.

Här har du chansen att påverka och bidra på ditt unika sätt. Allt från att utveckla kod och bygga imponerande försvars- och säkerhetslösningar till att ta en kaffe med en kollega. Varje bidrag räknas. Vi ger dig möjlighet att anta utmaningar och skapa smarta innovationer. I vår vänliga och tekniksmarta värld finns plats för dig att växa. Vi finns här för att tillsammans skapa trygghet för människor och samhällen.

Saab är ett ledande försvars- och säkerhetsföretag med uppdrag att hjälpa nationer att skydda sin befolkning och bidrar till trygghet för människor och samhällen. Med 22 000 talangfulla medarbetare utvecklar Saab teknik och lösningar för en säkrare och mer hållbar värld.

Saab utvecklar, tillverkar och underhåller avancerade system inom flygteknik, vapen, ledningssystem, sensorer och undervattenssystem. Saab har sitt huvudkontor i Sverige men en global verksamhet där Saab är en del av många nationers försvarsförmåga. Läs mer om oss här

Vänligen observera att vi arbetar med löpande urval och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum har gått ut.

Om du är intresserad av vilka förmåner som du kan ta del av som anställd på Saab i Sverige, kan du läsa om dem här Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG! Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.  Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara sj... Visa mer
Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 

Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.


Som konsult på ALTEN har du möjlighet att arbeta med utmanande och spännande projekt hos någon av våra spännande kunder i Göteborgsregionen inom tillverkningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder dig exempelvis:
Tekniska utmaningar, utvecklande möjligheter, inspirerande gemenskap och chansen att bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Coachande ledarskap.
Möjligheten att arbeta inom diverse branscher våra kunder är verksamma inom.
Personlig utbildningsbudget, för interna eller externa kuser.

Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Märta Hägg Wass på [email protected].

Välkommen med din ansökan!


ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 54 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Product Build Project Leader within the Automotive Industry

Did you recently graduated with a degree in Engineering and want to work with project management? Our client is now looking for a Product Build Project Leader with an interest in vehicle builds and product development.By starting your career with a talent programyou will get the ultimate transition between studies and working life. Nexer Tech Talent future proof career! Working as a Product Build Project Leader As a Product Build Project Leader, you will... Visa mer
Did you recently graduated with a degree in Engineering and want to work with project management? Our client is now looking for a Product Build Project Leader with an interest in vehicle builds and product development.By starting your career with a talent programyou will get the ultimate transition between studies and working life. Nexer Tech Talent future proof career!

Working as a Product Build Project Leader
As a Product Build Project Leader, you will lead, monitor, coordinate, and secure the total delivery of test objects. You will beensuring quality, delivery, and cost requirements are met throughout all phases of a project and product lifecycle. This role provides an exciting opportunity to work with new technologies, be close to the physical product, and be part of a dynamic, diverse team.
You will be working with new technologies, being close to the physical product, networking, and being part of the product development cycle. This role bridges the gap between product development and manufacturing in a fun and supportive team environment. In the future opportunities to advance to roles such as Project Manager, Test Leader, or People Leader in other areas or with greater responsibility might be available.

Being a consultant at Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent specialize in giving young tech talents the ultimate start in their careers. For this role, you will be employed by Nexer Tech Talent but work at our client in Gothenburgstarting after summer.
You will be coached by a mentor at the clientand by a consultant manager at Nexer Tech Talent. As a consultant, you will be well taken care of. We often invite our consultants to group activities such as lectures, after works and lunch meetings. After successful completion of the consulting assignment, the intention is that you will be offered employment with the client.

Desired qualifications:
Are at the start of your career and have a degreein Engineering, Supply Chain or Industrial Discipline
Have an interest in project management, manufacturing engineering and procurement
As a person you are outgoing, decisive and a team player
Are fluent inEnglish
Has good knowledge in project management and budget control

Does this sound like you? We are constantly screening resumes, therefore please submit your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Tech Recruiter Rebecca Eidstedtat [email protected]
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

About Nexer Tech Talent
Nexer Tech Talent is part of the Nexer Group – a tech company with deep roots in Swedish entrepreneurship and innovation. Together, we are over 2500 employees in 15 countries who, for more than 35 years, have helped our clients stay ahead strategically, technologically, and communicatively. Learn more about Nexer Tech Talent here. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

As an Equipment Engineer and team member your task will be to develop robust and efficient  manufacturing processes for Propulsion Components with an focus on the equipment used. In this role you lead and develop the equipment used for quality testing our high voltage batteries, e-machines and inverters. This includes electrical tests, leak test, high voltage isolation tests, CoP-tests etc, You will be part of a team setting the scene for our future products and process. The team follows the projects through product and process development, cooperation with R&D, and close collaboration with different equipment suppliers. You are responsible to specify the requirements of the equipment to meet our Process development KPIs. You are also responsible to cooperate with suppliers to develop the equipment meeting our future needs.This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills.

You also have

•    Bachelor’s degree in Electrical- or Mechatronics engineering or similar
•    Project management experience
•    Problem solving DMAIC knowledge
•    FMEA experience
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter, CATIA V5, Auto CAD
•    Testing testing experience 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, David Danielsson at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Erfarna Produktionsingenjörer

Devport söker nu Erfarna Produktionsingenjörer för uppdrag hos våra kunder! Som produktionsingenjör är du ansvarig för att planera, övervaka och optimera tillverkningsprocesser inom olika industrier. Ditt huvudsakliga mål är att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produktionsprocesserna. Här är några av de vanliga uppgifterna och ansvarsområdena för en produktionsingenjör: • Processplanering och design • Kvalitetssäkring • Opt... Visa mer
Devport söker nu Erfarna Produktionsingenjörer för uppdrag hos våra kunder!

Som produktionsingenjör är du ansvarig för att planera, övervaka och optimera tillverkningsprocesser inom olika industrier. Ditt huvudsakliga mål är att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produktionsprocesserna. Här är några av de vanliga uppgifterna och ansvarsområdena för en produktionsingenjör:

• Processplanering och design
• Kvalitetssäkring
• Optimering av produktionsprocesser
• Teknisk support
• Kostnadsanalys
• Implementering av ny teknik
• Planering och schemaläggning

Som produktionsingenjören är du en nyckelperson för att säkerställa smidiga och effektiva tillverkningsprocesser samt för att upprätthålla hög kvalitet och kostnadseffektivitet i produkterna. Ditt arbete sträcker sig över olika områden, inklusive teknik, ekonomi och ledning.

Vi söker dig som har:

• En examen inom teknik, exempelvis civilingenjör inom maskinteknik, industriell teknik eller liknande.
• 5-10 års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet
• Erfarenhet av produktionsplanering och processoptimering
• Arbetslivserfarenhet inom tillverkningsindustrin, gärna med ökad ansvarsnivå över tiden

Tekniska färdigheter:

• Kunskap om tillverkningsprocesser och produktionsmetoder.
• Erfarenhet av att arbeta med produktions- och planeringssystem.
• Färdigheter i att använda olika verktyg och tekniker för processoptimering.

Följande personliga egenskaper:

• God kommunikationsförmåga för att samarbeta med andra avdelningar och rapportera resultat och förbättringar.
• Flexibilitet; Förmåga att anpassa sig till förändrade produktionskrav och hantera flera uppgifter samtidigt.
• Teamspelare; Erfarenhet av att arbeta i team och koordinera aktiviteter med olika avdelningar.


• Det är viktigt att du behärskar både det svenska och engelska språket i tal och skrift.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!
Vi gör löpande urval så ansök gärna redan idag.

Har du frågor är du varmt välkommen att kontakta Elin Wickström, [email protected].

Start: Enligt överenskommelse

Om DevPort

DevPort är ett teknikkonsultföretag i ett expansivt utvecklingsskede med huvudkontor i Göteborg och kontor i Stockholm, Linköping, Helsingborg och Karlskrona. DevPort har sin kärnkompetens i fordonsindustrin och sysselsätter idag mer än 500 personer i uppdrag inom tre affärsområden – Digitala lösningar, produktionsutveckling samt produktutveckling. Inom dessa områden har vi flertalet spännande uppdrag för både dig som junior och senior ingenjör som matchas efter din profil och dina intressen. Med fina ramavtal och kunder har vi möjlighet att hitta rätt uppdrag för just dig. Visa mindre


Är du en driven och ansvarstagande ingenjör som är redo för att ta nästa steg i karriären? Vi söker en Systemingenjör som trivs med en flexibel och variationsrik vardag. Om tjänsten:  Friday söker nu för kunds räkning en erfaren Systemingenjör till deras team i Göteborg. Som testingenjör kommer du, både självständigt och tillsammans med kollegor, vara ansvarig för test och verifiering av kvaliteten på kundens produkter. Företaget stödjer ett brett sorti... Visa mer
Är du en driven och ansvarstagande ingenjör som är redo för att ta nästa steg i karriären? Vi söker en Systemingenjör som trivs med en flexibel och variationsrik vardag.

Om tjänsten: 

Friday söker nu för kunds räkning en erfaren Systemingenjör till deras team i Göteborg. Som testingenjör kommer du, både självständigt och tillsammans med kollegor, vara ansvarig för test och verifiering av kvaliteten på kundens produkter. Företaget stödjer ett brett sortiment av produkter, men just detta team arbetar främst med tunga maskiner, såsom rivningsrobotar och golvsågar. Dessutom arbetar de med flera teknologier och är på en elektrifieringsresa. Detta innebär att de för närvarande arbetar med både förbränningsmotorer samt elektriska-, batteri-, hydrauliska- och pneumatiskt drivna maskiner.

Arbetet innefattar bland annat:

Produktförbättringar och nyutveckling av betongskärning/borrning/rivningsprodukter
Planering och förberedelse av maskiner för tester. Till exempel temperaturer, luftflöde, prestanda och funktionstester
Byggande av prototyper för testning och utvärdering
Planering och testning av komponenter och system enligt testplan
Tolkning av standarder för kundens produkter och planering av tester därefter
Nära samarbete med mekanik-, mjukvaru- och elektronikhårdvaruingenjörer

 Vi söker dig som:
har en eftergymnasial utbildning inom mekatronik, elektronik eller maskinteknik med inriktning mot elektronik.
Har minst ett års erfarenhet av montering, reparation av fordon eller andra maskiner, antingen professionellt eller som hobby.
Är socialt skicklig, lättsam och kan kommunicera resultat på ett tydligt sätt

Det är meriterande om du har:    

Kunskap inom mätteknik och batteritestning.

Därutöver kommer stor vikt läggas vid personlig lämplighet. För att lyckas i denna roll måste du gilla att ta initiativ, planera och driva ditt arbete framåt. Stor teknisk nyfikenhet är viktigt liksom praktiska färdigheter!

Om kundföretaget: 

Kunden är en ledande tillverkare av innovativ utrustning och diamantverktyg inom byggbranschen. Deras portfölj omfattar maskiner, lösningar, tjänster och diamantverktyg som är gjorda för proffs som arbetar med hårda material som betong och sten för att forma morgondagens stadsmiljöer. Målet är att vara din pålitliga affärspartner – och se till att du ligger i framkant.

Om anställningen: 

Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du kommer till en början vara anställd av Friday. Ambitionen från kunden och vår sida är att du blir direktanställd hos kund efter 6–12 månader. 

Övrig info: 
Omfattning: Heltid
Start: Omgående alternativt enligt överenskommelse
Placering: Göteborg
Rekryteringsansansvarig: Sanja Velimirovic
Lön: Marknadsmässig

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängas ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urvals och intervjufasen. 

Om Friday: 

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag.

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik.

Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Product Engineer, Power Boilers Service

Are you passionate about high technology and production specific processes, and are looking for a next step or a kick-start to your professional career? Valmet’s Recovery and Energy Service Technology Unit is now looking for a Product Engineer for the Power Boilers and Gasifiers team to our office in Gothenburg. Valmet’s Recovery and Energy Service Technology Unit provides services for combustion technology, sustainable energy generation and recovery solut... Visa mer
Are you passionate about high technology and production specific processes, and are looking for a next step or a kick-start to your professional career?
Valmet’s Recovery and Energy Service Technology Unit is now looking for a Product Engineer for the Power Boilers and Gasifiers team to our office in Gothenburg.
Valmet’s Recovery and Energy Service Technology Unit provides services for combustion technology, sustainable energy generation and recovery solutions. We provide unique product, services, automation solutions and expertise which help pulp and energy producers recharge their business.
Are you the candidate we are looking for??
You will be responsible for process design of plants and products in our boiler service and up-grade projects, boiler studies and operational support in our Service Agreements.
Valmet’s Recovery and Energy Service Technology Unit has the global product responsibility for Power boilers and Gasifiers Services within Valmet. We work closely together with our market Areas, hence the job will include international contacts and travelling. Today 90% of the business is in Europe. China and Asia Pacific are growing markets.
Your main tasks and focus areas are:?
Process studies e.g. capacity increase, emission performance and boiler audits
Concept development in sales projects
Sales support
Process responsibility in project teams executing customer contracts
Process operation follow up in customer service agreements
Process input and analyses for applications in VII (Valmet Industrial Internet)
Support to customers with trouble shooting and improvements through VPC (Valmet Performance Center)
R&D projects

To be successful in this role, you should have:
Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering or similar.
Experience from work in an Energy and/or Process industry is an advantage.
Excellent skills in Swedish and English, verbally and in writing is essential, other languages could be a merit.

As a person you are technical, financially conscious and driven to give the customer the best service. You like to learn new things and like to present technical solutions to an audience. You are a team player but are also able to find your own paths.
We offer
A stimulating work in a nice working team, and an international environment offering good possibilities for personal development. With us you can build up your expertise. We provide opportunities to support your development throughout your career.
At Valmet, we get things done by working together. We are proud of what we do.
Valmet offers an attractive workplace that is characterized by an aspiration to be free from discrimination and provide equal opportunities for everyone.
Great people often know great people – please share if you have a friend who would love this job.
Additional information
If you need more information, please contact Ann Hellström, Global Technology Manager, phone +46 703 700 951 or [email protected].
Apply today, as the position will be filled when the right candidate is found and this can happen before the advertisement period expires, but not later than 16th June 2024.
When everything works together
Valmet is where the best talent from a wide variety of backgrounds comes together. With 17,500 professionals around the world, we are the leading global developer and supplier of technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries. Our commitment to moving our customers’ performance forward requires creativity, technological innovations, service know-how – and above all, teamwork.
Join the team! www.valmet.com/careers Visa mindre

Sales Project Manager sökes till LECAB

Nu söker vi för LECABs räkning en teknisk säljare som ska arbeta med deras kundanpassade system för materialhantering. Har du gedigen erfarenhet av projektledning eller försäljning av lösningar inom logistik, produktion eller annan tillverkningsindustri är det här en perfekt roll för dig. OM TJÄNSTEN: LECAB Materialhantering har 65 års erfarenhet av att lösa olika materialhanteringsbehov för stora och små företag. Utifrån gedigen erfarenhet och väl beprö... Visa mer
Nu söker vi för LECABs räkning en teknisk säljare som ska arbeta med deras kundanpassade system för materialhantering. Har du gedigen erfarenhet av projektledning eller försäljning av lösningar inom logistik, produktion eller annan tillverkningsindustri är det här en perfekt roll för dig.


LECAB Materialhantering har 65 års erfarenhet av att lösa olika materialhanteringsbehov för stora och små företag. Utifrån gedigen erfarenhet och väl beprövade koncept levererar LECAB specialanpassade lösningar som hanterar, transporterar och buffertar de flesta typer av gods. Projekten LECAB är involverade i är ofta helhetslösningar där LECAB är med från konceptframtagning till konstruktion, tillverkning, leverans och slutligen implementering hos kund. LECABs återkommande kunder är bland annat SKF, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, IKEA, Swedish Match och SCANIA.

Nu söker vi en teknisk säljare som ska projektleda arbetet med att leverera den bästa materialhanteringslösningen för kundens specifika situation. Under processen är det du som har ansvaret, från första möte med kund, till affär och levererat projekt. Rollen innebär även strategiskt arbete med att fortsätta utveckla LECABs produkter och kundstock. LECABs organisation är liten och familjär och du som anställs kommer få goda möjligheter att påverka samt få en ledande position i bolaget. Tjänsten innebär resor med övernattningar för att besöka kunder samt följa upp projekt. 

Har för tjänsten en relevant högskole- eller civilingenjörsexamen inom automation, maskin, produktionsteknik eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Har gedigen arbetslivserfarenhet av teknisk försäljning, projektledning, maskinkonstruktion, produktion, logistik eller dylikt.
Talar och skriver flytande svenska samt engelska, då båda språken används i det dagliga arbetet.
Har svenskt B-körkort.

Vidare kommer stor vikt läggas vid personlig lämplighet. För att du skall passa in och trivas i rollen ser vi att du är självgående och kan ta stort ansvar för ditt arbete. Rollen kräver även hög social kompetens, att du trivs i en social miljö och har lätt för att kommunicera samt anpassa din kommunikation efter mottagaren. Vidare behöver du även vara driven och ha förmåga att ta dina egna processer framåt.


Detta är en rekrytering där du kommer bli anställd direkt hos kundföretaget. Friday ansvarar för rekryteringsprocessen och alla frågor hänvisas till Friday.

Omfattning: Heltid
Placering: Mölnlycke
Kontaktuppgifter: Gustav Widman, [email protected]
Lön: Månadslön.

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängs ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urval- och intervjufasen.


Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter.

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag!

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Central Program Manager - Electric Drive Unit

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing, construction, manufacturing, and containing processes.

What you’ll do 

As Central Program Manager within Manufacturing Engineering, you will oversee our global Electric Drive Unit programs in close collaboration with Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing Program Managers, together with your Local Program Manager EDU peers operating in different Volvo plants. 

As a team, we secure quality-assured deliveries on time respecting the project KPIs and metrics and constantly trying to improve our process/production solutions to deliver high-quality and performing products. 

You hold the global steering of the electric drive units from a manufacturing perspective and work together with the Local EDU Program managers. You track the industrial program performance and progress from the early studies until the running production. 

What you’ll bring 

We believe you are highly skilled in project management and a team player with a proven track record in relevant areas. You have excellent communication skills; you are proactive and a fast learner. 

You track your QCT targets and constantly seek to improve your metrics´ performance. Financial management, negotiation and risk management are as well your well-developed practices. 

Fluency in English, both written and spoken is required for the role.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, Kerem Faik Nalbant at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Central Program Manager - Electric Drive Unit

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing, construction, manufacturing, and containing processes.

What you’ll do 

As Central Program Manager within Manufacturing Engineering, you will oversee our global Electric Drive Unit programs in close collaboration with Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing Program Managers, together with your Local Program Manager EDU peers operating in different Volvo plants. 

As a team, we secure quality-assured deliveries on time respecting the project KPIs and metrics and constantly trying to improve our process/production solutions to deliver high-quality and performing products. 

You hold the global steering of the electric drive units from a manufacturing perspective and work together with the Local EDU Program managers. You track the industrial program performance and progress from the early studies until the running production. 

What you’ll bring 

We believe you are highly skilled in project management and a team player with a proven track record in relevant areas. You have excellent communication skills; you are proactive and a fast learner. 

You track your QCT targets and constantly seek to improve your metrics´ performance. Financial management, negotiation and risk management are as well your well-developed practices. 

Fluency in English, both written and spoken is required for the role.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, Kerem Faik Nalbant at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Junior delsystemansvarig till Saab i Göteborg!

Om kundföretaget:  SAAB är ett globalt försvars- och säkerhetsföretag verksamt inom flyg-, land- och marinförsvar, civil säkerhet och kommersiell flygteknik. De är runt 19 000 medarbetare och har verksamhet på alla kontinenter. Tekniskt är de ledande inom många områden och en femtedel av deras intäkter går till forskning och utveckling. SAAB ser mångfald som en tillgång och där du som medarbetare får stort ansvar och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter, där de re... Visa mer
Om kundföretaget: 

SAAB är ett globalt försvars- och säkerhetsföretag verksamt inom flyg-, land- och marinförsvar, civil säkerhet och kommersiell flygteknik. De är runt 19 000 medarbetare och har verksamhet på alla kontinenter. Tekniskt är de ledande inom många områden och en femtedel av deras intäkter går till forskning och utveckling. SAAB ser mångfald som en tillgång och där du som medarbetare får stort ansvar och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter, där de respekterar varje människas behov av ett liv utanför arbetet.

Om tjänsten: 

Som Delsystemansvarig kommer du att bli en del av ett dynamiskt team om tio personer, bestående av seniora kollegor och arbeta med hela det mekaniska delsystemet. Arbetet kommer att fokusera på områden inom hållfasthet, FEM-analys samt strömningslära kopplat till Saabs produkter. Du kommer att vara en teknisk ledare där du kommer ha en bred roll inom området. Du kommer att grotta ner i detaljer men samtidigt ha ett helhetsperspektiv. Arbetet varierar i tid vad det går ut över, ibland innefattar det rapportskrivning samtidigt som det ibland är projektledning. Du kan också komma att arbeta nere i produktionen mer hands-on. 

Vi söker dig som: 
Har en civilingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik, mekatronik eller motsvarande utbildning. 
Besitter goda kunskaper inom hållfasthet, FEM och strömningslära.
Tycker att mekaniska utmaningar är spännande och har intresse av att arbeta hands on i systemen samtidigt som du tycker det är intressant med en bred roll som innefattar ett helhetsperspektiv. 
Talar och skriver flytande svenska och engelska, då båda språken används i det dagliga arbetet. 

Det är meriterande om du: 

Tidigare har erfarenhet av hållfastberäkningar och FEM.
Tidigare har praktisk erfarenhet inom mekanik eller kylsystem. 

För att trivas i rollen tror vi att du som person är engagerad, driven och strukturerad. Vi ser även att du är duktig på att kommunicera och har lätt för relationsskapande då rollen är väldigt bred och innehåller många varierande arbetsuppgifter. Du är initiativtagande och räds inte för att testa och ta dig an nya arbetsuppgifter.

Befattningen kräver att du genomgår och godkänns enligt vid var tid gällande bestämmelser för säkerhetsskydd. För befattningen har vår kund krav på säkerhetsklassplacering vilket kan medföra krav på visst medborgarskap.

Om anställningen: 

Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du kommer till en början vara anställd av Friday. Ambitionen från Kunden och vår sida är att du efter 6-12 månader blir direktanställd hos kunden. 

Övrig info: 
Omfattning: Heltid
Start: Omgående alternativt enligt överenskommelse
Placering: Göteborg
Rekryteringsansvarig: Bianca Lord
Lön: Marknadsmässig

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängas ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urvals- och intervjufasen. 

Om Friday: 

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter. 

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag! 

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Junior Produktansvarig till Saab!

Om kundföretaget:  SAAB är ett globalt försvars- och säkerhetsföretag verksamt inom flyg-, land- och marinförsvar, civil säkerhet och kommersiell flygteknik. De är runt 19 000 medarbetare och har verksamhet på alla kontinenter. Tekniskt är de ledande inom många områden och en femtedel av deras intäkter går till forskning och utveckling. SAAB ser mångfald som en tillgång och där du som medarbetare får stort ansvar och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter, där de re... Visa mer
Om kundföretaget: 

SAAB är ett globalt försvars- och säkerhetsföretag verksamt inom flyg-, land- och marinförsvar, civil säkerhet och kommersiell flygteknik. De är runt 19 000 medarbetare och har verksamhet på alla kontinenter. Tekniskt är de ledande inom många områden och en femtedel av deras intäkter går till forskning och utveckling. SAAB ser mångfald som en tillgång och där du som medarbetare får stort ansvar och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter, där de respekterar varje människas behov av ett liv utanför arbetet.

Om tjänsten: 

Som junior produktansvarig kommer du att bli en del av ett dynamiskt team om tio personer, bestående av seniora kollegor. Du kommer att ingå i ett upphandlingsteam där arbetet kommer innefatta avtalsförhandling samt medverka vid leverantörsval. Du kommer även tillsammans med systemingenjörer dokumentera de tekniska kraven för produkten samt leda, övervaka utveckling, produktion, provning och leverans-aktiviteter hos leverantören där du skall säkra kvalitet och funktioner av produkterna.

Då företaget arbetar med kunder runt om i världen kan resor i tjänsten förekomma där du får möjlighet att besöka nya spännande miljöer och platser.

Vi söker dig som: 
Har en civilingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik, mekatronik eller motsvarande utbildning. 
Besitter goda kunskaper inom hållfasthet, FEM och strömningslära.
Tycker att mekaniska utmaningar är spännande och har intresse av att arbeta hands on i systemen samtidigt som du tycker det är intressant med en bred roll som innefattar ett helhetsperspektiv. 
Talar och skriver flytande svenska och engelska, då båda språken används i det dagliga arbetet. 

Det är meriterande om du:

Tidigare har erfarenhet av hållfastberäkningar och FEM.
Tidigare har praktisk erfarenhet inom mekanik eller kylsystem. 

För att trivas i rollen tror vi att du som person är engagerad, driven och strukturerad. Vi ser även att du är duktig på att kommunicera och har lätt för relationsskapande då rollen är väldigt bred och innehåller många varierande arbetsuppgifter. Du är initiativtagande och räds inte för att testa och ta dig an nya arbetsuppgifter.

Om anställningen: 

Detta är ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du kommer till en början vara anställd av Friday. Ambitionen från Kunden och vår sida är att du efter 6-12 månader blir direktanställd hos kunden. 

Övrig info: 
Omfattning: Heltid
Start: Omgående alternativt enligt överenskommelse
Placering: Göteborg
Rekryteringsansvarig: Bianca Lord
Lön: Marknadsmässig

Ansök genom att klicka på länken nedan. Kom ihåg att vara snabb med din ansökan då vi gör löpande urval av kandidater och att annonsen kan stängas ner innan tjänsten är tillsatt om vi gått över till urvals- och intervjufasen. 

Om Friday: 

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter. 

Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan – varje dag! 

Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. ”Friday – everyday”, hur låter det? Visa mindre

Functional Safety Engineer

För vår kund söker vi en Functional Safety Engineer. Du kommer att: Leda ingenjörsteamet i tillämpningen av ISO 26262 på olika nivåer (Item, System och Sub-system). Arbeta med team som utvecklar inbäddad programvara för fordonskontroll, från förarens inmatningar till motor- och bromsmoment. Säkerställa att funktionella säkerhetslösningar levereras för framdrivningssystem. Huvudsakliga ansvarsområden: Vara huvudsaklig kontakt för alla frågor kring funk... Visa mer
För vår kund söker vi en Functional Safety Engineer.

Du kommer att:

Leda ingenjörsteamet i tillämpningen av ISO 26262 på olika nivåer (Item, System och Sub-system).
Arbeta med team som utvecklar inbäddad programvara för fordonskontroll, från förarens inmatningar till motor- och bromsmoment.
Säkerställa att funktionella säkerhetslösningar levereras för framdrivningssystem.

Huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:

Vara huvudsaklig kontakt för alla frågor kring funktionell säkerhet inom framdrivning.
Utveckla och leverera dokumentation och säkerhetskoncept för framdrivningssystem.
Definiera säkerhetsarkitektur och säkerhetsmekanismer för att uppfylla säkerhetsmål.
Coacha ingenjörsteam i att förstå och implementera säkerhetskoncept i hård- och mjukvara.


Dokumentation relaterad till funktionell säkerhet (t.ex. TSR, FSR, säkerhetstestplaner, HARA).

Vad du har för erfarenheter:

God kunskap och praktisk erfarenhet av ISO 26262.
Erfarenhet av fordonsdesign och utveckling.
Erfarenhet av funktionell säkerhet för fordonsdrivsystem är mycket önskvärt.
Erfarenhet av Matlab/Simulink och statisk kodanalys är fördelaktigt.
Erfarenhet av mjukvarutestning är önskvärt.


Tvärfunktionellt team med erfarenhet av funktionell säkerhet och en god säkerhetskultur.
Du kommer att arbeta inom framdrivningsområdet och bidra till säkerhetsdokumentation och lösningar.

Din ansökan

Låter rollen intressant och passande? Ansök i så fall omgående för vi intervjuar löpande och rollen kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

Vi kan enbart ta emot och bearbeta din ansökan genom att du registrerar ditt CV i vår portal. Med avseende på GDPR kan vi ej ta emot ansökningar via e-post. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! Uppdraget är en del av Quest Consulting personaluthyrning.

Om oss

Quest Consulting är ett auktoriserat konsultbolag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension. Vi är specialiserade inom IT, Teknik, HR, Administration och Ekonomi. Vår målsättning är att vara din personliga samarbetspartner och just därför är det så viktigt för oss att arbeta efter våra kärnvärden dä Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer

On behalf of our client who works in automotive, we are now looking for a Manufacturing Engineer. Responsibilities Process development and assembly sequencing (process flow chart) for new programs Use industrial engineering methods to determine the assembly time (MTM/Avix Logistics) Manufacture feasibility analysis (DFA/DFM) and PFMEA on new products Plant and process layout for new products and plant launches (Autocad) Perform cost analysis of ... Visa mer
On behalf of our client who works in automotive, we are now looking for a Manufacturing Engineer.
Process development and assembly sequencing (process flow chart) for new programs
Use industrial engineering methods to determine the assembly time (MTM/Avix Logistics)
Manufacture feasibility analysis (DFA/DFM) and PFMEA on new products
Plant and process layout for new products and plant launches (Autocad)

Perform cost analysis of product and process alternatives (investments and assembly time)
Write process specifications and make recommendations regarding ergonomic improvements
Write specifications for manufacturing equipment and make recommendations for equipment procurement
Simulate continuous improvement process in plants (KAIZEN, DO IT and Lean) with the objective of MEQ
Improvement strategies: Participate and/or lead activities for manufacturing footprint analysis, continuous improvement of new and/or ongoing manufacturing process and lean manufacturing implementation
Standardize and implement manufacturing toolbox and provide the CMP for CPP
Create ODS/FAI

Your Personality
Candidates should have an engineering degree or equivalent and 3 years related experience
3 years Automotive Experience either Maintenance or Manufacturing
Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
Be a confident person who can build productive and effective working relationships
An understanding of all quality tools and techniques
Team player, cooperate and communicate within and with other departments
Fluent in Technical English

This position starts as employment with us with a great chance of employment with the customer. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Joining

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What's in it for you

Manufacturing Engineering's mission: “Our people develop global, lean production processes to create the best manufacturing environments." Our main customers are manufacturing plants, to whom we supply installations of equipment, industrial strategy plans, methods and know-how. As an Equipment Engineer in our department, you daily work to create world-class, global, lean, highly efficient, and flexible industrial systems within the area of equipment automation.

The Group Technology & Industrialization is part of Manufacturing Engineering Body and has the responsibility for developing and implementing equipment solutions for product projects, running changes, capacity projects, and non-product projects according to project targets. You will be part of a process & technology team (belonging to Technology& Industrialization) and the work also includes network with the global ME technology team, plant engineering, and production within our company as well as with external suppliers.

The position requires some traveling.

What you’ll do

As our next Equipment Engineer Joining, your tasks will include: 
•    For new projects, responsible for the RFQ for joining, lead/follow the standard for joining, technical communication with the supplier, joining equipment design review, and buy-off.
•    In charge of brand selecting of joining equipment, setting process solutions, setting and managing joining equipment parameters, inspecting and debugging.
•     Support to resolve the problems in manufacturing, increase efficiency and quality, review work regularly, upgrade the team competence, and help to coach the new employees in our team.
•    Assist the production team in upgrading efficiency, lowering cost, setting standard work time, and improving product quality.
•    Participate in preparing new projects, foresight the potential problems during manufacturing, and resolve them in time.
•    Fulfil other tasks assigned by superior.

What you’ll bring 

We believe you:
•    Have a B.Sc. in Engineering or equivalent competence gained by experience.
•    Have good communication skills in English, both spoken and written.
•    Have experience in equipment projects
•    Have experience in Resistance welding/DAW/GMAW/laser skills OR
•    Have experience in adhesive /adhesive vision/Nut runner/Heming/SPR skills

It is meritorious if you have the skill of the FDF (flow drill fasteners) and tools (Teamcenter) at Manufacturing. Robotic competence is also a plus.

As a person, we believe you have great communication skills and you collaborate well with others. We also think you are a structured person who plans and has documentation skills. Self-driven, result-oriented, flexible, and positive attitude.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, Alexandra Carlos at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG! Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.  Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara sj... Visa mer
Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 

Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.


Som konsult på ALTEN har du möjlighet att arbeta med utmanande och spännande projekt hos någon av våra spännande kunder i Göteborgsregionen inom tillverkningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder dig exempelvis:
Tekniska utmaningar, utvecklande möjligheter, inspirerande gemenskap och chansen att bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Coachande ledarskap.
Möjligheten att arbeta inom diverse branscher våra kunder är verksamma inom.
Personlig utbildningsbudget, för interna eller externa kuser.

Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Märta Hägg Wass på [email protected].

Välkommen med din ansökan!


ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 54 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - High Voltage Battery

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Manufacturing Engineer who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within production or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge is an advantage 
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Geometric assurance knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience, selection process will be done continously. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Joining

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What's in it for you

Manufacturing Engineering's mission: “Our people develop global, lean production processes to create the best manufacturing environments." Our main customers are manufacturing plants, to whom we supply installations of equipment, industrial strategy plans, methods and know-how. As an Equipment Engineer in our department, you daily work to create world-class, global, lean, highly efficient, and flexible industrial systems within the area of equipment automation.

The Group Technology & Industrialization is part of Manufacturing Engineering Body and has the responsibility for developing and implementing equipment solutions for product projects, running changes, capacity projects, and non-product projects according to project targets. You will be part of a process & technology team (belonging to Technology& Industrialization) and the work also includes network with the global ME technology team, plant engineering, and production within our company as well as with external suppliers.

The position requires some traveling.

What you’ll do

As our next Equipment Engineer Joining, your tasks will include: 
•    For new projects, responsible for the RFQ for joining, lead/follow the standard for joining, technical communication with the supplier, joining equipment design review, and buy-off.
•    In charge of brand selecting of joining equipment, setting process solutions, setting and managing joining equipment parameters, inspecting and debugging.
•     Support to resolve the problems in manufacturing, increase efficiency and quality, review work regularly, upgrade the team competence, and help to coach the new employees in our team.
•    Assist the production team in upgrading efficiency, lowering cost, setting standard work time, and improving product quality.
•    Participate in preparing new projects, foresight the potential problems during manufacturing, and resolve them in time.
•    Fulfil other tasks assigned by superior.

What you’ll bring 

We believe you:
•    Have a B.Sc. in Engineering or equivalent competence gained by experience.
•    Have good communication skills in English, both spoken and written.
•    Have experience in equipment projects
•    Have experience in Resistance welding/DAW/GMAW/laser skills OR
•    Have experience in adhesive /adhesive vision/Nut runner/Heming/SPR skills

It is meritorious if you have the skill of the FDF (flow drill fasteners) and tools (Teamcenter) at Manufacturing. Robotic competence is also a plus.

As a person, we believe you have great communication skills and you collaborate well with others. We also think you are a structured person who plans and has documentation skills. Self-driven, result-oriented, flexible, and positive attitude.

We are looking for two Equipment Engineers to join the team. One position will focus on hot joining while the other one will focus on cold joining. 

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Hiring Manager, Alexandra Carlos at [email protected] or Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

PI Field Engineer

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Req 448218 Could you be the full-time PI Fi... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Req 448218

Could you be the full-time PI Field Engineer in Göteborg we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your product Introduction expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Björkengren (PI Support Manager), and work assisting and supporting projects & Product Introduction (PI) team on investigating, troubleshooting, and providing resolutions of technical or quality issues.
You’ll specifically take care of Supporting any technical activities on Alstom products during the PI period as well as Commissioning and Warranty, but also diagnosing cause of malfunction or failure of operational equipment and recommending preventative and corrective actions.

We’ll look to you for:
Support any technical activity on Alstom products during PI period as well as Commissioning, Warranty (and Validation & Certification phase if applicable)
Advising PI management regarding customer satisfaction, product performance, and suggesting for product enhancements.
Ensuring completeness and quality of input to Failure Management data base for RAMS exploitation.
Driving Reliability Growth through failure/event investigation and reliability forecast implementation (with RAMS support).
Driving and supporting containment to avoid reoccurrence of failures.
Supporting as-maintained Alstom product configuration control and relevant documentation management.
Support technical reviews with internal and external Suppliers, partners, customers, authorities.
Ensuring & facilitating information flow within the PI Customer Site, PI functions and project teams.
Support preparation and implementation of Field Modifications (FM)
Diagnoses cause of malfunction/failure of operational equipment and recommends preventative and corrective actions.
Provides technical guidance and supports technicians in troubleshooting and repairs.
Provides feedback on technical documentation deficiencies.
Drive Kx (8D) issues with Quality and internal & external Suppliers as support of Project Product Introduction Manager (PrPIM).

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN any relevant field of Engineering or equivalent technical qualification or high level of industry experiences.
Experience or understanding of Log Analysis, troubleshooting and tool handling.
Knowledge of workplace Safety
Familiarity with client Liaison
Problem Solving skills
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects. Utilize our flexible working environment.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning.
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Process Engineer

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What do we offer?

At Manufacturing Engineering, we represent the global development for Volvo’s future sustainable manufacturing, by introducing new products and processes globally. We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and great development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

What you’ll do

In the Process development team as a process engineer you are leading the development of our future manufacturing and assembly lines. You are responsible to assure lean and innovative processes fulfilling the high expectations of our customers. You will have a challenging scope of tasks working with innovative product and process technology in all corners of the world.  You will be belonging to the central commodity team which has the responsibility to define process solutions for the product programs globally. If this is for you? Don’t wait for it, the time is now!

What you’ll bring

·         You have a at least a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline.
·         You have experience from both product and process development.
·         You are experienced in virtual manufacturing with tools such as Siemens Process simulate, NX design, Teamcenter and Autocad.
·         You have experience from drafting process layouts and designing workstations.
·         You have experience from designing workstations involving different joining methods such as laser welding, arc welding, Friction Stir Welding, glue application.
·         You have experience from working with highly automated processes.

On a personal level
·         You are unafraid to face challenges and you are motivated by developing yourself and the surrounding.
·         You have a good sense of ownership and desire to make a lasting impact.
·         You are tech proficient and positive. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]

#LI-AK2 Visa mindre

Test engineer

On behalf of the client, we are looking for you who have the right qualifications, experience and personality for this assignment.Assignment Out client develops and produces world-class powertrain solutions for a global market, with a heritage from both Volvo Cars and Geely. We’re a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing with manufacturing capabilities in two continents. We create value for cu... Visa mer
On behalf of the client, we are looking for you who have the right qualifications, experience and personality for this assignment.Assignment

Out client develops and produces world-class powertrain solutions for a global market, with a heritage from both Volvo Cars and Geely. We’re a pioneering global supplier of propulsion technology, development services and contract manufacturing with manufacturing capabilities in two continents. We create value for customers and consumers by producing high-efficiency, low-emission engines that already power millions of vehicles.

Now, our goal is to re-imagine motion for the future with powertrain technologies that are both sustainable and practical.

There are unlimited possibilities for collaborative people who are ready to make a difference. We are re-imagining motion for a brighter future. Exploring how to push our environmental impact towards zero. Designing tomorrow’s powertrain solutions for automotive and beyond. Join us on our journey!

As a Test Engineer you will belong to the Lab and Workshop group specializing in ICE Calibration and Durability Testing, which is part of our R&D department. The team consists of 14 engineers and is responsible for the Calibration of combustion engine test-beds and Durability of combustion engine test-beds.

There are unlimited possibilities at Aurobay for collaborative people who are ready to make a difference. We are re-imagining motion for a brighter tomorrow. Exploring how to push our environmental impact towards zero.

Your main tasks are
As a Test Engineer you will install engine to test cell and connect equipment relevant to the test. You will be responsible for the correct execution of the test and make sure the measurement quality level is fulfilled.

You will also perform service and contribute to troubleshooting on the testbed or test object when needed.

Together with your colleagues, you are responsible for maintaining the testbeds in such condition that they are capable and robust with high uptime to be able to produce measurement data 24 hours a day.

Main responsibilities:

• Perform tests in test cells according to work order.
• Ensure that the test cell and equipment are fully operational for the test object to run properly.
• Store and deliver accurate measurement data to customers during and after the test.
• Daily check and when necessary, perform service on the test object.


• Technical college graduate together with working experience of similar tasks.
• Knowledge in Comtest automation system is advantageous.
• Knowledge of various test-bed systems such as HiL, INCA, Indicom, Orion is advantageous.
• Fluent in English and Swedish


• Team player with strong communication skills.
• A holistic view and delivery focus.
• Able to work independently and take on required actions on own initiative.
• A fast learner willing to share knowledge with others.
• Analytical mind with a sense of order.
• A genuine interest in technology.

- Assignment period: 22 Apr 2024 - 22 Apr 2026
- Extent: 100%
- Location: Göteborg
- Remote work: 0%
- Competence level: 2

Read more about competence level at: https://www.addilon.se/konsult/kompetensnivaer/

We offer
As a consultant, you get the opportunity to work with customers who are at the forefront of Swedish industry and business. The assignments are adapted so that the level is in line with the customer's expectations and is as developing and stimulating as possible. To help you, you will have many talented colleagues and an active exchange of experience. We transform careers and build successful companies by always following our values.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position will be answered for you who proceed to an interview.

To work as a consultant with us, you are required to:

1. Share our values
2. Is established in your profession
3. Has relevant experience for the assignment
4. Preferably have experience in different roles and different industries

Some of our assignments are covered by defence secrecy. This means that you need to have Swedish citizenship and undergo and be approved for a security check.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists mainly in technology, sales, purchasing and logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

Follow us on:
LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]

#LI-AK2 Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Concept Engineer - Inverter Manufacturing

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Concept Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Concept Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - High Voltage Battery

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Manufacturing Engineer who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within production or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge is an advantage 
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Geometric assurance knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience, selection process will be done continously. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Test Engineer

För vår kund letar vi efter en In-Vehicle Test Engineer. Ansvarsområden: Utföra tvärfunktionell validering i fordon av komplett infotainmentsystem och dess HMI. Fokus ligger på icke-funktionell testning och/eller problem som är svåra att hitta i mindre komplexa miljöer (än domännivå). Utföra versionsprovning av nya SW-leveranser i fordonet på veckobasis. Skriva veckosammanfattning av tester och testspecifikationer. Ladda ner korrekt SW-baslinje till bile... Visa mer
För vår kund letar vi efter en In-Vehicle Test Engineer.


Utföra tvärfunktionell validering i fordon av komplett infotainmentsystem och dess HMI. Fokus ligger på icke-funktionell testning och/eller problem som är svåra att hitta i mindre komplexa miljöer (än domännivå).
Utföra versionsprovning av nya SW-leveranser i fordonet på veckobasis.
Skriva veckosammanfattning av tester och testspecifikationer.
Ladda ner korrekt SW-baslinje till bilen.
Deltagande i expeditioner i Sverige och Europa.


Minst en kandidatexamen i datavetenskap, elektroteknik, mekatronik eller motsvarande erfarenhet.
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av fordons- och infotainmentsystem.
Flytande i tal och skrift på engelska.
Giltigt europeiskt körkort B.
Äkta intresse för bilar och teknik i allmänhet.
Förmåga att ta på dig hinder som uppstår ute på fältet som utmaningar.

Din ansökan

Låter rollen intressant och passande? Ansök i så fall omgående för vi intervjuar löpande och rollen kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

Vi kan enbart ta emot och bearbeta din ansökan genom att du registrerar ditt CV i vår portal. Med avseende på GDPR kan vi ej ta emot ansökningar via e-post. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! Uppdraget är en del av Quest Consulting personaluthyrning.

Om oss

Quest Consulting är ett auktoriserat konsultbolag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension. Vi är specialiserade inom IT, Teknik, HR, Administration och Ekonomi. Vår målsättning är att vara din personliga samarbetspartner och just därför är det så viktigt för oss att arbeta efter våra kärnvärden där våra ledord är att vara Personliga, Nyskapande och Professionella. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]

#LI-AK2 Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]

#LI-AK2 Visa mindre

Senior Manufacturing Engineer

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves 

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be.

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process.

What you’ll do 

Within Manufacturing Engineering Propulsion Components, we are now looking for a Senior Manufacturing Engineer who will participate and lead global, cross-functional concept development (working in early stages) within power electronics from a Manufacturing perspective. As our core competence within the area you add valuable contribution to R&D concept team. You are also responsible to coach and guide other team members, working in the team driving the tasks and results to fulfil program KPIs. You will closely collaborate with members in the team as well as cross functionally, in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility.

As a Senior Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions.

What you’ll bring 

This position is for you with previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make.

You also have
•    Bachelor’s degree within production or similar
•    Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production
•    Good understanding of Teamcenter
•    Automated assembly knowledge
•    Problems solving DMAIC knowledge
•    Geometric assurance knowledge
•    Process development (station/line level)
•    Experience with inverter, power electronics 
•    Advanced English communication skills 

Position is based in Gothenburg.

Want to know more?

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged.

We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Process Engineer

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What do we offer?

At Manufacturing Engineering, we represent the global development for Volvo’s future sustainable manufacturing, by introducing new products and processes globally. We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and great development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us!

What you’ll do

In the Process development team as a process engineer you are leading the development of our future manufacturing and assembly lines producing high voltage traction batteries, electric motors and inverters. You are responsible to assure lean and innovative processes fulfilling the high expectations of our customers. You will have a challenging scope of tasks working with innovative product and process technology in all corners of the world. If this is for you? Don’t wait for it, the time is now!

Your focus will be to define process solutions on station and line level. Your tasks will be to design the process (2D and 3D) integrating equipment and logistic solutions, make time estimations of assemblies to plan and balance the work (man and auto), participant in process fmeas, with the goal to create lean and efficient global solutions. You will work with products requiring several different process technologies such as laser welding, arc welding, friction stir welding, machining, gluing etc.

You will be belonging to the central commodity team which has the responsibility to define process solutions for the product programs globally.

What you’ll bring

·         You have a at least a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline.
·         You have experience from both product and process development.
·         You are experienced in virtual manufacturing with tools such as Siemens Process simulate, NX design, Teamcenter and Autocad.
·         You have experience from drafting process layouts and designing workstations.
·         You have experience from designing workstations involving different joining methods such as laser welding, arc welding, Friction Stir Welding, glue application.
·         You have experience from working with highly automated processes.

On a personal level
·         You are unafraid to face challenges and you are motivated by developing yourself and the surrounding.
·         You have a good sense of ownership and desire to make a lasting impact.
·         You are tech proficient and positive. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Business Analyst inom PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)

Vi söker nu en engagerad och kreativ Business Analyst med fokus på Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). I rollen som Business Analyst kommer du att kartlägga och analysera arbetsprocesser, samt identifiera potentiella problem och möjligheter med hjälp av PLM. Om Rollen Du kommer i rollen som Business Analyst inom PLM få arbeta i uppdrag ute hos kund. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande men kommer bland annat att innefatta: - Kartlägga och analysera arbetspro... Visa mer
Vi söker nu en engagerad och kreativ Business Analyst med fokus på Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). I rollen som Business Analyst kommer du att kartlägga och analysera arbetsprocesser, samt identifiera potentiella problem och möjligheter med hjälp av PLM.

Om Rollen

Du kommer i rollen som Business Analyst inom PLM få arbeta i uppdrag ute hos kund. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande men kommer bland annat att innefatta:

- Kartlägga och analysera arbetsprocesser med hjälp av PLM.

- Identifiera och föreslå förbättringar för att optimera PLM-lösningar.

- Driva fram resultat genom interaktion med olika intressenter.

- Ta en ledande roll i möten och workshops för att säkerställa effektiv samverkan.

Vi söker dig
Vi tror att du är en lösningsorienterad och nyfiken individ som tycker om att lösa problem. Vi tror även att du har:

- Erfarenhet av att arbeta i IT-system och PLM-system.

- Förmåga att reflektera över hur IT-system/PLM-system bäst kan användas för att stödja verksamheten.

- Civilingenjörsexamen inom Maskinteknik, Farkostteknik, Industriell produktion eller motsvarande med intresse inom produktutveckling.

- Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

Som person tror vi att du är

- Nyfiken

- Analytisk

- Lösningsorienterad

- Teamplayer

Anställningsform: Detta uppdrag är ett konsultuppdrag som sträcker sig över 6 månader, med möjligheter till förlängning eller överrekrytering. Du blir anställd av A-hub och arbetar som konsult ute hos en av våra kunder. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for Manufacturing Engineers who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility. 

As a Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area?. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions. 

We are looking for several Manufacturing Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with several years of previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. You have worked on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning) and have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
* Experience with project/program management 
* Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
* Good understanding of Teamcenter 
* Automated assembly knowledge 
* Problems solving DMAIC knowledge 
* Geometric assurance knowledge 
* Concept design experience 
* Process development (station/line level) 
* Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Team Lead inom CFD

Vi söker dig som brinner för kundorienterat arbete och ledarskap i kombination med en ingenjörsroll och som vill vara med på Etteplans stora utvecklingsresa. Som Team Leader kommer du vara en nyckelperson i att möjliggöra tillväxtplanen inom Engineering Solutions i Göteborg.  Om tjänsten  I rollen som Team Leader har du ansvar för tillväxten av ett öppet och skickligt team av experter som arbetar med varierande uppdrag både in-house och ute hos kund. S... Visa mer
Vi söker dig som brinner för kundorienterat arbete och ledarskap i kombination med en ingenjörsroll och som vill vara med på Etteplans stora utvecklingsresa. Som Team Leader kommer du vara en nyckelperson i att möjliggöra tillväxtplanen inom Engineering Solutions i Göteborg. 

Om tjänsten 

I rollen som Team Leader har du ansvar för tillväxten av ett öppet och skickligt team av experter som arbetar med varierande uppdrag både in-house och ute hos kund. Som Team Leader kommer du utöver dina egna kunduppdrag ha fokus på medarbetarutveckling samt att aktivt bidra till ett ännu bättre Etteplan. Du kommer även fungera som en länk mellan vårt termiska labb och beräkningsverksamheten. Vi vill gärna se teamet växa så rekrytering och marknadsbearbetning kommer att vara en viktig del i rollen.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:                                

• Coacha och stötta medarbetare för att behålla och utveckla kompetens 
• Rekrytera in nya medarbetare
• Aktivt arbeta för god sammanhållning och engagemang inom gruppen och avdelningen 
• Stötta i försäljning av Etteplans olika kompetensområden 
• Verka för att i varje situation skapa så stort värde som möjligt för Etteplans kunder 

Säkerställa att gemensamma mål uppnås genom tätt samarbete med övriga chefer inom affärsområdet och företaget 

Om dig 

Vi söker dig som brinner för att skapa stort engagemang hos dina medarbetare och gärna vill bidra i vårt arbetet att utveckla långsiktiga kundrelationer. Din goda sociala kompetens och framåtanda gör dig till en person som kompetenta medarbetare gärna söker sig till och vill arbeta tillsammans med. Som person är du resultatinriktad, dynamisk och känner dig manad att anta en utmanande roll i ett av Nordens ledande ingenjörsföretag! Du trivs att jobba nära kunder, är proaktiv som person och tänker långsiktigt i allt du gör. Om du har lätt att förstå vad som är viktigt för medarbetare och kunder, har du grunden för att lyckas i den här tjänsten.

Erfarenhet av ledarskap är meriterande men vi fäster framför allt stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper och drivkrafter, gärna med dokumenterad erfarenhet av att utveckla en verksamhet i tillväxt. I grunden har du sannolikt en bakgrund som beräkningsingenjör eller på annat sätt relevant erfarenhet för att förstå tekniken samtidigt som du har erfarenhet av försäljning och kundbearbetning. Utöver svenska kommunicerar du obehindrat på engelska. 

Vi erbjuder dig 

Hos oss är möjligheterna till spännande och utvecklande arbetsuppgifter stora ur såväl ett nationellt som internationellt perspektiv. Engagerade medarbetare erbjuds löpande relevanta kompetens- och karriärsutvecklingsmöjligheter. Hos oss får du stor möjlighet att planera dina dagar och här arbetar vi medvetet med att skapa en företagskultur som främjar bra balans mellan arbete och privatliv. 

Etteplan är ett globalt ingenjörsbolag med över 4 000 specialister som arbetar efter devisen 'Engineering with a difference'. Vi är övertygade om att morgondagens tekniska utmaningar kräver nya angreppssätt och att varje medarbetare är viktig för att uppnå detta.  

Om du har några funderingar får du gärna kontakta rekryterande chef Robert Lillbacka, [email protected]

Läs mer om hur det är att jobba på Etteplan och träffa dina framtida kollegor här: https://www.etteplan.com/sv/karriar/traffa-dina-kollegor Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]

#LI-AK2 Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG! Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.  Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara sj... Visa mer
Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 

Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.

Vi erbjuder dig:

Som konsult på ALTEN har du möjlighet att arbeta med utmanande och spännande projekt hos någon av våra spännande kunder i Göteborgsregionen inom tillverkningsindustrin. Vi erbjuder dig exempelvis:
Tekniska utmaningar, utvecklande möjligheter, inspirerande gemenskap och chansen att bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Coachande ledarskap.
Möjligheten att arbeta inom diverse branscher våra kunder är verksamma inom.
Personlig utbildningsbudget, för interna eller externa kuser.

Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Märta Hägg Wass på [email protected].

Vänligen notera att på grund av julledigheter kan du förvänta dig återkoppling angående din ansökan i januari/februari. God fortsättning!


ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 54 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for Manufacturing Engineers who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility. 

As a Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area?. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions. 

We are looking for several Manufacturing Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with several years of previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. You have worked on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning) and have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
* Experience with project/program management 
* Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
* Good understanding of Teamcenter 
* Automated assembly knowledge 
* Problems solving DMAIC knowledge 
* Geometric assurance knowledge 
* Concept design experience 
* Process development (station/line level) 
* Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Global Component Responsible, Fuel Filtration

Volvo Group and Powertrain Engineering at Volvo Group Trucks Technology is looking for a Global Component Responsible for Fuel Filtration! Do you want to be part of an innovative team and work together towards a clean future? The future of heavy-duty engines will be very interesting but also a demanding challenge. There is a need to take big steps in reducing CO2 emissions (by reducing fuel consumption), comply with the even more restricted emission legi... Visa mer
Volvo Group and Powertrain Engineering at Volvo Group Trucks Technology is looking for a Global Component Responsible for Fuel Filtration! Do you want to be part of an innovative team and work together towards a clean future?

The future of heavy-duty engines will be very interesting but also a demanding challenge. There is a need to take big steps in reducing CO2 emissions (by reducing fuel consumption), comply with the even more restricted emission legislation and be more sustainable. Alternative fuels solutions will also be a part of this work and our future. If you thrive in leading change and like to work in cross-functional teams, then we are hoping you want to join our team!

This is us, your new colleagues:
We are the FIE Team, a fun group of 11 engineers from 5 different countries working in Gothenburg with close collaboration with our colleagues in Brazil, USA, France and Bangalore. We have the responsibility for the development of the Fuel Injection Systems at Powertrain Engineering and now looking for a new team member for the position as Global Component Responsible Fuel Filtration.

Your mission:
In this position you will be leading the development of Fuel Filter Module, Fuel Filters and Filtration Media for combustion engines utilizing current and future fuels to be available in the market, globally. You will be responsible for the development of the components and be a part of a cross-functional team involving Purchasing, After Market and Operations.

As Global Component Responsible you will participate in different stages of the Product Development from the earlier development phases to the start of production and continuing to the product maintenance phase.

Who we believe you are:
We are looking for a person with a positive attitude and ability to interact, network and cooperate effectively. In addition, someone who has a drive to draw conclusions, deliver results and who is interested in improving work methods will be greatly appreciated in our team and organization. We also believe it is important that you have ability to lead a cross-functional team and secure the deliveries in time and with the expected quality within your scope of Fuel Filter Module and Fuel Filters.

To succeed in this role, we believe you have experience from cross-functional operations and basic knowledge of the relationship between hardware and software, diagnostics, and fault codes. We also believe you understand component development with focus on Fuel Injection Systems. Experience with project management as team member is also valuable as well as knowledge with product documentations: Legal documentation, Requirements, Product and Process Documentation, etc.

We also see that you have:
Master of Science or similar technical education.
Fluent in English, written and spoken.
Good Knowledge of the Product Development.
Proficiency in FMEA and Root Cause Analysis is a plus.
Experience as Project Manager is a plus.

If you also have experience from Volvo Group Trucks Technology Organization and specifically Powertrain Engineering that is considered a merit. We also consider it a merit if you have knowledge in systems and tools such as KOLA, PDMlink, PIL, Protom, Knox, EDB, Argus, Creo, Tech tool, JIRA.

All that we’ve just listed as who we believe you are, is our dream candidate in a perfect world. We understand that you might not match all qualifications to 100% yet. Most importantly, we will value your personal skills, your positivity, proactivity and flexibility, customer focus, team player ability and communication skills.

Curious and have some questions? Contact us!
Felipe Roseira, Group Manager – Fuel Injection System, +46 765 53 62 53

Kindly note that due to GDPR, we will not accept applications via mail. Please use our career site.
Due to summer vacations, all applications will be reviewed from week 33 (August). Please do not expect any communication earlier than this. We look forward to receiving your application! Visa mindre

Erfaren beräkningsingenjör till Combitech i Göteborg

Har du lång erfarenhet inom beräkning och analys? Vi söker nu erfarna beräkningsingenjörer som kan lösa problem självständigt. sig i en spännande expansiv fas inom försvarsindustrin och ser fram emot att välkomna dig till vårt team. DIN ROLL Som erfaren beräkningsingenjör kommer du att: * Sätta din expertis till arbete i produktutvecklingsprojekt inom en mängd discipliner och domäner. * Tekniskt leda och vägleda juniora kollegor i sin utveckling... Visa mer
Har du lång erfarenhet inom beräkning och analys? Vi söker nu erfarna beräkningsingenjörer som kan lösa problem självständigt. sig i en spännande expansiv fas inom försvarsindustrin och ser fram emot att välkomna dig till vårt team.


Som erfaren beräkningsingenjör kommer du att:

* Sätta din expertis till arbete i produktutvecklingsprojekt inom en mängd discipliner och domäner.
* Tekniskt leda och vägleda juniora kollegor i sin utveckling som beräkningsingenjörer.
* Genomföra detaljerade FE-analyser inom områden som hållfasthet, utmattning, skadetålighet, strukturdynamik, akustik och islagsanalyser.
* Använda en rad kommersiella verktyg för beräkning, inklusive Nastran, ADAMS, Abaqus, Optistruct, Hyperworks, LS-DYNA, ANSYS, och ANSA.
* Proaktivt bidra till produkt- och metodförbättringar, kvalité och kostnadsbesparingar.
* Spela en aktiv roll i att skapa och upprätthålla ett gott arbetsklimat och en stark teamkänsla.
* Erfarenhet inom flygindustrin och komposit är meriterande.


* Är nyfiken på att ta dig an konsultrollen och växa tillsammans med oss.
* Har en relevant civilingenjörsutbildning inom mekanik, i kombination med 7+ års arbetslivserfarenhet som beräkningsingenjör.
* Har en naturlig förmåga att identifiera praktiska lösningar på konstruktionsproblem.
* Är flytande i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
* Har en positiv attityd och en stark initiativförmåga. Du trivs i en kundorienterad miljö och har en naturlig fallenhet för problemlösning.
* Har en analytisk läggning och ett starkt intresse för beräkningar.

Då tjänsten kan innebära arbete som omfattas av försvarssekretess krävs det att du genomför och godkänns i en säkerhetsprövning med registerkontroll.

Urval sker löpande. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!


På Combitech ingår vårt kompetensutvecklingsprogram Combitech GROW som en naturlig del i din anställning! Vi ger dig möjlighet att växa i en företagskultur som uppmuntrar till både personlig och professionell utveckling, samtidigt som du arbetar i spännande och givande uppdrag.

Hos oss får du vara med och utveckla teknikområden för att möta kraven på framtidens digitala samhälle. Vi har flera projekt inom digitalisering, autonomi, artificiell intelligens, cyber security och 5G-utveckling. Våra konsulter utvecklar också flygande hjärtstartare, system som ökar säkerheten på flygplatser och nya stridsflygplanet Gripen E som gör samhällen trygga!

Vill du veta mer om hur det är att arbeta hos oss? Kolla in våra karriärsidor! Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for Manufacturing Engineers who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility. 

As a Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area?. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions. 

We are looking for several Manufacturing Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with several years of previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. You have worked on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning) and have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
* Experience with project/program management 
* Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
* Good understanding of Teamcenter 
* Automated assembly knowledge 
* Problems solving DMAIC knowledge 
* Geometric assurance knowledge 
* Concept design experience 
* Process development (station/line level) 
* Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineers, come join our growing team!

At Modvion you get to work with driven people that are making a real difference for the climate by accelerating the transition to renewable energy. We build the future of wind power out of wood! Let us tell you a little about us Modvion builds the next generation of sustainable wind turbine towers with laminated wood - natures carbon fiber. Using wood enables radical reductions in carbon emissions, making it possible to generate net zero energy from wind... Visa mer
At Modvion you get to work with driven people that are making a real difference for the climate by accelerating the transition to renewable energy. We build the future of wind power out of wood!

Let us tell you a little about us
Modvion builds the next generation of sustainable wind turbine towers with laminated wood - natures carbon fiber. Using wood enables radical reductions in carbon emissions, making it possible to generate net zero energy from wind power. In fact, considering that wood is also storing carbon the tower itself is carbon negative - storing more carbon than it produces during production. To reach stronger and more stable winds and produce more energy, wind turbines are getting bigger in every sense. Thanks to our patented module system, we have developed a cost-effective solution enabling transportation for installations of tall towers.

At Modvion you get to work with driven, positive and creative people who inspire each other. What we’re doing can make a real difference for the climate and accelerate the transition to renewable energy. Take the chance to join one of the most interesting companies in cleantech at a pivotal time!

Modvions first commercial wind turbine tower was installed in 2023 and the interest from customers has never been higher. It is an exciting time to join us!

What will you be doing
We are on a growth journey, going from a low volume production site to a future with multiple high volume manufacturing sites and international installation of our towers. To enable and execute on our growth plan we are expanding the Manufacturing Engineering team, and here is where you will play a vital role!

You will be an essential member of Modvions Manufacturing Engineering team. The team is responsible for all the manufacturing technologies, methods and equipment throughout the whole production chain from module manufacturing, section assembly, tower erection to installation.

You will work within the Manufacturing Engineering team but as a small and close organization you will be in regular contact with our founders, top management, business team and product development team through all the development projects. The company is constantly evolving, and your role, responsibilities and deliverables will change with it over time.

When taking part of our manufacturing journey you will be directly involved in many tasks and areas such as:

- Project management and new product projects collaboration

- Design and improvement work on production and process flow, layouts and production equipment, both for existing and future manufacturing processes

- Research and develop new manufacturing, assembly and installation technologies and equipment for next generation of products

- Procuring and commissioning of new production equipment and tools

- Develop and implement quality control systems and methods

- Support the development of the industrial infrastructure and processes needed for product supply and manufacturing operations.

- Create and maintain work and process instructions and flow charts

- Ensure manufacturing processes, equipment, and products comply with safety standards and legal regulations

- Hands-on experience working, refining, and troubleshooting of advanced technical systems.

- First line of technical support of current production line and equipment, lead problem solving and implement continuous improvements

We are looking for
We believe that you have a B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Automation, Mechatronics, Industrial Engineering or similar and have at least five years' experience working in a manufacturing company. You have good knowledge of systems and structures used for executing product supply operations. Full proficiency in English is mandatory and Swedish is a big plus.

If you have been taking manufacturing from prototype stage to large scale production, it is a huge advantage.

Do you have experience from wood as a material and the nature of start-ups where everything is possible? Are you thrilled by the occurrence of the unexpected? Well, then you have to apply!

We offer
Flexibility and freedom, we trust our team to do a great job

Planning your daily work to fit with your life

Gym and table tennis at work

Health and wellness allowance ‘Friskvårdsbidrag’

Team activities and more!

This is a full time on site at our office in Gothenburg. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

System Verification Engineer at Electromobility

Are you a person who wants to be part of changing the future by creating transport solutions towards to a more sustainable environment? Within the Electromobility department we develop world-class electromobility solutions for Volvo Group products. You will not only get to work with cool technical challenges – but also be part of an optimistic atmosphere where joy, knowledge-sharing, and openness are key characteristics. You get a chance to transform the w... Visa mer
Are you a person who wants to be part of changing the future by creating transport solutions towards to a more sustainable environment? Within the Electromobility department we develop world-class electromobility solutions for Volvo Group products. You will not only get to work with cool technical challenges – but also be part of an optimistic atmosphere where joy, knowledge-sharing, and openness are key characteristics. You get a chance to transform the way our solutions influence the world.

Would you like the opportunity to; Work on cutting-edge technology?
Get great insight into how the products really work and how they are used by customers?
Take part in the development and implementation of new verification methods?
Then we can offer you great opportunities if you join our team! Apply here now!

The Role
Within the propulsion verification team we are searching for a strong verification engineer with experience from electric motor drive systems. Together we secure the delivery of the complete propulsion system. This must also be done much faster as compared to traditional automotive projects. To be able to do so we need to be industry-leading in how we verify and work together with several partners.

We are now strengthening our team with a verification engineer that can focus on testing and verification with external partners. Your focus area will be to plan, prepare, and participate in verification activities where we are cooperating with other testing institutes. You will work in very close co-operation with software & hardware development teams and join forces with other parts of our verification community. As always, you contribute to continuously develop and improve our ways of working.

We are searching for people who are passionate for both electromobility and verification. Knowledge within propulsion testing and verification is an important asset in these tasks.

To succeed in this role, we are looking for:
Bachelor/Master of Science in Mechatronics, Physics, Electrical or equivalent with focus on e-machines, inverters, and machine controls
Automotive experience and preferably from Electromobility
Experience from testing and verification activities with suppliers and/or testing institutes
Good experience within test automation and how to make testing efficient and effective.
Good knowledge in measurement techniques and equipment
B-Driver’s license

As a person you have great communication skills and are a team player. You have the skills to proactively plan together with other team members. You are a person who is always looking for improvements in our way of working. In our warm and inspiring environment, you will together with the team get plenty of opportunities to develop both your professional as well as your individual skills.

We believe that we create a competitive advantage by actively prioritizing a high level of diversity in our workforce. It is the individuals in the team and our ability to cooperate that makes the difference.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Mattias Gunnergård ([email protected]), Group Manager - Propulsion Verification

Kindly note that due to GDPR, we will not accept applications via mail. Please use our career site. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for Manufacturing Engineers who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility. 

As a Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area?. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions. 

We are looking for several Manufacturing Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with several years of previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. You have worked on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning) and have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
* Experience with project/program management 
* Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
* Good understanding of Teamcenter 
* Automated assembly knowledge 
* Problems solving DMAIC knowledge 
* Geometric assurance knowledge 
* Concept design experience 
* Process development (station/line level) 
* Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

SW and Machine Learning Engineer at Electromobility

Are you a person who wants to be part of changing the future by creating transport solutions towards a more sustainable environment? We at Volvo Group are constantly moving and changing to be one step ahead in the technology journey. Within Volvo Group Trucks Technology, we are adapting and challenging ourselves to be able to develop new breakthrough transport solutions. We strive to add value and the best solutions to our customers while being energy eff... Visa mer
Are you a person who wants to be part of changing the future by creating transport solutions towards a more sustainable environment? We at Volvo Group are constantly moving and changing to be one step ahead in the technology journey. Within Volvo Group Trucks Technology, we are adapting and challenging ourselves to be able to develop new breakthrough transport solutions. We strive to add value and the best solutions to our customers while being energy efficient, sustainable, and safer for society. That’s the reason we are looking for an experienced software and machine learning engineer.

We also believe you are a curious person and want to go from idea to practice. You will be involved in developing algorithms, implementing machine learning techniques that will allow us to be more efficient and accurate when working with connected data.

What do we do?
We belong to Virtual Product Development & Digital Services (VPD&DS;) in Electromobility. A dynamic department in the forefront of digital transformation, working with data, simulations & digital twins to provide world-class solutions for electromobility systems and delivering customer values for Volvo business units such as trucks & buses.

You will be part of the Productivity Services team. We are responsible to develop and deliver the most advanced energy prediction algorithm. It is a simulation-based framework using several inputs such as: map data, vehicle configuration, weather, charging, auxiliaries load, etc. to calculate the energy prediction of an electric truck (and other propulsion systems). This algorithm can the be used in all phases of the product cycle: development, pre-sales, pre-trip, onboard, post trip, aftersales.

What will you do?
Bringing some machine learning experience to this cross-functional team, you will support the further development of the energy prediction algorithm and the implementation of new features that will allow us to have the most accurate result in all different types of scenarios and all different types of applications. You will also contribute to the section strategy of data development, by being involved in some strategical projects like digital twins and digital infrastructure.

Who are you?
We believe that to be successful in the position, you are a team player and have strong experience in machine learning, python coding and data domain.?You have software development experience working in cross-functional teams.?You have a willingness to learn, collaborate and take more responsibility with a can-do attitude. You have positive attitude, are kind to others and enjoy being surrounded by energetic people with solution-oriented mindsets.

Bachelor in data science, Computer Science, engineering, or equivalents.

3+ years of experience working with SW development and ML models.

Python language programing skills

Experience of working with relevant technical tools like GitHub, Cloud analytics, , Data Bricks, etc.

Experience of working in an Agile environment.

Good communication skills in English, both spoken and written.

It’s a merit to have:
Master degree in the relevant domains.

Experience with MATLAB and Simulink.

If you have previous experiences of product development within a product organization and/or worked with energy management, it is a plus.

We are looking forward to receiving your application! Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or want to know more about this role. Apply vi this link!
Hiring Manager
Luiz Thereza
[email protected] Visa mindre

Junior Climate Test Engineer

Did you recently graduated with a degree in machine engineering and want to work with climate testing? Our client is now looking for a junior climate test engineer with an interest in measurement technology. By starting your career with a talent program you will get the ultimate transition between studies and working life. Nexer Tech Talent future proof career! Working as a junior climate test engineer The role of a junior climate test engineer in interi... Visa mer
Did you recently graduated with a degree in machine engineering and want to work with climate testing? Our client is now looking for a junior climate test engineer with an interest in measurement technology. By starting your career with a talent program you will get the ultimate transition between studies and working life. Nexer Tech Talent future proof career!

Working as a junior climate test engineer

The role of a junior climate test engineer in interior climate testing is an exciting opportunity. You will be responsible for understanding how different systems works and ensuring it performs correctly. As a junior climate test engineer, your focus will be on assisting in the verification process, from initial planning to execution. You will have the chance to learn and grow your expertise while helping your team. Effective communication is crucial in this role, as you will need to explain complex measurement issues and solutions to your fellow engineers in a way that everyone can understand and apply in their daily tasks. In this role you will also get the opportunity to travel a lot to perform different tests.

Being a consultant at Nexer Tech Talent

Nexer Tech Talent specialize in giving young tech talents the ultimate start in their careers. For this role, you will be employed by Nexer Tech Talent but work at our client in Gothenburg starting at the end of this year.

You will be coached by a mentor at our client and by a consultant manager at Nexer Tech Talent. As a consultant, you will be well taken care of. We often invite our consultants to group activities such as lectures, after works and lunch meetings. After successful completion of the consulting assignment, the intention is that you will be offered employment with our client.

Desired qualifications:

- Are at the start of your career and have a bachelors degree in machine engineering

- Have an interest in measurement technology

- As a person you are positive, communicative and precise

- Good knowledge in English

- Have a drivers license


Does this sound like you? We are constantly screening resumes, therefore please submit your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Tech Recruiter Rebecca Eidstedt at [email protected]

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

About Nexer Tech Talent

Nexer Tech Talent matches tech talents of the future with exciting jobs at some of Sweden's top companies. Together with our customers, we give our consultants a terrific start to their professional careers through tailored training and support. Nexer Tech Talent was founded in 2014 and is present throughout Sweden with offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg. Today we have 30 employees internally and approx. 350 consultants. Nexer Tech Talent is part of the Nexer Group - a tech company with deep roots in Swedish entrepreneurship and innovation. Together, we are over 4,500 employees in 14 countries who for more than 35 years have helped our customers stay one step ahead strategically, technologically, and communicatively. Visa mindre

Equipment Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

As an Equipment Engineer your task will be to develop robust, efficient, and quality assured processes with focus on equipment specification and selection. You will be responsible to develop and define conceptual equipment solutions to meet the requirements from manufacturing process and to meet the specifications given from the assembly method. You will be working with the processes to assemble and manufacture high voltage batteries and electric drive units, where the majority of the processes are highly automated.  You will be a part of a team and setting the scene for our new platform. You will have the opportunity to improve the techniques & methods within this field. The team follows the project through product development & feedback, quoting and buying the equipment as well as installing and commissioning. This means that you will take part in cost estimations, development of process concepts, supplier relations, continuous alignment with customer, etc. You dig in where it is needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed. 

We are looking for several Equipment Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position is for you with previous experience in manufacturing engineering working on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning). You also have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We see that you are detail oriented, have quality focus and a good communicator. We believe you have high aspirations, self-motivation and you are curious to learn new technologies. You are a cooperative person and have great collaboration and communication skills. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within Automation, Mechanical Engineering or similar 
* Project management experience 
* Experience of equipment in  automated processes 
* Problem solving DMAIC knowledge 
* FMEA experience 
* Good understanding of CATIA V5, Auto CAD, preferably also Teamcenter 
* Fluent in English, spoken and written.   

Specific competence for some of the roles:  
* Joining/ Laser treatments, good understanding of joining standards, Friction stir welding knowledge is an advantage  
* Geometry assurance experience, Geo measurements, experience with geometry demands  
* General experience of automatic applications such as handling of components, screw tightening, automatic assembly. 

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Global Area Leader

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for a Global Area Leader. In this role you will lead the development and deliveries of a specific process area in Propulsion Components, having the global ownership from floor to roof. You will own and prioritize the deliveries and backlog in your area of responsibility. It will be within your scope to define aligned global process solutions for the content in the programs and you will guide the team in delivering according to program time plan. You will have close collaboration with other Global Area Leaders, Local Area Leaders as well as other stakeholders across the company in order to secure global commonality.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with extensive previous experience from manufacturing engineering and process development. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. You have high interest for process development as well as global and strategic mindset. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
Extensive experience in process design and process development (station/line level) 
Leadership skill and experience  
Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer - Gothenburg

Who are we? Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them. Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and i... Visa mer
Who are we?

Everything we do starts with people. Our purpose is to provide freedom to move, in a personal, sustainable and safe way. We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by offering better technology solutions that improve their impact on the world and bringing the most advanced mobility innovations to protect them, their loved ones and the people around them.

Volvo Cars’ continued success is the result of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive working environment. The people of Volvo Cars are committed to making a difference in our world. Today, we are one of the most well-known and respected car brands, with over 40,000 employees across the globe. We believe in bringing out the best in each other and harnessing the true power of people. At Volvo Cars your career is designed around your talents and aspirations so you can reach your full potential. Join us on a journey of a lifetime as we create safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies of tomorrow.

Manufacturing Engineering – let’s introduce ourselves  

At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a global production team that makes sure that the cars we build meet the highest expectations from our customers. In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. If you want to reach your personal goals together with other people, Manufacturing Engineering is the place to be. 

We offer you an exciting opportunity in an international and growing company with a great culture and plenty of development opportunities. You will have the opportunity and responsibility to actively contribute to the growth of our business through people. Come join us! 

Central Manufacturing Engineering at Volvo Car Group prepares and implements quality assured flexible and effective production systems in the plants globally. At Manufacturing Engineering, you are part of a group working close to all our elements within the chain of developing- construction- manufacturing and containing process. 

What you’ll do  

Within Manufacturing Engineering, we are now looking for Manufacturing Engineers who will lead the cross technical product and manufacturing work. You will represent Manufacturing during the preparation and implementation phase within Propulsion Components, with global strategic responsibility. You will collaborate and communicate with other stakeholders globally to align, learn and improve production solutions. It is also within your role to ensure product and process feedback to Research and Development (R&D) in order to fulfil the manufacturing attributes: quality, assembly time, cost efficiency, environment, change over and flexibility. 

As a Manufacturing Engineer, you are product and process responsible from manufacturing point of view and take full responsibility and ownership within the area?. You develop and verify lean, robust and ergonomic product and process solutions. 

We are looking for several Manufacturing Engineers to join our team.  

What you’ll bring  

This position for you with several years of previous experience from production processes and product development, preferably from automotive. You have worked on equipment projects (project lead/installation/commissioning) and have experience with sourcing process (internal & external relations in sourcing). We are looking for a committed, positive and proactive Engineer who is enthusiastic about cars. You are target-oriented person with an open-minded attitude. Thanks to your advanced communication skills you have the ability to create good and trustful relationships. You have a holistic perspective and a good understanding of what compromises to make. 

You also have 
* Bachelor’s degree within production or similar 
* Experience with project/program management 
* Knowledge about 6 Sigma and Lean Production 
* Good understanding of Teamcenter 
* Automated assembly knowledge 
* Problems solving DMAIC knowledge 
* Geometric assurance knowledge 
* Concept design experience 
* Process development (station/line level) 
* Advanced English communication skills  

Position is based in Gothenburg. 

Want to know more? 

We invite you to apply in English at your earliest convenience. We do not have a fixed end date for this advertisement as we are continuously looking for this competence. Please apply through the provided link. Applications submitted via email will not be retained or taken into consideration. Once you receive a confirmation email from the system, your application will be acknowledged. 
We are committed to keeping you informed during the entire process. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to Recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected]. Visa mindre

Exterior Studio Design Engineer

Description of the assignment • Translating engineering requirement into design possibilities • Transferring and describing engineering and key legislative requirements to design • Generate feasible solutions for technically challenging areas • Managing and documenting agreements between design and engineering • Being the voice of design, communicating design intents and needs within engineering • Understand and implement technical input and limitations i... Visa mer
Description of the assignment
• Translating engineering requirement into design possibilities
• Transferring and describing engineering and key legislative requirements to design
• Generate feasible solutions for technically challenging areas
• Managing and documenting agreements between design and engineering
• Being the voice of design, communicating design intents and needs within engineering
• Understand and implement technical input and limitations in the design models
• Document feasibility of design themes and raise critical issues
• Arbitrate, drive and document agreements between engineering and design
• Help setting up design clay models regards to standing heights and wheel positions
Qualifications and skills required for the role
• Complete vehicle engineering knowledge
• Complete understanding of vehicle development process.
• Very good Catia and Teamcenter experience
• Technical university or equivalent, +10 years solid working experience from automotive industry is
• Extensive automotive product concept and component engineering experience on Aesthetic
sensitive areas. Experience working in a design studio is merited.
• An understanding of the engineering and validation processes for vehicle components and
• A working knowledge of component manufacturing, tooling requirements and lead times.
Personal attributes
• Leadership skills
• Ability to work individually as well as in cross functional teams and being able to take a leading
• Highly effective and productive
• Excellent communication skills and teamwork abilities
• Fluency in English is required,
• Mandarin is merited.
• Work will be performed in Studio in Sweden
IT/SW requirements (if applicable)
Catia V5, Teamcenter, MS Office, Jira
Competence requirements for: CAD (CATIA)
?Solid ??Surface
Competence requirements for: Team Center Automotive
? Author??Viewer
The assignment includes travel:
?Yes ? No
• Ability to travel to China on occasion. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineer Flow Simulation

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

Who are we?

Manufacturing Engineering (ME) is the hub between the product development and our manufacturing plants all over the world. Our mission is to develop global, lean and sustainable production processes, in order to create the best manufacturing environments. We make sure our future Volvo cars are manufacturable in efficient processes, developed, bought, and installed under our responsibility. Working for Manufacturing Engineering means teamwork, broad responsibilities and learning something new every day.

At ME Painted Body we are right now looking to hire engineers eager to take on new opportunities!  We are looking to expand and strengthen our global team, located in Gothenburg. We offer broad roles where you will learn something new every day. Since ME Painted Body is a global organization there can be travels involved, as well as having virtual meetings with China in the morning and USA in the afternoon.

What you'll do

As a Manufacturing Engineer Flow Simulation, your task will be to create robust and efficient lean processes along with developing our working methods for flow simulation of our production lines. This position will focus on our underbody production flows but also be involved in our network of production flow simulation specialists, working in different areas, with a global responsibility.  

You will be part of a team of specialists with the target to innovate, define and develop the future underbody manufacturing technologies, and set the scene for our new platforms, processes and products. You will have the opportunity to improve techniques & methods, perform benchmarks and define best practices, as well as interact in a rapid developing global environment. You dig in where it’s needed and are flexible towards late changes and unforeseen situations, using your innovation and determination to succeed.

What you'll bring

We are looking for an engineer with the following qualifications:
·       B.Sc. or M.Sc. within Automation, Electrical, Mechatronic Engineering or equivalent education
·       Fluent in English, spoken and written
·       High aspirations and eager to learn
·       Global mindset
·       Good collaboration and communication skills
·       Knowledge in Discrete Event Simulation  

Extra meritorious qualifications are:
·       Experience of Siemens Plant Simulation software
·       Experience from Logistic simulation
·       Work experience within manufacturing, automation, innovation  
·       Knowledge about lean manufacturing and value stream mapping.

Want to know more? We hope so?
We’d love to receive and review your application. If you want more information about the role and its responsibilities or simply learn a bit more about the team, please reach out to the hiring manager, Mikael Andersson at [email protected] or the recruiter, Ayla Kutlay at [email protected].?
? Visa mindre

CAE - ingenjör till världsledande fordonsföretag

Du kommer att stödja genom de flesta av utvecklingsfaserna, från konceptval till trimning av koncept- och förproduktionstestfordon. Du kommer att använda en mängd olika verktyg inklusive Multi-Body CAE, körsimulatorer, komponenttestriggar och fordon på väg, alltid i linje med projektets behov och kapacitet. Ditt hemmakontor kommer att finnas i Torslanda men du kommer även att arbeta på Hällereds provningsplats regelbundet. Kunden räknar med att du kommer a... Visa mer
Du kommer att stödja genom de flesta av utvecklingsfaserna, från konceptval till trimning av koncept- och förproduktionstestfordon. Du kommer att använda en mängd olika verktyg inklusive Multi-Body CAE, körsimulatorer, komponenttestriggar och fordon på väg, alltid i linje med projektets behov och kapacitet. Ditt hemmakontor kommer att finnas i Torslanda men du kommer även att arbeta på Hällereds provningsplats regelbundet. Kunden räknar med att du kommer att ha upp till 10 resveckor varje år inom Europa.

Vi ser att du är en trygg förare och har erfarenhet av att använda simuleringsverktyg för mekanik och mekatronik. Utöver det ser vi gärna att du kan uppfylla följande kundkrav:

Körkort (B)
Erfaren av att använda Matlab/Simulink
Erfaren av att använda kompletta fordonssimuleringsverktyg, exempelvis Adams/Car, IPG CarMaker eller liknande.

Det är meriterande om du har tidigare erfarenhet av använda verktyg från Vector Informatik GmbH. Har du dessutom erfarenhet av datainsamlingsmontering av sensorer och datainsamlingsverktyg är det fördelaktigt. Rollen avser en heltidsanställning som gäller tillsvidare, med en tillhörande provanställning.

Din ansökan

Låter rollen intressant och passande? Ansök i så fall omgående för vi intervjuar löpande och rollen kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum. Vi är flera rekryterare som hanterar rekryteringen av denna tjänst, vid frågor gällande den här rekryteringen eller tjänsten når du oss enklast på e-post [email protected]

Vi kan enbart ta emot och bearbeta din ansökan genom att du registrerar ditt CV i vår portal. Med avseende på GDPR kan vi ej ta emot ansökningar via e-post. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Uppdraget är en del av Quest Consulting personaluthyrning. Du kommer att vara anställd av Quest Consulting och arbeta som konsult hos vår kund.

Om oss

Quest Consulting är ett auktoriserat konsultbolag med kollektivavtal, försäkringar, friskvård och tjänstepension. Vi är specialiserade inom IT, Teknik, HR, Administration och Ekonomi. Vår målsättning är att vara din personliga samarbetspartner och just därför är det så viktigt för oss att arbeta efter våra kärnvärden där våra ledord är att vara Personliga, Nyskapande och Professionella. Visa mindre

Spontanansökan för mekanikkonstruktörer!

ÄR DU CAD KONSTRUKTÖR OCH VILL ARBETA MED MEKANIKKONSTRUKTION OCH PRODUKTUTVECKLING? ÄR DU NYFIKEN PÅ ATT KNYTA KONTAKT MED ETT AV EUROPAS STÖRSTA KONSULTBOLAG INOM IT, TEKNIK OCH LIFE SCIENCE? SKICKA IN DIN SPONTANANSÖKAN IDAG! Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen.  Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara sj... Visa mer
Vi har ett brett utbud av uppdrag hos både globala marknadsledare såväl som nya, kommande företag inom ett stort antal branscher belägna främst i Göteborgsregionen. 

Som CAD konstruktör ser vi att du har en god förmåga att vara självgående och agera affärsmässigt. Du är positiv, utåtriktad och drivande i att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med våra kunder. Du stimuleras av problemlösning och använder din kreativitet till att hitta nya lösningar. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.


Vi är övertygade om att din utveckling styrs av din passion och drivkraft. Genom att vara verksamma inom flera olika branscher kan vi erbjuda ett brett utbud av uppdrag och en möjlighet att påverka både din omvärld och din egen utveckling framåt. Med ett coachande ledarskap guidar våra ledare dig i rätt riktning. Vi erbjuder även personliga utbildningsmöjligheter genom din individuella utbildningsbudget, som du kan nyttja i vår interna ALTEN Academy eller på externa kurser.

På ALTEN finns alla möjligheter till inspirerande gemenskap och att få göra det du tycker är roligt, tillsammans med dina kollegor. Under våra Tech Weeks får du höra vad dina kollegor jobbar med och även en chans att själv dela med dig av dina erfarenheter. Vi har flera interna nätverk, såsom ALTEN Sports och Women@ALTEN, där du ges möjlighet aktivera dig tillsammans med dina kollegor eller driva frågor och ämnen som just du brinner för.

För oss är balansen mellan arbete och fritid viktig – därför ger vi dig tre extra lediga dagar per år. Dessutom är alla våra anställda anslutna till kollektivavtal och erbjuds förmåner så som friskvårdsbidrag, tjänstepension och försäkringar.

Stort intresse för teknik, CAD och produktutveckling.
Minst kandidatexamen inom relevant område.
Något eller några års relevant arbetslivserfarenhet.
Flytande svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Goda kunskaper i CREO eller Catia.

Vid frågor kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Märta Hägg Wass på [email protected].

Vi går igenom ansökningar löpande, så tveka inte på att skicka in din ansökan direkt!


ALTEN är ett av Europas största konsultbolag inom teknik, IT och Life Sciences med över 54 000 anställda i fler än 30 länder. Vi är en global aktör med lokal närvaro, med 1400 engagerade kollegor från Lund i söder till Skellefteå i norr. Våra ingenjörer utför komplexa och mycket tekniska projekt genom hela produktutvecklingskedjan hos de främsta företagen inom flera olika branscher såsom Fordon, Flyg & Försvar, Energi, Industri, Offentlig sektor och Life Sciences.

ALTEN har i fyra år i följd utsetts till en av Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare av Karriärföretagen, en utmärkelse för arbetsgivare som erbjuder unika karriär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Visa mindre

Produktionstekniker | Saab | Göteborg

Är du redo för din nästa utmaning? Vill du jobba på ett dynamiskt team och arbeta med avancerad tillverkningsutrustning? Har du även några års erfarenhet som produktionstekniker? Då har vi jobbet för dig! Just nu söker vi på Jefferson Wells efter produktionstekniker till vår kund Saab i Göteborg. Välkommen med din ansökan idag! Start: Omgående Ort: Göteborg Uppdrag: Det är ett konsultuppdrag som pågår i tre månader med möjlighet till förlängning. Om ar... Visa mer
Är du redo för din nästa utmaning? Vill du jobba på ett dynamiskt team och arbeta med avancerad tillverkningsutrustning? Har du även några års erfarenhet som produktionstekniker? Då har vi jobbet för dig! Just nu söker vi på Jefferson Wells efter produktionstekniker till vår kund Saab i Göteborg. Välkommen med din ansökan idag!

Start: Omgående

Ort: Göteborg

Uppdrag: Det är ett konsultuppdrag som pågår i tre månader med möjlighet till förlängning.

Om arbetet:

Vi söker en dedikerad Produktionstekniker med fokus på Hybridteknik. Vår produktion omfattar en mångfald av produkter, och kunden är både pionjärer inom nyproduktion och ansvariga för garantiåtaganden, vilket kräver högsta standard på utrustningen.

Arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:

* Framtagning och underhåll av viktig dokumentation för specifika tillverkningsprocesser.
* Identifiering av nödvändigt löpande underhåll och säkerställande av förutsättningar för genomförande.
* Utvärdering och potentiell etablering av servicekontrakt och reservdelshantering.
* Genomförande av utbildning för operatörer och andra intressenter inom olika tillverkningsprocesser.
* Aktiv insyn i planerade nya tillverkningsprocesser och delaktighet i implementering.
* Håll dig uppdaterad om marknadstrender och applicerbara teknologier för vår tillverkning.
* Skapa affärsargument för alternativ och ersättningsutrustning samt driva implementeringen.


Nyckeln för att lyckas i rollen är att utöver ett stort intresse för att lära sig produkterna, tillverkningsflödet och våra tillverkningsprocesser vara en teamspelare, ha en sund teknisk förståelse, vara praktiskt lagd samt ha en god helhetssyn. Du är strukturerad, nyfiken och positiv och ser utmaningar i stället för problem. Att tillsammans med din grupp sträva
mot ständig förbättring, sänkta kostnader och leveranser i tid. Du kommer även planera arbetet utifrån verksamhetens behov och ta hjälp när det behövs. Slutligen också tyda och förstå ritningar och teknisk dokumentation är en viktig del.

Andra krav:

* Några års erfarenhet som produktionstekniker, meriterande om du har erfarenhet inom olika tillverkningsprocesser Inom hybridtillverkning
* Meriterande med en ingenjörsutbildning inom mekanik/mekatronik/el eller liknande

Vad vi på Jefferson Wells kan erbjuda dig:

Jefferson Wells är specialister på kompetensförsörjning av chefer och specialister. Vi är ett av få bolag som samarbetar med företag, myndigheter och organisationer inom privat och offentlig sektor i hela Sverige. Våra konsultchefer har gedigen kunskap inom just ditt område. Som konsult hos oss är din karriär och utveckling alltid i fokus. Vår verksamhet bygger på att våra anställda trivs och utvecklas. Vi erbjuder en trygg anställning med allt vad det innebär: månadslön, kollektivavtal, försäkringar m.m. Läs mer om hur det är att vara konsult på Jefferson Wells: https://www.jeffersonwells.se/sv/karriar/konsult-pa-jefferson-wells


Varmt välkommen med din ansökan genom att registrera ditt CV, urval sker löpande.

Har du frågor om tjänsten eller rollen som konsult är du välkommen att kontakta talent acquisition specialist Filippa Müntzing på mejl [email protected] Visa mindre

OBD Calibration Engineer

Do you want to be part of an innovative team and work together towards a clean future? If you thrive in leading change and like to work in cross-functional teams, then we are hoping you want to join our team. This is us, your new colleagues We are searching for our new OBD Calibration Engineer, is that you? The main task of our team is to meet our customer's expectations on quality, fuel consumption and to comply with emission legislation. This is done b... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of an innovative team and work together towards a clean future? If you thrive in leading change and like to work in cross-functional teams, then we are hoping you want to join our team.

This is us, your new colleagues
We are searching for our new OBD Calibration Engineer, is that you? The main task of our team is to meet our customer's expectations on quality, fuel consumption and to comply with emission legislation. This is done by selecting Engine HW components, calibrate engine related functions and calibrate On Board Diagnostics (OBD) monitors.

We currently working with cutting edge diesel technologies with a strong drive towards H2, Bio diesel and other alternative fuels. Coming emission legislation requires the development of advanced control strategies together with optimized hardware.

About the role
You will be an important contributor in this development. We work in agile teams with good collaboration with our colleagues in software development and design teams. Our daily work is an exciting mix of time spent in the engine laboratory, virtual testing, simulation, data analysis, creative meetings, and vehicle testing. You get the opportunity to follow your calibration from draft to test cell to verification in a truck. Expeditions in warm and cold climates are also included. Leading the team in certification activities and supporting the team in securing the documentation for specific emission markets.

We plan our work according to agile principles, where each team plans their activities in sprints and delivers solutions together as a team. You are encouraged to take on tasks of your own as soon as possible, with support from experienced colleagues. We strive to have an open and honest environment within the teams, where it is easy to ask each other for support when needed. The tasks can be either part of a larger long-term project or short tasks to improve products currently in production.

Who are you?
We don’t know you yet, but we believe that you are a person with a positive attitude and can interact and cooperate effectively. Someone who has the drive to deliver results and who is interested in improving work methods will be greatly appreciated. You are proactive with a high degree of personal responsibility and a can-do attitude characterizes your personal profile. We see that you have experience in coordinating and leading cross-functional teams in complex projects.

MSc Engineering or similar qualification.
3-8+ years of experience in Powertrain Onboard Diagnostics calibration.
Experience in diagnostics modeling and optimization, from testing in the engine test cell.
Familiarity with OBD and emission legal requirements.
Experience in securing technical documentation and certification documentation for different emission legislations.
Experience in working with simulation using MATLAB and Simulink.
Experience in calibration tools like Vision, Creta, etc.
Experience in working in agile teams.
Fluent in English, both written and spoken.

What can we offer you?
We can offer you an exciting and global working environment with experienced colleagues which will give you valuable experience for future development within Volvo Group. We recognize the importance of valuing diversity as a key to our current and future business success.

You will get the opportunity to interact with highly committed colleagues from different cultures. Teamwork, energy, passion, and respect for the individual are key values for us. We hope you will learn as much from us as we will from you.

Ready for the next move?
Are you excited to bring your skills into action? We can’t wait to hear from you! If you want to make a real impact in your career, the transportation business is where you want to be.

If you have question's regarding the role, contact Midhun Chathoth, Group Manager Combustion Diagnostics, Phone: +46 765 53 46 75.

Kindly note that due to GDPR, we will not accept applications via mail. Please use our career site. Visa mindre

Senior Manufacturing Engineer

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding o... Visa mer
Who are we?
Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future.
Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent.
We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future.

What´s in it for you?

In close collaboration with colleagues in other business units, we develop and implement flexible and efficient production systems with people in focus. 
Manufacturing Engineering Casting & Stamping is a global function with responsibility to launch new car programs and processes in Volvo Cars' plants as a part of Volvo Cars Manufacturing Engineering. 
Our mission is to implement and commission foundries and machining lines for aluminum parts for new car models within Volvo Cars.

What you'll do

As a Senior Manufacturing Engineer, you will be responsible for product verification during development phase and development manufacturing processes for our global organization. You will work closely with R&D designers, manufacturing engineers, equipment specialists to create the best product securing manufacturing attributes and requirements. Part of your role is also to define strategies and processes for a technical area, and you also train and coach other team-members in this area. You will continuously develop ways of working with suppliers as well as participate in research projects with academic partners. You will also participate in needed internal networks with equipment experts, production, contractors, and R&D.

What you'll bring

•    Bachelors in industrial Engineering & Management.
•    Experience in machining industry is required.
•    Experience of leading process development for new products by forging & machining processes
•    Experience in Teamcenter/Process Simulate/NC CAM or similar applications.
•    Strong verbal & written communication skills to support technology documentation and training requirements.
•    Ability to create & execute a well-organized validation project where standardized work is not available. Visa mindre

System Verification Engineer within Electromobility

Are you a looking for an exciting new position with focus on sustainability? Then this might be the right opportunity for you! Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of the change happening in our industry! Within the Electromobility department, we work with design and development of electromobility systems and components such as energy storage, motor drives and charging solutions for Volvo Gr... Visa mer
Are you a looking for an exciting new position with focus on sustainability? Then this might be the right opportunity for you!

Electromobility is changing the automotive world, and we are now looking for you who want to be part of the change happening in our industry! Within the Electromobility department, we work with design and development of electromobility systems and components such as energy storage, motor drives and charging solutions for Volvo Group products. Electromobility is an important technology area with strong contribution in reducing the CO2 emissions in our society.

So, are you the kind of person who is triggered by a challenge? Do you want to be part of changing the future by creating transport solutions towards to a more sustainable environment?

We are currently looking for a system verification engineer with experience of verification of power electric products like DCDC and on-board chargers both on component and system level. Does this sound like you? Apply now!

The mission
The electric vehicle development is growing rapidly and is creating exciting opportunities for us within Product Development. To meet the futures’ demands, we focus on developing new ways of testing and verifying in the most efficient way.

Verification of our products are done in very close co-operation with software and hardware development but also with the other related functions such as aftermarket and production.

Are you curious on how our products really work? Do you want to be a part of the development and implementation of new verification methods as well as working with cutting edge new technology? Then this might be the opportunity for you!

We are looking for you…
Who are passionate for both electromobility and verification. Knowledge within integration and power electronics testing is required to be successful in this role.

We also believe that you are action- and result-oriented and can prioritize your time in an effective way to accomplish your goals.

Furthermore, you have great communication skills and are a team player. You are a person who is always looking for improvements in our way of working. In an inspiring environment promoting innovation you will together with the team of highly skilled engineers get the opportunity to develop both your professional as well as your individual skills.

University degree in Engineering; Mechatronics, Physics, Electrical or equivalent
Experience of working with Power Electronic HW testing
Experience of working with Python
Hands-on experience of functional, power electronics verification
Experience of working with analog measuring sensors (current, voltage etc.)
Good knowledge of measurement technology and equipment

B-Driver’s license
Automotive experience and preferably from Electromobility

We believe that we create a competitive advantage by actively prioritizing a high level of diversity in our workforce. It is the individuals in the team and our ability to cooperate that makes the difference.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Hiring Manager
Mikael Hugosson
Group Manager Traction Voltage Verification
[email protected]

Kindly note that due to GDPR, we will not accept applications via mail. Please use our career site. Visa mindre